Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 24, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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rorxnKD hy kdward rosrwatkr.
The Ro PnMlsMng Company. Proprietor. j
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Sunday Bee only..
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Remit hv draft. xprfi or postal order rinlv two
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Omaha The Bee Wnlldlna
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Lincoln-: Little MulMlrig
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Address communication relatlnr to newa and edi
torial matter to Omaha Bee, .dltorial Department.
JILV ciklviat;ox
Etat of NrbrneVa. County of Ioula. as.
Iwtht Williams, circulation manaier of The Re I
r-umisning company. Doing duly sworn, say that
the averaRo dally circulation for tha month of July,
mil. an Rz,.1:s.
IiWl'.llIT WIM.IA.MH, Circulation Manager.
Subscribed In my presence and aworn to before
trie, thla Ith dav of Annual, 1S14.
. ItOBKKT HL'.NTKR. Notary Public
j 6ubcribcrs (caring tho city temporarily
I ahould hav Ttie lly mailed to them. Ad
; drew will bo changed as often aa requested.
The long ballot must go.
The Gun Behind the Treaty.
The basic thought In Colonel Roosevelt's re
rent discussion of the European wsr and the
Monroe doctrine ag explaining our abstention
from the conflict Is that treaties are good only
so far a there are runs behind them to enforce
them. Since Washington our steadfast policy
baa bren to avoid entangling foreign alliance.
nd no European country linn any right to call
on u to help fight Its battles. We have new
object lessons, however, as to what trestle
amount to when there is a disposition to evade
them or violate them, for Relgiutn la fighting to
maintain its neutrality rights guaranteed by
treaty. Italy Is being summoned to fulfill the
obligations of Its alliance, and all the other In
volved countries, except Austria and fcervia,
have been drawn into the affair primarily by
reason of treaty pledges. In other words, the
thing that makes treaties hold, or fail to hold,
Is the guns behind them, for If the Issue Is griev
ous enough for a country to war for It, a treaty
which could be violated ' practically with Im
punity would hardly hold It bac k. The conclu
sion' Is that an enduring world peace pact must
have forces of world power behind It. Co
operative disarmament, with a common body of
peace maintains, approaches closer to the
ideal, an Ideal, we regret, apparently still ex
tremely remote.
Are you heeding the president's appeal for
keeping calm?
Uncle Sam's passport is valued more highly
than ever Just now.
Evidently It's useless for a candidate to ask
voters to "Believe roe."
This war game is one of check aud ex
chequer, but apt of checkers.
The slowness of the count Is fully accounted
for by the longness of the ballot.
Note that the movies keep right on moving
just as if nothing had happened.
To prove it is no respecter of places, the war
has engulfed the Palace of Peace.
The crucial battle of the ballots is scheduled
for the first Tuesday of next November.
In addition to a probe of prices, that prom
ised downward revision would be welcome.
The Jap will have to go some to live up to
bis reputation of being "the Yankee of the
Stand up, Senor Carranza, and let us give
you the once over to see whether we recognize
you or not.
Viewing the progress of eventa In Europe, It
in not certain that the white man's burden is
the black man.
HuerU may wish that he hud stayed away
from Europe and taken his chances in dear old
peaceful Mexico.
"War to the skies." said Owen Meredith.
Starting with Sherman's point of view, that
completes the orbit.
Uncle Sam likes his friend, John Chinaman,
but not so well as to be willing to get Into this
fight tor the new republic.
The kaiser la at the front with his three
sons, showing that he is not asking anything or
his people he is not willing to Impose upon him
self and his.
According to Would-be Senator Soreneon,
the gubernatorial gentlemen's "eggsperlenre is
eggsactly what he eggspected." This Is too
j The thing for Americans to hope for in this
; w ar is, not tha victory of this army or that, but
: an early peaceful termination of the terrible
' world calamity.
Vincent Astor's winning or a prize of $10 as
the best cabbage grower at Newport, gives
ground for suspicion that the home of the
nabobs is not what it once was.
The street names in Paris are already be
lug changed to comuieorate Incidents of the
. war. If the Germans ever get Into the French
capital they may change all the street names.
fl uo jou want men to go to jail because
' prices are high?" demands a correannnrient
Well, we are not keen for it, neither do wo
like to see anybody go to the poorhouse on that
kw(j mot akjs svct
An Uniterm nta have been made fur opening- a private
tchuul in September In charge of Mrs. T. 8. KUgar
and Mies Carrie E. Wynian. The location haa be
secured at tha northeast corner of Sixteenth anil
Duvrnport streets.
Robert W. Furnas. secretary of the ttate Board
cf Agriculture, haa opened hla office here to get ready
lor tha fair.
Attorney Charles I. Greene has gone to Fait 1-ake.
Mr. and Mia. I M. Bennett are back from a two
weeks' pleasure trip from the west.
County Commissioner Cortias haa returned from a
vlalt to hla old home In Vermont. Mrs. Corliss re
mained with friends in Canada.
Hon. James W. Savage haa gone to New York on
legal buaineia.
Mine Badle Iteilly l bach Tom a two months' ab
sence, in Detroit and Chicago.
James M. AVool worth la entertaining his brother,
Calvin C. Woolworth of Brooklyn
Mrs. Lounsberry. from the Boston School of Ora
tory, has taken rooms In the frounse bl k. wlicie
elm will Uach elocution, dramatic action and voir
His Question of Privilege.
Congressman Moon of Tennessee rose to a
question of privilege the other day he had a
newspaper editorial that called for correction.
It was from a Washington paper and related to
the work of a committee of which he ws a lead
ing member. Said Congressman Moon as
scores of congressmen before him have ssld:
I liava not tha pleasure of the acqoalntsncc of
tha very able and usually accurate editor of the Her
ald, tfit I have read thla paper with a good deal of
Interest and I have usually found It fair and accurate.
But thla article woul 1 seem to be inspired.
The Honorable Mr. Moon simply reflects the
shadow of a current habit. So long as a man's
newspaper accords with his Ideas in its utter
ances he regards it as "fair and accurate," but
with many people the moment the paper takes
the other end of the argument it is either In
spired or otherwise led astray. Strange that
Mr. Moon, having such faith in the usual fair
ness and accuracy of his favorite Washington
paper, should, the monlent it digresses from his
way of thinking, consider It grossly unfair and
Indifferent and subservient to questionable Influences.
Public Document Distribution.
Commenting on the report of the Interstate
Commerce commission in what is known as the
"5 per cent rate Increase case," the Outlook ex
presses the wish that Important public docu
ments might be obtained easily by any citizen
on his application at his local postofflce. The
Idea here is that the people should be advised
through the postofflce of the various public
documents Issued as they conic from the press,
and be given free access to them upon applica
tion, an Idea which strikes us as eminently prac
tical and commendable.
Government publications are notoriously
misfits because of defective distribution. Many
valuable reports and treatises are Issued, but
lose their force by falling to get promptly Into
the hands of people who could and would utilize
them and with a tremendous resultant waste of
effort and money. Distribution on application
through the postofflce would stop this waste la
large measure, and concomitantly expedite de
livery to the desired destination. This system,
moreover, would soon develop the relative pop
ular Interest In, or Indifference to, the numer
ous varieties of government work culminating
in Huch publications, and perhaps let us know
that much of It uiI.kps the mark, and much
fciore of it Is not wanted at all. j
Teiti of True Greatness.
Kcceutrk'lty seldom makes mau great,
though great men are often eccentric. That
their greatness does not inhere in their eccen
tricity may be clear when the latter Is borrowed
or Imitated by another, who fai's to see that his
idol is great, not because, but despite this pecu
liarity. "The vulgar thus through Imitation
err; as often the learned by being singular."
The vulgar, in other words, has been led astray
simply by finding his affinity of weakness in
an otherwise great diameter.
"He is great," said Emerson, "who Is what
be Is from nature, and who never reminds us of
others." The mimic, therefore, can never hope
to borrow enough of great men's queer ways to
make him great. He may let the lives or great
men continue to remind hhn that he may, if he
goes about It in the right way, uiuke his own
life sublime, but that is never done by any ays
tern of substitution. Perhaps the common run
of humanity should find satisfaction in the fact
that the great as well as the small have their
weaknesses, but they should avoid. In a laud
able emulation of the great, confusing the ele
ments of strength and weakness.
The lesson might be applied to society as
a whole, which reflects the characteristic of the
individuals. The thing we boast most of today Is
our advanced state of civilization. I.Ike an un
rivaled paragon she stands the beacon of truth,
equity, reason. But with all her peerless cli
maxes of genius and achievement, she has her
eccentricities. And today the chlefest of all
these is beiug mistaken as one of her greatest
elements of strength. Some natlona are deceiv
ing themselves by believing that their greatness
lies in their armaments and their power of de
struction; that war Is the sign aud seal or the
supremacy of the state, but we believe hlatory
v 111 show. If the present does not, that a graver
mistake never vm made; that war Is a vice, not
a virtue or our civilization.
Natlona, like men and boys, go to righting
only when they lose control of their better pow
ers. It Is a last resort. If they sr strong
enough to reason out their differences they
would have no occasion for fighting them out.
Gibraltar appears majestic In its power, not be
cause it has got the better of the sea in a
rough-and-tumble fight to see which shall have
the right-of-way, but because she tttands there
peacefully, but Invincibly, resisting the en
croachments or the mighty waters. One test
of American greatness is at stake in its ability
to avoid being drawn Id the whirlpool of war.
Brief ooatrle-aMeae oa Massif
loptoa lar1W4. Tka Baa aeauaiea
aa reapeastWltty for eptnleas at
norre-aata. An letters sa
eet to csaisasatiaa r aaltei.
Heapnaalltllltr for War.
WHEATLAND. Wyo., Aug. 22 To the
F.dltor of The Bee: A plain man s view
of the Kuropran muddle is eoniethlntx like
this: Imnfrln a bank cannier, ambitious
for social or political uccr, living be
yond his Means. He appropriates the
money of his depoaltom, plunges r''k
lesaly In the maelstrom of speculation,
only at laat to find htmeelf financially
undone and probably landed behind
prison bars. Suppose the stockholders
and depositors are aware of his actions;
suppose, furthermore (to btlng home the
absurdity of It), thoy should be possessed
of the strange notion that the honor, tha
prosperity and even the existence of the
bank require them to come to the rescue
of the cashier with more capital and
more deposits. It does not require a
prophet to foresee the evetit'ial bank
ruptcy of everybody concerned.
Now, the "head devils," aa the Inde
pendent of New York calls them, of the
European powers have done precisely
that very thing. In their Insane, ambi
tious desire for world supremacy they
have squandered the people'a money tin
wnr material. They have mode secret
agreements and pledged the lives end
property of their countrymen agreements
to which the people who do the fighting
and pay th bills never consented. When
the crash came, the masses, subtly
played on by appeals to patriotism and
racial hatred, rush to the tesciie ot the
gamblers masquerading- ae statesmen re
sponsible for this calamity. If the no
bility of Europe and all other cliisse
who reap tha profits of Imperialism and
militarism were lined up on the battle
field before, the deadly engines of de
struction the war would collapse In a
few days. It may be that this deeolat
In war will smind the death knell of
monarchical government, clear the
ground of age-long abuses and unJuM
privileges and Usher In a new social
order. L N. MOORE.
Oaens Aaralnat Saffraae.
OMAHA, Aug. 23. To the Editor of
The Bee: A volume of the federal census.
Issued In July, 1914, contains all the occu
pational data, and Is another confirmation
of the marked lowering In the statue of
women where they are given the ballot.
Taka Colorado and Wyoming, where
women have voted for twenty-one and
forty-four years, and contrast them with
Nebraska and Nevada, states of equal
density of populution, where women do
not vote and here Is what we find:
"Not only are there more women In
proportion to men employed in tha suf
frage slates, hut more women over 4."
years have to earn their own living. Alro.
theie are mora women working at the
least remunerative kinds of labor, where
women vote. There are nearly three
times the number of women working as
laborers on farms In Colorado and Wyom
ing than are blmllarly employed In Ne
braska and Nevada, whereas thfe are
over eight times as many Independent
women farmers in the two male suffrage
states. Likewise, there are (W per cent
more families without separate dwellings
In Colorado and Wyoming, than In Ne
btaska and Nevada, and the proportion
of , women employed as barbers, wait
resses, etc.. Is greater where suffrage
prevails while those employed as musi
cians, tt-achera and sales woman are more
iiumeious where women do not vote."
Another comparison Is In marriage and
divorce. "With 33 per cent fewer married
women than Nebraska, Colorado has 35
per cent more women divorced, while even
mule suffrage Nevada, with Heno the
talk of the world, has M per cent fewer
divorced women than Wyoming, after two
generations of woman suftage."
Has Christianity Collapsed?
Under Censor's Eye
Washington Herald: Some of the war
corresiKuidetits have iiri'llanl imagina
tions. Baltimore Pun: Not evan the voia of
the Bull Moose rout.) ha heaM over the
rumble of those "uncontlrmed runn rs."
Wall Street Journal: Pity Sherman i
covered war so thouroiiglily. Tt leaves j
so little for the descriptive writers to
Pprinsfleld Republican: Wita white
paper scarce. Kurope is at least likely !
to be spared tha horrors of bi- scare- )
Boston Trunacrlpt: The sounds of !
battle off the Maine coast may have been
catisvd by the popping ot champagne i
corks at liar Harbor. '
Kansas City Journal: The Herman j
thus far seem to be setting Hie w rst '
of tt, not only In battle but In the press
dlspstchcs. Most of ne war news comes
from Iondon.
Ht. Paul Dispatch: The leadlns world,
anxious to know exuul wba is trans
piring In the European v ar aone. will he
awfully obliged if tlermnny will lift the
neas embargo and give her version of
events As It Is, the war zone Is mora
I leva ot a twilight son.
Cost of Living
The Associated Press haa made out a dean
aud convincing case against the perpetrators ot
the fake report or the pope's death, but that
will not stop the faking.
Baltimore American: (su American
I food atuifs go any higher than they are
Washington Herald: The wheat growers
think there Is a golden lining to the war
New Yotk Woild: Cheese and corn
meal both show a material rise In price
for the last two weeks. Is there a stste
of asr in American dairy fauns and In
the cornfields?
Indianapolis Neas: official inquiry
Into tha Increased pi it en of food may
make the price Increasers someahut un
comfortable, but they would rather ba
uncomfortable than reduce prices.
Philadelphia Bulletin: In the old days
of England, they used tj put food price
boosters In the stocks, but now It is the
people who are made to suffer by the
manipulation of the stocks.
Phllalelphla Inquirer: There ought to
be some way to get at tb conscienceless
is seals who arbitrarily rat the price of
necessities, and lt'a up to sometody to
find t'nat way. What this country aants
is action, and then, more si lion
Boston Ttsnscilpt: The sight of Amer
ican products going up all along Hie line
sjhlle manulS' tnrn are making efforts
to sevurr foreign markets for our surplus
!t. dleates the presence of a colored
gem man In the aooUpile
y 6BAJTT a. rrsjBrm.
Pastor of the I'uti'lee fresbyterlan Church.
Hr. liult a article In The Bee on "Our Colli. psir.a
Modem Culture," Is a searching anslysls vf s:m-.
of the mor, Immediate causes leading up te the
present "trlbulaticn" of the world. Of course, tha
fundr mental reason of war Is "sin:" Its on!y cure.
.id. The siilele recognizes this.
How persistent Is the dslm of "c-Jtute ' and
"civilisation" a cure-alls: The German chancellor
says of this war that It Is "German culture and
civilisation whhh m fighting against a half Asiatic
and slightly cult'tred barbarism." Then 'German
culture and civilisation" present a sorry claim as
solvents of the world s troubled state. And Preach
culture and English culture' where are they? The
la't Is thst the culture and civilisation which come
from "the field, tha It. that, the scalpel, the test-tube,
the microscope," tho paa-an philosophic or literary
or UicoloKlc hall, are but "broken cisterns'' which
isnnot hold the waters of peat for a warring
world. "Civilisation by education has collapsed."
Kurope today.
Where mingles war's red
With groans of tha dying.
Is tho compelling answer to the "clvll!atlon-by-cuI-ture
lr. Hult says, "We tura from tha church of
Christ and ask tha sceptics and cultutists: Where
now are your gods.' True. But the sceptics and
riilturtsta are now turning on tha church and, with
true Baallte mockery, are asking, has not your
c hrlstinnlty collapsed? Whnie now la your God? Cry
louder to Htm that Ho bring In world-peace, for
per.-hance He la asleep, or on a Journey, or too
While the church holds no brief for Gixl-He
needs none she would not answer In the pseudo
optlmlwtlo language of the poet,
God's in His heaven.
Ali a right In the world,
but she would answer aa of otd: Ood reigns. Clouds
and darkness are round about Him: righteousness
and Judgment are the habitation of Hla throne.
God haa not failed. Some professed Christian men
have failed, In part. Every great and good Idea
that haa taken hold of the human heart haa been
subject to rude shock and terrible tests and re
peated partial failures. Christianity, In a certain'
sense. Is no exception. Christianity is not dead In
the rnldst of this war, though It Is wounded In
the house of Its friends. All these nations, with
their rulers, are professionally Christian. But even
the best of Christiana may make terrible mistakes
and fall tar short f their own Ideals, To set the
"glory of the Fatherland" above the peace of the
world on such specious pretexts as the professedly
Christians rulers of Europe have done Is one of
these dreadful mistakes tt Is Juet unholy war and
death and hell. "These peoples and rulers are
blinded by selfishness .and greed, by false race
prejudices and hatreds, by insane militarism. These
are the gods of this world and they stilt have
power over Christian nations. These nations learned
none of these evil things from Jesus Christ."
No excuse is made for the folly of these "war
lords." In shame they will learn that to seek t
Justify themselves, befvre the court of the world's
Judgment, for their course In plunging Into this
world war on such flimsy pretexts, will be quito
another thing from their accustomed pompous atti
tudinising for posterity. And yet. It has ever been
true that multitudes of men have preferred a de
natured Christianity to the real thing. If they have
made any choice at all.
Just here this caveat, , voiced In tha New Tot It
Tribune, is In point. "It would Imply a very shallow
Judgment l- assert that Christianity has had no
Influence, even In the case of war. Who shall say
that a majority of civilized men. and woman In the
world today are not opposed to war? .The have
no way of expressing themselves; they do not sit
In the seats of the mighty. But they are quietly
registering their Judgment agaiust war aa a crime
against humanity. And some day, whaa there shall
be ushered In the era of 'sweet manners, purer lawa'
foretold by the paet. the verdict of these plain
peoplo will be respected and obeyed by thoe who
will then rule the destinies of the world."
No, no, Christianity has not collapsed. Human
expedients for peace have colls peed, and ever must
collupse. Whre does the New Testament teach
that the wsy to secure and preserve, peace Is to
build up big armies and big navies, and to brandish
(the "mailed fist?" Where does the New Testament
teach that, If nations will agree to triple (or double
or quadruple, or any other kind of) "alllasce" or
"ententes." there will, be permanent peace? Where
does the Now Testament teach that the way to
preserve peace is to Wng about International mar
lie gee between members of "royalty?" Where dues
the New Testament teach that tha way to pro
serve peace is to exclude big national monetary
"loans" by the Morgans, the Rothschilds, et al?
These, and all similar "methods," are but human
expedients. They may hold Mars in check for a
time, lu(- when the occasion arlsei a mere pistol
t.not tt mey be they are as useless aa defenses
against war as a wooden fleet before a fleet of super
dreadnauglitc. For nations to trust In these ex
pedients is but to foUow a mooklng wiU-s'-the-w!sp.
vhlch lures them on to what they would fain avoid.
It Is to lean on a "broken reed" that pierces the
hand that so pathetically truats upon It.
Are we. then, to banish Tha Hague, tear up all
peace treaties, and hold no more peace conferences
By no means. Wa are simply to evaluate these
things at their tme worth. We are not to allow
ourselves to be decleved by falsa bopaa based on
human expedients. Wa are to do everything, of
course, to irevent war and to increase peace senti
ment In the earth. But we are ever to remember
that human expedients are but human expedients:
they may be temporary preventatives, but they
are not cures.
We have had enough of the will-worshiping
"super-man" and "super-woman;" enough of the
fganlng worship ut the Mammon god; enough of
cultured immorality In literature; raough of the
"bread-alone" theory of civilization: enough ef the
housetop shoutings of the devotees of an economic
Christ; enough of the brute Ideas of sex and loe
and home; enough o devil-bom militarism: enjuglr
of so-called aorlil-pesi.e, btsed merely on national
"alliances" and "ententes," and on the "armed
peace theory.
The wot Id needs not lei's of Christianity, bur.
more. Get sin euted and war will be no more.
There la no need, thetefoie, to don sackcloth
on account of a 'Tollapaing Modern Culture."
Neither is there need to go tiptoelug about lest the
heavena of Christianity coUapee. There will be the
booming of the surges of evil against the dykes ot
Christianity until tho end of thla present order of
things, but those dykes will hold.
St. Louis Glol Democret: They might
cell the Plnehot beys the sawdust twins
I'.oston Transcript : There is no cu.n
nierclal lfishne. in profiting by this
war in serving outsclves we hut serve
the a hole world
Christian Sclence Monitor: II was a
severe test it ihe Kronprlnxessin Cecil to
be at Bar Harbor with 10.(X.ono and not
permitted to spend a cent.
St. Paul Dispatch: While European na
tions are mobilising their military forces,
we are mobilizing our harvest hards and
we seem to have far the better of It.
Washington Star: It muat be conceded
that the present season has brought to
attention sime of the best playe-s and
some of the worst umpires ever known
In baee ball.
Indianapolis News. Furthermore, If the
P'lerman anti-trust law gets on the food-prlce-ralslng
Job, some very Interesting
entertainment mey be affordej for the
ultimate consumer.
Washington Post: A household hint
says that books can be protected from
mildew by sprinkling oil of lavender on
the shelves. An easier way, though, would
be to read em occasionally.
Kansas City Journal: The fires of Bull
Mooselsm still burn brightly In the heroic
breast of William Allen White and a few
other Kansas bosses who hate like sin to.
admit that they are left out on a limb.
Louisville Courier Journal: Speaking of
prosperity, Americans are carrying tS4.
OOu.uOO.WO of life Insurance, and when you
see one of 'em stagjrer you can safely lay
a bat against his life insurance being the
Houston Post: The Ixsulsville Courler
Jotirnsl doesn't like the Nebraska law
which permits voting by mall. Neither
does our contemporary admire the pro
posed change, which will establish voting
by female.
"our naterpipe got choked up and the
confounded plumt'er rharaed me M for
fixing It. It's sn Imposition'.''
"Well, you ran t sny vou didn't get
tun for our money." Boston. Transcript.
lias ,iiir hors e food disposition,"
"Vep." tenlie.l t'orntossel. "But
he wouldn't have if 1 worried him aa
much as he Joes inc." Washington Ptar.
Paeon 1 ee a hailstorm did Hi,000
worth of riamage In an up-state town.
Egbert -Well, those hsllstones must
hav- beei as big as eggs and quite as ex
pensive. Yonkers Statesman.
Fv Emma A. Ler.te In !W.thla Magazine.
I 'live with a intle on the fafn; she s nloo
as she can be:
She says shj means to do fc w-ell as ene
knows how by me:
She bids me think If I've been good, she
blda me say my prayers.
And then she takes the light away, snd
leaves me here upstairs;
rlhe does not tuck the covers in, or pat
me on the head
The way my Mother used to do Beror
that she ns dead!
And Auntie says she never dreamed of
bringing up a child;
She hasn't any of her own, and children
drive her wild:
I try to be as still as still, and help her do
the chores.
And when I really have to cry I slip away
Then wash my eyes out In the brook to
take away the red
They never used to Bet that way when
' Mother wasn't dead!
I thirl: of how we used to go and take tha
lovllest walks.
And Just before I went to bed we had the
sweetest, talks:
It was so dear to cuddle In the hollow of
her arm.
I never used to be afraid, or think of any
And oh, the songs she loved to sing, the
stories that she knew
I wonder If Ood needs the Mothers more
than children do?
Twice Told Tales
Bad liateits.
Hepreaentatlve Hobson was talking about an aatl
prohlbitlonlst. "But then," he said, "this ma a la aa
Immoderate la hts vii wa as tho moonshine was la
hie habits.
" 'Tou drink a lot of rooonshlue whiskey, I'll bet,'
a magazine writer said to a moonalilaer.
" Oh, no,' the moonshiner answered, 'oa, so.
Bothlng to apeak of.
'"How much do otl STerage a day?' asked la
writer, taking out his notebook.
" "Oh, about a quart very little over a auarV
said the moonshiner
" 'Holy smoke. tnaaV tried Ike write.-. 'I exmdnl
drink that muck water a dart
"'I wouldn't dare try,' avid the saooashlaer.
Washier -
The General Says:
When we began our career
in the manufacture of roofing,1
we were only a modest little organ
ization in a big competitive field. Today we manufacture
a much greater quantity of ready-to-lay roofings and a
much greater tonnage of building papers than any com
petitor in the world. This remarkable growth is the result
of the universal satisfaction given by
the roofing that hat become rec
ognized as superior to all others in
quality and durability.
Certain-teed Roofing is guaranteed
5 years for 1-pl', 10 years for 2-plv,
nd 15 years for 3-ply, rnd this puar
antee is backed by the assets of our
three big milh.
reasons for
Cr1nin-t9trj :
Highest quality
I Greatest durability J
.Reasonable Price i
Real guar an
Our modern manufacturing methods and
Urge output enable ui to reduce t!ie cot
o( production and hence tho selling price
to a minimum. . ,
Hence you do not have to listen to the old
argument "high price, high Quality," or
"low price, low quality."
Crtaln4d Roofing ii the highest quality
possible to make. It is for sale by defers
everywhere at reasonable price".
General Roofing Mfff. Co.
WorUr Msjnt swant?Metes afMftf
am aauatas fasiera
R. A. Long buiidiag, Kansas City Mo.
TeleaUae Mala 3700 FImsm
BeeTrMr wt s cfciMse uauS m4.isia
Mtaata Ctef.aaS tSnll SI. Osek aill
Sam w Or MOMseCb fcihiiim hum
Tha Kind That Wlna,
In fair competition lies tins trno
port of good business. There Is no
calling, no profession, or occupation,
equal to it for absorbing Interest and
endless succession ' of exciting inci
dent. But tt ahould be .hat kind of
a healthy competition and friendly
rivalry that does not strain neigh
borly relations. On the contrary, it
should tend to bring those men to
gether who are engaged In a similar
business for the purposo of free dis
cussion and publicity of opinion.
Unfortunately, this does not often
occur. Men engaged In a Ilk busi
ness sometimes get too friendly, com
bine their interests, and form a com
bination, contrary to the laws of tho
Others enter Into a bitter personal
conflict with each other, endeavoring;
with mltr'.-.t and rialn to throw Ignom
iny upon and disrespect for ths house
of their competitors and their goods.
The Intensity of tao competitlva
struggle is subject to a great deal of
variation. At times It may be char
acterized as cut-throat, where ths
slashing; of prices has for Us object
the elimination of on or more of
the contestants. Uacli competitor Is
confronted by the ever-present threat
that If his service Is poor, or the
quality of his goods Is not up to the
standard, some other house of busi
ness will outstrip him. But the house
that considers service, high quality
t:id no more than a fair profit aa the
paramount factors In business, is the
on that In the long run is sure to win.
Is Your Apartment Cool
This Warm Weather ?
If not, you are suffering ruedlp9ly. Vou might
just as well bp eomfortablo and it doesn't cost any more.
It is too warm to travel all over town
in a haphazard search for just the right
place, so look to the "For Rent" columns
of The Bee to do the hardest work. Make
a note of the ads that sound the most at
tractive so that you may know what
where and how much first.
Yon "will thus save time, effort and carfare and will
thank Bee Want Ads for the service they render
human beings like yourself.
Telephone Tyler 1000
Everybody reads Bee Want Ads