Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 24, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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    TMli UV.K: OMAHA. MONDAY. AITU'ST 'J4. 1014.
li twtlop oniTii.nliitr lh( Increased "V t - ' . 1
1 ft?
(Continued from raire Four.
to the eplendid discipline wlilrh It niain
tainii, to the care with which it selects
Ha student, to the amount of Individual
attention which It devotes to student."
who need siiecial help, and to the rea
sonable rates which lrln within the
reach of a steadily Increasing number of
j-oung men and hoys the advantages of
an education not surpassed by that slven
In the mo!t expensive schools of the
Pehool that Offers Short fourses la
the Liberal Arts.
Ellsworth college of Iowa Kalis, la., is
attracting the attention of the educa
tional public thrniiKhout the country by
the addition of the many one-year and
two-year courses preparing' for voca
tional, professional and technical study.
All thefe courace are in the college of
liberal arts and are for high school grad
uates. These meet the requirement of
thousands of young men and women,
evbo fett that they cannot put four years
!n the college A liberal arts, and yet.
who do desire a shorter course. Of
course, the college maintains the regu
lar four-year course and all these shorter
courses are so planned that it the stu
dent desires to continue for his A. H. or
1J. S. degree, he will find no handicap
by having taken the short course. Strong
emphasis Is being laid upon business
tiainlng of college grade and the stu
dent may even elect the entire four
years of his college work from that
point of view.
In addition to the iibove features, the
i ollcse preparatory school of this Insti
tution I patterned aft.T me eastern pre
paratory school and the work la of high
igrade. Possibly no preparatory school in
the middle west has stronger Ideals In
preparatory work. Then, there are the
tprclal short courses of one snd two
j tars for teachers. Twelve business
courses from eighteen weeks to three
years. Domestic science and home econo
mics, music, expression, dramatics and
lied to Btudents, who
have not had the oportunity to complete
lugh school work.
trb oil in nil. the organization of
the work is unique and very attractive
pnd the coat of attendance very moder
ate. It is a matter of Interest that last
school year Kllswjrth college won the
Hawkeye conference championship in
foot ball and. also, Uvii t,he school won
nil Its intercollegiate debates.
The spirit of tho school la attractive
f.nd Iowa Tails, tho seat of this insti
tution. Is admitted to be one of the most
beautiful college leats In the middle
west. It combines all the beauties of
rutal life with the desirable advantages
of city lUe. Kour lines of railway make
the Place, easy of a.ccss from all parts
or the country.
Prownles an! Fairies, who Appeared i
through the courtesy of Miss Heatrlce
Aldermun contributed greatly to the
pleasure of the evening.
A banquet was givn Tuesday evening
by the members of tho Choral class In
honor of Mr. and Mrs. John V. Phil
lips. The Stnr Literary society gave it clos
ing program Thursday evening. The col
lege guartet, Mrs. N. W. l'lalne. Albert
ti. Carlson, Kdwartl Novotn , Hose
Orrny. Martha Kappleman and J. V.
Swihart. gave mualeul numbers, and Miss
nisle Mueller did good woik In a lend
ing entitled "Tho Swan Song." Tho clos
ing number, a dollgiiful little play. "The
Wed. ling Anniversary."' was given under
the direction of Miss Marquette.
A piano, under the direction of
Oscar Svhavland, was given Thursday
mnrnine at chapel hour, the following
pupils taking part: Misses Alien Uibcn
steln, Martha and Cecelia Chandler, Flor
ence Mixer, l.ucile Thrush and JVna
The class, day exercise given by the
teachcis Wcdncsduy morning wns bright
and entertaining and greatly enjoyed by
the faculty and students.
President Clemmons waa at Madison
and Nellgh the last of the wesk attend
ing the Institute.
The sclentifics gave 'heir class day ex
erclso Friday morning. In the absence
of President Clemmons, Mr. Gaines rre-
i sided, presenting the class speaker, Kev.
.Sisson, who gave a masicny mm m-
bpirlng address.
tion, Mr. Tucker has thoroughly revised! President Clemmons will deliver an ad
its courses, has introduced the most mod-I dress on August 11 at Central City, the
ern and efficient text books In every sub- j occasion being the annual reunion of the
ject that is taught, has increased and im- Grand Army of the Republic,
proved the equipment and has employed "
additional members In the faculty. The' ( -1, KnSIT Y OF IIMIIM,
faculty is on- of the strongest features
ol the college, every memier neing not
classes. Thirty-five thousand dollars has
been pledged toward a new science
building, uhleh Is to cost
The prospects along athletic lines are
the best In the history of the Institution.
It Is confidently believed thnt winning
teams will be devcloed out of the new
foot ball and basket ball material.
All the graduates of last Juno h were
looking forward to. teaching have se
cured excellent positions In the public
schools of Nebraska and Iowa. Miss
Ixiltlrt I'nderhill is to teach domestic sci
ence In the high school at Minden, Nel.,
and Miss Zela Klnier is to teach In one
of the high schools of Iowa. Miss Mil
dred Foster has not yet decided which ol
several positions she 'W 111 accept. Miss
Msrllla and Miss Kath.-trlne Case are to
teach In the Omaha public schools ,
College of Liberal Arte Tw etity-on
detriments, ewcli In charge of an
Department of Xduoatloa Training
for IukIi School positions. Hiireau
of recooonemlal Ions which baa hm-n
vet v successful In placing teaclm' ".
School of Mnsto Vlth Interstate
repntat i'n.
Vwtlri ColUge Bulldlttfa.
New Oymaasium being erected this
Rlgh ItaadarA In scholarship. Stiwient
life iletnocratlc. Kxpeiises moderate.
No saloons or low-class theaters.
Write lor Illustrated "Mine Hook" and
n crihIok.
The most desuahlc furnished rooms are
advertised In The lice. Gel a nice cool
room for the summer.
only an experienced teacher but an ex
pert In his particular line.
The college as long been known as the
"Pitman school," and this year Gregg
shorthand and the stenotpye have been
added to meet the demand for a complete
school of reporting. .
Sallna is a clean, safe city and one of
the best school towns in the United
Slates. President Tucker will lie glad to
send the. illustrated catalogue of the
school to any who write for it.
fhkmot oi.i.i:;f. news.
riaj-s and ftecltals by the Students
Mark the Last Meet.
"Midsummer Night's Dream," was given
under the direction of Hugo Munson,
Monday evening. The principal roles
were taken by Hugo Munson. Dora Mar
quette. Adrla I.ocke, I.eilaii Scott. Otmar
Ziicl:, Elsie Mueller, Charles Se.vcryn,
George Burgess, Kd'Vird Novotny, 101
heron . Harding. Oipha Gaines. Jewel
West and Jerry Mnlxner. showing the
careful training of Mr. Munson. The
Saeeesafal Mummer School ( losea and
College Year Coining: On.
The University of Omaha has Just com
pleted a very successful session of sum
mer school, which was attended by a
large number of high school pupils who
were making up conditions, as well as
by college students and prospective
teachers. A larger attendance during the
coming school year Is guaranteed by the
registrations already made.
The faculty of the university has been
increased by the addition of two more
instructors. Miss Kate McHugh, the re
cently retired principal of the Omaha
High school, has been added to the de
partment of 'English literature. She will
conduct the courses in Shakespeare, mod
ern Knglish poets and methods of teach
ing Kngllsh. The department of French,
hitherto In charge of Miss Edna Sweeley,
Is to he conducted by Miss Alice Hogg, a
graduate of the Scotch University of Ht.
Andrews. A new instructor is to be
added to the preparatory department be
fore the opening of the school year.
Improvements nre being made in Redick
hull and the John Jacobs' hall in order
$100 PAYS
for tuition, beard and room, and
guaranteea yon a Position. A new
plan. Not a mere statement or bile
L'lulin. but an accomplished fact
a plain, visible reaJltv.
EAR IT $30.00
distributing cants at picnics and
fairs for Jackson University If you
are interested In securing a business
on the school question unless you
have read t tie Jackson University
ch talon. A hook of 100 pnges.
Glea.test school and college pros
oectus ever written. An education
within itself. Sent to tin v body for
25c. In stamps to cover the cost of
printing. Sent free If you are plan
ning to enroll In a business college.
to Chillicothe, Mo, to visit Jackson
Universiey of business. Finest quar
tern: free night school: positions
Guaranteed: Uiuiclng Hall and danc
ing teachers. Hoard Hacked
by world's Hesire Hureau. h"or
catalog, free ticket and full par
ticulars, address WAl.TKIt JACK
SON. FitF.S., Oilllicolhe, Mo.
(Formerly St. Joph'd nlKf)
Boarding School for Boys ,7;
High School n6 OntUgA ruurim lendirn i
IttctiAlor of Aria, ltachrlor of Ittera ami
ItachHor of Hclenrr nVro-fi.
llhtstratct amivtnlr aud catalogue arm on
Hoarding and Day Srliool
for Young Women and Girls.
Advanced courses for UlRh.
gchool graduates. Exceptional
advantages In music. Junior
day school nt 315 N. 38th St.
Hoarding pupils and new day
scholars register Tuesday. Sep
tember 2 2. Regular exercises
begin Sept. 23.
For catalogue and
terms, address
St. Berchman's Day Academy
Under the Care of the
In addition to the regular curriculum THKUK IS AI)1)KT A
KINDKIU; UTi;N, in vhl h the little tola aro given the, nwst care
ful Mttentlon.
In Saint Ilerchnian's NO KXTRA ('HARC.K in made for fancy
work, Singing-, FliMUtion, (iernian or rYench. HOYS I'NPKR TKN
Y1-:ARS AUK AUMITTKIi to our regular coume. IVIvale lessons in
Drawing and Painting.
Special attention Is given to Vocal and Instrumental Muftic.
nil-T'KRKMT: OK UKI.UilON IS NOT RK(JAIU)KI in tho ad.
mission of ptiplN. The conriM of Inatrnctlon la the same aw that fol
lowed hy Mount Saint Mary'a Institution, WHICH IS AtX'RKDITKD
For further particulars apply to the lMreetrea.
St. Berchman's Day Academy
will return Tuenday, August 2."th.
rhone Harney :IKII, Wednesday
l.ood Tronreas MaUlna on Mr.w
AHmlnlatrallon Bolldln.
n.ipid progress la beinc made on the j
new administration bnildiiiR. Indications
:ne that It will he completed by the end j
of the (irst semester. This Is thee time !
auieed upon by the contractor. j
Misa lCdith tockluK, one ot our primary :
training; teachers, has been spending the
summer lu Europe, mo is :!:-1.
leiiiin, however, in time for the oncnlnK
of school.
I i of. E. K. I.aekcy will instruct In tho
tire, ley county Institute next week and
J r..f. Iewls nnd I'resi.lent Conn will he
busy most of the time visiting Institutes
in northeast Nebraska.
r. J. T. House is cheduled to lecture
at the ll k county, al.o Uoyd county In
htiintes this week.
'l'he correspondence fruni prospective
students indicates that the attendance for
th- ensuInK year will he a huge Increase
over thai of last year. The greatest in
crease will lie lit' the number of students
wh have completed the regular hl(?h
elu.ol work before entering.
In hi absence ami without his knowl
edge the democrats of Wayne county at
the primary election wrote in the name of
Registrar W. I: Hrdmond, and thereby
chose him as their candidate as a mem
ber of the. legislature for the Twentieth
cii.'tri.t. It Is not known whether Mr.
licdmond will caree to aeept the nomina
tion or nut.
K. AV. Bt hl.NKHH 1 OLI.IM.K.
I.reat Sehool for Tralnlna for Cleri
cal Work.
The Kansas Wcsleyan Ilusinesa college)
at Sulina, Kan., through the last twenty
two years, has built up a reputation ec
on 1 to no other in the entire west.
I'ounded by Trof. T. V. Koaeh and the
trustees of the Kansas Wcsleyan univers
ity as a department of the university
twenty-two years ago, it soon outgrew its
iimi ters on the campus and was removed '
lo its own building, a brick structure In '
the renter of the city.
This building, one of the handsomest !
in central Kansas, is three stories high J
and 60x100 feet in siie. The entire build
in? is devoted to the uses of the college
end there is probably no better equipped
echnol building iu tlie country. The rn
rolln.ent is about students a year,
Kiouped into prepai atory, business, short
hand and telegraphy departments.
About l, of thes.- sr.iduatea are em
ployed in banks in Kansas and neighbor
ing states. Many limes this number are
used in railroad and business offices,
many of whom have risen to executive
positions. The sloyan of the sehool.
"With l's Business Training and Char
acter Iiuilding Oo Hand in Hand." is no
Idlo jest, as fctiong courses In character
buildin? and business efficiency are a
part of the r.gular curriculum.
I'resldent t. 1.. Tucker, who has made
liitt mark, loth as an educator and a.i ex
j.ert aerouiitjitit :n the east ami in the
Central wvel, purchased tho school about
k year ago. As president of the institu-
Academy of the Sacred Heart
36th and Burt Sts. OMAHA, NEBRASKA
Ona of the six colleges for
women placed In Class 1 by the
United States Bureau of Education.
A thorough training amid
congenial surroundings, and
under beneficial influences.
Special advantages of a larp
Citv known for its found edu
cational and cultural life.
For information address,
President William W. Guth
tLLbWORTH COLLLGt:. !c.?a Falls. Iowa
Attaadaaoa lnersassd 0Tr 100 th past fsw yars. X.arr anmbar of
pracUeal oonruss for a daflalt rocatlon or Ufa work. Bis building's, food
adowmsat aad qnipmant. Xawksy Oonfarsao champions la football, food
athlttlos, wo a all dsbatss atroag- stnatnt orranisauona.
Work for High School UraduHtca
t. SUnAarS Colle CViirnen.
If. l''our-rr VII lliiilnsin courM.
III. Two-ymr Mi1l.'l Prnparalnrr.
IV. T-r lnlal Preprtorj.
V. To-y.r Lw l'rprs.iry.
VI. Iwo-rmr I'nllrs HUklllMa Couiir.
VII. To-ysr CommrclBl Ta-hara' 'ours.
VIII. Two yaar Collae Normal lVut.
1. fine, iwo or tour-yar liomaitlc Srlrne uv
lloma Bronnm'ra.
X. (nevaar lnllesa niialnaaa Couraa.
XI. Ona-yer rollvs Hhorlhanfl Oiuisa.
XII. Htandartt Comiwa In Music, Art, RupreHHlnn,
I'll Ml i' Mpaakln. rU-.
XIII. Ty-var , Kualnaarlnc Pra.aralnry.
XtV. Two-year Agricultural lrepartorr.
Work for Thoa Not High
School Graduate
I. iVillte Traparatory I'ouraaa plamiad on
li baala ul tha (real Eaitrrn pranar
amrv rliool.
II Ppacial Normal and T. Iirf' Coaraas.
III. Tanrhara' llffvlaw Counta.
IV. Itamtailc RcloncA and llnme Eeonnmlos.
V. TaaWo Hpaclai Biwlnaaa Training
VI. Mualc. Bnprewion. Debating, . Drama
lira, ale.
VII. tUmrtliand and TypewTitins.
VIII. Mall elii.rtlMuia Coura.
IX. Ona-yrar rouraa In AirtculluT' and
Kurm Accounttns. '
X. Two-year rmirar In Ai1cullart asd
' Karm Aorountlni. '
XV. Two-yeiir lmlu'itlal Kclcnca frrpiu-ainry.
Horn free arholarahlpa and part arhnl arnlilpa. You ran aa,ve .$104 to 1200 on yonr
rvllegn yaar. (laan, baa.itltul city, fin mornl condltlnna for atudant Ufa. Coat Tary mod
erate. A poaial itrd ratiuent brlnia vou tha catalnt by rat urn mall. Pn not doclda wtiara
to attend noil until yon Invaatlsata and compare
Addrsas Ellsworth Collars. Station Two, Zowa Fall. Zowa.
1914 Foil Term Opens September 1-2
I 1 J a. t L, : I, .
! Hll Fll
itr L
A Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies
and Little Girls Also Kindergarten
Accredited to the Nebraska University.
Conducted by the Religious of the Sacred Heart.
For particulars apply to the Mother Superior.
College of Saint Thomas
Under the Control and Direction of Archbishop Ireland
Collegiate Commercial Academic Preparatory
Careful Mental, Moral and Religious Training
Six Hundred and Eighty Student from Eighteen State. Register.!
I-"t I ear. lor illustrated catalogue address
Very Rev. II. MOYMIIAN, D. D., IWsiJent
If you ive him a rhatue for 1 vpl..iiiint. The afabraska Military Aoadsnsy
iiiaken h i IhihIil-mk ,.t ()h rlopina; l. . r,lii.i4. I.uiI.Iiuk.., i,liil I.m m,,h t oin.
liflrnt fn. ully mi.i l.falti, f ul hiii r.nin.lii.KK. I'l cpui'i-x for rolliicr ar.cj IjiisI
iiUBn. Sobool opsds Baptauibar 16, 1914. I .n infoiiiiatinn. vihit Ihr m'liurl or
inouire or d. B. HAYWAItO, BaparintsDdsnt.
City Office 1307 AT Strsot. Lincoln, Vsbraska.
ii. n. .
.. imyl.v:s,
jINCE we cannot prolong life, we must accomplish more with
our life.
Since we cannot stretch an hour, we must devise means
to stretch our powers.
We must increase our proficisnc.v.
We are obliged to add to our efficiency.
The work of tlio world must ho dono. Tho work of tho business world
must bo bottor done. For, competition presses. If wo do not improve
ourselves, increase our powers, multiply ."iir efficiency others will.
That means that th:)so who do will go ahead of those who do pot.
Wo can increase our powers our proficiency our efficiency best if
we have a p-'wl. Wo ruust specialize if we are to become especially pro
ficient. x
Xo man or woman can do all things EQUALLY well.
That is why the specialized education mid train- So
ing given by a really practical commercial training
institution serves such a go.d purpose in this world.
That is whv such institutions as I10YLES COL
LKfJK Fiiccee.l!
To make a better business man or woman one
more careful about detailsone more diligent in his
daily task means t. make a better citizen.
We here, in lioyles College, have had the gratifi
cation of training most of tho young men and women
who have prepared themselves for successful business
careers during the last decade. Their success in tho
business world has helped us to succeed. Their record
in the banks, the great wholesale houses, tho big mer
cantile establishments of the Central West, has aided
us in making Boyles College what it is today, tho larg
est commercial training institution in the I'nited
States west of Chicago.
'fbday, hardly an important business establish
ment in Omaha and all tho Central West thinks of tho
need of another business assistant without first apply
ing to Hoylcs College. They have learned by exper
ience that the graduates of this institution nre eo
trained that they invariably prove themselves satis
factory assistants and, eventually, elevate themselves
by reason of their ability to better positions positions
where they will be of greater value to tho concern that
employs them. v
Ambitious young men and women parents who
are wishful to see their bovs and girls attain assured
joai4;ons out in the business world can profitablv
consider the advantages of tho SPECIALIZED
TRAINING that Boyles College offers. : -
i .
Here a youris; man or young woman ran be and IH no trained
that ho or she graduates as a completely capable Bookkeeper a
splendidly equipped Stenographer a perHim capable of fulfilling
the dutlea of a Private Hecretary a Telegrapher of such pro
ficiency that the record of our telegraphy graduates influenced
the I'nlon Pacific Railroad System to name this College Official
Training School for the I'nion Pacific- R. R., and has given that
railroad reawm for guarantying absolutely to give a telegraphic
position to every graduate of the Hojics College Telegraphy De
partment. The reason why Boylcs College graduates are iu demand la
because they are known to be efficient OOMPLKTKLY NO.
The reason why they are efficient Is that they receive effi
cient training efficient instruction under efficient instructors.
We have "won out" because our graduates have won suc
cess. And they have won success because for 16 long years this
college has been founded on, fostered by and upheld by a method
or instruction, a system of education and a mode of traiulng that
lK.M MKI proficiency before students were permitted to grad
uate. It is and always has been our idea to hold the students to
the same practical principles that govern big business concern.
We lihape the course of the btudents by the same compass of
efficiency that is guiding the world of modern business on to
better things better work better rewards.
If you are Interested in an institution that has built itself
Into a success by and on these principles if you wish to gain
greater success by means of the methods that have helped 10,000
others to succeed, let us bear from you. Perhaps the best thing
for you to do would be to pay the school a visit and talk to our '
President. If you cannot do that at least write for the 1914-15
Year Book remarkable volume that will be of help to you even
though you never take a course In Boyles College.
Send, write or call for this Book at once, ,
BOYLES COLLEGE, H. B. Boyles, Pres.
18th and Harney Streets. Omaha. Neb.
1014 Fall Term Opens September 1-2