0 THE OMAHA SfNDAY VEE: AT'OPST '2X 1014. t OMAHA IIYESTOCR MARKET CttUe Weak to Twenty-Five Centi Lower for the Week. HOGS FIFTEEN OFF FOR WEEK Tmi heep Mrarfy All Wrrk ! l.aeaha Fifteen lo Quarter l.nnrr Than l.nst f rL Kf f if r steady t Ten Off. SOI'TII OMAHA Ana. "2. 1914. Reeelpte n; Cattle. Hogs. Sheep 4. 7.S.W .ri ;.'') 25. 61 3M4S It. II) Qllicil 4..nHUi h t-n Official Tuesday 4.3:7 Official Wednesday... 2..VO Official Thursdav 2.T.7 official Friday m Kstlmate Saturday.... 50 Six day thin week. .14.120 .41 H.M3 Fame day lat week.. 11. 24 fVa: Same davs i w k ago. .10,.,11 11..K4 a.325 Same daya 3 ka Hgo..ll,r.' 41.1'G M.HiJ Same daya 4 irhi agn..1t..Tl .M7 W.4V fme days last year. . lit.:: i'O.IW 72.1. The following, table r.oa tin receipts cf cattle, hona and sheep at tne Mouth Omaha live etoi k niarael for tlie yiar to data aa compared with diet year: 1814. li:t. Inc. Per. Cattle 4;.n;:i Hoga 1.64;.is l.:is,2in iti.;'4u Cheep l.4ii..tH.1 i.S'.iiii 1KJ.IK The follow ins table snows the prices for hoga at the South Omaha live stoi k market for the laal lew daya, with com I irlnons ; Tate. 114, lms. HSU.IIHI 1 iO1a.ilaT .Aug. I.. 22 18 1, 7 7 li 17 Li X, Aug. .. Su,l a 1, 7 81 7 2si 7 M 1 Aug... is; 7 7 271 7 7l 7 49 Aug. 1". I 9Cii I 7 ! 7 2S 7 M, 7 41 8 40 Aug. u.l I oav I ll 7 ill 7 i 7 u Auk. 12. a 7ic J W 04, 7 111 7 7 42, o 4i An. 13.1 n M.V 7 v. H (Ni I K (,.; 7 4', Aug. 14. ( Mj, 7 '., 8 12. 7 1"! 7 4a, li Aug. li. S 94V V 7-t 1 1.' I (W; !, . 'i . Aug. 1. , 7 ;: S 14. . 17: 24 7 W Aug. 17.. 8 72V,, I a i. 7 17! h i, 7 ti'.'i U 41 Au. 16. !,, 7 7 , 7 17' -4 7 72. ti 41 -ug. a (s.i,,. ; 7,, x wi 7 i, N s.i: 1M a .11 e :ir; I .Ht, a 4J 0 . I. .VJ A". . IM'r 7 J. Au. 21 8."., ; w: 8 0( Aug. 12.; i k (Mi M . 7 s.i S n . CATTLE-Thcrc were no catllo lure today, at leant nona of any linixirtance. l''or the week rocctpta have hen liuiicr han for any ieeot li, liut aiuamr lliajj for the corresponding eck last year by alinoat 2,uo head. Not beauae of lartfa reelpta. but larsely hy rcaaon of a reduced tonaum init demand Imldintal tu akltation arnlnat high priced lef, prlcea on all klnda if rattlo have had a downward tendency tlua week. The choiceat corn fed beevea naalbly hav shown little fhatiKc because of their arcty, but tha metnim sradea of rornteda arc around iifiiAr. lower than laat week a cloae, while range atcera ahow about tha unit decline. Oowa and heifers are fully 2Jo lower than laat week, tho tradu toward lue taat two or tinxo uaya navin iwiii v , y dull. Ltry pasture have reduced the demand Tor etock cattle and tha trade In that department showed tnoro or leas weak neaa, especially dunnf the laat few a. Cattle of that description are fuily 5c lower and In aomii cases aa ilv more than thai. Ooud fceucra are round 164i2oc lower. Wuotationa on rattle '. Good to choice cornfed beeves. !.otm.lo.l; lair to o.)d icornfed beevea, ll.nott bi; c.iniiiuin to lair corntcd beevea, 7.7iTI.7&; good to choice range atcera, .AiVuu; TaJr lo tokI range ateera, et.7ui i.nd; good to holce grass heifers, H60(i77o; good to .ho.e grasa cowa, KqJ.SO; talr to ood grades, b.i)m,.Zn- common to fair rU:s. M.wnpttno; good to cholc tOC W 707.2"; yearlings. .od to . hf.ce, $ 25 P.W. yearllnae. lair tn g'xd. .(v8fi 2.",; yearlings, f,.e.l.T. i". 7,Vc, n ; wethers, good to i holce, o ,7S fi wethers, fair t ) good. I.'i .vtifi (; wetiiers. fee.lers. t 4 9". ewes, good to choice, .'..2ia.'.fi0; awes, fair to good, Uhra'-'.M, ewea, feeders, H.Mv&i.go. GRAIN ANDPRObUCE MARKET Bull Newi Plentiful in Wheat Pit Among Traders, CORN IS KEPT STIRRED UP Ka port Inqalrlea Keep p ftirengin f lellow Cereal sail Advance lis Ketlac Kpota I on aldernhly. OMAHA, Aug. 22, 1M4. Nea of a bullleh character was plenti ful In the wheat market yrntcrdny. Neaa waa of a kln l to re.-eive attention, and It waa the lending Influence of the day, aa the Items on Hie Im-ui- eld were brushed away like so much chafr. Kecount, In an estimate of ine v. t:eat crop of the Dnkotaa and lnnrsot;i, lowored the Meld to r,,ii,im hiHhels. compared with I7!i.iwi huxliels na: year. offlclala o the t-nnndlan faclflc esti mate the hoi t h estern atiada crop at IWi.iioiVmi biinhca, or ir..ni.i"t btifliels less than li; t j ear. These llguiea were con sidered as nesr the fact and wheat waa n'MiKiu on tiiem. There were rr.any cuoitiHi alms In the market that were looked iiin as iilte hiilllsli. one .,f whl li whu an ci aordtns ry flour tra.le with the output of the inlllt. There were nit gains In wheat yester day of 2''i2J4c hiuI advances wire fairly well In hi. althouKh Ihuie was ciniHlder able vh'-nt s Id lute in the way of profit taking. The f.i.tu e .,f the market wna th buying of He.t.nil r by a large e port loiicein, who gold L'feiobrr In iia place. Keportg of exr,rt In'i'iitles at the ac i- ooi.ro Kept ti, e . orii trade stirred tip yea lerday and had rnu h to do ll,c, display of elr'nglh. ltftlug spots were S''il" hlutie in,,,, Thuiirfja. a l, , i,v . ures. The bulce In whrut helped ccni values In the latter part of tho aexsloii yesterday, us there waa a tendency among holders to unload part of their grain In view of the limited demand for cash corn here and IIImtbI country of ferings. Cash corn held stead v i II Ml.lt.t of tin. advance In futures and sales hire were only !iw bu. the amitllest In some time, Kxpnrt salca of oata from hero were very heavy yesterday, the total being re. ported aa high aa i.Vi.fma husheH. In ad dition tin re were IW.'MI husheli cash oata sold here for domestic account and the seaboard la reported to have disposed of futures and tho in.ikat e..rsl a .v.. .... advance. One of the local crop experts irnueu a irry nuuisn report on huh year a oata rrop, and estimated the yield to be the lightest In years In portions of the (tales of largest production. Kard atrnln stood out prominently In the provision market, closing with fair ad vances, while pork and rlha were easier. Wheat waa 2c higher. t.'orn waa i4c higher lo ',tc lower. Oata were lc higher. Clearances of wheat and flour wera oual to l.!i:2.ii bushels; corn. 4,OJU bush ee: oats, lii.nm bushels. Wheat at I.Hcriool closed l',c higher-; corn, '.je higher. I'rtmary wheat receipts were 1.315,001) bushels and shipments 7'7.mO bushels, against receipts or H:r.iii hushela and t-lupmeiits of K22,aiO bushels last year. Trlmnry corn receipts were 1,2i9.i0 biMPhels and shlpmenta :I28.0 bushels, against rerelpts of 411.0ml bushels and shipments of 2h0iii bushnla last year. Primary oals receipts were 1,2-W,(0 uurneis and aliipnienta k;;i,ioo bushels, TIMELY REAL ESTATE GOSSIP "The Colonial," New Bachelor' Hotel, to Srve Breakfaiti. WILL OPEN MONDAY MORNING era and leedera. ifvg ic rTr tn VAXi " 'Ml. ,. -"n. ." '''". ataekera mA fi.. .:.T.Vr!7 -"' l'" i.iui.wi ouMieis anu .......... iirnrri o, 4i .V"'l 1,1V to fair aVek.,TTi V' h 7' "'.i my'i.'n "rments of 4tH.noo bushels last year. stock eo... fc-V."V. .,.,T.t."':r ! l.imA. nw ciric. calves, lt.4iys.oi); vcal calvea, J.unni l.2b; bulu, gtas, tc, ll.VwyJ.W. !(1U M A. Pr. No. KM 4 to J .'11 HI 4 0 I..... 1 : I MKIFk.K8. 1 MO I to 1 'i 4M ft L, ioit4 A very lair Saturday showad t. vt. ..Ill) u .. i60 1 01 . fi;o u ..1040 IH Minneapolis ( Itlcao Mulutl inaha Kansaa City..., Ft. I.iula , Winnipeg Omaha (ash Wheal. Corn. Oata. Rye. ,..2!W 44 813 21 !9 42 1 f 4 yn in n 07 71 34 I 1 I'rlcea Wheat: No. t hard, !,Mic; No. 3 hard, DiSVHUte; No. 4 hard, ll12'4e; No. 2 spring. B'lW i ivjiia very fair Saturday ahowad up I ,,nl". pit"-t -xnnething Ilka llt cars or 7 m head being 1 M,r! """: ' aprlng. Kltiai'iJ reported In. Kor thu week vceiina ' : No. 4 spring tfo-an.c. nominal, amounted to 40.W1, being over 7 Ofti larger ' 3 ,"r,"I,. wnftiM'v nominal; No. 3 than a wee ago. and a little more than f '"''""ii 7!tH(H"ic nominal. Corn: No. 3 heavier tnan for tho aame week last 1 'hlt. 77-"i7c: No. white, 77i!f77He; year. This la the first lime for several I No. 4 white, 7i)'t'i 7tl e ; No. 2 yellow, weeks that receipts have, shown a gain ! 77StiTHo ; No. 3 yellow, 7.''yfo7.Sc; No. 4 over 191J. yellow, 77i)i77ic: No. 3 mixed, 7i'l7tiVc; Tha market opened dull again today, I No. 8 mixed, 7iyu7;Sc; No. 4 mixed, 74, iirly blrta lielng In moat casra !ully aitTi4c Oata: No. 2 white, 41V-''' noml dlmu lower than Friday. HhH'per bought na I ; atanduid, ll''u llo, No. il white, 41 several loads that were uuufu any whine ri-4lac ; No, 4 while, 4")HiJ(4lc. Harley: ircin steady In a few instam-ea to aa much! Malting, WtiWr; No. 1 feed. 4ffp50c. Rye: aa a dime lower. The killer trade was' No. 2. 77i77'c; No. 3. 7ul7Hc. Xl'tZlHZ : "'ri!:,.fhlV.'t lh,J,..,',,r!' ''rl ofl These sale, wee. reH.rte,l today-Wheat: :V.i;..iT ":T..lml.f. '.r rm. W7X. 2 hard wlnler. I car l.hirkt lf7c; 2 fcradually raised go that when firm sales I i-ara, W4c. No. 3 hard winter. w.r in. iku Mia ... (ais. iH vo iu wauie. vaiuea aro steady to a i. . .. . .- I nickel lower than yeaterday a average 1 1Y: .'.' ' 'N?- n; lttr- l'rlceg wera uneven, ranging from a liat!'- OMt": N?-,.s t-r.. rd. 1 car. nickel lower to fully steady and In som J.1 ' ' .N, ' nlte, P. cars. 41'te; 2 cars. Inatancea Individual salts wire quoted as'4'1'- No- 4 I'"". ": 1 'hi'. 4o-V,c; strong. Trad failed to become very at1 I car. 40V'- No grade. 1 car (white). tive. even at tha leat time, and the for-; 40' l r,,r- 4llt- Corn: No. I w hite, noon waa well advanced l.r.,r ri..r. 14 cars, 7'c. No. 2 white 1 car. 7c. No. nee waa made. Bulk of the aalea waa, s while. 2 care. 77c. No. f. white, S-J made at IV7uis.aO. as against yesterday a r. 7'iHc No. 1 yellow. S curs, 7Sc; 2 long airing at the latter figure. ( if course cars, 77c. No. 2 yellow, I car, 7sc; mere, was a sprinkling on either side of ihia spread, quite a number selling at ll.ko. lopa landed at $'.'X',, Just a nickel under yesterday. The week's trade thows a decline of fully lie. Tha quarter decline of Mundav and Tuesday waa all regained In the next two dya, but Friday and Saturday show a break of 15c, which lust about rovers tha difference between prlcea at tha cloae of last week and today. Killing demand baa been fairly consistent all week, but shippers have been uncertain. One day they would buy freely and the next have no orders at all, according to the trend of the market. Aa a result of this uncer tain condition ."hipping hoga ahow the big end of the weex'a decline, being all of 20c lower, and In the cava of lops a flat luarter lower No Ar. gn. It 1 II 4' : at no 70 M M r M M I. HI f lul k 21 M. 11. FY. 40 I TO 4a t TO 40 I 70 a in h in 40 TO .. T& .. t It .. I IS fi io tr. 10 I 71 .Vs. 10... s... ... 7o... 17... 41... ... 44... 47... 4... 74... 74... 7... ka. 4 10 M .X ... "J !.. U 1 111 77.. 7 Ml 774 n.. 4t M M I 7,, U. Ml M 77 44 W7 M t 77 4 Mi, to 77 i, a 1M M0 I T7 74 M IS 7 Z2 w W 2 4 ISO I U M........:i7 ISO m il a imi o H t7 ... I Ml U Ml S70 I M at IM Mi I M 4 it Jno I hi t r a i so M Ill . W 71 tan k I a M ;1 ... I a II lot ... at 4j 17 70 74 41 t'J. tn 54 31 m. 5. At. gh. Pr. ..im ... iio ..171 ... I Ml . . ?M . . 8 ..717 1M I an . m IK . 271 1M I M . .2l ... an . Ml kl nn 10 ..Ski so I 4 .14 ) I III ..HM 10 I 11 ..lit . . I at ..144 Jrt at 1 20 I KA .317 ... lit . .:7 ... I m . .M M I IS . 74 10 I U .71 ... Ill . It 120 111 . 1U4 ... I t.S . 1M ... I Ik . M IU so I us ... I to to tn l?i I tn M I 40 k US I 14 an H 40 I Oil .. . I oo ... I H 2V J7 :ii in i 1.11 tit ti h il lul tl tl ... f 71 SHKKP-There were no fresh receipts era thla morning. For the week, how--r. the recelpta have been liberal, being Wl m head, against .'gg lust week and for the corraarondliig time a year "go. Tl swelling jf tne recalola Mil due to t lie pu-reaeed numlar of otferlngi 1 from Wyoming, most of which were ., i the feeder or er ami gave the letter btiyera aa opportunity they have Imn looking for to fill their numerous order. fat lamhe are riuotable fullv l;Vn"V lower for the week and muttons and 'the Uea grades of feeding sheep god Inmln are about steady. Tim less desirable klnda of fendli.g sheen and lambs are weak and mo.'.lv a dime off. nn llun- oay, Tuesday and Wednesday, owing to a generous supply of killers on tvrrv day, a packers fnanaged to take off lambs lie 26c, while on Thursilny a lltt'e lin lirovemeat et in. but this waa all lost io Krlday, lenvln the market urHcilcHlly a tha mam notches aa on Waciusadav. or, as already Doled. 1:.yiJ1; lower lhaii the cloae of the previous Week. It la generally c-.nc.1e. f t lie week's reiaipia naa not tci-iuded a large per centage of feeder c.ffeiliiga. prl.es on fat stuff would h shown n al ill abater iw-line. Liberal tmii are looked for next eek. whlcii will Include another good si -ire of offerings from Wyoming, as well as from It's ho. I'th and Nevada tjuotattoae oa rang abeen and lamba: Umln, good to choice. !a.uut&., lamba. fail- to good, r Mi la; lainb (eadank. cars, i , ji'. io. s yeuow, o cars. ic; i cars. 77tc. No. 6 yellow, 1 cur. 77c; 1 car. 77c. No. a yellow, 1 car, 77c. No. 1 mixed, II cars, 7lc. No. 2 mixed, 4H care, 78'4jc. No. 3 mixed, I car, 7Kc. No. a mixed, I ear (mostly whltet, 74c; 1 car. n.c; s cars. i.sc; l car, 714c .No. mixed, 1 car. c. form aad M'heat Rrgtna Halletla. Corn and wheat region bulletin of tha I'nlted Ktatea le ai lment of Agriculture, weather bureau, at Omaha, for the twenty-four hours ending at t a. m . 7ath meridian time, Saturday. August 22: OMAHA DISTRICT. - Temi).- Its In. Ptstlon. High. l.uw. fall. Colonel nerker la latrodarlag Some orel Knrnneaa Idraa Intn ehraka, aa Tlaa Heen Ilia Habit. A private hotel for bachelors only, and a hotel that a ill aer.-e free breakfasts to Us guests, la lo be njned at 24 72 2474 Harney street, on August 24. That Is Monday morning. Th buildings have been remodeled for thj purpose. The hotel la to be known aa "The Colonade." It la under the management of the Payne 4 Plater company. The building' are the property of Colonel w. V. Mra-.rker. In establishing this hotel Colonel Mcker h'"" carried out an Idea which la well known on the Kuropean continent, but whlili la now for the first time Introduced" In the slate of Nebraska. Colonel Htoeckcr Is a man of many travels and Iihs alwiys been a keen ohserv4-r, nulck to appreciate and adopt ,1ft v and iin-to-date Ideaa. Frveral or 1 - j these be has already put Into practice I .im l,u ..lnuta.1 ,.i v liA'lna liMn the, first ! " i to drive an automobile on Nbraakan j 'soil, and the flret to eatabll-ili a moving; picture bonne In which exclusive movies were show n. lie is now Introducing the' latest novclly In private hotels llenTRej , Toner, member of Hie firm ofryne Hhilcr company, and a pereonsi Iriend In JtniHlnrsH of ll.e colidiel's, vou. lies for these AtlltenicnlS. Tin iiaiue of the hotel was derived 'from the erection at the front of the hotiKc of a pier audi aa la seen in Atlantic jflty, I'alm Heach and other coast cttlra. These piers are, frequently used aa land ing placea for the passengers of boata ithnt circle the world and are always 'filled with crowds -f people seeking 'benllh and Inaplratlon from the era hreexes. While this pier waa In process of erection, the remark wus made that It resembled a i-olonadc. Hence the name of Hie hotel The Colonade. The 'rooms of tho Colonade will be rented exclusively to men who wish to live a quiet life. One of the unique Idral connected with the hotel will be the nerving of breakfast free of charge. Tills will give the lau-helora an opportunity, after crawling out of their aheeta. (which the colonel guaranteed to be titrlctly nine ft longt the opportunity to enjoy their coffee and rolls In allppers and lounging robe and to read the morning paper In comfort before; dressing for tha day. tlnlele ameroaa. Hotel accomodations, are soon to be exceptionally good In Omaha Judging from the number of new ones that are hi loa established. The Tame ft Plater company, only a few months ago obtained lease on the Wellington hotel and are, now msnaktng that establishment, with iomn changes Hnd the Introduction of some novelties. The old Curtis property at Ktghteenth and Harney Is rapidly being transformed Into a flnt-claaa bachelors' hotel. The wt,rk of remodeling has been In progress for several weeks and It Is said that ttn.oriO Is to be spent In this work. The Kontenelle hotel It to be occupied by January 1, according to the contract which there has been no disposition to change. Tha work on tha new Caille hotel a 1 Sixteenth and Jonea streets to he pushed at once, as tha excavation la practically completed. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. REPORTS SALES FOR WEEK The Puyno Investment company reports the following sale: Portsmouth Savings Hank of New Hampshire to Albarlco VUlella. cottage at Twentieth and Pierce streets. J. V. Hock to J. W. Kothery, house at Thlrty-flrat and Marcy streets. Charles K. Gross to P. iX Latlian, house at 3324 Seward atreet for home. Allle R. Dawson to ,V. P. Vest, three modern houses at 1M3-15-17 North For tieth atreet for an Investment. Ucurge A. Black to Carrie KIkJer, lot block 2, Orainmercy Park. P. A. Raxman to James A. John, cot tage and two acres In Henaou- Mary A. Jenkins to O. T. Morton, cot tage at 3628 Vinton atreet. Portsmouth Pavings Rank of New Hampshire to Mike Ronesh, cottage at 1212 South Twentieth street. H. D. Pawson to O. Ilelkel, house at Twenty-seventh street and Camden ave nue. v Portsmouth Savings Rank of New Hampshire to J. Slrlanni, cottage at 1710 South Twentieth street Ashland Auburn Broken how .. Columbus Culbeltaou .... Kalrhury Fairmont (land Island... llartlngton .... Hastings lioldri'ge Lincoln North Platte .. Oakdale Omaha Trkamah Valenlltic Alta la Carroll, la Clarlnda Sibley, la Sioux Clt), la.. P.I M xt) Su k: Sil w K4 0" W Su Mi l K M lui ts 71 70 vl M .'. : a 1. 74 as 70 KK M (M 64 71 A 74 .no .ml .() .ID) .01 .4) .1)0 .(. .Oil .( .(VJ .( .'10 on .m) .10 .01 .0(1 .01 .0:1 . Pky. l't. cloudy Clear Clear It . cloudy l't. cloudy l't. cloudy Clear Cloudy Cloudy PI. cloudy Clear Cloudy Clear It . cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear ( 'loudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy Cloudy WOLFE WANTS A NAME FOR HIS NEW HOTEL What to call .the family holel at Eigh teenth and Harney streets when the xld Curtis property shall have been com pletely remodeled and made Into a flrst c'.ass family hotel. Is piixillng Hsrry Wolfe, who now has a good sized force at work remodeling the place for this pur pose. Tha hotel-to-be has not yet been leased, and Mr. Wolfe is of the opinion that he will let the man who leases It select his own nam for the place. Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at S a. ni. P18TRICT AVERAliKP. No. of . Temp. Rain- District. Mationa. lilxh. Imtiw. tall. Culuiubus. II ... IS Louisville. Ky... 22 Indla'polia, Illd . l:l Chicago. Hi 24 rw l.oula. Mo.... 23 lra Moines, la.. 24 .Minneapolis te Kan City. Mo.. 34 Omaha, Neb,..u 17 S2 As XX M M IN as M v; Ml KS s 70 .40 .."0 .10 .M0 .v .2" .40 .40 .10 Temperaturea ate somewhat higher In thu northern and weatern d.stricta of the corn and wheat region. Showers occurred In the wesern and extreme eastern districts- U A WKIII, lxcal Forecaster, Weather Bureau. MlaeaKella Gralai Market. MISNK.VHOl IS, Aug. 23-WHFAT-Seplembrr. tl (; No. 1 hard, 11.14; No 1 noithern, tl.Ukul.lSSi No. i northern. IKHulUW. CONSTRUCTION OF BANK BUILDING BEING HUSTLED Now that the steel framework of the I'nlted State National bank building has been completed, the stone work, heat I trig and ventilating ducts and other fea tures of the work are being pushed rapidly. The. stone work Is now far i nough along to lt people reallx that tha building Is going to be quite hand, some and a line addition to Omaha's buclest atreet corner. NEW HOTEL RAPIDLY ASSUMING ITS SHAPE The white atone cornice ia now almost c mpl4ed around the twelfth atory of tha Fonteiiclle hotel. It breaks the monotony of the architecture, and bids fair to lend a great deal of charm to the general ef fect of the building The brick walls have been built up rapidly, and the bull I ing has attiarted a great deal of attention In the last few weka on account of the rapidity with which It Is coming to thu point of taking Ita plaoe among the big buddings of the city. Concrete mixers and other equipment for the laying of concrete foundations. lu.e jut liet'i moved into the excava tion for the Castle hotel at Sixteenth and Jones streets Thu concrete work Is to be pushed at once. The excavation Is practically complete. Raaklnat Mantlto Plaat. The walls of the new Alamlto Dairy company plant at Twenty-sixth and Leavenworth streets are now practically completed and the finishing work on the Inside w ill be puatied rapidly 'henceforth. Maearwwl Plaal eft re f aaaailettaai. The concrete floor on the seventh and last story of the new Skinner Macaroni factory la Just being completed. The Walla Will be built at one nii.4 li. l.l. 1 finishing work will begin. This is one of ,tne many buildings In Omaha, the con- ' r.tninlinn nf arkli h hta. am.. a -V. . , - .' .i.r.u IKI'lOiJ land steadily through the summer. A Property Owner Makes A BETTER CITIZ EN The owner of property is a better and more useful citizen because he takes a vital interest in the welfee of his community. He is a man of responsibility, his credit, his business standing are established on a definite basis and there is tangible evidence of his importance. He is justifiably proud of the voice he has as a citizen of sub stance and interested in the progress of his city, for on that progress depends the increased value of his property. The love of home is inherent in every man end every wo' man Most people would very quickly acquire the title to a piece of property if they were not frightened away by the idea that an investment in real estate means a sum of money too hopelessly large for them- They need to be shown that a home can be purchased on monthly payments no larger than they would prob ably pay for rent anyway. And the title to a homo isJer moro substantial than a bundle of rent receipts. Real estate has been the foundation of many huge fortunes. Every owner of real estate profits through the growth of his city. There are many wealthy men in Omaha whose wealth has come to them as a result of their foresight a few years ago. There are others in far greater number who have made small fortunes, who are now in comfortable circumstances because they took ad vantage of the opportunities in real estate. . , There are greater opportunities in Omaha real estate today than there ever was before The city is strategically located it is the gateway to the richest and most fertile country in the United States commerce and travel between the great east and west pass through its portalsf it has never once faltered in its nat ural, consistent and constant growth. b X" (I Omaha is still growing and developing. Real estate values are still increasing .along with the growth of the city, as they rightly should, without any sign of a "boom." Omaha t real estate is a sound and stable commodity that the careful investor should study. The foremost real estate men of Omaha contribute valuable7 information to you in the real estate columns of the classified sec tion today They will discuss with you their plans that will help you to become a property owner. They know what opportune ties exist and a few inquiries among them will be a real step for' ward for you. THE OMAHA BEE Everybody Reads Bee Want Ads 1