4 C THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: AUGUST 23, 1914. REAL ESTATE FIRM A Rtt II I.AMU FOR SAI.R Arkaauit. I.TTTLF. River Valley lands. Tirli and cheap, on iiJrod. hmiiuni Co., Wlnth top. Ark Florid. 4 ACRES for nlp at Hnstlng. Fla.. In the grVut.st potato anil stork rwlslng option of the rountrv. I-nrul Is divided Into 4 trnrts. as follows: :u 4n, w and 40 acres, all nr Irr i nltivntion and each plae ha all iicre!iry tods, live etorK, build ings, fences, etc : splendid artesian wells an1 cxcelUnt drainage; splendid land fnr either citrus fruits or truck. An ner. will produce forty barrels Irish potato, twenty huehi corn and two t.xns hay yearly nnd xx ill grow any forage crop , 'lunrsntrcd title. Will aril separately or in ln'lk on reasonable rah laymenl and term to suit Artilrtt, Owner, llox H7u, Jacksonville. Flu. Ian a. 1'iiH S.VI.E-I.atc Homy Brothers' farm, :'l; nriee, ti c, an n. re. Address. Thomas li-mlev, Kiiknu id Unti l, I r. Moines, la. l,tlTiil tiTnis". Kansas. HiM1.S!:1:K1:K. att.ntlon. Write for II' l I Tu t ii'llnn of rounlry, w hat we kr i, rliniM'e, foil, valuable Information i ri . Kin., farming nod stock country. .i;mes l:u4-ll, IMiih. Kan Mlasoarl IKK SALE-Fifty-four acre of land In Nt. lo-ph. Mil, situated half mile north of Fredrick lMxii.. on what la known as Mh si. Would make a tinv addition to ?t Jiuii Wilte A E. 1 terry, 4, N. Topcka An.,, W'n hitn, Kan. MIHSol'KI firm For Rent-EC acres. no rocK; well Improved: a-room house; barn 4'x4i', Mini oiitiiillrtlr.g; all In exPel lnt condition: everlasting 'iilet. rirst year llMO rash: pnsse.ts'.iiti thl fall. Henry county, Missouri, farms lot sale. Write for .Icm rlpilon and Hat. W. S Duncan, Clinton, Mo. Mlanreata. OR SALE TOO acres V, miles from Min neapolis, ono mile irum town: lwi aorea imd--r ruitlv-tto. but. useo for pastare; urn practically all ! cultivated. hea y oil: good act of buildings, consisting of ioo n bouse, large beru. granary, corn cribs, etc.; the land wul produce so bush ela of corn par acre; telephone In nouns; xountry till' Kly pettier, complola aet of machli ery; it htad of ntock. conaiatlnf of 11 cowa, balance 1 and i year old; Rood horaea, & hoKa, chlckana, S o! tlna year crop and everything on lUi lurm Huna at J. per acre; liaif ah S.n'nb Kroa, !'.: rlyninuth Hliin., Mmwai olia. Minn. 'OK 8AI.K liy owner, IV: acre wild land, with liuilillnaH and aome broke, li northern ftllnneaota, rutinlna: water on place; will make fine stock farm. Ad drena Win. O. rennlman, Hlllnian, Minn. KU if A1LU11KH In l'ine county, allnna aota; cloea to liel niarkeu, cbolca land, caaily cleared. $Jo ler acra; eaay teinm. Hunt-Johnaon, Hinckley, Minn. Montana. un ACRICS on the new line of ritllroa I, !0n acrrn cropiil. Hood houa, barn and eji tt, caah, baianon eaey. ?.V (lorn h inllra aonth, well tinprovad bot tom land, caxy lerm Wild land at 10.UO; rcllniiiilmnii.Mite. mO.Un to I.(J. Wheat yield thla yrtir T, to 40 nil. to the arro Linberlon Xatid Co., I'opla,, i Montana. o .Vr Vork, 8PEKDY TltnLI.KY N1 TRAIN UKR V1CU KA KM NKAR HYILAClrHlC 1TV. IW acre, fine houno, it liartiH, splendid land, state macad. road: trolley Pi rod. nlth tru fine llolateln cowa comlnR frM In Kept. i'oHRpKnlmi any day. Price, W,); "10 cunh down. lil'Y THIS KIVEn VIEW FA KM, HHV'N KXCKSBIVK 11KAT. IT W1I..L, BK A TKK AT. t'owa. team, tools, hena and rropa; Rood lmllitlnga; t acres. 1'rlce, $2, MO; $j00 caah ilowti, A HI'I'PKN JOY WILL, PO&IR TO YOUR VIHION WHEN YUU BKii THIS FA KM MAKIiAIN. 47 acn-a, railroad 20 rods, vIllaRa 1 mile, cowa, tram, farm tools, lop busy, I p'it. 4 calvea, all crops, t fine houses, I apple otrharda. Price. 10, OHO; V01I caah lown Write for photoa. Hallroad fare to miyer. K. Munaon, U H. Ha.'a HI., Myraruae, N. Y. -o .North Dakota. IMPROVED farms on Poo line; bed rock prices 140 per acre. Oreat wheat coun try. Wrlle ins. O. P. Htebblus. 110 C'hl oatio St., Omaha. o VLFALFA, Clover and Corn land In tha James Rlx-er valley, North Dakota, lluy scfore land goes higher. Come and aee Ja. We muke a specialty of getting buyer and seller together. 11. J. Johnson Land and Cattle Co,, Onkes, N. D. Ktkratka. POUND U-acra Homestead la settled neighborhood; fine farm land; not sand btUs; coat you tlltag leas and all. J, A. Tr&cey. Kimball. Na-b. scxyriHLUFF, nkij., IRRIGATED LAND. XO DROUGHTS FUTX CROP EVERY YEAR No. M7-fins of the smoothest, choicest Irrigated farms in the whole Ninth Platte valley; there la a nice, com fortable (.-room home, with porches and good cellar; the barn la well built, room for 10 head of stock; the house, barn end other outbuild ings are nicely painted; the farm la . well fenced; this year's crops are :a) acrea of corn, li acres of oats and all the balance I In a splendid stand of alfalfa. This fine farm Is In a good neighborhood and only 'i'i miles to town. Owner Is a ranchman and has more land than he can handle. Prior, Jllo per acre, on easy terms. No. 511 A very sightly W acres. Very smooth and easy to Irrigate. It has Just been broken and la In fine ahape for tall wheat or for oats and alfalfa next spring: r. miles from town In well settled neigh borhood; a snap at t"i per acre. Wrlle lor "Land Owner." It tells all about tlie country. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Ware Block. Omaha. 43 Acres on Paved Road We are offering fur salo one of the pioet beautiful. pl.'turcMiiie and park-like tracts near Omaha. This tract Is located on the Calhoun paved road, 2' j mllea I iirthweet of Florence and about nine miles from the center of Omaha. About 30 acies In blue grass and Is covered mostly with oak and walnut ti.ee; also many other varieties. Has running water through part. Has s-room hoi.se and other small outbuildings; small orchard. Can be made one of the most beautiful places near Omaha. Will subdivide Into eveial pieces If the i'i acres Is too much for oiw party. You should surely have us ttiow you this If you xviint something real iiood on paved road clone to Oiuulia. Hastings & Heyden K14 HARNEY STREET.' For Sale A bargain: 160 acres DougUs xounty; fair Improvements: land gently idling; gol roads; ti'St iwr acre. (J ALLAUJIER & NEIiSON 844 Brandeis Bldg FOR SALE 720 acres. " located 1 tnlleg from good, lively town of I.euo inhabi tants, lu Cuaier county, Nebraska; 270 at rea under cultivation, of which lJu acres la in allalfa and M acres In corn, M) in lis laud and balance pasture; Improve ments, txxy etory d selling Sux32. with kitchen 14x24. with sll modern Improve, ments; burn for 30 head of liursrs. with hay mow for so tons of hsy; machine hel. bog house, corncrih, milk house, t-tc: all feuc-ed and ciusa-fxnred- An Ideal slock and grain farm. Address Y IwW Bee p tliKVtNNt county, Nebraska lands, for txale and exchange. Wnie lor free loc.let. Ctirls HlcVey 4c Co.. Fairhury, Neb., or It. C. Caaarh-nao, Lvlge Pole. Cliosuaa iuuty, NsWas-.. HEAL KSTATE F4RH A hOlll LDI FOR IILR tsrillis, Farms Farms Farms All within one hour's aulomoMia ride of Omaha; barsslnM. lt us show you the Roods: all si, all prices, all terms, ('all In forenoons If convenient. No trades coa sldered. OIUN 8 MEflRILti COM PA N Y, N'. H. for. Pt and N hts.. Houth Omaha rit pXl"ne cf "thebest farma with fine Improvements at a very low prV; In Koyd 'o., Neh. Addrets B. '. car I'nrn Kxclianite flank. 8en'r. Neh o. (Hiatsj Ilaketa. PKRKIN" and Hardin rojnty land. northwestern Kouth Ihtkota: natural rto. k nif ilsitV country. Torn and al falfa Brown. Hood schools, water and cheap fuel. J. U. Franklin, riorum. H. Ii . j z2 Tea a a. UiWKR Rio Hrsnde Valley Tns lanl offered at I' per acre; below selling price adjoining Unci; part or all of V, acres, one mllr from town, on main road arid canal; he-t soli In valley. J. .'. Tan l'r, Knu Claire. Wis -o W Ui'uln, Upper Wisconsin Rest dairy and renrai crop stata Id tba union; aetilers wantad; lands for sale at low prp ea. on ensv terms. Ask for book let 34 on Wisconsin Central Land Grant Htate acres wanted. Write about our graiinf lands. If Interested In frui: lands, aek for booklet on Apple Orchards In Wisconsin. Address Land Dept., 8'jo l ine Mr . Minneapolis. Minn Mlsrellaaeaas. FOR BALK '40 acres, Improved: l; Houth Missouri, on public road; only :'4) mllea from Rranson, plenty fine neter; good coticreete and frame house; good milhtilldlngs; it I" one of the best stock farms In south Missouri iihd wonderfully cheap; 1 1,. tun rash. Merrlain Kills Henton, K :m Victor Hl.ln . Kansas Cltv, Mo. o FOR HALE-jn acres, "l..'"nterinaof X., down. .', month. In a well settled district In smith Mi'sourt. here fruit and poultry farma abound; only $1C per re; IciiK time, no Interest, no taxes; buy for the future while such lironeitv Is cheap. Merrlnm, Ellis aV Ilenton, E-?0lt I' tor Hidg., Kansas citx . vn, o WHY III; NT FAR M LAKii ! You can do better! Slop renting! You don't get ahead that Way.. I ran tell you how to get a lann .f your own and start It right for very little inunry. llov ernin.'rit land, small cont. easy payments The Hui llngton Itoute pays ma lo help yon got a farm without inu. li money. Write tmiay 1 inn tell you shut It nnd befoie it is ton late. H R. Upward. 1 Ast. Immigration Agent, :: c. u. g Hldg., OmnhH, Neb.' UUJ farm list free. With phutos; farms In many stairs, stock and tools In cluded. Farmers' bargains. Buy direct from owners; their address free. Na tional Farm Exchange, San Francsx FARMS WANTED. MEL) 'I I ANTS, farmers, list your slocks mid rurnm m-liH m. r...l I, a ,,ll got results: t.er' cent rnmtnlsal.,n I charged on all deals aorm.ted. Send description at once nnd I will get busy getting you what vtu wsnt. P. o. Box H, Haddan, Kan "' YOl'NXi Hollander wishes to buv good farm or land. Address Y Iffl, lies REAL ESTATE WANTED LISTEN TO THIS We have a buver with I1JV0 cash who wants a s or it-room cottage east of 20th, south of Ieavenworth. Has a good pnSI lion and can pay 2rt per month payments. I ho Vogol Realty Agency 1015 1 W. O. W. Bldg. RKAL. EKTATK IX1ANH W ANTKU City ipaiia Paters Trust v,e, OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farmZ O'KKEKIO RttAL KDTATK CO., 11 Omaha Nat. Douglas 1711 slONEY on hand fur city and farm loan . einutr, wuy nit. tig. tsigg. UAKV1N BR0S.Tnt,'M (iSitY, fcAB- Bemls-Carlberg Co., y- j. ...-.. i or in r 41 lu g WANTK1-Clty loans and warranua, W. rarwam Smith A Co., I3M Farnam. IARRIHON St MORTON. IIS Urn Nat Clly property. ljrt ,oans a specialty. W. H. 'fho-nas. 24 State Bank Ulda. State Bank Uldg. )fJ to 110,0) made promptly Weed. Weed Bldg.. IStb and 1 r. i. Farnam. -'AY 'rm loans. 6. &H. per otat. J.H.tumont Ce , 1HQI Fat aaiti. Omaha BKU us first U you want a larw loaaT Lnlted Btatea Trust Co.. Omaha. Neo. FOR RK.VT - partaaeatta rials. Rental Service Free Why worry where to find a house or apartment when we have listed every vacant house and apartment In the ctty. Phone pa for further information. Doug las 4477, Fidelity Storage & Van Co. The TRAVERTON APARTMENTS FI REPROOF, SANITARY, COMFORTABLE THE TRAVERTON HAS SMALLl .xrAtti jif.M H WITH PR1VATK BATH, RKFRIi lEItATION. IN FACT, KVEllV FACILITY. APPOINTMENT AND CON VENIENCE THAT CAN BE DESIRED. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED VNDF.lt THE DIRECT ST PERVISION OF THE OWNKRo. Traver Bros. Red 4721. 70.-. Omsha Natl. Rank Hlgg 1 1 E A I Ti r T I. AP A U'l M E N T. consisting of five looms, oak finish, pan eled celling In living room and dining room, prees brick fireplace with gas-lcg. also plU-rall and panel strips In dining room; large clothes closet with mirror door, two elegant bedrooms, bathroom with til. m floor and valla: large kitchen and entry ay, built-in china closet snd k!tcl!n cabinet; gas stove and refrigera tor furnished; house telephone system, Janitor aervicr: other beautiful features about this ainrlm.nl upon application. SCOTT HILL tV)., DouyJ.ie nasi. "Ok-T-s Mi-Cague Bldg STRATFORD TERRACE. PIRt AV'I. AVIk l&,l.'u.,V' IT The choicest S-ronm steam-heated apart-' ments In ths city, with additional maids' rooms, if you wish exiiuslveness snd convenience In a new apartment build ing see these, llefeienrr requited. C. H .M.er 4SI1 I'nilerwood Ave. Phone I laiiiey J7"7 . i'.tlx AVE.. AND iNil'ilLAS 2 AND 4-IKHM APARTMENTS. REASONABLE PRICES. Beside the usual accoiiKalatlons of other apartment houses these apartments have electric elevators, exceptlonslly large and light rooms, and a large roof garden. Iiok at th-m today. Janttor will gladly ahow you through. PAYNK SLATER COMPANY. Omaha s Ren'al Men. 818 Omsha JS'ati Hank Hlog THE RmAlI " oU-le H 2ith. NEW. onsiniuig or -room apartment, now) ui 'HI rompieiexi ana reaoy alxiut l toner 1. have disappearing beds In living room, making practically (-room apartment. Each apartment has Individual porch, which a ill be screened In. and theae apartments are s. III. In walking distance, only half Mock to Fsrnam car and are the best close la apartments lu the rlty for the money. HASTINGS a HE YD EX. 1814 Harney St t)ii-lJ04 N 1TH BT. CAN"'T1C-MEAtT ruocua. tath. A. alargwtix. Deug ITa' Vim RKNT Aaanaseaia aad Flata. FLATS. HTP.K TI.Y MOPERX. Z4 Harney, t-room brick, fins rondl tion, very desirable. 1(7 ri 2M I lamer, S rooms. nioice. HV Wis Iodf, -rooni brick. A No. 1 rs Pelr, . ST! Ijothrop. six rooms, modern. tfU M. -'' B. Mth 8t., 9 rooms, modern, rood for roomlnj roime. jr. 1717 Park Ae., 7 rooms, tiVrn. lawn, fare Hansrom Park. i"71 P. Ht , l-ior.ms brliT, bsth, s, c i y water, j: 4-ioom lrik. halh. gas. .L'J- . . ' room b"t,. " i .il4 Ames Ave.. 4 rooms, city water, til. I :.'4 N. ?7th. 4 rooms, city water, f j - N. Xth. 7 room", modem, xarnnt' September P.', 1ARVIN !lf!0v. SI.-. Omaha NatUnal Itank BM THREE rooms, id.'l N.i?th SlV'llit in r our rooms. L'411 Ersklne Pt.. iir.. riv rooms, til H :Xth ft, $1.1 .V). Five- rooms, modem Mat, v isn. a, iii I-Ie. l.. , 'r. I " V.r' Klx-rooin fist. Kill' V ikti, mi tn i n v, ii. v rioaro m., si..Dr rllx rooms, ni.-rlern, ullii Fowler Ave". tJ Hlx rooms, partly modern, 4f4 Charles Hi., 20, xhi rooms, modern. 1,Th s, aSth St. tJ ''ven rooms, fior, h Kd St., 140. Nevn rwims. 14Ji) Hhera-ood Ave , ?o. TweP e rooms, :4"S Cass Ht., 140. I'lve-r K.rn modern apartment. 410 S. 2th A e . ;' jo. Fmir-rraitn modern npartment In The Ivy, Pith ,"t and Hhrood Ave.. $:.', HENSON MYER8CO., 4:'4 Omaha Nstional Rank Bldg. Phone Ihiugiaa 74. CLOSE IN APARTMENT. ' THE FIIRENTINE '7-Sr1. 2T.th Ht. Three and four rooms, reasonable rents .innltor will show you through at gnv time. I HE CARPATIIIA. M4 H 24th Ht. Tw. snd tlir.-o rooms, strlrtlv modern I9 up'P",""1,U VerV t'''tm, i,,ron THE LICO.VEx tZH. th St. l n-rooi,i apai-tmeiys. strlcllv miilrn and up-to-date In every respect. W0 In summer and o i winter. Call at our aoii we win gladly show you iini'iinn rnem PAYNE PLATKR (T)MPANT, .'nana s nental Men, f'b Omaha jlatlona Rank Hl.lg.e TIIPl IT t, . . . . i ' a . V - ' " , Ho. 30th, 'large loomii newlv ated. private bH'h.., e Ziay fo, rfi: tlon. ' ln"P1 PAYNE A SLATER COMPANY Omaha s Rental Men. . .rahnNanBank Hldg CIxTsE-IN APARTMENT r our rooms, apartment No. i. 121 a 24th St.. steam heat, hot and cold water: Janl wlnt'eV ! $n08 ummr -ntl n PAYNE 8LATF7R COMPANY. Omaha's Rental Men, lmahaNttJBank Bldg VKRV cholen 4 or (.-room Z o k..,t "r'rlt""1 " "Vet Farnam Ht. W' RORRLVH IHO-j FARNAM BT. 27.V1 APARTMENT. In the Maewood at 2S11 Harney. Living room with disappearing bed and built-in writing desk and bookcases combined. Beamed celling, balcony and French window, with large awning. lrge clothes cloaet with eheval mirror. Kitchen hag millt-ln refrigerator, gna range and cup board rablnets comnlete I ... ,, 'n egulpped bath room. Storage room in basement. Note the location, also the price quoted above. ERNEST SWEET, tell Harney Ht. n . ., THE HOLLYWOOD. Excellent location near 2611 Harney St Three rooms and bath with large clothes closets. Kitchen fully equipped. Lsuindry and otorage rooms In connection. Rent WmCKLY. B,U BA,l(3A,N- ' ERNEST 8WEET. Office 2f.ll Harney St. D. 247 , strif aIVlk f6bioom,;ks: Night-room, modern. 2-tory brick house, 21st and Ilarncv, 40. tMM J- II. DUMONT A CO., IWI Famnm St. I'hone Douglas M A MODERN, newly finished, (-room apartment east front on southwest cor ner 2Wh and Douglas Stg. Inquire Frank Wilcox, S"07 Douglaa St t-RooM healed semi-basement oak and white enamal flnlah, West Farnnm dis trict. Snap. Call II. 1087. l2t-rni. mod, flat liw Cuming. W. 4i7 CHU'AOO ST., 2110-7-roon new modern GOOD locaUon for dtrT17oom modern nwr, iraoKitr point. v. 6701, Globe'Vanc&Storage Stores, moves, paoka. ships; X-horse van and nu?n, 1.25 psr hr.j storage 12 per ino. Satisfaction guar. D. 4X.it A Ty. 2.'K. IN looking lor a desirable i or 4-room apartment, atrictly modern, aee thoae In the Wright Block. 31S N, Irtth St. CREIOH. HONS & COMPANY. Phone Douglas 200, SO Bee Bldg.' BEAI'TI KL'L 0-room apartments. 3frTl41i llfTO mil" Pfloulars phone Douglas ALL kinds of flats. liV! Vinton. Tyler 177L T T A Moving vjuiuuii van i-mi Sill N I I'll at I none D Mors as. or H. tit STRICTLY modern, -up-to-date St. Louis flat, rooms; close la. Call Red 303. " " iii'wrni list, S.S.X. ilf 22d. DK.S1RAKLE apartment, 4 " rooms and in in xautornia apartments. lanltm-. Call Douglas 62SJ. . See Sl.-RtHM SNAP located at 2117-1. N. lh St.. The Ham- "li";-,;!; law MBt ot - 'or summer and s.J.60 for winter. See this at once. HAHIINOS HEVDEN. m14 Harney St. THE 8TREH LOW, Mth anu Vales. 4 and t-roorn apartments. Bargain Prices. PAYNE & SLATER COMPANY. Omaha's Rental Men, 1 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bidg OUDKN ANNEX louinfe, wita kltcbea ttea Council Bluffa PLEASANT 4 wnd 6-room apart mauls; JI.ngstsnce: 40No. 24th St. 212 X. i4Tli ST., 7 rooms, modern, ilu. VK K HPA Douglas Si! HouaeyecjilngapL liar. fll. 4248 HarneyT ,!UM", '""n Jllariiey(47; THREE and t-rooin, w7th!Tatn. cloae In In first-lass condition; newly deo.rsteo and cleaned. 8. JitXgli. Phone W. sslu thri:e-ri hY apartments Steam best. IxeBUtlful lawns. Janitor service, hot and cold water, large porches THE ROLAND. -n' inth and Yates, open today for Inspection. payne s Later company. vMiiana s liental Men, 818 Osnaha Nat l Bank Hl.lg THE HARNKY, FOI R ROOMS . Now located at XUMTJ Harney, new nearlng completion, disappearing bed In living room, mske practically i rooms sun pallor, good light, plenty ventilation' verv thole, location., half block to car' Call us about thee, and xx. a 111 be very gla'l to show you through. HASTLNOS A HEYDEN, U14 Hamey St APARTMENTS. $11 to per month-4 rooms with Murphy beds, new and strictly modern. The Warren. $17 3. 38th St. $ii.08 per month rooms. In excel sant re pair. Th Harold. 27th and Jack, son Sts. $47.W per month 7 rooms, modern. Use Rldg . Ml H ih t. cKuitoE it company. 02 City National Hank BM( ..un. I'ougiag . J .-KooM, all uiodern. with janitor asrv I.: first floor. Lorraine Apis. 17th and Maple Sts. MengedohL Wsb. 271i o ROOM fist; mod. ex. heat: t&M N. joth. Conrad Young. 322 Biaadeia Theater. Dougias U7I: lia. SPLK.NlilD 4-room modern apartinenta near tha poetofflc Steam heat, hot water. Come quickly and take your choir. VVt.y pay car fare when you can be so ooanfortabl doe a to a. G. f. BteUhiaa. e KOH IlEXT Aaarlaeots wad Flats. St. Clare Apartm'ts fM and Harney, J.ist rompieted. 2. 2 aad 4 rooms. Hamy 47 or loiils M . KIVE-P.OiM apartment, Tha Chula Vista, Knu snd I'nppletoa. Conrad Young, 122 Urandela Theater. DoLglaa liTi VK.KY IjKSIRAHLE broom. ateam heated, strictly modem flats of excep tional quality. ria n. walklnr dls- t Alice. IP'l N. I'rliis rsonslle I'th st .1 HViK. o r-)CK ROOM.-. C;7he"-1v t 2M7 Howard r't., a nifty ft. Louis fiat i within ensy a diking dletntice. htirfnln, t-i ' PAYNK A. HLATEK COM PA NY. i Omaha a Rental Men. i 16 Omaha Nat l Hii't Hiii. I " KLAt"r)RKE."T 2 NfCW. Is'itlful fists. No. r.3d built; osk finish, nice sleeping porch t ' ". r line, t. If you mant a cnmfnilahle. ni rial I VV"IL"'. "1?vr in,n " hls today riA"l IV.K IIKYHKN, 114 Hsrney. THE HriKSON, :ir mtii avk. Five rooms, consisting of large living room and dining room, aith built-in bnf fett, panel walls, two bedrooms, kitchen with gas range, refrigerator, built-in cup. board, within walking distance. Jnnitor will show you through or ca'l us and we will take von out. HA8TINOS . HEYDEV. MM Harney 7 -ROOM flat, modern, aT'iTming" 12-ruom hour-, modern, 4219 N. Tttli O. C. REIilCK, Attormv. 2!t Omaha National Hank itldg. Telephone Dntiglaa l-rij. 4-KoOM fist, newlv pHterel and var nished; 2424 Leavenworth Ht.: IIR per month. Apply J. f. Kemp. Douglas M7. ('HOICK APARTMENT. 1007 S. SOU. Ave. Wx large rooms: will de.orate to suit; steam heat, hot and cold water the year round: Janitor service: gas ranges, shades, curtain rods, refrigerators, private laun dries; private porches: ll.Voft. PAYNE SLATER COMPANY, Omaha's Rental Men. 1 Omshs NaH Bank Bldg. SIX-ROOM brick, ail churleei street, first floor, oak finish, new and up to the minute; gas. hot water heater, screens, W'lndow shades, elnhorale. elc(rir. lOrl, fixtures furnished. .I'jsl finished de.-o. rating walls, stenciled and t.sinted .111, flatone.' 1 it ihi i., ti,i. 1. I the best -room nws hiilldlna. and csn he hud for t-V per month. rp Tj 1 niVPr iilOS. 7ft"i Omal.n Nut. Ila.ik Rldg. Red 4721.' ATHIXiNH A PAHTM ENTH. 4 rooms, new. close In. at lth and Douglas Sts.: every latest Improvement: vacuum cleaner free; water paid. Call us or Janitor. PETERS TT.rST COMPANY, 1t- JEarniun St. Phone Doug. Ssh 1114 NO. 21'blT.-'r."fnodbrl kflat, steel range, gss stovej kitchen cabinet and water rent paid, S17. 2BP B'tOS., IXL'a. 1A. 12J fMiiiTlnVsV.T-rrll mod. aptl22.150. (" No. 17th St., ft-r. all mod. apt.. IJi.DO. U0 Ho. 2ith Ave., -r. all mod. flat, good location to rent rooms. $?r. RAPPBROH., DOl'O. 1KB Iw. VERNA, 'lM2Cailtol Ave., modern apartments. also furnished south rooms, private porch. Boara nad txeeaaa. i, one meals fn e-h it - m7'T.',;Y1TTTTJG'T Try 2 YOI'NQ working men, private family. In walking distance: full particulars first letter. D 410. Bee. ON Farnam car line, large room; board options! ; reasonable. Coll Harney B"OM and board for ta-o; private resi dence; II. park line. 1707 Park Ave. Famished llansekeeplnsr Rooms. CliBE In. mod., reasonabls. 22V Farnam, 11112 MASON. 2 nicely furn. mod. house keeping rooms: priest, family. II. 400J. a MOD., in Dundee. Call H. 268J Firnlsheal Fx.nul. Five rooms at 2S24 Cass St.: only 11 00. Mfty thorns, all new furnishings, rea sonable prices. Colonnade Hotel. 2474 Harney St ITRN1SHKD room and board. If desired. in private family, for two Jewish men; reasonable. an)g Webster St.' TWO elegant rooms In private family. d2S Park Ave.' 7 N. 22d: elegantly furnished, strictly mod., homelike; reasonable; walking dls. SOUTHEAST room, nicely furnljhed. prl vate family, for young business men or women, 113K So. Slst. II. S41X.' 1 Wo clean furnUhed front rooms for housekeeping, 60. UH No. 2Hd.' R. R. men. modern room, private fam lly. near depot; reasonable. Call Red MM HOUSEKEEPING and furnished rea sonable. 405 North 1th street. FURNISHED rooms, private family, I WAlklntf .... . &, . I parlor, no children. 1204 8. 26 Av. T. 22;V4. ST. MARY'S AVK., Mi. Pleasant loom for gentleman. MARRIED couple have desirable rooms v.for..mn nd u' or ladlaa. Call 22) X. 1M St SCITABLE for 1 or 4, inonern, oool prl vetehome Inquire 801T Douglas. SOL'TH front room. strictly modern, JcoualtovaBhin; 1H' Corhy. Web. IS'4. 8-ROOMurnlshedrhcrust.- iroia July is tu neptember I. H Stflo. NICELY furnished southeast rooms; young men or business women preferred. 11B S. 31st St. Phone Harney S41J. ' FRONT tarlor on firat I loor, single room I on second floor, both suttah.e for 2 gen i ie men: modern, cool: board. Web. Mis Room In private fan illy. 1 or 2 gentlemen wmaa wile; board If desirsd. D, ikL lAHOW room for two. $10. W. Mi FURNISHED room for rent for lady. 1107 No. 40th. or x'ell Harney J.-JSJ. Furalsbed It oasekesptns Rooms. TWO newly furnished, modern house keeping rooma. ass. llaau. cloa.m u ; S7U Dewey Ava. Faralshed lleeses. Ml furnished home for rent for one .'c. e iiarney ni in one ll. is.i. I. 1871. riTouscT l IX-IU)i 111 completely turnlfhe.1 house PWl Ulnney si. Telephone W. ("M COXY home, fine rooms, flrwt floor, lur nlahed or unfurnished, liij So. 32d St., Jlanscom patk. EXCELLENT location, part of store, suitable for millinery or hair dressing parlor; satisfsctory terms. Address B. 4 e2 Use. -KtHiM modern bouse. .14 Urand Axe. Ilosirkeriilut Itnoosa. 7K K. Mil St. -Houeeaeeplna and sleep ing rooins; n.od bouse. Phot T. l.i-xV CO. Irth ST.. T.'S iloustix.wplng rooms en suit.; first floor; also a.eepina rooma Tyi-r lf;'l W. THREE nice secoud-Iloor loorua, modern houte. 'lei. W ebeier ts.JO. Ma. tele and Apartaseata. CALIFORNIA Hotel. lth and California. Weekly rates $1 and up. Douglas Tosl XDa.N HOTEL, rooma 12 Der Council Bluffa eea, IOl.lb HOTKIModern. KeaaonaUe. UafnrnlsBietl ft..s.e. CLEAN, newly furnished, large, 8 rooms ensulte; housekeeping complete: spi.a did location; enly Ii7j a eekx. xaa Parker St. FIVE i-oiins. gaa. xxsi.i sexxind floor. Tyler liel. Joepli krejlo.' and bath: on I 11 S. lth St STRICTLY m. Klein; ressonaDie. N. akh St. Call 3t 1HRKE modern unfurmah.J iooios for Pent tvruaekeeBtr.g. 17 Pooplston Ave. Maiasa sta i.tlss. 12-ROOM mooein house with am; hot water heat. -JS'.i Harney St. laxiuira T J. O Brlaa. U. .1JH, D. 111. ROB RE XT Ilaaaea aad lattaaea. M1 7 ROOM A. parlor extending across the entire front of the house, oak fin ish, (olonnade openings; fout bed room and bsth; fins neighborhood : nenr car. AMERICAN KI.CT.RITY COMPANY. 17th and I'oufjss Sts. I'ouglss fc.ia HOCBF.S AND COTTAriiS " PARTLY MOPEHN. 5-r.. n Po. Wth. very i lose In. 15. K-r., mi Nli holss ft , for inlored peo ple. MODERN KXCEPT HKAT. 5-r , 10 Charles S -.. 4v No. h, is. ,--r. t K:ifi So. J'A uiv clos. p. 5.0. '-I., IIS No. 17th St . vciy clo In. -r., 4Ji:; No 34tii. i S r., 'J413 Indiana Ave, a tonl cottage v. ill ret;t to colored peo'.ie. jnHn Ave., rood fott.,e. Will rent to coloie.l people, 1:2. t-r , 12 California, close In, newlv dec.v rated, new plumbing fixtures, bargain at STRICTLY 5IODEP.N. t-r.. J Ptl No. :Wd, choice cottage, bargain at 1-4 ti-t., So. Mil Ht., choice new cottage In Field Huh district, lift. 7-r . 4nn.' Charles St., choice rletache l house in good residence district, nenly derorate.1 throughout. l?2.tVl. -r., Jf.T Chicago, very close In, n gcxid rooming hocie, 40. -r , jfS Karnam." cliol" brlrk dwelling within walking distance business section, $42 So. i0-r.. 24'0 Bristol, a large brick dmelliug ulth pood barn, bargnin at $27.50. FLATS. 4- r.. Mil Howard, a choice ft. 'Louis flat xerv close In, $2..'i0. 5- r, 7iS Ho. 28th. choice Hat, bargain I at ijj. i-r., wr no. lMtn t., very choice Hal within esv walking distance, $;!: fV. -r.. 2l No. ath HL. close to Crtlghton college. min. H IC.V FED APARTMENTS. We have choice heated apartment In all parts of the city ranging In mice .101111 119 up to Xc. Call at our office and we I will gladly show you through them. j Oct our complete printed list befot " U.IV.VE PLATER COMPANY. X, ' x- ."'x?1 u,e5, . . ti H OllIB it uf VtunW U I , I a- Ji PER MjNTH. This Is a neat and attractive Mml.hunlnlnw 01, b hlot ), near car line and school. In a splend'd wffii.n wuii inec rurroun.onas lino, in unrl good neighborhood. The entire mt Is r'led and sodded: shade trees In front and young fruit trees set out in back 1 Large front porch with heavy rsJllnc. ' n.rav' "k door with full bevel plate ! vestibule entrance to the living ' roMtn. Pretty colonnade opening to large I dining room with bay window to the south. ILrge kitchen and pantry, in side entrance to basement. Two fine bed rooms with big closet for each, large bath room with heavy 4-lnch roll rim porcelain bath tub, wide lavatory with apron, low-down water loset, hot and cold water. Polished oak floors, electric lights wtlh pretty electric shower fixtures, Oaa In kitchen. Living room decorated In a rich warm tan stippled finished oatmeal paper; . Din- lng room in dark brown: paneled be- i... ni- 1 - -1 Ti ow i'ibm I 1 , 1 1 1 H KUll k tail nuvtv. I Mi' Tru in s.'HIn stilpes. It Is a good, well built and enzy little home, lou can own It eaally. I will sell to reliable party for 2oq cash, m In W days and monthly pay ments of onlv IJO. The monthlv payment ments of" onlv $J0. The monthly pay ments cover the Interest. This will moke a nice a. ' !,-.' w a , I .! 1 this house for you for enough to coxer the monthly payments if you do not want 10 uxe in 11 voureou. Dee nie uniay a esrlv ss possible. The price on this prop- ; ertv l attractive and will sell quickly. I Take Benson car, get off at Hist St. and r"" "outn N"- pllon Kenaon 1-i F. S. TRI'LLINUER.' ertv l attractive and will sell quickly. -ii-irt rwTS i PLETON AVE., moms, j 8 firMt: modern. First clars house In class neighborhood f.-'-20l S. Central Blvd., 8 rooms, -;iod- rn. facing Turner Pnrk. em 40 fiOl Park Ave . 7 toons, modern tlO 4202 Cuming. 7 rooms, modern. &t ; N. 42d St.. 6 rooms, modern. 1:13.50 sat s. yd St., 10 rooms, modern. $2 J.V.I4 Douglas, 3 rooms, modern. J27.50 Sherman Ave., 7 rooms, modern. 42: 7 S. 16th St., rooms, m(.ern. 2iV-lKH N. rjd St.. 6 rooms. mo3ern.' $20 4.117 N. th St.. ( rooms, modern. t.'O 45n7 Marcy St., u rooms, modern. $17 S24 S. 22d St.. 5 rooms, modem ex cept heat. No. 14 Shelby Court. 15 M13 X, 30lh St., S rooms, modern ert'-ept nest 14 12f'S Pacific St., S rooms, water. $133401 Parker St.. 4 roonn, toilet Inside. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. 1R22 Fsrnam St. Phone Douglas f. A. P. TFKEY SON. FOR RENT. HOrrtES. 271"! J.'o. 26th, rooms. Z717 rharlea, rooms, mod. ex. heat, t'.u. 2222 So. 31st. U rooms, all modern, VI.. 3112 Leavenworth, 8 rooms, all moder.i $37 SO. 301 So. 37th, 8 rooms, all modern. $5i. 1301 So. ST.th, 8 rooms, all modern, '&. ATTACHED HOl'SES. " 4004 Harney, 8 rooms, all modem $40. 11.13 Burt, 8 rooms, all modern. $4S. ?I3 No. 21st, 8 rooms, all modern, . 7.17 No. Slst. 8 rooms, all modern ?.vx 2s08 Farnam, T rooms, all modern, $00, FLATS. 712 No. 23d. 5 rooms, all modern, 2222 No. 19th, 3 rooms, mod. ex. heat M APARTMENTS. Apt. 4. 1712 Burt St.. 3 rms. all mod, 2n. A. P. Tt'KEV SON. 441-42 Board of Trade Bldg. Dong 502. FOR KENT. 2.'th St., i-r. cot tag mod. eic, 1906 X. hest. blinds, fine shape. $20. 1537 N. Wh St., double parlor, kitchen, hall first floor; 4 bedrooms and bath sec ond floor: blinds; fine shape; $13. P107 lliace Bt, 7-r., mod. ex. heat, close In. t!. 24o X. mil St.. 8-r., mod. ex. heat; rernge; fine shnpe: $-"0. W22 S. ICth St., 6-r. cottage, mod. ex. heat; nice location: $13. W. O SHR1VF.R, 1017 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas l&tt. HO I ' K9 A LL MODERN -123 X. 24th 7-r., newly decorated, nice yard $23. Oo 23x13 Dexiey Ae.. S-r.. walking dis tance $27. M .'.21 S. 24th Axe., -r close In; very reusonable $27. V 4150 Cas St., 6-r.. very deslrahle, Farnam car line 3U.00 :15 Dodge St.. 8-r , brick, fine con dlltlon, concession to good ten ant $J6.xsj iX N. 40th, 8-r.. detached brick, cor ner, garsre, ?tt.00 FLATS ALL MODERN. 'Xll Leavenworth, s-r., 1 blocks from croesiown car $27. j0 121 8. 30th. 4-r., bath, dlaappeaiing bed In living room, close In $10.00 li'6 Wirt St.. C-r., brand new, fine residence street $32.50 725 S. 27th. S-r., on corner 8. on HOl'SES MODERN KACKPT tlliAT js,,j Charles, 8-r.. newly decorated. .15 Oo - V. N- !- nice et.eet $!S.W , 221 N. .'Sth. 7-r, newlv decorated. .. .U.Q0 I FLATS MODF.RN EXCEPT J1EAT. i S.T1I N, iiltn, Vr " $15.t0 I 21 8. Pith. 8-r IH ' 2n7V B. 1th. 6-r $14 40 1S N. 24th, 6-r $17.00 l,i S. Wlh. 7-r ....$. 00 MOlERN APARTMENTS. Bosworth. Sfl7 Howard. 2-r. and both; cool, cosy, convenient. private porch 130. ut) 4) s. 81t. 8-r.. first floor, flue neighborhood $23.00 I'rbsna 1317 Park Axe., 6-r. and bath: high class: one-half block to Hao'com Psrk $e 00 ,RV3TR' 'F''-W AL-1' COM.s -v Tyler irS. -1-U-l4 State Bank BUg 1028Sxr4r.trr St.. 8-r., Pt. modern. $13. 2.M1 So. th St., -.. xitv water, $'.S 1.'2 Dupont St., -r., pt. modern. $11. 10M So. 22d H., -r., city watei, 311. 1411 Westerfleld. 4r . city wster, $n. yxio So. mth St., 4-r.. cisteni, IV XS3 So. lth St.. 4-i., city wrter, $S. 2 So. 8th St, 4-r.. ctty watei, V rj Center St.. 4-r.. well. $. C'REIOH. SONS (k COMPANY. Douglas iVM Bee Building.' 4RObMSpait mooern. $10 Tel. W ;"i ill-SeWASt FLATS FOR"RKNT7 $40.tO :(40u Burt street rqoms, modern garage. $x5oo ;nli ltayette Ave.. rooms, modern, hot water he-tt. IV 00 tJl Paik Ave., 8 room, mod.rn flat. $J1.M 2ji St. Marx 's Ave . I rooms. mod.rn. except heat $20.00 118 Howard street. 8 rooms. 2d floor. tn.U 'Jsil Sherman Ava. i rooma. all In bent repair, fine Urge rooms, new plumbing, flxtoree. etc OEXIROU ax COMPANY. Pbaaa I 7b. an City Nat 1 Bank Bldg LIVE WIRE BIJSLNESS MEN of Omaha A. B. C. of Omaha A Diamond gives you that prosperous look; best of quality, lowest prices, tsks elevator and save monev. West era Wstch Jewelry Vo . 217 Karbach c ORnETT. the man that cleans every thing Hat i leaned and blocked. iet jour fall clothes riesned now Low Low prices, neat work, prompt service. IL erv free. 1HT. Harnev !t. ronr. VSi. FOR auclioneerlnk' of at 11 kinds ol lewelrv and irenersl marh. arlte H Roth iui iiAoei.. I,g. 5-0 fant ve.rsexenVn" V' TV urv,r, : :- - V It LI. HA Boiler Coir,iouiid Co.. a boiler yjl compoiina tor sick boners, dls v. ,, '"'' boiler scale, not boiler Iron. ,2 .do" not p" flu' "ly removes old sale. adds efficient y nd economy to your boiler plent. Csll or write for esti mate ;2 omaha Nat. Bank D. 3157. alter C p. m., and on Sundavs D. MS. NL and second-hand electric funs and rnutora. LeBron Eiectrlo Works. "1 S. L'th Douglas 21 75 0 IJouc !JrZ"L'. ili'.ui"!' inHiTrgiiea a . 1 1. 1 . - i. - iriitlier ina 1 1 , rs.-ts.CaH or wrlle for prices PtANu tuning. R. Brandon. I ea.-sHt ilayden's. Recommended by best "'lans IV 4132 ((tin ysth Axe VACf M cleaners, 9J, . C V. a few days onlv. Ouard your health. nnUry service Co S01 Roe B'idg lAE rent, repair, sell needles and parla ;V PRaSka 7-Y,CLFnacon"- -acT" ' " Kfh and Harney. Douglas l" coantaiita. jiki.vii 1 1.- A V' r'!i v' ,T'iOMAS COMPANY. '- L'.' Jl"t-J?nk JlJdgTyw I8:n 41 Murkln.. -L'."jL''.':''lnes. 4t S. . , I --' :Vr?ly. VVales. W. O W. V sxs . . . . - 1 1 " gsels tteunirlna. - - ... . -r' '!. u, 4i. tnciioneers. . ; D"Wd Auction Co., jjs y. o w Led :CH Architects. Clarence u- ylK),),,nn .,., , ,.. Ii. D. 4Jf)7. iiifirii s:Dodds. m.. Paxi on D. 2WS1. raelons. IS ri 1 - - nalr- have. reck shave. 117 Far HATHS, i;0: 8HAVF t.v TT7 ,1th. nine Prlutlng. lira as Foundries. Pvontltcheii r(, rth rni Ma rlhe Sr. llalMlna smdHeiTnr ; y r-nivrt r,, ' ,rlu" ' ' riA.- I A fill Parton m ( ' . 1 ''allfornta La litis, W. T. Smith Co.. lilt ritrK.t 01. rx Card : ' Office door le'.'g. Mynster. p.r Rk rx , , , 1 " "B. F. A WOOD .I4d r -l . ..... i I (.MI1.1 : 1 . ! J Lawrence. D f. 232: HowarJ. D. S4f.i ! L. Geddis. D, ! l. Geddis. D C. 221 1 Tz '- I v K.Piirvlance. D.C. j I.. C. HAYE,, D c" Bee ll tln, Dmm 42S 4c Pax .Rlk. TTU2. f60 Bee Bide. P.. China. PalntinaT "n Letchforrt. decorstlna. firing. R. 1H? "--"Binwrs. 1 M .1. LACY. SIR REE RLrirj enm Hritaratora. TePharpIe Srarstir Cocth ft Far imnulag Instruction j l.st mo. summer rate,. Mockl. ,. D.JltbV Turpln s Danrln- ... ry. 2Sth t Fam Dentists. Dr. Bradburw No Pain. 1.-.00 Farnam , y.. c-iu aiveniar dentistry. 401 Brandeie I .ln0'ili!l ty Sufi inT: Taft Dental Rooms '-'17 Douglas. D. Detectives. 3AJ'S ALLAN. 312 Neville Blk. Fvl dence secured In all eas,8. Tyler mi Neb."' Addre;" ' Box 472. Omaha, Drrssma kl ns. " Terry Dressmwk-T col, ere, 2.h Fsrnnm Lxperlence of all k.nde day work, reason- . - . -i'u..-, x . 1 . BI'MMKR drensos a apeclalty. Wb807u" Sewing any kind reasonable. roug.-HL'l5. Drugs. DnrS at cut prices: freight paid on $t? ord.-is: catalogues free. Sherman A McC onnell Drug Co . Omaha. Neb ion ri:xt ilonsee and 4 ottaaes. DETACHED HOl iKS. 1J0S Georgia Ave.. 8-room. modern, excel- ieni repair, tawu. cnoice location, 81o. iii n. .ii in .xx'e u nuimu vn i,.., nA ..u . : birhood. 83: 14 N. 17th. suitable for roonwers, Q rooms, modern except furnace, 88. 1113 S. 2h St., rooms, modern, ( heap rent. Jij. Ii4j Ooorgia Ave., 7 rooms, modern except heat. $.5. . . . 2ril! N. JUli St., 6 rooms, modern, excel lent repair, cheep rent, t& 2V Hickory, 6 rooms, buth, no heat, $22.0. 2it Spencer, 7 rooms. modern except furnace, large yard. $23. MM Capitol Ave., ; rooms, modern. $23. 1"12 N. 24th St.. 7 rms., gits city water, $20 ISO s. -jsth Ave., 6 rooms, cottage, bath, good, fan. 211S X. 17th St., 3-rm. cottage, $lfi.M. .ll uavenport St.. 5-r)om cottaae nlc bath. $1S 2.i"l Snencrr St. 4 i m ltv mi-. 1M7 N. 21st St.. 6 rooins, cltv water, Iii. 1 uX.a S 84th IX . S-riwra cottage, r-sar Far- I nnm Kt t19 .1011 KienkiiM -..r... . .... I.... . " " ". irr, lonei. will paper, clieuo rent ti? ?4I2 Lake St , 3-room cottage, ti OAHV1V BROS, Wi Omaha National Bank Bldg.' SEPTkMBER 1 to small family. 7-room iii-uae, inoaern, naru wood flovis dow siairs. .; and California. A t Wakcley. Omaha Nat'l Doug, r.aj j. xval.ki.no JUlarANt:i.-27 Dewey Ave., strictly modern .-room brick renldence. hot water heat, combination lights, pol- Iched floora. large lignt basement vn'.nr loth. Lady will show houoe. W. W. trit ..nxxor.i. uwner, is-tj eptneer Ht. Web-; - Burtielte St. n-i . icoloie.li !.: 32 X. 24th. hot water heat. ri 2 8. 41st. hot water heat, $2.1. Fat, 2303 Leivenwo th. 6-r.. $o 1515 X. 20th, 8-r.. I:D. 111 Itard St , -r.. 117. 15 3 N. )7th St., -r.. $18. JOHN N. FIIENZER. Douglas X4 Burdette St., i-r. Icoiored) $13 1315 S. 2wh, 8-r., all modern. $:7 M 216 X. Hth. 8-r.. modern, $2i. 6S0 8. Kth Ave.. 6-r.. a'.l mod., $ 0. 1121 I.eaxenxxorth, 8-r., mod. ex. heat 130 1-16V, 8. ith. -r. .a 1 mod.. 27 f-o :rt Maron. 7-r.. all modem. $37.. ii61 Farni.ni. 7-r.. all modern. :20 X. ISth. all m dern 12-r , ;. i2K lavenorth. 10-r.. mod. x. heat. THE BYRON REED COMPANY. I iKiuglaa l7. 212 8 17th St.' 1114 tleorgla Ave., 8 r., mod., eleo. lights. li-8 Farnam. I-r each, 17 :i. flat mod ex. heat. 1313 Davenport. 8-r . mod. ex. best. $-'0. 1 tirace. and 2012 N. 18th. 10-r.. mod each J2 6T 8218 X. Suth Ave.. J-r . $16. 2.07 Douglas, f-r., $12 .So . FARNAM SMITH 1 CO., 11X) Farnam 8 - j 281$ WOOLWORTH Ave., , -r.. ini.il., $.i. ! . I it 1-r $4): I fJAi Chlcato. 8-r . mixl i liul.t li:i..k..l, r if , t !. x Jnli. -r.. mod , K. I 70 Karnsrn, s-r.. mod.. t 1J4 N -4th. li-r.. mod.. $40 RlNOVxAl.T. Brandeis Toeat'r B.dg. U-TOD 7-rom house, nudern except l.t 122: adulu only. 1 Cs 'dwell, walk Ins distance. Webeter S718 8-ROOM house: modem except bath: rent, lis. TeL Doug. 348 4-reoas; $U; cr. 18th aad Yiotoa; up-ataua. Flertrlr Saptlles. LEBRON KifC Wkv , si nth. d. r7. NEW and s.M-onrl. Iiaml elec tric fans inn motors. LeJlron F.lcctrlo Works, 31 S. 12tn lKugias ;7 Everything lot iVears. Plumes made over, cleaned, dyed, curled. Bertha Kruger. 4C1' i'axton Blk. D. ST4. JiEMSTlTCJIING Ideal Pueton and Pleatlrif Co.. 107 g. lfith. Woman's Exchanee. 4S? Pax. Rlk. R. 4912. tonrrrte Kaglnerrt. (TlagneMn-Wells Co. 420 State hank. P. rIt. Farriers. BEN FTNPTFR. Ut N. t4th St. W. 7TT7. Florists. L. HENDKRSON. 1319 Farnam. D. 1 Memtr Florist Telegraph Del. Ass'n. I HESS SWORODA, 1415 Farnam BL ) B i - DONAIR'E. 1123 Hnrney. Doug. 1001. B ATH'H florists. 1804 Farnam Ht t l Sterk Hfinrdln, IMAHA Remedy Co.. 607 S Mth. Red 4X1 imr siresalnb.'. Harper Method. P. fi. Falrd Pldg. P. SfilL Llghtlne-. Fiilut-i itxi ft Wiring;. THOMAS DURKIN Liectrlc fixtures nnd supplies, contract ing ami rx'DHlr work done reasonable. 241 CI-MINQ. DOUGLAS Massenaea. !. J.eobg, Maag.. Bath. Wee. Trt P.m. I Rlttcnhouse Co., 214 Balrd Bldg., 17 D. a : 4 i. r 4 t t. 'V BATHS. HCIEN- I 1 1 J , .l.x.x.i .iiaiin. Tliric xua'iinB 1 Wa Fsrnrm Pt. Apt. 5. 3d floor. D. 8681. Miss Rex. Mass.. 224 Noville Rlk, 10 to t. , Miss Fisher, nians.. elect, treat't. Red RQ36. I Message, Mlsstfihaxm. R. gJ4. Neville ClkT IMASSAOE. 10? 17th St. Mrs. Steele. Mrs. Snyder, eloc. ti t- 1408 8. 8th. D. 43SO. ' i svinK orrBiii1 mox'emenu fia ' "-" Hee RKIp. Donglae 6372. CLARA LEE. message. Douglas 8751. I F.f FPTRT nMAesAOK. bath, miss ! '" 'Upciiurch. 214 pqlrd Bldg. i Masssge, Miss WaUon. R. 234. Neville PdltT j Msnl.-iii Ins. Kathleen Mack. Doug. 7682. Mesaenarer nnd Transfer. WHITE LINK, yw H- Iltrt. Douglas 8313. Milliner?-. W1TCHBB from combings, 11.50. Psyche rre Mrs. 11. M. kck. 3on Marcy. H. 64 ! - Moxtnir, StosXKe nni' t'leaalag. V. C. FERRIN. ir.th Rhd Capitol. Ty. 1200. OcnIUIs. Eyes examined, glsaes fitted, pay aa yoit can. Dts. McCarthy. Mil W. O. W. Bldg. I'slrsm. II. A. Sturtes, 6H6 Rrandels Theater Bldg. ! Painting. 1 PAINTING and papering. H. D. Gard- i J' I -"-- Ilex rluiontut. 1 ix .xi r. tvivx ." .lacimic xo., 110 8. 11th St Prlntlna- VVATERci-BARNIIART Ptg. Co.. auallty ' printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. ffi4 8. lath St i I'OI'GLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 844. ' L'yRi?V M'KEVZIK PTO. CO. D. 2644. I Ullj S-H ALL Ptg. Co., 1H20 Capitol. D. 1101 CH.NTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUO. 37C4. i ItuMPH l.itrrmlsuior. II R. R. Hoac.i Powder at your druggist .... ulid time. : Experts. ' AFE combinations changed, opened, re- sum llrpairlntf. I ''i'J'JP-Jg?-!80'-!1' J?' Av-. ! RFABO.NAHLK, r arnuni nep. to. aia s. 34. 1 Mrrl I elllngra. CART1CP. Sheet Metal Works, 110 B. 10th. More nnd Office Sis tares. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv I lng, etc. We buy, seli. Omaha Fixture j ?"d ""P'y Vo 414-l-lli S. 12th. D. 3724. I Toxvel supplies. OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 S. 11th. D. 523. Trunk and, suitcases. iTEINL. 1808 Farnam St Veerlnorlna. I DR. O. R. YOU NO. 403 Center. H. 6061 Window screens. Om. Window Screen Co.. 1823 Nicholas 6t I Wines nn.l Lli son. ALEX JETES. 201-3 8. 13th Bt Wines. 1 1 q uors. cigars. Plate d Inner 11 to 3. 10c. ULOBK Llnuor House, 421 No. 16th., 2 qts. cold beer. Kc, Write for price list D.4K2. HENRY POLIOCK IjduoihriOUBBr 15th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. Kverrbndy Reads Bee Want Ada. KOK RENT Honses and ( ottagn. i 10 ROOMS, modern except heat $20 If : rented soon. 134 Burdette 8t Phone en. ;i7sa. i-Ri.iOM cottage, gas. good walks, large "ii, reaaonaoic. au-i itionao Bt. XV. 30tU. I IoiiRpa ln 1111 PTts of tha olty. uuu" Crelgh Sons A Co.. Bee Bldg. FOR EEN7! " We have a complete list of all houses, tpartment and flats that arw for rent. This list can be seen free of charge at 9 "'ha Van A Storage Co.. 808 8. 18th St. Free Rental List Complete Information about every Ta rsi, t house and apartment In the cltv. This service la free. Tel. Douilu um ! Fidelity Storage A Van Co. I "J U - ROOM cottage. 2724 Ohio. W. 4633. Fidelity Storage Co. Storage, moving, packing auU ahloolng. I ifi t, i,.k. ii,. knn. rx..--ni7; NONE to compare, all modern 7-room 1 house, also 4-room fiat. 220 No. 28d. IMaggard's van and stor age Co. Reduced Large van, 3 men. 1123 Der hr .in. j men. II per hr. 1713 Webster Doug. 146. ! T Ti Jlixp. Co. m I I . fPPM packing & it J V' 1VCU J, y'fl, : - - "'""' P: moving, storage. tilti; .,y.M " modern, free water. 4N. 'Xlth. Tel D. ;5J0. I vjvooil JijnJouaejJDlO Dorcas. D. 62ia Nii r-'o"!'," hous- ImiulreTlSuriija i t. Call Harney 37. U-ROOM cottage, modern except heat ' bJ?.',: "ii" bath.l. Ohio St. V. 371s. ' AvD. hm' mo' ht.. 83 Park I WEST Farnam. M N. 38th Ave., most I modern 8 rooint. 2 baths. $&0 o I J3-ROOM modern house, with barn, hot T'f,?,'rhfat- H-rr"'y t. inquire : Xiijyri"?1. -J4 or D "la. o ' See Our Rental List. ! Bankers' Realty Investment Co. j C-rouna f. or Bee Bldg. Tel. Doug 3038 . g-r.. KilljJ U -rih 1 1 1 a. i .... j I ,lLl . J viupiieu, OSK .......... r "V . lOXMLlUll, nice sleeping ponn, jf.oo. I HA8TIXUS & HEYDEN. 1C14 Harneys " FOR COIjIRF.n In $it 1915 water' toilet cloae HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 114 Hamy MODERN SPECIALS. Heated apartment, near Crelghton, 3 car II" os, eusy walk. 837.50. -r- and hail, square, very modern. 1 I Hock No 24h line. 827.50. , 1 t lose-In frame detached: roomerg; rooms sr. Urge hall; hot water heat, 15. O KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 11S Omaha National. Doug. 1714 CLOriE-IN BAROAIN. ijui Iry Ax., a choice brick dwell ing within eaty walking distance, con lxt!ng of 7 rj:ni, hot water heating p.aiu. rexluced to I ft PAYNE Jk SLATER COMTAKT, Omaha s Rental Men. 818 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg S-ROOU house. WJ8 No. lsth, modern ri. cept heat: reasonable rent to party wilts good references.'