Germans Sweeping on to Straits of Dover he Omaha Sunday PART ONE- NEWS SECTION PAOES ONE TO TEN. THE WEATHER. Cloudy VOL. XLIV NO. 10. OMAIIA, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 1914-FIVK SIXTH )XS TI 1 1 KTY-TWO rAGKS. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. Bee CZAR ADVANCING ON GERMANY AND AUSTROJUNGARY Russian Forces Take Offensive Along Entire Line of the Ene mies' Frontier. MOVEMENT BECOMES GENERAL St Petersburg Dispatch Say Ad vance is Progressing Everywhere Without Interruption. SHARP BATTLE IN EAST PRUSSIA Aviators Are Dropping Bombs on German Entrenchments and Military Buildings. AUSTRIANS BADLY DEFEATED Lose Thirty-Five Thousand Men at Fight at Drina, SERVIANS TAKE RICH BOOTY They Also Captnra Tea Tnoasaad PrttoMrt aad Sixty Com Many Anstrlans Drown Wall Try. Ins to Swim Rtvr. LONDON, Aug. 22. (11:48 a. nj.) In a dUpatch from St. Peters burg the correspondent of the Reu ter Telegram company says the Rus sian general advance both on Austria and Germany Is progressing without interruption. A big cavalry engagement of the northern army on Friday was a se vere blow to the Germans la east Prussia. .' An entire German battery (was captured. Aviators are throw ing bombs on the German entrench ments and military buildings. ' Three Austrian army corps are en gaged in the Auatro-Servlan theater of war.' They are wedged la . the junction of the Drina and Tadal riv ers. In a battle ef four days' dura tion the Servians captured sixty Aus trian guns. LONDON, Aug. 2a.(:40 a. rn) A dispatch to the Exchange Tele graph company from St. Petersburg says: ' "It is officially announced that the Russian 'army is now advancing along the entire Austro-German fron tier and successfully maintaining the offensive at every point of contact." LONDON, Aug. 22. (8:15 a. m.) Official sources confirm the re ports that the Austrlans lost 20,000 men In the three days' fighting on the river Nina and that General Le na an, the Belgian commander of the forts at Liege, Is a prisoner of the Germans and enroute for Cologne. LONDON. Aug. 22. (9:3b a. m.) According to a Central news dis patch from Rome, many Austrlans were drowned in their flight to the Drina river. The Servian artillery annihilated the survivors. The cor respondent says that 2 5,000 Austri ans were killed or wounded in the battle and that 10,000 were taken prisoners. LONDON, Aug. 82. (9:26 a. m.) A dls patch to Reuter's Telegraph company from St. Petersburg, sent under today's date, says: "After a brilliant Servian victory at Matschwa, the Austrlans fled toward the bridges of the Drina, pursued by the Ser vians, who captured rich .booty and a large number of prisoners, Including of ficers. They took forty guns, most of them howitzers, horses, ammunition and field hospital military kitchens." The Weather For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity Unsettled tonight and Sunday; possibly showers; cooler Sunday. SHOWERS Tempera tare at Omaha Hours. Deg. t a. m 6 a- m 7 75 T a. m Ti 8 a. m 75 a. m TS 10 a. m IS 11 a. m 90 U m S3 Local Weather kersrs, 1914 1811. 113 19U. lowest last night 73 M M &S Precipitation tt .0 .00 IM Normal temperatuie for toddy, 73 de giees. De.ieiency la precipitation since March 1, 5.27 Bju-hea. De.Uiency corresponding period. 113, I.Os Inches. Deticiency corresponding period, 112, .U inches. (.tnrral Weather Conditions. Showers occurred within the last twenty-Ion hours In th northwest, the upper valleys and lower lake region and heavy ruins fell In the eastern elate and on the ;ower Atlantic coast. It la warmer In the upper valleys this morning, but ts somewhttt cooler In the west. The weather Is unwilled In the upper valleys and northwest and the outlook la for unset tled weather and poss bly showers la this vie nity tonight and Sunday, with cooler Sunday. I A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. ml Prawn for The Bee by Powell. BODY OF POPE IS BORNE JO CHAPEL Scene Impressive One and in Flare of Candles Can Be Observed Eyes of All Dimmed with Tears. ABSOLUTION RITES PERFORMED Thousands Gather la Square ana Remain Until Dayligat, When They Am Driven Away hy Horn. ROME. Aug. 21, .orne by red uniformed members of the Sedlali, who, when he was alive, crrled..hlni in the aedan . gefttatorta chair, the body of Pope Plua X. dressed In pon tifical robes and miter and with the other, emblems of h!g sacred offices lying beside It, was taken today to the chapel of the Blessed sacrament in St. Peter's,' where the solemn rites of absolution were performed. , Thousands of persons previously had visited the throne room, where the body lay, to look upon the face of the dead pontiff, - and many of them wove themselves into the great procession from the throne room to the chapel. . The procession was headed by the bearers of the massive silver ponti fical cross and twenty cardinals and patriarchs, archbishops, priests and papal and court chamberlain and members of the Swiss noble and pal atine guards In their multi-colored uniforms. The scene was an impres sive one. Under the flare of the candles in the chapel could be seen the tear-dimmed eyes of prelate, priest, layman and papal guard. Especially affected were the bearers of the body of the pope. Barlal Private. The burial of Pope Pius will be private. This was decided upon today. The body was embalmed prior to Its removal to the chapel for the ceremony of absolution. Instead of the antiquated method of removing i the viscera and preserving it in a vase In the church of St. Vincent near the Quirinal, a fluid, which, it Is claimed, will preserve the body perfectly was injected Into the ar teries. ... The late pope's only brother, Angelo Sarto, arrived In Rome to day. From a handsome elderly per son grief had changed him to a broken old man. Great affection existed between the two brothers, and when, Angelo entered the mor tuary chamber today be fell to his knees at the side of the body, sob bing aloud. There he knelt for an hour, praying, the tears meanwhile streaming down his face and sobs convulsing his frame. Kindly hands eventually lifted the sorrowing man and led him from the death chamber to the apartment of his sister. Mourning throughout Rome con tinued today. All the theaters, mov ing picture shows and other places of amusement remained closed. Thousands of persons gathered in St. Peter's square last night and re mained there,'' some 'of them in prayer, until broad daylight, when a violent thunderstorm, accom panied by sharp flashes of lightning, drove them away. Weald Die Poor. The contents of the will of Pope Plus became known today. The testament Is (Continued on Page Two Col. Two.) The War Fever The National Capital Saturday, Ana-nat 23 101 4 The Senate. Met st 11 a m. The Smoot bill, for government pur chsne of l.VOiO.ttiO ounces of silver to re lieve American smelters, was debated. The. Honse. Met at noon Republican Leader Mann prevented unanimous consent for Immediate con sideration of the administration bill to establish war risks. Debate was continued on the adminis tration conservation bill. GERMANS REPORT A GRE AT YICTORY Official Dispatch Tellt-of "MagTiifi cent" Success Between Mete : and Voages Mountains. NO ADDITIONAL DETAILS GIVEN Armies of Allies Said to Be. In Re. treat, 'According; to Statement' by San ' Francisco ' ' Consul. WASHINGTON, Aug. 22. An offi cial German dispatch reports a "mag. nificent victory" of the German forces between Metz and the Vosges mountains. ND additional details are given. The German embassy received a report on the dispatch from German officials in New York through whom it had come and who would make known any details. New Phase. At the embassy it was regarded as opening a new and important phase, as chief Interest thus far had been centered on the operations In Bel gium in the regions 'along the Franco-German frontier, between Metz and the Vosges mountains,' one of th notable scenes of conflict of the Franco-Prussian, war. Summary of Sneressea. BAN" FRANCISCO. Cat, Aug. S.-The following summary of the German ad vance was given out here today at the Geiman consulate general, as telegraphed from the Germany embassy at Washing ton: "Brussels has fallen. The Belgians have retreated on Antwerp. Rushing German forces to Charlerol. The allies' army Is estimated st five French and three English army corps. If not de cUively defeated they are In full retreat. "The 8aax army has attached the French army and forced It back to the Belle river. "The eastern border Is all right. "Liibau has . been successfully bom barded." Darius Miller, Head of Burlington Road, is Critically 111 SPOKANE. Wash., Aug. 22,-It was an nounced late last night that relief for Darius Miller, president of the Chicago, Burlington & Qulncy railroad, who was stricken yesterday wtlh abdominal trouble In Glacier National park, Montana, had been sent In three trains one from Havre, one from Great Falls and one from Helena. At the same time railroad official who were notified of Mr. Mil lers illness by Louis W. Hill, president of the Ureat Northern, said that Mr. Miller's family was being rushed to Glacier park In a special train from St. Paul. Clearance Papers Refused Mazatlan SAN rRANCIBCO. Aug. tt-Clearance papers were refused the ateamer Mazat lan today by order of the Treasury de partment at Washington. The Masatlan is German owned and is laden with coal originally bought by the German consul ate here for delivery aboard the German cruiser Leipzig st sea. THE BEE'S EXPOSE OF LEGAL GRAFT WINS Minnesota Bar Association Demands Extinction of the Nonresident , Litigation Indnsry. LIGHT OF PUBLICITY TRIUMPHS Stlnsrlns; Of f lelal Report Caademns the Practice and Recommends legislation to Hake It Im possible In Fntnre. . TTjs .. Bjse's recent , exposition . of the industry in noi'residnt personal In jury and loss and. damage litigation built up "Minnesota; 'by"a 'tV alios lawyers.' his already borne fruit and promises more, The Minnesota Bar association, through Its ethics committee, made an Investiga tion. of Its own and found the situation precisely as presented by The Bee and now has 'brought In a stinging, report, denouncing the shady methods and recommending preventive drastic legisla tion.' ' ' ' : Incidentally It should be recorded that before this report, In fact. Immediately following The Bee's , expose, some of the lawyers began to "run for cover." The leading firm, Stllea & Devaney of Minne apolis, addressed a letter to the president of the Minnesota Bar association, assur ing him of its Intention to cut loose from this soft of practice, concluding the letter with this promise: We wish to announce thst we have de termined to refrain in the future from Instituting personal injury actions in the courts of Minnesota In favor of non-reM- dents where the causes of action arise outside the state. lilt Birds Flatter. The Bee received letters from one or two of these legal scalawags pretending to sneer at the exposition, which was putting them out of business, but that (Continued on Fage Four Col. Four.) Brandenburg Sails Despite Protest by British Diplomat PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 48. Loaded to the limit with coal and food supplies the North German Lloyd steamship Branden burg Is steaming down the Delaware river bound for Bergen, Norway.' This Is the destination given In the clearance papers, and the captain says the Journey will -require about two months. Despite the pro tests of the British ambassador In Wash ington, who declared that the Branden burg la an auxiliary cruiser of the Ger man navy, local customs authorities gave It clearance papers. The Brandedburg Is alow and its only chance for safety lies In protection by German cruisers. When the Brandenburg sailed its ap pearance was changed so that old mari ners failed to recognise It as the same vessel. Its buff colored funnel had been painted black, and paint bad altered the appearance of Its hull. In Its hold were 5, SOO tons of coal, an additional 1.0U0 In Its bunkers and between decks were stored 2,800 tons of supplies, said to be mostly foodstuffs. Luxuriously appointed state rooms ware loaded to their fullest ra- paclty with coal, and the air of merchant- man and passenger boat which It form - erlv possessed was ' one. lt Is stated that prior to the departure of the vessel Captain Schmets was super - seded In command by Captain Dietrich, on orders from Berlin. Captain Dietrich 's attached to the German navy auxiliary, He commanded a Japanese warship dur ing the Russo-Japanese war and took part In the siege of Vladvlstok. Both the captain of the Brandenburg and the German consul at Philadelphia denied that the Brandenburg was going to the relief of German cruisers. They made positive statements that the vessel was going to try to deliver Its cargo In Bergen, where the price of coal Is ex cessively , high. They said that oppor tunity for making big profits was worth the risk of capture by French and English warships. FOE IS ALMOST IN SIGHT BELGIAN ARMY CONCENTRATED BEFOREANTWERP Retreat from Points to South and West Conducted in Good Order and Morale is Unimpaired. OPINION BY FRENCH EXPERT He Says German Plan to Strike a Quick Blow at France Through Belgium is Failure. NAMUR IS PARTIALLY INVESTED Germans Are Making Attempt to Take Strong Fortress Between Liege and Brussels. KAISER'S MEN OCCUPY GHENT Another Force is Within Striking Distance of Ostend. HEAVY WAR TAX 'IS LEVIED Germans Make Assessment otForty Millions Against Brussels and Ten Millions Against the City of Liege. TAIUS, Aur. 22. (10:20 a- m.) Official Information made public today Is that the concentration of Belgian troops before Antwerp has been completed In good order. The morale of the troops has not been impaired. PARIS, Aug. 22. (:4S a. m.) Colonel Leonre ltousset, writing for the Petit Parisian, says: "The situation Is good. The slight setback in Lorraine is unimportant. On the whole, the German staffs plan of Invasion may be said to have failed. They sought to crush lis with a lightning blow, but it is we Mho will carry the war Into the enemy's territory. LONDON, Aug. 22. (0:85 a. m.) A Central News dispatch from Antwerp, forwarded today, says it is reported from Brussels that assur ance has been given by the Germans that they will not continue to occupy the capital, contenting themselves with having inarched through the town. MlM.F.TI. (Copyright, 1014. Krens Publishing Co.) COI'KNHAGKN, Aug. 21. Special Cablegram to the New York World and Omaha Bee.) Germany today Issued m rail for its last reserves. LONDON, Aug. 21. (Special Ca blegram to New York World and Omaha Ttee.) The Inhabitants of Liege have been Informed by procla mation of the burgomaater that the German military governor lias levied a tax of 10,000,000 on the province, the tax to be collected by the civil authorities. BULLETIN. LONDON, Aug. 22. The Dally Mail's Ostend rorresHndent tele graphing Fr'day evening at 6 o'clock ays: "The Germans are overrunning northern Belgium. They are now be lieved to be witli'n striking distance of Ostend. "Fifty thousand Germans inarched through Brussels, and are now in Ghent." Germans Shoot t'p I.leae. LONDON, Aug- 22 (12:30 p ,m.)-The correspondent at Amsterdam of the Keu ter Telegraph company has sent In the (Continued on Page Two Col. Three.) France Accuses Germans of Using Dum Dum Bullets PARIS, Aug. 22 (1.12 p. m.)-The gov ernment today calls the attention of the powers which signed The Hague conven tion, to Its report thst on August 10, fol- lowing an eiiKusenient, a French army ! surgeon found five durn-dum bullets oo ' th rod to Munotcr, Alsure. These bui ,eU were tn rlf!e C"I n'1 wr turned j : ver rrencn cuinmanait.g general, othr dum-dum bullets, taken from the bo" French soldiers killed in battle, j hve b"'n forwarded to the minister of war. British Reserves in United States Ordered to Report WASHINGTON. Aus. E.-AI1 British army reservists In the I'nlte'i etates have been ordered to place themselves at the orders of English consular officers In their districts. Great Battle of the Germans and the Allies Begun ANTWKUP, Aug l, (Via lon. don, 1:10 a. in.) A great battle be tween the Germans and the allied forces began fiatnrlay morning, ac cording to ' official announcement. The bnllle line extends from Namur to Charlerol, which lies about twenty miles to the west. LONDON, Aug. 2'i The official information bureau announced this evening Hint an artillery attack upon Namur by the Germans was now in progress. War Summary The German advance into Bel gium is going on ' apparently without serious check. Having taken Brussels, the troops of Em peror William are forcing 4helr way steadily and rapidly to the north and west. They have oc cupied Ghent and are approach ing Brushes and Ostend. They would appear to be endeavoring to overrun the whole of northern and western Belgium. At the same time they would seem to be drawing closer to the French frontier. Southeast of Brussels they are Investing the fortified city of Na mur, on the Meuse. It la reported from Antwerp that the Germans wllj not con tinue to occupy, Brussels, contents -ing- tuemsalvea " memly mlth marching through the city. This, howaver, may be altered by the attitude of the treasurer of Brus sels, who Is quoted as saying he will never pay over 140,000,000 demanded by the Germans as a war tax. The concentration of the Bel glum army before Antwerp Is said to have been accomplished tn good order and the morale of the Belgian troops Is reported to be unimpaired. While German patrols are close to Antwerp, no strong detach ments have been reported yet near the city. Whether or not the Germans will attempt to cap ture Antwerp, or simply Invest It, Is not yet clear. A Paris newspaper declares to day that general mobilization in Italy has been decided and will be proclaimed In three or four days. St. Petersburg announces offi cially that the Russian army Is advancing along the entire Austro-German frontier and at the same time successfully main taining the offensive at every point of contact with the enemy. A reported cavalry engagement of the northern Russian army last Friday Is described as a se vere blow to the Germau in East Prussia. It Is said an entire Ger man battery was captured in this engagement. Russian aviators are reported throwing bombs into German entrenchments. Further accounts of the re reported Servian victory over the Austrlans say the fighting lasted three days along the Drina river. The Austrian casualties were given as between 20,000 and 25, 000, while it Is said 10,000 pris oners were taken. The Servian artillery did effective work. Nlsh declares officially that a part of the Servian army has Invaded Bosnia and that another great battle la expected In the near fu ture. The time limit of the Japanese ultimatum to Germany demand ing the surrender of the German holdings at Klao-Chow expires on Sunday and Japan Is described aa fully ready to- proceed against the German position. A dispatch from Toklo says that the Oerman ambassador to Japan will sail for Seattle August 26 and that a num ber of German officials have al ready left Toklo. The news of the German occu pation of Brussels has been posted in Berlin. Conference at Home. HOME. Aug. 21, V'a Psrls The Itsllan ambassadors to Great Urttaln, France,,.. ..,, -r KuKxia. Autrta and Germany today held 1 of tt"am wer qult m'thout raanvf. The a tunrerence with Marquis I'l eanl "ilullano, the Italian foreign minister. I OF BRITAIN GERMAN PATROLS ENTERING CITY ON STRAITS OFDOVER Patrols of Invaders in Outskirts of Ostend. Across Water from Folkstone, England. FOREIGNERS ORDERED TO 00 Passengers Arriving in Britain from Belgian Port Tell of the Com ing of Teuton Foe. GOVERNMENT OFFICES CLOSED Every Preparation Made' to Render Town Open and Volunteers Being Removed. ENEMY ALREADY ARE IN GHENT Rapidity of March Due to Hasty Flight of Defenders. BRIDGES ARE NOT DESTROYED Spans and Itallroada Left TndU lurried br Retreating; Troops and Kaleex'e Men Sweep Forward. BULLETIN. LONDON, Aug. 22 (7:85 p. ro.) A dspatch to the Exchange Tele graph company from Ostend, says a big battle appears to have been tak ing place since this mprnlng In the environs of Charlerol. The greater portion of the German troops, according to this authority, have not yet passed the River pender. The Dender la to the east of Ghent ad Broges. - i i s ' LONDON, Aug. 32. According to a dispatch from Folkeeton to the Chronicle, passengers who have ar rived there from Ostend report that Friday afternoon German patrols ' were In the outskirts of that Belgian seaport. Several Englishmen and a numbei of Americans arrived at Folkstone tonight on the cross channel atearaer from Ostend. The correspondent of the Chronicle continues: "It is hard to believe," one of these travelers said: "That the Germans are really occupying a posi tion on the straits of Dover, across from the Englteh coast. When left Ostend Friday afternoon the Germans were already in the out skirts. It was expected that they would be occupying the city by the time our steamer reached England. Forelarnero Ordered to Co. "All foreigners were ordered to leave Ostend yesterday. The postof f ice and the government offices are closed and the inhabitants are In a ' condition of panic." The Express publishes a dispatch from Ostend stating that the Ger mans already are in Ghent and tbey will be In Bruges tomorrow. There was no resistance at Ghent. At Ostend, the correspondent continues every preparation is being made to rendei the town open. The civic guards Will be disbanded and 4,000 volunteers are being ' rerhoved from the port. The rapidity of the Oerman movements In Belgium was In a measure due to the failure of the retiring Belgians to destroy railroads and bridges behind them. These, facts must be faced, the oorre- . I spondent continues: A (ierman Province. "Northern Belgium is now a German province, at least temporarily, since tb battle has yet to be fought. j Ghent is only one hour by express from I Ostend; coneeqnuently the Oerman cav-i ! atry could arrive here at any moment I The populace of Ostend Is still Ignorant of the true situation. j A newspaper correspondent who arrived here tonight from Ostend said it seemed like an ill-timed joke to be told at the Belgian watering place yesterday that -the Germans would be there In an hour or two and that all Englishmen must leave. Children were still playing In the sands and there were many others on the beach. One could look along the Eepla-' nade and see the open Kursaal in the dis tance and waving Belgian flaga They Are C'omlne;." "We boarded the steamer Rapids" this correspondent said tonight. "A proaper ous looking Englishman sat next to me. 'I can hartly lose less than TOO pounds sterling.' he said to me, 'but all I think of , is the Intense relief from the appalling tension of the last ten daya The British consul sent me less than two hours ago, a message in which hs said in the king's name, I tell you to leave her y after noon; they are coming.' "Representatives of the British con sulate rushed around Ostend "H Jin'n J the British to leave. Many of the refugees had no baggage at el land some (Continued on Page Two- Oc4. Foot.)