12 the. btX: omatta. ArorsT inn. WANT ADS Want ads received at ar.y time, but to Insure proper classification m1 st le pre sented befoie 1J o'cUk k noon for evening edition and i.w p. in. for morning and Sunder editions W ant sds re rived after ucli houis wl.l be u'wlcr the heading "Too Lata to Clexslfv " (AMI KATT'S. One time. U rents 'U'c Three times within one week, cents a line each insert on. Seven consecutive time 7 cents a Una tain insertion. CKAnr.B RATEB. Three lime within one week, 10 centa a line en h Insertion. Seven consecutive tlmea. I cents at l'na ssch ineertlon. Count six average words to a Una. Minimum charge. 20 C'nts. You rr.n place your want ad In The Bea by telephone telephone tti.kb j'1 Unclaiiucd Answers to the "Swappers' Column" Hundreds of other ans-era have been tailed for and delivered durlrvz the laat Week. Tt I reasonable to a:rjpose that nil of tne people below h.ive made the Jeslred awaps-therefore, do mt call for he balance of their a newer s. Bee Want '.Is aure Ret results. '. SC. SC. SC. SC. SO, sw Mt 9K iKS 1:02 rsa 4 :Hi M 1112 i."4 1267 11 V '.ft; 1116 U' U'i xa 9S7 srm ii2i U'li 11 I'll M 1KJ 1J1H 124 :'12 !T3 1""1 It- 1226 17 l! 974 1'02 UtiT 12.'5 1W .'4 977 1""6 1 1 7. KM 1.10 ..'T 97$ K"9 M79 1236 171 N) lost 111 12H7 1272 "it 91 1V.9 H'2 1240 12M 4 !vlt 1100 1193 1242 1W1 MS Sss 1H4 11U6 122 1UH w$ CARD OK TIIAVi4S. . .h tn thank the Omaha Mualrlans A aim IKIIIin. IihiiI No. 70. 1T their kind donation of muslr; lUime Miller ror the cnoklnn of the rhlrkena and the merthanls and other ritinene for tlwlr help In mak ing the newclJoys picnu: a ma nurrew. Mmir HHKNHTKIN, TONV C (4TANZO, MIKE MVUTO, BAM ZTiialAN, Newalaiy'" Committee. DKATIIS AND rtSEHAJ. NOTICKS M A I.LO Y Kdward, aged 1 Auguat W. tin la aurvlved besldea ha. parenta, by three brothers. Thoniaa, John and Jamee, and three aiatera, Mra. Aanes KfcnM and Margaret and Clara. Funeral Katurdav morning from rt:ldence, 2i Kran.ls atreet. at . m. to flt. 1'atrn k s churt h at 9 a. nt. Interment. Bt. Mary'a cemetery. MARRIAUK HCKRKK9. The following couplea have.bewn llcenaed to wed; Name and Residence. Age. TODAT'8 CXJMl'LETB MOVIE riUMiRAM Exclualvely- In The lix iMwaiswa CAMKRAPHONE. 1403 POUOI.A8 8T. The Indian Agi-nts. -rel Kalem. rnvate uunny, viiaaraiii. The Keiorter In the Caa. Bellg. K LITE THEATER NO. J. Ula FAUNA M. I no Itajan a vow, i-rrei nw. All For a Tooth, Edison. Memories In Men'a Souls, Vita-graph. KAKNAM THEATER. 1415 FARaVAM ST. On the High Beaa, t-reel Imp. lxat In the Ktudlo, Hterllng corrasdy. HIPP. 16TH AND HARNEY. Phantom Thief. -rel drama. Whls k e re, 1-reel comody. PARK THEATER. M NO. 16TH 8T. Two-reel aenaatlonal featura. ' Western PARLOR THEATER. lo DOUOLA8. Rescued by Wlreleaa, 1-reel Blion. An Indian Krllpae, Neator. PRINCESS. 1317-1 IOi;OUAJ4. J. W. Johnston and all-alar cast in "Hransford In Arcadia," taken from the Saturday Evening Puat atory, In I acta. ftortav. ALHAMBRA THEATER. 114 NO. 24TH. Hundle With Care. Keystone. Rivalry, 2-reel Thanhauaer drama. Her Hlrthday Present, Maliatio drama. DIAMOND THEATER i4h) I.AKE8T. Trev o' Hearts No. 2-rrel Uold Real, (S.a Venture). A Wild Ride, sterling comedy. One more reel. FRANKLIN THE., 24TH FRANK UN. The Rival Railroad's Plot. 2-reel Kalem. How lxne Wolf lied, Scllg. Second Sight. Vltagraph. HIPPODROME. 26TH ANtt CUMING. Trlnketa of Tragedy, two-reel Ka sail ay, A Train of Incidents, Vltagraph. Lame Dog's Treachery. Kalem. IT THEATER. 16TH ANJJ LOCUST. Codoa of Honor, 2-reel Luhin. Broncho Billy's Punishment, Essanay. A False Move, Vltagraph. TXiTHROP THEATER 3212 NO. MTU. The Peach Brand, Reliance. A Mctumorphoaia, American. Boy for a Day. Royal. LOYAL THEATER, 24TH & CALDW ELL Love Victorious, t-reel Gold Seal. A Strong Affair, Sterling comedy. PAI.ACE THEATER, 2J0S DAVENPORT. The Victorious. 3-reel Gold Seal, and a goid oomedy. St Bl RRAN. 2ITII AND AMES David Oarrlck. 2-reel Vltagraph. The Fable of the Manoeuvres of Joel and Father's Second lime on Earth, Eaa. oath. APOUA THF.A.. 2K4 LEAVENWORTH. The Laat Assignment. Kdiaon. Reporter Jimine Intervenes, 2-reel Sellg. Oniy a Dream. Melies. 'OLl MHIA 'FrfEATER, 1710 SO. loflT I'r. ad 1'pon the W'atera. 2-reel Vltagraph. Slippery Sllm's Inheritance. Keaanay, The Fate of a So.uhw. Kalem. I'liMKiKT THEATER, 24TH & VINTON. A Man'a Hi), 2-retl American. Mutual Weekly I 'ow n li tho Bounding Sea. Majeatle. F A V. AIRDOME ANNEX, 17th-VlNTON SUNPAT. Perila of Pauline. Series B. 7l Mrl llCA TER lL-Dii SOUTH 1JTH ST. Ills Hour of Manhood. 3-reel Domino. Xlein l-ltwr Katrina, comedy. Mutual Oirl No. A 1IAN.-IVM THEA., & CASTELLAR. l.oetlie Iv, No. , -r. lold Beal. ' Hilly a Riot. Sterling comedy. LYRIC THEATER. 1617 VINTON ST. Atiah 3311. S-reel EcKir. PASTIME TIU:A.. 25d and Leavenworth; eenth episode 'The I1.0uk1 Mystery" The Silent Wltnesa, with W. Kerrigan. The Flirt. Sterling comedy. VENE ZIA TlTEATER, i:Tl SOUTH 13T1L W hen Romance Came to Anna. I-r. Imp Hun pie Faith, Victor. vest. J'RfOMK. FARNAM AND J9TH Fable of Napoleon and the Humps. F.ee. The World and the Woman, Blograph. . "i r.ip, ,-irri ltinin. MllVAm: TIJlTiTL-i) o-r- . . . , . . . . ' A nimated W eekly. Orcle No 17. 2-reet Rex. Trour.leae.me Pels. Sterling comedy BENSON THEATER?"' 635 MAIN BT t lorence Lawrence la 'Her Ragged Knight tn two parta. The Creeping Mame. Nest At Mother Michael yA-l Caaavll b.affa. ROPER THEATER. M7 BROADWAY. Ix.va'a Refrain. Imp drama Weight and Mtaauiea. re-1 Victor. Tonws cwiplf.tf. MOt IK IIUM.It AM Kxrltislvrljr In The le aoufh Oatnnn. HESSE THF.ATEH. It I'M AND N STS Heatst-H.itg. The Luc or the far Wheels, 2-reet Lub. The linked It.-.m, ilngnph. maoic'tm eatei :n if an p.fsT8T When Fate Plapnrca, 2-rrel Rex. Memories of Vrnii Ago, Frontier. aadevlltr. ORPHEUM. 24th and M. South Omaha. Series No. S of the Million lollar Ma- terv will le shown here tonight. Two thrilling tarts. A X NOt N'tTIM ENTS. 1.1 'KY wedding rinks. Krodegaard's. Wedillnx announrementa I "oua;. I'm. "o. 11A.K1. Iaf file Conea. Hest remedy for Iti-hlng. bleeding or protrudlna; piles; o"c postpaid; aamplea free. Sherman A Mr( (jiiihh Iruaj Co, Omaha. UKT a private Imoth In my iriill room for noon lunrh. I'KTK lA M 1 1, M3 S. 17th Mt. HAKIiW ARK-Small ato. k, flxturta and repair shop for se. N. a"th. 'ood Klour; 4H lha., II Wasner. 'l N. Itith. Political. HENRT P. HAZE. 2045 North Hth 8t Republican candidate for ah.rlff. OTK for C. L. Nethaway, anti-corpora-lion candidate state representative dem ocratic ticket. Klor. 276 for my platform. HELP WANTED FEMALE lloo.ekeeper. a.d D.mr.tlr.. THE Servant Ulrl Problem Solved. The Hee will run a Servant Olrl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired reaulta. This applies to residents of Otnaha, South Omahn and Council Hlurfs. lirlng ad to The Hee office or telephone Tyler W WANTED-Experlenced dining room girl i wiiiie; i.iiou aaiary. rsew ilraaeium Hotel, William Dresac-L prop.. Mount 1'leMSant, lu. WANTED-Compeleiit girl for general housework, xm Dewey Ave. H. lii:'3. W ANTED A girl to assist with i are, of children and do light housework. W. DfcO i. WANTED A girl tn assist with house work; no washing and no cooking. II. 61 1 5. WA NTED A good girl to assist with general housework. Call Renaon 24'J. UHtL wanted for general houso work" Small lamily. (lood place for right kriy. iiv sso. Willi Bl. OIRL for general housework, 7J0 South COMPETENT girl for general house .'...-1. . . . I I l. . aniii ui i w u, iimiiry W A NTED Colored girl or woman for general housework for two. must be good cook, and go home nights; refer- "-' i nuiiir; in. Olltl, to help children and do light work. Call Harney 780. SERVANT OIRL. WANTED. OA1.L at 210 So. 28th Ave. We want a girl tor light houna work. One who can go home at nl lit WANTED A girl for general housework. S.'i(Hi Harney St. WANTED Olrl for general housework. 1X9 Bo. Uat fit. H. 1&4& WANTED Good ateady girt for general housework, small family, lO.'O So. Z5th Avenue. Harney 2104. WANT an exiwrlcnced cook, city refer ences required. Mrs. Victor Caldwell, S.K) rt. -WrBt.DjJSMJ. WANT El Experienced second girl. 137 K 3.ith Hi. H, anix UIRL wanted for general housework. Phone Douglas Ho70. WANTED Olrl to assist In general house work. 2333 8. Xid Ht, Phone Harney tW7. WANTED An experienced general house girl; 16 per week; no washing or Ironing. Ill N. :wth Ave. WANTEI A girl fur general housework. small family. Mrs. N. u. Uucken, 114 N. 38th St. H. 2428. W A N T E D A middle-aged lady for gen eral housework; good place for right party. 6402 Amra Ave., or call Henaon 240. A competent, experienced maid for good place. Mrs. Titus Lowe, 32"sj llarney Ft. Phone Harney 7161. Clerical and Office. TWO atencgraphera, flu; stenographer, ; typist, 40; .Multlgiaph operator, 140. WATTS REFERENCE I'll., 840-42 Hrandeis Theater Illdg. rsetsrr sail 1 radea APPRENTiCK girl. Oppanhelm Parlora. APPRENTICE, hair goods. Call H rt-V o Mlacellaaeoaa. WOMEN wanted for government olerk ahlpa: 170 month; Omaha examinations soon; specimen quealiona free. Franklin Institute. Dept (Wt-O, Hocheater, N. Y. WANTED Immediately a good lady mualclan of all kinds, good position. Meaily work. Pnitlrulaia. W rite F 417, Hee. YOUNG women coming to Omaha aa strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at St. Mary's Ave. and 17th St., where they will be ill rented to suitable boarding placea or otherwise aaalsted. Look for our travelers' guide at Union Station. WANT E D E x peilenced dining room gill white). Good salary. New Braselton Hotel, William Dreeael, prop., Mount Pleasant, la. HELP WANTED MALE Aaeats, ft a teamen and Holtcltara. SALESMEN with ability to deliver the goods. Must be willing to WORK. Cash commissions. Big new line Advertising; Specialttea. Local and outside territories. Call t-b S. Main St., or Phone Red 37oJ, Council Bluffs, Monday, for appoint ment. NEW houeehold neceattity, cleans silver ware (sterling or plated . Instantly. No work, last for years. Send money order for sample, 60 cents; hotel ."ae, St. Amenta wanted. Wlaard Electric Coll 'o.. P. O Box P"7 I -os Angeles, C.l. SALESMAN or offline man, who can In vest n.oK) to IAOuO In profitable old es tablished bualneaa. Alao managers for two general atores In small towns, with small investment. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. 1015-16 CITY NATIONAL BANK BI.PG. t lerleal aad ufllce. STENOGRAPHER. 175; stenographer. 170; stenographer, IO; atenographer, To. These and many more openlnxs of high grade commercial positions. Watts Ref. ertncw Co.. s4"-4i Lrandela Theater Bldg. WANTED Young man, high school grad uate preferred, for clerical position; experience unnecessary; excellent oppor tunity for bright young man; talary. 140 or 14. Address C 41a. Bee. Factory aad Vra4ra. Drug store snaps; joha. Knelat. Bee Bldg. WANTF.Ii At once, 10 meat cutters, dur Ing Iowa atate fair, commencing Au gust 25 and ending September 4, 1I4. Stein A Kinney Maiket Co.. J. F Erhard, Manager, Dca Molhea, la. P LASTEREItS WAN TED APPLY AT FONTF.NEl.LE HOTEL BUILDING. OMAHA. NEH. Anderson Bros. Contractors Hurry! Hurry! Cet a full knowledge of the AUTOMO BILE BUSINESS such aa only we are equipped to give you. The auto season la open and the demand Is great for such men aa we turn out. NATIONAL AUTO TRAINING ASSN. KM 4 No th St.. Omaha, Neh. WANT Elk Drug clerk, (live full par tlculara and aalary expected. Address Y 167. Bee MEN to em the barber trade; tuition ti; set of toola given; wagea paid. Trl Cny College. 12h snd Ikouglas Sta. MisMllastuai. f AAT 9 121' ". l ''nna BchooL Rnv 11 C WANTED Nainea of men. IS to 46, wisrT Ir.g to be Ornsha mull carriers. 161 month to begin. Y 104. 1W MEN with patentable ideaa a rite Ran. uoli h at Co , W aehtngton. V. C IIF.LP WANTED M iI,K M Iscellaaeoea. TJIK XKKRASKA AUTO Moi51l,E SCHOOL has turned out more successful frrsdua'ea thiin any school In this country. "There's a reason" Write tndav for our atalogue K'l 1417 Podge Omaha. Neh W'ANTi:l'-l,("i men to eat round ateak, ISr. Coffe John, 14th and Capitol. Ill: LP WANTED MI.K AMI! KKM4I.K lo.i GOVKHN'MKXT lobs open to me.n and women: l'5 to I1.V) month. Write lor list, franklin Institute. Dept. 2.1-0, Rochester. N. Y. , WANTED SITUATION'S WANTED Wishing and ironing; also day work. II l. ASHI.(4 and ironing, 1st c-laas. W. 2157. HOI 'SE K EE PI NO n a n t ed by young widow ol good family. Must be Been to te appreciated. References exchanged. all Harney 22l. WANTED A position aa chambermaid or look. Tyler 243 W. WANTEI Position by good reliable man, underatamlH pipe work, will take work of any kind. Webster 21X7. HITI ATION tlealred aa servant. iU N. lth St. W ANTED A tosltlon aa a cook or houae Keeier by middle-aged woman; experi enced I. 742. I'OMI TION de.slred. 1144 No. 23d Bt. YOl'NU married man wanta lawna to mow or housecleanlng. Call H. 7379. ClOTHINU and furnishing goods aalea man In largest store In Omaha wanta to change. Would go to smaller town. Ad dress 1) 415. Hee. WANTEI Work on farm by man and wife Call or write M. McCluskey, Kl 8. 18th St. I YOl'NO man wants position aa butcher. Will work reasonable to start; good experience In old country. Address Oeo. Koat, lien Delivery, Omaha. WIDOW wants plain aewlng or bundle washing. So 14W. SITUATION wanted by experienced colored girl for general housework or c hamher ma Id. Webster i'!6. CIIII.D'H nurse wishes position; best of reference. Phone Rd 6M0. EXPERIENCED colored chauffeur wants position In private family. Douglas A MAN past middle age, painter, handy with carpenter toolii, experienced Janitor and houae man. would like to secure a pcsltion. Address II. 41!), Hee. ATTHACTION8. CONCESSIONS and street attractions for Hartley carnival, Sept. t-i-i. Address, Lo"k Box lf7. Hartley, la. CONCESSIONS WANTED for three-day carnival, Aug. 2fi, 24, 27. Address J. Cording, Litchfield, Neb. WANTED Street attractions rot flrat week In ScpteinLer, In wet town. Ad dress W. D. Eufclman, Oconto, Neb. AUTOMOBILES FOR a high grade, used car at a right price. ae Howes, 22lb Farnam. D. 17:j. Urecnough Omaha Rad. Rep. Co. 2020 Far. CUT PRICE pneumatic tlrea. 31$ So. 20th. iOU forfeit lor any magneto we can't re- pair, coll repar g. O. Hayadorfer, 210 N. la FOR gLICK SALE list your aecond-haud automobiles with Middle state Oarage. 2H2H-2k rarnam Kt- o FOR BALE IWiaT-paaaenger FoTd7tires and machinery In leal of condition. 1016 No. lbth St. ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS 111 stock to Trade for auto, u,uai value. Doug. 4113. J.indberg' Fore door, body bldg.,40 & Far. Industrial Parage Co , 20th ft Harney Bta. Motorcycles. HARLEY-DAVIDBON MOTORCYCLES. bargains In used machines. Victor Rous, "The Aioionycie Man," ifiM Iyeaveoworth. Pote Motor Co.. a72 Leavenworth. R. :U6. 1'j14 INDIAN AlOTORC YCLK now ready"; bargains In uaed machines. OMAHA UICY I'LK CO., pith and l tilt-ago. D. 7J8. Lliulborg Hi oe., Uj72 Leav. (Fiylng Merklc). UIKINESM CHANCES liARUER shop, good halt interest or all. CJ: tANX.S, Heal Estate and Exchanges. DRCG STORE in a good towu tor sale; will Invoice about ,joo; only drug store. Aduie's V 141, Bee. GENERAL Stole Will aell for caah. . lean stock ol general merchandise, in voicing i,uw) to tt,i4) tnot many fixtures). Good live town In Saline county; doing good bUHlutaa; good reason tor selling anu will sell at a low tigure It sold soon. Ad- ar m,, i iiw. iiw. 4JKMENt-ll.0(iu buys i,ck worth stock in Iowa cement proposition. 120 acrea well located, paying 7 per cent dividend. ...it i ., ,-u. franu junction, la. GROCERY atore for aale, cheap rent; fi A I! DWA RE Small stock, fixtures and pnir, .)vr iO. ffin HIGH-CLASS business openings. Western Ref. at Bond An n. 764 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg ICE cream, confectioner) , lunch; best town In Missouri, county aeat; fine bual neaa; aell at Invoice; a bargain. Dot Itraill v ny, .io. JOHNSON, bit PAXTON HtTf HITIV u IN V'ESTM EN T Several goon bualneaa nrrii n no imr a amau amount or capi tal, not working, to loin us In establish ing In Council Bluffs a branch of our business, which is a profitable invest ment. Full particulars furnished by ad ciysalng "P." Omaha Bee Council Bluffs MEAT market, slaughter hoove and all fixtures lor sale. In good town, no competition. A good Investment. Reason for selling, poor health. Address, Grover H Hansen. Upland, Neb. REAL ESTATE DEALERS and rental agents are In a tune saving location In the BEE BUILDING, because they are near the Court House and City Hall, where, so many mstters of record and information are lound. Very desirable office for rent now. Inquire for the auertn lemlent. Room 10J. RESTAURANT For sale, cheap, good reataurant in good town of 2.M0, doing good business Address F L. Dean, auv Broadway, Brokrn Bow, Neb BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of buaineas. call on GANC.ESTAD Bee Bldg D. 8477. To gi'HK LY aell your bualneaa or real estate, write Kenneheck Co., Omaha. THEATERS- Buy, lease or sell your theater, machine and supplies through Theater Ex. bang o Co.. 14o Farnam feu lHuglas 1M7. WANTEl An idea. Who can think of some simple thing to patent? Protect your Idcaa; they may bring you wealth. Wrlto for "Needed Inventions" and "How to Get Your Patent and Your Money." Randolph Co., Patent Attorneys, Wash ington. D. C "EDtCATIONAli The Van Sant School STENOGRAPHIC COURSE Bummer sessions, I a. m. to I 44 p. nv lMh and Farnam Douglas tesf. FOR bALE at a discount, a full u nil re. lied scholarship Is Bola Business col late. Omaha. gon4 for either shortnaad or bualneaa courses. Apoiy at IM oUiCS uf Ouiaaa hee. F.IH CATIONAL blLMMEU SCHOOL NOW OPEN' , in lioth the Day and Night Sessions. D0YLES COLLEGE ENTER NOW. Business practice, bonkkeeplr.g. penman ship, salesmanship, bankimt. stenography, stenotypy, typewriting, telegraphy, ac counting, filing, private, secretarial Work and many other courses are open to you here. You may work for board whila at tending. Call, write or telephone ur letest catalogue. ROYLK8 COLLEOF:. lth and Harney Streets. Omaha Neb. MOSHEIUaAMPMAN COLLEGE FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 1 Vnaurpx-wed classes In all business and English branches, shorthand, atenotypv, telegraphy and typewriting. Students admitted at any time. Graduates guar anteed good poeltlone. Places provided for young people to work for board. For a new. free catalogue address MOSJIER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE 1816 Farnam Bt., Omaha, Neb. FOIt HALE Faraltare. New 2d hand f urnlt re, cash or term, reasonable. Amer. Furn. Co., 606 N. 16th. Auction Sale Another lot of first-class furniture will be sold at public auction, Saturday, Aug ust 22, sale beginning at 10 o'clock a. m and lasting all day. We will sell several good rugs, several rockers as good as new. good dressers, buffets, round dining room tables, library tables, china closets, brass bed, two good parlor sets snd everything else needed In the household line. The goods that will be sold this week are of good quality. OMAHA VAN & STORAGE CO., 80$ So. lth L some pianos. Omaha Van and Storage l o., oua fMl. inm OL THREEheating stovea. Call W eh. 1876 Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange, 37 S. 17th Special Prices for This Week on New and Slightly Used Typewriters. New No. 5 Underwood, latest model. 160. 00 No. 3 .Monarch, like new 40.00 No. 1 Vlslgraph, like new 36.00 No. 3 Oliver, factory rebuilt 25.00 No. 6 Oliver Print typrf, latest model. 37.60 No. 10 Remington, late model 40.00 No. 1 Victor, a bargain 25.00 No. 4 Underwood, extra fine 31.00 No. 2 Smith Premier 12.00 No. 8 Remington 14.10 No. 4 Smith Premier 16.00 These machines are all guaranteed for one year and will give the service of any new machine you might buy. Buy a ma chine to use In the home. Butts Typewriter Exchange, 1805 Farnam Bt., Omaha, Neb. RENT an Oliver typewriter, 3 months for 4. The Ollvr Typewriter Co. D. 2318. All makes typewriters rented, sold, terms. Butts Typewriter. Iff Farnam. D. WKI1. RENT Remingtons, Monarchs and Smith Premiers of their makers, The Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas 12X4. Rental credited If you purchase, and only very newest and highest grade ma chines sent out. Rates, three months for Xa for understroke machines or 13 per month for latest model visible writers. Musical IsitrnsiFsik. Slightly used high grade piano. W. 372. UPRIGHT piano. M0 South ?ilh street. Mlacellavoeoaa. FOR SALE at a discount a full, un limited scholarship In Boyles Business college. Omaha; good for either short hsnd or business course. Apply at the office of The Omaha Bee. FOR SALE Used Lumber, at 3520 Burt St. FOR SALE 1812 6-paasengcr Ford, tires A ....... I. . .... in I .... , r n III. IU.U.IIIC. J ,u w.1, VL VV1.U.L.VII. 1018 No. Kth St. tiOOM. BRICKS at $3 i0 per M. ; al'o 30n.M. feet of lumber at works. 11th and J Sea son Sta. Buildings bought and wrecked. Trester-Kelly W recking Co. Web. 41), Clearance; less than cost; 1-1. Brand new ld-ln. Westlnghouse alternating oscltg. fans. $1460. 90i Rector Bldg. .Chicago. HI. 2-hand men. Gross Wreck Co., 21 Paul. IS4-1NCH xe -ond-hand pipe at 2c per foot; good for fencing purposes. Call Douglaa 2474. A NO. 1 BATH TUB. 6'n teet. Tresler Kelly Wrecking Co. W. 4so. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fixtures of sll kinds; essy payments. The Brunawlck-Balke-Collettier Co.. 407-409 S. 10th Bt. WAGON umbrellas Wagner. Sol N. lth CI. sing out 10 good sewing mschines. by dressmaker. 14 to 115. W. .ti)!. 219 N. lUth. $3 60 MAELZ1LL Metronome for 2.. IU t'l-Tllllll V IMIIlltlllll, US-CTVi I'lllJ SS. vU V fV , W rite Bee, J 420. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE. Harsea and Whirl. LARGEST stock of delivery wagons In the cltv: all kinds of hlackanitlh work. ! painting and lettering. Johnaon-Danforlh ! Co., new location, n.9-4i-i3 N. lbth St LOST AND FOUND OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET 1 RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha ar Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the street cars Many crtlclea each day are turned In and the e-ompany is anxious to restore1 them to the ilf'.;ful owner. Call lougUs! 4. LOST Sunburst nroocn set with Pearl and diamond, between Board of Trade Bldg. and Burgess-Nash siere. Call D. l.1V: reward. FEMALE Spits, white collar with lx Angeles. ISM tax tag Liberal reward. Call Webster 2294 after 7 p. m. LOST A small black purse, containing about $&. on Dundee car or 16th and Far nam. at 2 o'clock Thursday. H. 2J01. He ws rd. MONET TO LOAN NEED MONEY? See us Quick servlee. Hslf usual rate RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Jog Paxton Block. Itouglas 1411. MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula aad ether rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed ana ao money paid until eureu. W rite for book on rectal diseases with teeliruoolaia. DR. kL It TARRY. N Km BWg. DRUSE HOSPITAL A hospital opened to meet the needs of any case; strictly modern building, all conveniences: ail outside rooms 2ms ht ad Quwsy av. Tel Harfity ?38i. PERSONAL THE Salvation Army industrial home ao li Its your old clothing, furniture, maga zines. We coil'f f e distribute. Phone Douglas 4Ui and our wagon will call. Call ami tnpei t our new home. 1110-1112-1114 I dga St Yol'N'G wonu n coming to Omaha as strangers arc Invited to visit the Young W oii:in's Cl.rlstian Association building at 17th SI and Bt Mary'a Ave., where they will r dire ted to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elers' ild it the Union Station. IWLTRY AND StPPLIES AGENTS, investigate; 100 per cent profit; season now on: get busy. Chicken Life Psver Co., ;i;i umlng St. STEREOTYPE rnhtiica make the best and cheapest lining for poultry houses. They are 17x23 Inches, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof 7f.c a hundred at The Bee office. IJ x edRra I In . II. SO h'dred Wagner, anl N. K FOR SALE Thoroughbred Homer and Carnenux r'.g'ons; mated alrs. or young birds. Write for further particu lars, Dr. W. W. Kohler. I-exlngton. Neb. WANTED TO BUY SLIGHTLY used piano. Web. 3724. OFFICE furniture bought end sold. J. C. Reed. 1?J7 Farnam. Doug. 6146. WANT small safe. i,i Bee Bldg. LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST bUllr' live atock to Soutn Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments lecelve prompt and careful atten tion. Live ktock loamlailos Merchants. MARTIN BROS. aY CO.. Exchange Bldg. BWAPl'ERs COLUMN AUTOMOBILE W ill exciiatike my auto mobile, in first-class condition, for a good baby grand piano, mahogany finish. Address S. C. l.'K, Bee. AUTO.MGltLE-Will trade first class hiah grade car for a good Dundee lot. Would assume any difference. Address 8. C. 13U9, Bee. AUTO.MOBiLE Have a W)-b. delivery truck, In line condition, cheap for caah. S. C. 1343, be. AUTO Want to swop for a late date fully equipped touring car, income, brick business property, well rented In South Omaha, on principal business St., 2f.th and J streets. S. C. 1344. Bee. AUTOMOBILE First-class 40 H. P. Na tional auto, fully equipped; a good looker; new tires; this car 1s t dandy; just the car lor long trips or rental service; will sell cheap for cash or might take lot or small auto. Address S. C. 1312, Bee. AUTOMOBILE Have ' 46-h. p., 5-Pass. Rambler, fine condition; want lighter car; will trade for Ford and small amount of caah. Address B. C. 1305, Bee. AUTOMOBI LE.S For other automobile bargains see the "Automobile" classifi cation. AUTO WANT TO SWAP RUNABOUT auto for cement blocks, building ma terial or contract work, tor a cottage at Carter Lake club. S. C. 1336. Bee AT COLUMBUfi. NEB.. FOR PROPERTY In Omaha, Lincoln or Fremont; good 6 room new houae, only five blocks fro:n postofflce;, large level lot all in good shape. Address M. F. O'Sullivan. Fre mont, Neb. BOOK Al COUNT-A M.OOO book account; will trade tor a good automobile, dia monds or what have you? These ac counts are being paid for on the Install ment plan. We lio.d notes for all ac counts, some drawing Interest. Address S. C. 1.117, Bee. CASH REGISTER Have a nearly new National cash register, coat 60, will snap for anything of like value In restau rant or what have you? Address S. C. 127. Bee. CARPENTER work. Yes, I will do your carpenter work and take anything of value iu exchange. Address b. C. Uoi. Bee. CHICKENS For ciulclc sale, B0 spring chickens, IS hens. 1 cockerel (last year's chickens) cheap for cash, ain going to move close in, might consider trade for rent on S or S room cottage. cl.e In: these chickens are full-blooded white rocks except Just a few of the spring chickens I raised for eating purposes. Address S. C. 1I3;, Bee. , DUE BILL A due bill for $50, good as cash, first payment on any piano. Will sell at a liberal discount, or what have you to offer? Address 8. C, 1276, Bee. ELECTRIC FAN I have a 8-lnch elec tric fan good as new. What have you? Address 1339. Bee. FURNACES Have some furnaces in good condition: also gas stove and few rfidlatms. what have you? AJilress S. C. 1306. Bee. FURNITURE ETC.-A- fine new oak music cabinet and a fine $123 Glbdon Mandolin; a cheap brass bed; Imitation oak dresser and rocking chair. What have you got? Will fell or trade. Ad dress S. C. 1340, Bee. FURNITURE for a 45-room hotel near Omaha, l.6o0. Low i-ate rem on the building. What have you to oiler? Addresa S. C. 128. care Bee. . GROCERY FIRST - CI-AM, HIGH grade grocery business for cheap Ne braska Inud or resident property. Cheap fakers keep out. S. C. 1350, Bee. HAVE 2 II. P. O. M. ENGINE, USED about six months, in like new condition; cost $": Chevalier field glass, cost $18. and 3'xo'i camera outfit, cost $32.50. Will swap for good motorcycle, or anything, or sell cheap. Matt Sladek, Newton, la. - KITCHEN CABINET. ETC. I have a large kitchen cabinet, dining room rug and gas range. Will trade for good base hurner. Address S. C. 1J.12, Bee. KODAK. ETC. One 2'4x3V new Ansco Kodak, one good mandolin. What have you In the musical line to swan? One l. m,tn iso. iz nammeriess. one pair I "ow.' '"-. h- : one punching bag, ring. AJdress S. C.' 1 ,-.- T . I , 1.1., l.rr. LIBRARY Private. consisting of history of United States. Beacon Lights, Ridpath's history, Co-er and Bulwcrs works and other miscellaneous books. These sre all complete and In good shape must dispose of them. What have yoti? Address 8 C. 1331. Bee. LOCKET A lady's gold locket chain, al inost new; cost $10: will sell cheap tor cash, or what have you to ofler? Ad dress S. C. U76. Bee. MEAT MARKET 1 have complete meat market outfit located In good town Cose to Omaha. I will either trade It or will sell to responidble party and let him pay for It out of profits. la that not fair enough? I know It la a moneymaker or I would not offer to do this. Addresa S C. IM. Bee. ' OFFICE F1XTURES-$500 worth of atore fixtures, showcases, scaies, delivery wagon and horse for exchange for auto mobile. Might pay aome difference If car is go d enough. Address S. c. l:'2.v ONE THOUSAND dollars in atock or good company, ia what 1 wlan to trade for auto i.f equal value; no Junk Address S. C. i:10o. Bee. PIANO-Have dandy piano, will exchange for diamond or lumber. Address S C 131. Bee PIANO Leaving city, mv new plaver Piano at a great sacrifice, with rolls: tornis to please Address S. C. 1316, Bee. PIANO Trade Smith. - Barnes cabinet grand piano, beautiful mahogany caae, high grade, good as new, for automobile, or what have you worth $".50? Address 8 r. 1311. Bee. PIANO Will sell my pisno, a Welling ton, to responsible people on payments at a bargain price, as we are leaving city; piano almost new. Addresa S. C. 13)5. Be PIANO for lot or acreage or fm-ni land in Mtasourl or Virginia; will pjy differ-1 ence. wouia nae aooui iu acres or more Address S. C 1327, Bee. PHONOGRAPH Large-eised Edison pho n .graph to trade for a base burner aiove. Aauresa e.. t.-. 17.7, nee F1ANO-W11I exchange elegant piano for one and a halt ton truck or automo bile; no Ford considered. Will also take lumber or lot S. C. 1310. Bee. PHONOGRAPH and 4Arcords. Edison make: good order; trade for a diamond ring worth $n6 Addresa S. C. 1321. Bee. FLANS and specifications for your new house or bungalow can be ob tained without paying a large architect's fee. If you have anything of oquai value, will ckchangs. Auuress C C. IJJi, Bee. LIVE WIRE BUSINESS MEN of Omaha A. B. C. of Omaha j A Diamond gives oti that prosperous i r look; best of quality, lowest prices; I take elevator wnd save money. West ern Watch Jewelry Co, 217 Karbach. CORl ETT. the man that cleans every thing. Get your fall clothes ready now. Prompt service, low price? "Were Johnny on the spot" Call nnd deliver y free. 1505 Harne y. Doug 1 a s T7 OR auctioneering of all kinds of I ' jewelry and general merchandise. write H, A. Roth. 1311 Douglaa tt. Doug.. rro. Twenty years' experience. MELBA Boiler Compound Co., a boiler compound for sick boilers, rtls ,u olv,' boiler scale, not boiler Iron. Melba does not pit flues, onlj remo.es old scale, adds efficiency and economy to your boiler plant. Call or write for esti mate. 302 Omaha Nat. Bank. D. 31.-.7, after p. m , and on Sundays D. Mm. N EV and second-hand electric fans and motors. LeBron Electric Works, 31" S. mh. Douglas 2176 0MAHX" PILLOW CO, 1721 Cuming Doug. 2467. Renovstes feathers and mattresses of all kinds, makes festher mat tresses Call or write for rrlces. IANO tuning. R. Brandon, 1 years at Hardens. Recommended by best muel.-isns W. 42. 4n N. 2Rth Ave. VACUUM cleaners, IT, 9fi, t'l PS, I7.S9. a few days only. Guard your health. Sanitary service Co.. 308 Bee Bldg. WE rent, repair, sell need'les andpr7s for all sewing , machines. NE BRASKA CTCLE CO.. "Mlck lfilh and Harney. Douglas 16S2. Acrnamtanta. Mr-Ay'.K P' THOMAS A COMPANY. 1r7-38 C'ty N at. Bank Bldg. Tyler 1S10 Adding Machines. Dalton Adding Machines, 411 S. 18. P. 1449. Adder Mch Co. (Wal.si W. O. W. D. 6338. Aeito and Magneto Re pa I Hag. r Msgneto repair work a specialty, p. 24i. Auctioneers. ' Powd Auction Co.. 1123 W. O. W. Red 32S5. Architects. Clnrence W. Wlglnglon, 220 S. 1?th. P. 4287. Everett S. Dodds. il2 Paxton. D. 2WH. Attractions. . OMAHA film ex., Hth and Doug Motion picture machine and film bargain s. Barbers. ' : 12 Chairs, 10c shave, neck shave. 1817 Far. Bine Printing HTT XT"" Printing, under new ownership. 302 Omaha Nat. Bk. D. 3157, Brass Foundries. Paxton-Mltchell Co.. 27th end Martha Sta. Balldlnar and Ren.lrl.. E. FRANTA. fill Paxton Blk. Poug. 2157. California Lands. W. T. Smith Co.. 1111 City Nat. Bk. P. 2S19. Card Sla;na. Office door lefg. Mynster. Pax. Bk. P. 2157. Caterers. MRS. F. A. WOOP. 3401 Parker. W. 8295. Chiropractors. J. C. Lawrence, D. C. 2322 HowarJ. P. 41. L. Qeddis, P. P.. 22S Bee Bldg. Doug. 4293. W K.Pcrv lance, D.C. 4"9 Pax. Blk. D.4942. L. C. HAYES. D. C. r0 Bee Bldg. R.37l China Painting;. Ruth Letchford. decorating, firing. R. 4942. Civil Engineers. M. J. LACY. 618 WEE BLPQ. P. 4715. Cream HfssrstAH The Sharpies Separator Co.. 12th & Farn. Dasplsv ImfraMUi Last mo. summer rates. Mackle s, P 6448. Turpln'a Dancing Academy. 28th & Farn. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. irO Farnam Pr. Todd's alveolar dentistry, 403 Brandels. Bailey, the Dentlat. 706 City Nat'l Bank. TaftPental Rooms. 1517 Douglas. D. 2186 Detectives. JAMES ALLAN. Sit Neville Blk. Evl-dene-e aeon red In all caaes. Tyler 1136. Dressmaking;. Terry Pressiriflk'g college, 2nth Farnam. Experience of all kinds day work, reason able, guaranteed. 2225 Dodge. T. 1296. SUMMER dresses a specialty. Web. 8070. MISS STURDY, 2416 Cass St. Doug. 731. Sewing any kind reasonable. Doug.-l'i. Drags, Woman's Exchange. 432 Pax. Blk. R. 4912. LEBRON EitC. Wks... 31 S. 12th. P. 2176. SWAPPERS' COLUMN REAL ESTATE Will trade a close-In lot on So. 2"th St. for good automobile. Ad- Or""s IT . I.'l". rr. RANGE 1 have 6-liole coal range with reservoir ana not air iim. " v.",., bustlon bicycle for exchange. W hat have you. Adrtreta f. e. i-m. REAL ESTATE contracts bringing high rates ot inicreai an.i . ments for land in Virginia or Missouri; want a section or around that; my paper Is gilt-edged. Address S. C. Bee. REAL EST ATE Ten acres, with water right In lake Co.. Ore., to trade for good piano or amo, RANGE Have 6-hole cast-iron range, in first class condition, with hot water at tachment; too large for my use. W hat have you? S. C. 1011. Bee. ' OFFICE FURNITURE Will bOy some good second-nano. oinco .. . be cheap for cash. Address S. C. 1-40, Bee. -1 -rrir-, .h. clear track. ! "r'.A."..r'r? .nVeaih for mod ern 7 or 6-rooiit house located west or In lmndce:. $o.'m to $6,ow). Address S. C. 1337, Bee. SHETLAND pony and outfit for trade or aale. Phone 21tiSl. Council Bluffs, la. STENC K3RAPHE R 1 lere is your chance. I have a new atenotype which I must diepose of Immediately. Addresa 8 C 12.fr, ' TRADE FOR BENSON HOME. Thia will sell for cash, but owners will take Omaha cottage aa part pay, if you hsvo aome money. ....... BUILT FOR A HOME. Nine-room, very modern, square, nearly new. east front, three 60-foot lots, garage, barn, only 2 blocks to car and school; tK.noii Is cash prli-e; will carry back $2,5u0, per cent. Send or nrtng numnera or jour . O KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 101 Omaha National. Douglas 2715. Evenings or Sundays. II. 6134. WATTS- 17-lewei adjusted gold watch. keep perfect time: worth $?: will ex change for good automatic shotgun or automatic revolver, or what have you in exchange? Address S. C. 1328. Bee. WATCH-21 Jewel, Swiss movement. Jew els Inlaid In rubles: perfect timekeeper. Will trade for diamond- Address S. C. 1314. Bee. SCALE Have a Toledo 3-lh. candy scale. nearly new, will exchange for anything that can be used In a restaurant, or roll top desk. Address S. Ul. J'ee. TALKING MACHINE Practically new Harmony talking machine with 40 double disc records; worth 16-H. will trade lor good visible typewriter, or what have vou? Addicts S. C. 1267. Bee. W Ai'CH WORKS For trade a fine set of Six las watch works. 15 jewel. 12 slxe. The very best of works: make me an offer. Address S C. 1329. Bee. FOR RENT Anartmvata am 4 flats. CLOSE IN APARTMENTS. THE FLORENTINE, 907-t South 2."th St. 3 and I rooms, reasonable rents. Jinitor will ahow you through st any time. THE CARPATH1A. 6T4 South 24th St. 3 and I rooms, strictly modern and up to dste In every respect. From $19 up. THE LEONE. 832 South 24th St. 6-room apartments, strictly modern and up to date In every respect; $30 In summer and 140 In winter. Csll at our office and we will gladly show vou through them. PAYNE at SIATER COMPANY, Omaha's Rental Men. I fit Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg. Rlectrlo sappllra. DRUGS at cut prices: freight, paid on H9 ord?rs; catalogues free Sherman Mc.Connell Drug Co . Omaha. Neb. NEW and seoond-hsnd electric Vane and motors. LeBron Electric Works, 318 S. Ilili iHiuglaa ilTii. Ff er t hlnst for Women. flumes made over, cleaned, dyed, curled. Bertha Kruger. 429 Paxton Blk. D. C"94. H EM STITCHING Ideat Button and Pleating Co.. 107 S. lSth. taarrr.ts tsilnrrrl. Gagrebln-Wells Co. 420 State bank. P. 22. Fnrrlers. BEN FENBTER, 1410 K. 24th St. W. 77T7. Florists. L. HENDERSON. 1519 Farnam. D. 126. Member Florist Telegraph Del. 'Ass n. HF.SS EWOBOPaT151 "mm Bt. A. DONAHUE, 122 Hnrney. Doug. 100L BATH'S florists, 1104 Farnatn SL I. Ire Stnck Remedies. OMAT1A Remedv ro.. 6f7 S 13th. Red 4251 lialr llresaiiig. Harper Method. P.. .' Palrd Bldg P. SMI. Llghtlnar, Fistnrrs nnd Wiring;. THOMAS DURKIN Electric fixtures and supplies, contract ing and repair work done reasonable. 24l CUMING. POUOLAS 1319. Miss Jacobs. Mass., Bate. Wee. Trt. P. 718. Rittenhouse Co., 214 Bslrd Bldg., 17 D. AW f VliKS BATHS. SCIEN- A A A il - ItlVO xiFH' MASSAGE. 1S03 Farnam St., Apt 6, 3d floor. D. 8fiSL Mlsa Rex, Mass.. 224 Neville Blk. 10 to S. Miss FiRher. mass., elect, treat't. Red 6o34 Massage, Miss Gibson. R. 224. Neville Blk. MASSAGE. 109 8. 17th St. Mrs. Steele. Mts. Snyder, elec. trt. 140? 8. 8th. D. 43. M INRADW Swedish movement. 418 HJYOV3i'VJXJ B, pld)? Pouglas 6373. CLARA LEE, massage. Douglaa 8761. FfTFtTiTiMAS Miss Upchurch, 214 Balrd Bldg. Massage, Miss Walton. R. 224. Neville Plk. Manicuring, Kathleen Mack. Doug. 752. Meenengrer nnd Transfer. WHITE LINK, 309 f lltn. Pouglas S313. Millinery. SWITCHES from combings. I1.B0. Psyche free. Mrs. H. M. Eck. 3009 Marcy. H. 645. Movtnsr. Storage and Cleaning;. W. C. FERRIN, loth and Capitol. Ty. 1209. Oculists. Eves examined, glasses fitted, pay as you can. Ds. McCarthy. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. Patents. H. A. Sturxres, 636 Bran dels Theater Bldg. D. O. Barnell, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117, Patent Development. AMERICAN MachlP- i.a, 110 S. 11th St Print Ins;. WATERS-BARNHART Ptg. Co.. quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 S. 13th St. POUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. COREY & M KEN3IE PTG. CO. P. 2644. RIES-HALL Ptg. Co., 1820 Capitol. P. 1103. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. 37TA Roach Kxtermiaator. B B. . Roach Powder at your druggist sale and Tlnieloclt Experts. VI AFE combinations changed, opened, re- O paired. F.E.Davenport. 1406 Dodg.Ul21 Shoe Repairing;. Electric Shoe Rep. Co.. 1807 St. Mary's Ay. REASON A BLE. Farnam Rep. Co. 313 8. 24. Steel C'elllniis. CARTER Sheet Metal Works. 110 B. 10th. Store and Office Fixtures. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture snd Supply Co.. 414-16-18 S. 12th. D. 2724. Towel Supplies. OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 8. 11th. P. 628- Trunk and Suitcases. FREL1NG tt STEINLE, I90 Farnam St Veterinarians. DR. O. R. YOUNG. 4602 Center. H. 6062. Window Screens. Om. Window Screen Co.. 1322 Nicholas 8t Wines and l.iqnors. ALEX JETES, 201-3 8. 13th St Wines, . liquors, cigars. Plate dinner 11 to 3, 10c GLOBE Liquor Houae, 422 No. 16th., 2 ots. cold beer, 15o. Write for prlco list. D. 4362. ' HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE. 13th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. Apartments and Flata. CLOSE-IN ROOMERS. .. 1 9-r. frame, detach ;d, hot water heat, very modern.' between High School and Creighton, $60. 10-r., second floor, new brick, heat fur nifehed. Special price. O' KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha Nat 1. Douglas 2715. Rental Service Free Why worry where to find a house or apartment when we have listed every vacant house and apartment In the city. 'Phone us for further information. Doug las 4477. Fidelity Storage & Van Co. 128 6-rm. mod- flat. 3T7 Cuming. W. 4869 $15-LH4 N. 34TH 8T. CAN'T BE BEAT? 6 rooms, bath. A. Marowlts. Doug. 3070. CHICAGO ST.. 2110 7-room new modern flat, hardwood finish, $45. P. 7aoo. COOD location for doctor; 6-room modern flat on 1st floor; -transfer point. W. 6701. 'Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves, packs, ships; 3-horfe van and 2 men, 11.26 per hr. ; storage 12 per mo. Satisfaction guar. D. 4318 & Ty. 230. ALL kinds of flats. 1301 Vinton. Tyier 1771. BEAUTIFUL S-room apartments, $33, 1415 So. 10th. For particulars phono Douglas 4870. (.ROOM flat ; mod. ex. heat: loaO N. 20th. Conrad Young. 322 Brandeis Theater. Douglas 1S71: Hi o SPLENDID 4-room modern apartments neur the postofflce. Steam heat, hot water. Come quickly and take your choice. Why pay car fare when you can be so comfortable down town. G. P. Stebbins. I St. Clare ApartriVts !3d and Harney, Just completed, 3, 3 and I rooms. Harney 647 or Douglaa 65.16. o. Housekeeping apt. tlir. 21M. 4243 Harney. Gordon Van Co j 219 N 11Mi St. Pl.ona D ' o'tH 691$ jSTRH TLY" modem, up-to-date St Louis flat, 6 rooms; cloae In. an Ked aQSs. -ROOM modem Hat. -'. iU N. 22d. OGDEN ANNEX looms, -lies Council Bluffa wttn klicueo- PLEASANT 4 and 6-room apartments; wa'klng distar.ee. 404 No. 24th St. fi: N. 24TH ST.. 7 rooms, modern, $10. GROVER at SPAIN. Douglaa S9..2. FIVE-ROOM apartment. The Chula Vista. 30th and Poppleton. Conrad j Young. 3.2 Brandeis Tneater. Douglaa i.i.i 9 4-RoOM flat, newly papered and var nished, 24.4 Leavenworth St; $15 per month Apply J 1. Kemp. Pouglas 97. 10-ROOM flat, modern Harney 647 loarel aad Haasae. REEDHURST Try our meals 10 No. ?5th St. 2 YOUNG working men, privste family. In walking distance; full particulars first letter. D 4K Bee. R 'OM and board for two; private resi dence; H park line. I7'i7 Park Ave. Furalahed Iteuaekeealaar Rooms. C1XSE In. mod . reasonable. 2306 Farnam. $112 M A SON. 1 nicely (urn. mod. houae keening rooms: private familv H. 4tki$. MOD , In Dundee. Call H. 36S1