Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 20, 1914, Page 9, Image 9
THE bet: : OMAHA. THURSDAY. 'AUnrsT ro ion , i i , y 0 u I 7 for rent real ESTATE Apartments and Flats. I-ROOM flat; mod. ex. heat; 1160 N. 0th. Conrad, S23 Brandels Theater. Douglas 1571; $15 o BEAUTIFUL 4-ronm aiartmcnts, II... 1415 Bo. 10th. lor particulars phone Doiiglas 4"7V FIVE-ROOM apartment. The Chula Vista, 30th and Popplcton. Conrad Touni, U Brandels Theater. Dougias 1571. o PLEASANT 4 and walking ft-room 404 No. apartments; 24th St. Gordon Van Co.S n nth Pt 'Storase. Thons D. 894 or H. MUX OGDEN ANNEX looms, witn kitchen ettes round) Bluffs STRICTLY modern, up-to-date St. Loui flat, 6 rooms; close In. Cul lulled 30.W. DESIRABLE APARTMENT 8 rooms and bath In California apartments. See Janitor. D. 6237. RKMKMHIiR DOUGLAS 67HO. For strictly first-class, close-In apart ments. The Helen. MARICS SORENSEN. 2464 Harney St. CLOSE IN BRICKS. 20' 8. SOt h, 6 rooms, ot first flocr. Southwest corner 24th and California, over drug store, one 5-room, lu-rcom. Heat and water paid on this. O'KEEFE REAL i;8TAT5 CO., 1016 OMAHA NATL. DOUGLAS ri.Y Basrt Mid REEDIIURST hoomi. Try our meals 10U No. t-ith St SOUTH 22d, 510. up-to-date rooms and ex rellent meals. Call Doug. 81H0. I YOUNG working men, private family, in walking distance; full particulars first letter. D 410, Bee. Famished Houses. ) ROOMS of a 7-room house. St. TeL Wab. 1411. 2049 N. 19th Furnished Housekeeping; Rooms. CI3SE In, mod., reasonable. 2305 Farnam. 3112 MASON, 2 nicely furn. mod. house keeping rooms; private family. H. W2. Famished Itooma. Five rooms at 2825 Cass St.: only $10 00. i on RENT good barn, room for 8 or M hoi wit Webster fit. Call Dougia 4. REAL KSTATB KAIIM HANI II I.AMI FOR At,K -NORTH SIDE levva. Several good farms for sale cheap: 1 acres Improved upland farm wlthi soma fruit, good water, small buildings, near Connill I'luffs. I'rice 15 per acre. 6J acres northeast tif town, all good land, near school, fair buildings, Price $l.-0 per acre, no trade considered. 80 acres about t miles cast of center of city, fair buildings; good orchard, running water. I'rice l:'i er acre. 13 acres 5 miles north of city post office on Lime Klin road, well fenced and watered, splendid blue grass pasture; some timber, 10 acres ot corn, l'rloo $00 per acre. DAY & HESS CO., 123 Tearl Street, Council bluffs. Ta. FOR SALE Late Henry Itrothers' farm 212 acres, 1106 an Hi re. Address, Thomas Hanley, Kirkwood lletul, Des Moines la. Liberal terms. Missouri. FOR S.U,K-M acres. Improve,!; $15; South Missouri, on public road; unlv 2V miles from Branson; plenty line water; good eoncreete and frame house; good outbuildings; it In one of the beat stock farms in south Missouri and wonderfully cheap: $l,.V cash. Merrlam Ellis Kenton. E JjoOVIctor Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. o Fi i K SA IJ-:-20 a(Ti$30o. on teTms of $ down. $." month. In a well settled district In south Missouri, where fruit and poultry farms abound; only $15 per acre; long time, no Interest, no taxej; buy for the future while such property Is cheap. Merrlam, Ellis ft Henton, E-300 Victor Bldg.. Kansas Cltv, Mo. o N69 HARRIS, furnished rooms, olec. lights, steam heat, sleeping porch. H. 73H7. COT N. 22d. Elegantly furnlshel, strictly modern, home-like. Reasonable walking distance. HOUSEKEEPING a sonable. 406 North n d liith furnished rea-street. MARRIED couple have desirable room for man and wife, or ladles. Call 220 N. 23d St. SUITABLE for $ or 4, modern, cool pri vate home. Inquire 2017 Douglas. I-ROOM furnished house from July to September L H. 57(1. NICELY furnished southeast rooms; young men or business women preferred. 1136 S. Slst St. Phone Harney 3413. buUIH 22d, 515, two rooms adjoining, running water, walking distance. D. btoU. .FRONT parlor on first floor, single room on second floor, both suitable for 2 gen tlemen; modern, oool; board. Web. SQ70. Room in private family, 1 or 2 gentlemen or man as wile; Doard desired, u. wu. Mexico. 157-ACRE FARM T miles of Council Bluffs. All suitable for farming. About 15 acres alfalfa, 10 acres meadow;, good cottage house, small orchard. Splendid barn. A cheap place .I j-o per acre. M ORE REAL ESTATE CO., 105 Pearl St.. Council Bluffs. Minnesota. FOR SALE iWO acrco 46 miles front Min neapolis, onti mile from town; 160 acres undr cultlv.tio, bal. used for past ore can practically all be cultivated; heavy anil; good set of buildings, consisting of 8-roo n house, large barn, granary, corn cribs, etc.; the land will produce 80 bush els of corn per acre; telephone In house; country thickly settled; complete set of Head or stock, consisting of n tum, iuiince l ana i years old; fi good horses. 25 hogs, chickens; of this year's crop ami everyming on the farm goes at $f0 per acre; half cash. Schwab llros, lO.'g Plymouth Kldg., Minneapolis. Minn. Near ittth and Seward Street Only $100 Cneh Balance $15 Per onth R rooms, partly modern, one block t.i school, two blocks to car. Prlca only THE VOOET. REALTY AGENCY. ioi;.-p: v. o. w. Ridg. RK.1L KSTATK SOUTH S1I1K Field Club District Just completed KW IJncoln Ave., a fine home, beautifully finished In oak; four bed room and bath on second floor, with stairway to large attic. This la an up- to-date residence complete In every de tail, and It will pay you to Investigate. Price, $.-,500. Terms. Norris & Norris 400 Hoe Hldg. Phone Douglas i270. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET War Playing- Havoc with the Wheat Exporter. WEATHER AGAINST CORN CROP rsmhlMtlos of Heat and Lark of Rain la Worklsg Hardship on the' lnslhle Harvest of Yellow Cereal. South Side Bungalow New, Modern and Ready to Occupy liOcated at 1"'W Spring St. Five rooms and bath on first floor. Good, cemented basement and large attic. Strictly modern in every way. If taken at once, price will he 3.K Adlolnlng lot may be had for J4W. Can arrange for rrnsonable terms. Call owners, Tyler 620. REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE 1 WILL OFFER FIVE UNUSUAL PROIXKSITIONS NHXT SUNDAY, IN ALL THE PAPERS. HEAD MY OFFER IN THE REAL. ESTATE COLUMNS NEXT SUNDAY, SURE. V. H. TRULLINGER. o LiU4 ACRES good level land In Polk county, Minn., half mile from Tllden Junction. Rich black soil, good toad on one side; IM per acre If taken immedi ately, easy terms. W. A. Titus, Fond du lyae. Wis. NO FAILURES In Pine county, Minne sota; close to best markets: choloe lands, easily cleared, $20 per acre; easy terms. Hunt-Johnson, Hinckley, Minn. Furnished Housekeeping; llooias. TWO newly furnished, modern house keeping rooms; gas, linen, close-in, S4. 2713, Dewey Ave. lloaselteepiatf Room. 725 S. 18TH St--Housekeeping and sleep ing rooms; mod. house. Phone T. imi-vy. BO. 16th ST., 725 lloUBcKeeping rooms en suite; first floor; also steeping rooms. Tyler 10 W. THREE nice second-floor rooms, modern house. Tel. Webster 8o?0. Houwekeeping apt. liar. 21S1. 4243 Harney. Hnteis and A partiurmta. CALIFORNIA Hotel. 16th and California, Weekly rates t3 and up. Douglas 70S3. OGDEN Council HOTEL, Bluffs. rooms 12 per week. LOlXiE HOTEL Modern. Reasonable. UsfsrsliBed Hooma. CLEAN, newly furnished, large, t room ensuite; housekeeping complete; splen did location; only 23.75 a week, 2S2S Parker St. THREE modern unfurnished rooms for light houaekeeplng. 2X17 Poppleton Ave. liouara Hua eolti'i. I-ROOM, modern riat; 2 flnlahed rooms In basement; papered and varnished throughout. MB North 21st St; $42.50. Isaac A. Coles. 216 Brandula Theater Bldg. Douglas 274. . GOOD 7-room house, mcdern except heat, $22; adults only. 261 Caldwell; walking distance. Webster 3726. HOUSES FOR RENT. 8-room all modern home In Dundee; lease for $40. Very desirable 5-room brick flat, close to High school, $35. This house has all modern conveniences. Including hardwood finish, tiled bath room and sun room. 7 rooms and hall, strictly modern, hard wood finish In first story, three bed rooms upstairs, one bed room and bath on first floor $32.50. This house fronts cn a paved street and boulevard, 2H blocks from car line. J. H. DUMONT & CO., 1608 Fa mam St. Phone Doug. 690. HOUSES AND FLATS FOR RENT. $40 340 Burt St., 7 rooms mod., garage. $36 62S Park Ave., 6-room modern flat. $21.50 2T06 St. Mary's Ave., 6 rooms, mod ern except hcat. $301615 Howard St., fl rooms, 2d floor. $20 918 So. 31t St., i rooms, modern. $17.602614 Sherman Ave.. 5 rooms, all In tst repair; fine large rooms, new plumb li.g, fixtures, etc. $152630 Charles St,. S rooms, modern except heat. GEORGE & COMPANY. 902 City Nat. Bank Rldg. Phone D. Tort. FIELD CLUB DISTRICT. All modern, $-room houBe. V23 8.- SCth St., $2o. 5 AND 6-ROOM strictly modern cottages, $12 and $20 per month; shade trees. ?41 So. 24th St. SIX-ROOM cottage, heat 1730 Bo. luth. all D. modern 4874. except HnriHPa ln u Parte of nouses Crelt!h sju,,. & of the city. Co.. Bee Bldg. Nebraska. FOUND 520-acr Homestead In settled neighborhood; fine farm land; not sand hills; cost you $200 filing lees and all. J. A. Tracey. Kimball, Neb. FINE RANCH PROPOSITION. 4,000 acres In western Nebraska, 8,000 acres. line valley, abundant water, Ideal location for live stock; price $18.S0 per acre. Owner might consider small farm or good town property In part payment. Hicks l4nd Agency, Omaha. Wisconsin. Upper Wisconsin Best dairy and general crop state In the union; settlers wanted; lands for sale at low prices, on easy terms. Ask for book let 34 on Wisconsin Central Land Grant State acres wanted. Write about our grazing lands If Interested In fruit lands, ask for booklet on Apple Orchards In Wisconsin. Address Land Dept., Soo Una Ry Minneapolis. Minn. Wyoming;. YOIT CAN HOMESTEAD 320 ACRES of rich, level land In Wyoming for $22. Timber for fuel, posts and poles nearby on government land free to settlers. The Burlington route employs me to help you locate; my services are free. Write for map and full particulars before the good lanu is an taken up. S. H. Howard, as sistant Immigration agent 3S4, C, B. & Q. Bldg., Omaha, Neb. WEST FAIfcNAM BARGAIN. At 116 So. S5th St. This homo Is very beautiful, on paved street; large shade trees; strictly modern housa rooms; Block to car line; small payment down, balance monthly paymeats $ per tent Interest. This house must be ssen to be appreciated. Call Harney 3030 for further Information or rail at above; addre. Apartment House Site, 24th Ave. and St. Mary's' Northeast corner, 72x146. Two modern frame houses good for $95 per month rental. Enough vacant space to partially Improve site without disturbing them. This Is an ideal location for high grade apartments. You can't find Its equal In tho city at the price, $12,000, but would submit cash offer a little- lower. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler ir.,6. 2ii-lu-l2-14 State Bank Hldg. BEAUTIFUL home in exclusive West Farnam district Owner will be In town for one week only and must sell Immedi ately. Burroughs Adding Machine com pany, 309 South 13th St, city.' Doug-mi. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN REAIi ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loans Peters Trust CO. OMAHA homes, hjust Nebraska farina O'KEEFE REAL. ESTATE CO., 101$ Omaha Nat Douglas 2713. MONEY on hand for city and farm loans. H. W. Binder. City Nat. lik. Hldg. GARVTV HROS Loans, Jul and up. UUV V" rltUi3' Omaha Nat. Hxiik. Rc. CITY LOANS. Bemls-Carlberg Co., " 810-312 Brandels Theater Bldg. ' WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam. J4ARR1SON A MORTON. 816 om Nat. CH Y property. Large .oans a specialty. W. H. Thomas. 228 State Bank ldg. (100 to Wead. 10,0u) made promptly. V. D. Wead Bldg.. lStb and Farnam. C11Y and farm loans, 6, 5H, S per cent J.H.Dumont ft Co., 1603 Farnam, Omaha. SEE us first If you want a. faru loan. United States Trust Co.. Omaha. Neb. REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGls FOR EXCHANGE Several good Missouri farms for Nebraska farms. Write what you have. Guy R. Stanton. Lebanon, Mo. Pianos for other musical lnatru'ls. L 2017. ABSTRACTS Oa TITLE. KERR Title Guarante and Abstract Co., a modern abstract office. $06 bo. 17ttt St. Phone Douglas 54X7. FOR REN'l We have a complete list of all house, enactment and flats that are for rent This list can be seen fre of charge at Omaha Van & Storage Co.. 808 S. 16th fet. NONE to compare, an modern 7-roora house, also 4-room fiat. 220 No. 2Sd. 6-ROOM cottage, all modern except heat, convenient to school. D. 66. Free Rental List Complete information about every va cant house and apartment In the city. This service is free. Tel. Douglas 4477. Fidelity Storage ft Van Co. Fidelity Storage Co. Storage, moving, packing and shipping. 16 ft Jackson tits. . Phone. Doug, lall Van and Stor age Co. Reduced rates for 60 days Large van. 2 men, $1.25 par nr.; dray. 1 men. $1 per br. 17 U Webster. Doug. 14I4L Maggd's J. C. Reed txp. Co., moving, packing ft sloiage. 1207 Farnam. D. 6146; s-ROO.M house, all modern, Ireo water. '.04 N. Mth. Tel. I. li3o. tura ana offices. Fine cool room with vault, elee. light and walr free; 14ix27 fu partitioned, fur I private rooms and reception room. Opens ciractly oo court fcl floor. Apply room 103. Bee Bld. FOR RENT An office with reception room, reasonable. 5)4 State Bank Bldg. Excellent Counter Location For business neodlng Only small investment Will help you start Ir.'julre of Superintendent Room 103, The Uaa Building Co. REED Abstract Co.. oldest abstract of fice In Nebraska. 206 Brandels Tneater. REAL EST ATEr 'NORTH SIDE BARGAIN FOR CASH Strictly modern, oak finished home. Full two stones, 6 large rooms, besides bath, den and screened-in sleeping porch. Decorated throughout. Located on paved street, near Milier Park, at 2437 Laurel Ave. Price $i,tjo. Loan company will loan $2 44. Let us show you this today, then make us an offer. Phone Charles Horn, owner, Harney 6.' 10. Benson. . Modern Benson Home, $875 Cash balance $35 and Interest monthly: three 60-foot east front lots, highest part of town. Two blocks south of Cir; house) on cen ter lot. Nine rooms, very modern, nearly new, big turnace, fine floor, all ln nplendld order; built only 4 years; auto house with cement floor; barn, clilcKe i lioue and yard, shrubbery. PHoo $-XO for aM, or or $1,600 less with 1 dot Today is tha time, or $1,600 les with 1 lot. To-lay is tho timo, here Is your home. Ask us o nho you. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha National Hunk. I lunulas 2715. Sundays or Evenings Harney f!34. DO NOT OVERLOOK MY UNl'ISUAL OFFER, WHICH WILL APPEAR IN ALL NEXT SUNDAY'S PAPERS, IT WILL BE OF INTEREST TO YOU WHETHER YOU MAY BE A RENTER INVESTOR OR EXPECTING TO BUY A HOME. DIFFEKNT FROM ANY PROPOSITION YET OFFERED. V. 8. TRULLINGER, BUILD It OF WELL BlilLT BENSON HOMES.. q DANDY 4-ROOM COTTAGE WITH TWO LOTS Located In Benson and a snap at $1,500. Has electric light, well and barn. lTn. stairs can be finished off Into one or two more rooms. I00 down and $20 a month buys this. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. Dong. 1781. Ware Block. OMAHA, Aug. 19. 1914. The lot of the beat exporter la an un happy one. The war caused him to can cel sales at losses and now ho will b obliged to reinstate his holdings and ship the wheat as originally contracted. This, with a sale of bushels of wheat for export yesterday and l.omi.OOO bushels at the seaboard In two davs and a report that the B. ft O. railways has raised the embargo on wheat shipments to Balti more, showed that a big outward move ment to foreign countries Is now a cer tainty, in addition to this as a bull help were reports from Montreal of nine tramp steamers loading there with wheat and which are to depart as soon as loaded. There was a sensational market In wheat ' shown by the cloning prices, which were '"niptl! above the resting spots of Mon day. Following a weak suot at the open Ing, the buying power exceeded the offer ings and there was but one side to the market rrom that lime until the close. It was generally believed In wheat clr cles that the extraordinary demand came from the public. The greater buying came imin exporters. The combination of hot weather and lack of rain is playing havoc with the Corn crop In certain sections of the belt and the complaints are coming from some of the most Important districts. Be sides tho unfavorable crop news from Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska, there wero many adverse reports concerning the corn crop In western Iowa yesterday. The week crop report, which Is usually conservative, stated tltnt the corn crop In Iowa Is steadily retrograding. There was further selling of oats for export yesterday, and this, with the pro nounced strength In other markets, caused advances of llVifiime In futures. Cash houses were buyers ot oats. Persistent commission house buying of Small lots, presumably by non-prof slonals, coupled with tha strength In grains gave provisions a good advance yesterday. Wheat nil tiu3r higher. Corn was unchanged to c higher. tints were mic higher. These sales were reported! Wheat, No. 2 hard winter, 4 cars lc, 1 car Wc, 1 car ,s4e; No. i hard winter, S cars (dark) !V. cars 90c, i cars 89c. 2 cars 8xe, 1 car S7Vc, 1 car 86c, 2 cars Siie.; No. 4 hard winter, 1 car 87e. 1 car ;. Oats: No. S white, 1 car (choice). 40Hc, 2 cars 40c, 7 cars 40c; No. 4 white, 4 cars 33Sc. Corn: No. 1 yellow, 4 ears 79c; No. 2 yellow, 1 car 7c; No. 3 yel low, 4 cars 7!k. 1 car 7Nt4c, 1 cars "Kr; No. 1 mixed. 1 car 77Vc; No J 2 mixed, 1 car 78c; No. S mixed, i carsf77l4c; Nix S mixed, 1 car 77c; No. mixed, 1 car 77o. Clearances were: Wheat and flour eqjal to 1.2Ti5,o00 bushels; corn, none; oats, lS.ooO, btiHiieiH, ,noo busneis bonded. Liverpool closed: Wheat. 2flWid higher: corn, not reported, nominal. primary wheat receipts wero i.ww.too bushels and shipments 820,(00 bushels, against receipts of 1,339 0UO :ushol und shipments of 822.000 bushels last year. Primary corn receipts 'tore 1,1.79,000 bushels and shipments 447,000 bushels, against receipts ot 487,000 and shipments of 474,000 bUBhels last year. Primary oats receipts were l.GOR.OOO bushels and shipments 1,188,000 bushels, against receipts of 1,273.000 bushels ana shipments of R4O,000 bushels last voir. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat.Corn.Oats. Chicago S5! Minneapolis 210 Duluth 84 Omaha 28 Kansas City... 28.'. St. Louis 67 Winnipeg ,. 50 ... ' ,,, Omaha Cash Prices: Wheat: No. t hard, 88ftfi1le; No. hard, 86V93V4o; No. 4 hard, MVuOTa; No. 2 spring, lV(&9mc; No. 3 spring, RlffSOVic; No. 4 spring, 88VWfi8!)Hc; No. 2 durum, fH'51,ic; No. 3 durum, 79VMr80a. Corn: No. 2 white, 78!j79c; No. 3 white, 78VWP7ini4C; No. 4 white. 781,4W78'c; No. 3 yellow, TbVoSe ; No. S yellow. 78H78ic: No. 4 yelUw, 78r78Hc; No. 2 mixed, 77HT78c; N. mixed, TiWnw: No. 4 mixed, 7643T7o. Oats: No. 2 white, 40(fJ4Oc; standard, 40Vg40Ho; No. 3 white, 40fa40Vjc; No. 4 white, 8'J4r3!Hs. Barley: Malting, K-frrtSc; No. 1 feed, 464fi0c. Rye: No. t, 7(y7llc; No. 8, 72750. Oct .1 1J !B4jI IJ 40 I 1J J7Sj 12 ITNV 12 27V4 Jan.J II 30 11 30 U $,V U 37V It ST OMAII4. GFiMGRtL MARKET. IU'TTKR No. 1. Mb., cartons, 30c; No. 1. Mb. tubs. SOc. CHKFSE-lmported Bwlss. V can Swlns. 2c; block Swim, 2:' I7c; daisies, IV; triplets. lHo Americas, blue lshel brick. : Amerl ; twins, ; Young 18c; lim burger, !-lb.. lc; 1-lh . 20e: New York white, 1!V; imported French Roquefort. 4So FISH-Trout. 17c; Urge crapples, lv,r Ijc; salmon. 12u."; halibut, 'c; channel catfish. l.V; pike, 17c; pickerel, 10c. POULTRY -Broilers, v; hena. 12c: riK-ks, V; ducks, 8e; geese. Ik-; turkey. )tc; piegons, per doten. Wc; ducks, full festhered 8c; geese, full feathered, se; squabs. No. 1, $1.60; Nr.. 2, &o HOUS-Receipts, 33,000 head; market, cull; bulk, $ 25UX; light. $8 40418 f; mixed. $8.lO) beavv, $30itr,70; rough $8irt.8l0; pigs. $7 2.SVS80 HEFF OUTS No. 1 ribs, 20Wc; No. t, 18c; No. t. hie; No. 1 chuck, l,V; No. 3, 12o; No. 3. UV No. 1 loin. 22c; No. 2, lMo; No. J, 14c; No. 1 plates, 8v; No. J. lc; No. 3 ItiHc; No. 1 round, lvc; No. 3, c; No. 3, 7vc. Prlcea furnished by the Olllnsky Fruit Co. : NUTS Salted peanuts, $1 50 per case; No. 1 California walnuts, 180 per lb.; pecans, lltc per lb.; filberts. 15o per lb.; almonds 20o per lh. MISCELLANEOUS Sugar walnut dstes, $1.2o per box; limes, $l.7i per baskot; cracker.lack, $150 per case; cracVrrJsck. per half case, $1.75; checkers, $.150 per case; checkers, per half case, $1.76. FRUITS 4 Ganges: Kxtr fancy Glen oora Valenclas, (X. ll:. llHs. 160a. 176a, 2"0s, and 2THs, $3.75 per box; Red Ball Va lenclas, all sties, ll per box. Umona: Fancy Silver Cord, 300a and 3o, $800 per box; 420s, $s,50 per box; 4y0s, $8 per box. Grape Fruit: Extra fancy 54s. $4.50 per box; extra fancy 46a, $4 per box; extra fancy 86s. $3.50 per box; Indian River 4s and 80a. $5 per box. Apples: Duchess. $4 per bbl. Watermelons, o per lb. Cunta louies: Arisona standarua, $3.2t per crate; Jumbos, $2 per rrste; Pony a, $1.7$ per crate. California Fruits: Black Dia mond plums, $1.75 per crate; red plums, $l.5 per crate; California poaches, 85a per box; California Bsrtlett pears, 60-lb. boxes. $3 25 per box: Washington Bartlett pears, $2 per box; Idaho red plums, $1.25 per crate; Idaho blue plums, $1.40 per crate. Bananas, $1.75 to $3 60 per bunch. VEGETABLES Cauliflower: Denver, per lb., 12 V; cabbage, 2V- per lb.; onions, 2Hc per lb.; peppers, 40o per baa ket; fancy tomatoes, boo per basket; cu cumbers, hot-house, 1-doi. basket. 75c; new beets, carrots and turnips, 3&c per dos,; celery, Michigan, STio per do. ; celery, I nver. large Jumbo. $1 per dos.: head lettuce, 60o to l.M per dos.; leaf lettuce. 400 per dos.; onions, home grown. 15c per dos.; radishes, toe per dos.; garlic, Italian, ton per lb.; horse radish, $1.66 per case; shelled popcorn, 4o per lb.; as paragus, home grown, per dos., market price about SOo per dos.; potatoes, new, 76o per bu. OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Rang-e Cattle Coming In Freely So Far This Week. HOG RUN HOLDS UP VERY WELL Iterelpts ef-Rssg Lambs Comtlane Liberal, Total Arrivals for Week ilelng? the Heaviest nine Restlnalna of Season. SOUTH OMAHA. Aug. 1. 1914. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. I'i'icisi .Monday H.1T7 omcisl Tuesday 4 377 Estimate Wednesday... $,2oO 4. i.m 6,400 24. .1-'3 . la.oo Threa days this week.14.4 18.01H Same days last week... 9.134 13.613 Same days 2 wks. ago. 8.421 7.HS0 Haine daya $ wks. ago. 10,016 li.!8 fr'ame days 4 wks. ago. 8,i.i 22.790 Same days last year....l6,l. i.817 The following table shows the recolpli of cattle, hogs and sheep at the South Omaha live stock market for the year to usio as compared with last year: . , 1814 ISIS. Inc. faille 479,670 614.861 "ogs 1,626.212 1.8I5.7-.9 ""P 1,447.423 I. .7.715 189.708 The following table shows the prices for hogs at the South Omaha live stock Market for the last few days, with comparisons: S9.073 42.5.(8 44.3o3 10.306 38,676 43,895 Dee 34.7111 1X11.547 . Date. I JJ4.Jj8i3Uliiw. 11311 19l0.19o9 July 31.1 8 4Sl 8 Mil 7 7.11 (Wl I SSI I W 6 4 T W 3'W 29 17 423 (uinrll Mlnffs. BLOCK OF 12 LOTS. $1,200, easy terms. Council Bluffs, 4 blocks of Omaha car line. ' Nice high ground. These lots are very chean. They are within about a mile of the busi ness part of Omaha. They will grow In value every year and meantime will make you a good horn where you can have a garden, fruit chickens, a cow, etc., and have room for your children to play. M GEE REAL ESTATE CO., Iu6 Pearl St., Council Bluffs. Dundeer$6,500 Brick and.Stucco One of the most attractive home, in Dundee, well built and well planned; first floor has large livinir room arrangement with old-fashioned fireplace, beamed ceil ings, largw dining room, kilchen, sun room and breakfast room: hecnml. tlnnr- 4 nice bedrooms, sleciiintr north end tile bath; nicely decor led throughout and hardwood finish, with ou.trter-sawed oak floors first floor. Owner must sell on account of sick news. U.HK) rash v ill . STUCCO COTTAGE ON EASY TERMS A small payment down, balance $30 per month, will make you the owner of Just a peach of a 5-room cottage on Camden Avo. Modern In every way, with a first class hot water heating plant, also a (,rage. Call us up. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Doug. 178L Ware Block. o. READ MY ADVERTISEMENT, WHICH WILL APPEAR IN ALL NEXT SUN DAYS PAPERS, UNDER THE REAL ESTATE COLUMNS. F. S. TRUL L1NGEK. o iR SALE lo-room hou. attic and full basement; all modern; hot water heat; automubils garage and drive, large lot Inquire owner. 2i.O Webster. handle. This Is easily a !7,VX property, Unleas sold this week, ownxr u ill siuer renting to ueairaule parly. Glover & Spain con- 919-20 City National Bank Douglas S!tJ. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS Must Be Sold gas, city 6-room cottage. 2419 8. 17th; water. Price reduced to $1.6f.0. 4 rooms, modern except heut, 17th and Canton. Paved street. A dandy. $1,A0 6 rooms, 2)ith near Franklin, $2,300. T rooms, modern, 2th and Manderaon, $2,75-. 6 rooms, modern, 2"a and Laird, $2,700. I am offering all tha above on easy pay. ments ai:d below cost. Inquire 413 Kar bach Block. Phono D. 367. CHICAGO tiRAIlV AND PROVISIONS Features of the Trading; and Closings Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Aug. 19. All Board of Trade markets except corn, which was bearishly influenced by ruins In the southwest, scored further advances today. Wheat gained l(u2c; oats, 'A'Ua and provisions 7f()-40e, while corn declined V&c. Yesterday's reports of export sales, while unconfirmed were still bulllshly In fluential in wheat, as was an advance ln the Liverpool market. While the Eng lish apparently were not seeking wheat on this side and Montreal resold 600,000 bushels bought here yesterday, they were said to be In the market for flour. Other Influences favoring the price were the estimate by an English expert of a re duction of 354,000,000 bushels In the Euro pean crop and export clearances, mainly from the gulf, of 1.256,0(8) bushels. The volume of trade early was heavy, but It died down after the first hour. Corn reached Its best prices under the Influence of wheat, but reports ot rain In tho southwest started profit taking, under which the gain was lost, together with some of yesterday's. ' While the country still withheld Its old corn, ship ping demand picked up unexpectedly. Ad vices on crop conditions provided nothing convincing. The recent -advance In futures was re flected In a lighter demand from shippers of oats. This market declined under this Influence, but recovered sharply -on an excellent class of buying, which the con cession In prices developed. Higher hogs and a falling off In the western movements sent provisions up despite liberal profit taking. Uraln prices furnlsliea oy Logan ft Bryan office, 315 South Sixteenth street: Corn and Wheat Rrglnn Ralletln. Corn and wheat reaion bulletin of th United States Department of Agriculture, weather bureau, at Omaha, for the twenty-four hour ending at $ a. m., 75th meridian time, Wednesday, August 19: OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp. Rain- Sky. Cloar Cloudy Cloudy I't. cloudy Clear Pt . cloudy I't. cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy It. cloudy Cloudy It. cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Not Included In averages. Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period end ing at I a. m. DISTRICT AVEnAOES. No. of Temp. Raln Dlatrlot. Stations. High. Low. fall. Columbus, 0.... Louisville, Ky Indla'polis. Tnd Chicago, III Bt. Ixnils Dea Moines, la, Minneapolis .... Kan. City. Mo. Omaha, Neb 17 Temperatures are much lower In Minne sota and the Dakota, but they continue high In other portions of the corn and wheat region. Showers occurred In tha northern and western districts. Falls of one Inch or more occurred as follows: In Nebraska Grand Island, 1.42. In Wiscon sin Watertown, 2.40, and Madison, 1.60. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau. Station. High. Low. fall. Ashland 98 72 .00 Auburn 101 TT .00 Broken Dow ... 93 60 .00 Columbus 90 IW .00 Culbertson 98 69 .17 Falrbury 101 70 .18 Fairmont 96 07 .00 Grand Island ..100 88 1.42 Hartlngton 100 70 .00 Hastings 97 M .92 Holdrege 103 08 .00 Lincoln 96 72 .00 North Platte.. 92 63 .00 Oakdale 9A 68 .00 Omaha 96 75 .00 Tekamah 97 78 .00 Valentine .... 74 6a .00 Alta. la 91 71 .00 Carroll, la 93 70 .00 Clarlnda, la... .103 74 .00 Blbley, la 91 8 .00 Bloux City. Ia. 96 71 .00 IS 92 70 .00 22 94 68 .09 13 94 72 . 00 14 94 70 .70 23 Wl 73 .00 24 96 72 . 60 61 78 60 . 30 34 96 72 .30 17 96 66 .80 Artlclo Open. I High. Low. ) Close. I Yes y. Wliem -Sept. I94U ftt Dec.,11 00''i I 1 iW May.l 07 Corn I Sept. 7V' Dea. TOVal May.71VlVl Oslb- Kept.!434iV Dec.iH"!" May.4'vu Pork Sept.l 22 75 Jan..) 21 60 Lard Sept.! 82V., Oct..9 WiM Jan.. I 10 30 Rib- . Sept I II 75 I J effVk) 94 1 02 1 061 1 06 1 07V4 I mi 7i 711 B0- TiH 71 I I 44il 43 4V, 46 4! 4a I 2 75 21 60 10 024t 10 zu 10 4G I 22 60 31 60 t 75 9 90 10 X 96 ' 94 1 0144 VU 10H 100 7H 79', 70 701 71' 71 43, V 41 44 41', 49 32 60 22 27 21 00 a 46 1 10 02: 9 62'., 10 15 I 9 77 10 40 I 10 0j 12 85 I 12 72f 12 85 J 12 72 CHICAGO LIVE) STOCK MAItKfST Cattle Steady to Lower Hogs Are nigher. CHICAGO. Aug. 18 CATTUi) Receipts, 19,000 head; market, steady to 16o lower; beeves, $7.OOCul0.6O; steers, I6.30ft9.30; stockerg and feeders, $5,404(810: cows and heifers. $3 6020; calves, $7.7610.7S. HOGS Receipts, 14,000 head; market, Sic. higher; bulk of sales. $8 KMi9.26; Mht K :n9 4f; mixed. $8.66Cu4 40; heavy, $8.tA 9.30: rough, $8.50tie65; Pigs, $7.00M6. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Ilclpts. 16.000 head; market, steady to loo higher; sheep, $' NVfufi.OO; yearlings. $.0uij7.0O; lambs, $6.50i.46. Kansaa Cltr Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Aug. 19 CATTLE Re ceipts, 7,000 head: market, lower; prime fed steers, $9 6f.ti10S0; dressed beef steers, $K.80rfrK.6Q; western steers. $7.00f9 26; mockers and feeders. t6.20Q.26; bulls, $5.25 t0 6i; calves. $6.6044.10.76. ' BOOS Receipts. 4.00 head; market, higher; bulk. $0104)936; heavy. S.164rt.40; packers and butchers. $0 109.40; light, pifoiiVW: pigs. $8. 0041860 SHEEP AND LAM BR Receipts. x.SnO head; market, steady; lambs,!: yearlings $6.76US60; wethers, $V60fl.00: ewes. $4.76fr'&.50. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. 1. 1.. 1 4. 6. 6. T.. 8. 10 11. u 1!. $ 04 7 x ( TO', 7 nr. 8 13 n 904 7 44; I 48 T 86 6 69i T 7 4 - I HI ,h; 1 1.1 1 7 Ml S 43 I 6 92 T 7U 7 Ml I It! ( 031 7 041 7 681 7 64 1 8 17 7 98 ; I li T 81, 7 28 I I8j T 89 T 17 7 W I 7 71 7 Wl I I 1 59 T 90 7 79 1 49 T 81 7 41 ?tl 1 !4 11908. ft 41 41 73 6 38 6 38 6 46 s m t 60 1 steer 1410 8 46 IS steers 1180 J cows WO 8 IS 4 rows 986 A. F. Chrlstaln, Montana. 11 steers 1049 6 00 1 steer 1079 6 rows H54 6 25 2 steers 1166 7 75 J B. Kendrlck. Wyoming. 180 steers.... 1236 8 10 Mrs. (i. w. Brewster, Wyomlnft tl steers 121 8 00 J. F. Bock, Wyoming. ... 86 6 60 18 COWS 1061 ... wsj I 80 1 steer 1100 . . . 9 &m J. B. Kendrlck. Wyoming. ...1218 8 00 1 steer 1118) ... W'3 6 75 1 row 1040 G. Gallatin, Wyoming. 1049 7 40 47 steers 101$ 30 heifers. 9 cows... 1 cow Mrs. 17 steers. , 4 cows... 48 steers 7 23 T 81 7 41 1 40 02i I 191 17 21 7 8-tl 7 84 6 14) I 8 7 96 I 04 7 11 7 961 7 42 41 8 KMh.1 7 Ki-Il a lull ,a iVU 7 171 A C'l Aug. 14. 1 9 04i, 7 701 8 121 T 101 7 481 6 17 ". 10. 1 a M 7 7,1 H 13 7 IN HI", " I 6 3U I 7 771 3 141 7 171 8 241 7 641 Aug. 16. I 7?! I 68 8 K 7 75 7 77 uSI I 8 09 7 171 t 90 7 17 $ 24 7 10 8 23 T 871 44 7 72 6 41 7 641 6 31 Aug. Aug. Aug. indicates Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock yards. South Omaha, Neb., for twenty-four hours ending at i o clock yesterdav : RECEIPTS CARS. t attle. Hogs Sheep f . M. ft St. 1 Wabash Missouri Pacific.... Union Pacific C. ft N. V east... C ft N. W, west.. C. Bt. P.. M. ft O. C, U. ft q., east... C, B. ft Q west... C. R. I. ft p east Illinois Central Chicago Ut. West.. Toltl receipts. 17 44 94 I 1 2 I 1 16 41 4 1 28 28 5 1 7 1 ? ::j 79 78 son 10 TOO 36 S 60 S 75 4 75 7 40 I. P. Sheehan, Wyoming. 16 steers 1 - JO 8 mi I steer 14O0 t OA 1 steer 1600 8 no 1 steer 1490 8 00 1 steer l-'40 8 00 13 steers 1013 7 80 10 cows I0H4 8 86 Hot IS Supplies were estimated at eighty-two cars, or 6.400 head, making th total for the three daya about 18.000 head. This is 4.600 larger than last week and more than a thousand heavier than the ssme days last year. Light supplies and stronger prices at all other market points brought a re action In the trade this morning. Ship ping hogs showed the lnt advance, as few of tliein looked to be over a dlmo higher. Packers made their first Nds higher, and when first sales were made values looked to le at leat 10iil5c, and In some Instances, a flat 15o higher. Even on this basis movement was not lively enough to suit the buyers, and under tha Influence of sharp competition, prices con tinued to Improve until many of the sslea msde towards the end of the market looked to lie at least Joe higher. Trade closed active at the high time of the day The general market Is fully 161 30c higher than ves'erday. A clearance was made In good season, practlcslly everything being sold by 10 o'clock. Bulk of the sales was made at $x.S0V9.9j, with a sprinkling around $9 00 and a top of $9.10. For thp week todate the killer trade la little more than n nickel lower while 1 shipper hogs are anvwhere from a dime, to In the case of tops 2M lower. Bulk at the close of last week was railing at $8.86 1WH.00. with tops at f W DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Morris ft Co; Swift A Co Cudahy Packing Co Armour ft Co Schwarts A Co J. W. Murphy Morrell Lincoln Packing Co O. K. Serum Co Kohr P. Co Benton, Van Bant ft L. Hill A Son F. R. Lewis Huston A Co J. B. Hoot ft Co J. 11. Bulla Ia F. Huss McCreary A Kellogg..., Werthelmer A Degen... H. F. Hamilton Sullivan Bros Mo. A Kan. Calf Co.... Christie Huffman Roth Meyers Baker, Jones A Smith.. Tanner Bros John Harvey Kline Other buyers 208 290 331 476 $ 11 91 64 6 61 148 64 24 14 . $21 II 30 16 17 15 11 11 11 38 71 34 815 962 969 1,216 583 L142 12 2X7 1.128 S..irt4 1.064 4,476 No. At. Bh. Tr. No. At. Fh. ft. M IM ... 71 7 344 HIM .11 04 411 S 7T, ft tW 10 IM SI IM 10 I N tl l't.0 (0 8 90 21 Ill Its II HI) W il to to t Sl7 ... I 0 4N IM 40 9 n 4 117 ... I 0 74 130 t I to 41 274 IM 8 0 47 K8 119 I M I.M SO I 88 It Ml ... I St S IM 80 I M It Ill ... H l 174 ... IK ID 14 41 I 10 II 38 X I SB 71 IN 40 I to tl xl ISO t k. KHI Ml I M II IM ... I W II IM ll 1 ts U Ill ... I 85 lb 141 IM I tO it Ill ISO t as isr ,., at J wo ... II 71 im ... 1 ta 131 40 I M II. , 171 140 I te 47 Ml H IM II WO ... I IS M Ill7 8 I IS Tl Ml ... I tO t IV IM I W 17 144 M I 10 It IH 10 I UK 41 Its ... I te 4...t....tM ... IM II toe ... Its mi MIS Tl KUI ... its 44 ivt H III 17 It tO I 10 M HI ... I H 7 M 40 I M II IT ... I M I.., W7 40 I M M IM 40 8 85 41 til ... I M 47 14 40 I U IS f!8 t 98 l 174 10 I 16 II Itl J40 I M 47 110 M III u. .......It; ... M 78 H6 ... I S 11 M4 14 IK 47 IKI 40 I 87 41 MO 110 I M 0 1"4 ... 8 87 14 IM 10 I IS 47 S6T IM I to 71 100 40 I M 71 1st 10 I tO ( .M0 ... M M 4 ... I SO I HI ... tOO TT tM to I Ml M Ill 44 I 00 61 171 SB I to 14 fst 80 t no " 1 IM I 80 II ... 9 00 'T ... I tO 71 114 10 t SO 1 7I 10 I to M S4 ... 9 08 8 5?l 100 I to It J ... I 10 Wt 40 I 10 t Ml ... I to W HI ... IM PIGS. 101 ... I H M 98 ... I to 10,749 ...2.624 5.806 20.170 were St. Loo la Live n tar It Market. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 19. CATTLE Re ceipts, 5.1100 hesd: market, sieadv; native beef steers. $7,60110.40: cows and heifers, $5 OOfiO.60; stockers and feeders, $3.007 5": southern steers, $6 0isUA.25; cows and heir ers. $4 0004 50; native calves, St. OOii 11,00. HOGS Receipts, 5.700 head; market, higher: pigs and lights $7.0ofi0.55; mixed and butchers, $3.10&4J.S6; good heavy, $9 36r! 60 SHEEP AND LA MBS- Receipts. 4 600 head:, market strong; native muttons, $4.00i3f.25; lambs. $7 0006.25. Prettiest Bungalow j On Prettiest Mile A beautiful brick and stucco luin..!... of 5 rociuia and (nonnoui poiches screened in. Hut water heat. Two acres of ground fchade. garden, chicken huutr, 11 ti,e comforts of a country home ln the eitv and only one block from tho street car Ideal for a man with a family ut dren growing up You can t find lis equal in the toan for the money. I';.j.. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler liM. 208-10-12-14 Slate Bk. Bldg Close In 517 So. 25th Ave. Six Largo Rooms. $4,500. $4.5oO FOR (.uu-k oasli erty, 12 per cent, ney 6117. sale. Cull Income pro. ownoi, liar- $50 CASH t-'O PER MONTH New 6-room bungalow, living room and dining room flmslied In oak. built-in cuu Lour I. built-in bu'fet. THE ViaiEL REALTY AOENCY 1015-16 W. j. W. Bldg ' REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS IF YOU HAVE A SMALL AMOUNT OF CASH TO INVEST ON A PROPOSI TION WHEREIN YOU TAKE A BSC). LUTELY NO RISK. NO ELEMENT OF CHANCE. DO NOT FAIL TO READ MY FIVE UNUSUAL OFFERS Willi '11 WILL APPEAR IN ALL NEXT HUN DAY PAPERS. F. S. TRULLINGER. o 6-R. HOUSE, all mod., full lot, east front; 2d lot from corner, 8V3J N. 2.V1 St., block to car, easy terms. Call owner, W. 6.172. Closo-In Cottage In first-class repair; contains $ rooms, city water, bath, toilet, sewer and gas, peved street, nice lot; price only $I,7K); rasy terms. C. G. CARLBERO, 310-13 Brandels Theater Bldg. WEST FARNAM BARGAIN At 116 So. Xth St. This home la very beautiful, on paved strut; large shade trees, strictly modern house, 9 rooms; Block to car line; small payment down, balance monthly payments t per cent interest. T his house must be seen to be appreciated. Call Harnsy 3030 for further Information or call at above address. f-ROOM house, rents for $1160, must be sold at once: tY will handle it H. 471 L Key to the Situation Bee Want Ada. . Slona City Lire Stork Market. SIOUX CITY. 7a.. Aug. 19. BATTLE Receipts, 90(i head: market steady; native steers, $7.26rl0.00; butchers, 96.90vj7 30; cows and heifers, $C.001i6 76; canners 13 60; stockers and feeders. $6 0Ot7 4 calves.' $7. 7((i l0.&0: bulla, staas etc . tr, l 6 26. MrxriS Ret elpts, 4.000 head; market 16 ft 20c higher: heavy. p.;n 00; mixed. $KST.r9.); light, $9.804141.85; bulk of Bales. $8 Mr, 90. SHEEP AND LAMRfr-Receipts, 1.600 head; market steady: fed muttons. $6.0orfl 6.60; wethers. $4 7Wto.fj0; commons and stockers, $T).3r.a; luinljs, $7.2yfl(.2j. Totals CATTLE Receipts this morning very light at this point, but still the run ror tne week uomiatres very lavoraoiy with the corresponding period a year ago. Other markets were well supplied, Chi cago especially having a large run, As a result, the market at thai point broke sharply, creating naturally a weak feel ing at western markets. Owing to the moderate receipts of beef steers the desirable kinds were fairly ac tive at prices that were fully steady with yesterday. Good oornfeda sold around $9.99. There was also a good demand for the best range steers. Medium grades were not so much sought after, and the feeling on that kind was. If anything, a little weak, owing to the lower market at Chicago. lows and heifers were active sellers al fully steady prices, and the bulk of the receipts changed hands at an early hour. There were only a few scattering stock- err and feeders In sight and they brought lu ly steady nrlces. Quotations on Cuttle: Good to oholce cornfed beeves, t9.60col0.10; fair to good corn fed beeves, $8.7uu4.5o; common to fair beeves, $8.ooir8.76; good to choice range steers, $7.6nU8.25; common .to fair range steers, $8 2MiU.i0; fair to good range steers, $6.75437.60; choice to fsncy corn fed heifers, $6.60fr9.60; good to choice grata heifers, $67fi&7.76; good to choice glass cows, $6.2Gif7.U; fair to good grades. $6.60jp6.t6; common to fair grades, $3.60j 6 50; good to choice stockers and feeders; $7. 764(44.30, fair to good stockers and feeders, $7,001(7.76; common to fair Blockers and feeders, $6.26417.00; stock cows and heifers, $5.M7.6; stock calves, $6.6Of.60; veal calves, $7,004)10.25; bulls, stags, etc., tUfxyJ 7.00. BEEF STEERS. No. At. Pr No. At. Pt 10 1041 ( M 8 11W 9 M II 1WI I SO - STEERS AND HEIFERS. 7... 4... 2... 1... 1... I... 1... I... 71 .. 744 ,. til . . 640 ..1041 .. tM ., i:5 .. IM .. 110 ..1IM .. Ml .. Mi .. 170 ..1010 ..141.0 ..IMS .. wo 4. 80 U! I SO 4 cowa. 4 M 4 60 I 00 6 14 I IS I m I 70 I 74 I to HEIFERS. I $6 I I 60 I I tO I BULLS. I 44 4 I 76 1 I to 3 I to I i U I CALVE a. I 50 I t M I 746 I H .. 110 ..IIW7 .. 10 .. M7 ,, MM . I07S ..IW0 . .1100 111 . MS .13U0 . 171 .IM0 .1120 I 04) I II 44 I 40 I 40 I 00 I 16 1 00 I 71 T 10 7 II I to 4 00 I 40 4 tu I lu 800 I 60 140 II 00 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 4W 47 7U 101 .1066 Coffee Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 19-The coffee mar ket showed a somewhat declining tend ency again today. No fresh business has been reorted In the coast and fruit mar ket, and the exchange situation still so unsettled that local ImfKirters find It is practically lmKsslble to finance fresh purchases In Brsill through the ordinary channels. The demand In the local spot market hss become quiet, and prices ware a shade lower with Rio 7s quoted at t and Santos 4s 3. No official an-nouiu-oinent has bean made with refer ence to the progress of evening up of old committments through the voluntary committee, but It waa reported la trade circles today that such transactions are now being made on practically the basis of ring and margin prices of July 30. Kvaporated Apples and Dried Pratt a NEW YORK, Aug. 19 -EVAPORATED APPLES Quiet. DRIED FKUITS-Prunea. steady; apri cots, easy; peaches, firm; raisins, dull. ilir Msvrket. NEW YORK, Aug. 19 BUG A R Raw barely steady; molasses, 6.6X0, oeutrlfuaal' 27c; refined, firm. 23 steers.. 1 heifer... 870 6 calves.... 244 1 cows KJI 8 cows 8,3 6 heifers.. 632 1 feeder. ..1120 1 feeder... 1000 3 feelers.. 1136 23 heifers. . KM 1 cow Wis) 1 steer lOtiO 61 cows 880 6 feeders.. 3 hslfers.. 443 1 feeder... 310 6 feeders.. (43 Mrs. J. 3 cows 1006 J. H. 12 steers... .ltiol 3 feeders. 1'I3 1 cow. .....1070 4 00 t. 1 to . I 76 I. 71 !.. NEBRASKA. 704 120 M 7 14 7 16 7 U 1 tl .1083 .1163 . K60 20 steers. 4 steers. 1 cow... 1 bull 1340 1 cow Ills) 37 feeders.. 11M 39 feeders.. 1160 7 feeders.. 1135 61 heifers.. 1012 23 cows W9 1 cow... 42 steers. ..1100 ,.Hu6 880 617 910 7 40 T 36 6 00 4 80 6 85 6 85 7 85 7 75 7 25 6 75 6 00 7 40 6 46 L. D. Blair Neb. 600 6 86 1 cow.... 7 40 heifers 7 60 1 cow.... 7 30 B. Kondrick-Wyo. 0 au m cows lt46 SchrclbuB Wvo. 7 70 ( feeder.. 960 7 55 I steers.. ..1110 6 75 John Delmer, Nebraska. .... 946 6 45 9 cows 940 K. E. I .owe, Nebraska. J. H Minor, Nebraska. 15 cows 101 6 40 34 steers 1161 MUldale Cattle Co.. Nebraska. 42 feeders... 1 J 8 00 7 feeders... l'0 2 feeders... 1150 7 00 1 heifer 1130 George II. Ferris, Nebraska. 30 steers 1146 9 16 SOUTH DAKOTA. E. V. Youugqulst, South Dakota. 30 steera....loi8 7 60 28 cows 1020 6 30 7 cows 945 WYOMING, John W. Cook, Wyoming. 15 feeders... 1080 7 66 Frank I.acy, Montana. 23 steer 12.11 8 46 1 steer 1290 14 cows., 7 60 7 10 4 00 6 76 6 85 7 85 7 75 7 $5 7 10 6 60 7 30 7 40 4 25 ( (5 6 66 65 7 66 7 70 76 700 7 60 7 25 700 $ 45 SHEEP Yesterday's Dig run was fiN lowed by another- today, the estimate) being some 19,000 head, making for tha week to date as many as 61.973, against 44,301 two weeks ago and 42,644 a year ago. As to quality, the receipts were very much like yesterday and the percentage) of the feeder offerings wag about the) same. Buyers were out fairly early to fill their orders, hut wsnted to make their pur chases at lower prloes, so It wii well along In the forenoon before the bulk of the offerings moved. Trade In lambs wag slow at prices generally steady to a dime lower, and the clearance was late. The mutton supply was light being . apparently short of the demand. Most .everything on this order was cleaned up early at prices steady with Tuesday. There was as much Interest In feeding sheep and lambs as on previous days of the week and as a fairly good supply waa available buyers lost no time In getting what they wanted on a basis fully steady. During the early part of the forenoon several bunches of feeding ewes changed hands at 3.6O'ij4.00. Comparing prices with the close of last week they are 15026a lower, but this has been due almost entirely to liberal runs on every day thus far. While lambs have shown up In lib eral proportions the receipts of mutton offerings have been very moderate and prices are steady to a dime lower than last week's close. Quotations on range sheep and lambs: Lh nihil, good to choice, 36.lixu8.40; lambs, lair to good. $7.S38.16; lambs, feeder. 0.7'f7.a); yearlings, good to choice, $6.15 (716.60: yearlings, fair to good, $6.00416.25; yearlings, feeders. $"i.76(f(6. 16; wethers. good to choice, $&.90tT.16 wethers, fair t good, $6.60416. 90; wethers, feeders, $4.6040 4.90; ewes, good to choice, $6.30(15.60; ewes, fair to good, $5.10tf6.30; ewes, feeders.. 41.UO2II.0U. No. Av. 176 Wyoming feeder yearlings.. 76 299 Wyoming feeder yearlings.. 77 204 Wyoming feeder yearlings.. 77 67 Wyoming feeder yearlings.. 77 261 Wyoming feeder yearlings.. 78 34 Wyoming feeder yearlings.. 79 146 Wyoming feeder yearlings.. 76 806 Idaho lambs 61 H6 Idsho lambs 66 319 Idaho feeder lambs 65 346 Idaho feeder lambs 65 144 Idaho lambs 65 224 Wyoming feeder lambs 68 ti.l Wyoming feeder lambs U 242 Wyoming feeder lambs 62 ! Idaho feeder lambs 0 62 700 Wyoming lambs 63 877 Wyoming lambs 63 434 Wyoming lambs 68 UH Wyoming lambs 64 27 South Dakota lambs 60 l.'4 Wyoming feeder lambs...... 66 134 Wyoming feeder lumbs 60 628 Wyoming feeder lambs 64 61 Wyoming feeder lamb 44 87 Wyoming feeder lambs 62 107 Wyoming feeder lambs 44 678 Wyoming feeder lambs 68 19 Wyoming feeder lambs 63 160 Wyoming yearlings 78 137 Wyoming ewes 107 9 Wyoming ewes 108 14 South Dakota ewes 86 198 Wyoming feeder ewes 96 43 Wyoming feeder ewes 93 93 South Dakota feeder ewes.. 76 40 South Dakota feeder ewes.. 71 l:0 Wyoming feeder lambs 60 228 Wyoming feeder lambs 50 1:.9 Wyoming ffder lambs 66 19o Wyoming feeder lambs 56 lit Wyoming feedar lambs 55 241 Wyoming feeder lambs. IM) Wyoming feeder lambs. 196 wvomlng feeder lambs. 226 culls 440 Oregon feeding ewea . 743 Wyoming lambs 56 4X 46 40 . 79 . 66 Pr. . 90 6 90 90 5 90 . I 90 6 90 6 90 I 00 5 10 7 25 7 2S 7 26 7 10 7 20 7 20 700 7 65 7 66 T76 770 7 26 7 26 6 40 7 26 6 to 7 ti 6 25 7 26 5 86 S 60 S 40 I 36 3 66 3 25 5 40 I 36 7 IS 7 16 7 25 7 25 7 25 7 26 7 25 6 90 f 65 I (4 7 60 German-Americans Fear Japan Will Try to Invade the U .S. PHILADELPHIA, Aug., lS.-An appeal to the press of the country to frown upon the effort of Japan to engage In tha European conflict waa today lasued in the Interest of universal peace, by Dr. C J. Hcxamer of Philadelphia, presi dent of the National German-Aruertcan alliance. The appeal Is a follows: "Americans of German and Jrtth ex traction represent three-fourth of tha population of this country and tha National German-American alliance urgea I he American press w herever a news paper Is printed ln our country, to frown down upon the act ot Japan In throwing herself Into the European conflict W do this, first, a we favor universal peace; secondly, as a mean to keen peace within our border; and thirdly, a a mean to prevent American peopla from being ultimately drawn Into an, trmed defense against the encroachment of a Japan Invasion. I 1