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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1914)
.11 rim nr.K: omatia. AUGUST j. WANT ADS Want ads received at mry time, but lo Insure proper classification m' st 1 pre--rented before 12 o'clock noon for evening edition and 7 .H p m. for morning end Sundav editions Want da re elved aftr "urn hour will be under the heading "Too Lato to linsalfv." CASH RATE. One time, IS cents a line. Three time within odd week, I cent a line each Insertion. Seven conMPutivi timta 1 cents a Una ach Insertion. riMROF. RATE". Three times within one week, 18 cents line rah Insertion. Peven rnriKL-iitlve time. cent a Una rh Insertion. ''ounl six average wnrdi lo a line. Minimum charge. 20 c ita. Too ran p'eoe your want ad In Tha R lv telephone TF.LEFHONK TTT..ER ion Unclaimed Answers to lbe "Swappers' Column Hutdrds of other iniT ln' ren failed for and delivered outing tha Inst wak. It Is reasonable to supposo thai all of the peoplo l.elow have inn'le the desired swaps-therefore, do rot rail for the balance of their iniwm Bio Want Al aure cat r 1 1 1. tsc. sc. m'. sc. Cl Ml i"2 ll'' (o i i is a !4 ins 9 V7 ii-t rti 90a J'-i 12 CIS l"i 1 1 J-' a; s.4 1' l'i Ki !. i ;'..'. ; p )iv ., v i' .s 5 iv, rJ VM Iv.Vi 1 1 a a4 9t In Ui P'.H 1.4 11 f '. 1-t l-.i J-.-..1 UK 1..-T ' i: S r1. J..J J.:. u.l l.Vi 1 .TO l:M i .'7: l-M 1'KATH!. AM KlUilllU. NOTI(9'. Jkl KYI2R Cnrl TxsrliucU, aged Auj , J- . , . Fnneial -. at family residence II' KULh Thlriv-Mxtn s'reet. Thaisday. -p. m. lmat mailt prlvsP! al Forest Lawn .-n li ry. M l It It 14 7r- I, IC I .. Friuila lo .d liava M-rn Ipg'M-d to if f'lllowin: 'am- and Illopn"'. Arthur K. NVI.'on. I.yonr, Nh. j;dlth N". hmlth, I.yona. SrYi 1'red iloodninn. L'ca Jtolnea.... Jimnia Weal, lra Mnln.ii John A. Townand, Sioux 'lty.. l.aura Oirg. Arllnnlon. Neb... Pirir K. JaroPann. 'ally, Nb Alma n. I.lntrf-n, Vallty. Nb.. I'arl Kropf. Kmcraon, Nob I'lara Koaipl, Kmeraon, N"b.. Morrla I'ox, (nnalia Aii'V Ida, Kox. liniMhH Wralry M. Kwbank, Hlvcralda. Anna Ial"n, umiiha Patrlrk J. 1 "Limy, Cinniha 'rn'a Martnlk, OniHlia .oula ItHhn. Krt t'rook. Nob ... Martha Sorrn'-n. Hoiilli (imnha Cel.. H i H Til V.MI DKliil". Tilriha-T .. and Joaiiiliin llohrrta, "11 North Nlnrtcenth, twin Klrla; Hurry and Aiinm Krinr. in-j nun. im- i'Bi kei , vrnc uiwl Miibol KniiKlinmn. 3MI.H Itlrl; Jhiii and May UaiM-tt. Id'i Itiiri. Klrl; V. and 1. Ueoorla, i'TH Month Twelfth. Klrl; Abo and l.laila Kriodalat, ri7 Kranklln. lrl: ljld and Kdla Kaiam, P7 Houth Klxtwnih. gtrl; ! ' Krioda lyrhinann, -Mtl llna'om boul ard, bov; K. J. und I'lara McAdama, 1TI4 Honth Thirty-fifth. Klrl: John and Kthol Welaa, ."( South Twonly-firat, Klrl. Doatha 'arollrw I. lUiifx li, 7H yoara, Vinnpltnl: Tlarrv R. tronk. 25 daya. hoa pltaJ: KJitVior I', t'oon. 3( yoiiri, hoaplta': HI iFinMi I'KHM IT". Oodfry lloracck. 60f,-7 Notlh Thir teenth, warfliousir. $T.i; .1. N. Heynolda. I'onrieenth and Hrx-ncer. frame dwelUnn, 2.HM: Arthur Kint. Sl3 Houth Thir teenth, rraine iiwiititix, ii.wi K. K. lo-ekl, 2m Kvans, frame t-.w. dwi-lllnn. TODAY'S XJMI'LETB MOV1K rHOiKA.M Eiclualveljr In Thfle atvwaitwwav. 4 ' AM ERA PI ION K, 1403 KOUOUAS 'Jlie Vampire a Trail -rcol Kaleiu. )le W as Had, l.uhln. J I er 1 rip lo New York. Kaaana y. KLJTB Ny. 2. Ul FARNAU. Jrly the Aid or Film; Kdlaon. The Downward I'ath; 2-rel Lubln. lon't Monkey with the Huts Saw; Kaletn. rXlTN'AM-THliATEK. H1& FARNAM. Tiirough the Flame; 2-recl Jlex. Oil Rugged Shores; Neator. ifiTiV 16TII ANU HAIIKKY. Iieathr of a Geisha; J-reel drama. l oloncl 1 1 ei a l.lar; l-ie,d comedy. I'AIU. TliEATEU. Ub NO. ltl'U HV. Two-revl anaational feature, drama, titer ling comedy. Western I'AKIiOH THKATKR. 14 iMiL'lllAB. Y hen Kddy enl lo the Front; Nestor comedy. In the Bultana Oarden; Imp. drama. Midnight Visitor; Ilex drama- fRINCKSS 1317-11! DOl'OlAS. Warren Kerrigan In ' Weights and Meas ures;" Mary I'icklord and King Haggolt In "lrfive's Refrain," and laughable uom. Meirtk. AUHAMHRA THKATKR. 1M4 N. 24TH. In the Southern Hills. Z-reel. lom. drama. Pan Morgana v ay, rtelmiice drama. 'J he tiamoling Kuoe, Keystone comic. t oast Guard's Bride, 1-reel, Vltagrapli. 'I he MarnatornieM. lowers oomeuy. Jler Otave Mistake, Nestor. KKA.MvL.IN Tlliv. i4TJl At KKANK1JN. John Hence. Uciilleman, I reel, Vliagraph. 'i'W rauie of tne mgiivr rlucalioii, .. 'flie S'lliatters, Seilg. HlU'oDflOMtn Kill AN Li CL. MINU. Irinkeis of Tragedy, two-re-l Kssaua. A Train of lmiuents. Vitagrapu. l.ame lo's Treachery. Kalem. IT J HKATL.K. lbTH ANL LOCl'ST bTS. Ahe ilur.rncsM .Mail, 4-rtcl Seng. A Visit to the Paris V.oo. i'allio. )oe. Smltn's Katy, Vuagrapii. I.0TI1KOI' Til KA'l'Lll, U N. -4TH. 1 he I'CAeivcr, lvoiulc, 'l'be Hurden, MaJ.sUc. The Milton I'oliar Mystery. th episode. TjO V A U MTU AM' cJTLjJWKL. '1 he old Cobbler, -reeL Kljun. k. by a Hair, Rex J'nnc.ea for a lay, Victor drama. PA1.ACK Til H'TKIt, :'t I'.VVKNPoHT. scrgeajit Hoftneyer, Sterling comedy, Man ol Her Choice, l'om drama. Frontier Romance. Frontier, western. M BtKUAN, JITH A N l AM KH AVB liread 1,'pon the Waters. J-r, VtlagrapU. A TanKo Spree, Kssanay. While the Tide Waa Rising. Kdlaon. oalkv. AIRHOMK THEA., FARNAM it PARK line Touch of Nature, Kdlson. Tha Jungle Suniaratan. Bellg. At the Knd of the Hope. 3-reel Kalem. APolLXo THA U L.EAV KN W:OKTIl. 1 le t-ellg. Tha Man With a Future. S-reet I.ubln. Buddy a Oownfall. Itagraph. i O Ll fllA-TlVKAT K R . 1710 S. TKNTU Acrona the Burning Trestle, Kdlaon. Romantic Josie, .-real ltagiaph. J he leadly Battle at Ilickavllle. Kalem cofrnirYk i hate r. si'th"-vi nto n Tha Hherlff of Blabee; J-reet K.-B. Our Mutual OlH. Series No. 30. Soldiers ef Misfortune; Keystone. FAVOH1TK. 171ti VINTON tiT. The Identification, I-reel Kalem. Hearst Seng. A Fatal Card. I,i 1 bin comedy. t AV. AUUjOM-.AN.. Lib and Vlulor. TIM'RSDAY'. BARBAKOlrS MKXICO. I,KU TIU-A IKR. 1&4 SO. 1ST 1 1 ST. cmo of the Yellowstone, 1-r. American. N la lire Kacape, IWauty. The White Slave Catcher, comedv. HANCOM TliV. T1I at CASTKLLAR Value Iterelved. l-r. Victor. Kerrigan. Bioken I'.arrlers, Frontier drama. LYRIC THKATKR. loll VINTON ST. In All Thlnm, Moderation, .-reel liuux AJuiust Marciud. bttrliug Ooiud. TODAY'S complete MOVIE PIUM.KAM r xcIukIvcIt In The Itf- h. PASTI M P. r;li 1.K VVKSWORTH. Ston in tlir Hnml. tlr ilranm. Hhi- t r.p I.Iht; WrMf-rn I'.. I.iir. I nlvrruHl Ike In Hnttl- Itojal. romrdv. v i :n kziX"t i 1 1 ;7 t i fi Cm fVi irr n sr. Tho Medtr 7U.rn. Itx l.ot In the Stmlio. HtfHInir. H fl. AIHIoiMK. KAI'iX A M AND PAH K. Hrom lio Mlllv t'itt k mr rr. Kanay. SomrthtnR lo a Poor, TMIon. Tl'- I, urn of the Car Whr-lH, r-r-l T.ubln. 5i.sitrT ar,:i kaiin"am ht. liniini'latinn, I-rTl I I r. I nlrcMl Hov. 2-i'rl lnii. Kord Htrlini In Nrlliboi. Ilvikaaa. HKNHM.N 'IHKATIMt. :.KZ MAIN ST. Holi lonard In -' lifii I'ata I ntipoMa," In two part. 1'oiJ Slnlliiit loiiii-dy. l'ti'K tli" t-nv of Wonirn. I'oviTudra. t ouim'H h,af fa. HoPKU TJIKATKIt. ."T7 HKOADWAT. 1 r-v O- Kcartu No. 3. rntur, !-rwl Klaun. tn Mis 1 lomyiuoon, I'nlVfial 1 k ro" fl . ftoath llaim. 1.ISB T 1 1 .' :A Tl.Jt. IMTII ASH N r'TS Tho Stuff Tliut I'rrHiiiii Aro Mail" I f , 2-1 MiJIs'iii Jfmiic lio Jlilly Inn nit, Ksnaiifly. Wllhln I h Noni" , lulln. i a Tir r hTTa i;i t7 jit i Csiunr. "it of tli lrhnii. Hex ill in. Pol t h:i:ii.ion. .lokr romi dy. t'nlvMt-al Hoy. S wl Imp. nitrilln . OKPMKfM. Tttli and M, .outh Omaha fW.rm No. 8 of the Million liollnr Msa- torv will n'own hfre tonlKht. Two t.'irlliinn rlt: A N A () I'.N i '1C.V1 K. NTS. wdiilnt; rlnrn :rciriKHrd'. l.i ' K V i lidln,' biinounri-mi'llia. i '"UK ''tK 5'5 HAZUI, if 1'lle linua. Jleat remedy for ItiliiiiK. blct(llT,g or protriidlnu pll'; fn: jH.r'tnanl. aMmiilea fr.e. ttlurinaa & onTiell lri'K -'o , Omaha. C:'' h ,iriv.n. booth In mv Krlll room for noon Iiiim Ii. I'KTJK lAHIf.HU S. ITtli Ht II lil V. UK - SimiH ito k, flxturoa and ryp.ilr ahop lor enlr. :ti." V. liith. i7iMdr1oi it T 4S II ., 1 1 V a K n e r. 'l N. mt h. ollllral. ('. II. T. ItlKI'KN. realdent linugU county 46 )cui, rvptibllraa candidate) for coroner. 1IKNRY P. 1IAZ1".. an;, North llith BU llrpublUan camlidate for Hherlff. tTH lor C. I. Nnthawav, antl-corpora-tlon candidate stale representative dem ocratic tlckit. Flor. 27H for my platform. '( IT H for Harry Pearce, candidate for register of deeds on republican ticket. UK 1 ,P W A N'l'KD F KM A 1,K llouaebeepera and lomeat lea. THH Servant tllrl Problem Solved. The liee will run a Servant tllrl Wanted Ad Hi KB until you vet the dealred reaulla. 'I hia applies to resident of Omaha, South Omahu and Council Uluffa liiinn ad to The He-a office of telephone Tyler Mt. WANTKI iood Kill for general house work, In amall familv; must have refer encea, Holiemiati preferred. Cull IH4 t. 3.dh Ave. V A NTK1 - Woman cook, c.lianiberniald, kltilien women, laumlresH, all while, no rhllilien. Washington Hotel, Wash ItiKton, Kan. W'A NTKl Kxperteni-1 dlnlns room Klrl iwhlte'. (Iood salary. New Krazelfon lotel, William t'reaacl, rop., Mount I'lenaant. la WANTF.H A Kill for general house work, where aceond gin In kept. 3303 Woolworth Ave.' I'hone Harney ;t4'J. WANTliK A gmid girl for general house work, referencea reuulred. J.6 Wool worth Ave., Harney !is0. WANTKU at once Mra. N. B. 1'pdlke, a competent cook. Jrti 4 Jackson Kt. WANTKli A girl lo assist with house work, no washing and no cooking. II. 17:.. WANTKO A .If Harney gill fur general housework. Ht V A NTKI - An experienced cook for an Institution. Call Harney 41. WA.NTKO A good girl to assist with 3411. general housework, (all Henann Olltl. to help children and do light work. Call Harney 10. SERVANT OIIIL, V ANTKD. CAI.T. at ?I0 So. Siith Ave. We want girl for light hoiiao work. 0110 who ran go home at night. A COMPETKNT vlrl for general house work. (Jeorge Victor. Xt JMarcy. IUr ney 11(. V A N T K I A good girl for general house work, t hree In family. Telephone 1'. Kfiii. WANTKl A girl for general housework. ;UM, Harney St YVANTF.O-Alirl for general houeewors. 1.1 Ho. Slst Ht. II. 1M. AN experienced, girl wanted for general housework; no washing. K Krug Ave IV W12. WANT an experienced encea required. Mrs cook, city tefcr Vlctor Caldwell, 3tl S. 2thHl. ILJ!,- W'ANTKli Experienced aecond girl. 137 S. Sith Ht. 11. 3!U. Clerical and Office. NO FIMNfl KF.K. , $SS to $7.i; aleno.. Mi; steno. and clerk, 10; office clerk, III Kl Kits RF. KICRKNCK l".. fit e no, steno MO, ,40. S State Hank Hldg.. 17th and Harney. STKNO., Insuranw, $; eteno., wholesale, .'i0; steno. and bkpr., .; steno. and hkpr., t. Comptometer operator. 4V; Comptometer operator. M. . WKST. KKKKKKNCK BOND ASSN. 7ti- Omalia National Bank Hldg. Factory and Irades. APPKENIU'K girl.' Oppenheim Parlora. MlM-ellaaeuua. WOMEN wanted for government clerk shlpa; ro month; Oiu.ilia examinations soon; siK-lnien pieatlona free. Franklin Institute. l'ept 1W-0, Rochester, N. Y. YOl'NO women coining to Onmha its strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women Christian Association building at St. Mary's Ave. and 17th St , where they will b directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers a'uoe a, i oion .-miiiipii. W ANTKD Kxpcrlcnced dining room girl (white). Hood salary. New Braxelton Hotel, William 1 'lease!, plop, Mount I'leasant, la XPF.K1KNCK1 waitress wauled. Kd Webster St. 11KI.1 WANTKD MALE Aaeula, Salesiuewi nail awllrllora. EA1.KSMF.N with ability to di liver tha g.KKls. Must be willing .10 WORK. Cash commissions. Big new line Advertising! .opeciallles. Ixx'al and ouielde tcrntorles. Call r S. Maui St , or Phone Red $i. Council Bluffs, Monday, lot appoint ment ALL A.MKKICA KAOKK for greatest selling book of gen, ration. "Modern F.urope, Cannes and Issues of the Ureal War. " Thrilling Illustrations, low price, best terms, extraordinary money making Oldairiunlty. Splendid ample book free. I niversal llouif. I'lilladelptiia. SAl.TIsMAN WANTKD Weil ku,i n niaiiufacturer of factory lalair-savlng euuipinenl has selling agency open with piolected territory; ommisidon propisl tlon oh a business tiasis for big caliber man seeking unusual opportunity P. O. Box M. Chli opee Fulls, Msss. KXl'KLl.KNT onpjnJiiay for live sales man, go xi salary. Burrough s Adding Machlrie Co clerical aaa Office. NO FILING FKK Bookkpr . Vi, ledger clerk. ITS; steno.. TS; steno., I. profit clerk. t7&, gen. rndse. clerk 1 Bohemian, llUir RS RFFKRKNCE CO. ft.a State Bank Hldg . J7th and Harney. WANTKI Y'ouug man. high school giad i,ate preferred, for clerical position; experience unnecessary; excellent H por tuniiy for brixht young man, salary, $10 or 14 Addras 41. Bee. IF I ' ie looking for a high grade po sition see the CO-4jPeiKAiTVF. RKFKRKNCK CO.. 10-1. CITY NATIONAL. BANK. UUO. Ur.tV XV. XTK 1 1 f A IK I lerlral and Office. Ii )'K KKKI'KIt ?n. l. 1..41 11 . Mn; t.,i keep r. i'': it :i r l ook-kep-r, t,, ,,f,,.,. . Irrk". hl-li mofd iai1uate. Sli, to 1 'i. niri.'e 1 l rk !l"; ?:,; , t,. , f, p,r of- fl 'e I rk. llei lrl. -ll ..Jlp.-i 11 -lire f. Wi'ST ItKKKItKN 'i: KiN"l A ?'? . Urlainalora of the H, f,.reri' e lluatm pi' 7.',.' ! iitnahn N.itlml 1-iiiK Kl'"n I'aftorlea anil Trarlea. WANTHi, MK.N TO I.KAKN THE TtAR HF.'lt THAIil-: Another man for l'r-bf-ra. 1 Mir rourae f rrparea you for bisrli eft aalnrv. Ileal trade In latenre today, 'ood money. I.IkIiI work. Kaay to b irn. Huay aeaaon now. Few w eek a complete. ln-eatiitHte. Mol.KU IIAKHKIt I'UL I.KiiK. 110 S 14th Ht Hurry! Hurry! flet a full l.i, on lento of the A I T iMO Itll.i; Rl '.1 N l-.SH UK li na onlv e are equipped to Klve you. The uto wanon la i open and the demand la Kreat for auch nn n as we turn out NATIONAL A I To TK A I X I N J ASSN., L'! I No Wt h St . iimalia. Neh. M YA II !i V :. iiiHi., 1 iicrlr ntc l 'nth 1) I 1 1 1, a. fur e-;i. por-ltlon, aalaiy to li. dnpcmllnir "I on rri- em e. Apply at one. WKST. HKKKUKVi'l', .V lti(NI ASSN.. 7".2- maha Nut tonal :Hiik Pldu M ANT Mnc.l Wi.ffa, :l- First claa butter maker. I. 21H West Rioadnay, Council la. W AM I". I A first-class meat culler; must be strii My sober; the best of wane lo the right nun. The Central Market. C.iin-Il Hlujfs WANTKO-Orug clerk. iTive full par tlcuiara and salary expected. Addrera T l.'7. Hee Mi;N to learn Hie barber Irnde; tuition, act of toolx given; was"ea paid. Trt Clty ' 'ollcge, l.'th unci I ioiirIuh Sts. long M 01 e snaps; lobs. Kneist. Bee Hldg MUrrllaaeiina. PAX TON Plk., .etie in Hchool. Km. S1L WANTKI- Names ! n'cn, lug lo be Omaha in il lliontll 10 begin. Y lfM. lie IS to tj. w,-h-carilris. ti7 Mi:N with patentable Idas write nolph Co , aslitnglon. I). C. Han- Tin; m;l5Kasi auto- MOKIU'J SCHOOL ha t'lined out mora sui:cejw,fn4 gradua'ea ;,ny school In this country. "There's a reason " Write today for our catalogue d'l. I4IJ Undue. Omaha, Neh HKi.r vanti:i I AI.K A .M f KM A 1.4; LM) iVKRN M KNT lohg open to men and women; iif, t., $rK) monili. Write for hat. Franklin Institute, Dept. 221-0, Roche-ter, N. . WANTKIX SITUATIONS WANTF.H W.'iahltiK day ork. H. 4001 and lroiiit'g, also WASHI.NM and ininliu. 1st class. W. WANTKD By colored man. poallion as Walter or cook. Phone Wepster IHTI4. K.X PKIM KNCKI young lady v. Ihhcs po elllon aa raahler or grocery clerk; best references. I'hone Benson 5-tO-J. ihhskkkkpi;k women In good by eatable young home; best references given in reply, cuttiliig St. Address . WANTKD A poallion aa or cook. Tyler H4W W. chamticrmald f ITI A TION li'lh St. desired as sen ant. 6 N. WANTKD A position un a cook or house keeper by middle-aged woman; experi enced. D. ,'422. KNKRijF.TIC young man, .1 years old, two years' experience In arocerv store. desires good position at once. Tel. D. ;tk40. Pi ISITIQN desired 1144 No. .M Ht. ltil'NU married man wants lawns to mow or hoiiseclennlng. Call II. 7:179. Cl.orillN'l and furnishing goods sales man In lurRest store In Omaha wants to change. Would go to smaller town. Ad dreaa D 4U., Bee. Nl'RSK with baby gill want position an chambermaid, housekeeier or other work. Call at 2U31 Haskell Ht., or phone Harney lilbS. UllmW wants plain sewing or bundle washing. So 14t). FIRST-CKAS laundress work. W. 47691 want day ATTIl ACTION'S. t'ON'c:ssioNS and alreet attraction for Hariley carnival, Hepl. 3-4-5. Address, Ixick Bo If?. Hartley, la. N A NTl.D Attractions and concessions, Ciardou county fair. Sept. Id, 17, IS. C. O. Hegiiulst, secy., lwellen, Neb. CHINCKSHIONS" WANTKD for thiday carnival, Aug. 2 2i, 27. Address J. Cording, Litchfield, Neb. AUTO.MOIIILKS The only real bargains in used automo biles In the city you will find on our Honrs. If you are at all contemplating buying a used car, see us. It meana money In your pocket. Write for our Bulletin No. 7. Prices and large list of satisfied customers. INDt'STRIAL, CARAUK COMPANY, 407 Houth Twentieth St., Omaha, Neb. FOR a price. high grade, see Howes, used car at 21t Farnam. a right D. lit. Oret-iiough Onmha Bad. Hep Co. 2(40 Far. CI T I'KICK pneumatioilresolTso. JOth. tlvo forfeit for any magneto we can't re pair, coil repar g. O. tiaysdorfer. 21V N. 18 FOB gl'ICK HALK list your Bccond-nand automobile with Middle State Oarage, ui2v-2a St.- o FOR HALK 1'.)2 b-pasaeiiger Ford, tires and macbliitiy in oeai of condition, luio No. loth Si. FOL'K-SKATKD electric car in splendid condition; new hutu-riea, iittw tires; lor sale cheap. Mrs. KUxabeih Burgees, ll Jlarney St. ON K THOl'SAND DOLLARS In stock to 'liauu lor auiv, ciiuai value. I long. 411k. Lindbeig"Fore itinir. body bldg .io Far. , join er Harney Sts. Industrial Oaiaae o TWO Mason trucks in good sn ipe, lor ale n trade. Douglas U2n. Motorcycles. 1 1 A RLE Y - DA V IDSoN M OTORl.'YCl.KS. Bargains In used machines. Victor Boos, "The Alotor.'y cle Man." 2.M3 Leavenwortn. Pope Molor Co.. C72 leaven worth R. SJub. Uul INDIAN MOTOKCVCLKow ready"; bargains In UM-d uiacbines. OMAHA Bh'U'hK I'd , mill and Chicago. D. 3;2V 1-udborg Bros., 2oJ.'i Cum. (Fiying Meikle). IK hlVKfvS CTIANCK C. J. CAS AS, ileal Kstaie and Kxchanges DRl'U STORK in a good low 11 lor sale! will Invoice about eJ.uoo, only drug sluie. Addieis Y 141. Bee. FOR SALT ". A well established live slock commission business or half interest to good live cattleman. Address il 41s. Bee. OK.Nt.RAL tiloie Will sell for cash. Clean stock of general merchandise, in voicing Ib.uou to ..uiJ (not many fixtures. Oood live town In Saline county, doing good business; good reaaou for selling and will sell at a low figure If sold soon. Ad dn sa.. Y 1--1, Bee. UKOCKRY' store for sale, cheap rrei; guid reason for selling Tyler l&M. IIAKDWAR E Sn tail a to, k. fixtures and repair sliop for sale. MM No J"lh HKill-CI.ASS businees openlnga Western lief. - Bond Ass n. 7.4 Oin. Nat. Bk. Bldg ICE cream, ronfectloneiy, iunch; lst town in Missouri, county seat: fine busi ness; sell at Invoice; a bargain. lot Orant City, Mo. Ll'JilT alwoetl a ad cunlvviliuuaiy. W. UJL BCSIXEm ClfACFJl I N' K.-TM KNT -Se etal i-ooi) lnifln s men who have a amaH amoiint of 1 api t.,1, not worktnK, .o join un In eatabliali Ina In t'ouncll fduffa n branch of our tiualiiea. w hb li la a profitable mveet ment f-'n 11 partliulara furnlahed by ad '.revaina ' I'. " umnha Hee Council Hinffa MK.AT market, plan :liti-r hoiiae and all fixtur'a for ante, In aood town, 110 competition. A Rood Inveatmcnt. Heaaon for c,ik. p'ior health. Addrraa, Orover II Hanaen, I'ldand, N'cb HKSTAI KANT Stoi k. f xturea find bulld I11K or atoi k and flxl irea of only reatau rant and ronfei-tionery In town of rVun. A anap If taken at once. .Moat hne raati. iood reaaon for aelllna: Addrea, Y 113, iare lice IN HL'?1M-.S3 KOU VOi nfKI.F. Spare la now available In un ex' epltonally aood location for a IciKlneaa where only a amall inx c.dni J , . Ifr neefled. IVracnal Attention, and efflci, nl amice w ill apell a lilK aucccaa. WK WII.I. HELP YOU STAUT. Ad lreg J tA, nf. JOHNSON. PAXTON HLK. KKD 5139. f ur Nebraska farm mort- l Kagea are not affected by lliiropean wars or panics j M I J Aioounta lion to IJO.floO. We M S collect all interest and prln- 1 lial free of charge. .10 years in th Nebraska farm loan field tut hunt a loss m our record. KI.OKK IN VKSTMKN'T COMPANY. 8"l mha Nat. Bank l:llg , Omaha. o R KHTAi; HA NT For" TnTle. rheaK K"od resrtaiirnt In good town of 2 .', doing food biiHlneys Addren F D'-iti, v'17 lioa,;ay, Broken How. Neb TO di:-! Ir or I A X( IF.S'I A I out of business, call inn riec Hldg I 3177. To yl l' KLY sell our business or ii'iu estate, write Ucnneheok Co, Omaha. T II KATK R V -1 4iiy, leai e w7o 1 1 o cir theater, machine and huppHom MiioukIi Theater Kxcbatigb In,, lUsi Fartiam St. Tinuglaa 1Vi7 WANT a third partner with r ma II capital to Join us at once; ;i cloiin, dignified hiiFlness, already established; saleainaii prefeired. Address 14 413, Bee. WANTKI An ldu. Who" can think" oT aoino simple tlilni to patent? Protect your ideas: they may Imng you wealth. Write, for "Xeedexl Inventions" and "How to (let Your Patent and Your Money." Randolph Ai Co., patent Attorney, Wash InKton, D. O. Rooming; llnnaes Tor Sale. HOARDINO Hol SK for pale, '.cane and furniture of Iti-room private hoardlmr lionse In popular health resort, doing ex cellent bushics. Must hell, have other Interest. Address P. O. Box 332, Excel sior Hprlngs, Mo. EDUCATION A Ij The Vim Sunt School STENOG RAPI1IU COURSE Summer sessions, I a. m. to 1:45 p. m. 18th and Farnam. Douglas Vi47. SUMMER SCHOOL . NOW OPEN in Both the Day and Night Sessions. B0YLES COLLEGE ENTER NOW. Business practice, bookkeeping, perman hlp, salesmanship, banking, stenography, stenolypy, typewriting, telegraphy, ac counting, filing, private secretarial work and many other courses aro open to you here. You may work for board whilo at tending. Call, writs or telephone lor latest catalogue. BOYLE3 COLLEOK, ISth and Harney Streets, Omaha Neb. FOR SALK at a discount" a" Yull-unlfilT lted scholarship la Boyles Business col lege, Omaha; good for either shorthand or business courses. Apply at the office of Omaha Bee. MbllEIl-LAMPXLN COLLEGE SUMMER SCHOOL Every day Is an enrollment day. Un surpassed classes In all business and Eng lish branches, shorthand, stenotypv, tel. egraphy and typewriting. Students ad mitted at any time. Oraduates guaran teed good positions. Places provided for young people to work for board. For a new, free catalogue address MOS H ER-LA M PM A N COLLKO Hi IMS Farnam Street. Omaha. Neb. EOH MALE Forsltsre, New AV to hand furnlt re. eash or terms, reasonable. Amer. Furn. Co., Duo N. Pith. Auction Sale Another lot of flint-cUs furniture will bo sold at public auction, Saturday, Aug ust 22, sain beginning at 10 o'clock a. m. and lasting all day. We will sell several good rug, several rockers as good as new, good dressers, buffets, round dining room tables, library tables, china closets, brass bed, two good parlor aeta and everything else needed III the household line. The goods that will be sold this week are of good quality. OMAHA VAN 8 TOR AG K CO., $06 So. 16th St. eKVKRAL van loads of furniture und some pianos. Omaha Vau and Storage Co., aoti ra loth SL '1 II Kb K he ating stovew. Call Web. IH7ii. For Sale Rug, chairs, wardrobe. D. 7314. T pen rl ters. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented, repaired. Central Tyewrlter Kxchange, 307 S. 17th. Special Prices i'or This Week on New and Slightly Used Typewriters. New No. 5 I'ndcrwood, latent model. t"0. 00 No. t Monarch, like no 4c. no No. 2 YtKigraph, like pew Jti.Ul) No. 3 Oliver, factory rebuilt ai.iw No. 6 Oliver Print type, luloat model. 37.50 No. 10 Remington, late model 4H.U0 No. 1 Victor, u bargain 25. iv No. 4 Underwood, extra fine 31.00 No. 2 Smith IT.-mivr 12.00 No. 6 KeoiliiKton 14.14) No. 4 Smith Premier li. fcj These u,'liiiiea are all guaranteed lor one year and will give the suvlce of any m w machine you niialil buy. Buy a ma chine to use In the home. Butts Typewriter Exchange, 1mv Farnam St . Omaha, Neb. RKNT un Oliver typewriter, 3 months for 4. The Oliver Typewriter Co. D. 2K19. All makes typewriters rented, sold, terms. Lulls Ty pewriter. lsi5 Farnam. D. n31. RKNT Remingtons, Monarch and Smith Premiers of their makers. The Reming ton Tviiewrilei Co. Telephone Doug'us 12M. Rental credited If you purchase, and only very newest and highest grade ma chine kent out Rales, intee months for to for understroke macjiints or 93 per month for latest model visible writers. M osteal laeiraaaeaf Slightly used high grade piano. W. 37t. ri'KUillT piano. K10 South 27th street. St lace llaee as, FOR SALE al a discount a full, un limited scholarship In Boyles Business college. Omaha; good for either short hand or business course. Appiy al the offl.-e of The Omaha Bee. FOR SALK 1813 i-pasaenger Ford, l.ras I and machinery In bust of condition. JVIs No leth t CtM BRICK8 at 93 'al per M ; al-o 3X'M. feet o' lumlr at works, lllli and JscU son Sts. Buildings liought and wre'kd. vc ...kii- , vv k .... Clearauce: less than coal; 921. Brand new lii-ln Wvstmghouse alternating nacltg. fana. 914 '. K't Re, 10 Bldg .Clip ago. III. Z-iiaud inch. Grwes Wetk Co., 21 A PauL Ron nr.xT M lace I la ar no. 1'i-IN' 'H ae ond-hand pipe at 2c pr fool , (food for leni ln purpoaea. I'all IoiikI ::t. A NO. 1 HATI I TLR, Kally r"klns o. 51 tet. V. Trester HUl AI.K New and an ond-hand carom and pin ket billiard tahlea and how lintc Heya and accpaorlea; bar flxtutea of ail klnda; ta'v paynn'iita The lirunawh k-Kalke-i.olleii l, r Co., C-tO j. lmh 81, WAtiON nnihrellaa Wanner, "d N. lth. i n alng out 10 mod c In mai hlnea, bv drcaamaker, 4 to I l.i. W., ;ii N. Atli. 1.1VK STOCK HB SALIV Ilnraea a ad ehirtea. L.AH'iK.-T ato, k of delivery waijona In tie city; .ill klnda of blackanilth work, paintlnk and lettennR .tohnaon-I lanfoi tli Co . ne :o. aton. I.'iJ'.i- -XI N. Ith St. KoR SAI.K-Klegant nor and harness. Apply Ii. J: nee Hldg . Omaha e with biigiiv l". Kostwau-r, U)ST AND FOI XD OMAHA A COl Ncn, KLl'KFS STRKKT RA I L'S A Y COMPAN Y. Persons having lost some article would do well to c II up th" office of the Omaha Ac Council Bluffa Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It in the street car Many rrticle each day nre turned In 1 and the company in anxious tp restore them to the rightful owner. Call Douglas 41 LOST-Hanscoin park, gold necklace with bangle, initial I. on one side, 1893 on other Reward So. 2I1!. 1 1ST -Monday. 17th. o p. m , at Farnam St. plcturo show or car going west, a black silk tsffeta wrap with Pari mark on collar. Telephone H. X or call at lit No .Tilth and receive reward. LOST--A small black purse, containing about tf. on Dundee car or Kith and Far nam, at 2 o'clock Thursday. II. 2201. llo WHrd. MONEY TO LOAN NKI-.D MONKV? See 11a Quick service. Half usual rnle RKL1ABLK CRKD1T CO . :s Paxton Block. Douglas 1411. MEDICAL, Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal dlaeaaes without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no 1 money paid until cured. Write for book j on rectal diseases with testimonial. DR. F. It TAHRY ?4fl Flee Klda. DRUSE HOSPITAL A hospital opened to meet the needg of any rase; strictly modern building, all conveniences; all outside rooms. 2Mb. St and Dewey ave. Tel. Harney 7399. rEKSONAL TDK Salvation Arniv industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maca xlnee. We collect. We dlstrlhute. Phone Dougls 41 and our wagon will rail. Call mid Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 I odge St YOl'NO women coming to Omaha as stranorera are Invited lo visit the Yo ig Women's Christian Association hulldim at 17th St. nnd St. Mary Ave., where they will b, directed to suitable hoarding places or otherwise assisted. lok for our trav elet' aid nt the I'nion Station. I'Ol'LTHY AND SITTLIKS AOKNTH. investigate: 100 per cent profit; season now on: get busy. Chicken Life Saver Co., ?i21 Cuming St. STKRKOTTPK matrices make the beat and cheapest lining for poultry house. They are I7C3 Inches, stronger and more durable than tarred felt Hnd practically fireproof. 7Sc a hundred at The Bee office. Mixed grain, 91.50 h'dred. Wagner, SOI N. lit. WANTED TO BUY PLIOHTLY used piano. Web. 37 K. OFF1CK furniture bought) and sold. 37 C. Rood, 1207 Farnam. Doug. 614. WANTKD TO BUY OR LBASK for storage purposes, 2 or 3 small grain elevators, located wltnln 75 miles of Omaha Addrena P 314. Bee. JfVANT small safe. 3n2 Bee Bldg. WANTKD Hood second-hand bowling alley; would prefer automatic pin setter with alley. William Spelts, David City, Neb. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED By two Omaha teachers, two well furnished housekeeping rooms In desirable location, near car Hue. Address Box 155. Ieer Trail, Colo. LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST -HIP live stock to Soutn Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful atten llon. Lie stock Coanjulsalaaa alerekaala. MARTIN BROS. CO.. Exchange Bldg. SWAPPER' COLUMN Ai:TOMOBlLK-$l.J(A runabout, 2-pas-senger; run about 700 miles, for equity inhoiiaeand lot. Address 8. C. 123K. Bee. Al T0M0BILES Two Mason trucks in good condition. What have you for them? Address S. C. 1303, Bee. AUTOMOBILE Will exchange my auto mobile. In first-class condition, for a good baby grand piano, mahogany finish. Address S. C. 1307, Bee. AUTOMOBILE Will trade first class hlKh grade car for a good Dundee lot. Would assume any difference. Address 8. C. 13CJ. Bee. A UTOMOBi LE Have a l.&O-lb. delivery truck, in fine condition, cheap for cash. S. C. 1313. B-e. AUTOMOBILE-First-clans 40 II. V. Na tional auto, fully equlped; a good looker; new tires; this car la a dandy; Just the car for long trlpa or rental ervlce. will ttelt cheap for cash or might take lot or small auto. Address ti. C 1312. Bee. AUTOMOBILE Have 46-U. p., 6-pass. Humbler, fine condition; want lighter car; will trade for Ford and small amount of cash. Address S. C. 1356. Bee. AUTOMOBILE 2-pausenger roadster, SO horse power, run only short time. In fine condition, will swap for equity in house and lot. Address S. C. 1239, Bee. AUTOMOBILE Two touring cars, one coat $1,200 the other tl.&., will swap fur equity In desirable house aud lot. Ad dress S. C. 12t7. Bee. .vfToLl MBUS. N EH., FOR PROPERTY In Omuha. Lincoln or Fremont; good 6 room new house, only five blocks from postof fice:. larg'y level lot all in good shape. Address M. F. O'Sulllvan, Fre mont, Neb. BOOK At COUNT A H.Onu book account; will trade for a good automobile, dia monds or what have you? These ac counts are being paid fur on the Install ment pan. We hold note for all ac counts, some drawing Interest. Address S. C. 1217, Bee. (.'ASH RKUISTER Have a nearly new National cash register, cost ). will swap for anything of like value In restau rant or what have you? Address 8. c. 12x7. Bee. CARPENTER work. Ys. I will do your carpenter work and take anything of value in exchange. Address S. C. 13,4, Bee CKI. L Musicians! Here is a beautiful 'ello: rich, mellow tone and in perfect condition. First reasonable offer will be accepted What will you give? Address 8. C. 13VA. Bee. DL" E BILL A due hill for 950. good aa cash, first payment on any piano. Will sell at a liberal discount, or what have you to offer? Address H. C. 1276. Bee FURN ACES Have some furnaces In good condition; also gas stove and few radiators, what have you? A i d rc g. C. Il, Bee FURNITURE for a 4i-room hotel near omaiia, ,'.W. Ixiw rate rent on the building. Nv hat have you lo offer? Address S. C. litix. care Bee. HOPPER New No. steel hopper with Hat cover, 4 feet diameter, 9 feet shell by 9 feet hopper. Address S. C. lul. Be. K'LAKT KT'. One 24x3", pew Anso Kodak, one good mandolin. What have you in the musical line to swap? One L. 4 Smith No. 12 hammerles. one pair No waders, new; one sise 41 shell coat; one punching bag. ring. Aldn-ss C. IZA Bee. LIVE WIRE BUSINESS MEN of Omaha A. B. C. of Omaha ALdamond gives ou that prosperous look; beat of quality, lowest prices; take elevator and save money. West ernVatoh St Jewelry Co. 217 Karbach. CORUKTT. the man that cleans cver.' thin. !et your fall clothes r-ndy now. Prompt aTvioe. low price 1. "w Johnny on the spot." Call in d d llveiy free. ;-, Harney IouIhs 4 FOR ancttoneerlnit of -Hirkind.rof Jewelry and general nierchandlae. wrlle f ,. n.iih. 1.111 I'oiiKlat St. I VJ70 Twenty years' exeriein e. MKLBA Boiler Com, pound Co.. a boiler compound for sn k hollers, dis solve holler scale, not holler Iron. Melba doM not pit flue, only remoes old seal", add efficiency and economy to your boiler plant. Call or write for esti mate. 302 Omaha Nat. Bark. I. 31..7, after 6 p. ni., and on Sunday D. fi'!?. NKW and nccond-hand electric fan and motors. LoBi-nn Kle. trlc Works, "r in. I 'OUKIHS Jl., OMAHA PILLOW CO. 1721 Cuming Dong. 24H7. Renovate feathers and mattresses of all kinds. makes fnther Call or write for prices. PIANO tuning. R. Brandon, i years at Havdep's. Recommended by best I 4.14 II I IIIM-IIIIC I BY I TBI, musicians. W. 4'2. 4C.I8 N. 2J-ih Ave. V ACUI.'AI cleaners, I ". PR. 9'', PS, 97. sp. a few days only. Guard your health. Sanitary service Co. 3ei Bee Bldg. WE rent, repair, sell needles and parts for all sewing machines. NK .. BRASK A CYCLE CO.. "Mick ' '"h and Harney. Douglas Iti62. Aeeoantanta. MELVILLE D. THOMAS COMPANY i'Ll..yia t Bank P.ldg. Tyler 1 S 1 fl. Adding- Machines. r"Jt2Add1ng Machines. 411 S. 15 TV 1441. d,l!.'0- (Wales) IV. O. W. D. Wis! . ana Magneto nenslrlna. Mss-netp repair work a sieclalty. I. 21151. Auctioneers. Dowd Auction Co.. 112? W. O. W. Red 22S5 Archlterti Clfirenre W. Wigington. 220 S. 13th. T. 42S7. r,ereir -, I'ouds. till' Paxton. D. 3. Attraction. ' OMAHA film ex., :. ,n- roug. Motion picture machine and film bnrg a I n s. Barbers. 12Chnlra. IQo shave, peck shave, lm; Far. Bine Printing;. " HrJlVRL CCl7ue I11-1"""", under new omlin3( Omaha Nat. Bk. D. 3157. Ilrnaa Konndrleau Paxton-Mitchell Co.. 57th nnd Martha St. Hnlldlnsr and DiuIfI E FRANTA. till Paxton Blk. Pong. 2157. California Lands. W. T. Smith Co., Hit city Nat. Bk. P. 2S19. Card Mans. Office door let'g, Mynster, Pax. Bk. P. 2157. alerers. MRS. V. A. WOOD. 3401 Parker W vxx. fclroprsrtora. J. C. Iiwrence, 1). c. 8322 Howard. P. S4RL U Oeddis, D. C. 22S Bee Bldg. Doug. 429.3? AV E.Pnrv -inner. D.C. 40n Pax. Blk. D.4942. I- '. HAYES.- D. C, 550 Bee Bldg. R. 371. China Palntlna. Ruth Letrhford. decorating, firing. R. 4042. C Ivll Enarlnrra, M. J. LACY. M8 BEE BLPO. p. 471s Cream Separators. The Sharpies Separator Co.. 12th & Tarn. DanrlnsT Instruction. Last mo. summer rate, Mnckle'n, P.5448. Turoln's Dancing Academy, yth Farn. Denllsta. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. IfiflO Farnam. Pr. Todd's alveolar dentistry. 4o3 Bra 11 del a. Bailey, the Dentist, 706 City Nat l Bank, Taft Pental Rooms, 1517 Douglae. P. 21S4 Detectives. JAMES ALLAN. 313 Neville Blk. E-vl-denoe secured In all cases. Tyler 11.1S. Dresainaklnn. Terry Dressmak'e- cnllepe. jnth & Farnam. Experience of all kinds, day work, reason able, guaranteed. 2225 Dodge. T. 12M. SUMMER dresses a specialty. Web. 8070. MISS STURDY. 2416 Cass St. Doug. 7314. Sewing any kind reasonable. Doug.-S215. Drua-a. DRUGS at cut prlceg; freight paid on $19 ordars; catalogues free. Sherman eV McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb. SWAPPERS' COLUMN TALKING MACHINE Pratlcully new harmony talking machine with 40 double disc: records; worth 9, will trade for good visible typewriter, or what have you? Addres S. C. 17, Bee. LI BRA KY Private. vonsistinn of history of I'nlted States, Beacon Light, Rldpath'a history. Cooper and Bulwera works and other miscellaneous books. These are all complete and In good shape -must dispose of them. What have you? Address S. C. 1331. Bee. OFFICE FIXTURKS 9500 worth of store fixtures, showcases, scales, delivery wagon and horse for exchange for auto mobile. Might pay tome difference If car Ih good enough. Address! S. C. 132S. PIANO -Have dandy piano, will exchange for diamond or lumber. Address S. C. 1330, Bee. ONE THOUSAND dollars In stock of good company. Is what I wish to trade for auto of equal value; no Junk. Address S. C. 1305. Bee. PIANO Leaving city, my new player Piano at a great sacrifice, with rolls; terms to plense. Address S. C. 1316, Bee. PIANO Trade Smith & Barnes cabinet grand piano, beautiful mahogany case, high grade, good as new, for automobile, or what havo you worth 950? Address S. C. 1311, Bee. Bee. ITANO Will sell my piano, a Welling ton, to responsible people on payments at a bargain price, an we are leaving city; piano almost new. Address S. C. 131.'. Bee. PIANO for lot or acreage or farm land In Missouri or Virginia; will pay differ ence; would like about 1C0 acres or more. Address S. C. 1327. Bee. PHONOGRAPH Uirge-slzed Kdison pho nograph to trade for a base burner stove. Address S. C. 1279, Bee. FIANO Will exchange elegant piano for one and a half ton truck or automo bile: no Ford considered. Will also take lumber or lot. S. C. 1.110. lice. PHoNOORA PH and 40 records. Edison make; good order; trade for a diamond ring worth 9"6. Address S. C. 1321. Bee. PLANS and specifications for your new house or bungalow can be ob tained without paying a large architect's fee. If you have anything or equal value, will exchange. Adores t.. C. !:.., Bee. REAL ESTATE I have a beautiful sub urban homo on 5 acres of ground 5 blocks to ureet car, schools, churches and stores, valued at 96.i. that 1 will trade for a 40 or so-acre larm. .uuress o. 1 C. 1274. care Bee. REAL T:s'rATE--Will trade a close-in lot on So. 20th St. for good automobile. Ad dress S. C. 1-1 S. Bee RANGE 1 have s-lioie coal range with reservoir and hot water front: also com bustion blcvcle for exchange. What have you. Add resa S. C. 1314. REAL ESTATE Fine 16". Potter Co.. fl. D 943 50 per acre; worth 950; for Omaha res'dence. 91. mortgage. S. C. 12M. Bee. " REAL ESTATE contracts bringing high rates of Interest and large monthly pay ments for land in Irginia or Mlssour.; want a acrtton or around that: my paper Is gilt-edged. Address S. C. 11'. Bee. REAL ESTATE 160 improved faun. Bialn Co Neb., . stuck of goods. S. C. 1!. Bee. ' p REAL K ST A T V" -Ten acres, with water right In Ike Co., Ore., to trade for good nmuo or auto. 421 J St , Aurora. Neb. LOCKET A lady gold locket chain, al most new; cort 910, will sell cheap for cash, or what have you lo offer? Ad dress S. C. 1275. bea. I.leelrle aopplies. LKURON Eire. Wk , ai S. Ifth P. ?17. NI-.SV and second-hand e'c-trlc fan and motors LeBron Klectrlu Works. 5 S. I2th. Douglas 217'!. Kverythlni for Women. Plumes mad" over, cleaned, dyed, curled. Bertha Kruger. 42P I axion Blk. V. Woman a Kvchance. 432 Pax" Blk. R. 4;U. UEisTiTaiiMi Ideal Button and Pleating Co.. 107 9. ISth. Concrete Kngluerra. (ingnebln-Well Co. 420 State bank. P 22175. Fwrrlers. BEN FKNSTKK, 1110 N. 2lth St. W. 7777. ' Florists. L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. T. 1259. MemLer Florist Telegraph Del. Asa'n. IIF.58 WVii'OBOItA,"" Ml5rfam' DONA H I'V:.i;:2 Jlnrney. Doug. lWl. B ATH'S fl o r i f. t s," Ivo I ""'Farnam St" Mrs tmk lleniedte. OMAHA Remedy Co.. IV7 S 13th. Red 4252. Jmlr UreaaliiK. Harper Method. R. fi. rtalrd PMg. P. SSR. Llghtlnsr. Fiitnrea and WlrlnaT. THOMAS DURKIN Electric fixtures and supplies, contract ing and repair work done reasonable. 2419 CU.MINi. Dol iiLAS 2519. Mnaaeaaea. Miss Ja ohs Mass.. Bath, l-Tlcc. Trt T. 713, Rlttenhouse Co., 214 BuTrd Bldg.. 17 & tC A V V " FV 1 OvS BATH S " SCI F. N -2A A l . II lo TIK1(; MASSAGE. 1X02 Farnam St.. Apt. R. 3d floor. D. Ml. ManlcininK. Kjithieen Muck. Doug. 75!. Mi.a Rex. 2?t 0 Tllk. V to s. Mis Fisher, mass., elect, treat't. Red yC. MaesngF. Miss 1 iihso'n. R. 224. Neville Blk. MASS AO?f 109p717 fh'st. M flTteSeT MrsT'snyder. elecT'trt" "liiTpTsi ti.b7 iW( ivJv!(!HSilWi movement. 4U CLARA LICE, massage. Douglas 7S1. I? f 1 r 4 'T" f? IPHA S S A i'Te.' r a T h. M I l'Pih:214Balri1Bldg. Massage, Mis Walton. R. 224, Neville Blk," Meaaenarer and Transfer. WHITE LINE, 310 sv lit 11. ponds 3312. yillllnerr. SWITCHES from combine. 91 W. Tsvcha - free. Mr. 1 L M., SOoP Marry. H. Ffiia. Moving, Mnrna-e nnd Cleanlna. V. C. FERRIN. 15th and Capitol. Ty. 1200. Oenllatn. Eyes examined g1se fitted, pay as you can. Pi. McCarthy. 1111 W. O. W. Eldg. Patents. II. A. ?turice. Brandel Theater P'-;. pr6Bu rncll, Paxtoii Bl k. Tel. Red 7117. Patent Dexelopment. AMERICAN Machine Co.. 110 S. 11th BL Prlntina. W'ATK RS-BA KNIIA RT Ptg Co.. quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 S. 1-ith St. DOUGLAS ITIntiTis Co. Tel. Doug. 614." COB KY e M K EN YAK PTO. CO. P. 2644. RIES-H ALL Pig. Co., i620'Capltol. IX 110 C KNT R A I , P R I N T I N O CO. DO UG. 3764." Roarb Exterminator. B. B. B. Roach Powder at your druggist jaie and Tlmelock Experts. V AFE combinations changed, opened, ra- " paired. F.E. Davenport, H06 Dodge. I, 1821 hoe Repairing;. Electric Shoe Rep. Co.. 1807 St Mary'e Ay. REAlKXNABLETKarnam Rep. Co. 313 S. 24. Steel Crlllnita. CARTER Sheet Metal Works, 110 8. 10th. More and Office Fixtures. DESKS, aafea, acales, showcases, shelv Inn etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture nd Supply Co.. 414-16-18 S. 12th. D. 2724. Towel Supplies. OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 B. JUh. P. 5 . . Trunks and Sultcaaea. F R EL1NQ & STEINLE. 1S09 Farnam St Veterinarians. PR. O. R. YOUNG. 4602 Center. H. 6062. Window Screens. Om. Window Screen Co., 1323 Nicholas St Wines and Liquors. ALEX JETES, 201-3 8. 13th St Wines, liquors, cigars. Plate dinner 11 to 8, 10c. GLOBE Llq. House. 422 N. 16, 7 qta. beer, 91. delivered. Write for price list D. 4352. UlrNRY-POLIX3C LIQUOR HOUSE? 15th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. SWAPPERS' COLU5LV RANGE Have 6-hole cast-Iron range, In first class condition, with hot water at tachment; too large for my use. What have you? 8. C. 1011, Bee. REAL ESTATE 6-room house and i lota. Yankton, S. D.. for stock goods; 93,000. m t g. 99"0. B. C. 12S0. Bee. o OFFICE FURNITURE Will buy some good second-hand offioa furniture: must he cheap for cash. Address H. CL 124 Bee. REAL ESTATE-Will trade dear track age property. 150x150, and cash for mod-, ern 7 or 8-room house located wt or (a Dundee: $5,000 to 96,000. Addrena 8. O, Bee. SHETLAND pony and outfit for trade C sale. Phone 21tol, Council Bluffs, la. STENOGRAPHER Here la your I have a new stenotype which I xmtsa dispose of Immediately. Address 8 0 78. SCALE Have a Toledo 2-lb. candy scale. near I v new, will exchange for anythlnil that can be used In a restaurant, or tolU top desk. Addresn S. C. 128, Bee. IB A IO LIN Have violin about 60 year strad. model, big strong tone; line. orchestra, will trade for good typewriter. or what have you? Address o. c u3, Beat WATCH WORKS For trade a fine aet of Swiss watch works, 15 Jewel. 13 alia. The very bent of works: make me art offer. Address S. C. 1329. Bee. WATCH 21 Jewel, Swiss movement Jew els inlaid In rubles; perfect timekeeper. Will trade fur diamond. Address S. C. 1314. Bee. WATCH 17-Jewel adjusted pnld watch. keeps perfect time; worth $20; will ex change for good automatic shotgun or automatic revolver, or what have you In exchange? Address S. C. 1328, Bee. FOR RENT Apartments and Flats. GOOD location for doctor: 6-room modern flat on 1st flooij transfer point. W. 6701. ' THE" Rt il.AN r, ISlb and Yates Sts. 3 and 5-rni. apartments, reasonable rents. Magnificent lawn, tennis courts and many other attractive feature. PAYNE ci SLATER (MM PANT, Omaha's Rental Men, 616 Omaha National Bank Bldg. APART il H NTS. 942.50 per mo 4 rooms, with Murphy beds, new and strutlv modern. The Warren. 517 So. 2sth St. f.u.OO per mo. I rooms in excellent repsir. The Heiohl, 27th and Jackson Sts 917 50 p r mo. 7 rooms, modern, Her Bldg 5IX So. lth St. OKDRGE a- CoWANY, 02 City Nat Bank Bldg. Phone P 756. Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves, packs, ships; 3-horse van and 9 men. 9125 per hr. ; storage 92 per mo. Satisfaction liuar. D. 43 8 Ac Ty. 20. ALL kinds of flats. 1501 Vinton. Tyler 177L RerrtaTServictTFree Why worry where to find a house or apartment when we have lifted every vacant House and ap-i-tmei.t in the city. 'Phone nc for furth, r infui mattcn. Doug. la 4177, Fidelity Storage & an Co. t"j6-rro. mod, flat. 3.. tunrng.4&ij $1S-I2v4 'nT :Vf iiBT. CAN T BE BEAT? 4 rooms, bath A. Msroaita Doug 2,0. Fi'R PROFITABLE ROOMING HOCSK 415 N. 2olli. lo rooms, i'hone Douglas W.iL