Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 20, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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New Fall Suits Just Arrived
Our buyer who is now in New York has rushed to us
by express some excellent suit valves in the new Military
Quick to adopt the trend of current times, American
designers are demonstrating their superiority and orig
inality. More artistic, more versatile styles have never
been offered and at such low prices.
Suits of fine chiffon broadcloth, in the season's pop
ular colors, green, navy, black, plum and brown.
Extra values for $29.53 and $35.00.
New arrivals of Men's Wear Serge Suits for women,
offered for $24.60.
No Charge for Alterations.
The Store For Shirtwaists
New styles of Fall Blouses, just arrived, $2.95.
Specials From Our
$2.25 2x2 yards Table
Cloths, $1.75 each.
-$5.00 2x2 yards Table
Cloths, $3.50 each.
$6 00 2x2y3 yards Table
Cloths, $3.75 each.
$7.50 2x24 yards Table
Cloths, $5.00 each.
$3.50 20-inch Napkins for
$2.4? a dozen.
$4.00 22-inch Napkins for
$2.89 a dozen.
6t Petersburg Report Says People
See Cherished National Ex
istence AheacL .
Rasata Coal Pot Twenty Mlllloa
Mrj la Field, I Estimate Made
at Capital Coaatrr iieseme
- Xorsaal Aspect.
(Copyright T9U. Press Publishing Co.)
tiT. PKTEKSOUIia, Auf. J. (Special
Cablegram' to New Tfork World and
Omaha Be.) Enthuslastlo meetings of
Poles In many towns of Russia ara send,
ins loyal , acknowledgments of graras
foreshadowed to the Polish nation In tho
commander-in-chief's proclamation to tha
rmy A loading Pol of Kleff signifi
cantly said: "As Slavs we have been en
tirely on nif riu uod. a ... ., "
but henceforth w side with Russia as
Poles, also."
The opportunity shortly will ba offered
of realising their cherished alms of nat
ional existence unrter th Russian flag,
which must Inevitably reunite tha whole
Polish people, who at present are facing
one another In arms, aa parts of the
Austrian and German and Russian forces.
Poles Shot by Aastrlans.
Among tha Austrian prisoner brought
to Kieft ara two OaUclans, who at tha
moment they saw the ttusslan cavalry
inputs flung away their rtflea and. wav
ing handkerchiefs, gave themaelvea up as
prisoner They report that their fellow
ara strictly watched and shot -on th
least- suspicion by Austrian bf fleers.
Several thousand1 Csccha, resident at
Mlefa. have been' received as . Russian
subject. and,thm'orrty, hav .volun
teered to aarva In th Russian, army.
Three thousand Letts from the mobilised
districts hav volunteered for th front.
If Russia puts Into the field ail men of
the empire available either aa soldiers or
reserves, or even the last reserves and
volunteers, it is not an exaggerated etl
inat that It could rale 80,000,00(1 men
capable of bearing arms.
formal assert Rvme4.
Russia now baa practically resumed IU
normal aspect. Tor signs that It U at war
one must look beneath th surface, at
any rate in th larg centers. Trains
again are running pretty regularly, bank
are open and local trade is endeavoring
to recover Its ordinary routine. .
(Continued from Page One.)
tunately the patient succeeded. In ex
pectorating, and mow the crisis seeing
to be over. Nephritis complication,
however, are seriously feared.
Adnalaletera, Ox gem.
The doctors have administered
oxygeu to the pope, lie waa given
stimulating Injections and cupped
when death seemed Imminent. These
energetic remedies brought about an
amelioration, but nobody Is yet able
to nay whether they are only tem
porary or Indicate that the crista has
been overcome.
The Austrian ambassador at Rome
and the .Bavarian minister ere the
first, to call at the Vatican, when th
erloug condition ef the. pontiff be-
chme knowa.' ..:;'
Moved by Hoar ef Gnaa.
Tli pope was much moved on hearing
from Venice c4v of the. lannonauo in
th Adriatic, '
"Th bones of th dogea must thrill in
tUtJr sepulchres at th lamlliar sound of
battle, th horolo days ofld,
Ve eatd.
The sisters- of th pupa are convinced
that a momentous cri-iis has errlvud, and
they are deeply apprt-bensiv. They have
lighted candles bet or the .nlraculou
linage of fcu Jiepa end ren ala prontrute
In prayer. .
F-bt retl estate columns for bargain
edvcrtuttd la The lie. Get a tuo cod
rtivm tor Ui summer.
August Linen Sale
11V All Linen Crash Towel
ing 12Hc
18c All Linen Crash Towel
ing. 16c
20c AU Linen Crash Towel
ing 17c.
15c Checked Glass Toweling
12 He yard.
lfw Clicked Glnas Toweling
10c m yard.
2(c 1iecked Gins Toweling
17c yard.
2ftc Checked Glass Toweling
23c yard.
President Wilson Approves Plan to
, Have Government Buy Ships.
mils with' a View of Potting This
Idea lata Effect Will Be latro.
dared In Both Braaehea
' of roaarresa.
WASHINGTON. Aug. . President
Wilson today approved a plan to hav the
government buy a number of ahlpa to bo
used in taking American foodstuffs
abroad. - ,
Th president conferred with senate and
house leader on the question of develop
ing and safeguarding American mer
chant marine, and the purchase of ships
and passage or a bill under which tho
government will undertake tha Insurance
of war risks wer agreed on. Bill carry
ing out th plana .will b Introduced )n
both houses of congress Immediately.
After the conference Secretary Tumulty
gave out this statement: .
"Tho conference waa about th devel
opment and safeguarding of the merchant
marine and, every aspect of the question
waa gone over. It waa recognised that
the present emergency called for prompt
action to relieve a situation which can
b relieved. If action is promptly taken.
It was agreed that a bill should be in
troduced In congress, providing for th
Insurance of war risks by1 th govern
ment '.
"In addition to th agreement of opin
ion as to the insurance bill, there was an
extenatve discussion of the best means
for Immediately providing ships to carry
the goods now waiting, for th markets.
Several plans ware proposed, and it waa
finally agreed that a bill should be drawn
and Introduced at a very early date,
whlcn should provide for the purchase
of an adequate number of Ships by the
government and their operation through
a corporation controlled by the govern
ment, which now operates ships aa well
aa th railroad Itself, and which Is eon
trolled by the government."
Grand Trunk Liner
Goes Upon Rocks
VANCOUVER, a a. Aug. 19.-Boatlng
tta way through a dens fog in Brown's
passag on Its way from Maaset to Prince
Rupert, the Grand Trunk aclflo steamer
Prince Albert fouled the Butterworth
rocks near South Dund Island last night
and. according to early morning wireless
reports, waa breaking up rapidly.
Distress aignala from th rlno Albert
Pwer first picked up by th wireless
operator , on Dig be Island, which is sep
arated by a narrow strait from Katen
Island. H at one sent out wlraleaa calls
to any ahlpa that might b In th vicinity.
Th first vessel to reply to th hurry call
for help was th rlno Albert's alster
shlPp, th Prjnc John.
As tar as could te teamed there waa
not many passenger aboard th Prtnc
SACRAMKNTO, Cel.. Aug. 11 Matt I
Bulllvan of Ban Francisco waa appointed
chief Justice of th atat supreme court
by Governor Hiram Johnson today to fill
th vacancy reused by the death of Jus
tic HeHtty. Mr. Bulllvan waa associated
with Governor Johnson in th prosecution
of Abrahanf Ruef, after Francis J. llcney,
the prosecutor, had been shot down la
the court room.
NEW TORK. Aug. U.-Wlth th city
Manning to eatablUh municipal groceries
and meat markets and the polio In every
borough obtaining companions between
present aad past food prices. It waa an-
nounoed at the district attorney' offle
1st' today that th promised Inquiry Into
th higher cost of living here rlno the
outbreak of war in Europe will ba b-
gua on Thursday morning.
1 part e m t Or 4m.
WASHINGTON. Aug. Id. 8pecl4 Te4e
gram ) Ml ;.v H. Kreni h ha bnen
a) pointed postmatter at Alva. trok
t'ounir, Wyoaiing, vie U, P, Culviu, re
aiviied. Harry Hsrnler of Dubuque. la., has been
appointed an inl'tor In connection with
tha bl' survey aervk of the Ag
ricultural department: salary. Sl.aou iwr
I annum.
Tennessee it Waiting- at Falmouth
for Promise of Safe
It Left at Davrn foe C'herboer wltk
"-apply of Geld for tfc A nigr
icans tkat Ara Maroaae4
.la rraaee.
FALMOUTH. England, Aug. lS.-Vla
London, Aug. 12, 11:15 a. m ) Th United
Etates cruiser Tennessee, which should
hav sailed at dawn today for tha Hook
of 1 Inland on lis mission of relieving
stranded. Americans In Europe, did not
Henry 8. Breckinridge. United States
assistant secretary of war. In explanation
of the delay, said: '
"1 had expected to receive Information
from all the European governments prom
ising safe escort for my representatives
In conveying treasure to the "different
capitals. I also expected mora definite
Information through Ambaamdor Walter
Ulnes Page from the continent of Europe
as to ths exact number of Americans
stranded In the various countries. ' As
this has not arrived, I must stay on until
! It does, so that 1 tan Instruct my repre
sentatives exactly what to do.
Continental Plan Incomplete.
"It Is Impossible to get Information by
wireless at sea la tha war area, as wa
have been asked not to use our wireless
In th war area. Therefore, at sea we
should be cut off from everybody with
out having perfected our continental
I ahall remain her until I receive all
th Information."
The cruiser North Carolina, which
anchored In tha channel all .light, left at
dawn for Cherbourg. The Tennease will
communicate with It by cable.
American Bailors her complain f th
high chargra for changing their money.
They lose 80 rents on each five-dollar
LONDON, Aug. 19.-02:40 p. m.)-Th
American embassy has been advised by
Henry 8. Breckinridge from Falmouth
that he has Instructions from the secre
tary of war at Washington not to sail
for the Hook of Holland until ao ordered
from Washington.'
The embassy ha no knowledge of the
reasons for this delay. It Is supposed
her that negotiations regarding the
movements of the Tennessee are proceed
ing directly between Washington and th
continental governments concerned.
(Continued from Page One.)
day a vast entrenched camp on the flank
of the enemy.
Details of the fighting at Dlnant be
tween th French and German troop
ahow that the carnage was terrible. Th
First French company, although dec!
mated, held a poaltlon until another com
pany cam up with artillery, which de
stroy ad a bridge. The French cavalry
then advanced and pushed th German
attacker back Into th Mouse.
Cap! a re of Lies. Reported.
ROTTERDAM, Aug. l.-Vla London )
It Is asserted her that th forts at
Liege were ' dynamited by tho Belgians
after they had been evacuated, the action
of the Belgian being due to th arrival
of Germany'! heavy motor batteries.
LONDON, Aug. 19.-A Jruasels dis
patch to th Mall saya It 'a Warned on
th htgheat authority that on Monday th
Lieg fort wer atiil luidlng nut They
were cut off from th Franco-Belgian
f:eld force and surroundei by Germans,
but continued their herolo reatstano.
An official statement issued by' th
French embassy at London (-might, says:
"The Liege forts are still holding out.
No one of them haa been taken.'
Th German government has announced
that th forta hav be destroyed and
tho defenders burled be.ioat.i th rums.
Tha French government declare that the
fort are atlll holding.
Kaiser Ordera Oeaeral Advaare.
LONDON. Aug. ia-(2:80 p. in.) Th
curt announcement In a telegram from
Brussels, dated last night, of.flerc fight
ing between Belgian and German troop
along an extended front la generally ac
cepted in London today aa Indicating the
real beginning of th first great battle
of th war.
The German attack la today again re
ported mad on th direct order of Em
peror William himself to his general In
th field.
The exact extent of the line of fighting
haa not yet been reevaled, but presuma
bly it stretches in a north and south Una
Beyond thla Ita definite location 1 vir
tually guess work.
Refugee from Dlest. Tlrlemont and
other towns in that section of Belgium
who fled as the Oermana approached ar
coming Into Bruasela In great number.
They declare that since th Inhabitant
vacated Tlrlemont German shell hav
been dropping In the town and that sub
sequently the Belgians broke th Germsn
advance ther at the point of th bayo
net gay Gersnaa Kill Weaaaled.
FA HI a, Aug. 1. tf : a. m.) Tha Brus
sels correspondent of th Havaa agency
telegraphs aa follows:
"A committee to Inquire into alleged
breache of th law of war by th Oer
mana haa drawn up Its atatcment of fact
In th caaea of Major Van Iamm. who
wa wounded at Haalen on Auguat li aad
dispatched, it la claimed, by a revolver
shot from the Oermana It Is set forth
that Major Knapen was killed under sim
ilar circumstance at Oremaol on Au
guat .
"Kmll Vndrveld, th socialist leader
In th Belgian Chamber of Deputies, who
recently became mlniater of atate, ha re
turned from a vialt to Parts, where he
conferred with the prominent men of all
parttea He aaya that hla vtalt gav htm
ebeolut certainty of final victory for
th allies."
The National Capital
Wedaradari Aagaat 1, 114.
Th groat.
Met at It a. in.
tvH-relary Hrn conferred with th
foreian iv!atkn committee over the
('loinliian anil Nlcoragvian treaties.
SniMlor Htuhcock Introduced a bill to
rrohlhit floating foreign war loana In
th flitted states.
The llooao.
VI t t ncMin.
Miscellaneous biMa wer taken up under
the i-aU'iidar tdnvaday rule.
Ten-Million Issue by Huerta Worth
lets by Carranza'i Decree.
Mealraa Pan Rrantttlsm Rfqil
In New Provisional Frnltnl
4a Invite Anrrlrtai ta
Kvaeaate Galf Port.
MEXICO CITT, Aug. 19.-A decree la
to be leaned tomorrow, by the governor
of the federal district, repudiating gov
ernment notea of th lasue of July 2
lap. Thla ssue was made during the -regime
of Provisional President Francisco'
Carbajal , on the authorization of " the ,
$iO,ona,000 ( per cent ten-year gold bonds 1
made by the Huerta, administration.
About 110.000,000 of thla paper le now In
circulation.'- ' . . ' . j
Th repudiation la baaed on the decree
IssiMtd by Venustlano Carranza on April .
26 ref ualng to recognise the act of the
Huerta government. j
Th new constitutionalist cabinet waa
announced last night a follows:
Minister of ' foreign ' aifalra. ' Tsldro
Fabela; minister of Interior, Ellaeo Ar
redondo; minister of public Instruction,,
Dr. Miguel Hllva; minister of communica
tions, Tgnaclo Bonillas; minister of
finance, Fellcltos Villareal; minister of
war, Eduardo Hay. I
Th appointment of minister of justice
baa been deferred awaiting th reorgan
ization of the court.
Maatcrtaa; Fed Troops.
Th mustering out of the federal troops
I proceeding rapidly. Four thoueanl
were released today, each enlisted man
reoelvlng 110 and hia far home, while the
officer received t'-X and their fare.
vVhll absolute order prevail every
where, the rigor of military government
hav been in po way slackened. Two
th levee disguised in the uniform of
conatltutlonallst wer executed at a
police elation today and their bodies ex
posed to th view of the curious crowds.
Aa In former cases, warning placards were
pinned on the breasts of the dead men.
Th court) were olosed today, while rail
way and telegraph lines continue to be
operated for military purpose only, al
though It la announced that passenger
trafflo between Mexico City and Vera
Cruz will ba resumed thla morning.
A committee of Americans tomorrow
will journey to the headquarter of Gen
eral Carranza at Atsacatpolzalco to wel
come the chief of the constitutionalists on
th part of th women of th colony.
An Order demanding the surrender of
arms by all tha Inhabitant was later
modified o aa not Include foreigners.
A conference waa held, yesterday be
tween General Carranza and representa
tive of Emlllano Zapata. The results
were not mad public .
To Ask V. S. Withdrawal.
LAREDO, Tex., Aug. 19. Resolutions
asking that General Carranza'a first of
ficial act after he reaches Mexico City
be e request to tha United State to with
draw Ita troop from Vera Cruz, where
they ar "an affront to th Mexican na
tion," were adopted Monday night at a
mase meeting In Saltlllo, according to
travelera reaching the border.
After th maa meeting a crowd paraded
the streets, ahoutlng "vivas" for Car
ranza and the constitutionalists, and some
cried, "death to . Americans," . according
to the Information brought here.
Interstate Three-' :
Cent Rates Upheld
by the Commission
WASHINGTON, Aug. M.-The Interstate
rallrbad paaaenger fare of 8 cent a mile
through Arkansaa, Missouri apd Okla
homa waa upheld by the Interstate Com
mere commission today, acting on com
plaint of tha public service commissions
of these atatea, which aought to have the
2-cent Intrastate rate made the basis of
through trafflo charges.
Th commission held that the defend
ant railroad did not voluntarily estab
lish and do not voluntarily maintain the
Intrastate passenger far of 1 cent a
mile, rfind that basing Interstate paa
aongor fares in thoae three atatea on the
1-cent rate waa not unreasonable.
Tha commission's ruling Is Important.
a th reduction sought would have had
wide Influence on passenger traffic
rate generally. ' Six atatea Arkansaa
Qtanaaa, Minnesota. Nebraska, Mlasourl
and Oklahomaestablished i-cent intra
state rates In 1907, and ' resulting lltlga
tlon brought a ruling from the supreme
court that nothing confiscatory could be
found to Justify th railroad's complaint.
In appealing to the ' Interstate Com
mere commission, the state commission
sought to ahow that a. reduction of the
Interstate rate would stimulate travel.
French to Protect
Breeding Animals
PARIS, Aug. 19, p. m. The French
mlnlatera of war and agriculture have
adopted measures for tha protection of
blooded cattle and horse to be used for
breeding purposes. Another effort in this
direction will be th reopening of certain
Induatrial eatabllshmenta which have shut
their doors and the prevention of closing
The director f foreign commerce ha
been Instructed to see if he cannot take
aomo steps toward th conquest of Ger
man market, and In th Interest of
French manufacturers, procure commer
cial orders which heretofore have been
going to German house.
Americans Will Fight
For Frenoh Republic
PARIS. Aug. 11 Th American Volun
teer corps haa up to date a total of IX
name on Ita roll. "v
Theae American volunteers propos to
fight tor Franc and thua In small meas
ure repay th service LafaycH rendered
th United SU tea. It la believed that W
of them will N accepted and equipped by
th French wai department.
English War Notes
Are Quickly- Taken
LONPON', Aug. 1. 4:85 p. in. A aura of
rn, 000,000 in alx months' treasury bills, re
quired for war purpoeea. waa offered to
the publio and met with a hearty wel
come Th amount applied for wa over
r-'ieooo.ouo. Tender at . Is ad got about
48 per cent of their applications: tho
abov that figure wer allotted la full.
lh average rat per cent wa about
tl 13a.
Third of German Array Bears Brunt
, of Furious Fighting; in Front
from Diest to Namnr.
Threat of Handred Prisoners glala
for Erery Bomb Dropped la
City treats a tops la
hantan Practice.
(Copyright. 19H, Press Publishing Co.)
NAMUR, Aog. 19. (Rpeclal. Cablegram
to New York World and Omaha Bee.) I
aw enough of ,th defenses at' Namur. to I
leave me dreading aa a human being and i
desiring . aa an enemy, mat the .whole,
German army would move up into thla
great, angle. . . ; .; I
Only the Third army corps haa yet been
engaged. It has. borne alone the whole
weight of recent , fierce engagements in
front from Namur to Dleat and today It'.
la being replaced by the Fourth. 'Thai
Fifth and Sixth still are In reeerve. Their J
etrateglc use very effective. j
The Sixth' la the elite of the German
army. The Belgian shooting ha so far i
wrecked the equality of numfiers, but thla'
Is the corps containing tha chosen marks
men. The Germana continue to shoot low.
The aviators have atopped dropping
bomba and the soldier believe tonight
the king aent an envoy to aay tljat 100
prisoners would be ahot for every bomb
dropped In the unprotected street. Only
girls and old men ao far have suffered
from thla Inhuman practice.
I've spoken with two witnesses of en
counter about Dlnant. Th french had
their guns In a lofty citadel and smashed
the pontoon bridges ai soon aa th Ger
mans had built them. Th permanent
brldgea were swept a th column ad
vanced. They were mined, but not ex
ploded. The Impatience of French African
troops, th Turcoa, who are spoken of
with bated breath, ta aald to have pre
vented th success of a crushing envel
oping movement, a yielding In the center
to pour In on th flanks which the French
could only partially execute. . .
Americans Want
to Stay and See
European War Fun
THE . HAGUE, Aug. l.-Vle London,
4.40 a. m.) Many Americana ar loath to
leave the German capital, according to a
newspaper man who has Just reached
thla city from Berlin after a long trip.
In some Instances, they declare they are
quite comfortable. "Everything foreign
ha been, eradicated from Berlin during
th last fortnight," aaya the newspaper
man. "A shop In Friedrickstasae, 'Which
waa called the Prince of Wales, wa
Well nigh demolished by a mob. Every
where French sign 'wer torn down. A
restaurant In Kurfeuraten-Damm wa
deatroyed by a crowd after th orchestra
had played a Ruaaian air. No French
words are allowed' to appear anywhere.
even on bill of fare.
'I asked the waiter In a restaurant for
a certain EngllBh sauce. He replied
angrily: "We no longer serve that cursed
f.nglish atuff.'
"Host Americana traveling In Germany
hav not yet come . to realix tha ral
gravity of the situation. Theae Americana
ar a curious lot. They seem to think
tho war a kind of play, 'great fun,' and
cannot realize that war In Germany la
nut like war In Mexico. '
"Several Americana were arrested at
Mannheim, because . they were pho
tographing a railway station, and the
American ambassador had the greatest
difficulty In obtaining their release. Am
bassador Gerard Is kept busy rescuing
Imprisoned .Americana or. helping ; others
of hia countrymen who need advice or
money. Thousands of persona dally are
bcseiglng the American embassy in Ber
lin seeking passporta or assistance.
"Always the advice of the embassy Is
'leave the country as soon as you can,'
but the Americana generally ' with trite
Yankee obstinacy reply, 'why leave when
we are so comfortable here,' whereupon
they are told, 'yea, but next week there
may be no meat or bread or perhaps the
r.ugiana will come.'
"To this the tourist answer Inoredu
lously, 'well, we guess w will stay and
see th fun.' "
Austrian Regiment
Refuses to Fight
LONDON. Aug. 19. It . Is officially
stated in Parla that th mobilisation of
tha Austrian army was accompanied by
much disorder and even open mutiny In
many placea. owing to th unpopularity
of th war among many classes of people.
This Information 1 conveyed In a Pari
dispatch to th Dally Telegraph, which
"In many parts of Austria enthusiasm
for the war Is completely lacking, and
the people complain bitterly of spending
blood and money In a useless cause."
The official statement adds that a larg
number of Zech soldiers hav been shot
at Prague for refusing to fight, and that
during the night of Auguat a whole
8erb regiment of the Fifteenth Austrian
army corp routined. A aimllar mutiny
occurred In Bohemia.
German Steamer is
Siezed at Melbourne
LONtKN Aug., 19.-(J:15 p. m.) The
German eteamer Wtldenfels, on arriving
today at Melbourne from New York, via
Cap Town, waa seised by th authori
ties. Th captain of th vaaeel wa not
aware that war had been declared until
1. arrived In tho harbor.
THURSDAY ONLY Four Cake to customer. .
Not sold to children.
; Please Notice We gek you to make some other purchase to
get this bargain your own cUe purchase.
Successors to Schaefor's Dreg
All Factions for the Government
Sayi Writer to the Chronicle.
People K very where Golag to
aad Are Ready to Die
for Their Coaatrr' "
LONDON. Aug. l-(4: p. m.) "It la
Impossible to relate a tithe of the amaz
ing thing that,hav hsppened In Ruasia
during the last ten dsys," say a letter to
the Dally Chronicle, written In Pt. Peters
burg August 11 , It continue: f s
"Russia I not recognisable, or rather
that haunting beauty of Russia, which
those of u who live here gropingly and
often sadly feel and lov. has suddenly
ahone forth radiantly from out of the
heavy' clouda of failure and defeat that
have hidden it for ao many years." .
"Ruasla full of moral energy.' It
never displayed It with th sarrre vigor as
now at any period of Its history. Ruasla
feels Itself for once to be morally In the
righ." '
."Ruasla'a lnternatlcnal e ondltion waa
deplorable," say th correspondent. "The
Poles. Flnna and Jewa were egiblttered
by the government' policy of oppression,
The Duma divided, and helpless. Btrlkea
were spreading. There wer serious riot
In St. Petersburg.
Feellaa; I Changed.
"Few Russians want to fight for the
sake of Servia, but when It became clear
that the Austrian move was only the pre
lude to th German attack on aa appar
ently helpless and demoralised Russia, the
feeling changed In an Instant.
"The general mobilisation made all Rus
sia realise the situation. The peasants,
the workmen and the strikers of the weak
before; clerks, students, teachers and
lawyers, all dropped their work without
a murmur and joined the ranks.
"I had half expected mobilisation riots
In the country flistrtott like those which
occurred during the 'Japan war,, but
friend from th south, th west and the
east declare that all Russia is as one
man. Everywhere the people are going to
war. Ho die for our country,' a the
peasant say.
Prepare for Lonpr Strmgsltv
"Th drink shops wer closed end all
went soberly nd sternly,' xpectlng no
easy victories and prepared for a long
and hard struggle.
'For the first time In his reign the
Russian emperor is out off now from
thoae German Influences that egged him
on continually to ruinous reaction. His
majesty cam out on th balcony of hla
palace to greet an Immense throng of his
"The Duma gave stirring expression to
the nation's feeling. The fanatical reac
tionary Pourtshkevttch actually shook
hands with his bitter enemy, the cadet
leader, Milioukov. Representatives : of
various nationalities, Pole, the Letts, the
Lithunlans, tho Russian Germans and
most striking of all. the Jews, stood up
and declared whatever they had Buffered
they would lay aside their grievances In
this hour of great trial and fight side by
side with the Russian people. Many dep
uties were moved to tears.
'Will the government be capable of
seizing this splendid opportunity for mak
ing peace with all its peoples?"
Count Witte Says ,.
-War Wm Not Last
n rpi, Hffvie-'Ur.
uver lnree Montnsi
PARIS, Aug. 19. (8:W a. m.) A news
dispatch from Tarbes quotes Count Wltte,
the Russian statesman, who Is on his
way from Blarrits to Russia.' a declar
ing that the European war would not
last more than two or three montha.
It waa bound to end, he aald. In th
downfall of Germany. Russia's mobilisa
tion has been carried out slowly, but
surely, and the army was certain to van-
qulsh Germany whatever might happen.
4:15 a. m --"Outpost combats, however
Interesting and characteristic, do not -Justify
us in counting 'on the certainty of a
prompt and definite victory," writes for
mer Minister of Foreign Affairs Stephen
Plnchon in the Petit Journal.
"I find too much said about the Ger
mans being demoralised. Their original
over-confidence may give place to doubts,
but that Is alL The war nowbeginnjng la
a war to the death. On It hangs the ex
istence of Germany ' as well as that of
France. It will be waged fuiloualy en
both sides. It will probably be long and
the losses enormous. .
"Let us make up our minds to the fact
that we have to contend with the moat
redoubtable army In Europe and have
need for all 1 our material anl .iorai
Troops from Canada
to Cross Atlantic
OTTAWA, Out. Aug. 19. Thursday, the
Canadian government will begin moving
its 25,000 volunteers of the over-seas divi
sion to th assembly camp at Valcartler.
Th order for the movement wa made
last night by th minister of militia.
Most of the force will reach the camp by
Saturday. Th last of It will be In Bun
day and preparation will then be mad
for Immediate dispatch across th At
lantic. v
Germans Kill Italians
Who Cheer for Italy
LONDON. Aug. 19. (U:3B a. m. ) A dia
1 patch from Rome to th Star say refugees
I frjm Magdeburg, Germany, report that
the German soldiers fired on 3,000 Italians
confined In the barracks there, killing
"ea and wounding slate because some
of them shouted. "Hun-en for Italy.''
Everybody Keada Bee Want Ads.
Store, I. W. Cor. ISA A CosgUs
Publio Opinion in Favor of Nation's
Adhesion to the Triple
Nation Meat Join aide en Which It
Right end Aspiration Have'
Foaad gysnpath'y d ....
Rapport. '"73
- my
(By a Staff Correspondent) 1
(Copyright, Press Publishing Co.?
ATHENS. Aug. 15. (Delayed In Trans
mission) Aug. 19-(Speclal Cablegram to
New York World and Omaha Bee.) I
have been able to ascertain the opinion
of a number of leading Greek politician
as to the policy they . consider . Greece
Should adopt in the present crisis. . M.
Theotokls, whose Germanophlle leanings
ara well known, holds that Greece should
maintain strict neutrality.
M. Mailt, M. Dragoumia, M. Mavrc
michaells, favor adhesion to the triple en
tente. This also Is th overwhelming ver
dict of public opinion.
M. Mailt sold that the policy of Isola
tion would be a fatal mistake for Greece
In 'a struggle In which the whole future
of the Greek race Is at stake, and that
Greece must Join the side on which it
rights and aspirations have found sym
pathy and support.
While the government still adheres to
Its policy of neutrality,.-events are fast
developing which It would seem will put
an end to this course. It Is noteworthy
that the. prees organs, which hitherto
have advocated absolute neutrality, now
declare that the sale of German ship ta
Turkey removes all doubt as to what
Greece has to expect from Germany,
while Anstrlan hostility to vital Greek:
ntoroats haa long been amply proved.
Red Blotchy Skin
- . Easily Remedied
Bathe Year Blood with fjooling,
. Purifying Remedy
On of the IJlr Peril
When your blood Is overheated the con
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that famous blood purifier S. 8. 8. The
skin is a modified form of mucous mem
brane and it is In these membranes thafl
Impurities In the blood are prepared fon
expulsion. 8. 8. 8. has a most remark
able action in assisting the membranes
to eliminate those secretions which are
the result of Inflammation whether they)
take the form of catarrh or red patches
on th skin. Its cooling, purifying effecl
1 almost Immediate since in three min
utes after entering the blood It traverse
the entire circulation. It so acts upon
the cellular tissues In the skin that eacU
cell rejects any Invading germ and se
lects only Its own essential autrknenf
from the blood.
Theae fact are brought out In strike
Inrlr- illustrated book "What the Mlrrog
Tells'? which is mailed free by the Bwtft
pecino co ewirt Btidmg. Atlanta.
ua. uei a Dome oi o. d. d. 10017 01 m-ur
druggist and thus Insure pure blood and
consequent health. Beware of Imitation
and disappointing substitutes.
Do Hot Fail
To Read
' My Unusual Offer ' which will
appear In all next Sunday's pa
pers under the Real Kstate
Columns. It will be of intereet
to Investors, renters and those
who think of buying home.
F. S. Trullinger
Omaha vs. Denver.
August 19. 20, 21, 22. I
ktovmu riKE. 1
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In addition ta six excellent acts, th
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