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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1914)
10 nil) i'.KK: OMAHA. TIILIISDAV. AtmsT 'jo. 1!H 4. By MELLIFICIA. Wednesday, August 19, 1914. ' I. WENT to the st)le show this morning, together with about 200 visit ing mlllners and merchants who are here for "Style week." Mr. Ora Cne (pronounced Sen nay, aomethlng like the moving picture firm "Essanay") .lectured for an hour and a half on atyle, new col ors, salesmanship and a score of other things of interest to the visitors and others who attended, and they would have stayed longer had he talked longer. Mr. Cne Is the well known man milliner of New York, formerly of Paris, and says that the Americans are fully capable of designing and orig inating their own styles, tie says in the past many of the styles have been originated In America and many have been changed and Improved upon, but the shops put in the foreign tags w ith the name of a Parisian exporter merely to please the buyer who Insisted upon having a French hat. "Our minds are running to everything military, because of the Ku ropean war, and everything will be decidedly martial and military In ap pearance and silhouette," said Mr. Cne. "Paul Poiret got the Idea of the full tunic from the Servians, and everyone is wearing them. "The elaborate trappings of tne Montenegrin horses caught the eye of j Monsieur Poiret. the alert det-lgner, ant nearly all of the well-gowned ' women of the civilized world have been wearing the wide belts and girdles suggested by Poiret." Mr. Cne also gave an Interesting talk on salesmanship this morning to ttas visitors at N. A. Splesberger s. "Have you seen a careless clerk flop an artistic hat on her head, not noticing that she had the front at the back, and walk up and down in front of a prospective customer? What Is ' tbe difference between that and going to a dinner party and harvlng the ',pi brought in upside down?" ' This afternoon the man-milliner is going to explain how to make, ' twenty-four different kinds of bows. I have yet to see a man who can tie even one kind of a bow. so I think I will go to the next lecture. . CEREALS SHOW STRENGTH Newt New Orleans is Accepting Ex port! Gives Market Strength. OMAHA RECEIPTS ARE LIGHT Oalr Twenty. Klaht Cars ml Ukril, Tfill(.JIIf of (urn sail sit ters) of Out Received for l.m-al naif. Word reartirrl the Omaha 'Jmln change yesterday that New Orleans Is accepting wheat tor export Jo I-onrion. Liverpool and Belfast, the hrRPi to be prepaid, and as a re on It all of tl.r cereals showed strength rlKht from the opening of the market. At Omaha the receipt were llxlit. there being but twenty-ela'it cam of wheat, twenty-nine of corn and sixteen of oats received. This was q lirkly bmsht up, the cash prices of wheat twin; IC.V4 to 1") cents. Chicago, like Omaha was hinher, Sep tember wheat having a rang" of from !M'i to W enta; December fi'Wi II to tl 02 and May from II .074 to I.W. Corn and oats followed wheat In the up ward movement. RABBI W. P. K0TK0V TO SPEAK HERE FRIDAY TUbhl W. P. Kotov f Chicago Is ex pected In the cltjr Krlday morning to deliver a aerlea of lectures at the Jewish avnagngues. The rabbi will speak In Eng lish Friday evening the Reth Hamed rnFh Hagodol synagogue. Nineteenth and Burt streets, to which service Jewish young men and women have been espe cially Invited. He mill speak In Yiddish at the Kusslan synagogue, Eighteenth and ChlcHgo afreets, Pnturday afternoon and at the same place Sunday evening In English. The rabbi comes to Omaha pursuant to action taken recently by these orthodox congregations to bring an English speak ing rabbi here, whose work will be prin cipally with the Jewish young people of the community. Barklen'e Arnica Salve. for a cut, bruise, sore and skin trouble. A box should be In every household. 25c. All druggists. Advertisement. ) . Xuropean Travelers. Miss Ella Reynolds received word this morning from Judge and Sirs. n. H. tPsker. under date of August 6, to the ef fect that they are safely located In l.on xlon, "but would much rather be home ' undsr the circumstances." Judge and ; Mrs. Baker had contemplated a three ' months' trip through Eurol snd knew nothing of the war until they landed In ' Liver pol the end of July. They proceeded ; at once to l-ondon. but plan to sail for home by September 1 if they can obtain i ; passage. i Xellitrom-Wykoff Wedding. Miss Adsllne Wykoff, daughter of Mrs. A. Wykoff, and Albln K. Kellatrom were i quietly married last week at the home of lr. F. J. Cook of Toledo, O., where Mrs. I Wykoff has been staying. The bride's dress was of white and trimmed with shadow lace. The wreath I and veil were family heirlooms, having been worn by the bride's mother, to whom they were presented by an uncle In Lelp- sic, Germany. Mlsa Flora Mlllkan was ' bridesmaid and Dr. Cook was best man. ' The ceremony was followed by a supper, after which the couple left for a visit to I Niagara Falls and Toronto and a tour of the great lakes. The bride was an honor graduate of the Omaha High School in the class of 1MZ. L Seymour ake Country Club. , Dr. and Mrs. I. Juikiness entertained at dinner Friday evening, when covers were laid for:" Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Vocum. I , Miss Mary Vokum. r Mr. F.inll U. Hofmann. Mr. Reuben Yoctim. Mr. and Mrs. I M. Lord are entertain ing Dr. C. H. De Witt of Tacoma, (Wash. Another dinner party was Composed of Mf. and Mrs. C. C. Pelden. Mrs. Carroll :elden. Mlsa I-ols Brown snd Miss Mary 'Brown. Mrs. J. W. Woodrough we hostess at a d nner party Tuesday, when she had as 'her' guests: Mr. snd Mrs. Laurie qulnby. Mr. Honner. Misses Misses ! Jtess Heat on. A lire Markensle, j Jkira. Past. Minerva Qulnby. Margery Beckett, Messrs. Messrs. IM'!H Hunt. Archie Laurence. t. C. Altchlson. Mao ilsttan. , Mrs. C, O. Shinier entertained at din ner, having, with her: Mrs. J. W. Bush. Misses Misses pessle steers, Dorothy fthtmrr. Eleanor Bhlmer, Dining together were Misses Mayme Crewelt nf Uuthti Center. la.: Margaret Carley. Mr. Howard Eagera and Mr. Cyril fjheehy. William P. Current was host at a boat ing party and watermelon feed Tuesday evenlng. Those present were: Mrs. Btricklor. Misses Misses Jrer.e rHrtckler, ' Jessie Kogers. iKHtle Woriey, Mr. C. Morgan. Mlsa Erma Book la the house guest of lrt. H. K. Said this week At Fontenellt Park. Ms. R. F. Baker entertained the Light Bearers' club Tuesday, After a' short business aeaaion, there was music, after which luncheon was served. The follow ing members were present: Marguerite Baker, president; Lillian Nelson, vice president: Alma Wheeless. secretery; Beuiah Baker, organist; Bessie Guthrie, Kleanor Palmquist, Vera Jennings, Alma Baker. Personal Mention. A daughter was born Friday to Mr. and Mrs. James T. Hoean. Mrs. Ilogan was formerly Miss Mary Tracy. daughter was bora Friday to Mr. a ad Mrs. J. J. Wtlas. Mrs. We sa was formerly Miss E. C. liotta of M. Joseph. Attend Contention. Frank A. Kennedy, editor of the West ern Laborer, and Mrs. Kennedy returned Monday from a vls.t to Pittsburgh. New York City and Provldene. They at tended the 1. T. L convention at Provi dence. At Carter Like Club. - v Over 5i visiting merchants and menu-' lecturers were entertained at dinner at tarter Lake rlub last evening. Attrac tive decorations were used, the guests 'being served on both the upper and lower veranda's of the rlubhouce. FoU " lowing the dinner, there was dancing, swimming and boating. Among others who entertained at dia ller .' were John Itevetidse. who enter tained four g ousts; It. J. Tate, five; II-J.- Ftckler, four; T. E. Wood, four; Miss Peggy Uafford. thiee; Jules, tv-.o: L. L. Stafford, two; John Sorcneon, two; Pacha, two; E. H. Mullin. three. Mrs. Ralph E. Morn and smell son FnMln of Cripple Creek. Jolo., are the guests of Mrs. Ueorge K. Thompson at her cottage at Carter Lake club. Summer Plant. Jr. aod Mrs. R. Collin left this morn ing for Denver and Colorado fprtngs. They will be gone for a month. Mr. Frank Burklry and daughter. Miss Mary Burkley nave returned from a stay at Wlanno, Mass. ' ' Mr. Earl Gannett and his mother Mrs. J. W. Gannett plan to leave thi first of next week for Concord Mens., to visit relatives. After a brief stay there Mr. Gannett will go to Nantasket Postponement. The marriage of Miss Caroline Murphy. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis T. Murphy, and Mr. Frank J. ' Kinnard of Uerea, Ky., which was to hsvo taken plsce this month bss been postponed on account of the 111 lienlth of Mr. Kinnard. In and Out of the Bee Hive. Mra. Josephine Drewar and Non Harold of I.US Angeles. Csl , ho have been the guests of Mr. Drewrr's sister. Mrs. J. B. Hone and Mr. Bon, returned Monday to their home. Registering at the Hotel McAlpIn from Omaha during the week have been: Mr. ahd Mrs. F. A. Kennedy. Mr. H. F. Wallace. Mr. and Mra. .1. T. H'ewart, Jr.. Mr. H Bradford. Mr. and Mrs. A. t Boot. - Mr. F. M. Rapolje. Mr. Joe Dawson. Mr. K. R. Tarry. Mr. John C. I'h ulklrk. Mr. D. C. Hurley. , Mr. and Mr. A. M. Pinto. Little Miss Ut Kllllngsworth of Waco, Tex., who has been spending the summer with her aunt. Mr. C. Y. Bmlth will re turn home Thursday. Mr. Bn.lth and her nelce spent the week end visiting relatives in IJncoln. Mr. and Mrs. E. li. Ward snd Mr. Marvin Wsrd leavo this evening for Chi cago and the lake trip to Detroit and Buffalo. Mr. A. II. Groh of Philadelphia Is visit ing his psrents. Rev and Mrs. Leonard Groh. nalas; te t t wriest If you want to know mi advanoa whai pictures are going to be shown at your favorite theater tonight read "Today's Complete Movie Program" on the tlral wsnt ad page. Complete programs of practically every moving picture theatet In Omaha appear EXCLUSIVELY la Joe Bee. IheflewSA M. Here's the Car You Can Afford to Buy and to Keep . 6000 Saxons in owners hands all over this coun try and abroad are daily proving that you can economically own and operate an automobile. This car, stylish, sturdy, of standard design throughout, is, we claim, absolutely the best two passenger motor car in the world at anywhere near its price its first cost. In upkeep cost the Saxon is absolutely without a rival. It has traveled from New York to San Francisco, over the Lincoln Highway, through deserts, over hills, through All kinds of going and averaged 30 miles to the gallon of gasoline. In owners hands even more striking economy records are reported: O. W. Gilmore of Macon, Ga., says, "I drove my Saxon over 100 miles and hunt up a record of 35 miles per gallon of gasoline." H. V. Smith of Marion. Ind.; writes, "I made 248 miles on seven gallons of gasoline.". W. P. Hansley of Calumet, Michigan, says, "My Saxoa has cost me 16c a day to run." And these are only typical of hundreds of others. Economy with Style This is the first real automobile cheaper to own and to run than a horse and buggy. And no car has more style, more high priced car standard features and no car is easier handled. Coma in and saxs tha car yourself. Let it tell its own story to you. . Lininger Implement Company OMAHA. NEB. tea r;::zz A Case s You can get the best beer by asking for it. Make no mistake; 'Blatz Beer is admittedly the finest tasting beer brewed. It is a significant fact that every, one . who tries it immediately prefers it. The best cafes in your town serve it A case in your home means that complete satisfaction that . . . ' . comes from having the V Witt Pi m M s?h sAwv k j ar m x w m. i v ; ' Wl LeV 'V'-I'X C 10 OUr hme meanS fjS) jieTAV sSjV vs. lat comPete satisfaction that jj m IHHHI - BlsJIvTZ. COBIPANY HHI Speak, for your winter home now Before another month passes, a great many desirable apartments, flats and houses will be spoken for by Omaha people. It. is a good plan to" make your choice now. Bee readers make desirable tenants and they are accord ingly offered first of the good places to live. These offers maybe found on the Want Ad page. Advertisers in The Bee like to know Bee readers as such. Tell them you are one. Telephone Tyler 1000 THE OMAHA BEE Everybody Reads Bee Want Ad$ '- - No horn b e.wimoiurt a Victrola VictrolaIV,$15 Oak -$1S Have you anything you'd like to swap? If so, offer it through the "Swappers9 Col- " of The umn nee. Go today to any Victor dealer and he will gladly demon strate this wonderful instrument to you. Victor Talking Machine Co. Camden, N. J. , . Thewappers Column" is now known from one end of the country to the other and is, being widely copied. It fills a human need the need of getting into instant touch with people who have something to ex change. Come in and find out how easy it is to get into the Swappers' Club ana now mucn you can get out of it. Telephone Tyler 1000 THE OMAHA BEE Everybody reads Bee Want Ads to--$200. """" " ""l'7p h t 1 aV ' L k : 1 .., : ji, r' ) 'l . h - b mm i! kllllli.!,-; j I I ;l . ) 1 ; i v I I t, . ;i. i ' !: i ! 1 Victrola XVI. $200 Mahogany or Mk n Li 9 f