Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 20, 1914, Image 1

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    Pope Very :Low After Suffering Relapse
Adrsrt!$in is tbi Ufa of Trade
twit tarenga The Bee to y eas
terners, yowt eoaipctHar'a utonsra,
row poe alkie ewatoasara.
single; copy two cents.
Don flat County Makes New Record
for Slow Count on a
Long Ticket.
"Omaha Man Geti a Big Plurality jn
Hn Home County and
Headi Lilt.
Democrats Give, the Governor a Re
nomination bv a Very Hand
some Vote.
County Commissioner Gets Out of
His District Finely.
J aeon pie te. Returns D Wot ladlrate
the Probable Oiala ef ' People
Wba Will Stane for ae
; Offices.
A new record hu been made In Doug.
)u county for alow count on a long bal
lot.' It baa been many, many yeara, since
It was not poaalble to tell at noon on the
day following- a primary or an election
approximately who had won. But'at noon
today, outaide of the contest for gov
ernor, and perhapa sheriff on the demo
cratlo ticket. It was impossible to say
who had finished ahead.
For governor on the republican ticket
Howell ' has carried Douglas couuty oy
something in tha neighborhood of 2fiy
plurality, and on the democratic ticket
Morehead haa a plurality of 2.500 over"
Metcalfe. Metcalfe has already sent his
congratulations and pledge of support to
Governor Morehead. f
la the state- Kemp la running very
well, but Howell, on incomplete . returns
ao far. with his big Douglas county lead,
ha 6,347 over Kemp. This leaves the
choice for governor on the republican
ticket depending on what the country
precincts of Nebraska do.. On the demo
cratlo ticket' Morehead ta far and away
. ahead of Metcalfe. . . . ,1. "' .
ticket still In doubt. On the democatio
ticket Morehead ia far and away ahead
Locally, It appear McShane. has been
renominated for sheriff by the democrats.'
tha republican ticket Sriggs haa a
light lead over the field, with Clark
pressing hlrn close.
' Johnny Lynch was renominated for
county commissioner, carrying every pre
cinct but one In his district.
For congress in the Second district, the
Incomplete returns for Douglas county
show Blackburn slightly ahead of
The figures, so far as they have been
tabulated, are:
. For Oo vera or.
Omaha; complete except for three
precincts.' South Omaha complete, and
ten precincts in the county outaide of the
cities, give the following results on gov
ernor: , . .A
Doaalae oa Goveraor.
'Omaha. Bo.bma. Co. Total.
Metcalfe . 1,041
Berge 272
Morehead I,Tr.
C elepcha ......... 134
Hammond, (R).. 1.052
Howell, (R.) 4.477
Kemp ,..1,M1
fit evens . ,. 1M
Reiser MI
Packett 178
Porter 134
260 121 1.412
SS 72 4.S
1,044 2S7 4,o;
100 24
173 164 1.370
tl 6M .
202 1 I.l.'.J
4 , 23 M3
8 IVi
S 1S7
. . Repabllftwa Goveraor.
Burt, 1 preclncta... 3) js
Hall, M preclncta.... 21T K ft
Ilxon. 4 preclncta.... 42 i2 Ig
Oege, SO precincts.... 13ft 337 J0f
Dawes, 1 precinct 7 33 II
(Continued on Page S, Col. J.)
! The Weather
Forecast till T p. m. Thursday:
For Omaha, Counrll Bluffs and Vicinity
Tesaperstarev at Oaaaha Yeaterdar.
Hours. . D-g.
a. in 77
( a. m 75
7 a. m 74
S su m 7
a. m 7
10 a, m.... 77
11 a. m ,
IS m 77
1 p. m 77
2 p. m 74
S p. m 7
4 p. m, 7t
t p. m 7
p. m 7
7 p. m 7S
5 p. m 77
Local Reeer.
114. 1913. 1912. 1911.
Highest yesterday.
l.owet yesterday..
Meant temperature
Temperature and
79 87 K9 Ml
. .... 75 74 71
77 B M T
T .00 T
precipitation depart-
urea from the normal:
Normal temperature 74
Kixw for the day I
Total excess alnce March 1 407
nrmAl rvrAL i !L t At ton ill inch
Deftckincy for the day 11 Inch
Total rainfall alnce March 1.... IS. 4 Inches
Iaeflciency since March 1 fc.8 inches
Ivficiency for for. period. 1913. 4. Mi inches
pendency for cor. period. Utli. . laches
Reports f rem Stations T P. M.
Station and State - Temp. High- Rain
of Weather. 7 p. m. est. tall.
Cheyenne, clear 72 74
Denver, perlly kudy.... Ht M
Txa Moines, raining "A s
I-eader, Prtly cloudy.... 78 W
North PUtt. part cloudy K 88
Omaha, clear Js - '
Pueblo, partly cloudy M M
Rapid Cliy, rl-r 70 70
Kelt 'Lake Cit', clear 84 M
banta Fe. lovi;- fi N
Sheridan. clou W 70
fcioux City, clear. 82
Valentine, clear 7 80 , ,
CT" lndlcatre trace of precipitation.
Lk A. WbLMI, Lxx-1 f orecaster.
' " i'T't
n TT 1
At- - m
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f J 4 y v- " " si
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' A
From a Thotograph Autographed
y '
Probable Winners
, in Douglas County AN DEMOCRATIC
R. B. Howell. John H. Morehead.
Lieutenant Governor
F. A. hotwell. ' James Pearson.
Secretary of State
Aidlaon Walt.
8tate Auditor
J. M. O'Neal, ' W, H. Smith.
State Treasurer
F. C. Hamer.
State Superintendent
SA- O. Thomas. A. B. Walker.
Attorney General
R. W. DeVoe. W. R Reed.
CommUsloner of Public Ianda
Fred Beckman. D. B. Marti. c
Ra'lway Commissioner
W. H. Young. J. A. Ollls."
Regents State I'nlvnrslty
George Coupland, .1. K. Miller,
Peter Jsnsen, G. W.Noble.
Congressman, Second District
T. V. BUckLurn, C. G. Lobeck.
County Attorney-
tl. C. Brome.
J. E. Biiggs.
W. G. Ure,
County Clerk
Frank Dewey.
George A. Magney.
F. J. Mi-Shane, Jr.
M. F. nkhouaer.
Register of Deeds
Harry Pearce. . F. J. Riha.
It. K. Adams.
County Superintendent '
W. A. Voder. V. H. DeBolt.
Coroner J
W. C. Crosby
County Commissioner, Second District
John C. Lynch.
Poli-e Judge, Omaha
C. B. Koater.
Gregory Succeeds .
McReynolds as
Attorney General
WASHINGTON. Aug. lS.-For associate
Justices of the supreme court, James
Clark McReynolds of Tenneasee. For at
torney general, Thomas Watt Gregory of
Texas- - ''''.
The nominations have been decided upon
by President Wilson and will be sent to
the senate within a few days (for con
firmation. Attorney General McReynolds ' will' fill
the vacancy on the supreme eourt beach
atade vacant by the duath recently of
Associate Justice Lurton. Mr. Gregory,
who will succeed to the attorney general
ship, at present U a special assistant at
torney general. He has had charge of the
government's investigation of the New
Haven railroad. Mr. Gregory was born
in Crewfordsvllle, Miss., November . ISO.
and was admitted to the Texas bar In
is. His home is in Austin. As special
counsel for the state of Texas, he prose
cuted many anti-trust casea
Pope Pius X
', ', '
.... i ,j
and Presented with the Apostolic Benediction to Edward Roaewater in 1306.
' m ' i . . ' -:': : ' - I .
Pope Pius Calls oh All Catholics to
Pray for the Restoration of Peace
ROME, - Aug." 19 (Via ' London, : 10:65 a.
m.) The pope has addressed the follow
ing exhortation to the whole world:
"At'- this moment, when nearly the
whole Of Europe la being dragged Into
the vortex of 'a moat terrible war, with
its present dangers and miseries, and the
consequence to follow, the very thought
of which muat strike everyone with grief
and horror, we whose care Is the life
and welfare of so many cltisens and peo
ples cannot but be deeply moved and our
hearts wrung with the bitterest sorrow.
"And In the midst of this universal
confusion and peril we feel and '. know
that both .fatherly love and apostollo
ministry demand of us. that we should
with aU earnestness turn the thoughts of
Christendom thither, whence eometh
Why Make War for
Scrap of Paper? Asks
German Chancellor
LONDON, Aug. 19. The Time gives an
account of thj finsl interview ; between
(the British ambassador at Bertie. Sir Ed
ward upachea. and the Imperial chancel
lor. Dr. Von Bethmann-HoUwegg.
i Speaking with great satisfaction. the
chancellor expressed his Inability to un
derstand England's attitude, ezelalmlng:
"Why should you make war, upon ua for
a scrap' of paper V
The reference was to the treaty guaran
teeing' Belgium neutrality.
Sir Edward replied, in effect, that he
understood the chancellor's inability to
comprehend the British action, but that
England attached importance to the scrap
of paper because it bore its signature as
well as Germany's.
Seal of Belgium is
. . Taken tp Antwerp
PARIS. ' Au ',.'U.-(JJ a p m.-An of
ficial communication from Brussels made
public today, gives certain details of tha
transfer 4C y tbaeeai-. ef- the. Bejgian
government front Brussels to Antwerp.
This transfer U not an Immediate neces
sity, it U .explained, but-4. is preferred
to effect It now In a normal manner,
rather than risk Interruption ta govern
mental business.
WhUe Belgian officials have gone to
Antwerp, their families remain in Brua
sals. The queen and princes are at Ant
werp palaoa. while the king Is with the
' t
V .
help to Christ, the prince of peace and
the most powerful mediator between God
and man.
"We charge, therefore, the Catholics of
the whole World to approach tha throne
of grace and mercy, each and all of
them, . and more especially the clergy,
whoae duty, furthermore' t ' will be to
make In every parish, as their bishops
shall direct, public supplication, so that
this merciful God may. ss it were, be
wearied with the prayers of His children
and speedily remove the evil causes of
war, giving to them who rule to think
the thoughts of peace and not of afflic
tion. "From tha palace of .the Vatican, the
2d day of August, 1014. (Signed),
"PIUS X, Pontlfex Maaimus."
German and British
Naval Fight in the
North Sea Reported
LONDON. Aug. 19.-The British official
Press bureau announces that some desul
tory -fighting occurred Tuesdsy between
the British petroling squadrons . and
flotillas and German cruisers, which were
reconnoltering. No, loases are reported
or claimed.: . , , , ,
I "A certain liveliness ia apparent, In the
southern area of the Worth 3ea." says
the preas bureau.',
A dispatch to the Central. News from
Harwich says that a. naval engagement
occurred. Tuesday morning In . the North
aa about 100 miles off Harwich. '
: The statement of the correspondent, si
not confirmed by the official bureau.
An official message received in Rome
from Vienna, says the Austrian rruleer
Ztnta a as sunk In a naval bsttle off
Antlvart last Sunday,, according to a
dispatch, to the Exchange Telegraph.
Boom in the Trade
j with South America
'NEW. YORK." Aug., ll.-The breaking
Off of commercial .relations with Europe
baa resulted, in an unprecedented demand
from Latin-American countries for Ameri
can goods according to' statements to
day of. leading exporters of this city.
' Exporters, say they are ruahed with
erders from their agents and-one mer
chant . declared that all the ateamshlpe
sow running to South America handle
only one-tenth of the tonnage, that could
e sold there ia the near future.
Pontiff Continues to Respond to
v Efforts of Attending- Physi- '
.cians to Save Him.
Still Signs of Suffocation and of
Diffuse Bronchial Inflamma
tion Pulse Weak.
Report of Prelate's Death Circu
lated and Gains Strength
' When Tolling Heard.
Nephritis Complications' Are Seri
ously Feared, However.
Roar of (ana la Adriatic ireatly
Mores Plaa X Ills Hiatera
are Deeply Apprehea
ROMK. Aug. 19. (5:06 p. m..
Vie. Paris, 7: 45 p. m. The pope con
tinued to respond to the effort of the
attending physicians to bring him
through the crlnld- Ills condition
Improved to the, administration of
oxygen, but there are "till signs of
suffocation and diffuse bronchial In
flamatlon. The temperature reached
103, with pulse weak and at tnies
very frequent.
, Bl'Ll.KTI.V
ROME, Aug. 19. (3:10 p. m.,
Via aPrls, 9:51 p. m.) A report of
the pope's death wag circulated this
afternoon and gained strength by the
fact that church bells began to ring.
The Vatican Immediately denied the
report and explaned that the bells
were ringing only to call the faithful
to prayer for the recovery of the
' Bt LI.KTI.N.
ROME, Aug. 19. (Via Paris, Aug.
19, 6:30 p. ra) The ringing of
church bells was the announcement
to the faithful of tha exposition of
the boly sacrament, and owing to the
danger to the pope's life to Intercede
for the Almighty to preserve him.
For a moment this afternoon the
doctoa thought that the pope was
dying through suffocation. For-
(Continued on Page Two Columnn One.)
Vote for Members
of the Legislature at
Tuesday 's Primaries
With three city of Omaha precincts and
three country precincts missing from the
count, the results of Tuesday's primary
election for tha legislature In Douglas
county la shown In the subjoined table.
Five senators and twelve representatives
are to be nominated. The count Is so
close on the taU-enders among the win
ners that the missing precincts may yet
change the make-up of the ticket An
derson has a chance to beat out Yates
for senate on the republican ticket, and
Neve has an equal chance to beat out Ed
Howell on the democratic ticket. Lee and
Druesedow may yet be pushed of fthe re
publican representative ticket by Stock
ham and Yost, and on the democratic
side might easily supplant either Lewis
or Barrett
The figures are:
For State Seaatora-
C. L. Haundere,.J34) Jamca O'ilara... 1.742
N. P. Iidge....4.!75 George Holmes. .2,7'ix
F. A. Kennedv. .4.414 U J Qulnny.. .a,-'7
. J. Karbach.AIHii Daniel linnnon.2,fi72
F. C Yat"S a.7olE. K. Howell. ...3.47
C. J. Anderson.. 1,712. Williams Neve..2.4'i
A. C. Panroast .3.7'N J. M. Tanner.... 4. 1
Edward Mlmon. .S.M J. K. Reagan....?.
J. A. M'farlaud.3.821, J. W. Bedford. .1. Ml
T .B. Dysart ...1,4101 Lee Herdman.. .1,720
For State, Repreeeatatlre.
Foster, rep 14,841 Howard, dem...2,Wl
Miner, rep..., .i.vnt
Quemian, (d )... 2,211
Hunter, dem 2,1
Richmond, d.)..2,lf:i
Morgan, (d.)... .2.147
Murray, (d.) 2,0.14
Ixively, (h in.. .'..2,i)l j
Negley, d.) 2M
Hn. (d ) 1.KI4
Llnahan, dem
IcwIh. dem l.bsi
Palmer, rep....3.4iM
Ixindsrert rep. .a.W.
F. Anderson, r..3.3;j
lirsen, rep....3.Ma
Long, rep i. I'
I 'numbers, rep.a.07
Kursess, r 3,071
llackett, rep...2,9fei
le, rep S.'imJ
Drueadow, rep.Ltf.7
Barrett, d l.lfli!
i-tockham. (r.l..t.K4t Kraua. dam ln,2
Yost, tr.) Robertson, (d ).1.H
Lynch,' rep 2,77 Good, dem 1.77
hrnlth. (r.).. 2.71 Hrannen. d 1.717
KobliKem. Hulmea, dem. ...1.74.1
N.J Anderson.r 2,405 Yager, d.) ....l.ttfct
Tuckea, tr.).....2,:' lrew.dem l.aiH
I'evis. rep j,jo
Flanagan, rep.l3f0
Franke, rop..... 2.174
Hoff. rep J.0K4
viilams, (r.)... .2.01
Blind, r i.ltii
funnl'g'm, rep l.H!
Rerger. t l.VIs
Biifk. r I. iurt
Cowiiuroy. rep..ltfj
Walsh, ir.i i.h&j
Curran. rep 1.72S
Costanso, r l.bM
Burdln, r 1.4SJ
eefua. r,i 1.371
Cowger, rep....l,Vi
llleh. r 1,0.6
Tylee, tr ) K4-'
Andersen, d 1.M2
Burke, dem 1.M4
Holland, dem. ..I,ru3
Nettiaway, d.).. 1,4.1
Scull, (d.) 1.3M
lf id ) 1.31
rooker. d 1.311
Bulla, dem l,li
Cradduck, am..l,l"l
War Summary
Complete silence is maintained
as to the fortunes of war In the
big fight understood to be In
progress somewhere along a line
extending through Belgium and
Luxemburg. Dispatches give evi
dence of the presence of masses
of German troops pushing their
way to the front behind an impen
etrable screen of cavalry, whose
dashes In search of Information
as to the whereabouts of the al
lied troops have resulted in sharp
clashes and heavy casualties.
The commanders of the allied
forces of French, British and Bel
gians will not permit anything
about their positions to become
public, and since the official note
made known the presence of a
large British expeditionary force
on the continent its movements
have been hidden from the outside
At Brussels It Is said there has
been no change since Tuesday In
tha position then reported to be
excellent for the allies.
The fate of the Liege forts Is
not definitely known. German
dispatches describe them as In the
hands of the German' army since
the arrival of heavy artillery,
while Belgian military authorities
assert they are still intact and
holding out bravely.
In Alsace-Lorraine the French
turning movement through south
ern Alsace appears from French
reports to be progressing favora
bly for the French, and this seems
to receive confirmation In a dis
patch sent out by the Wolff bu
reau, the German, official news
agency, saying two batteries of
guns were taken by the French,
who continued their march for
ward. All these reporta, however, re
fer to the preliminary meetings of
opposing bodies of troops leading
up to the great battle, which may
already have begun. -Even lead
ing Frenchmen - take occasion to
point out to their countrymen that
the decisive conflict is yet to come
and that too much reliance must
not be placed on reports of demor-
allsatlon among tha tiarmaa
troops. , ;
A stronji; forc of - German
troops is said to have attacked
Eydtkuhnen, a German town on
the Russian frontier,, which ' was
occupied by the Russians soon
after the outbreak of hostilities.
A French official note confirms
reports of a Servian victory at
Bhabats over an Austrian force of
80,000 men. The Anstrlans are
said to have lost 3,000 killed and
6,000 wounded.
A Montenegrin army is reported
within two hours' march, of the
fortified Austrian seaports of
Ragusa, In Dalma'la. Tha Mon
tenegrins had already captured a
number of towna In tha vicinity.
Lee Eothschild, at
Home in Omaha, Dies
of Heart Failure
Lee Rothschild, head of the livestock
commission house of Lee Rothschild,
Mouth Omaha, died of heart failure at
his home, 3X21 Farnam street, at 4:46
o'clock yesterday afternoon. He Is sur
vived by Mrs. Rothschild, three sons,
Lawrence, Arthur and Ralph of this city
and two daughters, Mrs. Joseph and Mrs.
Revere, both of Des Moines.
Mr. Rothschild was about 6S years of
age and bsd been In business In South
Omaha for more than a quarter of a
century. His commission bouse was one
of the best known In the west.
sWhile not ill, thoae close to Mr. Roths
child assert that he had not been feeling
perfectly well for some time, though he
hsd not complained. Yesterday he left
his offioe In South Omaha and reached
home about 2:30 o'clock In the afternoon.
He went to his room and lay down on the
bed. At 4:43 o'clock one of the members
of the family had occasion to step Into
the room. At that time Mr. Rothschild
was In a comatose state and died a few
minutes later. No arrangements have
been made for the funeral.
Metcalfe Promises
Morehead Support
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb., Aug. 19. (Special)
Governor Morehead today received ' the
following meaaage from Richard L. Met
calfe at Omaha:
I offer you my congratulations and mv will be at the commend of the
party in Ita efforts to give Nebraska's
erdoraement to Wood row Wilson in No
NORFOLK'. Va , Aug. W.-The German
tank steamer Dolphin, Captain Kriete,
haa arrived in Hampton Roads after
dodging British and French warships for
twelve daya The Dolphin left Hamburg
July U, four days before war was de
clared. For eight nights tha Dolphin
burned no lights and Captain Kriete says
he was on the bridge for four days anf
nights without sleep. He ran his ship a,
German Amy is Reported AdVanc
iag on Brussels by Way of
Huy and Jodorjne. .
City Stands as Vast Entrenched
Camp on Flank of the In-"
Yadin j Army. .
Kaiser's Forces Making Determined
Effort to Break Into Franoe'
Through Belgium.
Official Belgian Report Says Report
They Were Blown Up Falie. t .
Freaeh Oplalow la CeatMsst Attaelc, , .
Will Be Saeceasfally Met aad
that Invader Will Be
Drlvea Back.
ROTTERDAM. Aug. 19. (Via
London, 5:25 p. m.) Tne Colorna,
Gazetta asserts that tha advance of.
tha German troops, whtla alow, haa ,
not Ween eerlously checked anrwhru
Large contmgenta of Austrian
troops, Including mountain artillery.
-which tha German army Is without,
have passed points along the Rhine
on their way to tha front. . ,
' Bt'lXBTIT.
PARIS, Aug. 18. (12S p. m.) ;
A dispatch to tha ParliTMldl from
Brussels, dated today, says cannon
ading was distinctly heard in Brus
sels at o'clock this morning.
The correspondent adds that It lr
understood that a German, army IS',
marching on Brussels by way of Huy.
and Jodolgn.
LONDON. Xui. 19. (2:20. p. m.)
A dispatch to tha Rautsr , Tale
graph ' company from Brussels . says
the German advance posts, covering
the region between Garnbloux and
Jodo(goe, are being gradually pushed
back before the advance of Belgian,
and French forces. . '
The Belgians and French are now
In close junction and tn contact with .
the advance lines of the German,
army. t .
LONDON, ' Aug. 19. (10:10 a.
m.) A. dispatch to Reuter'a Tele
gram company from Brussels, cant
at 7-o'clock last night, say? "A. .
fierce battle ta in progress between
the Belgians and Germans along an
extended front. Large numbers of
refugees are arriving from Tlrle
mont." ' " i . - i
Sreat Straggle la Oat. .
PARIS, Aug. 1:0 p. m Careful .
study of the military sltuatlna fin the
northern frontier leads French military
observers to the conclusion that tha events: .
transpiring In Belgium today are the be-
ginning of operations on an immense .. '
Germany, it la declared, is maXIng a
fresh., and mightier effort to break- Into
France through the comparatively open
Belgium country. .
Government opinion In Paris, ' however, .
ia confident that the allies will ha able to
meet this shock wysucessfuUy and reply
to It cruahlnglr. I '
An official announcement this morning
says the retirement of Belgian troops to
ward Antwerp la rumored but not con
firmed. It is officially explained that evenrere
this report true. It would be neither a
grave symptom, nor unexpected. The de-.
fenstve organisation of Belgium," aa" con
ceived by. General BrUlroont and pre
sented In technical 'works, provides hat-
Antwerp be considered as a laat defense.
It has been fortified with care and la to-
(Continued on Page Two Column Three.)
The Home-Jtgaint
Vacation la nearly over and
the great army of "Home
agalos" Ig on ita way.
Busy time are ahead. Houses
must be put in order. Ward
robes have to be replenished.
Repairs are to be made,
housecleanlng is Imminent.,
even the kitchen larder must be
restocked. ,
In days' like these the adver
tising columns of a live dally
newspaper like The Bee are a
(" ' e. service.
They tall what to get ana
where to get It to the best e4.
vuute. s.
l'uey give suggestions In-
111 new Ideas.
Advertising readers save
time. Labor aad many worriea
-ind very often save themselves
tangible, definite dollars.
full speed.