Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 19, 1914, Page 9, Image 9

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    rilK ltt'.K: OMAHA. WKHNKSDAY. Al'lil'ST l!. I'M 4
Four of Six Now at War
Extensive Holding
Imlncnif Kitrnt or Ikr Klna'a
Domain Hronaht (n I runt by the
rrrnrnt ( onflirt French and
tirrninn Intrrrst.
Four out of the six powers of ldiropa
now enengpil in warfare rm colonial
possessions, protectorate am! drperntcn
cles scattered all over the world.
Austria-Hungary and Russia have no
colonial possessions, though the R'im an
empire stretches through the continents
of Europe and Asia, and prenents a long
coast lino on the northern Pacific. Of
the others, Oreat Britain has colonies and
protectorates the world over; Franco has
colonies and protectorates In Africa. In
dia. China, In South America, in the
West Indies, in the north Atlantic, and
In the Pacific and Indian oceans; Ger
many has colonial possessions In Africa,
In China, and In the Pacific ocean; and
Italy has dependencies In Africa and a
concession In China.
England's vast empires, India, ('una. la
and Australia; its holdings on the Mnlay
peninsular; Its colonies In Africa, and Its
fortified positions In the Mediterranean.
Gibraltar and Malta, put It at the head
of the colony-holding nations of the
world; they also increase the field of Its
protective operations In case it becomes
Involved In war with Austria-Hungary
and Germany, and possibly with Ita'.y.
Many of the minor holdings of the four
powers with colonial possessions to defend
are themselves without military strength.
In many cases the protecting power has
only very small garrisons on shore,
amounting to nothing more than local
police, forces. This Is particularly true
In Africa, outside of the French and
British colonies, In the Pacific and In
American waters.
The continent of Africa presents a nota
ble picture of the Juxtaposition of protec
torates and colonies belonging to Great
Britain, France and Germany.
Franca has a protectorate over Mo
rocco and Its Algerian possessions, fac
ing the Mediterranean, are hounded on
the east by Tripoli, a dependency of Italy.
Then comes Egypt, where British Inter
ests are paramount. On the Red sea and
contiguous to Bgypt, Is the Italian de
pendency of Eritrea. Coming down the
east coast are British Somallland, Italian
Somaliland, British East Africa. German
R.t Afrte. p0,t,ee Es. Africa, and
then British South Africa, embracing
Rhodesia, the Transvaal, the Orange
River Colony, Natal and the Cape' of
Good Hope. On the west, contiguous In
the order named, are German Southwest
Africa; Togoland, belonging to Germany;
Congo state, belonging to Belgium: the
French Congo; Kamerun, belonging to
Germany; the Niger territories, a pro
tectorate of Great Britain; French Vv est
Africa; Togloland, belonging to Germany;
the Gold Coast, a British colony, and the
Ivory Coast, annexed by France twenty
years ago.
The following Is a list of the colonies,
protectorates and dependencies of the
four countries Involved:
Great Britain.
Gibraltar At the entrance to the Medi
terranean sea; area, two square miles;
military force, 3.S07.
Malta In the Mediterranean sea; area,
11 square miles; military strength, 7,b47.
. Cyprus Island In the Mediterranean,
sixty miles from the coast of Asia Minor;
aiea, 3.5M square miles; military strength,
121 men.
Empire of India Area, 1.800,000 square
mlleB; population. Ztfo.OOO.UX); military
strength, British trjops. 75.X97; native
troops, HB., wlh 3o,7 reservists.
Cey(on Off the southeast coast of In
rlla; area, 2.633 square miles; military
strength. 1,22 men.
Maldive Islands In the Indian ooean.
40 miles southwest of India; area, 115
square miles; population, u0,uou; a group
of twelve coral Islets.
Federated Malav States Off the Malay
peninsula; area, 28,000 square miles: popu
lation, 7s,00o; military strength, Rd na
tives, under eleven European officers,;,
also a native constabulary.
Borneo In the East Indies; area 76,000
square miles; population, oow.uw.
Hongkong East coast of China; area
luare miles; population, Dow.utiu.
400 square miles; population, iw.uw; mili
tary, strength, 4,270.
Wel-Hai- el In the province of Shan
tung, China; area, 25 square miles; popu
lation, ljO.000. Not far from the German
possession of Kalu Chau.
Bahrein Or Aval Islands, in the Per
sian gulf, near tho coast of Arabia; area,
830 squara miles; population, C&.0U0.
Straits Settlements (Singapore) On tho
straits of Malacca;, area, 1,300 square
miles; population, 672.W0; military
strength. 2.1VH. ,
Union of South Africa Comprising Cape
of Good Hope, Natal, the Transvaal and
Orange river colony; area. 47i,0(lo square
miles; population, 6,ouo,0i0; military
strength, British Imperial troops, 4.W0.
and local organnationa.
Other British Possessions In Africa
British East Africa, wlt an area of ii'o.uOO
square mllus, and population of 6,0U,(00 is
left almost wholly to the natives for de
fense. The same Is true of British Cen
tral Atrica, .-HmiAiUdna, z.ansioar, nasuio- ,
lnt hh territnrv of lienhunas. ItllO- '
dcala, Nigeria, the Gold const, Latus,
8erra Leone and Gambia.
In the Indian Ocean Scattered British
possessions or protectorates are St. Hel
ena. Ascension. Tristan, de Acunha, Mau
ntiua, the Seychelles, Cliagos end other
Islands of St. Paul and Amsterdam. All
told these islands have a population of
about 400,000, but their military strength
Is practically negligible.
British Colonies In Nprth America
Canada, with an area of S.6OO.O0O square
miles, population 6,uo0,0o0, has a military
strength of permanent and reserve forces
amounting Ui about So.ixO men. New
foundland arid Labrxdor have an area of
tVO.ofo square miles and u population of
2m),0(0. Off the toast of Florida are the
Bermuda Islands, with an area of twenty
'square mlb's and a population of 17,(iO,
whose military srentfth is given us l.aiO
In the West Indies British possessions
cumprlne Jamaica. . Turks and Caloos
Islands, ths Caymin islands, the Wind
wird Islands, the Leeward If lands, Trini
dad and Tobago, with a total area of
12,000 square miles and a population of
about l.M),(W. Of hese tha inon im
portant are Jam-tica, with a. military
strength of l.vit and vith strong fortifi
cations at Port Royal.
In Central and South America British
Honduras arid Biitih Uulana, the former
with an area of 7,;-U square miles ud a
population of 7,5"", and the latier with
an area of l"4,ui square miles and a pop
ulation of
In the Pacific Ocesn The common
wealth of Australia, comprising New
South Wales. Victoria, Queensland. South
Australia, Western Australia and Tas
mania, with a total area of about
.J.m'.uo square miles and a population of
about 5. The priiulti) .it are
protected by for iiflcarions und th mili
tary forces i,f the commonwealth show a
total of 171. ) men Sydrify Is a flrst
clath raval station and the headquarters
of the British fleet In Australia. Pacific
is'an!s of lesser importance ate the Ki It
rio'.i'S. Br1t:h New Guiana, the Tonga
i-laiids, Phoenix the Giileits,
Elllce, the Solomotis, pluairn and Du.-ie.
Krenrk I"Iobs.
Morocco l:r rjorthern Africa, area 220.
fj square miles, popularion of i.inO.M.
The erecuve total .f the French army of
occupation Is g'. eri as 7i.ti men, while
the r.ative troops number lS.'H.
Algeria On the northern coast of
Africa: area S43.SM s.uurc miles. Euro
pean population 7M,i"'; native. S.'Omvi
Uarrisonud by the Nineteenth Freri h
army coips und six regiment of native
French India iPondicherry On the
south astern coast of India, eighty miles
ehperor fur josef of !
I. ;-.V
1 a A
south if Madras. Area IK square miles,
population ?;o.)(M.
French Indo China East of Slum, north
i'H.noo smiaio mites: pooulni Ion. I,'.iii. !
Military tone toiin.-'ls of 10. .M Mini-
peans. and i:t,9(i native troops coimnnn'led
by a French aenerHl of rtlvMon. Mnl
force k: true tunbont, three drptroyers,
several torpedo b tats and two subma
ri rif 9.
Vest coast of Africa between Kamerun,
KuKMorla! Afri"a or M:e 'rench ('ono
U Europcana, 7. Hi
a 'iiiinan colony, and the BcUian Conpo;
area. iB.irti S'piare miles; white popula
tion, Mux; native. "tmi.iUfi .Military force,
MadaBascar of r tlie east coast' of Af
rica, ana. L'L'S.Wa) ...hihic miles; French
population, lii,0); native, S.oiklO. Mili
tary forces. 2.411 Europeans. ,37''. natives.
In the Indian Oceau The Mavntte
tslnnds and Camoro l-lanils between .lniln
pascar and Africa, mid the Islands of Re
union, St. 1'aul, Amsterdam and Kerjzu
elen. French Somali Coast Western coaet of
tteu rtoR, opposite Aden
area 5.790 h nmrn
"".: " iPoiaiion
U,Lr'!,n .?f 4 Af r .a-Compri.ra Seneeal,
trench. Guinea, the Ivorv coast. Daho
rney and Mauritania. Senonamnla and
NUeriu. area l,.V)i.oco square miles; Euro
pean population ,0o0,0v, Africans 10.0u0.090
Tun!-- On the northern coast of
Africa; area fin.0i0 square miles; popula
tion J.SOJ.CWi. rnilllarv force 17,600 men.
French Guiana West of Venezuela ;
area 3u..rio0 square miles, population 6'J.0"u;
Martinique West Indies; area 3S5
Fquare miles, population 144,iOJ.
Guadeloupe West Indies; area 688
square miles, population 212,0d0.
St. Pierre and .Miquelon-South of New
foundland; area of both Islands, ninety
three square miles, population 4,6fl
In the Pacific Oceun N Caledonia
and Its dependencies; the Wallls Archl
paeliiKo, the Ioynlty Islands, the Huon
Islands and the New Hebrides. Other
French establishments In Oceania, scat
ter. over a wide area, ore the Island
of Tahiti, the Society Islands, the Mar
quesas, the Tuamoto group, the Leeward
group and other lesser Islands. Total
area 8.744 square miles, total population
German Colonies and Dependencies.
Klau-Chau (Tsing-Tau1,. On the cast
coast of the Province of Shantung; area
200 aquare miles, garrison .of .1,1 1": com
posed of GerniHn marines and Chinese
soldiers; population Uix.OK).
Toko On west coast of Africa, between
the Gold coast (British) and Dahomey
(Frenrhi; area 33.7m) square miles; white
population a;s, native I.WO.oOj; military
lorce Muall.
Kamerun West coast .. of Afrlia be
tween Nlweria tFrench) snd the French
Congo; area 191.0U0 aquare miles; white
population l,S7o, native 2,t0.0n.
German Southwest Africa-West coast
of Africa, north of Cape Colony; area
SM.fOO square miles; while population
14AV. native 78,0.
German East Africa Between British
East Africa on the nortli and Portu
guese East Africa on the south; area
:'.22.4..0 square miles;, white population
5.33S, native 7.W5.Ou0.
In- the Pacific Ocean Germany has an
Its colonies or dependencies, KHiaer VV11
helm's land. The Bismarck group, the
Caroline, the Pelew. the Marianne, the
Solomon and the Marshall Inlands, and
among the . Sarnoan group, the Islands
of Savall and I'polu. Its total Pacific
possessions have an area of 6,0i square
miles; a white population of 1,W4. and
tiiii.ooQ natives.
Italian Forelsrn Dependencies.
Eritrea On the west coast of the Red
sea; area. 4.Ru0 square miles; coast line,
670 miles; population. 4W.O0O; military
force. 127 officers, 4,4M men.
Soniatlland On the east coast of Af
rica, south of Eritrea: area, i:a,0 square
miles; population, 400.000.
Tientsin In China, a conwsslon of sev
enteen square miles on the left bank of
the Pel-bo. Population, 1.7'JO.
Tripoli and Cyrenuloa On the northern
coast of Africa, between Egypt and Al
geria: area, 4oi.o:o square miles; native
population. f)23,176. European, ii.000.
Everybody Reads Uee Want Ads.
. V '.., IK ".SST
C W. '' n . I';...
"" v .?
Farm Telephones in
America and Europe
In the United States the private companies
have built up exchanges in the small towns and
given service to the farms and rural residents.
In Europe the telephones have been confined
largely to the big cities. The governments have
taken little interest in developing rural service.
Here are official figures showing the average
telephones per 100 population in the leading
countries in the big cities and the smaller towns
and rural districts:
100 Poople In r.-v, . u,,,., ,
fiii'VTwv , ..' , ExcDaneB or Kural to
r. inn mm Lab Tnaa urban De-
ruurr . wzs velopment-
fBited States .. 11 44 8.17 71.4
Orcut nrltain .. 2.6 .75 28.8
German Empire . 4.C 1.20 2 1
Franco 2.3 .47 20 4
Belptutn 18 .33 20 0
Italy 12 .H 11.7
Austria 2 6 .30 11.8
Drop to Second Place When Beatn
by Temping.
superb Pllrhlna t'.nanlea Kansas
( lly to Win T o (amea from
Hrnkln, Konr to ue anil
Fire In otlt.
CHICAGO. Aug. IS Cliliago dropped
Into second place In the Federal league,
losing to Baltimore. 5 to 4, today, l-altt-more
scored one In the second and four
more In the third, which was sufficient
to drive t'lske from the box. They
unable lo score on 1-nnge. Zwilllng's
homo run was the features of Chicago's
game. Score; R H E.
Biiltlmoro 1 4 " 0 0 0 0 .". X
Chicago 0 0010001 'J 4 12 I
Butteries: Qulnn. Suggs nml Jarklitsch;
Flske. lange and Wilson. Block.
Duffed Win.
ST U"1"IS, Aug. IS. Buffalo hit St.
St. Louis' pitcher at will today ami won,
8 to 1. Score: H H E.
Buffalo 0 01203101 8 17 1
St. I .outs 0 6 0 I00O0O-1 3
Batteries: Krapp. Moran and Blair;
Wlllett, Keupper and Simon.
Kan feds t In 1 To.
KANSAS CITY. Mo., Aug. )S.-Superb
pitching enabled Kansas City to win two
fumes from Brooklyn, 4 to 1 and & to 0. j
Score first same: K.ll.L.
Brooklvn 0 000001 0 01 3 1
Kansas City 00 000 0 3 I 8 2
Btteries: Flnneran, Houck and Land;
Cullop and l'isterly.
Score second same: R.1I.E.
n.ooklvn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 f. 0
Knnsus City 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 I - 9 1
Batteries: Beaton and L.and; Packard
and Easterly.
Baker Lose to llooferia.
IN DIANA lt)LlS, Auk. IK Walker's
error and two singles in the ninth Inning
gave Indianapolis the run which whs
necessary to beat Pittsburgh. 4 to 3. In
today's gam. Carr, one of the leading
batsmen of the Federal league, was the
only man on the local team who did not
get a hit today. Score: R..1I.E.
Pittsburgh Ofil 1 0 0 0 1 0--3 10 1
Indianapolis 1 0 ! 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 11 !
Batteries: Walker and Berry; Billiard
and Rartden.
Wood RlTer Trims t. Llbory.
WOOD RIVER, Neb., Arrg. 18 (Sw
ciol.1 Wood River completely eutclassed
St. Llbory both In the field at at bat
Wood River landed safety seventeen
times, forr bring home runs, two three
Imorenr and two two-bagscra.
Coo re: H.H.
Pt Uhory 0 lolOOSOO 47
Wood Plver 3 3 2 0 I I 1 17
Batteries: St. Uborr. Rheffer. Baylor
and Stratman: Wood River, Mulger, Nel
son end McKee.
. rrtvnrds Defeats Shelby.
ST. EDWARD. Neb.. Aug IS. ( Special.)
St. lOlward defeated Shelby hero Sun
flay In an uninteresting and one-sided
game. The hitting of the St. Edward
club was the feature.
Score: RILE.
Shelby 0 0000000 1 1 45
St. Edward.. .3 0 0 0 0 3 S S 13 13 2
Batteries: St. Edward. Brlttenberg and
Erlckson; Shelby, Olatter, Grassnlcklus
and Grassnlcklus. Umpires, Kennedy and
Rase Rail Tonrney at Rosalie.
ROSALIE, Neb., Aurr. 1S.-'8pecln!.)-Roxalle
will hold Its sixth annual base
ball carnival this week, Auanmt ls-21.
The best hall teams of northeast Nebraska
will take part In this tournament. The
following teams will take part: Walt-
hlll. Bancroft. Wisner, Oakland. Decatur
and Chine-way's Indians. About $1700 In
purses will be divided among these teams.
Other attractions generally found at a
ball carnival will be found at Rosalie this
Ifnr Vnlnnble Addition.
Expiteher Rilly U irt Is a it'od addition
to the Natlonul Irftajn umpire steff. No
mistake was mudo when tho former
Cincinnati printer an.l firmer Athletic
fltoher bark In the 'S0 was snared by
'resident Tener.
Department Orders.
WASHINGTON. Auk. 17.-(Sneeial Tele
gram.) Iowa appointed:
Avery, Monroe county, Joseph ul Moss,
vice Frank Allen; Donelson, leo county,
C'hrlfi Hal'fner, vice Lew Walter; Graf
ton. W6rth county, Charles V. Chris
tians, vice Herman A. Walk; Harper,
Keokuk county, James H. Clarahan,
vice 11. J. Clarahan, deceased; llaynes,
Monroe county, Doris Howard, vice Kl
llott Bates, resigned; Keswlek, Keokuk
county. Arly T. I'arke, vice Krttnk J'lne;
Mclntyre, Mitchell county; lyentor K.
Gotidor. vice Geome W. Griffin; Orchard,
Mitchell county. John A. Kldrldne, vice
Kittle II Bryant, resia;nee; Kwnledale,
Cerro Oirdo county, Kclwsra Morony.
vice D. II. Vankirk, lealitiied.
Postofflee eatahllshed: Glrard, Clayton
county, with John F. Burkart as post
master. l'oxtmaster Reappointed Nebraska:
Richfield. Sarpy county, Allen W. II.
Milton. Iowa: Beaton, Mahask county.
Clarence OKden; fcvans, Mahaska county,
J. K. O Cornell; Gibson, Kenkuk county,
Stephen M. Allison; Given. Mshaska
county, Kdlth Haman; Guernsey, Powe
shiek county, Albert N. Drummond,
Hayesvllle, Keokuk county, George Rlrh
ardson; Lacey, Mahaska county, Thomas
lialllnge; New Burs, Jasper county,
Sarah J. Clay; Talntur, Mahaska county,
John W. Needham; I'nlveraity i'ark.
Mahaska county. Tlbbals G. Whlto.
A charter has been Kranted to the First
National Bank of Lawler, la., capital,
$3rt,W0. C. M. Parker, president; G. K.
lllmes, cashier.
Vessels Needed to Bring Thousands
of Americana Home.
ashln (. . I oufldrnl tlier loi
rnmn.'Ks at War W ill I mitral
lrNiipll Proposal KaUer'a
lloata Carry Hrfiiaei-a.
W?A6i!l NUTtlS, Aug. 1-Further lm
proven'.eat in in.illtles for removal of
Artier! can refugees from English ports
waa repo-ied today to the government
lMiitv of n.ief. 0 t the honrd still faces
the problem of finding- chips for the
thousands of tourists unable to leave
Oernutny, Au.itiU and Switzerland, and
tiiHau guihcrod. ,t Italian ;rts.
Accepts.ue of the Herman govrrumenl's
offer lo plm-e at he dlspiwal of the
t'nltod Slates several liners that would
fly the. American flag wes deferred
a.:n pending the reauit of rtclmngea
with other governments over Hie recog
nlllon of iituitrulity ships. Officials are,
(nnfident, however, that the govern
ments at war will consent promptly to
the proposal and that trie tier-man gov
ernment's offer will solve the problem.
Ileport of Pair.
Ambassador I'ngn at J.mlon reported
today that all steamship lines had been
or den d lo resume Brvtre with their
full complement of vessels. The Stnte de
pnrtinrnt added that special steamers
which were tu liuve Iwen employed In
bring, nil reiugeea from England would
he dlvrrted to continental porta.
Tho arrival of the cruiser Tennessee
with Its cargo of gold at Falmouth,
England, was relied upon to relieve the
financial needs of Americana, who will
be compelled to wait longer for trans-
inrtntlon. Deposits with the various
government departments to be trans
mitted to needy cltitens abroad had
reached mere than $1,311,000 tnnlKht.
More Money Needed.
The American Red Cross announced
tonight that much more money would
ho required to flmx'b-e the relief ex
pedition to Europe. Letters sent to
chamlers of commerce, through the
country urged that special committees)
be appointed to rxillolt funds In a ays-
carry HO surgeons and nurses and a
temallo way. The Red Cross ship will
cargo of honpUal supplied. Completely
equipped hospital un.ts will disembark
at points In the war rones, where they
are most needed.
Rolglum notified the Red Cross today
that no Immediate help was needed In
that country, union lis a well equip
ped orsonlsation of Us own.
People of Belgrade
Are Living in Cellars
IXNDON, Auk. 18. A dlspateh to the.
Reuter TeloRram company from Milan
says the Corriere Delia Berra, has re
eetvetl an account of conditions In Pel
ttrartc In conseiuenee of the bombard
ment of that rlty by the Auatrlans on
the opposite, hanks of the Danube.
Rooks an4
AdTetllncFrlntinif la
In colors. We ajswUMwe
plain black or
on this work, consequeatly our Coat H
ii,ow ua our
our production or a rwperior
It will pay you to write ua
! auallty.
I before letting; cen tracts.
Monarch Printing Co
Council Bluffs, Iowa
IJ i ti ID peasant-leader Lioeny was as mucn me cream ui mc as uuiuuie suung-wuigca eaeics
of the Alps.lo achieve it for himself and his mountain brothers he gladly laid down his life. No less
a personality than Napoleon vanquished him, and it was because he feared him that the Great Emperor
ordered Hofer shot Every atom of Andreas Hofer loved Liberty He demanded it for himself and willing
ly gave it to others In this respect he is no different than are our thousands ofTyrolese citizens. Rzrsonal arid
National Liberty to those of Tyrolean blood is a religion To a man they will fight for it and to a man they will
die for it. When asked to vote for prohibition they do as would do the great patriot Hofer VOTE AGAINST
TT "Thou shalt NOTeat this thou shah NOTdrinktharis insolent legislation to those of Tyrolean blood.
Anheuser-Busch are proud
erate users of their honestly brewed beers dUDWEIScH is a tavonte wherever they reside, beven
thousand, five hundred people are daily required to meet the constantly increasing demand for BUDWEISER.
Its sales exceed those of any other beer by millions cf bottles, ANHEUSER-BUSCH ST. LOUIS, U & A.
Bottled only tt the home plant
The street are sll-ut and
rays the atll -le, and people of ho town
are l'ving in cellars Three thousand
shrapnel shells have fallen In the city
during the Isst week.
German Planes with
Their Crews Are Lost
LONDON. Aug. K. Two Gerfnnn aero
plan s with their crews h.ive been lost,
according to Berlin dispntchrs. Two
military chauffeurs and one army offi
cer have been shot by sentries at Meum h
Uicsuse they failed lo stop when challenged.
Wisconsin's Lake Resorts
There are hundreds of charming lake resorts in
Wisconsin and Upper Michigan that offer a
refuge from the city's heat and dirt. Summer
life at these resorts is most enjoyaW.e. There
is every form of recreation to be enjoyed
fishing, boating, yachting, bathing, golfing
and other sports and pastimes.
The vast outing region of Wisconsin and Northern Michigan
Is served to its remotest parts by the linos o( the
Milwaukee & St. Paul
Railroad (ares and hotel rates
is frequent and excellent
DesrrlntW literature irhrlnir hotels
road tares snd other useful information free on request.
City Tlrket Off Ires 1.117 K.rn.m St.Oroihs
W. K. UUL.K, City Tsssengrr Agent
: f j?a
ssi ik .'
WlMsaaalll1fls.tflillV T iT fflifll
Established 1S94.
Hofer -The Inn-keeper Patriot
t i .i I .1
to serve their thousands of Tyrolese patrons, ror 57 years these people
Anheuser-Busch Co. of Nebr.
Familf Trad SuppUad hy
G. H. Hansen Distributor Omaha, Neb.
TrD S1 szl
ATLANTIC. l. . A ig. 17. iSpe isl l
L. W. Nlles, rsshlir of the Atlantic Na
tional hank, and his wife and daughter, '
Miss Marie, were driven from tlie.r borne j
Snf11rd.1v morning at 3 1 by fire, which
originated on the back porch, either from '
d'frotixo wlrlnir.or from an nil -snaked !
rag. which was thrown In a basket (i '
pa.wrs, catching fire front spontaneous
combustion. The fire consumed the porch, j
kitchen 'and rantrv, w ith all of the house- j
l o'.d goods therein, and badly damaged '
tho alls and ceilings of every room In
tho house.
are low -train service
snd their rsles. rail
sl Is. its 11 HftAnijlillM II Illsllfl'ksMl 'Hs1srslsiris4sl '
Ituplure treated sueeessf ully by all safe,
sclentlflo methods. The majority are cured
wlthuut a aurirtcul operation. Ve have
treated many hundreds of men, women and
children. The cost la determined after ex
amination, and time required to cure twi
or three weeks. Call or write (or further
' M
I 1 fl-f .L .
One Ulan Tops
"Built on the Most
Perfect Lines"
TIKI-: -(Writs
IH ST iieoivs
i:ititTim noons
i,i:atmi:k HKiwuuxa
1 kmm:ks ( ovkki.d axd
II r'.r.tlltKD
im'.xt.s iu:mo i:i kkom
Anyflilng In trfntlipr or Fabrics
llrat Can llo Hone.
Th3 Holly Auto Trimming Go.
Trails J" a31Ss1araey
Omaha, Wes.
Mark Dm- 78B-
Onr Work Speaks for Itself.
19 Tsars With Srummond.
Hot weather sense
Eat cooling foods in clean
snnitary places.
The Turo Food Sign.vf
Quickserv Cafeteria
ItoAerrxTit City Natl Hank Bldg
Or IVoeton Lunches).
310 South 10th BU
1406 IfouglM BL
1408 Farnam St.
iV:'(vt:r. ),-...t.);
Omaha vs. Denver
AiiRtiat 10, 20, 21, 23
FTMmjf, Aus;. 21, IjkUm' Dr
v tisane railed tP.M, '
and ay. An. 93 Beat Bale Berlas
Wednesday, Anf. It.
In addition to biz excellent acta, the
j x
dramatic stars. Arnold Dally. lnr'Hovl
Hi I.l.xi' to Her UuBb&nd", by . Ueo.
llemurd lihaw.
l'rlee: Daily Mat, nailery 10:' beet
Heuts texeept Saturday ani Sunday), sue
NlKht. 10c. 25c. 60c and 76c.
Tilt- lIU-MHi
of thelyrol
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have been mod
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