J'UK BKK: OMAHA. WKDXKSDAV M'ti ST 1!14 Bringing Up Father tor' Tlelit 1M International Drawn for The Bee by George McManus PcAYvo Fr, "EE ANO BOVT "tout eoccv VHAT to voo MEAN IVf UNMM vara. 1 I TC L pAPON! fJ r. fiv let i i - i v i jt ' ns k r ''rSff wm flSfi c VOU? PAROON; THin, VfflY CVE-l MP N'T CUT OF ROURKES GET LAST CONTEST j Hits Combined with Errors Give j Them Dame. r .s7 rops3ii F-s' .. doUt wcrv. "V r IH 1 i i -' lVV 1 IT Vih7 rvie 1 I r ( i .s i v i ii. tJj i wi iw r - vw . i I " Ii" Tl "Z 1 7J Standing of Teams WHITEWASH FOR BEATRICE! BRAVES LOSE TO CINCINNATI tTKAI SCORE IS SIX TO FOUR t1pitl. fnr VUlllni Tram, IHW Klfm MrmtifM of Ikr VI. Jmrph Drummer f Viiund. . rT .Kr:m Mo. AiiC 1 -llil. mil . fcd1 lth fTci!. v oniHlm a v('tnrv Mfr t)i lo-ls tn lh final khimp. Tlppln ir Ihe vinlois Kirn, k out vlecn mrn. fccor.; - ' OMAHA. AH. n. jr. O. I k-t. i,i : ; v I ioiix f if V. ii 4 1 ll n 70 f,' it .loapnli. i I .Inn .In ....". .VI i tm .tlolnPK .ill f iiim ha .' ..' N lrl,iln AM liR N A frt ..I.' N' -7 4 Hiwlnn .."i'tj Kt. I.iih ..'kiii hl'mjo .. .; I'ltt-iHiiRh l Hif.Mklvn "". I'll ill .... :!'", CliKliinali 'I'. I.KAiil'K. W.I, , Tork....Vt I . atuie. ;h. .. ... " T1i(imHion. r-f. TTinniHi". .'!b. .. ; Hchllfbprr. lb. JnnltMi. if. ;lsruiirrr. If. ... ITTard. n iM A Ulster, r... TirPlr. p .. .. ; 2 .. 1 i A X 1 fl 4 II I) ' Totl :tr. i.i ST. JOSKPH. A H. ft. .. 4 i ir. o. I 4 II n (i 1 4 ft II fl 0 14 i Vf. Vafi.on, 2h... .Vox. If Waiiion. if... PHttrrKon. lb. . KM t ton. ."b AYlllmtnp, rf Pottn, ro JvhiinK, r -'Brown, p Sfriirr .tf forty, p rrttlgre- TnlHl .'fl 4 5 I Hmtrrt for Brown In Mrrntli. Batted for Ijifforty In nlntli. OmHhH 0 0 0 4 0 1 0 1 ft- m. Joi.vph 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 114 Thr"-bH hit: I'onBalton. . Vt on. TKi.-bns" hltn: Pattcmnn. WhiiI. ; Htolm I'hhoi: K. W'atnon, Kox, 1. Wat ' mm, Thoma". WhM. Hiirrlf ire hlla: Hrtt l"n, t'otiKalton . Hairtflri- fly: ( nrwalton. Loiible lay: Kru tn Sobllebnpr. Left . bam': Omalia, h, H. .liiKcpli. 6. Illto: I tf Hron. 10 In Mvon InnliiBn. Rtrurk out: Kv Hrnwn, 7: by Tipple, II. Haunt on balln: off Tipple. : .lf Hi own L': off l.aff. rty. 1. Hit by pit. bid ball: Hy Tli ple. PHtlrrdon Miid Hlmnir. Time; H.W. ' I'mplrea: (irahmn and Griffith. WKHK T K R TIIK MKT OAMII Take Aaianlase of Kia Krrora and, with Tlmelr lllttlaa, Win. WICHITA. Kan, A i?. IX Wlcblta took dvHntaKn of Topeka'a error today, and -ltli tlm-ly lilttlns. won tbe. ImM same of tbe wneii. Tha name, wan a e-Naw lUfalr with Haker and HelHlKl plt.-.liinB fjood ball Manuuer Cooley of Tupekrt -a banlnbed to ll.e rlnb boi- In th ninth hy I'niplrw C'ullcn for proteatlnK vreiPioii. citorc. W K HITA. - it. ii. . a. i;. Tydeman, rf. S 1 1 0 o 0 ?lc ImUoll, If.... 4 110 0 v rrllourke. Ul .1 0 IJItHliiiinonii, ... 3 "K-h. rf.. , BHpp. 3h.. rfjenry, lb. 'Joivii. c... Baker, p.. 0 0 II o 1 ' A . .team. . Whelan cf ! LuKhimbdlFe. If.... ' .'Fnrytlie, rf 'ICoernri-, lb . , Talllon. aa I , laltlmoie, :b ..e1laion, c !; '"oehran, 3b ItelDl!. p (l TOPV.hLV AH. It hrB- aj dl. .4 0 .4 .3 4 .3 .4 .4 .1 .3 ir. ' 2 0 1 n II 0 1 1 0 3 .1 I V2 21 O. fl 1 0 l'hilii. ... HoHion .. Wimli. ... Ilrllnlt t blinvo . M. I.KIllH Hratrlre ir. Iln ud. llHstlnKli . York Super lot- .. Norfolk ... oliiiiihua . Kearney .. 47 r.'t ,v." :.r; .6 r.i .v ; in r . ..: I1 W .A'.-; 4 r.? .4',; ts .".It .4" W.l,. Pet Ann-: niii ku :.n 4:1 ,f,ii , Hal'lniore ..fin 47 .V.:! .".::7 IimIImiihpHs tV' 47 ..V,1.' :) Proi.klvn .. .r.4 47 .M", 4', Huff ii In HI. I.011I Osborne in Fine Form and Whips the Prohib Team. nr'.n 41 .7.4 .TO ..is n; .47. M. ..41 K .1-11 ASSN. W.l, I .71 Ml .h .'.4 , ...:l 3 .r.:t r,2 17 2 A. K Total J 7 4 12 2 T.,.'h 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0-.; "'rh'l 1 0 1 1 0 (I 0 1 -4 lWt on haat.a: Topeka, 3; Wleblu. i Kiuntico hlla: Tydeinan. (rRourke. Kll mimona. Two-Uto blta; Tydrnian. Kof Othe. fl iRourkc, U'lii M..e ba Oehea. U helan. Koei ner. loiil.le pl.yi. Lam more l0 Koenier; Rurke to I'Ui iMinmona to lU-nry: Henry to Happ. Htruek out. By Helalgl. ; hy Haker. Jlu-ea on ball.: Off Kelalg). 3, off Haker. PMened ball: Jleaon. 1. Wild pllrh By KeiHlal, 1. Hit hv pltrbed hall Hy l"fert.V0,cfc T,m: """" HOI LOK TO TIIK ROOTKH Rl.hle I'maari Iron Rax hr Ura Molaea Hatanara. fclOrX CITY. la.. Aug. 1h -Rirhie rounded fromt he box f,.r a 5 to 4 lelur v iy lc Momea t,..tMy. s, ore ' MOI X CITY. A ri. It. 11. o A. ...4114! . . .4'! 7'J P 74 i,i;ti:i'K. w i, p. ....71 . . . 17 f. ri :m m v. :m Na Vol k. .t in .4 44' riltNliuiuh leveiHiid .::7 ; S.'J Kim. i-itv. STATK LKAOI K AM Kit. w I. P. l I .f 41 .."Jirt Milwaukee .r 41 .Mi; liulavllle S6 44 A''t oliiuibun .5:' 47 .,",:'' ClevelHiid .'. Ml .."jif, InillHnaiilln .4 M .4 Kan. City .. 47 ..2 .4... Mltineaplla .i! tii. .aS ..aii Bt. Paul... .14 MO Vealerdar'a Re.anlta. WKHTKItN M-.rtOPK. Iienver, l.lneoln, 7. Topeka, 3; Wleblta. 4. I en Me In en Sioux Itv, 4. OniahH, ti; St. Jnnepb, 4. AMKR1CAN 1-KAULK. hi Ixnilx, J; Waxlillmton, s. lietroit. .1-1; Philadelphia, 'l-l. HeJrolt. 3-1, Philadelphia. Cleveland. 4; New York. 3. ChleMRO-llnaton, poatponed. NATIONAL I.KAdl'H New York, 1; PlttnburKh. J. Hohton. 1; Clnelnnatl. .1. Brooklyn, ti; Chleago, . Plilludilpliia. 2; Hi. l.nula, . irirllt-tl A I T l. A ,-. I - m IMttaburah. 3: Ind anannlla Brooklyn, l-ll; Kanaaa City mutiinore, 6; 4 lileago , 4. Buffalo, X. St. Uiuln, 1. AMKItlCAN ASSOCIATION. lvnnnuM (Mtv 3: MllwunL rnii..i nrenunt durknetta. Cleveland, I; Cnlumhn, 2. STATK I.KAOVF, riealrlea, 0 Yolk, X Norfolk, 2; (Itaiid Inland, a. ColnmhiiN, 1; Kearnev, 6 Superior, 2-1: HaHtliiKK. I,amej Tndai, "Wi'atern leiiRiie- TH'nver at lilnrnln at S'luiix City, Topeka Molnea, Wlrlilta at Ht. Joseph. Amerlean leaue St. I.ula at W'nah InRton. I et red. at Philadelphia. Clcsel ind at New York, ClilraK" at Boaton. National lauiie New oYrk Hi Plttn bura, Boatnn at Clnelnnatl, Bronklyn at Chie.aKo, Philadelphia at St. Koiiln. Amrrlean Aumoelatlon Milwaukee at Coliinibua. KHmiaa City at Cleveland, Mlnnrapolla at lndlnnapolla, St. Paul at Louisville. State LraRiie--Beatrh e at York, Nor folk at Orand Inland. Columbus at Kear ney, Superior al HaatltiKN. Pniard ball: Murphy Hit by pltrhrd ball Kwoldt. Time: JuV I'nippfH: vhiaton and McOafferty. Attendance. M0. .TKl.OIT, TtkK TIIK KIWI, Smith's Wild Throw Allows Two Runs to Score. 4 4-5. ALLOWS ONLY THREE SINGLES Wllrineaa of Me). rath and Crnora of 4lile and I or fleanll In 1 mi enrea (iHhorHe Knoek tint Homer. TOflK, Neb.. Aup. IS. iSpe. i.il Tele- Rrmn ) -Osborne tvna In flno form lodn ! and held tlie wrei-klni; rrew to thr.-e Xintlered ilnsle and kivo them tlieii j neeonj coat of whitewaah. Tilfty never Rot a nuin pa.t aerond and their only c hanee. waa ruined hy a IlKhtninK double play from Totten to f'tmae. finhorne put one over the fenee In 'lie aeeond. Me liriilh v,hk alao atlnay with hlla, but lila wlldnepi and errors by Oriet and Coe re aulted In two seorea The fieldlns of l'lorry waa of the unu-ationiil variety. Seore: AD II o A r. vonx AH II O T It Omaha, at Oca Buneh In tine lllta oa l.aakrll l.l.VCOLN, Neb.. Aug. IR.-Llneoln won the foual name of the Kenver Kerlea. S to .", by bunehina hlla on Oaakell In one In nlna. Smith, for the loeala, waa atrona untll the ninth, when he was relieved by Seogglns. Score: LINCOLN AH AHen. if 5 MeOnffliran. m. a t.lovd, Jb Miller, ef Blaekbuin, r. Colllna. If WllPama. lb. Sehrelber. 3b. Smith, p S4voRiiln, p. .. .. & .. .. 3 .. 3 .. 4 .. 4 .. 3 .. 0 It. 0 1 1 O. A Totals. MeCarty, rf. l'aMld. rf. . Kuye. 2b ... Huteher, if. Coffey, aa. ., Klalier, lb. ., Harbour, iib. Spahr. c. ... iaakell. p. . Mitehell. p Blink Totals : 1 PKXVKH All t 1 II. 1 0 1 11 1 1 0 tl o. (I 4 b 1 1 0 4 13 rinrv. m .. .t i 2 n onMiiiri. tf 4 i a o o llrllrlc h at. a ! 41 OMurpln . rf. . t U 2 4) Neff. rf 4 (I I fl Trrtln, Sh.. 3 0 '4 fl Rla'-k. rf... I M I (i"lrk. if... 4 12 0 0 Prurha. If. . 4 I 0 0 fli liaiw Ih . . 3 1) l i Rfirlirwll!...ll S l 1.1 n ARI, 3 J A J Orli-t. 3b 0 1 IKIIarrla, 3b 4 I) A t a ". e l fc 3 l4ehlel r ... 1 A t Mi Urilh. p a I II (I Ojphorne, p . 4 I (l 1 0 Total 2S 3:4 13 3 Totala ....'. 5T 0 Beatrlee 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (V -O York 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 .1 Home run: Osborne. Stolen baaes: Ttlre, Sehlaael. Ixeihle. play: Totten to Chase. Basra on balls: Off 4pborne, 3; off Mr.. (Jrath, 0. Lett on hasea: Beatrice, h; York, . Saerlflee hit: Murphy. Struck out: Hy Osborne, 7: hv MeOrath, ft. Wild pitch: MrtJrath. Time; I'mplre: Meyers. Heda Take Ilonhle Bill. HA8T1NOS. Neb.. Am?. . -tSpeelal Telegram.) -The Beds took a double header from Suiwrlor today, the first 9 to 2. and the second 3 to I. The first waa a awatfest for the locals. The eonrt wa a pitchers' battle In which Plerey ai lowed hut three hlla. Score, llrat came: Ft PKItlort. AB.II.O.A R Smith. Sh lirnv 3h. Ilriiin, !... 4 Mmin.e, lb. 4 1 rfnnlret h, rf 4 l blrnvniK, rr 4 lllwn, Krrelt, ef. ni-hop, p. 4 0 1 4 II J I I 1 :i 3 in rn, 1-itnff I llennett, fr iltmaa I M- .he HASTIMX AH II O A K HNAL RESULT THREE TO ONE ( rnteher, Wlin llorla Well, Taken ln In the Krirnlh Iniilna; Allow Ilriorr to Hat fnr Illm. ilNi-lNNATl, Auk lS-ATtcr making a wonderful one-hand",! of Mnran's grntinder In the third innmn. Smith threw wild to the homo plate, allowing two runs to score, w4ilch was eimugh for Cin. in nf.tl to win from Boston today. The final senio wa n to 1 Whltted s error ,.so resulted in a run for Cincinnati. CrtMciie,-, who pitched well, ns taken out in the seventh to allow Oeve.ro to but for him, HevoiT afterwards goins to risht tield. Kcor.: ,. ,.; Boston o n o o n n i d o-1 ii Cincinnati . . . 0 0 i I n n n o j Bnllerles: Strand. (Itutejier and ijow.lv; OoiiRliiss and Clark. fulm Hefrat llodaiera. CH1CAOO, Aug. IR.Zim merman's home run In the fifth Inntinc with the ha sea filled. enabled t'hlcairo i,, ,,.,, Brooklyu a lead, and hv consistent liittluc later, maile enough to win, S to K. Humph ries waa hit hard for iho first two in nints and the vls-itors took a big lead Hagemnn, who re.pliu'rd him, pitched ,li,"J.''ry h"" Hn'1 hl" hlttitiB with the fielding of Ix-aeh, were features. Sroie- IMI M Brooklyn 2 3 0 n 0 u fl 1 o ti it Chicago (I 0 1 (I f. 0 I I S 12 J Batteries: Regan and McCurty, Humph ries, Hageman and I'.resnaliHn. tarda Huu.p Phils. ST. LOI IS, Aug. 1 Si. Iannis pounded Alexan.ur hard In the fourth and fifth Innings this afternoon and won from Philadelphia ngHin, to Perritt kept the vhltors' hits well scattcr-d, except In the sixth and ninth. Singles bv Dol.tu Miller and Crtilso and a triple by fUck mln In the fourth counted three tor the home club. In the next session with Hupglna and Miller on bafs, Wilson hit tj.e .enter field fen.-e for a home n,,.. S. ore U 1 1 r ' I'lilbid.-lphia .0 0 0 ii f. 1 a ,) ., 'j Si Louis n n n :j n n n ,( ., . V.atenes: Alexitnder and Kllltfer. IV. I rut and Snyder. Pirates Trim l.lanta. PITTSLrKC.il, Aug. 1 -Although oil-' in. Pitfsnuigli todav defeat M New Yo, k i L'r ,? "f, '' '" 1 lw ''""dung of gi Mind balls bv, H.....h'r Save Ada ma .1 home run in the thirl and Mefarthv a triple ,,, nr,,,. Mccar,hy Hruri.yoS unH i ?i hy ' ,,r,y- Koiutehy s double nd Kelly single Rrnc the pirates their Mial run in the eighth. N,.w urk .orri Its only run in the eighth on singles by' Peso he,-. Hoyleand Burns Score- n u i.: i .New York ....n ft a o o n o i oin V, Pittsburgh ....l f. 1 (. , o 0 1 i 7 0 Hiitterio..: Maio.nn.rd. Kromme an 1 M.-Iean; Adams and Coleman. ( Hldne, and Mver Trnnhlea i Quickly helped by Klerfric Bitters; suit and prompt tellef; stimulate tho kidney i and ller to healthy act!on. .Vc and $1 on. All druggists. -Advertisement. i MACKS AND TIGRS DIVIDE Detroit Wins First Game and Phila delphia Second. 'SOUTHPAWS" HAVE BEST OF IT l oteleakle fl ln from hanke In Opc.ncr Ilnd pinnV front llej n olds mill lloehler In l.nal of t.nmea. ' I bill lie we.i'iid in the seventh and j three hits rtrd i l .ise on balls netted the .Vatiom.ls three run?. The loeaN scored five more nil -" in I'-"- eighth on four slu I ch's off ILieillloii and lames, a faerlflca i.nd ii ti error, i Austin showed bin displeasure nt. a de I i isien u' third, by hnrihig tlie ball to t!a ; mound, and was hantenori. Score: R.tT.K. St. Iu is n o n ft ii 'j n n 02 S 2 Washington .0 0 0 0 0 0 3 5 Ml: 1 I'.nttr.-les- Hamilton, .lames and Leaiv, Agiiew; iOtigcl. Shaw and Ainsmith... Ouimet Makes Lowest Score Yet Turned In HlCAliO, Aug. l.-Franoi Ouimet ouaiified 1o rieienr! his title n s national 'pen solf champion today with h sroie of HS. the Iwst cHrd turned hi up to the time he finished. M. .1. Brady of TVollastnn, who played with Ouimet. was slightly off his game, taking 1-.il. The flukey wind and poor putting cost all the sixty-odd players who went through the "lualifyins ordeal today several strokes. Charles Kvans. Sr.. western amateur champion, will play his qualifying rounds tomorrow. .lames Barnes of White Marsh Volley. Philadelphia, brought In a card of sev-ent.y-twvo in the afternoon for a total of 1M. bettering Ouhnefs score by two Ktrokos. Alee Koss took wventy-pevcti In the Hfternoon tor a tolul of KA W. Rautenhusi-h, amateur ehamnlon f Chicago. anl Warren K. Wood tied their totule at l.V, ranking well with most of the professionals. rHlLAHKLPillA. Aug. 11 - The double header here today rcmilted In an even break, Oetroit v Inning the first sain", "to -. and Philadelphia the second, 2 to 1. "Seuthpaw fi" got the better of the two piutehii g duels, Covelcskie winning from Shaw key M the ooencr and Plank from Reynolds and Poehler In the secon'I event. Although Hairy was knocked out by a collision with Oldrlng in tho first gnme, he- put up a wonderful exhibition at short stop Mpri nccept.-d eleven chances in each contest. i:,,.n also cave a remarkable exhibition and robbed the homo team of f vrral hits, s.oie, first game: ."'em 1 1 00 Phlladelphi.-i M 0 fl 0 2 Batteries. Cnvcokie Sha.wl.-cy ard Schang. Sirond game: I'etl-olt 0 11 fl ( 1 Philadelphia . 0 o 0 0 Batteries; neynolds. Hiehler Laker; Plan's and I.mi.i, aH Take Flrat. NKW YdltK. Aug. lS.-Cleveland won lue hrst game of the series from New A oik bv a score of 1 to 3. Tho visitors batted rile out of the box In the third liming, wlille Hueerman. though wild, "ns effective In th" pinches and hold New l m k to four hit. Sian-e: IMM;. 'levelai d 1 l 3 0 11 0 11 0 04 ; 2 New York 0 0 1 II 0 0 0 23 4 0 Batteries: Hmjernmn and O'Neill; Cole, I.Mcilale and Sweeney. tirnulorn Defeat Cnrda. WASHINCTON. Aug. IS. Washington von todays game from Pt. Louis, X to 2. l or six innings Hamilton pitched ;?ood 1 11 o 0 3 s 0 0 0 01; 4 n and Stannic, nut;. 0 o-l fl fi -2 4 1 and r. o 11 2 0 0 Grizzlies Come to Pa's Lot Wednesday The last of the visits to the home lot. will be Inaugurated by tho Rourkes Wednesday afternoon, when the first I gaino of the. series with Denver will he pluv'cd. Twenty straight games in a row will he. placed by the Omaha ath letes, -the last game bring on Labor day. After th" double coriflb t w ith St. Joseph on tho holiday date, the Rourkeg depatt for tho long wt stern swing and they fin ish the season away from home. Friday will lie ladies' day. All games will he tailed at 1 o'i lock. fSeta Lap Record. KIVllN. 111.. Aug IS.-Spenerr TVishsrt set a lap record today while practicing tor the nallonal road races to be h"ld lure Friday and Saturday. He circled the ehrht and one-half mile course in sN minutes, twenty-four and three-fifthi se--i t ds. 1. late of more than s eventy-eisht inile.M an hour. The pi-c ious record was hi Id by TctzlatT at ii:X I 11I00 t.lauls Win. IIHRMi'K, In.. Aug. 1s. fSpeeial Tele gram.) The Chicago Cnlon Oiants de feated tho locals today In a good gam. Score: R Hants 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 1-5 1) 'Jlortiick a o 0 0 o 0 0 0 0-4) 2 0 Batteries: Lynch and Coleman; Illnkley and Thompson. Or fen t for Cedar fllaffs. ARLINHTON. Neb., Aug. IS. 1 Special.) Arlington defeated Cedar Bluffs on their I ome grounds yesterday. 7 to 0 Batteries; Arlington. Rump and Badger; Cedar Kill ff , Bockmuhl and Kraur-o. t'm plrc: Plaiz. rf. 1 0 lire 11. 3h. A 0Moor. Ih.. 0 OH.-hrdnoo, ' p.. 4 r, ef. 4 lb , If.. 4 Tola la . Sllnei-loe Hastings Home runs: 1 AWlll.v AR.I4 l A K. k :i 1 a Touii 0 0 0 0 I f rami 0 2 0 1 : u a 1 a 0 a t 1 :i an 4 1 0 r. 0 0 1 to ttman 3h i:i 27 1A 4 0 1 0 0 J 1 I 0 -! Three- nasn hit: l.uml. n h Tu...i,u. 1.1,. t rann, F.. Brown, Moore, Land ret h. Sac rifice hit: Moore. Sacrifice f lv ; Rich ardson, Stolen bases: Mcfahe. Struck out: Hy U llley, la, by Bishop, 4 Bases on halls: Off Bishop. 3. Double plav : Brown to Ciray . lilt hv pitched ball: Bv H llley. 1. Passed ball; Urren. Time: 1:4 1. Score, aecond game: Kl I'Kltl.ltt IIAST1NCP. AH II O A i: All It O A V. Smith. Sh... a a I J .rann. rf .5 tout an.-., a 1 1 istoioff. .. . sola. oavnnett, i-r . 3 it? Ilro Monroe lmtl-elh, rf 3 0 Thrualin. If 3 u Uren, 1- a A Krrel. i-r... J 0 -arailin. p 1 0 0 Vtk-timan, M.ci 0 UK llo.nu, 1 ovt.,r. t t If 3b 2 :b.. 3 lIHhrrtaon. i- 3 3 Id'ttr,), p.... 3 lb 3 i 1.1 I 11 a A 4 I I 0 I 3 1 0 tl Punch this pipe and cigarette news under your hood! u 1 Tola la . : l 3-17 10 1 Total 24 7 tl 11 M0I0IT out. bunted third strike, foul. Superior 1 0 I) ft ft 0 ft 1 Hastings 0 2 0 0 1 0 3 Two-base hit: Bennett Sacrifice hits: V. Brown. Stolen hu.ncs: Smith, (rettman, Moore. Struck out By Plercv. i; y Franklin. 4. Bases, on balls: Off Frank lin. 2. Hit by pitched ball: Bv Plercv, 1. l'assed bail: Richardson. Time: 'i:ii l inplre: Walter. I.ane Weaken la Third. OKA N It ISLAND, Neb.. Aug. Is. (spe cial Telegram ) -Norfolk was shut out until the eighth when, with a walk, a thit-e-am-ker by Blight ami a eacrfice tly by Tow ne, tlie acored two runs. The Islanders knocked Ijino from th- mound In the third, when tour runa were boored, enough to win the same. Score: XOllKtil.k. MIAMI IKI.Wtt. Aii.it (i a r. xn. ii. 11. a e :'4 11 j 'Block bHted for Mitchell in ninth 4 o,,nr-, "ti Davidson If... Kune. lb 1-ejeurie. cf.... Balrd. 3h allahau. rf ... Sodih. nt. ...... Murphy, c ):lchle. p Clarke leln. p Wlthrow yoodbUln, p... ' Totals 1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 31 Batted for Richie In aixth 'Batted lor Kleinmlhth. VEH MOlNKS A H. h o o 0 0 it tlmiHr. rf Hahn. rf iluKhee. 2h .Iwm, lb..'. l4ey, ween. If fwoldt. 3b tlartford. ... r-akarf p ilondge, p 1 0 I 1 o 11 H O A. 1 11 11 I 0 0 u : 1 1 11 0 3 C 1 3 4 0 0 I 3 on; i 1 " 2T 14 110 0 Ittl K. I Lincoln o o 1 1 0 o 4 1 - 1 i Denver 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 2-Ti 'I Famed runs: Lincoln, i, lleiner. 3. 1 1 Home runa; Smith. Mct'artv. Two-bane hila- Uovd. Blackburn. I'aye, Cottey, " Spahr Left on buses: Lincoln 9: leii-'';v.-r, 10. Double plays- M.-iaffigan to llllaiim to M.-iiaff is-in Spahr to Faye; JJl l ate 1-laher stolen bsea. Allen. JJ Sacrifice hit: Smith, (iaskill. struck out: "I By Smith. 3; by C.aekill. Baaea on "'balla: Ciff Smith. 6: off Gaskill, 3. Tuuc. 0 I'mplre: Slockdale Iklrlrra Wlaa for Koalaarlle, NICKF.RSON. Neb. Aug lS-iSpenal Telegram. I-lontanelle made thirteen win out of sixteen games played bv o. featlng Herman on tin ir home grounds o, Mi.n.lay. i to I. It wea a last, snappv Oigaiiw. both pltcbera being effective. Cook Oidem-ried a shutout, il'ou Ins onlv four 0, tills and striking out seven, while Bur 0 die was touched for six hits and stiu.k . out 4 fi. Herman made a triple play In the sixth llnnln. Rauriii-s: Fontenelle. Cook and OiCook, Herman. Hutdlc and West. Z. Totals t IT 14 1 jSiou 1fy 0 1 1 1 0 4Jc anoinea 1 I t t I 0 i : Two-bare Wts: Lejeune. Ilahn. Jone. Uunifcr, Murphy, bieerv Home run: Mnith. Sarifnr hltav Kwoldt, 4"larke. oleii banrs: Callahan lleure. In--4iia it bed: hy l-akalf. i',; by Rich! a: by Klein. . Hits: Oif Lkaff. 5: off nii-iiai.. . on niein. 1. Kai'i on balla. Uff Hl hie. 1: off Klein. 1: off Wo..ai.,,, J. off Ikaff. i. Uruek out- Ry Richie' I- t-y Klein, 2; by Wv!hurn. 1: by Ikaff t, ty ilotrjdse, 1 wild i-IKb; Lakiff Defeat for tsaibrlair. CAMBRIIhJK. Neb., Aug. . iSpec.al Telesram I Hendlev defeated I'lmlm,!,. 1 to I Batteries were lvnahue and He- voe. Justice and Caurol. This Is the third day of the Chautauqua whuli is draw in. uic crowds. Aaarrleaa Aaaorlalloa Hraalta. Kansas City j j 3 Milwaukee - 3 j Called account of darkness. Cle eland I 4 4) Columbus . -j j 4 Tui pin, rf . .. r. 1j. t-f. . i Malkar, :b . 4 1 I Ri'labt. If .. 4 3 0 Hrt,ll. en... 4 Towne. lb.. 3 Reia, :'b 4 A 1 3 3 tl 1 1 1 Ortoben, lb. t'.iht, 31. . .. 3 0 in, a . . o (i ai n? , cf . a Oismnay, rf, 4 : a 0 I 1 AVam-a. i- . . 4 4 Itialre. In .. 4 " 1 Mu-iipr. -... 4 A 7 A Olrlon. If ... 4 0 Voie .... 1 A 0 ; AMn,lon, p . 4 0 ttalsortb, p 3 1 1 : 1 - - l.4ais ... .34 t'J Total ... S7 1 :i IS a Norfolk II 0 0 0 0 0 0 0- liraiid Ifland 1 0 4 o u u 0 I t, Bases on halls: Off lne. I. off Wal woiih, 1; off Ferdon, 1 Struck out: Hv Lane, 3. by Walworth. I; bv Kwidon. V W lid pitch: l'.Ncidon. Two-hase hit!.. Bright, Claire. Vance. Payne. Three-base tuts: Bright i2i. Sacrifice hits: Tow nr. Ob.-t t2i. stolen bas: 'arne. learned runs: lirand Island. 4: Norfolk. I. LeU 011 baaea Norfolk. 10; Orand Island. !l. Time; I..V.. I'mplre: New house. Kearney Wlaia Kaally. KEAKNKY. Neb., Aug IS iSpecia! Tel eg rani 1- Kearney won the second of the ' "' easily In a fast game today, .". to 1 Wright allowed as minv hits' a the Pawnee twirlera. but a. atten d Ihem To morrow la - pennant-raising da " for tlie 1:1J champlonahip. Score; Cl.LlMm.-4 KEARVKV AB II O A T . AB.H OAF I 1 4 t It 'fl ! I rf a HonKlu. 2b 2 3 t 3 K,nk. 31. .. 3 llapk. JO . J a I v.o.-k. h . . I Pratt, rf .M 4 1 I 0 ADruium. lb 3 ral lb . ... 4 3 11 1 schura, H.rir. rf . 4 I ".,!,,.. natri. If. I I : I A.iUtuay. If 1 0 St hnndt. aa 3 A A SWoMtrurf, a 3 A kraninter. r 4 A 4 4 IKtirkwn. A WVMfa. . A A A AWrlghl. p .. A A oirmaii, p. s u 2 v m - . .. Totala ... M ( IT II 1 Tocala . 32 t ii 14 t ' ' 4'olunibus lAOAOOOO 0-1 Kearr.ey 3014)0100 Two-baa hit: Piatt. Three-base hl Deal. Stolen baaea: Pralt. Heal, Synek 3 Acot k. Scbeuren Double pla : V. ot k to Drunun to synek to Ac,i, k to' Drunun. Baaea on balls off Wright. 2. u.'f Tlile maii. 2; olf Wolfe. J. Lrft on ba-aes: luiiibua. .: Keartuy. 4 Struck out H ,V r!7ta -"' ,,y T,"em..n. .1 Wild Pitch Wolfe. Tune i.JD. I iiipirr y.tislcv - ,.' 1 iiiaunn w iap "sanWWn,MjWW , j iaaasi mil at aajiiii aiiaaw!iiii laeuaiiiai.iiiaiiij.aia iuiiiiu iiai -i.nj.--r .-?SStr TM 1 'mnft m ; 1 Here's case-cards with the full deck right on the mahogany: The reason why men smoke Prince , ''::-y Albert in their jimmy pipes or rolled into' joy raakin's cigarettes is simply because PrinceAlbert can't bite tongues, can't parch throats ; it is always delightful in flavor and fragrance ; it is made by a wonderful patented process that 5uts it into a class by itself ! And r. A. is exactly as good as HAT listens ! El ALIEU Kl the national joy smoke Smoke P. A. if you want to get first-hand news about what's good for your smokappetite! Why, there never was, and there can't be today, any pipe or cigarette tobacco in the same class with P. A. Take a tip: You just go to P. A. like little peaches grow on trees, naturat-likt, aod get lomi chr-up pirit in your yttcm right early these mornings ! Vine Albmrt is olJ eoerywAera. 7taf rax fins tOc 1 loppy rtd bagt Se handy fr eifr(f mokr)t alto, htukdtom pound and half-pound humidor. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO, Winston-Salem, N. C