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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1914)
THE HKE: OMATTA. AUGUST 19U. WANT ADS Want ads received at any time, but to Insure proper classification m1 at be pre-ent-d bfre ii o'clock noon for evening elltlon and T:M p. m. for morning and Kundar editions "Want d Wflwl after s'lch hour will be under tha heading 'Too Lata to Clsnslfv." CASH RATES. On time, II een U a Una. 1hra time within ona week. cmtl a Una esoh Insertion, i .... Seven consecutive time. T cent a tin each Insertion. CHARCTK RATES. Three times within one week, cent s line each Insertion. . .. Seven ronseculive tltnea. I Mtl a Una each Insertion. Count als averatra. words to a Una. Minimum chance, 10 cants. Too can place your want ad In The Bee fcy telephone ' TELErHONB TYLER loot). tJnclaimed Answers to tbft "Swappers' Column" Hundreds of other answers have lwn called for and delivered during tha last week. It Is reasonable to suppose that till of tha people below have male the desired waps-therefore. do rot rll for the balance of their answers. Be Want Ads sure fet results. C. 8 0. SC. SC. SjC. SC. sin mi t"i n yi im 0 M2 :l 1112 1J"4 127 vil jM r, 1118 12" !'.''' no ft; u, n.'l i-'H 11 S11 SM i 1U3 121 12M IS 973 l"fl 112 T-15 lW 1 IT4 1W ll" 122s 1( 54 77 lft6 I--1! ' 1-70 27 H78 Inn? 117 123 1371 M ) 10.-8 11KS U37 1372 1 1061 11S3 10 1?4 P?4 18 llOt 11M W ym H to U04 1U 14 93 CARD or TKANK.n. WE desire to thank our many frands and kind neighbors for the eymnwtlii shown us and the beautiful floral trlbale sent during our late hereaveraeBt. Mrs. F. J. Flxa and Children. We desire to thank our maa- friends and kind neighbors for the sympathy shown us and the beautiful floral tributes sent during our lt bereaverjent. L17DWIG HOl.HT AND CUJ.DBEN. BK1THS AUfi FVTKH.AL NOTIl ES WHITE Fay. axed 1J years, died August 14. l:il4. daughter of ilr. and sirs. ' hsrles 8. White. Funeral at family residence. 4118 Grant street, Monday, S p. m. Interment, Kor et Lswn cemetery. Friend Invited. BKKEN-Th'jma. at Ills residence, 41 Bt 1. uka a road, West-bourne l'ark, London, England. Death ovnirred on August b following a brief illness due to heart disease. BIKTIIS A!l DEATH. Births William and Mahalla Jackson. V! Grant, girl; 1. W. and Violet Mc Uowan, 2504 Woolworth avenue, twin aria; Fred J. and Edith reterson, 1.16 North Third avenue, boy; Iewls aid Margaret Sholes, 234" South Thirty-third street, boy; Fred and Matilda Woodiwd, 3P17 North Nineteenth street, girl. Deaths Edna R. Kem, ik years, S7i: FeclMo; Daniel Dlnan, 2 months. D? North Seventeenth; Andrew Jangle, 70 years, 2032 Spring Vaclav lilaha, flu years, 1011 Hickory; Frank Hsuer, 3t years, 'Fif teenth and Pierce; Charlea Meyen, Si yeara. Twenty-fourth and .Leavwnwsorth; Margaret A. Thompson, 27.14 Hurt. Bl ll.UIXi PKHMIT. Iferman Best, S2S Fnntenella bjulevard, (rams dwelling, IX,u00; Peter Eatnuro, U South Twenty-sixth, frame dwelling, I2.W0; A. K. Orloff, 1S44 muth Twenty fifth avenue, frame dwelling, 2.4uQ. Mil South Twenty-fifth avenue, 1S40 Hbuth Twenty-rlfth avenue, two frama dwell ings, $2,500 each. TODAY S CXJMPI.KTB MOVIK PIUXJKAM ' ExcIuaUely in Iho ilea swauitoab CAMERAPHONE, 140 DOUWUA8 Tha Vampire s Trail, S-reel Kaletn. He Was bad, Eubin. , 1 i er Trip to New York. Eesanay, biL.HH Tilh.A 1 tit NO. S, UU KARNAal David Oarrlck. i-reel Vitagrauh. Slippery Sllm'a Dilemma, j-jwajiay. lirey Eagia'a Revenge, Kalem. KARNAM THEATER, 141k VAKNAM Trey o' Hearts No. i, (White Water), St- reei Gold beat. Barnstormers, Powers comedy. ' HIPP, liTH AND HARNEY The Iost Diamond, 3--eet drama. Max's Vacation, comedy. PARK. 1HEATKR bit NO. .STH bT. Two-reel senaatlonal feature. Wovlern drama, me.ilng comedy. PAR1AIR THEATER. im DOuauAS Honor of the Humble, 2-reel Victor. Animated weekly. PRINCESS, 1317-iai DOUOUAS 'ihird story of tha greatest picture of the year. The Trey o' Hearts. I nlversal Ike on His Honeymoon, comedy. t Aertk, ALII AM BRA. 1814 N. 24TH. j-'iom out of the Dregs, S-r. K. It. drama. Jlutual GUI. K. U. drama, fetolen Hadium. Majeatla Dr. DIAMOND THEATER. 2410 I-AKii An Awkward tlndvieila. Rex cornea y. ji.tilon Doimr Mystery, i-reel Than. .At 'In ree O'hoch, hlerliug comeuy. F HA N K LI N THE AT lilC Stilt Franklin. The Weakling, 2-reet. Kal. A Train ol Incidents. Vita, atram-ho Billy Puta One Over. Eas. HIPVODKOME, BTlt AND CUM1NO. Trmkvta ut 'i'ragedy, two-rsel Easauay. A 'train o InLiuouia. Vltagrapu, Ls mDci ' s 'treachery. Kalein. IT 1HKAT LM, l.ith and Lucual Hln. Fogg'a Millions, S-reel. VI La. The Tribunal ot Conscience, l.ub. Fable of Napoleon and tne Bumps. Ess LoTHROP fli EA S213 NO. UTH 'T. i.iii AiroM tne Hall, Tnttnhuiuser. Flirtation, Keystone. ' Jim, Amerluan. LOYAL, 4TH AND CALDWELL, .enunciation, 2-r. Ec-lalr. i'tarl of the Sea. Pownrs. .;s City Elopement. Universal Ike, jr. PALACE THEATER, 2303 DAVENPORT. The Outlaw'a Daughter. Front. Dr. Olana of the tviuih cteas, 2-reel. Bison. And a good comedy. ' SLBUKBAN, 14TH AND AMES AVE. A liter from Home, 2-reel. Lss. econd Sight Vlt. A Traitor to His Country. Lub.' tesik. A1RDOME THEA.. FARNAM ' PARK in Touch of .Nature, Edison. The Junsle bams rut an, tiellg. At the End ot the Ror. 2-reel Kalem. Ar-OLLo THKA.. m LEAVENWORTH Koniaiulo Josie, 2-revl Vltagrapu. A t hanse of Buslneos, Euisun. Broticho Billy ai.d the Gambler, Esssnay. COLUMBIA THEATER. SO. loTli The Proepectora, Blognph. Tne Stuff That !rem Are Made Of, S- reel Eaison. Tlia Sealed Package, Selig. Cold FORT TH E A'TEIV 24tlTat.d "vTntouT Ts City of Promise. S-rael. A Midsummer I-ov Tonsria n.,.i AVORJTE THEATER, m. VINTON A Wr.msn Laughs, t-reei Sellg HIS VV'ifa's Hdrtflar IT.4I-U-... ' The-Squatter's Gal. Eanay FA V. AIRLkjME ANNEX. 17 A VINTON eerie No. S of the Perils of Paulloe. tl rel Eclectic. " Private Bunny, Vltagraph comedy Nstures Touch American. a(iy s FinllvKey stone comedy. HA.NBCOM THEATER. 2Jhh Cast.ll.r. I Z lM,"r Te.umony, 2-reeL Vict. .4 Ranch Horrutnce. Nest. Dr. 1 I.h: THKATKR, .6U VINTON .-i.iid,ony of K..n, Rx drama. ur.,;e hlth, Vii tor. f ... r..H ri Ixi'fHt. West , i I At t., ;i AND LEAVENWlJrmL VAnni 1! .t)t to Win, ;-rel. Imp Ire I mlrriuw. Pouers Drama. 4 nd a, gocid cvntd'. Tf)i.-s coin.rTK movik rmxatAM KxrlusUely In Th He aok. VKNF.ZtA THKATEn. lSlt rV). 1STH The Floob l)etectlve. Res comedy. Py the Sun's Hsvs. Nestor. The O d ln lxll. Imp. ' IVrtl. AlHTwiME. FARSAM AND PARK. In Wolf s Clothing. 2-r. Kal. The lile, Fdlson. Hweetlle and the Txrd, Fss MrNR(TfC. 2 FA RN AF. Warren Kerrigan In A Man His Brother Hob I-eonsrd. "Hhadowi-d Ilves." A Wild Ride sterling Tots. palaFk thkatkr. zm DAVENPORT Outlaw s Daughter. Front. Olnna of 8o. hess, 2-reel Bleon. And a good comedy. Kenans. PBNflON THKATKR, RTo MAIN RT. Prowlers nfethe Wild. 2-reel Animal play. Francis Ford and Urace Cunsrd In The Tsnslc, powers coin. Also a Nest, dram. tWHarll b.alfs. ROPF.R THEATER. W BROADWAY Oubliette, S-reel Bison. laatk Os aaa. RKSPF. THEATER. 24TH AND N Tha Living Desd. Edison. The President's Ppeclal. Edison. They Would Psndlts Re. Hiograplv MAOlO THEATER. -TH AND O Thru the Flsmes. 2-reel Rex. On Ruset Chores, Nestor. Vil-rilhr, ORPHEUM, 24T11 AND M. SO. OMAHA For the Honor of Old Olory or Start a" ftrlpes In Mexico. ANNOUNCEMENTS. I.rt'KY wedding rings. Urodegsard's. Wediling annoiincernente. Doug. Ptg. 'o: IIA7.KI, Ipf Pile Tones. Meet remedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding piles; 60e postpaid; samples free. Hhrrman McConnell Drug Co , Omtlil. UfcT a private booth in my grill nwitn for noon lunch. PF.TF. EO' M, 813 8. 17th Bt. tiood Hour; 4 lbs., tl. Wagner, N. IBth. I'olltleal. MY NAME will appear o tne republican primary ballot as candidal for renoml nation for Secretary of Stale, at primary election August 1914. Addison Walt, Secretary of Klate. N. P. H WAN BON. I '123 fuming. Repub- llcan candidate for :oroner. HENRY P. HAZE, 2046 North ISth 61. Republican candidate for sheriff. VOTE for O. U Nethawav. antl-corpora-tlon rsndldnte ststa representative dem- oc ratle ticket. Flor. 27s for my platform. VOTE foe T. A. Holllster, republican prl- mary. candidate for county attorney. VOTE FOR J. F. Mcl.ane, auperlntendent Klorenoa public schools, republican can didate for superintendent publlo Instruc tion VOTE for Harry Tearce. candidate for register of deeds on repunllcan ticket VOTE for C. I Nethaway. antl-corpora-tlon candidate state representative dem ocratic ticket. Tel. Flor. for mv platform. IIKI.P WAN1KD FTIMALE lloaeekeepera sad Doasestlca. THE Servant Glrf Problem Solved. Tha Hee will run a .Servant Olrl Wanted Ad FREE until you get tha desired results. This applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and CouAcll Bluffs. Bring ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler WOO. V A N T E 1 Oood girl for general house work, In small family; must have refer ences; Bohemian preferred. Call OH 8. 35th Ave ; WANTED Woman cook, chambermaid, kitchen Women, laundress, ail white, no children. Washington Hotel, Wash ington, Kan. WANTED Experienced dining room girl (white). Good salary. Now Rraaelton Hotel. William Dressel, prop., Mount pieassnt, la. WANTED A girl for general house work, where second girt Is kept. 3303 Woolworth Ave. Phone Harney ii34J WANTED A good girl for general house' work, references required. SuOd Wool worth Ave., Harney &S0. WANTED at once a competent cook. Mrs. N. B. Updike. M1 4 Jackson. St. WANTED An experienced cook for an Institution. Call Harney 42. SERVANT GIRL. WANTED, CAIJU at 219 So. ith Ave. We want a girl for light house, work, . Ona who can go home at nighty Ai COMPETENTgtrl for general house work. George Victor. 8039 Marcy. Har ney UflO. "WANTEI A good girl for general house work, three in family. Teiepnone i. s-'ij. WANTED A girl for general housework. &n ri a rney ri WANTED A competent mnld for second work; references required. Apply a 8. an Ave. WANTED Qlrl for general housework. IXil BO. XI SI til. tl. lHi. AN experienced girl wanted for general housework; no washing. 2601 Krug Ave. P. W13. WANTED A msul for general house work. Call Mt So. tilth St. WANTED A girl to assist with general housework. 16 Chicago St. Harney 20HH. Factory aaa Irmlw. APPRENTICE girl. Oppenhelm Parlors. Mleeellawevae. WOMEN wxnted for government clerk ships; 170 month; Omaha examinations soon; specimen questions free. Franklin Institute. lept soH-O, Rochester. N. Y. YOUNG women coming to Omuha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at St. Mary'a Ave. and 17th St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at Union Station. HELP WANTED MALE Aa-eata, aaleaasrjt aaal Bulicil tore. BALESMKN with ability to deliver tha goods. Must bs willing to WORK. Cash commissions. Big new line Advertising1 SpeclalOea. Local and outelde ttrrtturies. Call tti S. Main St., or Phone Red 37u3, Council Bluffs, Monday, for appoint ment. WANTC.D Two experienced traveling aalcsmen for Nebraska at one, prefer her men. Call Hotel Loyai; aak for Mr. Johnson. SALESMAN WANTED Well known manufacturer of factory labor-saving equipment has selling agency open wit rt protected territory; commission proposi tion oa a business basis for big caliber man aeeKing unusual opioriuimy, P. O. Box M. Chlcopee Falls, Mass. WANT El Reliable State Sales Manager for high grade xst reduLlnir special machine; every store your etomer: at tractive eommlssiona Addrea Th Buck ley Specialty Machine Company Lima. O. EXCELLENT opportunity for live ales man, good salary. Bui rough's Aduin Machln Co. WANTED Three neat appearing young men. Between ine agea or gu and 25 yeara. to travel with manager and take ordera Big money for the right men. Call between T and p. m. J. B. Trainer, 9. Mary'a Ave . lerteal and Office. IF you ar looking fur high-grada posi tion see the CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE C. 10U-16 City Nat. Bank Bldg. t'srotrf Ircaee. WANTED. MEN TO LEARN THE BAR Bat TRADE. Another rush for bsr bers.' Our course prepares you for high est salary, best trade In existence today. Good money. Light work. Eaay to learn. Busy season now. Few weeks completes. Investigate. MOLF.R BARBER COL LEGE, 110 S. Hill St. Hurry! Hurry! Get a full knowledge of th AUTOMO B1I.K BUSINESS such as only w ar quipped to give you. The auto season Is oMn and tha demand la great for such men as we turn out. NATIONAL AI TO TRAINING ASSN. Ait No. 30th BL. Otuaha, Neii. HKM WANTKlt MAI.K W ANTED First c lass bulter-maker. I. MiiccL Z1S West Broadeay. Council Bliiffs, la. MKN to learn the hsrbpr trade; tuition, lio; set of tools given; wsaes sld. Trl Clty (Vllege, 12th end Douglss 8ts. Drug store snsps; lobs. Knelst. l'e Bldg. MUcellanTJ.. I'AXTON Plk., Itterina Shoo. Km. (iL WANTKIi-Names of men, It. to th. wish ing to be Omaha mnll carriers. 4t month to begin. Y 104. lice. MEN with patentable lria write Ran dolph A o., Washing I on, D. - Sanitary balh-i, lfc; shave, 1'ic. 320 N. lirh. TJIK KHKASKA AUIXJ MOHILE SCHOOL has turned out more successful grsduates than any school In this country. "There's a resson." Write today for our catalogue C, 1417 Dodse, OmHha, Nh. WANTED Men to lake moving picture features on the road; small capital re quired. Owl Theater Exchange, Patterson block, room 3. HELP WANTED MALH ADD FEMALE 15, GOVERNMENT Jobs open to meh and women; I' to SIW month. Wrrite for list. Franklin Institute, Dept. 221-0, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED BrtUATIONS WANTED Washing and ironing; also day work. H. 4rft. W AhllING and Ironlnir. 1st class. W. i!l7. WANTED By colored man, position as waiter or cook. Phone Wenster tf'34. EXPERIENCED younv lsdy wishes po sition as cashier or grocery clerk; best references. Phone Menson Mo-J. HOIMEKEEPER by capable young woman In good home; best references given In reply. Address G. U., if)75 Cuming St. EN ERC i ETIC young men, 21 yeara old, two years' experience In grocery store, desires good position at once. Tel. D. JW40. NI'RE with baby girl wants position as chambermaid, housekeeper or other work. Call at .ll Haskell St., or phone Harney 1369. WIDOW wanta plain sewing or bundle usshlng. Ho 14W. i OPTOMETRIST Optician, flrst-clasa ra fractlomst with business ability to msnsge an office; age 38, reliable and pleasing personality.; no bad habits, will start ressonsble. Good reference. Ad dress Y K2, Bee. FIRST-CLASH laundress work. W. 47ML wants day WANTED The care of a good rooming house. Am an experienced housekeeper. Can furnish unquestionable references. K 4ofl. Bee. BUNDLE washing. Ironing. H. 6846. ATTHACTIONS. CONCESSIONS and street attractions for Hartley carnival, Sept. 1-4-6. Address, Lock fiog 187. Hartley, la. AUTOMOBILES FOR a high grade car at a right price see Howes, 221 Farnam. Oreenouah Omaha Had, Rep. Co. 20i Far. CUT PKlcpneumatlo tires. itiS So7 20lhT 1100 forfeit for any msgneto wa can't re pair. Coil repsr g. O. Bayadorfer, 210 N. IS FOR SALE 1912 6-pasaenger Ford, tirea and machinery In best of. condition. lOltl No. 16th St. A FOUR-ftEATED elertrlc car In npiemUd condition; new batteries, new tires; for sale rhesp. Mrs. Elisabeth Burgees, SKIS Jlamey Bt. ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS In stock to Trade (or auto, equal value. DOUg. 4113. Llndhurg' Fnre door, body bldg., 40 Far! Industrial Garage Co., Kith A Harney St. TWO Mason trucks In good shape, (or sale or trade. Douglaa 132X Motorcyelea HARLEY-DAVIDSON M OTO RC Y CLE 8. Bargains In used machines. Victor Roos, "The Motorcycle Man," 2703 Leavenworth. Poimi Motor Co., 2072 Leavenworth. R. 1H14 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE now ready; bargains In used machines. OMAHA BICt C LE CO., 16th and Chicago. D. 7?. Llndhorg Bros.203 jL'um. (Flying Merkle). 1H 81 NEBS CHANCES C. J. CANAN, Real Estate and Exchangea C. J. CANAN, Real Estate and Exchangea DRUG STORE in a good town for aale; will Invoice about f6,Mt; only drug store. Addrera Y 141. Bee. FOR SALE A well established live stock commitMiton business or half Interest to good live cattleman. Address G 41s, Bee. GENERAL Store Will sell for cash. Clean stock of general merchandise. In voicing tr,000 to $t,000 (not many fixtures). Oood live town In Saline county; doing good business; good reason for selling and will sell at a low ligure it sold soon- Ad dress., Y 153, Bee. GROCERY store for sale, cheap rent! good reaaon for selling. Tyler 1840. HIOH-CLASS business openings. Western lief. Bond Ass n. 7fe4 On-.. Nat. Bk. Bldg ICE cream, confectionery, lunch; beat town In Missouri, county seat; fin busi ness; sell at Invoice; a bargain. Dot Grant City, .Mo. LIGHT grocery and confectionery. W. 1731. MEAT market, slaughter house and all fixtures for sale, in good town, no competition. A good Investment. Reason for selling, poor health. Address, Gixiver It. Hansen, i plana, nen. RESTAURANT Stock, fixtures end build lug nr stock and fixture of only restau rant and confectionery In town of 600, A snap If taken at once. Must have cash. Good reason for felling. Addresa, Y 14a, c re Bee. THEATERS Buy, leas or sell your theater, machln and supplies through Theater Exchange Co., l Farnam be Douglas 1NH7. WANT a third partner with small capital to join us at once; a clean, dignified business, already established; salesman preferred. Address B 413, Bee. IN BUSINESS FOR YOURSELF. Spar I now available in an exceptionally good location for a business where only a small Invejlnitiit it needed. I". r none I Attention, anjj-eftlol.nt service will apeil a btg success. . WK WILL HELP TOO START. Ad 1rsa J 23S, Bee. In VESTM ENT Several good buslneas men who have a amail amount of capi tal, not working, to loin ua In establish ing In Council Bluff a branch of our business, which Is a profitable Invest ment. Full particulars furnished by ad grenslng "P. Omsha Bo. Council Bluff. JOHNttON. tj PAXTON BLK. RED sL TO GET in or out of business, call on ...... ... . . . . I'Hlg , '. 0lt. Tti gi'ICKLY sell your business or real state, write Kennebeck Co., Omaha. WANT EIVAn Idra. Who can thiiikof some simple thing to Patent? Protect your Ideas; the- may bring you wealth. Write for "Needed Inventions" and "Haw to Get Your Patent and Your Money." Randolph A Co., Patent Attorneys, Wash Inxiun. D. C. WANTED To buy Is and furnitur or a European hotel or rooming house. 8 411. Be. ItMaiUg tioaaea sue kal. 13 ROOMS, full of good roomer: fural- t;l.r. -Pr?c!t,'""' naw- "re bargain. Call 735 S. ISth. BOARDING HOUSE for sal. lease and furniture of 16-ro.mi private boarding house in popular health runn ri.m- ... eellent business. Must sill, hav other imvrwBiak Adores tj, XjaX Ect4 iur tiruma ku EDt'CATU N A U The Van Sant School STEXOflKAPIUO COURSE finmmrr pensions, I t. m. In 1 15 p. in. 1Mb ard Fsrnsm. Douslas "?. SUMMEB SCHOOL NOW OPEN in Doth the Day and Night Sessions. BOYLES COLLEGE ENTER NOW. Muslness prscllre, hookkeeplr.g. penman ship, slemnhip, bsnklng, stenography, stenotypy, ty pewrltlnn. telegraphy, ac counting, filing, private secretarial work and many other courses are open to you here. You may work for board whila at tending. Call, writ or telephone tit latest catalogue. BOYLES COLLEGE. JSth and Harney Streets. Omaha Neb. FO FTSAI-.Tr at a discount, a fulftinlirn Red scholsrahip la Bnyles Business col lege. Omsha: good for either shorthand or business courses. Apply at the'offic of Omaha Bee. MOSliER-LAMP.MAN COLLEGE SUMMER SCHOOL Every day Is an enrollment day. Un surpsssed clssses In all business end Eng lish branches, shorthand, stenotypy, tel egraphy and typewriting. Students ad- miuea ai any time, oranuaies guaran teed good positions. Pisces provide. for young people to work for board. For a new, free cstalogne addies MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE, ISIS Fsrnam Street. Omaha. Neb. FOR SALE vFarel tare. Al'CTION. At 2W Dewey Ave., Wednesday, August 19, at 2 p. m. seven rooms of high grade furniture, consisting of parlor furniture, mission dresning room set, consisting of table, buffet and chairs, brats beds, spring, mattresses, sanitary cot, 3 good rugs, rocking chalra, Ice box. dishes, cooking utensils of all kinds, everything nsw and In good condition. DO WD SALES A Al'CTION CO., Auctioneers. New & 2d hand furnlt re, cssh or terms, reasonable. Amer. Furn. Co., 606 N. lth. SEVERAL van loads of furniture and eome piano. Omaha Van and Storage Co., k06 Ho. 16th St MAHOGANY dining room suite and other furniture for rale; no second-hand deal er. Harney 2815. For Sale Rug, chairs, wardrobe. D. 7314. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS edld, rented, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange, 307 S. 17th. RENT an Oliver typewriter, 3 months for 4. The Oliver Typewriter Co. D. 2H13. All makes typewriters rented, sold, term. Butte Typewriter, 1M6 Farnam. D. 6031. RENT Remingtons, Monarchs and Smith Premiers of their makers. The Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas L'W4. Rental credited If yon purchase, and only very newest and highest grade ma chines sent out. Rates, three month for 16 for understroke machines or $3 per month for latest model visible writers. Musical Instrument. Slightly used high grade piano. W. 3738. UPRIGHT pla no, 810 South ith street. Mlscellaneons. FOR SALE at a discount a full,' un limited scholarship In Boyles Business college, Omaha; good for either short band or business course Apply at tha office of The Omaha Bee. FOR SALE 1812 6-passenger Ford, tire and machinery In boat of condition. 10l No. lth St. FOR SALE-One electric and one gaa pressing Irons. Phone Mrs. Caldwell, suite h, Merrlam Hotel. feet ot lumber at works. 11th and Jack son Sts. Buildings bought and wrecked. Trester-Kelly Wrecking Co. Web. 4X08. Clearance; less than cost; l.'l. Brand new 16-ln. Westlnghous alternating oscltg. fan. $14.60. V04 Rector Bldg. .Chicago, 111. 2-hand mch. Gross Wreck Co., 21 t Paul. A NO. 1 BATH TUB. 5S teet. Treter Kelly Wrecking Co. W. 480s. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alley and accessories; bar fixtures of all kind; easy payment. The Brunswlck-Balke-Collenler Co.. 4O7-409 S. 10th St. P4-INCH second-hand pip at lo per foot; good for fencing purpose. Call Douglas $474. WAGON umbrellas. Wagner. Ml N. lth. Closing out 10 good sewing machines, by dressmaker, $4 to $15. W. 43S& 21S N. lnth. LIVK STOCK FOB SALE. Horses and Vehicle. LARGEST stock of delivery wagon In the city; ull kinds of blacksmith work, painting and lettering. Johnaon-Danforth Co., new location, 1S29-31-33 N. 16th St. FOR SALE Elegant horse with buggy and harness. Apply Dr. C. Rosewater, $22 Bee Bldg.. Omaha Mixed grain $1.60 h'dred. Wagner. 801 N. IS LOST ANT FOUND OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. . Person having lost some article would do Well to ca.ll up the of floe of the Omaha A. Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left lt In tha street cara Many article each day ar turned In and the company 1 anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Douglas 48. LOST Hanscom park, gold necklace with . bangle; initial L on ona side, U93 on other. Kewaro. bo. Zlss. LOST Monday, 17th, t p. m., at Farnam St. picture show or car going west, a black silk taffeta wrap with Pari mark on collar. Telephone H. Ket or call at lt4 No. 30th and receive reward LOST A small black puree, containing about $S. on Dundee car or 16th and Far nam, at 2 o'clock Thursday. H. 2201. Re ward. MONEY TO LOAN , NEED MONEY? See us. Quick sen-Ice. Half usual rate RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 808 Paxton Block. Douglas 1411. MEDICAL. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cure piles, fistula and other racial disease without eurgicak operation. Cur guaranteed ana no money paid until cured. Writ for book, em rectal diseases with testimonial. I)R K. R. TARRY. 20 lie Bldg. DRUSE IIOSPITAL A hospital opened to meet tha need ot any case; strictly modern building, all convenience; all outside room. 3Mb. gt and Dewey eve. Tel. Harney T39. PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licit your old clothing, furnitur. maaa sine. We collect. W distribute. Prion Douglas 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1U0-UU-1U4 1HK1K bt YOUNG wumm coming to Omaha a strangers are Invited to visit th Young Women Christian Association building at 17tli St. and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitsble boarding places or otnerwise a,sista i,ook for our trav elera' aid at th Union Station. POULTRY AXD SUPPLIES AGENTS, investigate; luO per cent profit; season now on; get busy. Chicken Life raver k o.. S'iti Timing nt. STEKEOTYPE matrices make th but and cheapest lining for ooultr houses. They are 17x13 Inches, si rouse r and more durable than tarred felt and practically rirvnroor l0o nunurei at Tha Bee otflce. Mixed grain. $l.6 h'dred Wagner. H N. Is. WANTED TO BUY pf.lGHTI.Y used piano. Web. JTH. OFFICE furniture bought and sold. J. C. Reed, V.1 Farnam. Dou. Ctl WANTED TO BUY. WANTED TO BUY OR Lv'ArK for storsge purposes, 1 or lt smsli Rraln elevstors. lorsted wltiiln 7i mlie of Omaha Addreaa P 3I4. !ee. WANTED To bte- a Ford runabout. Prle and condition must be right. Address. The Re Office Soii'h Omsha. WANT small safe. .V.2 Bee Bldg. WANTED Good fecund-hand bowling alley; would prefer automatic pin setter Willi alley. William Spelts. David City. Neb. WANT to buy 4 lares hard coal stoves; must be In best condition. Mr. Parnum at Johnson Danforth. 15IS No. 16th. WANTKD TO KKNT. WANTED TO KENT Five or six-room house or bungalow in Dundep, West Farnam or lianscom park district; family of two. State terms and loca tion. Address A 41J, lice. WANTED By two Omaha teachera. two well furnished housekeeping rooms In deslrshle location, near car line.' Address Box K. Deer Trail, Colo. LIVK BTOCK MARKET OF WEST biHP live stock to Soutn Omaha. Save miles and shrinkage. Your consign n cuts receive prompt and careful atten tion. Lie aioelt CoaaaulaBloa Merchants, MARTIN BROS. CO.. Exchange Bldg. SWAPPERS' CXLCMN STENOGRAPHER - IIKKE IS YOLK chance. I have a new stenotype which I must dispose of Immediately. Address S C 1-8. Bee. A UUV'S GOLD I,OCKET CHAIN, almost new; cost $10; will sell cheap for cash, or what have you to offer? Ad dress S C 1275, Bee. A Dl'E BILL FOR S0, GOOD AS CASH first payment on any piano. Will sell at a liberal discount, or what have you to offer? Address S C 1276. Bee. HAVE VIOLIN, ABOUT 50 YEARS OLD, Strnd model, big, strong tone; fine for orchestra; will trade for good typewriter, or what have you? Acdress 8. C. 136a, Bee. m WORTH OF STORE FIXTURES, showcases, scales, delivery wagon and 'horse for exchange for automobile. Might pay some difference if car good enough. S. C. 132i. I HAVE SIX-HOLE COAL RANGE with reservoir and hot water front, also conbustlon blcyclo for exchange. What have you. Adores 8. C. 1324. 11,300 RUNABOUT, TWO PASSENGER; run about 7 miles, for equity In house tnd lot. Addresw 8. C. 129H, Bee. TWO-PASSENGER ROADSTER. 30 horse power, run only short time, In fine common, will swap for equity In house and lot Address S. C. 1299. Bee. TWO TOURING CARS, ONE COST 11,200, the other 11,650, will swap for equity In desirable house and lot. Address S. C. 1297, Bee. NEW NO. 8 STEEL IIOPPE WITH flat cover, 4 feet diameter, 2 feet shell by 2 feet hopper. Andrews S. C. lll,Bee. MUSICIANS! HERJCTS A BEAUTIFUL 'cello; rich, mellow tone and in perfect condition. First reasonable offer will be accepted. What will you give? Addresa S. C. 1300, Bee. I HAVE A BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN horn on 6 acre of ground, b block to street car, schools, churches and stores, valued st $6,0(10, that I will trade for a 40 or 80-acre farm. Address 8. C. 1274. Be. . WILL SWAP ONE-TON LIGHT TRUCK. new; overhauled. Address, S. C. 1198, Bee. CHILD'S BRASS CRIB. BABY CAR- rlage and high chair, rash, or what hav you? Address S. C. 1273, care Bee. WILL BUY SOME GOOD SECOND- hand office furniture; must be cheap for cash. Address S. C, 1340, Bee. HAVE A TOLEDO -LrJ. CANDY K ALa, nearly new. will exenange for anything that ran be used In a restaurant, or roll top desk. Address B. C. 1288. Bee. HAVE SOME FURNACES IN GOOD condition, also gaa itnve and few radia tors, what have you? Address S, C. 1306, Bee. ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS IN STOCK of good company, I what I wish to trade for auto of equal value, no Junk. Address S. C. 1306, Bee. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR your new nouse or bungalow can be ob tained without paying a large architect' fee. If you have anything of equal value will exchange. Addrea w C. 1, Bee. TEN ACRES, WITH WATER RIGHT, In Lake Co.. Ore., to trade for good piano or auto. 431 J St.. Aurora. Neb. TWO MASON TRUCKS IN GOOD CON. dltlon. What hav you for them? Ad dress. S. C. 1303, Bee. FURNITURE FOR A 46-ROOM HOTEL near Omaha. Si.tiov. Low rate rent on the building. What hav you 'to offer? Address S. C. 12M. care Be. I HAVE NATIONAL 40-HORSE POWER 1912 model, perfect condition, fine look ing' car, fully equipped 6-pauenger, Just the car for long trips or rental service or any ue. Will give fair deal. Want clear lots or cottuare. or - grocery, or cheap land, clear, or diamond. Address S. C. law, care tiee. - LET ME FURNISH ESTIMATE TO point your house, first class work and I can aav your 33V per cent. Might take some trad in on work. Addrea 8. C 122, Bee. - kUSIC FOR PLATER PIANOS. HAVE a choice library consisting of 216 roll latest popular and, claastcttl music for 8&-note player pianos. This muslo la almost new none ot lt soiled or ragged, and a goodly portion of lt "hand-played." Ccst new about $2M. What am 1 offered for the lot will trade for anything of equal value I can use. S. C. 12M. Bee. HAVE A NEARLY NEW NATIONAL cash register, coat $6j0. will swap for anything of like value In restaurant or What nave you: auuitw n. ioi, dm. SHETLAND PONY AND OUTFIT FOR trade or sale. Phone 21661 Council Bluff. Ia. ' WILL TRADE A CLOSE-IN LOT ON So. 20th St. for good automobile. Ad dress S C 1318. Bee. CARPENTER WORK. YES, I WILL do your carpenter work and take any thing of value In exchange. Addrea 8. C. 1134. Be. FOR TRADE A FINE SET OF SWISS watch works, lo Jewel, 12 Uie. The very best of work; make m an offer. Addresa S. C. 1329, Bee. HAVE DANDY PIANO. WILL Ex change for diamond or lumber. Addrea P. C. i:i. Bee. '1 HADE SMITH BARNES CABINET grand piano, beautiful mahogany case, high grade, good a new. for automobile, or what have you worth $Jo0? Address S C 1311. Bee WILL EXCHANGE MY AUTOMOBILE. In first-class condition, for a good baby grand piano, mahogany finish. Ad ores 4 V !" ee- H AVE 46 H. P., S-PASS. RAMBLER, fin condition: want lighter cr; will trade for Ford and small amount of cash. Address 8 C Be. WILL EXCHANGE ELEGANT PIANO for one and a half ton truck or auto mobile; no "Ford" considered. W 111 also take lumber or lot. 8 C 1310. Be- HAVE 8-HOLE CAST IRON RANGE, IN first-class condition, with hot water at tachment, too large for my us. What hav youT n. i . iou. A $4,000 BOOK. At- ut iv I ; nim jnAi't, (or a good automomie, aiamonas or Ing paid for oa the Installment plan. We hold note fog all account, some drawing interest. AdJrea S. C. 1317, Bee. LEAVING CITY. MY NEW PLAYER piano at a great sacrifice, with rolls; terms to pies. Addres B. C. 1316. Bee. $1 JEWEL. SWISS MOVEMENT, JEW. els Inlaid in ruble; perfect time keeper. Will trad fur dlamand. Addresa 9 .0. 1314. FIRST CLASS 4 H. p! NATIONAL auto fully equipped ; a good looker; new tire; this car Is a dandy, Just th car for long trips or rental service; will sell cheap for cash or might tak lot or small auto. Address 8. C. 13U, Lee. LIVE WIRE BUSINESS MEN of Omaha A. B. C. of Omaha A Diamond give you that prosperour look; best of quality, lowest prices; take elevator and av money. West ern Watch A Jewelry Co., 217 Karbach. rORPETT, the man that cleans every thing. Get vour fall clothes ready , now. Promt't service, low prices. "Were Johnny on the spot." Call and ; delivery free. lin Hsrney. Douslas 4:i j T OR suctloncerlng of all kinds of I 1 Jewelry and general merchandise, write H. A. Roth. 1311 Douglas St. I 'oug. N.o Twenty years experience. MELUA Boiler Compound Co.. a boiler compound for sick hollers, dis solves bollrr scale, not boiler Iron. Melba does not nit fluoa nnlv removes I old scale, adds efficiency and economy to your poller plant. Cell or write for esti mate. 302 Omsha Nat. Bank. D. 3157, aftfr g p. m,, and on Sundays D. RIW. N EW and second-hand electric fans , and motor. LeBron Electric Works, aiw r. i-th, Douglas 2176. OMAHA PILLOW CO.. 1721 Cuming Doug. 2467. Renovates feathers and mattresses of all kinds, makes feather mattresses. Call or wriie for price. (lANO tuning. R. Brsndon, 1 years at Hayden'. Recommended by beat musicians. W. 4132. 461 N. 2th Ave. ' CHOOL dresses and day work; ex- perlenced, flrst-claa. Call 131 No. 20th. T.vlr 1914. VACUUM cleaners, $5 9fi, $6 OS, $7.S9. a few day only. Guard your health. Sanitary service Co., 305 Bee Bldg. WE rent, repair, sell needles and parts for alf sewing machines. NE BRA8KA CYCLE CO., "Mlck " . 16th and Harney. Douglas 1662. Aecnanfanis. 1IHJLLK D- THOMAS A COMPANY. 1237-38 city Nt. Bank Bldg. Tyler IS10. Adding; Machine. Dafton Adding Machine 411 IS n lilt Adder Mch Co. (Wales W. O. W. D. 63. B. Aato and Macneto Repairing. Marneto repair work a specialty. D. 2418. Auctioneers. ' Dowd Auction Co.. 11a W. O. W. Red 32X5. Architects, Clnrence W. Wlglngton. 53 S. I.Tth. D. 427. Everett S. Dodds. 12 Paxton. D. 2981. Attractions. " OMAHA film ., 14th and Doug. Motion M.n. nine ana rum bargain. Barbers, 13 Chairs, 10o ghsve. neck shave. BUT Far. n i . ... ' , Bine Printing H??Ti i"" P""'"1'"-. "nder new w-.,. ,,,,t,. g,,t umana mat. Hk. D. 3157. Brass Fonndrlea Paxton-Mltchell Co . 27th and Martha Sts. Bnlldinar and Henilrlsr. E. FRANTA, til Paxton Blk. Doug. 2157. California IAind. w- T. Smith Co.. 11U City Nat. Bk. t. M1 Card Sign Office door let' g. Mynster. Pax. Bk. D. 21B7. Caterer. MBS. F. A. WOOD, 3401 Parker. W. 879B. Chi ronrar tors. J. C. Tawrence. p. C. 2323 Howard. D. S4R1. L. Geddl. D. C- 228 Bee Bldg. Doug. 4203. W. E. Purvlance. D. C. 409 Pax. Blk. D.484J L. C. HAYES, D. C 560 Bee Bldg. R. 3758? China Paint lag. Ruth Letchford. decorating, firing1. R H2. t ivll Engineers. f J. LACY. 618 BEE BLDG-. P. 4715. Cream Separators. Th Sharpie Separator Co., 12th ft Farn. Dancing Instruction. Last mo. summer rates. Mackle'a, P.R448. Turpln's Dancing Academy. ith & Farn. Dentlat. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 153 Farnam.' Dr. Todd's alveolar dentistry, 403 Brandels. Bailey, the Dentist, 7015 City Nat l Bank Taft Dental Rooms, 1MT Dougla. D. 218ft. Deteetlres. JAMES ALLAN, 312 Nerilte Blk. Evi dene secured In sll es. Tyler 1138. Dressmaking. Terry Dressmak'g college, ?0th A Farnam. Experience of all kinds, day work, reason- . K '. . . . . . OTOE n. iooi: SUMMER dresses a specialty. Web. 8070. MISS STURDY, 2418 Cass St. Doug. 7314. Sewing any kind reasonable. Doug.-S?i;i. SWAPPERS' COLTJMH PHONOGRAPH AND - 40 RECORDS, Edison make, g6od order; trad for a diamond ring worth $66. Address S. C. 1 321. Bee. WILL SELL MY PIANO. A WELLING ton, to responsible people on payments at a bargain prlre, as .we are leaving city; piano almost new. Address St C. 1316, Bee. LARGE SIZED EDISON PHONOGRAPH to trade for a base burner stove. Ad dress . C. 1271. Bee. ' FOUR COLONIES YELLOW ITALIAN Bees and complete outfit, including suf ficient extra fixture and supplier for next season; all bright and new. Will sell cheap or trade for anything of equal value I can use. 8. C. 1294. Bee. WILL TRADE CLEAR TRACKAGE property, lwrxloO, and cash for modern T or 8-room house located west or In Dun dee; $6.0u0 to $6,000. Address S C. 1337, Bee. WILL TRADE FIRST-CLASS HIGH grade car for a good Dundee lot. Would assume any difference. Address 8 C 1309, Bee. HAVE A L&00-LB. DELIVERY TRUCK. in fine condition, cheap for cash. S. C. 1343. Bee. ; ONE 2VfX3V NEW ANSCO KODAK. ONE good mandolin. What have you in the musical line to swap? One L. C. Smith No. 12 hainmerlesa, one pair No. 8 waders, new; one, else 42, shell coat; one punch ing bag, ring. Address 8. C. 1328, Bee. REAL ESTATE CONTRACTS BRING ing high rates of Interest and large monthly payments, for land In Virginia or Missouri; want a section or around that; my paper i gilt-edged. Addresa 8. a l:K8, Bee. 17-JEWEL ADJUSTED GOLD WATCH, keeps perfect time, worth $20; will ex change for good automatic shotgun or automatic revolver, or what hav you In exchange. Address 8. C. 1328. Bee. PIANO FOR LOT OR ACREAGE OR . farm land In Missouri or Virginia; WILL PAY DIFFERENCE: would Ilk about 160 acre or more. Address S. C. 13-7. Bee. FOR RENT Apartments and Flats. GOOD location for doctor; (-room modem flat on 1st floor: transfer point W. &;oi. THE KNICKER BOCKER OMAHA'S FINEST APT. HOUSE ONLY ONE WITH HEATED GARAGES and 7-room apta. of extra large rooms. Marble and tile entrances. Large ver auda. Reception ball with coat clostts. Sunrooms, maids' rooms with complete bath room. Faince tile fireplaces cor nice ceilings: osk, mahogany and a hit enamel finish; mirror doors; tlled-ln bath tubs: pedestal lavatories; elesant light ing fixtures. Big closets; whit enamel refrigerator; double oveiv- gaa stove; beautiful lawn; low rentals compared with others Full information from Ed. Johnston. Phone H. 7165 or at residence next door to ape or from Payne ft Slater Co. Phone D. Ml. o. THE ROLAND. 18th and Yates Sts. 3 and k-rtn. apartments, reasonable rent. Mniflcrnt lawn, tennla'court and many Olber attractive feature. PAYNE A SLATER COM PANT, Omaha Rental Mea, , $18 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Drears. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on $10 ord?rs; catalocuvs free Sherman as McConnell Drue; Co . Omaha. Neb. Electric Snpplles. LEBRON ElfC. Wk., .118 S. 12th. P. 7. P.verythlnK for Women. Flumes made over, cleaned, dyed, curled. Bertha Kruger. 429 Paxton Blk. D. K Woman's Exchange, 4.V2 Fax. Blk. R. 4911. HEMSTITCHING Ideal Button and Pleating Co., 107 S. Kth. Conerete Knajlneer. Gagnebln-Wells Co. 420 State bank. D. r. Farrier. BEN FEN8TER, 1410 N. 24th St. W. T77T. Florlet. L. HENDERSON, lol Farnam. D. 124S. M ember Florist Telegraph Del. Ass'n. Hlr:SSA-SWqBODA. 1415 Fsrnam St. A. DONAHUE, 1622 Harney. Doug. 100L BATH'S florist. 1W4 Farnam St. l.l-e Stm-k Remedies. OMAHA Remedy Co.. 9)7 S. 13th. Rod 4253. imir Dressing;. Harper Method. R. , Balrd P'.dg T. 3S1L Llghtln;, Flitnres nnd Wiring. - TIimiAS DURKIN Electrlo fixtures and supplies, contract Ing and repair work done reasonable. 2419 CUMING. DOUGLAS 2S19. M. Miss Jacobs. Mass., Rath, Elec. Trt P. TH. Rlttenhouse Co., 214 Balrd Bldg.. 17 & D. ANNA MARKS S8! 1802 Farnam St.. Apt. R. 3d floor. D. 86SL Manicuring. Kathleen Mack. Doug. 7S83. Miss Rex, Mass . 224 Neville Blk. 10 to . Miss Fisher, mass., elect, treat' t Red 6036. Massage, Miss Gibson, R. 224. Neville Blk. MASSAGE. 109 S. Kth St. Mrs. Steele. Mr. Snyder, elec. trt. 1408 S. Sth. D. 438oT TVf A KAHV, Swedish movement. 418 JiVX3.tUXj B Bld)r Dousrla 7I. CLARA LEE, masnnge. Douglas 8751. Vr.VfrT?!!"' MASSAGE, BATH. Mis pchurch. 214 Balrd Bldg. Massage. M'ss Walton. R. 224. Neville Blk. Mec- and Transfer, - WHITE ,.i.VE, 309 So. lltn. Dourlss 331$. Millinery. SWITCHES from combings. $1.R0. Psycha free. Mrs. H. M. Eck, gooo Marcy. H. 6646. Iovlnn. Storage nnd Cleaning. W. C. FERRIN. 15th and Capitol. Ty. 1200. Ocn lists. Eves examined, glasses fitted, pay a you can. Drs. McCarthy. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. Patents. H. A. Sturg-es, 3d Brandels Theater Bldg. P. O. Bsrnoll, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. Patent Development. AMERICAN Machine Co.. 110 S. 11th St Printing. WATERS-BARNHART Ptf. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 24 8. 13th St. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. COREY & M'KENZIE PTG. CO. D. 2M4. ni&J'nAuu m vn , . -k -- ( CKS T RAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. 3754. ek Kiinmlsstar. ! B. B. B. Roach Powder at your druggist . . n.ln,lr Einertx. SAFE combination changed, opened, re paired. F.E. Davenport, 14u6 Ddge.DlS31 Electric Shoe Rep. Co.. 1807 St. Mary' AvL REASONABLE. Farnam Rep. Co. 813 S. 24. Steel 4 el lings. CARTER Sheet Metal Work. 110 S. 10th. Store and Office Fixture. DESKS, afe, scales, showcase, shelv ing, etc We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture snd Supply Co.. 414-16-18 a 12th. D. 3734. Towel Supplies. OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 S. 11th. P. 528. Trunks and suitcase. FRELINO ft BTEINLE, 180$ Farnam St Veterinarians. DR. G. R. YOU NO, 4603 Center. H. 6081 Window Screen. Om. Window Screen Co., 132$ Nlchola Bt Wine and Liquor. ALEX JETES, 201-3 S. 13th St Wine, liquor, cigar. Plate dinner 11 to 3, 10c GLOBE Llq. Houe, 422 N. 16, T qt. beer, $1, delivered. Write for price list. P. 4352. HENRT POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE, 15th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. Apartment and Flat. FOR PROFITABLE ROOMING HOtTSB 615 N. 20th; 10 rooms. Phone Douglas 2070. BEAUTIFUL o-rooin apartments, $36, 1415 So. 10th. For particular phone Dougla 4S70. PLEASANT 4 and 6-room apartments; walking distance. 404 No. 24th St Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves, packs, ships; S-horse van and 3 men, $1.25 per fir. ; storage 12 per mo. Satisfaction guar. D. 4338 ft Ty. 230. ALL kinds of flats. 1501 Vinton. Tyler 177L Rental Service Free Why worry where to find a house or apartment- wneii we nave usieu every vacant house and apartment In the city. 'Phone us for further Information. Doug las 4477, Fidelity Storage ft Van Co. $28 6-rm. mod, flat. SXTT Cuming. W. i86. $151204 N. 24TH ST. CAN'T BE BEAT. 8 rooms, bath. A. Msrowits. Doug. 2070. 6-ROOM brick flat. 1811 Leavenworth. Gordon Van Co.t Storaite. :19 N. llth St Phone D. $94 or H. (911 OGDEN ANNEX looms, wltn kitchen tie Council Bluffs MODERN 6-room flat Fieia club district, 33d and Mason: $26. Harney 136. STRICTLY modern, up-to-date St. Louta flat. 6 rooms; close in. Call Red 3038. DESIRABLE APARTMENT $ rooms and bath in California apartment. See Janitor. D. 6237 REMEMBER DOUGLAS 6790. For strictly first-class. close-In apart ments. The Helen. . . . T". 1 T . I' .-.I)l..X,TlV ItJCI 1 1 - cj. AlArvlL'n runtncD.., .tot . i i ut- y c?i. Board ss Blooms. REEDHURST sTtTS: SOUTH Jd. ilO, up-to-date rooms aud ex cellent meala. Call Doug. 81w). YOUNG working men, private family. In walking distance; full particular first letter. D 41u, Bee. Furnished Mouses. 6 ROOMS of a "-room house, 2049 N. 13th St. Tel. Web. 1411. Furnished ilousekeeplaar Roasas. CLOSE In. mod , reasonable, 220S Farnam. Famished Kooma. Flv room at 2826 Case St.: only $10 00. 1 2068 HARRIS. furnlBhfd rooma. elec. lights, steam neat, aieeptng porch. H. 7337. 607 N. 22d. Elegantly furnished, strictly modern, home-like. Reasonable walking dttusnce. . SUITABLE for 3 or 4, modern, cool pri vate homo. Inquire 2017 Douglas. 5-ROOM furnlhhed house Iroin July 1 to September 1. H. 617 u, STRICTLY modern well furnished cool. airy room, private residence. 223 Doug las St NICELY furnished southeast rooms; young men or business women preferred. 1136 S. 31st St. Phone Harney 3413. SOUTH M, 615, two rooms adjoining, running water, walking distance. D. sn3. FRONT parlor on first floor, single room on second floor, both suitable for 8 gen tlemen; modern, cool: board. Web. stfTfll Room in private family, 1 or 3 gentlemen or man ft wife; board it desired. D. soil.