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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1914)
THE BEE: OMAnA, AUGUOT IDj WANT ADS Want ad received at any tlm but to tnpr proper classification m t be pre sented before H o'clock two for evening edition and 7 M p. m. for morning and Sunday edition Want ad received after uch hours will be under tha heading Too Let to ClmalfT" CASH RATF.3. Or. tlma, 11 wn a Una. Three timee within ona week, emt ft lira each Insertion. Seven consecutive time " cent a lift each Insertion. CHAROB RATTJt , Thro times within on wk, 10 cent ft Iln each Insertion. , Peven consecutive Umn, I cants ft Hres rh Insertion. Count all averags word to ft Una. Minimum charge. 10 MnU. Too ran place your want ft In Tha Baa by telephone TELEFHONB TTtCT 1(X Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column" Hundred of other answers hare ren called or and delivered during tha last week. It t reaaonahle to uppo that It of tha people below have mad tha tiealred swap therefore, do not call for tha balance of their anwer Be Want Ada aura cat reaulta. C. I S C. 8 C. C. M e4l ft H'" 4 i ts m tut 94 94 1U4 M? 994 1121 tl 4 if 113 '. rf lif'i i a tii t 4 l-.Ol H7 4 977 1 1178 ? n i n" ft 10' list 9t l 1 HM 94 st li H ! UM U ta c. 124 12" 1S 1211 12! 12: 123 K5 r. 123T 120 i?-a litj BC. 1?M I.? 1268 i; 124 11M7 1'4 1270 un 1278 124 1M 160 ca&o or THAFIKI. WB fleg-'r th"t roaoy friendg ftnd kind aelghbor for U aympathy ahown ua aj4 tha beautiful fkorai tribute aent during our iata bereaeeroant. Mra. F. J. tlia ft Chfldren. DEATHS AJD rCNKIUL KOTICBi V. HIT?B-r.y, aged U fr Wf 14. iiii. dughtar of Mr. 4 r- ihrla 0. Whit. , runarai at family realdanoa, tilt Grant etreet, Monday, I p. in. InUrmant, hor aat Law oeroetary. Friend invited. MARRIAOB LICKKiES. John P. Prleatly. Omaha. Julia Diet. South Omaha JVed Etman. Omahft over a Lillian W. Wood. Omaha. evar It Lloyd I. Bcudder, South Omaha..... Celesta, L. Bartlett. Omaha Roy a Howard. Jeffereon, la, Mary C. Jennlng. Oage, Okl... " CaH C. Nyird. Hamall, 8. D Beima Elenor Rude. Omaha Oacax fipohrer, Enid. Okl Ines H. Taylor. Omaha M Bl'ILDIStO PERMITS. Mrs. Mlnnl Hmlth. 4.H17 ParaHxra, frame, tltuu; lliatt-Falrfleld Co., btone avenue, frame, ii.; Jnmf Walter, 1UI . 84 BriKKs, apartment.tiJ0. IODAT'8 CXJMPLETB MOVIE PIlOGIlAAl Exclusively m lb iits) CAMERAPHONE. M08 DOUGLAS John llanca, UenUeman, t-K. Vita. Defying tha Chief, Hal. in and Out, fc-as. "fcUTiTNO. 1 IH FARNAid. Lov th Clairvoyant, Vita. Th Indian Agent, -r. KaL in ana uui. . r Ah NAM TUtATilt. 1416 VAKNAki. Oubliette, l-r. Rlson. UlFi- THEATlun, liTli ANU HAKNEV. Pariia ef Paulina. No. B, S-r. aartal. And a i!-r. eomejy. PAHK THikATtH. 1 NO. UTti bl Two-reel ser.natlonal featura. Western drama, atoning oornmiy PAKLOK lUawATlult. 14u DOUGLAaV Clrd No. 17, -r. R. 1 rouuteeonie yem, running, wn. HUNCt-SiJ THKATbR, DOUULAJ9 On Rasged 8hora, Naator. iledge letweu. Has. lai tn the Mudlo, citerllnf Comedy. Aortau AUiAMBHA. UU NO. J4TK. 'I he inlruder, l-rael Majeaua been of 1111 Cruna, Komlo comedy. J tin of tha Justice. Beauty comedy dra. i'lAHuND. ftiitt LAsUil 81. vvbrs the Heart Calls. a-rei Imp. Jbioaen liarrier. i'rouliar. i.'necuv Dan Cupid. Nestor oomedy. UtANKLlN TUEATfcit, Wth r raakUn. The Weakling. J ro,.l. Kal. A Train of lucldeula. Vila. Mranrho billy Put Una Over. Eaa. HIPPODROMB. HTH AND CUMINO, Trmkela of Tragedy, two-reel Eeaauay. A Train of Incident. VttAgrapat. Lame Dog'a Treachery. Kaiem. IT THK AT h. It, lUth Jr'ocs'a MiUion. t-reel. and Locuat eta. Vita 1 he Tribunal ot Conscience. LUD, Kshla of Nsooieon and the Rum pa. K. nriTTTITFT iYat L K sJITNTjtTii &f. Mutual Girl, Rvlianc. 'J h Knockout, Keyston. 1Iuij Knot, American. lVAL, MTU ANUCALUWUU 1. enunciation, S-r. Kclalr. Pearl ot tha Sea, Powers, His t'Uy Klopeinent, Universal Ike, Jr. 6UBLKBAN. StTH JlTAU3YjiL A letter from liome. t-rol. taa. Hecond Mtht. Vlt. A Trtitor to Ills Country. Lub. AlRDOViB ANN KX, lTth 4k VINTON. A Latter from Home, k-reei Esaanay. 1- a.oe to Kc.ce, Kdiaon. drama, fmly a Dpm, Mue; t'om. A1-.L1 Tlik-A,. . UAVLNn'OllIU i.utiiaiaio Juno, t-ri VHagrtLjin. -A Ctiuoga of business, Kd.oiu Proncho fUy and the OainDler, gaesnay. COLL M hi A, liltt tUX iviH MsArst-bifiig. The Vampire's Trail, t-reel Kalem. How He Lost His Trousers. Iibln. fuliKT. tlT if AND VINTON. Ti e Million Dollar Mystery, t-r., series 4. The City, t reel K. li. 1 boss Happy Days. Keystone, FAVo:UTli THFATfcH, 1714 VINTON Bitwfli trie Pwttr, t-aaanay. A bul-auie De'cptoi, Z- r.i lelias. The iir.nlfr Motive. Vtikraph. FAV. AUUKiiii AJsNr;C 17 4k Vi.MuN r;f No. t of tba I-arUs of PauKna. t- a e-uiiH-uc Frvia Hunny, Vitsgraph eomedy. GKif lHEATKnT"li4kUtJ'l Hlj'TH bT. Arms and the Orlngo, t-reel. Mai. lull s Jub. Comedy. Muiual Oui. No, e. ilAN sCOJf THEA. T51 : CASTeELaR Ixad Man's Tl. t-reel Eclair. LYKIC IliLAItK, Wi7 VINTON Tlial'a Fair Fnough, Joker comedy. I:i --;i"d t.y M irtrae. t-r-l h!."n. I ; A .- r 1 M K.h lA N DI.fcA V F.N WORTH Unou. S-reeJ lies. Id (ji I! O Films. U AfimtiMiiOfi to. K.M..1A 1 1I KATJ- H. 12U bO UTH Tnhal War In f-'i. Sras. -rel Bison. A MulniKlit Ylmtor, luez. AiRfViME. FAK.NAM AND PARK. in nun v looming, s-r. ivai. T fe I 4.S, F-iia-:.!. , sie n1 tt.e Irird. Fas. VfiVP.i'K THKATFH. ,'i FARVAM T'-y o' li-ajis (Wmta V.!or), id aenal. .i.M' ..iriia. L in" u ountedy. I', 'i rf I i .'ill In Nl.irl(. I' I A-'C 1 Hi- ATI.:; U-i DAVJ.NlOhT I 1 . I Al row. - . m I ., ii. li t la.mvf Women. Power, i. lv.,ii.wM,i-. liiji-g Coin. TODAY'S fDMPLETB MOV1K nuxaiAM Exclusively la The lie RrMi, PENV THF.ATER, REMAIN ST. T7 Trejr o Hearts, Story No. 1, Flower o" the Unmo, t-r , do!! Heal. The rimn, Pterllng (Vmnlv, , leanrll fe.affa. ROPER THEATER. 4T7 fROADWAT. Through the Flsmea, f-r. Rex. What Happened to Hermits. Joker Com. at b Oaaaaa. BESSH THEATER. I4TH AND N 8TS. A Daughter of r,v. t-reel Luhln. The Fable of the Busy Rtislne Hoy. Ra. I"n't Monkey with the Huss Haw. Kalem. MAGIC THEATER. MTU AND O bT8. Honor of tha Humbla. t-rwet Victor. FYontler Romance. Frontier. Vaaiaaln.. ORPHEUM, MTH AND M, BO. OMAHA For the Honor of Old Glory or Star and Ktrtpe m Mexico. ANNOUNCEMENTS LUCKY wadding rings brodegaard ft. Wadding announrementa Ioug. Ptg. Coi HAZEL Utf Pile Cone. Best remedy for Itching, bleeding- or protruding nil; too postpaid: samples free, fibermaa 4k Meconium orug Co., Omaha. UKT a private booth in my grill room for noon iiinr.n. risTK A. H. lit B. I7tn bl GOOD FLOUR 1 Iba, II. Wagner. aVl rio. istn. Ptlllleal. kfT' NAM2 will appear ma tea republican primary ballot a candidate for renomi- natloa for Secretary of aUal at primary lection August It, 1814 Addison Wait. secretary of flat a. N, T, 8WANHON, ICX Cuming. lUpub- iioan oe.noiat Tor coroner. A r.rEUK. aaka Miuhllflaa raannilwa. t"n. ilhiNRT P. tLKZS, lOtf North )Sth b Repukacaa oandldati for hrlff. A N. TOST, republican candidate for tat renreeentatlva; pioneer and G.A.R. VOTE) for C. L. Nethaway. anti-corpora tion candidate state representative) dem- ooratic ticket. Flor. tit tor my platform. W. R. HOMAN, republican caadldaU rdglstar of deeds: to rears rwatdent and taxpayer Douglas county. EDWARD K1MUN for republican atat snator; author Mothera Pension law. JAM EH ALLAN, republican candidate for eneriu; your auppori earnestly aoitctteo. FRANK W. RANDLB. 41t2 Burt 8C. reslster of deeds and reDubllcan candl. data for re-election. Gi:C A. MAGNEV, county attorney and canai'iate for re-election on tha demo. cratlo t'rket. VINCENT C. HASCALL. 71 8. 30th St.. repunuran canainaie lor Jtntlce or peace TONY Cf)8TANZO, RKPUULICAN CAN- DIUATK r Uit oTATK Ll;.JiljLATUKHl VOTE for T. A. Holliater, republican prl- iiiwiy, cunumaie mr county attorney. Vd'l fc, I'UK J. K. McLane, superintendent Florence public schools. remitllcan can- dldat for superintendent public Instruc tion. VOTE for Harry Pearce, candidate for remster or ceeu on republican ticket. VCjT for C. L. Nethaway, anttrorpora tlr,a candidate atata rtirinliitlva am. ocratlo ticket. Tel. Flor. for my platform. )Tt: for C. H. lillyou, republican can- cinat ror jmuc or tha peace. HELP WANTED FKMALB Mantekeeitere aael IJotnesttoa. TUB servant Olrl Problem Solved. Tha be will run a Servant Olrl Wanted Ad FRE13 until you get tha dealrad reaulta. This appllea to residents of Omaha, South wmana ana council iJUUIa Hrlng ad to Tha He office or telephone Tyler 1U00. WANTfDA girl for general housework. Doug. 51. M6 So. tMh Ave. MAID with reference for general housework 1 no children. . Call Harnay S11. 924 Ho. Md Bt. WANTED at one a competent cook. Mr. r. J. upuiKa, mi jacgaon t. WANTED A girl for general housework, good place. Mrs. A. W. Friend. t3U Davenport Ht. H. WANTED Woman oook, chamborraaid. kltohn wnmAn I.iiriIm. a 1 1 wkl.m no children. Washington llotel, Wash ington, Kan. WANTED Experienced dining room girl iwnuej. ttooa salary, xvew raselton Hotel. William DresaaL crac. Mount Plea. ant, la. WANTED A girt for general house work, where aecond srlfl la kent. XU Woolworth Ave. Phone Harney ImX WANTED A good girt for general bousa- wors, reterences requirca. UM Wool won h Ave., Harney st. WANTED An experienced cook for an inrmuuon, i. an iiarneyi. SERVANT GIRL WANTKD. CAIX at HO 80. Kth Ave. Wa want a girl for light houao work, Ona who can go noma at night. ACOMPKTENT girl for general houae work. Ueorse Victor, K3t Marcy. Har ney 1H. WANTED A girl (or general housework. rtarney et. WANT ED-A good cook to go to Albloa. men. nasi or. wagea cau x l. imn, last Harney BX. WANTED A cuuipelei.t tuaU for aeuond work: refersnoe reaulred. AdoIv 'a 8. a ve. WANTED A young rlrl to help with house work; no washing and no cook ing. H. 6lTt. WANTED Girl for general housework. l.lii bo, t he H. 1M& AN experleuued girl wanted for general hounework; n washing, toOt Krua Ava P. Wil WANTED A maid, for generai house- work t all h H.v, rt. WANTED A g'll to al-t with general housework. ii Chicago at. Harney Jut. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; no children; no waahlna-. Mrs. N. P. Fell, hi a Kth 8c Clerical and UtllM. WANTED EXPERIENCED 8TENOO-RAPHt-K, HALAHY put OR (iS. DE PKNDlNtt ON EXPERIFNOK. APPLY A t uim r, iitiu KA-r'lirXlt.NClS. ADPRR.S, 8 tA UKE. Fanerr and 1ra4m. APPRlEN'flCIS girl. Oppanhalm Parlor. M lacartla aiireina. WOMEN wanted for govarament clerk ahlue: t'i month: Omaha axamlnationa soon; speuimea questions free. FraukUa Inautui. i Jan. aus-u, Kocrieetar, N. T. TOTNtl women coming to Omaha aa stranger arw invited to visit the Young otoeu s v nrisiian aaaociaiion Building at bt. Mary Ave. and 1th BC. where they will be directed to suitable boarding Places or oinerwiea assisted. Cook tut our traveler' guide at Ciiton Station. HKIJP WANTED MA US Saaala. SalMaiaa avmal lnllllMi, SALESMEN with ability to drilyar the Coinnilaaloua. big new Iln Adwerttatn4 ryviamw. iwu aria ouieiae tjernioriwe. Council Itiufla, Monday, tor. appoint- tXCUXHNT oppvMrtJnily for live man. good salary, burroughs Adding Maclilne Co. T aaleanien for Nebraska; prefer ex perUiuied pat-ruan at one. Answer Y IMi. H-f W A NTt:l Reliable Pt' 8u.lus Manager for hikh krade .'oat reducing spewaj machine; every store your e stumer; at-triLt-iive com nlaai n. Addrea Thu buck. ley fepecjialiy 4k Ma. bin Company, 1.1 ma. ti. WAN'I J Three neat appearing young man, between the agea of and )4 years, to travel with niaDajer and take orders. big money fur the rthi men. Cull between T and t p. in. J. B. Trainer, if J tK. Mary's Ave. ITerfua) and Office. ir yon are looking for a high-grade pdsi liun e the CO- 'rt luiTlVE Ktr ERtycs CO. iJi City .sax HELP WANTEDMALE tactery aael 1 raeiee. WANTED, MEN TO I .EARN THIS BAR MKll TRADE. Another rush for bsr bers. Our course f.rpsre you for high est salary. Bret trade In existence today. Good money. Light work. Easy to l-srn. Huey season now. Few weeks complete. Invealigsti. MOI.EIt BARUEIl COL I.KiE, 11 H. 14th Ft. E.X I'KKIENCKD flour mill handa, to take tha place of men on alrlke; one miller, two packers and four laborers Good wares, fre noerd and transpnriallon. Apply room I, Midland hotel, Kth and Chicago. WANTED First class butter maker. I. Muccl. Sit Weet Broadway, Council Pluffa, la. Hurry! Hurry! Get a full knowledge of I be AUTOMO BILE BUSINESS, such as only we are eoulpped to give you. The auto season ta open and the demand la great for auob men aa wa turn out NATIONAL AUTO TRAINING A6SN, WI4 N. 20th Pt, Omaha. Neb. M FN to learn the barber trade; tuition, t2&; art of tools given; wagea paid. Trl Clty College, 12th and Iotigla Ptm Drug store snaps; Jobs. Knelat. Bee Bldg. Mtaeellaaeataa. WANTED NEAT YOUNG MAN TO DELIVER AND SOLICIT. MUST BE A HUST LER AND KNOW THE CITY WELL. GOOD SALARY AND COMMISSION TO RIGHT PARTY, CALL 8:30 TUES DAY MORNING. CORBETT CLEANING CO. 1503 HARNEY ST. PAXTON Blk., Lettering SchooL Km, tlL WANTED Names of men, It to 46, wish ing io n unint man carriers, tw month to beain. Y 1A4. He. GOVEKNMF.NT position are good. Prw para for "Exam" under former govern ment examiner, booklet 8-li free. IHUtesa, soa Civil fcervic School, Rochester, N. T. o MEN with patentable idea writ Ran dolph 4k Co Waahina-ton. D. C. Sanitary Hatha. Idc; shave. 10c. KM N. 16tk. THE NEBRASKA AUT0M0 BILE SCHOOL . has turned out more successful graduates than any school In thla country. "There's 7, reason." Writ today tor our catalogue C), 1417 Dodge. Omaha, Neb. WANTED Men to take moving picture features on tha road: small capital re quired. Owl Theater Exchange, Patterson uiock, room a, HELP WANTED HALK AND KKMALE. 16.0UO GOVERNMENT Jobs open to men al TA aanenan tUr. I Vk mAn TT.' .1 for l&st Franklin InsLUutv Ucp't X21-0, nuvneiier, jv, ( , WANTED SIT UATION9 GOOD position by man, H; neat appear ance, good hablta. Can furnish refer ence, speak German and American. Ad dreas C Hee. WHITE woman wanta day work. D. Wl COLORED woman wanta day work or small bundles to bring home. Tyler tettl W. NICE, big colored girl for nurse. D. Mt. POSITION, ftrat-olaas shoe salesman. years experience, Al referenue. Call rear : eb. 76M. we WIDOW wanta plain wlnr" or bundle washing. Pn 14W. OPTOMETRIST Optician, flrst-claaa re fractlonlst with buaineas ability to manage an office; age S, reliable and pleasing personality. I no bad habits, will start reasonable. Good reference. Ad dress Y 1M. Bee. FIR8T-C LASS laundress wants day work. W. 47 WANTED The car of ft good rooming house. Am an experienced housekeeper. Can furnish unquestionable reference. K 4ut. Be. BUNDLE washing, ironing. K. &. ATTRACTIONS. CONCESSIONS and atreet attractions for Hartley carnival, Sept. t-4-. Addreaa, Lock o lin. Hartley, I. AUTO.MOSrLES FOR a high grade car at a right price ' aee Howes, tilt Famam. Greenoukh. Omaha Red. Rep. Co. M Far. CUT PRICK pneumatla tires. X'.i 8o. tOth. tluA forfeit for any magneto we can't re palr. Coll repar'g. O. liaysdorfer, H10 N. It FOR BALE IBIS 6-passenger Ford, lrea and machinery In beat of condition. im No. lth 8t. ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS In stock to Trado tor auto, equal value. I'ouK. ana. tndusti lsl tlarane Co , iuth 4k Harney frta. TWO Union trucks In iou shape, for aitle or trade. Douglas 1.130. Motorcycles. HARLET-DAV1DBON MOTORCYCLED bargains In used machines. Victor Roos, '"Ik Motorcycle Men." r7u I-eavn worth. Pope Motor Co., 72 Leavenworth. R. I6. 114 INDIAN MOTOltCycLE now ready; barxatna In used machinea. OMAHA P1CYCLE CO.. Uth and Chicago. D. am Llndborg Uroa, Si Cum. (Flying Merkle). HUINbS CUACKS C. J. CANAN. Real Petal a ad Exchange CONFECTIONERY and loo cream par lor, worth tl.OuO, will sell tor M it taken at onco. Fred Daugherty, Ne braska City. Neb. DRUG STORE la a good town for aale; will invoice about only drug store. Addren Y 141. Be. GENERAL biore Will ll (or cash. Clean stock of general merchandiaa, in voiclug Ib.lMO to KOu mot many fixture). Good live town In baline county: doing good business: good reason tor soiling and will aeli at a low figure if sold soon. Ad dress.. Y 1M, Be. GROCERY stor for sale, cheep rent; good reason for selling. Tyler ls HICilii-CLAbS business openings. Western Ref. Bond Assn. "MOnvNat Bk. bldg IK BUSINESS FOR YOURSELF. Speca Is now available la an axcauiionally good focaxloa for a bnainwas wkere only a small lavexlmeiat is needed. rronal Attention, and efftoieri servto will spell ft big suooees. WB WILL HELP YOU START. ' Adlresa J Bt, Be. . tNVESTMENT-fceveral good business men who hav a am all amount of capi tal, not working, to Join ua in eelabliah ing in Council Bluffs a branch of our business, which Is a profitable Invest ment. Full particulars furnished by ad creaalng Trnb Bee. Council bluffa JoHNi N. a-tTAXToeJ bLiTTtZtTiiA llteTAl KANT and bakery; llvftig rooms; a good buaines in a so.xl Iowa; aelllng a count age and poor health; tM) lo han dle; 41. ui in bii'.lding and loan, Addrvas, A. Iraon. Hispleton, Neb. ifin.Air.ivn nur, iaa or sell your theater, machine and supplies through Theater Kichansf. Co., 1 Farnam sic Douglas 1K.. WAN1E1 Aa Idea. Mil. cas think of a j roe simple thing to patent? Protect your ideas; they nay briug you waalta. writ tvt ' Needed Inttiiiinni" and "Ham to Gat Your patent and Vuur Money " Randolph Co., t'ataal Attoraaja VtaatUagteft. D. C Bl'RINESS CIIANCES TO Ol T In or o: of busineas, call ea OANOF.8TAD. 40s. Bee Wlda. D. Un. T WI.'ICKLY ril your bu.-inea or real estate, write Kerneberk Co., Omaha. Haemlag lleeaes rwr gale. It ROOMS, full of good roomer; furni ture practically new, a r re bargain Call 731 8. 1Mb. NINE modern roome for sale cheap, full of roomers and boarders. D. iW3. bOARDING IIOl'SK for sale, iras and furnlturs of lroom private boarding house In popular health resort, doing ex cellent buslneea. Must sell, nave other Interest. Addreas P. O. Box 332, Excel sior Springs, Mo. EDUCATIONAL The Von Sant School STENOGRAPHIC COURSE Rummer sessions, I ft. ra. to 1:45 p. m. lMh and Fat nam. Douglas t"-47. SUMMER SCHOOL NOW OPEN in Both the Day and Night Sessions. BOYLES COLLEGE. ENTER NOW. Business practice, hookkeeplr.g, penman ship, saleamanshlp, banking, stenography, stenotypy, typewriting, telegraphy ac counting, filing, private secretarial work and many other course ar open to yon her. You may work for board whilo at tending. Call, . write or telephone t r lateat catalogue. BOYLES COLLEGB. ttth and Harney Streets, Omaha Neb. FOR SALE at a discount a full unllm I ted scholarship la Boyle Business col leg, Omaha; good for either shorthand or buaineas courses. ( Apply at the of lie of Omaha Bee. MOSHER-LAMPMAN . COLLEGE SUMMER SCHOOL Beery day I an enrollment day. Un surpassed classes In all business and Eng. lish branches, shorthand, stenotypy, tel egraphy and typewriting. Students ad mitted at any tlm. Graduate guaran teed good positions. Places provided for young peopl to work for board. For new. free catalogue addren MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEOH 1815 Farnam Street. Omaha. Neb. " " i i i i. FOH BALK Kara Hare. AUCTION. At MOT Dewey Ave., Wednesday. August 19, at i p. m. seven rooms of high grade furniture, consisting of parlor furniture, mission dreanlng room set, consisting of table, buffet and chairs, brass beds, springs, mattresses, sanitary cot, t good runs, rocking chairs, ice box, dishes, cooking utensil of al! kinds, everything new and In good condition. DO WD 8ALE8 & AUCTION CO.. Auctioneers. New A 2d hand f urn It re, cash or terms, reasonable. Amer. Furn. Co., 606 N. lth. e'EVEKAL van loada of furniture and some planoa Omaha Van and Storage Co,, w r;o. Ith St MAHOGANY dining room suite and other furniture for sale; no second-hand deal er. Harney 2S16, Typewriter. TYPEWRITERS sold; rented, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange, 307 a 17th. RENT An Oliver typewriter, 3 months for 4. The Glivtr Typewriter Co. D. 11. All makes typewriter rented, sold, terma Butts Typewriter. 1805 Farnam. D. eu3L RENT Remingtons, M.marchs and 8mita Premiers ot their makera The Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas IM. Rental credited it you purchase, and only very newest and highest grade ma chines sent out Rates, three months for 16 for understroke machines or W per month for Istest model visible wi-ltera Sf ualcal lastrsaieath, SLIGHTLY used high g'rade piano. Dougisa 17. ' Mlscellawewa. FOR SALE at ft dlacount. 1 ft full, un limited scholarship In Boyles Business oollege, Omaha; good for either short hand or business coursa Apply at the office of The Omaha Bee. FOR BALE 181 J (-passenger Ford, tires and machinery in best of condition. 101 No. lth 8t OOM. BRICKS at 12. M per M.; also tOOM. feet of lumber at works, 11th and Jack son Sts. Buildings bought and wrecked. Treater-Kelly Wrecking Co. Web. iMC Clearance; leaa than cost; 121. Brand nw l-ln. Westlnghouse alternating oscltg. fans. 114.60. 04 Rector Bldg , Chi, ago. 111. t-hand men. Gross Wreck Co.. 21 Paul ANO. 1 BATH TUB, IV teet Trester Kelly Wrecking Co. W. 480. FOR BALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and aoceaaorlea; bar fixturea ot all kinds; easy paymenta The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co.. 447-40S 8. 10th St 114-INCH D second-hand pipe at to per toot: good for lencing purposes. Call Douglas 1474. WAGON umbrellas Wagner. Wil N. 16th. Cloalng out 10 good aewlng machines, by dressmaker, to tl&. W. 436?. 2U N. 16th. LIVE STOCK FUR SALE. Horses aa4 Vehicles. LARGEST stock ot delivery wagons la the city; all kinds of blacksmith work, painting and lettering. Johnson-Danfortb Co.. new location, 15J-4U-M N. 16th St FOR 8 ALE Elegant .horse with buggy and harness. Apply Dr. C. Rosewaler, tn Bee Bid . Omaha WAGON umbrella. Wagner. 101 N 16th. Mixed grain tl.W h'dred. Wagner. 661 N. 16 LOST AND FOUND OMAHA & COCNCiL BLUFFS BTREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persona having lost some article would do well to call up the office ot the Omaha 4k Council Bluffa Street Railway company to ascertain whether .they left it in the Street care. Many articles each day are turned In and the company Is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug Iss 4. LOST Black suit case, containing fish ing tackle: left on bench. Ktn, and Cnr. llara.v 17' LOST Hansewru park, gold necklace with bangle: initial L on ene aide, l&l on other. Keward. so. lis. LOST A small black purse, containing about tK, on Dundee car or lHh and Far nam. at t o'clock Thuraday. H. )1. Re ward. MEDICAL. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. K Tarry euro plloa, fistula and ether rectal diseases without eurglcal operarioa. Cure guaranteed and ne money paid until cured. Write for book en rectal diseaaea with teari.noalala, DM. E. It TAM HY. U Bee Bldg. DRUSE HOSPITAL A hospital opened to meet the needs of gay ease; strictly moeVern building, alt convenience; all euUld rooms. Ink tot. and Dewey eve. TL Harney T3SS. MONEY TO LOAN NEED MONEY T ua' Quick rrto. Halt usual rate. RELIABLE CHED1T CO.. tot Paxtoa Block- Douglas 14U. PERSONAL UU creajn, confectionery, lunch; beat town in Missouri, county seat; fine buai neas; sell al Invoice; a bargain. Dot Cat. Grant City. Mo. MEAT market, slaughter- nouse end all fixture for sale, in good town, no competliiin. A good investment Keaaoa for selling floor health. Address, Urover H Hann-n, t'plard. Neb. RIoTAl'KANT lSiix k. fixtures and build. lug or stoi k and fixtures of on! y rests u raat and ronfeciionerv In town of fcuu. A nap If taken at once. Muat have cash. Good reasona fur aeaing. Addraaa, Y Its, rEIlSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, mat f si nee We collect W'a distribute. Phone I'oiirIs 413S nd our wagon wilt cull, t all and Inapect our new home. 1110-Uln-1114 Dodife 8t YOUNG women coming to Omaha a strankers are Invited to visit the Young Women's ChrlKtian association building at 17th Ft and St. Mary a Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Union station. rOlLTKV AND HLTPLIES AGENTS. Inveatlgate; 100 per cent profit; eeason now on; get busy. Chicken Life Saver Co.. 2fgl Cuming St. STEREOTYPE mstrk-es make the best and cheapest lining for poultry housea They are 17x23 Inches, stronger and mora durable thsn tarred felt and practically fireproof, 75c a hundred at The Bee office. Mixed grain, tL50 b'fared. Wagner, tol N. 1 WANTED TO BUY. WANTED TO BUY OR LEASE for storage purpose, i or t (mail grain levators, located wltnln 76 miles of Omaha. Addrea P 434. Bee. WANTED To buy a Ford runabout Price and condition must be right Address. The Bee Office, South Omaha. WANT small safe. 3M Bee Bldg. WANTED Good second-hand bowling alley; would prefer automatic pin setter with alley. William Spelts, David City, Neb. SLIGHTLY used piano. Web. STS. OFFICE furniture bought and sold. C. Reed. 12CT Farnam. Doug. (144. WANT to buy 4 large hard coal atovee; muat be In beat condition. Tfr. Barn urn st Johnson Danforth. 163 No. 16th. MVS BTOCPa MARKET OF WEST feUilP live stock to Soutn Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign rents receive prompt and careful atten tion. LI fttewk CssaauleeloB Ueswkaala. MARTIN BROS. 4k CO.. Exchange Bldg. SWAPPERS' COLUMN STENOGRAPHER HERE IS YOUR chance. I have a new stenotyp which I must dlsDoa of Immediately. Address S C 127t. Bee. A LADY'S GOLD LOCKET CHAIN, almost new; cost 910; will sell cheap for cash, or what have you to offer? Ad- area n u ii, a, uee. A DUE BILL FOR IftO, GOOD A8 CASH first payment on any piano. Will sell at a liberal discount or what have you loorierr Adores s c 12;. bee. HAVE VIOLIN. ABOUT 60 YEARS OLD, btrad model big, strong tone; fine for orchestra; will trade for good typewriter, or what have you 7 Andreas 8. C. 1362, Bee. HAVE GOOD GROCERY rJTORE IN good location, low rent good reason for disposing of It Address 8. C. 1273, Bee. t&Ot) WORTH OF STORE FIXTURES, showcases, scale, delivery wagon anM horse for exchange for automobile. Might pay some difference If car good enough. Acdres 8. C. 1&6. I HAVE SIX-HOLE COAL - RANGE ttllh ...I w a ... I ,. conbustion bicyclo for exchange. What nave you. AQiiresa e, c. 1,300 RUNABOUT, TWO PASSENGER; run about iuo miles, for equity iu house tnd lot Addren 8. C. 1233, Bee. TWO-PASSENGER ROADSTER, 80 horis power, run only short time. In fine concltlon, will swap -for equity In house and lot Address 8. C. 12!. Bee. TWO TOURING CARS, ONE COST tUA, the other $1,660, will swap for equity In desirable house and lot .Address U. C. 1297. Bee. NEW NO. 8 STEEL HOPPErt WITH flat cover, 4 feet diameter. I feet shell by t feot hopper. Address S. C. 1301, Beo. MUSICIANS! HERE IS A BEAUTIFUL 'cello; rich, mellow tone and In perleut condition. First reasonable offer will be accepted. What will you give? Address 8. C. 1300, Bee. I HAVE A BEAUTIFUL SUBURB A.N home on 4 acre of ground, 6 blocks to street car, schools, churches and stores, valued at 14,000, that I will trade for a 40 or 60-acre farm. Add res 8. C. 1274, Be. WILL SWAP ONE-TON LIGHT TRUCK; new; overhauled. Addreas, 8. C. 119H. Bee. CHILD'S BRASS CRIB, BABY CAR riage and high chair, cash, or what hav you? Addreas 8. C. 1273, care Bee. WILL BUY SOME GOOD SECOND hand office furniture; must be cheap for cash. Address 8. C, 1240, Bee. DIAMOND 8CREW EARRINGS! VALUE W, will swap for vlctrola. Address 8. C. 186, Bee. GIBSON HARP GUITAR, TWO MAN doling and Farland banjo cheap for cash. Will sell on maU payments. Ad drea B. C. 1286. care Bee. HAVE SEVERAL- GOOD CHICKENS, wire, poats and houses to swap for In terior decorating. Address 8. C, 1271, car Bee. HAVE A NICKEL PERCOLATOR WITH! alcohol burner- coat new $S.60; also a sino aah sifter worth 64. W Will swap for chlckena A dress 8. C. 12R3, bee. HAVE A NEARLY NEW NATIONAL cash register, coat t0, will swap for anything of like value In' restaurant or what have you? Address 8. C. 1287, Bee. HAVE A TOLEDO I-LB. CANDY SCALE nearly new, will exchange for anything that can be uaed in a restaurant or roll top desk. Addrea 8. C. 1288, Bee. HAVEfA TOLEDO 2-L3. CANDY bCAJ. nearly new, will exchange for anything that can be used In a restaurant, or roll top dek. Addreas 8. C. IMi, Bee. HAVE SOME FURNACES IN GOOD condition, also gas stove and few radia tora, what have you? Address 8. C. IM. Pee. ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS IN STOCK of good company. Is what I wish to trade for auto of equal value, no Junk. Address S. C. 1306. Bee. ' PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR your new house or bungalow can be ob tained without paying a large architect's foe. If you have anything of equal value will exchange. Address 3. C. 1. Bee. TEN ACRES, WITH WATER RU3HT. in Lake Co., Ore., to trade for good plsne or auto. 421 J Bt., Aurora, Neb. TWO MASON TRUCKS IN GOOD CON dlllon. What have you for them? Ad drees 8. C. 1303. Bee. FURNITURE FOR A 46-ROOM HOTEL near Omaha, tl.wO. Low rate rent on, the building. What have you to offer? Address 8. C. Hi, care Bee. I HAVE NATIONAL 40-HORSE POWER 1912 model, perfect condition, fine look ing car, fully equipped 6-paaseiiger, Just the car for long trips or rental service or any ue. Will give fair deal. Want clear lot or cotUige. or grocery, or cheap land, clear, or diamonds. Address 8. C. !.. care Bee. LET ME FURNISH ESTIMATE TO paint your house, first class work and I can save your tav per cent. Might take some trad In on work. Address 8.- C. 13.Bee. h UblC FOR PLATER PIANOS. HAVE a choice library consisting of tit roll latest popular and classical music fur M-not player pianos. Thla muale is almoit new none ot it soiled or ragged, nd a goodly portion of It "hand-played.' Cost new about 6,'ao. What am I offered for th lot will trade for anything of equal value I can us. 8. C. Hea. HAVE A NEARLY NEW NATIONAL cash register, coat PilAi, will awap for anything of like value in restaurant or what have you? Addrea 8. C U;. Bee. SHETLAND PON YTANDOUfFlTOR trade or aale. Phone SlftSl Council Bluff. la. WILL TRADE A CLOSE-IN I-OT ON So. 20th St. for good automobile. Ad dreas 8 C 1310. Be. FOUR COLONIES YELLOW ITALIAN Bee and complete outfit Including .suf ficient extra fixtures and supping for next eraaon; all bright and new. Will sell cheat' or trade for anything of equal value I can use. S. C. 124. iw. WILL TRADE CLEAR TRACKAOE property, lsuxlSO, and cash for modern 7 or 8-rooin house located west or in lun dee ;) to ta 00 Addrea 8 C. 1337. be. WILL TRADE FIRST-CLASS HIGH grad car for a good Dundee lot. Would sauir any difference. Address 8 C lJ&. lee. HAVE A 1-LB. DELIVERY TRI CK. n rne condition, cheap for cash. aV C. a-a a- LIVE WIRE BUSINESS MEN of Omaha A. B. C. of Omaha A Diamond fires eu that prosperour look; best of quality, lowest prices; take elevator and save money. West ern Watch A Jewelrv Co.. 217 Karbach. CORHKTT. the man that clean every thing. Get your fall clothes ready . now. Prompt service, low prices. "Were Johnny on the spot." Call and delivery free. lr6 Harney. Douglas 4tt2. FOR auctioneering of all kinds of Jewelry and general merchandise, write H. A. Roth, 1311 Douglas St. Doug. E270. Twenty vesrs' experience. MELDA Boiler Compound Co.. a boiler compound for sick boilers, rils . solves boiler scale, not boiler Iron. Melba does not pit fluea only remove old scsle, adds efficiency and economy to your boiler plant. Call or write for esti mate. 302 Omahg Net Bank. D. 3137, -1 't a p. rn., ana on Sundays B, Bins. N EW and second-hand electric fans and motors. LeBron Electric Works, " r. iin. I'oiiClas 217k OMAHA PILLOW CO., 1721 Cuming Doug. 2467. Renovates feather and mattresses of all kinds, makes fethr me Urease Call or write for price.' (IANO tuning. R. Brandon, i year at Harden'. Recommended by best musicians. W. 4t32. 41R N. 2Sth Ave. V ACUUM cleaners, 15 6, t 88, ti.53. a few day only. Guard your health. t-anuary service Co., 30 Bee Bldg. WB rent, repair, sell needles and part for all sewing maohlne. NE el's if.8?, CTCLTS CO.. "Mick l "'h and Harney. Douglas lSt. Aeraaatsatt. MkXIllhP 5' THOMAS COMPANY. ,..r rat, nana rung. Tyler 1R10. Addlaar Mohl.,. Dalton Adding Machines, 411 g. lg. t), 1U9. Adder Mch Co. (Wales! W. O. W. D. 633 At aad Manela svai Magneto repslr work a specialty, p. 4in Asctlosrera, ' Dowd Auction Co.. 112t W. O. W. Red raw Arehlteela. Clarence W. Wlglngton. ??8 8. 1h. D. 4287. Everett S. Dodd. H12 Paxton. U. ZtHl" Attraetioaa OMAHA film ex., 14th and Dour Motion picture machine aad film hargalna. ? Barber. 1 Chair. 10o hve. neck shave. 1817 Far. Bloe Prlatlaiw. How?.T. COaTB4ue -'",n. nnlr new ownership, m Omaha Nat Bk. D. 81.77. Brass Fowndrlea. Paxton-Mltchell Co., ffth and Martha Sts Bnlldlnar and kri,i.. K. FRANTA. 611 Paxton Blk. Doug. 2157. California Land. W. T. Bmlth Co.. 1111 City Nat. Bk. D. 2S19. Card at Office door lefg. Mynster, Pax. Bk. P. 81CT. Caterers. , MRS. F. A. WOOD, S4Q1 Parker. W. 8rrf. Chiropractor. J. C. Iawrence, p. Q rvn Howard. D. 84(51. L. OVddls, D, p.. 2?S Bee Bidg. Douk 42H3. W. K. Piirvlsnce. p. c. 409 Pax Blk. D 41-4? L. C. HAYES, p. C. 660 Bee bldg H 7.: th'asi Jalntins;. Z 7... : , ?: t. bai- and 'tluaelock Kxperts. " 1 5 crr"- n sj AFE comblnaUons changed, opened, rs- M. J. LACY, 618 BBS BLDQ. p. 4715. 0 paired. F.E.Davenport, 1406 Dodge. Dll ThI".iP"7t0r" " Repatrta,. The Sharpies Separator Co.. 12th A Fsrn. Electric Bhoe Rep. Co., 1807 Bt Mary's A v. Dancing; Iaatraclloa. REASONABLE, Farnam Rep. Co. lt 8. 24. Last mo. aummer rate. Mwckte's. P.6444. stwl tell lag. Turpln's Dancing Academy. 2Mh & Farn. CARTER Sheet Metal Works. 110 B. 10th. Deallsta. Store and (If flee Flxtares. - Dr. Bradbury. No pitin. 1S40 Farnam ' DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv- ri , . : : ing, etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture Dr. 7 odd alveolar dentistry, 403 Brandel. and Supply Co.. 414-16-18 a 12th. D. 8724. Bailey, th Dentist. 706 City Nafl Bank. Twel Supplies. ' Taft DenUI Rooms, 1517 Douglas. D. M. OMAHA Towel Bupply, 207 B. 11th. P. 628. Deteetl vea. ' Trinki and So I tease. JAMES ALf4N, OS Nerllie Blk Evi- f RELINO & 8TEINLE. 1806 Farnam Bt dene seoured In sll case. Tyler 1136. Vetertaartaas. DreasnaaklagT. PR. O. R- YOUNG. 460S Cantor. H. 6061 Terry Dresmak'g college, Mth A Famam. wl"HoTT "creena. , .. , : 1, . . . . Ora. Window cren Co.. 182J Nicholas Bt Lxperlence of all kinds, day work, reason- bl, guaranteed, 1226 Dodge. T. 126. Wines and Liquor. BUMMER dresses s SDeclaltv Weh" Q70 -LEX JETES. 201-8 & 13th Bt Wine. - cresses a specialty. Web. 8070. Uquora, cigar. Plate dinner 11 to t, 10c MISS STURDY. 2416 Cas. Bt Dong. 7314 GLOBE Llq. House, 422 N. 16. 7 qts. beer. Bewlng any kind reasonable. Doug.-8215. tl. delivered. Write for price list P. 4362. Bee real estate columns for bargains. HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE. Everybody Reads Bee Want Ads. mn nd cPito1 Av- Ten-cent lunch. SWAPPERS' COLUMN TRADE SMITH & BARNES CABINET grand piano, beautiful mahogany case, high grade, good as new, for automobile, or what have you worth t350? Address S C 1311. Bee. WILL EXCHANGE MY AUTOMOBILE In flrst-claaa condition, for a good baby grend piano, mahogany finish. Ad- drea 8 C 1307. Be. HAVE 46 H. P.. o-PASS. RAMBLER. fine condition: want lighter car; will trade for Ford and small amount ot cash. Address a J uao, pee. WILL EXCHANGE ELEGANT PIANO ror ona anu nan wn "v v. mobile; no "Ford" considered. Will also take lumber or lot 8 C 1310, Be . HAVE 6-HOLK CAST IRON RANGE. IN flrst-claaa condition, with hot water at tachment, too large for my use. What have you 7 a. c run A t4,000 BOOK ACCOUNT; WILL TRADE ror a gooa auiomouiie, uhuwh-, what have you? These accounts are be ing paid for on the installment plan. We hold notes for all accounts, some drawing Interet. Address S. C. 1317. be. I WANT A GROCERY STORE OR A good general merchandise store, must be good clean stock and doing business, in exchange for this property snd will put in ti) or $3,0u0 in cash if necessary. 60 acres, no Improvements, rolling, all In wheat, n4 of s'4 sec 1. township 10. rsnke 13. Ruffalo county, Nebraska; priire tS.OoO; incumbrance J,uoo at 4 per ceut, I years to run. i40 acres raw land except W acres broke, about mile n. e. of Burwell, Garfield county, Nebraska; price 417.60 per acre; Incumbered for 11.000. 160 sere all level raw land, S'4 miles from 2 railroad towns, wS4 section 10, township 8. rsnge 46, Phillips county. Col orado; price 4& per acre; Incumbered for 8600, about t years to run. Also t-room all modern house In Omaha, located In one of the finest residence dis tricts; price 84.600; incumbered for $1,800. Addreas 2S10 Cuming St.. Omaha. Neb. LEAVING CITY, MY NEW PLAYER piano at a great sacrifice, with rolls; terms to please. Addrcm 8. C. 1316, Bee. SI JEWEL. SWISS MOVEMENT. JEW. ela Inlaid In rubies; ptrfect time keeper. Will trade for dlamand. Addess S ,C. 1314 FIRST CLAi'a 40 H. P. NATIONAL auto folly equipped; a good looker; new Urea; thla car la a dandy. Just the car for long trips or rental service; will sell cheap for cash or might take lot or small autu. Address 8. C. 1312. bee. PHONOGRAPH AND 40 RECORDS. Edison make, good order; trade for a diamond ring worth tea. Address 8. C. 11 Bee. WILL BELL MY PIANO. A WELLING ton. to responsible people on payments at a bargain price, aa we are leaving city; piano almost new. Address 8. C. ISIS, Bee. lTrTTeFzED EDISON PliU.NI K5RAPH to trade for a bsse burner stove. Ad dress fi. C. 12T1. bee. COUNCIL BLUFFS ONLY. LOT 1, block So, Everett's addition, C. B., clear, good title, for piano or diamond Make offer. Address 8. C. 131 bee 0NE2HX3Vi"V.'EW ANSOO KODAK. ONE good mandolin. What have you in the musical line to swap? One L. C. Smith No. 12 hawmerle. one pair No. I wadrr new; one, else 42, ahell coat; one punch ing bag, rlng Address 8. C. 13:.t. be. R EA L-LS TAT ECO N TRACTS bit I xlj lng hlkh rates of Interest and lark monthly payments, for land in Vlrkin'a or Missouri; want a eectloa or around that, my paper is gilt-edged. Address 8. C. 1368. Be llraara. DRUGS at cut prices: freight paid en tig ordars; rataloguea free Pherman 4k Mcfonnell Irug Co , Omaha, Neb. Kleetrl gappllea. I.EBRON Klec. WH., Sit ft. 12th. P. WTg. Kverythlaa; fer wsmes. Plume made over, cleaned, dyed, curled, bertha Kruger, 4Jt Paxton Blk. P. UK Woman's Exchange. 432 Pax. Blk. R, 4D11 HiISTlTClilNO Ideal Button and Pleating Co., I0T 8. Mth, Concrete Bsglsen. Gagnebln-Well Co. 420 Btat bank. D. Kwrrlers. BEN FENBTER, 1410 N. Htli-W. W. T7TT. Florlats. L HENDERSON. 1519 Farnam. D. lt&l Member Florist Telegraph Del. Ass'n. IIF.P8 A 8VVOBODA, 1416 Farnam St A. DONAHUE, lfi22 Harney. Doug. 100L BATH'S florists, 1B04 Farnam 8t Live Stock Remedlea. OMAHA Remedy Co., "T B. Itth. Red 41tl liwlr Dreitlng, Harper Method. R. , Balrd Bldg. TA tWl. Lighting, Fixtarra and Wiring;. TIIOMAS DURKIN Electric fixtures and auppllea, contract ing and repair work done reasonable, 2411 CUMING. DOUGLAS 2ol. Miss Jacobs. Mas.. Bath. Eleo. Trt P. TU. Rlttenhouse Co.. 2li Balrd Bldg.. IT 4k P. ANNA MARKS tf&JSSS: Vm Farnam Pt. Apt i. M floor. D. Wi. Manicuring, Kathleen Mack. Doug. 7fl. Miss Rex, Mass., 224 Neville Blk. 10 to 4. Mia Fisher, mass., tecc treat't Red Massage, Mlaa Gibson, R. 224. Neville Blk.' MAPSAOTC IO" B. 17th Bt. Mr Steele. Mr. Snyder, elec trt Ho8S. Ith. D. 4M4. M AKNAnV. 8wedlsh movement 41 jUAOOAUfj Bee Bldg. Dougl.s 437X CLARA LEE, massag. Douglas t761. ELErrTRTCMASAOE, bath. mi Massage, Miss Walton. R. 224. Neville Blk. Mraaengrr aad Transfer. WHITE LINK, to9 Bb. Utn. Douglas SSUL Millinery. SWITCHES from combing, tl.60. Psychs free. Mrs. H. M. Ecls3009 Marcy. H. 6646. Movlaar. Storaere and Cleanlnsr. W. C. FERRIN, 15th and Capitol. Ty. 1200. Ocnllsta. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as you can. Pis. McCarthy, 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. Patrnta. H. A. Sturses. f36 Brandela Theater Bldg. , P. O. Bamcll, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 71177 Patent Development. AMERICAN Machine Co.. 110 & 11th Bt Printing;. WATERS-BARNHART Ptg. Co., quaHty printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 8. 13th Bt DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. COltEY & M'KENZIE PTG. CO. D. 2644? RIE9-HALL Ptg. Co., 1620 Capitol. D. 1102. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUQ. t7S4. nonch Biternilaslor. B. B. B. Roach Powder at your druggist SWAPPERS' COLUMN PIANO FOR LOT OR ACREAGE OR farm land In Missouri or Virginia; WILL PAY DIFFERENCE; would like about 1W0 acre or more. Address 8. C. 1327. Bee. 17-JEWEL ADJUSTED GOLD WATCH, keepa perfect time, worth $20; will ex change for good automatic shotgun or automatlo revolver, or what have you In exchange. Address 8. C. 1328. Bee. FOR RENT Apartments and Flats. GOOD location for doctor; 6-room modern flat on 1st floor: transfer point W. 670L FOR PROFITABLE ROOMING HOUSE 615 N. ai'th; 10 rooms. Phone Douglas 807. BEAUTIFUL 4-room apartments, 1414 So. 'lOth, For particulars phone Douglas 4S70. PLEASANT 4 and 6-room apartments; - walking distance. 404 No. 4th Bt Globe Van&Storage Store, moves, packs, ahlpe; t-hors van and 2 men, $1.26 per tar.; storage 88 per mo. Satisfaction guar. D. 4X: 4k Ty. 20. ALL kind of fists. 1601 Vinton. Tyler 177L Rental Service Free Why worry where to find ft house or apartment when we have listed every vacant house and apartment in the city. 'Phone us for further Information. Doug laa 4177, Fidelity Storage 4k Van Co. 1284-rm. mod, flat. 3CT Cuming. W. 4Mk 16 1204 N. 24TH 8T. CAN T BE BEAT. 6 rooms, bath. A. Marowlts. Doug. 2070. 6-ROOM brick flat 1611 , Leavenworth. Gordon Van Co.S ?lt N. Ilth St. Phone D. X4 or H. aai OGDEN ANNEX too ma. wltn kltchaoa etla oinci Bluffa MODERN 4-room flat Field club district . 33d and Mason; 136. Harney 18a. STRICTLY modern, up-to-date St Louis flat, 6 room; clo In. Call Red 3036, 4-ROOM flat, paruy modern. US, 8424 Leavenworth St. .Call J, L Kmp. Dougln 97 or Douglas 6311 DESIRABLE APARTMENT t rooms and bath In California apartments. Bee .janitor. D. 6237. " ' RKM KMBER DOUGLAS 7a0. For strictly flrst-clas cloaa-ln apart ment a- The Helen. MAK1US SORENSEV. 8464 Harnay Bt aaa sieeaas. REEDHURST Try our most 10 No. t&th SU SOUTH 22d. 610, up-to-data rooms and ax cellent mesls. Call Dviug, tit. V. tlv:. . i ll .' , llu 2 YOUNG working men. private family. in walking, distance; full parucula first letter. D 41U. Bee. Famished Alwaee-a, & ROOMS of a 7-room house, 304) N. 14th St. Tel. Web. 1411. K'arul.ked Hoaeekeeplaar Reeass. ClSK In, mod., reasonable, 8J06 Farnam, Farnlahed Mwwaaa. Five room at rsf Csss Bt.:.only 616 06. 6J7 S2ZA. Eleknntly furnished, strictly modern, bome-lik Reasonabi walking; d'stsnic. SUITABLE tor 3 or 4 nioaern. oool prt vaehnme Joonlre 8017 Douglas. 6-P.OOM furnished houa from July 44 to ecpteinber L H, urki.