Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 18, 1914, Page 10, Image 10
10 Tin-; I'.Kii: omaiia. tikshay. aici st i. Nebraska HOWELL-MOREHEAD PLEDGE) Many Lawyers Hold That It Vio lates Corrupt Prncticc Act. TO STOP INFLUENCES VOTERS latent of l.Tt Wn. tn f'nt Run in Plrdclnc Jnha In llrlnm for lipporl, lint t andliltlf1 ot lew It. i From a IINCKt,N. Fluff "orr3pnlr.! i A II 17. 1 1 Ipo.' nl I editorial iir;iK In The I in- thu morning" Trunrdlnit th annnunrfmi nt by R. P. Hnf tht If elwtnl ..prniir of Nbr!Kft he would rfpiolnt Mrly O. Moorhi rlcrtlon rommiPH onrr f TVmnlR rounly him "t'.rr'il up rnnlilr. hie commrnt tn Lincoln, n1 ttutw, rrorwil'iiiun nf 1h ru!lntur anil uthrt - books h Ithi prnri to r1icor Jimt what thr law mrnns unci J ii-t whnt the irovrn r nn to H'Kr to hrn h" crept thi off ro rf K ivrrnor. The nnth of th (t.-rnir tHkrn t tb' ttme of his lnnrrtl'n. rlo ful lci: "1 have not Imprf oTly tnfpirr" nl In any y thr vnte or liny rt-tnr mid have not -'ptr1 nut- lll I errept or rrrl-e dirctly or Iml rrrtly env mony or othT valimt'lr thin r promlpe of off,!re for any offii Isl art or thin." S.ime attornrVi, roiitrue th" Lm tr I'Ply ai inurh tn tb ranipa'Kn befnr the election as thr trrm of offl-e aftnr election and point to the corrupt prac tice! act rovrrlii the election as mil--rtantlatlns their vie w, wh'i li rcni'e, In Irt: "Any payment, contribmlon or expen diture or apreemi nt or offer to rv. eon tribute or expend any money or thlnr of value In excess of the limit prescribed by thla act. la hereby declared to tie unlawful and to make void the election of the peraon making It " In bis rampaln announcement Mr. Jtoweil aald that If he was elected he would reappoint llarley t. Mooihead election commissioner of Poiiglaa county.; Two pri'Poaltlona nilnht hlne on whether lie violated the act or not. One would be whether he considered the protnlae to ap point Mr. Moorhead would Influence any voter to vote for him for rovernor, and tbe other proposition would be whether the Job of election commissioner of louc lan county could b luted aa thin." a valuable (ina attorney snld that the corrupt money for the propaKatlon of the anecles, praitlcea act waa Intended to prohibit not all dead. Ktate fiame Warden the Influencing of voter In any way (. Riit'Tiberk today received a letter from cept by the usual one of argument. It iMr Klliabeth Adams, who lives In Sher waa Intended to put out of tho political j Mnn county, that the birds had Infested imnpalgn the unlawful use of money, and , the retirement that the candidate should make a sworn statement a to his ex penses noea to show that "any valuable thin:" meant Juat exactly what it says, und he went on to point out that In the art cigars, drinks and refreshment are enumerated, and then follow the para graph which read that a candidate shall rot "pay out, give, contribute, or offer to give money or other valuable thing for the purpose of promoting the nomination or election, eta'' Crofton Is Hard Hit By Destructive Fire1 HAHTINOTON, Neb., Aug. i;.-(SpecUI Telegram.) A great fire, as yet uncon trolled, la burning Crofton. . The fire lu raging furiously and Crofton's water sup ply ha given out. Five buildings have already been destroyed. Including a so loon, drug store., two restaurants, meat market and the Crofton hotel. The t Ington fire department was callrd to give aid. HARD ELE VATO RAT R 0 D G E R S IS DESTROYED BY FIRE SCHVYIJCR, Neb., Aug. 17. (Special Telegram.) The Ilord flruln company's elevator at Hogers burned this afternoon with about 10,000 bushels of grain on bund. The fire was aupposcdly started by sparks from a railroad engine. For a time the whole town was In danger. Help was sent from Bchuyler. ; i ( ksslsnqs I loara, FAIRBI'KY, Neh.. Aug. 17. The tenth ' annual ae salon of the KM r bury chiitauqua - closed at the City Parle auditorium, last night, after the moat successful period In Its history. iSenator Thomas !. (lore appeared a week ago hiinduy on the program and Clarence Harrow, the Chi cago lawyer, who defended the McNam ara brother tn I-o -Anieles, spoke to ara brother In Ioa Angeles spoke yesterday.' The Falrbury Is owned by Kairbury and Jefferson county citiiens. The directors for 1U comprise M Coff ruan, P. L. Kain. K. M. Klalr. I. Kava naugh and O. H. oKnney. Canal Bonds to Meet Deficiency in Customs Receipts WASHINGTON. Aug. 17.-Posltillity of the United States government irsuing Panama canal bonds to meet the de ficiency In rUktmiM revenues caused by th Kuropean war, has not. been consid ered seriously by the administration aa yet. President Wilson told ca'lers today. The question of raising money to offset the losses was discussed today by the president and Senator Simmons, chair man of the senate finance-committee, and Representative Vnderwood, chairman of the ways and mean rumtiilttvn. They agreed that a iect tax robably would te necessary, but no time lor beginning Its operation was settled on. Wh-n Treasury official conclude that addi tional funds are neci siary, the president , will send a special message to congress asking that a tax be ltv.ed. i Representative I'ndei wood said that' manufacturing (w l.Un of the nations In- j volved In tho war will be crippled for several years, making an early return to normal tn Import dul es Improbable even i . la the event of a short war. He added that tho time for the adjournment nf , congress now appce.rtd entirely prob- . lemallcal. He gave the liuprtssion that e pec led cotifres to stay In session I indefinitely. . President W.lsun was told today that J ther was no Immadiat In pro- I pact, but that tho revenue of th gov- I rnmeot wr udlly falling a a result of the European war. I C vary body Read Be Want Ad. Wealthy Americans The aliove photnitrnph wan taken of, II e line In front of tli Liverpool Street Ksllwny ststlnn. London, wliere linn-' ('iet)a of Anierlcnns, ninny of them: ODD CLAIM FOR DAMAGES Mrs. Adams Savs Imnorted Game Birds Destrov Gardens. UP TO THE STATE GAME WARDEN l.calalat ore Mar He I at led I pan to I'fiy l)mii'l for Work Done by These lllarh Trlreil mm. 'Frojn a Staff t'orrespondent ) LINtVJLN. An. 17.-(.'!i.clal )-It la evl dent that alt the high-toned birds turned i"osc uy tne smie jjame warden, because the legislature Tnlled to Himrnnrlate nor rorn '""'I grden and destroyed crop and garden truck to uch an extent tjiat she wanted the atate to pay her llvi for the act of the rempaglng birds. line is enoiner expense mat M'..iri i W. Iterge c.n lay up to the legislature with the "hat-hanger and cloak-hanger," !.hAhne" warhwh',:,,,r,,t1 T vM y'lv or the war who In thla way earn a few dollars each session aa them out In their declining yeaia. The matter will be Investigated and probably either paid or put up to the legislature. Inspection of llorsrv As liai-l tt IU. . l. . . . - v- inn pKuuirv wnrH mil tr i TZ encampment of tho National the Ashland encampment the last of the month, there will he an In spection of horse by state Veterinarian Klgln. As these animals will come frmo ll ports of the. state every precaution will be taken to prevent any disease. McCann Postmaster at Beatrice, Neb. VASHlNOT(N. ug, 17.-Ire.ldent U llson t'jduy nominated J. H. McCann to bo imstmaster at fleatrlce. Neb., and J. K. W orsham to be postmaster at Laredo. Tex. RUSH BEFORE THE FAIR AT SECRETARY'S OFFICE (From a Htaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Aug. 17 -(Special. )-The an nual rush whlrh precedes the slate fair Is on at the office of Secretnry YV. It. Meier of the State Hoard of Agricul ture. Today the entries In the Hetter liable content closed. The final limit for entries In the cU, race also ex pired. The 'clerical force etruggled with the fined of ml incident to the do, log of the cntrle In these two depart, mente. Monday waa also the last for live atcek entries If th name of the ex. hlhltor was to be Inserted In the official catalogue. Wlthnl a day or mi work will begin on the compilation of this list. Letters, telephone calls und hundreds Where to Vote Today Polls open from 8 a. m. till 9 p. m. OMAHA FIRfcT WARD. District Place. l-LtVl 8. tith M. I' hotel. 10th and Ma."on. 5 !! H 10th St. 4 liancroft school. 4.S Lincoln Ave. SKCOND WARI. 1 Til S. Sth Ht. :-Uiv t. Mh.St. :-3.u h.' nth tn. . ' 4-1711 lorcss St. 6 CasteHar school. t ! N. S4th St. 4-i4 N. '.sth St. r. i 7-j i v mi st. tl-;"-M .Military 7 rtiu Military Ave. FiCVKNTH WAKp 1 ?7U leavenw orth. S llil S. :nu ft. 5- I.iu; Park Ave. 4-.V1I lavenworth. 6- IWS Park Ave. Windsor sell, Mil. 7 - tsl leaven worth. F.IOIITH 1-131. N. 24th (-Kin Vinton St i Kdward choid. Roewaler 21721 Cuming K-l, j;. 4 -liilk ChUKO N. W. lor. 'hies go. C :tr.l Cumins TintAVARU. I -tiU S. lilh 0l. :-h s I4th pt. 5-Ul.V Inline St ., 4- 1' N. lulh SI. ' ' 5- -:j n. jui st. t MJ ltilh ht. ' . I Ul'RTII WAJtD. 1- t'-V fupHnl .Ave. :-i'w.UJVi.iuii1 7ti 4 St. side. l-IMS St Mary a Av.' 4-:i'i7 . Facnani St. -:o! Kantaai St. High School, south wtst corner, las men l. SIXTH WAHl.' 1-Z7(i Cuming ht., i-Jf Cumins St. S ;!'7 Hamilton St. --.M7 California Si. t-umiag St.' TtV llMVenport Pt. T-:7tJ Kama lit Ht! -tU4 Far nam St. Mil j. ueth St., ibarnl. , TKNTH WARD.' 1-M7 S. 12th St. -t 13 leevenworth St. ' 3 5 lravenworih St. 4 rat s. icth St. 5 1414 S. lUth S. -ll f. 13th Bt. FIFTH WARD. 1-114.1 N. lth kt. S la:" Sherman Ave. J r.r. Hail Ave. 4-..'0 Sherman Av 6 Sherman Ave. . . b-37i.' Sherman Av. ' KLF.V I'.NTII WARD. "-41ug X. Jtlh St. 1 4"lo Hamilton t. a in. K. cor. Bd a Antes. S-I7 N. 40th St. -8. F-. corner lth and -N. W. Curlier CUt and FKVFNTM WARP. Urand Av. Farnam 1 Sdivl g Ht 'V'tiwortli PL ?-! W St. ' 1 11 ". d .n.j iavenwortn. iv.n. nnn s n , a 1 ISlt N. 34lh St --'Kfl Iavnworth. p. m. I-tl4 N. S4th St. 24 Leavenworth. Lined Up in London to mllllonalrVs. crowded to accept the offer of Henry Thornton, manaaer of the (rrat Knstern Rnllwny system, to eneh credit nolea up to ten pound apiece. Mr. of visitors to the office Indicated mi In tense Interest In the elate fair this yeiir. It appeared certain there w.iiild be a substantial growth In nearly every de partment hcti the fair opens, Septem ber 7. Ten Thousand a Year for Manager Jones CIIIfAGO. Aug. 1 . -A salary of Mn.ono for three years' aervlce and a block of stork In the club was understood here today to be the prize which caused Fielder A. Jones, former manager of the Chicago Americana, to accept the man agement of the Ft. Louis Federal leaguo club. Jones, It was announced by President James A. Ollrnore of the Federal league, bad algred to lead the club until the close of the 1916 season. l.i will nipplant Mordecal Hrown, present manager of the club, on Friday. Hrown will be retained, luwevcr, a player. i tfOlierS TlaU D6ieat . , , Qf Francis Ouimet CHICAGO, Aug. 17. Final practice for golfer who wll' attempt to wrest th national open championship from Francis Oultnet In the tournhment whlrh begins nt the Mldlothlnn Country club tomorrow ws held today. Most of the ll!r players entered In tho tournament planned to be on the link. Ouimet, the present holder. Is playing at the top of his game. In practice yes terday, hi third round, of course, he ahot one tinder par, going out In 3.1 and homo In 36 stroke. M'TAGGART WINS GOLF CUP DONATED BYR0ME MILLER J. C. McTaggart won the Rome Miller cup at the Miller Park tlolf club by de featlng P. M. (larrett In the final round 4 up and J to play. Hay Taylor turned In the low score In the qualifying round of the match play Saturday with a "3. Tay lor played scratch but even then turned In a lower scorn than any of the handicap players. Scores wero aa follows: (Iross. lldcp. Net llay Taylor 73 0 73 Hob Watson Si! Id 7ti K. It. Chambers l "7 J. Morris 77 o 77 K. C. stocking .' M ' S 7 rhl I KemUII si I Oeorge stocking v- 4 K H. Clough W V.' II. K. Kurke M 0 It. S. Kerr K7 6 K. J. Hatch M 4 J. C. McTaggart R.". 2 K. Cornell W 4 it H (Laham l It. Yousen 15 J J. K Merrlam S4 i I'll UIN'ISS "s 7S 's i si ' M , S2 M ' 83 : S3 : S3 , M R. Taylor (Ot plays K. K. Purke (41. ! F. C. t-tocklnj t3) plays K. Cornell 141. i Oeorge Htocking 4) play U. Youeen 2I. S. 11. Chambers (41 plays K. J Hatchi4). . H. Watson (I'll piavs K. K. Kerr (M. l'hll KendHll (.() plays O. II. Orsham (Si. L. B. ( loUKhd'it plays J. K. MerriamiU). J. Morris (0) plays J. McTaggait (III. TWFLFTH WARD, (barn). 1-6J10 N. th St. Central Park chool. Ave. :t 'J413 Ames Ave. 4 Monmouth Psrk school. 4114 N. :4th St. 6 Mth and Pratt. (Cni verslty of Omaha). 7 ctMii N ;4(h St. 5- L"7 N. 24th St. --.'7ois Lake St., (rear). rtH u w a r d Kennedy school. 11-J411 Ames Ave. WARD. St. i SOUTH OMAHA. District. Place.. ' 1-N. K. Cor. Hith and Missouri Aye. J (itfi N; 24th St.' and 3 tSl N. 'th St. spfHiXD WARP l-is7 ri. anh hi., ,Fr- nek 11hIi. ;-lu3 N. ;'4ili St. THIRD WARD. 1-ilst and I", -S. K. Cor.. I Uilinilr Nat l lUlll. I liatlrvad Ave. and Mad- t-th and W St. St.' st. St.' 'lt , St. FOCRTH WAR p. i . n. -:nu st. I i.ilii tj Ht. , J-2j2Tj vj St. FIFTH WARD. is n. nil hi. I-reth and L Kts. SIXTH WARD -M. K. Cor. t4ih A F. St. -oil N. S4lh St. -lligh Sschool, south- ! Get Money to Return 1" 4 Wf$ ;-W Thornton Is himself an American. His kmrinrxK v.ns grently appreciated by the I unoreds of sili'.uni Anierlcnns he aided. District Attorney Tells of Boost in Prices of Foodstuff WASHINGTON. Aug. K.-Heporta to the I H'partmcnt of Justice tell of the creation of artificial food prices all along the Hue. A district attorney In Texas re ported thitt granulated biik'H' had risen from l 'in to $;.) r 1I0 pounds since a week ago; .Swiss cheese, 25 cent to 3 cents; flour, W.7." to ST.. 10; beef rllm, IS cent to' 21 cents per pound; sirloin, 2.S cents to 32 cents; pork loins, IS cent to l!.'i cents; smoked hum, 2l cents to 22 cent. Tho district attorney suggested that nmall consumers are charged even higher prices than hotels and restaurants. A letter to the attorney general from tho tuanuger of one of the largest live stock commission companies In the west reported that while hogs declined In Chicago l per 1"0 pounds and cattle de clined 6 cents to 85 cents jier 1K pounds, dressed products to the consumer ad vanced several cents per pound. "The packers claimed that reductions were made on acrount of financial conditions and money stringency." he wrote, "but I do not know what excuse they gave for advancing the dressed article. There is very little beef or pork exported." Cmplrc la Released. CHICAGO, Aug. 17. I mplro Van Pycle of tho Federal league waa given ten days' notice of release by I'resldent Gllmore today. According to Ollrnore. the umulro i did not enforce the rules In yesterday's Chicago. Hnltlmore game when he failed i to forfeit tho game to Haltlomer when I Manager Tinker of the Chicago club re fused to send up the proper batter, pend ing settlement of an argument over a technical question. IMLITI , AlltKHTIKIMI. P. i hi ii I ; in.. , ; v- v ' f - 1 V WAKE UP-RFPIIBLICANS-WAKE UP For County Clerk, Louis D. Hopkins Time for a change in this office. The present incumbent has been in this office about 20 years in some capacity or other. Pull off the coverlet's look inside. My platform Economy, Courtesy and my own personal attention to the duties of th office. LOUIS D. HOPKINS 4 ROBERT L. ELLIOTT DKITTV MTATt: 81 TEK1XTKNHKXT REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR State Superintendent of Public Instruction Mr. Klliott Is not ft factional candidate and I asking the sup port of the Republican Voter on his record as a school man. He has tauKht In country schools and city schools. He has served as I'ity Superintendent, been Principal of Junior Normal and for three years has been Deputy State Superintendent. He knows the edu cational needs In Nebraska and is indorsed by a large majority of the educators of the naU Electric Fan Nearly Scalps a Woman ", Neb. Aug 17. (Ppcclnl 1 While Mrs. W. O Dickinson was slttlnK ti'ar an elcctrl' fan. drying her hair, it t cam entangled amor g trie and an Instant later her head was drawn RKiinst the guards. The fan kept on re volving, and before it could l stopped the woman's scMp was marly torn from her head. To replace the m nip it wss necessary to take twenty stitch-s. atrenathena Weak tldne. Klectrio Hitters will more than surprise you after the first bottle:, get a bottle today; safe and sure. f"m and Sl.of). All druggists. Advertisement. POLITIC. I, AIVF.nTlIfi. "Si".1' W. H. YOUNG Manager Fremont Traffic Bureau llio onlv REPUBLICAN CAN DIDATE FOR STATE RAIL WAY COMMISSIONER with prat'tienl knowlctlrjo of nnd cx porionco in Kailway Traffic matters. If you holiovo in of ficinov in jmhlic service, VOTE FOR HIM !' , :-. . . . 4. j me 1 is ifrtifl '-l4 FRANK C. MORGAN Republican Candidate for JUSTICE OF THE PEACH AT PRIMARIES, AUOUST 18TH. Graduate of law department of University of Wisconsin. 1905. Ask I anpport of all oollsg men. VOTE FOR C. H. T. RIEPEN Candidate for CORONER on the Republican Ticket Remember me at the primaries. Your vote and support will nomi nate me. Many thanks. 3BSKC , t, Jlimil ' I I 1 I'M i: i . J i ' SI 1 1 rfi l m i J !. ' Wonderful Bargain Opportunities Offered Buy ers Every Day This Week in H. B. Claflin Stock Sale Nearly All Special Ad vertised Sun day for Mon day Contin ues Tuesday. gaats3vtfcOa4 m inn' nt ntMM Get the Boy Ready for School Your choice of our iminonso assortment of splendidly tailored Boys' Suits with extra pair of trousers Balkan, Norfolk, double breasted and yoke Norfolk styles, all sizes 6 to 18 years in these lots; &I.95 &Q.95 .95 to $8.50 values; on sale. . . . V f V& f V- On 3d Floor Heimstit4'hHl Novelty Cur tain To $3.50 pair val ues', white or 4?crti, full Bize, each 19 Cheney Hros. lra!cry Silk To $1.25 vard values, 32 Inches wide, plain or fancy, yard 5) Fancy French l)rap'ry Mus lin To 20c yard value, 36 inches wile, Tuesday at, yard 7t 12 IWersihle Cnssimerw IltiK $12.50 values, ori ental patterns, colors guar anteed, at S7.98 2754 Iirussels Rugs $1.25 alue, while they last Seamless Tapestry Iirussels Huks 9x12 nize, $15 val ues, guaranteed worsted 'ace 810.98 f Tuesday in Busy Cloak Dept. Die wonderful garment ing enthusiastic crowds every day. New lots Tuesday. Women's Wash Suitfl Made to sell to $10, while they last at 81.93 Ixtng Crepe Kimonos Made to sell at $2.50 and $3.00, on sale at 81.45 liong Silk Kimonos That sell regularly to $7.50, sale piVe, at 82.95 A splendid Une of new Ilasque Dresses Just received, on sale at most pleasing early prices. Wash Goods Section Main Floor All printed goods and fancies go at from 25 to 50 less than actual re tail worth. 1'nhe.mmed Pattern Tabic Cloths Pure flax, $5.00 values, at. each S2.90 Hemstitched Mercerized Pat tern Cloths Size 8x4, regular $1.75, sale price, each, at 81.25 Hurk Toweling Plain or fan cy, pure linen, values to 79c, yard 50 Table Paridlnft Off the bolt, 54 inches wide, heavy fleeced, 39c value, yard 25 In Popular Domestic Room Values in all kinds of Domestics, Towels, Sheets and Sheetings, I ted Spreads, etc., you'll find unsurpassed, seldom equaled in any other store. Five Big Special Lots of Wash Dress Fabrics: Values from (Values from II 0 c 15c to 25c, 12c to 15c 12ic M . .12tttat .. 9Hat .. It's hayden's Quality and Prices that Keep Down the Cost of Living 4R-lh. sm-ks boat hiirh irradK PlamorM "li'' I-'lour; nothing finer for tirt-ail. pies or caked. Back 91.10 6 lbs. rholca Japan litre SSo 8 Hi, best white or yellow Cornnienl, for 19o 10 bar Jirat-'Km-AU. IMamond ""', Ienox. Laundry yueen, white laun dry ftoup for 36o The best domestic Macaroni, Vermi celli or Spaghetti, pkK 74 4 lbs. hand picked Navy Keana. 35o LrK" bottles 1'lckles, assorted k'nds, Pure Tomato I'atsup. Worcester shire Sauce or MustarJiottle. S'-jO 16-os. Jar Pure Fruit Pp aerve . . 15o 3J-ojs. Jar Pure Krult Preserves. .SSo lfi-oz. i-ariH Condensed Milk 7o Corn Flukes. iku jo Grape-Nuts, pk. lOo l'ancv Sweet Cookie, regular 12 Wc goods, lb 100 Golden Santo Coffee, lb 830 IT TEW IJl A VnCPi5 CI HOT it PAYS I II I H m bar When You Move Your Household Goods Price and workmanship is the first thing you consider. Our men have experience of years in the MOVING LINE and we have confidence to guarantee their work. The best is always the cheapest. Our service is the best. PHONE DOUGLAS 394 and have our representative call on you. Gordon Fireproof Warehouse & Van Company 219 North 11th Street. The Ideal Family Beverage A iJK r New Lots brought for ward every day. Watch our windows and ads. .On Main Floor- 3."?c Traces, at 121jc From the II. H. Chaflin stock. Shadow Iaces, ('ltiny haces. Net Top Laces, Point do Tarls l.aces. Corset Cover Laces and Allover Laces Venice Bands, Etc.. on sale Monday, at, yard .. 134 lOc at 3c Vartl Torchons, Vals., Clunys, Point de Paris, etc., regular values up to 15c a yard, on sale, yard, 3c Many Other Special !xts Includ ing AM Kinds nf Laces. Values from 20c to 85c a yard, in Claflin stock sale, yd. 10-50 Values from $1.00 to $2.00 a yard, in Claflin Stock sale, at, yard G0t-S1.25 Values from $2.50 to $5.00 a yard, in the Claflin stock sale, at yard S1.50 S3.00 bargain offerings are bring Women's Summer Dresses Made to sell at $5.00 and $0.00. Tues day 81.49 Women's White Vntlersktrts $1.50 values, with double fronts, your choice .... 79t 35c Aprons, ginghams and per cales, on sale at 19 Dressing Sacques To $1.50, val ues 39 Underwear and Furnishings In Domestic I loom Boys' Blouse Waists With military collars, black sateens, light and dark blue chambrays, 50c values, on sale at . . 25 15c Knit Vnderwaists For boys and girls, sizes 2 to 12 years, on sale Tuesday J) Men's Work Shirt.s Guaranteed perfect, 50c values, grey stripe and blue chambrays, in all sizes 14 to 17, on sale. . 35 Men's, Women's and Children's 12 lie Hose All sizes, good colors, on sale, pair .. g'6 Women's Muslin Skirts, (towns and Combination Suits 75c values, lace and embroidery trimmed 49 Several other special lots. and values 7Hk 7 c and 10c 5c to 8'ac values at .. 3s values at 5 BUTTER. rOQS ft CHEESE PTLICE3 The best Creamery Uutter, carton or bulk, lb 39o The best Country Creamery Butter, Per lb 380 The best Dairy Table Uutter. lb. .25o The best Strictly Fresh Uuarantel Kkkh. per dozen S3o Fancy Full Cream Cheese. lb....30o PUT UP TOMATOES SOW Large market baskets, per basket. 15o IS lb. V-jW Potato SOo Hemember we Klvu 15 lbs. to pecK. Fancy Sweet Corn, per doz 7ao 4 bunches Fresh Beets or Carrots. .80 Fancy Itipe Tomatoes, lb 2o 6 bunches Fresh Onions or Radishes for 60 Good Cooking Apple, perk SOo Fancy Wax or Green Beans, lb.... 60 f Green l'eppeer So New Cabbage, lb 80 tam I W I lllUl PATS Anheuser Busch Co. of Nebr. DISTRIBUTORS Family trade supplied by tt ii a mppm . rt vs. n. nnocii.' ueaier Phone DeuU 2506 OMAHA NEBRASKA