Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 16, 1914, NEWS SECTION, Page 2-A, Image 2

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Wash Skirts Monday $2i
We have just 28 Wash Skirts left that sold at $7.50, $8.00
and $10.50 each.
The3e will go on sale Monday at 8:30 a. m.
At $2.95 Each.
None exchanged, sent C. O. D , or laid away.
College Women and Girls
Will appreciate our showing of Fall Styles. They are
new Up-to-the-Minute and have the necessary dash com
bined with an air of exclusiveness to make them appropriate
for campus, travel or informal afternoon wear.
The prices are reasonable, much less than you would pay
in the college town.
Suits, $27.50 to $75.00. Dresses,"$19.50 to $25.00.
bkirts, $7.50 to $22.00.
No charge for alterations.
For. Monday :
Beautiful New Tailored Hats
' For Early Fall
Exceptional Values, 6.75 to $15.00
AH, the Beauty of Them, That's It!
The recent cool days have established the Vogue' of these
.charming black velvet hats. . Some newcomers from the
. nimble clever fingers of our own artists are ready for Mon
"day. The New York' express also .brings new arrivals.
";,Some' have the new Avhite feathers, wings, others, have a
touch, of silver, others liajrt f Ijowers. ' ' '
"Prices range: SG.75, $8.75, $10, $12.50, and $15
(Continued frera rte one.)
Belgian general staff atatca that up
to 6 o'clock this oveulng there had
be a no engagement near Dleat. Tho
number of Uormane In LUuburg
province Is declared to havo been ex
aggerated 'and tbe general niUltary
attuatlon la described aa excellent,
hut for utrateglc reaiona the general
staff erya it wilMnua no more bulle
tins. atltt rlehtlna- at llrae. .
PARIS, Aug. 1"..-10 15 a. m.) Ah' of
ficial announcement, today a' the Bel
gian major In command pf ti e. torJ. sur
rounding Liege contradicts tie rumors
that they had surrendered. Tae battle la
declared to be allll going oh."
The official announcement adds that
the conduct and eourat of the aoldlers
and Inhabitants of Lti-ge have been ex
emplary .as they rea'lse that France has
replied to the appeal of Belgium for aid.
Uerman deserters, according to the of
ficial note, complain of the terrible hun
r they 'have suffered. They are said
to have declared that their ratlins con
elated of one sauiage and two spoonsful
of pees. .
Mrs. Sarah Wilson and Mr a. Ueorse
Keppel have offered to eatabliah 'a
rrench-Entlish hospital at !. Touquetur,
wherever the French government cona'.d
era It corrverlent. The establishment Is
to contain t.CCO beds and la to be kert up
as long as the war lasts.
Terkey Traaaed tiy Ur.raaaay.
LONDON. Aug. - li. 3:50 a m -The
Dally Mall staffs that the erasers doebrn
and ilreelau. reported tu hava been pur
chaaed from Germany hy Turkey, have
received TurkUh names and will be
placed under the command of Rear Ad
miral Arthur II. Umpua of the nritlsh
navy, who wss lent to the Turkish gov
ernment The Mall says Hut Turkey does not In
tend to er;iiroy the waisl'lrs aaalnHt, Rus
sia and adds. '
"There appears to be no doubt that
their purchase Is a d'rert contravention
of International law. but the opinion Is
gaining ground In diplomatic circles that
Turkey la tbe victim of a Uermsu trap
to embroil it wltb the trdle entente."
Rear has been naval
advUer to the TurkUh government a m
uir -
inl.l kle.iithr el tlaelea. i
bRl S.-IC!.'", Vl rnr'a. t -f.. ii (j a riki
Aiortlin to Ha latent dvla In Hie
Belgian capita' li.rr!y J (iermau sola
lrs '.. nrliurt ut uf the tug pi
. engas.d In the taltU of Haelrn
Many of iha field guns of the Oerman
artillaa-r were kwt In. the iwimpa . TUe
-t . . '
soldiers who remained of the German
attack column retired to Toncrca.
A special train has been sent out from
Hruaaels to collect the wounded on the
battlefield. Among them are reported to
be two Gorman princes.
Orrnaane Drop Bombs lata Maatar.
LONDON. Aug.. 18. 12:I p. mj A
despatch from Namur. Belgium, to the
Tlmra says a . German aeroplane flaw
over that city laat evening and dropped
evvral bombs. Five men were wounded,
i ne o(. them being horribly mangled .by
the explosion of tbe missiles.
Aaatrtaa Liar Caatarea.
AUBXANDK1A, Egypt Via London.
Aug. U.-(llt0 p. m The big new
Auatrlan Lloyd liner aiarlenbad waa
captured today by a British warehip near
here while on the Voyaae from Bombay
tu Trieste. It Waa brought Into port.
he Ksplalaa.
'Tod have your father'a eyes." de
olared grandma, looking earnestly at the
young gin. .
"A iid you have your mother's hair."
"No: thla la slater's hair," faltored the
.1.1 A n.t 1.4 1 ..1.1 V. ... I
Karsaa City Journal.
Aeroplanes Aid French to Victory
I r 1 l e , .j upas v e . e V e v a ,- o ' . . . .. w . . . , X' . ,. : -. - . r
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. - . -
Annual August Linen Sale
Monday Morning we will place on sale a lot of odd fine
Table Cloths and Napkins at Just V2 Price.
Sale Odd Cloths
Three $7.50, 2ftx2V4 yds.,
Monday, $3.75 each.
Three $0.75, 2x2 Vi yards,
Monday, $3.38 each.
Three $8.75, 2x2 V2 yards,
Monday, $4.38 each.
One $15.00, 2i4x2y4 yds ,
Monday, $7.50.
One $30.00, 2y2x3 yards,
Monday, $15.00.
Three $35.00, 212x312 yds.,
Monday, $17.50 each.
Three dozen $6.00 Nap
kins, Monday, $3.00 dozen.
Three dozen $20.00 Nap
kins, Monday, $10 dozen.
One dozen $25.00 Napkins,
Monday, $12.50 the dozen.
Short Lengths of Silks Monday
49c Yard
Short lengths will accumulate. They also must be sold.
To clear them out quickly we have marked them at one
price49c a yard regardless of their original price."
Short ends in Taffetas, MessaJines and Satinsr
Waist and dress lengths of Tub Silks.
Dress lengths of Marquesetts.
Four to five-yard lengths of Poplins.
ON SALE MONDAY AT 8:30 A. M.-49c per YARD.-
Our Tailoring Department
Open For Fall Orders
To meet the steadily increasing demand for our Tail
ored Garments we have opened our Fall season at an earlier '
date than usual
The new Imported cloths, which we were fortunate in
having shipped early are in. , We invite you to see. them
and let us figure on your new Fall Suit now. . .
New Ruff lings
New fall Rufflings and
Pleatings in white, cream
and black
...... 4' ... ...-.. a .
25c t9'85c a Yard.-
(Continued from Fage One.)
you. It believes that the sword which
struck Its enemies at Oreunwald la not
yet rusted.
"Russia, from the shores 'of the Pa
elflo to the North Sea, marches In arms.
The dawn of a new life commences for
you. In this glorious dawn Is seen the
sign of the cros-the symbol of suffering
and tho resurrection of a people."
(irriass Chancellor Ml a tea ,t'tallnn.
LONDON, Aug. 1S.-(S:06 a. m A Mar
coni wireless dispatch from the official
bureau at Berlin, dated Friday, gives an
Interview with the German chancellor,
Dr. Von Bethmann-Hollweg. who, repre
senting the war as a life and death strug
gle between the Germans and Russians,
arising from the assassination of Arch
duke Kranola Ferdinand and his wife, de
clared teat jsngiand avails itaeir of a
long awaited opportunity to begin a war
. . HEAD.
Lunch Cloths and Napkins
to Match
All $5 Embroidered Lunch ;
cloths, $3.75 each.
All $7.50 and $8.00 Napkins,
to match, $G.75 a dozen.
Ready Made Roller Towels .
5Cc Crash Roller Towels,.
35 c each. 1
65c Crash Roller Towels,
50c each.
Sale Linen Sheetings
$1.75 72-inch Linen Sheet-.
ing, Monday $1.25 yard.
$2.00 81-inch Linen Sheet-. ,
ing, Monday, $1.50 yard.
$2.25 90-inch Linen Sheet-
ing, Monday, $1.75 yard. . '
New Party Boxes
The new leather tor party
cases in black and colors
... ., .... ......
beautiful fittings, $3.75 to
$6.00 ca., Notion Section.
for the destruction of the commercially
prosperous Germany.
"It la with a heavy heart," said the
chancellor, "that we see England ranged
among our opponents, notwithstanding
th close ties of blood and culture be
tween England and Germany. The
former places Itself on the aide of Russia,
whose Insatiability and barbaric Insolence
helped this war In order to humiliate and
supresa the Uerman race by Russian
"We expect that the sense of justice
of the American people will enable them
, U .comprehend our situation. We Invite
their Jopiulon aa not a one-sided English
proposition and ask them to examine our
point, of view In an unprejudiced way.
"Tie sympathy of the American nation
will' then He with German culture and
Civilisation which le fighting against a
half Asiatic . and slightly cultured bar
barism." .-
niffr.reat Sakrres.
"Our Interests lie In different spheres,'
fch sHld he sighed, poor man,
'Twas so she was a golfing maid
, And he a base ball fan.
Boa ton Transcript.
in Alpine Passes
Sixty Thousand Could Be Handled
During; the EexJ three
81s ThooMiri Americana In Italy
anl Eleven Thousand la wltser
laaoV High Price Was
Aake (or Passage.
LIVERPOOL, Aug. 18.-C1M0 p. in.)
The sal line from this port today of the
St. Louie, the Campania and the Mlnne
waska for New York, and the Megantlo
for Montreal reduced the number of
Americana who had beea stranded in
England by 4.C0O. . -
The American ' line steamer Bt. Paul
from New York arrived yesterday.
LONDON. Aug. 15. U:10 J. m.) The
departure of 4,600 Americans from Liver
pool today waa followed by the departure
fropa Glasgow. The carrying capacity of
the vessels sailing for transatlantic ports
during the next twenty-five days Is es
timated at 60,000, or three times the num
ber of Americana in tbe British Islea
While the number on the continent of
Europe Is not known. It la believed not to
exoeed S0.0UO. A large number of these
are returning by Dutch, Danish and
Italian lines.
Some Weoli RemaJa.
Many American tourists in London who
had booked passage on small vessels or
had taken steerage berths are offering ao
sell their tickets to the American cltl- j
sens committee, aa they prefer to make
a later and more comfortable passage.
The members of the committee say
they fall to see the necessity for e dis
patch of transports to take stranded
Americana back ' to the United Btatea, In
view of . new sailings which have been
The Grampian sails tomorrow, the Ar
cadian, the Andania and tbe Anconta
August U, the Olympio August M and the
Adriatic August 30. .
The British steamer Buffalo, which left
Now York July 26, has arrived at fluU.
Hundreds Leave Otnsssr.
A dispatch to Reuter's Telegraph com
pany from Amsterdam snys that 700
Americana from Berlin arrived at the sta
tion at Amsterdam during the night
Borne hundreds were - sheltered at the
hotels while others , proceeded to The
Hague and Rotterdam where arrange
ments are eblng made for ships to taka
them home. '
Many of the Americans warmly praised
the treatment whtctt they bad In Berlin,
When .they were . leaving the German
capital, the American consulate, the rail
way station and tho carriagea which, car
ried them to the rallwaya were decorated
with flowers. The -dining ears of .their
trains were abundantly stored .with food.
Many of the refugees had lived In Ger
many for years, and, are jiowk returning
to the United States because serious dif
ficulties would confront. them' if they re
mained. In Germany. It, Is expected that
about 35,000 Americans Will ' leave that
country. . . i ' . ' , . ' , , ,1 .
Arrive Ml a as Bagarasre.
NEW YORK, Aug. IB. Another bag-
gageless lot of Americans who fled
Europe to avoid the war reached New
York today on the Celtic. The cabins
were Jammed and the stewards had a
hard time feeding the throng.
In the first cabin were 804 persona," In
the seoond $0C and In the storage 666.
The Celtic took a northerly course and
steamed wtlhout lights at night, but the
trip was without Incident
Nlaa Steams hi pa Sail.
Nina steamships aall rxom New York
today for porta In England, France, Hoi- j
land and Italy, carrying passengers of all
classes and malls, aa a result of the of
ficial notice from the British admiralty
that the Atlantlo ocean steamship lines
are clear of German cruisers.
The Cedrlo sailed for Liverpool at 1 a
m today and steamers that were to fol
low are the Kroonland with mails for
Great Britain and central Europe, Minne
tonka for London, America for Naples,
Patria for Marseilles, Danube for South
ampton, Baxonla for Liverpool and Potts-
dam for Rotterdam. The agents of the
French line announced yesterday that
the steamship Rochambeau, which has
been delayed here several day a on ac
count of the war scare, would aall for
Havre today. It will have 200 cabin and
L3Q0 third class passengers, many of
whom are reservists paying their own
way back to France to fight for their
native land.
Rle.vea Thoaeaaa la Swttaerlaafl.
ROME. Via London. Aug. 15. The
American ambassador, Thomas Nelson
Page, has liasued a notice that the Amer
ican government Is sending to Europe
transports capable of taking home 8,M
Americana The announcement baa
caused great rejoicing among tourists and
others anxious to leave the country. It
Is thouaht possible that further means
of transportation will ba provided.
There are about 6,000 Americana In
Italy alone, whle there are probably 11.000
In Bwitserland. Soma of the Americans
block A Ta.DcxiiirtsTO
I jC? 4111 ,k .Vrr-'- ' Corner 16th and Farnam Streets.
I Y' A Ssfyji HliteSt ' Telephone Douglas 1085.
:S This is tbe Largest and Beat Equip-
iOa3 -""tilV i P" Dntal Office In Omaha. Seven
ssSj vWy chair, white enamel, aanitary equip-
vv, SS- ment. Employing In all 10 people.
vvxJXX The foundation of this large prao-
p ,ti,e ,B 1IlBa rd Dentiatry at Ueaaon-
. -S ZZT"1 1
Grand Admiral Hans Ludwlg-Rels-mund
von Koester, head of the German
navy, who la In charge of the North sea
flotilla. Admiral von - Koeater was the
kaiser's personal representative at New
York's Hudson-Fulton celebration and
Is the president of the German Navy
league, ' . ,
sought to charter an Italian steamer, but
the company naked a guarantee for the
trip of 140,000. Thla would make the most
expensive cabins H,400 each and the ordi
nary cabins 1200. It la believed the re-
establlahment of the eervioe of the Brit
ish liners will relieve the situation.
ROTTERDAM, Via London. Aug. 18.
(1:20 p. m. The Noordam sails for New
York at 4 o'clock this afternoon carrying
844 first class-passengers and 406 seoond
clans passengers.' No passenger list was
Italy Stand By
Its Declaration'
. of Neutrality
ROME. Aug. 14. 9:45 p. m. Via Paris.
7:30 a. m., Aug. 15.) The excitement In the
Italian capital has become very acute
since the existence of the state of war
between England and France on the one
side and Austria-Hungary on the other,
waa declared. . Tbe Tribune, In an article;
evidently Inspired In official quarters,
emphasised the fact that Great .Britain
and Franoe did not really declare war on
Austria, but simply announced that a
state of war existed by reason of Aus
tria's own acta and that, therefore, Italy
is not obliged to assist Austria-Hungary.
The most-active work la now going on
among the governmenta of the various
Balkan states ito bring abou a - recon
struction of tne former Balkan league
whloh defeated, Turkey In the recent war.
The'objeot of the movement Is to assist
Russia against Austria-Hungary and to
keep Turkey inactive, 1
LONDON, Aug. 16. S: p. m-A dis
patch from Brussels to the exchange
Telegraph company says the death of
General von Emmtch, the German com
mander at Liege, la confirmed. He la to
be succeeded by General von Der Mar
wits. General Otto von Emmlch was M years
old. Ha joined the army as a volunteer
In 1866 and waa promoted two years
later to a lieutenant He took part In
Hot, Sleepless Nights
are Signs That Tour XTervee Veed tbe
Help oz waraara aaia aerTuw.
Most doctors hesitate to prescribe po
tions to produce sleep from the fear of
habit forming drugs taking effect That
la why a remedy noted for lta h armless-
nee s should always be employed. Sleep
lessness or Insomnia Is caused by disor
dered nerves, and thus restlessness In
turn produces "the blues." despondenoy.
fretting, wory. Impatience and excitabil
ity. As soon as any of these symptoms
appear Warner's Safe Nervine ahould be
taken according to directions. It la per
fectly harmless. To anyone
who auffera from loss of aleep,
neuralgia, nervous headache
ana nervoue prwi.ruwi. w. : B
over-indulgence. W a r n e fs E iHiD
Safe Nervine Is recommended Olsl U
as a medicine of proven merit
Get It at your druggist or a free sample
will be sent If you write Warner's Safe
Remedies Co., Dept 862, Rochester. N. Y.
I a ; ......
tbe rrancc-rrusslan war in 1S7M1. After
ward he was promoted through all th
grades until he became major general
In ml When he was appointed to the
command of the Tenth army corps he
waa made a general.
Big German Liners
May Be Bought by
American Syndicate
NEW YORK. Aug., 15 The Hambunr
Amertcan line Issued a statement this
afternoon saying that It had under con
sideration offers to purchase some of its
et cam ships in American waters, valued
at 120.000.000.
The fleet embraces the great irtesmer
Vaterland, largest In the world. If sold
the vessel would fly the American flg
and would be the first big acquisition
to the proposed American merchant
for everyone
Vot the Big Xiao Jnst tne
It plays any rolls and should
ell for 1376, but it is summer
now, so they go this week at
- 125 ennh, $10 per month, with a
lot of free rolls. A child can play it.
A. Hospe Co.
1813 Douglas Street.
Our Fortieth Tear.
We have many used pianos
$90, $100. 12t, fl50. Terms) $10
cash and $6 per month; also the
world's best New Pianos at stand
ard prices.'
, jWsatJatatMa(al telaBawaw 4.
. - "rz;
. Oar splendid new fall -
1 1 stock Is here. I
I 1 Ussry thing for tbe fire I 1
Sd moor, State Bank,
1? aad. Harney. J f