Tim OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: AUGUST 1H, 1014. s WAR BOTHERING THE WOMEN Society Mism Finding Many Needed Article Hard to Find. TOURISTS ABE RETURNING HOME l.nrare Interest la XrlnK Vkown I.rttrrs and (iMrirmni from ' Oman Caught la F.n : rose hr the War. la at or la I Calendar. MONDAY-Chllrirf n'a mat'nre dncrs Klrl.l and Carter Lk clubs. Tl'KnA V Matins and dinner .Unce at Hhppt Hallow club; dinner dance at Carter Lake el'ib. WEUNW1UY-Alr. Seymour H. Smith, hoMma at bridge lunchpnn for Mrs. K H. Kllbourne of Oklahoma ity and Mm. M. A. Klllntt of Kanoss City; matinee and dinner rfanres at Seymour Ik club; dinner .larirra at Field and Country cluba; cottagers' niKlu. Carter ' 1.le club. TH t 'HSPAY Carter t.ke dinner dance and kenslnpton club. FH I DAY Women (toir.Ta at Happy Hol low club; dinner dam at Meymour l.ake club; matinee danre and moving pictures at Carter Lake) club. SATL'RPAY Week-end dinner dance at Field, Happy Hollow and Country cluba; members night, Caiter lake club. War seam to be affecting everything ' Lady, thla la the last of the French face powder, and when thl la tone we will not be able to. set any more," the clerk in the shopa will tell you. 'Thla to Imported wlvet, the material made In France and thla ahade of dye la only made In Germany, o when thla la gone we will not be able to get any more," another clerk will tell you. "Battleship" gray and "navy" blue' are two popular colore for thla autumn, prob ably Inspired by their military names. The martial l!noulte' la what the well" gowned woman myat attempt t resemble. And the allhouett or a 'woman with the new tiny hat with a very hluh trimming and military cape, la not unlike the dash ing European cavalryman with" brilliant colored-cape and Ilia high hornet with plumea blowing In the wind. It makea him appear taller and more dashing. , Evan tho bseque wMtfli la having auch a tremendous vogue with the up-to-date woman, la made almost tight fitting aa an offleer'a full dresa coat, which la the cloaeat . fitting garment one can Imagine. Mra N. A. Bpleaberger, who haa Just returned from New York, says the emartest clothes are ' exceedingly Plain, the aleevea vefy . aklmpy and the long tunica on the aklrta ao full that they resemble the old fashioned full aklrt. Fine voile resembling chiffon la a fav orite material. - The.mall hata are worn slightly on one ide. la Tommy .Atkins,',' ,, or corked up on one aide like the Scotch tarn o' ahanter or bonnet. "''' For-dressy wear they are tryin to make the Tint. Urge black velvet picture hat .popular again, but It Is not yet as sured. ' - J . ,'( ' f .,' , ' Returning: from Europe. A','bie from : Dr. , A. F., . Jonaa , an nouaeed that, ha and Mr. .'Jonas were aafci In Liverpool, but nothing- more haa beeri heard from -them.' ,' Mr. and Mrs . Arthur C. Smith and fam ily are en route-front England on . the Royal (Jeorga. which sailed for Montreal Mrtndair. .' w '' ''' ' A cable from Mr. C. K. Diets In tendon advises hla brother. Mr. Gould Diet that he and tale wife and hla tilce, Miss Evelyn Stlckney, have succeeded In en gaging slng otr the-Georie for the 27th of thla month tot Montreal. With them will be Mlaa Kitty Sadler, daughter of the artist. W. Denby Sadler, who la com ing to America for her first visit.' and will come dlrert'lo Omaha tot a guest at the Plets home, where she will find large collection of her father" famoua pictures., Mlsa Padler has. a brother In Boston, who Is a landscape artist whom she will vlalt later. . Miu Pearl Iloekfellow -of the Omaha llleh school faculty who haa been travel in RiiraDe. Balled' Friday' on tha Chicago" from Iltty re,' France. 'No mea sae haa been received from.her. but thla newa waa gleaned by her mother through an announcement of bookings from New York. ' ' '' - " ' Mr. Edward B. Parkin had passage aaaed on the Carpathla. which sailed i..t ovmiins or today from. Naples for New Yerk. t . Debutante Now Marrooncd in War-Torn Europe Nh r in iff :'Tf- N . ?K J- f v'.. 111. iv. V . . m 1 fl ,A i 4 0 -"nLf- ' i It... V &f;y -M If ' r v yyr 1 lubsi -: -?; ' . - ' -Mirk , ? J j f """ax"" Lake, Minn, and Mr. and Mrs. Alrln Johnson are expected tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs. John McBhane left At lantic City thla week and have been at the Waldorf In New Tork for a few daya prior to going to Karragansett. Mr. F. . W. Judson left W'edneaday for Christmas Lake, where) his wife and daughter are staying. Birthday Surprise. Mrs. James Iavla waa pleasantly sur prised on her birthday Thursday evening when those present were: Mlse Mteaea Orm-e Helff, Florence Davles, Elsie Davis, Kdna Relff, Ix-Htrlce 1 'a vies. hadln Jones. Messrs. Measra. Arthur 'Taylor, Melvin Davla, Ytay Taylor. Lanse Johnson. Henry Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. James Psvles, Mr. and Mrs. George Reiff, ' - Mr. and Mra. Arthur Davles, Mr. and Mre. Fred Bora. Mr. and Mrs. will Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Fd Page, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, Mr. and Mra. Charles Reiff, ' Mr. and Mrs. Overman. For Harmony Club Mlsa Freda Break y entertained the members of the Harmony club at her home Thursday evening In honor of the Misses Madeline Dohan, Anna Barnes and Lola Zlmbeck. The evening was spent In music and gamea. Those present were: Misses Mabel Brown Katherlne Reynolds, Helen Stone, Adeline Ptone, Mary Pearson, Mildred Culver, Freda Breakey., ' who leavea soon to attend Wisconsin university. The lawn waa beautifully decorated with Japanese lanterna, and twenty-five guests were present.- Traveling in East. Mrs. W. H. Tudor, who has been visit ing In New Tork City, leaves for Byra cuse today, where she will . remain one week. From there ahe will go to Buffalo and will take the lake trip to Detroit, re turning home September L To Honor Guests Mra. Seymour II. Smith will entertain at a bridge luncheon Wednesday at the Cornish apartments In honor of Mrs. l H. Kilbourne of Oklahoma City, who la the guest of Mra. Watson Townsend, and Mrs. M. A. Elliott of Kansas City, who Is, the gueet of Mrs. F. L. Fisher. Slanfhter-Norfard Wedding. At the home of the bride' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto J. Norgard. Mr. Oscea Slaughter and Miss Marie Nor gard wore married Saturday by Rev. F. W. Leavltt. pastor of Tlymouth Congre gational church. Bagnell-Johnson Engagement . Mr and Mra. J. Edgar Johnson, formerly of Lincoln, announce the engagement ot their daughter Josephln-?, and Donald T. Bagnell, 'son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bagnell of Lincoln. The wedding will b celebrated In the early fall. At the Country Club. Among those entertaining guests last evening at the Country club at dlnnef were Mr. and Mrs. John W. Towle, who had covera laid for ten guests; Fred Clark, eight; Joseph Hayden, aeven; B. W. Hart, four, and Glenn WhartoiCfour. In and Oulrof the Bee Hire. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Dooley returned Friday evening from a trip on the Great Lake. Mra. M. E. Shears and two children and her mother, Mrs. L. E. Barber, have (Continued on Page Three.T Misses Madeline Dohan, South Omaha; Lola Zimbeek, Lake City. Ia.: Anna Barnes, Louise F.acher, Ethel Ish, Jfi'ss Frances IfocZsUtez Summer Plans. 'Mrs. M. C. yulnn haa-gone to Colorado Springs for a months' sUy. xt. r I.' -ftoaers and Mr. and Mrs. Krank Keosh are staying at "NaanWood' while Mr. and Mr. Loul New York. - , . Mrs. Xvalter H. Rhodes and children, Mildred and Charles, accompanied by Ml.aea Ruth Carter-and Gertrude Matt aon, have gone to Longworth. Annan dale. Minn., where they will remain until Supteinber l- Mr, Rosa Towle has gone to Canyon Cltv to loin Mra. Towle. who has been there several weeks. They will stay un til September. Mrs. n. . Hall, Mica Hall and Mlsa Janet Hall, who have been In the Cat akllla all summer, returned Saturday. Mra. Haifa mother. Mrs. Ware, of Ne braska City, cam up Thursday to meet them, Mr. and Mra Bernard Kohn and their daughter, Mrs. I. Lowengrund, and Brand-daughtera, the Mlaaes Lowengrund, of Philadelphia, leave this evening to ej.end the remainder of the summer on the shores of Lake Michigan. ' Mr. end Mrs. R. C. Howe, Mlsa Marlon Howe, Mia France King of Alma, Mich., and Mr. Hubert Howe left Thurs day to spend three weeks at Eaton' ranch In Wyoming. Mis King waa Mlsa Howe roommate at Mrs. Cpeno school In New York. Mr. and Mr. N. A. Eplesberger hav returned from New Tork, Atlantic City and Long Beach, L. I., where they spent the summer. The Mlaae Hortens and -Manila Saleaberiier ar spending a fort night longer at the seashore before re turaing home. Mr. and Mra. Pplenber ger, who bad passage engaged for Europe for next month, have, tauceled It Mr.' Herbert Devta. and Mr. John JlMBiKhen,, Jr.. leave today In the Davis car for Cleveland and Wednesday Dr. and Mra. B. B- Davis o east to Join them, and. from ,th. re they will .Mart on a month's tour of New England and the Adirondack, arriving at Ithaca, in time for the- boys to ,return to Cornell. Mr. Kenneth Norton, another ' oolteg male. will go on the-trlp with them. Interesting Vfar Experiences. Jiitereelljiif vr experience from Lao dun a.utinue to pour In. Mr. and Mrs. I. I.. Levy of eXuth Omaha received Hie following mage thi . morning fiuni their eon. Max, - who has beea touring Europe this summer. ' Under late of August 4 he ayttes: All Europe is ag!g and wild about the war-- Germany, according to re jHrts, is declaring war right and left " 'J-o B'.e--lse wre reolve4 under date of August t: ' " "Have very little money except foreign. They won't accept foreign money and all bank are closed for three days. Great excitement here and strong anti-German feeling." f ... j If ' fierce! Thousands of Americana are stranded without a cent. I had to borrow S Shilling to pay bu far about London and I put up a DO-frano note to borrow that I shillings. Foreign money I no good and the banks are closed for four day. The t Hamburg-American. North . Gorman Lloyd and all German Una steamship offices are closed. 1 London la a wonderful city, but It's not In It with New Tork." i Miss Mary Wallace, teacher in- the Sander school, and Miss Winifred Wal laoe, who teaches at Franklin school, Wrote to their lter, Miss Jean Wallace, Under "date of August 8: "Stood In line for two hour at the American Express office to get money, but all we, could get waa i $30 fori each person. . Elght-aeeing la going on Just the aame, however, and we will leave today for Statford-on-Avon to attend the Summer School of Folk Song and Dance. If we don't sail August 16 on the Arablo wo will conie home on a battleship." . Mn' Z. T. Lindsay received a1 cable gram from her sister. Miss Ethel Evans, who ha boon living In Purl for the last two years, to the effect that ahe would sail August 36 from Barcelona. Mlsa Evans, who Is an artist and had a picture accepted at the Spring Salon, waa travel ing In the chateau country when the war broke out. 1 Seymour Lake Country Club. ' An excellent program will be given Tuesday evening and Is rn charge of Mrs. J. W. Woodrough. Mlaa Alice McKensle. who haa studied abroad for two year and who will make her debut In Omaha next October, will sing. Mr. Will Hunt will sing and Miss Dora Sasa will read. This will be Omaha night and member are at liberty to brine, aa many Omaha guest on this night as they desire.. The program start at I o clock. . A.' T. Hughes , waa host at a dancing party Friday sight, when he had a hi guest: T. Hughe. MlHgei Mr. and Mra. Misses Myrtle A I bee. Lincoln; Florence Sandy. Gretna Hughes, Messrs. Cart Tangeman, Mis Clara Elster Bern Wldamaa, Sioux City; Frances Umatum. Mr. P. J. Langdon Messrs. Lloyd Dell, entertained at dan cing. Her guests were: Misses Misses Io!a Granden, Ruby Norgard,: Maude Cochran, Clara Elster. Mcaars. Messrs. Ivan Irvtn. Arthur Chrlaten- H. C. ChrlBtensen, sen. -Harold W. Chamber! Mlsa Heaton of Lincoln 1 a house guest Mra. J. W. Woodrough. C. O. Byam had as guest Friday even ing: Mr. and Mr. Frank A mea .Mrs. Angltn, Toronto. Mrs. Cunningham. ' Mr. and Mra J. L. Bueh entertained at dinner, having with them: Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Lord. ' Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Furea. Miss Dorothy Lord. Mia Bush. Mr. and Mr. Julius Lyon had aa dinner guests Friday: Mr, and Mrs. Edward C. Epsten. Mr. and Mra. Henry Forster. Mra. Adelaide Jergenaon, Chicago.. Dr. and Mra E. I DeLanney enter tained for Mr. Ia A. DeLanney of Spauldlng, who 1 their house guest J. N. Ham had a hi guest Friday evening: Mis Marjorie Thornton. Miss Ruth West. Mr. Ray West Another small dinner party was com posed of Mis Dorl Clark, Mis Ma Brown. Mr. William King and Mr. Wil liam Becker. Mr. and Mr. S. L. Winter had with them Mtea Mary vONetll Knd Mlsa Rosa Man. . y Mr. and Mra. J. J. Hlnchey and Mr. and Mr. Manley McCarthy had dinner to gether. The Woman' Golf club played on tha Seymour course Friday, when the low core waa mada by Mr. Karl Llnlnger, Mr. H. E. Said, Mr. A. S. Mldlam and Mra John Beklnaj of the Seymour club ar now member of the Woman'a Golf club and played the flrat time this week. The party had luncheon together. Those present were: Mesdamee Karl Llnlnger, H. E. Said, John Beklna, H. E. McDonald, J. W. Tilson. W. A. Chailla.. Misses Mioses Dorothy Merrlam, Noble Clark. Will Celebrate Their Golden Wedding " A 'J'fh'':r.fs j ; 11 ' iv IZr. an JT&vr Max TVozrJL Fifty years of happy wedded life will be-rnarkrd off on August 2 by Mr. and Mts. . Max Morris. They will celebrate Jtielr golden wedding anniversary during the evening at the home of their daughter, Mra. E- im, Harney atreet, sur rounded' by five daughters, nine grand children, uiid friends of a lifetime. Mr. MorrU is one of the best' known of Omaha's older businees mea. He belongs to the Masons, Odd Fellow. Ancient Order of Vntted Workmen - and Inde pendent Order of B'Nal B'rlth. Of the latter organisation, he ia the captain of the degree team, which he organised himself. Mrs. E. Gana,. Mra a Meyn both of Omaha; Mra D. Prentke, Cleve land; Mrs. Charles Levy and Mra Louis Levy, both of Minneapolis, are daughters of Mr. and Mr. Morrir At Happy Hollow. The Commercial club haa made ar rangement for a luncheon for 200 guests at Happy Hollow Wednesday for' the visitors, who will be her for Mer chants' week. Saturday evening H. S. Alleman had four guests at dinner; Robert Cowell, three; R. N. Howes, eight; 8. M. Sher wood, 'seven;. Robert Dempster, twelve; A. E. KIopp, . four; H. Lawrle, aeven; Charle Burke, four; W, L. Randall, six. Entertain! at Fontenelle Fark. Mr. William Archibald Smith, More Fire Chief Simpson, entertained at a wiener roast, Thursday, the following persons: Mesdamee E. W. Simpson. Mesdames George Fltsgarld. Sidney Dyer, M Isses Oertrnde Miller. " Georgia Fltsgarld Mesars. John M. Simpson, Dick Fltsgerald, Misses Violet Simpson. Messrs. Richard Dyer. Mesdame W. G. Silver. Harley Chittenden. v. i, ciark, L. M. Lord, A. b. Mldlam. E. C. Henry. W. 8. Shafer, H. E. Matbson. J. C. Dahlman, John Battln, C. J. Merrlam, At Carter Lake Club. F. L, Weaver, A. p. Whltmor and Dr. Grant William had dinner together at Carter Lake club Friday evening. Other who .made reservation for dinner were Frank Pardun, who entertained three guests; George E. Thompson, three; A. J. Jackson, two; Alex Jetes, two; H. B. Whitehouse, two. T. W. Blackburn entertained at dinner at the club Saturday evening ia honor of Hon. John I Kennedy. The present were: . , " Mesar. T. F. (Julnlan, Jolin Mellen, Thomas H Wood, E. F. BraJley, J. A. Woodrough, Dr. Orant WlUlama, Messra Frank L. Weaver. Charles L. Dundy A. I'. W hltmore, . A. F. Bloom. George Rogers, IK 11. cnriatie, F. A. Pardun. Mr. J. r. opdahl entertained at eunner Saturday evening, when cover were laid for: Mr. and Mr. C. C Rose. Mrs. A. Green. Misses Mlssee " ., Mildred Roe. of Chicago, Jean Davidson, Gertrude Green. Dora Hendrlckaoa . Messrs. Messrs. F. P. Green J. F. Opdahl, Miaa Jean McCormlck. had . as her sueats: Mr. and Mrs. 8. Frank. Mr. and Mra. R. Newman. Miss Blanche Frank. Mr. Mauiiee Frank. ! .... Miss Marie Richardson entertained six guests at dinner. At the Field Club. Entertaining at dinner Saturday even ing at the Field club were George Ptat ner. who had i-over laid for nineteen guests., all of .whom were member of hi office force. A. j J. Vterlln had eleven gueaU; John F.' Dale, six; E. T. Carrlgan, aix; W. A. Leet ix; F. H. Clarldge, seven; W. F. Wherry, four; J. C AUen. alx; L. C. Kohn. nine; E. B. Huntley, four; P. C. Hyson, four, pod D, V. Sholes. four. ' N ' Family Party at Lake. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Keman and Mr. and Mm W. V. Kernan, accompanied by Mlsa Haxel Kernan. left yesterday to spend fro weeks at Lake OkoboJL At Lake and Seashore. Mra Charle Kounta and son. Des man, and daughter, Eleanor, leave Tues day for Westhampton, L I., to Join Mr. and Mr. J. T. Stewart, who have been there for two week a Mr. Kountse wlU go eaat about a week later. Mra Nelsoa B. Updike and Mia Hasel Updike return today from Clearwater Williams-Lee Wedding. Mis Georgia E. Lee of Los Angeles and Mr. Herbert Ia William, formerly of Omaha, were married July 24 by the Rev. W. II. Hampton at the Episcopal parsonage at Ironton, O., where the bride and her mother were visiting relative. Mr. and Mra. William are at tha home or Mr. ana Mrs. uscar B. William for a week or ten day, after which they leave for California to make their home. Fisher-Mullin Wedding. The wedding of Mis Katherina Douglas Mullln and Mr. Robert Earl Fisher waa celebrated at 10 o'clock Saturday morn ins at the home of tha bride's parent, Mr. and Mra. Charle H. Mullln. The Rsv. FT0dertc.lt Leavltt of Plymouth Congregational . church performed the ceremony In the presence of about forty relatives, all of thi city, Mr. and Mr. Fisher have gone on, a western wedding trip and will be at horn at SIM Lothrop treet after October L For St LouU Visitor Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Murray entertained at their horn Friday ' evening in honor of Mlaa Adele Wood and Mr. F. P. Grace of St Lou la, who are their guests. Pink carnation ware used In the decora tion. Those present were: . Dr. and Mra It. C. Scouten. Dr. and Mra L. W. Morsman. Mr. and Mra. David Goldman. Mr .and Mra. J. N. DeFrance Mis Olive Bower. -Mr. C. L. Bowling. Mr. Ray Bowling of Kansas City. With the Visitors. Mis Minnie M. Wood of Bridgeport, Conn.. U the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. MorrilL Mlaa Florence IMmblrd of Bpokan ar rived Friday to apend a few daya with Mlaa Dorothy Dale. Mlaa Evelyn Houaer of Evanston, 111., who spent a few day with Miss Dale, ha returned home.. All of tha young women were achoolmatee at Laaell school near Boston. House Party, Mis Elaa' Haarmann entertained at a house party thi week for a number of Alpha Phi ororlty girl of the University of Nebraska, including Muses Vivian Holland of Lincoln. Mabel Anderson of Wahoo and Irene Johnson of Omaht A dinner party was given at the Field club In their honor and alio on at Car ter Laks club. Surprise Party. Tha Young Ladles' 8odalty of St Cecelia's church gave a -surprise party Friday evening at the home of Miss Car rie Nagi, in honor of Miss Maris Mackln, 9HS2ST If Vou Believe In IVIusIc You Need a VICTOR-VICTROLA or a COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA """r T ' uPh t I . SMijfc I ' "- I liil 1 il!; .i. .. a-. . nun Bt),i - With one of these wonderful In struments you bring gome music Into your life each day and add to your happiness and make your home more complete. Visit the only store in the city where you can compare theise match less Instruments side by side. Free Concerts every afternoon. ' Many different styles to select from. Prices $15 to $200 Terms $1 a. Week and Up SchmoIIer & Mueller PIANO CO. 1311-13 Famam BU , Established 1859. alAl rr Our "factory to you' telling plan means absolutely tT u 1 . n .; t nubn tjj c. i urn frit-cs ui utiiiciiiciii icikii Upright Pianos 175 and up II.IJllHIIIl 1 II I II . I II , .LI I l,..U.H..il .III. "iT&.y,. Player Pianos S365 and up THE MER TEN COMPANY Factory DittribatrComnUnt Terms J704 Douglas Street .J Announcement Kindly note that I hAye just re turned from. Eastern, markets, where I observed the styles keen ly, and, in opening up my estab lishment for 1jD14 Fall Seasonal do so firm in the' belief that l have the most attractive line of suitings yet shown in Omaha, Should you desire a precise fit ting, stunningly made up typical man-tailored suit at a price that MUST at once appeal, I trust you will soon honor me with a visit. Ladies' Tailor 433-435 Paxton Block rr3 r n n U sW hJk U tn i . MaaiSI Don't Fail to Attend orehants m3 H B artiot QQ OH AHA, AUGUST 17 TO 22 Complete stocks from which to select Fall and Holiday goods. A Special Style Show and extra merchandising ' events will make the week profitable and eventful, FOUR EUEUIHGS OF OH All A HOSPITALITY Drins your families Ladles will bo especially welcome.' OMAHA WHOLESALERS 'Mil) MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION V