TTIK BEE: OMAHA, AUGUST 1914. WANT ADS Want ads received at any time, but to Insu i proper classification must be pr aented before 12 o'clock noon for evening Dillon and JrM j. m. for morning nd Suidv edltlona Want ada reeMved after -i-h noun wlil be under th heading Too Let to Classify." , CASH RATE?. On tlm, 12 cents a ilnf. Hire Mm within on week, I ttnU a line each Insertion. Seven ronsecutiv timet, 7 ccnta a una each insertion. CTIAROB RATES. Three tJmea within on week, 19 cent a lire each Insertion. Seven eon secutlv timet, t cents a Una aarh Insertion. fount six s vers re words to a Hn. Minimum charge. SO vnta. Th Be will not ba responsible f"' mer than cn wrong inrtton due to typo, graphical error. Claims for error must ba promptly made. An advertisement Inserted to be run un til discontinued atopped by writ ten order. Tou can plae your want ad In The Baa by telephone. TELEPHONE TYLER 1. Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column" Hundreds of other answere have been railed for and delivered during the last week. It Is reasonable to suppose that ell of ths people below have made the desired swaps therefore, do not call for the balnnce of their answers. Bee Want . Ada sure get results. C. SC. SC. f.r. B.C. B.C. 00 an - fV, l,0(i2 t vn :m urn l.iw fA 941 9M l.vr.4 1.174 1.1 sit S4" as i.ttu 1.175 li? w. (.' l.ioi 1.171 l. 07 . V2 l.Krt LIT I- I r.i 1.112 u 1.2 S" . 9T4 9W 1.11H 1.1M 1.22 MS ' . . 9T7 .' 9HS 1.121 MM 1.21 Kt . 7 1.1 t!23 LIW L2 DBtTRI AJIO Ft'NERAL NOTICES l'BTEIt60N Ruth Cornelia, aed H vears. months, !S days, beloved daugh ter of Mr. and Mr. Nsls J. reterson. Aufjst 10, , Funeral Wednesday aJtertioon at 2 o'clock from fantily resldenoe, IMS Mason street, to Forest l.nwi cemetery. Friends '.nvltad. Auto servtce. SAWYER Mrs. Agnes, at local hospltsl Monday,--August 10, 1H. aged 44 yeara. Funeral at Croaby's parlora Wednesday, A'wuat 12, 1114. at 3 p. m. Interment, West Lawn cemetery. Funeral private, by automobile. BIRTHS AM) DEATHS. Birtha-Sam and Becky Altscliulcr. 2.VXJ Franklin, boy; Hlllle and Anna Charles, aw Lartmoi'e avenue, boy; rred and Jessie Ulxby, 41i North Twenty-second, aflrl: F. J. ,and Hedlng Effenberger, hos pital, .boy: Harold and Iralno Evarts, Jones, jrtrl: Alflo and Areola La Ferlo, 11 North Sixteenth, boy; Krsna and Helen. Outchewskl, 24H! North Twenty-third, boy; William and Esther Jlolland.' Tbirly-fourth snd Plnkney, imy; Frank and Anna Kolai'. 1412 South Fif teenth, sir!; John and Ixils Mattlce, hos pital, boy; Meyer and Jennie Meadow, JiV4 North Nineteenth. boy; W, and Frances Murphy, -HI7 Lsrlmore, girl; Hans and Milla Nielsen, :.7 South Flfty flrWt, girl; Frank and Theresa Nelson, 34H1 South Fifteenth, ulrl: C. and llarlatina. Orto, 1123 Kouth Pierce, girl; U. and Kalvatrlca Palce, 10 Paoifir, girl; Anton and -Mary Rychly, 2140 Camden avenue, boy; H. K and ICvn Spencer, 'MM inr!es. girl; Lubrla and Afla Sabastlano, IMS Jiouth Fifth, girl; W. H. and Louise Wlgton.-, 4CT Grand avenue, girt. . Ptaths-iMsry Oonroy, Wt years, hos j,ttal; John Hrown, S years, !'12l Nicholas; .Itck Jacobson, 53 days, liJI Paveuport; Edttar Acken, 1 year, hospital; Pelliert Betk,' Vears, hospital; Hyron Gardner. 1 year, WZh Saratoga: Mary liei rtiiann, n yfars, 1XW Pacific; Mrs. Katie Rooney, til yeara, hospital; Anton Schmlts. M years, hoerpltsl; James M. Turnmn, b years, tine pital; Esther Washington. IS yeara, SII5 North Thirtieth; Kennath W hslen, 4 months, 1 8011th Forty second: Samuel B. Stenatrcm, 21 Fears, Forty-ninth and Burt. . - MARH1AGU LItKNE.. Morrtt Chlpchln. Omaha....'..,. Fanny Rosenblum, Omaha...... ..... ffl M llflLDlXO PERMITS. ' H. P. Smiley, 4:X Parker, frame dwell ing, t,MT; Bankers Realty company, he lolloalng: Hi Haskell, frame, J .J00; . Haskell, frame, K.O00; H. O. Olmstead, Nicholas, frame, $2,600. ' TODAY'S bOMrLETB ' ' ! MOVIE PROGRAM ' ExcJuBiTely In The Bow ' iMsnima. CAMERA PHONE. 1408 DOLGLA& The Ideutlflcstlon, S-reel Kulem. ' Temper snd IVmperance, Lubin. ( A Clash of Virtues, Eesiinay. K.LITB NO. 2. IMS FARNAM. The Operator at Black Rock, J-r. Kalcm. Private Bunny Vltagraph.' iiweedle the Swatter. Eaeanay. FA.Ri.AW. ' . 1415 FARNAM. Trey O' I.eatts No. 1 (Flower O' Flame), t reel Gold Sfc-al. HIPP THEATER. Her Duty, drama. T1 ac HARNEY, Tha'Bank Burglar's Daughter, S-r. dr. Ttu? st Tails, comedy. PAKK.TIiKATEK. , US No. 1STH BT. Two rl '. sensational feature. Wetteru Orur-H. Sterling comedy. J'.Mtt.OR. lk DOUGLAS. I'raioatic Ml. take, Sterling comedy. Kidnaped PtiKlllat. Rex drum.. Man awd -lt Brother, 2-rey Victor. IRlNCriBS. ! 1J17-1W DOUGLAtl. teeond Installment of that marvelous . serial story. The Trey of Heart. I'nL Ike's Intent. The Danger of a Great City. ' .... Aartai ' AXJIAMERA. 1M1 NORTH 24T1L Relic of Old Japan, 2-reel IhJinlno. uniel Girl eea A'gr a Alti'l. Thanhouaer romedy. LiAaioND, l0iXK.bT: By the fun's Rays, Nestur. . At the Fwt of U.e Stairs, Rex. L"reand Lunch, I-reel Sterling comedy. KANKLI N TliEA., SfTT4FliA N KLI IS Broncho Billy and the sheriff, Esvanay. 1 he Kate of a Kuuaw, Kalrm. A Woman Laughs I-reel S-llg. HIPPODROME, 2TH AND CUMING. Trinkets of Tragedy, two-rani F.saauay. A Train of Im-ldents Vltagraph. I s ma Iog't Treachery. Kalem. It THEATER, HiTH AND LOCUST 1 r.e tnmnitune or res. 2-reel Vltagrapn A Boarding House Scramble, Essauay. The Lie. lyubtn. 1.4-THROP TliEATMt. 2.12 NO. 24TH 'the Toll. 2-reel Vltagraph. Huw He Iel His Trouaers, Lubin, The Little Idow, limgrapli. 1-OYAL, - 24TU AND CALDWELL Dead Men's Tslea. S-reel special. An Awkaard Cinderella. Rex comedy. PALACE. 24TI1 AND DAVENPORT. Bum juini iim r on-, r-ierung cumedy Pursuit of Hate. Rex drama. On tne Vrs-, Fropt. fl blkBAN, UTH AND Ailtd 'r . . ,1.1 r. 1 j , M 1 'tr uvin i-fjison. The F.ipteea Messenger. S-reel Kalem. The Arrival of Josie, Itagraph. th. APOLLO THEATER. 2K4 Leavenworth. ce to Far. Edlaon. Tli Lur of the Car Wheals. l-r. Lubla. rcc Smiths J'aby. V'tiMgrapb. COLUMBIA TilEA. 1710 SOUTH 10TH -iie Wanted to Know; Lubin. Broncho i- ny i-oia ine over; t..; iga Is Piaa tt. Tlie Vi orld and the Woman: Blu. COMFORT. S4TI1 AND VINTON t-nes No. S, Million Dollar Mjstery, a ti-ol feature. Miortyturtna , l-r Broncho ky Puot, Keyston co.ncdy. i" A VOU IT E, iTTti VINTON 6T 1 he Isbadow of Trade. 2-reel Lubin. 1 r n ( t, i..r u.U.n - Tt.e Winning Trick. lliimpn comedy V. AlKtinMK ANNEX, 17 1 1 l-V INTON 1 r 1 ouiiiarteiter, t.ilison drama. 1 t. l.litie Captain, V ltagraph curnady. Sseeal the t waiter, i.esauy couitdy. TDDAVH fOMPLETK MO IK I'lUKiRAM Exclusively in The I Too oath. OEM. Ill 8nt:TlI UTH. Lucille l.ove No. , 2-reel Onld Seal. Bobby's Plot. Reliance rotnedv. Bin Knot King of Polo. American. ilANCOM THEA, l-TH a CARTEL. UAH The Natl ma Peril, t-reel Risen. Moll Your 1'eanut. Joker comedy. L. R1C. 1I7 VINTON. Mystery of Wlckham Hall. Il-reel Powers. PASTIME THE. Ml A I.KAVKNWUHTH Across the Atlantic, a thrllllnil 3-reel Imp., snd a good comedy. Admission f rents. VENK'IA. 1211 SOUTH 13TH. Enmeshed by Fate, treel Victor. lvtwilr Dsn Cupid. Nestor romedy. V esx. AtRDOMB TIIKA. FARNAM PARK. The Wilderness Mall. 2-ree Sella. Mrs. BUIIngston's Cane. Essanay. Gwendolyn, the Sewing Machine Girl. Rio. Monroe theater. farnam st. Ethel Gtandnn In Beneath the Mask. Bob Looniird-Ella Hall, out of lMiknes Irene Wallace, Irenes Hney Pay. Nrnaui, BENSON THEATER. fiT. MAIN T. Hob Ionard In "The Iloune 1'lscordsnt." In 2 psrts. The Chimh, 8lorlln Comedy The f'raeh. 2-r. Sterllns; Comedy. Hroken Harriers, Frontier Prams. Council biaffs. FOPER, . 137 BROADWAY. The I nine, a 2-ree festure. And a Sterling romedy. Iiialk Omaha. REHSR THEATER. 24TH AND N BT8. The Onetttor nt Black Rock. 2-r. Kal. Snakevllln'a Home Guard, Essanay. The Appiw, Vltogratih. R KSSF,TH K A TER724T 1 1 A NO N sf"s. John Ranee, Ocntlenian. 2-reel Vltagraph. Across the Ruining Tretle. Edison. A Matter of Record. Luhln. aadarllta-. 24TH M, SO. OMAHA. ORPHEUM. Through Fire to Fame, 4-r. feature. ANNOUNCEMENTS GET a private booth tn m grill room for noon lunch. PKTK HjC.H. Hi H. Ijth Ht HAZEL 1eaf Pile Conea. Kesi remedy for itching, bleeding or protruding piles; SOfl postpaid; samples free. Blur man Mc'onnoll Drug Co., Omaha Wedding snnouncementa oug. Ptg. Co. LUCKY wedding rings. Hrodegsard'g. Political. VOTE for Joseph N. Bleln, republican, for justice of the peace, Omaha- MY NAMki will appear rm tne republican primary ballot aa candidate for renoml natlon for Hocretary of Stute, at primary election August !S, 114. Addison Wait. Secretary of State. NVSILLia C. CROSBY, 1S24 N. 24tli BU, re publican candidate for coroner. L. J. C.1INUV, 4Ui Dodge (Dundee), democratic candidate for atate senate. C. W. BKITT, republic! police Judge. n candidate for THOMAS J. CHONIN, ?I4 California, repuhllcnn landidnte for sheriff. It. II. CI. A I HORN B, Justice of the pisca, I.V14 Farnam, asks republican renomlna- tton. FilAMv A. KENNEDY, republican can didate for smie senator. FRANK '. YATES, IMf. W. O. W. Bldg., republican candidate for eenalor, HENRY P. HAZE, 2045 North Uth Republican candidate for sheriff. ALFRED HORENHON, republican candl date for congress. A. N. YOH1", republican candidate for atate representative; pioneer and G.A.R. VOTE for C. L, -Nethaway. nnti-corpora-tlop candidate atate representative dem ocratic ticket. Flor. 27 for my plstform. W. It. HUMAN, republican candidal register of deeda; 3D years resident and taxpayer Iwuglas county, EDWARD BIMuVi for republican slat eenalor; author Mothers Pension law. JAMEH ALLAN, republican candidate for sheriff; your supprt earnestly sullcJtad. FRANK W. HANDLK, 4lb2. Burt St., register of deeda and republican candi date for re-elerllon. GKX. A. MAGNK.Y, county attorney and candidate for r-etectlnn nil the nm. era 1 Hi ticket. C. H. T. RIEPEN, resident Douglas county 4& yeara, republican candidal for coroner. VINCENT C. 14 A SC ALL, 716 8,()lh Bt., republican randldale for Justice of peace TONY COSTANZO, RKPUbOCAN CAN- DIDATR FtJR STATE LEUItiLATUKM a. A. ECKLES, republican candidal for police Judge. WJO 8. S4th. VOTE for T. A. Holllater, republluan pri mary, candidate for county attorney. VOTE FOR J. F, Melons, superintendent Florence public achoola. republican can didate for superintendent public Instruc tion for Harry Peart, cshdlilate for T. wTTlTCK BU rilNfor tngress. VOTE for C, Ik Nethaway. antl-corpora-tlon candidate elate repiesentutlvn dem ocratlo ticket. Tel. Flor. for my platform. VOTE for C. H. aillyeu. republican can. uldat for Justice of the peace. HELP WANTED f EMALE Factory aaal TraSea, APPRENTICE! girl. . Opienhelm Parlors. lloaeekeepera sal loatestlea. THE servant Girl Problem Solved. Th Bee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you gat th desired results. This applies to residents of Omaha, 6011th Omaha and Council Blufts. Bring ad to Th Ilee office or telephone Tyler luuO. WANTED Woman conk in "restaurant room and board; state wages in first letter. Star Restaurant. Hartley, la. WANTED A good girl for general house work. Apply -004 Manderauii bt, or phone Webster l'i. WANTED Girl fvr general housawork. is.n bo. stst st. 11 l.vw. WANTED A girl for general housework where second girl la kept. 33u3 Wool worth Ave- Phone Harney ;i2. WANTED A good girl for general huuse- of Florence; good wagea. Tel. Flor. 44. WANTBl A Kirl to aasist in general housework. SOS Harney St. WANTED A wet nur. 6310 N. .tU bt. Tel. Webster 24'A WANTED A i-ook. St. Mary'a A. WANTED-Whito maid lur general housework In family of two. No laun dry work. Mut be good cook Call 3870 Dodge. Telephone Harney 7340 WANTED Girl fr general housework. 7.0 So. 23d St WANTED-A young girl to aaaiat In housework', good home; aioall tajnlly, II. f5. 14 8. 3sth St. WANTED A competent girl for second work Reference rc-qnlrei. 3tt BoT ,wd Ate. Phone H. WANTED-A girl to help with house- 1. L) . II 1 t V ANTED A girl or middle aged lady to assist with housework, no washing. Alt- I .. 11, u .. AN experienced girl wanted for general housework; no washing. 250 Krug Av. if. nwi. WANTED A girl. Ms 8. 2tb St. No wash- WANTED A girl tor heuavwork, no . -k,-,. 1 1 , iii... . . M Ueel la aeas, WOMEN wanted for govarnmaat c!rk hlua; $74) ntvnth; Omaha axauiinaUoaa soon; specimen question fr. Franklin Institute ppt a-O. Rochester, N. Y. YOUNG woinsii comina to Omaha as stranger are Invited to Malt lb Young wonven a e nnsuaa aasociaiioa building t Bt. Mary Av. and Uth St. where ihey will be dtr.-ud to suitable boarding place or othcrwla assisted. Look for our travele-a guide at I lilon Station. In GIRLS to learn nd do chtirua work, aalary t and up. season opens Auguet 2 Positions guaranteed to all. Bketcbea furnished to vaudevlll acta Four nior good chjrua glrln for No. 1 sbuw. Addresa or tall. Ed. Gar via, American theater. Com cll LUXo. MALE Aarnla, Maleanirn aad Knllrl lore. SALESMEN allh lilllty to deler lha S'k.iIh. Must be allllns to WORK. Cnsh roiiiniUsious. Hi( Aflvrrtlalns; Mierlaltiea. Ixh al and miielile tr rriort-. Call 12.". 8 Main M . rr rh"ne. lied Z1'1. Council 1 Huffs, Monday, f.t appoint ment. WA.NTEP Three neat apparlnit yoiiiia men, between the uses of 2" and ? years, to travel with manager and tak. ordirs. Ria- money for the right men. Call betvecn 7 and 9 p. in. J. H. Trainer, 'L Ma ry' Av'- VOl'NO women t. iske, k months' course of training In the tare of Reding of In fants, CHILD SAVIN INSTITUTE. S1!1 So. M Street n a i.r..- 11 . waiVimi eii Known manufacturer of factory labor aaving coulpment haa selling agency open with I protected territory. Commission prnposl-1 tlon on a business basla for hlg csIIImst man seeking unusual opportunity, p. o. Box M, Chlcopee Fslls,' Mass. BOND SA lT'SM KnDk"' E IM-iFl I E N ' E and previous successes Wanted at once, an excep- TIONAL OPItlRTUNITT 13 OPEN. 11 10 W. O. W. BLDG. DALESMEN WANTED Either sex; save expense by working near honw; write today for full particulars. Thll Si'hmlder, Neola, la.. Gen. Pel. A S P E 1 AlT0 1 PO it T U N I T Y I OPEN FOR THREE HIGH CLASS TRAVEL ING SALESMEN. WHO HAVE MAPE ttOOD IN THE PAST. NO DOWN AND OUTP NEED APPLY. - NEBRASKA PORTLAND CEMENT CO.. IKS W. O. W. JtLPG. Clerical aad tiff Ice, WANTED AT ONCE STENOGRAPHER, A 1UI.MI MAIN WITHOUT KXPKItl ENCE WILL DO IF BRIGHT AND WILLING TO LEARN. SALARY TO START, 140. ADDRESS r 3X2, BEE. IF you are looking for a high grad po sition see the CO-OPEHATIVE REFERENCE CO. 101.-1 City Nst. Bsnk Bhlg. Factory and Trades, WANTED First, class butter mnker. 'I. Mttccl. 21 West Broadway. Council Bluffs, la. WANTED MEN TO LEARN THE BAR BE. t TRADE. Re Independert. Few weeks completes. Positions malting. Our graduates qualified for best Jobs. Wages wl.lle learning. Tools given. Cnl! or writ. MOLER DARRKR COLLEGE, 110 f4. 14th St. Hurry! Hurry! Get a full knowledge of the A0TOMO RILE BUSINESS, such aa only wa are cuulpped to give you. Th auto season is open and th demand I great for such men aa w turn out NATIONAL AUTO TRAINING ASSN., 214 N. 20th nt. Omaha, Neb. MEN to learn the barber trade; tuition, 25; set of tools given; wsges paid. Trl City College, i:th and Douglas HI Drug store snaps; Jobs. Knelst. B Blu. Mlseellaneuaa. rAXTON Blk., Lettering School. Rm. 11. VOI'NQ man wanted to learn the Jew elery business; must have somo knowl edge of store work snd good recom mendations. Stat age and wages wanted. Adriresa Y 147. Bee. WANTED Names of men. IS to 4!. wish ing to bo Omaha mail carriers. 87 month to begin. Y 104. Bee. MEN with patentable ideas writ Baa dolph A- Co Washington. D. C. SEVERAL young men of good habits and appearaiicd to travel; pay dally. Apply to 8JU Brandcis Theater Bldg. a. m. fc-nltary Baths, loo: shave. 10c. 20 N, ltilh. TILE NEBRASKA AUT0M0 I31LE SCHOOL has turned out more successful grsduatea than any school In thla country. "Ther's a reason." Writ today tor our catalogue (C), 1417 Dodg!i. OwiKba. Neb. WANTED-1, 0i0 men to eat Tism and eggs. Coffee John. 14th and Capitol Ave. WANTEl Two solo clarinet players, on expert auto repair man and on pho tographer, who play solo clarinet can se cure gooa positions at one. Flay in fifty-piece hand. No hooicre. Address, W. W. Reeder. Seo'y Cherokee Coiicert Bsnd, Cherokee. la. HELP" WANTED MALE AND FBMAI.K. li.OiiO GOVERNMENT Jobs open to men . ml U' rt n n ' tUX a tl.'- ....... w K ' t . for 1 1 at. Krttnkiln institute, Uop't ri-Ot nucniirr, i . WANTED SITUATIONS B A N D M A tT E R W a 11 ted by experienced bandmaster, noeltlon with reliable ama teur baud. Address D .140, Bee. RELIABLE white woman wants day work. Phone IHxiglas 2W.'. POSITION derived as bouKeki.eprr; best references; willing to leave city. Ad dress II Ree. BUNDLE wsshlng r day work. H. 4md. WANTED-Cleanlng by day. V. 47W. ' GCK)D salesman desires iioslllon. Hard wale or grocery line prfterrod. J. 3SS. DEATHS h i I Ss ACTOMOBILES Greenough Omaha Bad Rep, ro. 2"20 Far. nfTTI t foil "pne u m atlc tt res. 31)1 S71fh! 10 forfeit for any magneto we can't re pair, t'oll renar'g.-O. Buyndorfer. 210 N. 18 "Irfndberg" For ooor. body bldg., 40 A Far. Industrial Parage, Co., :An A Harney Sta. AlTO storage, $5 to (8 per mo. Johnson Danfor.'h I o. Garage, lh.'0-3t-33 N. pith. 1!S FORD roadster, good as new; In mini-tur i,rif tlr- ahm.- ,K,,kn,' electric light and horn, chains and all I ... .1. lj. . . .--it --..II t. . n-.r luoi. , ui so.,. an 1 -. AUTOMORILrTliBrgaln; 6-paf engcr. 1! H. V. I tu mller; in good condition. Price U0. Addresa A. Nelson, Bog o0&, Ilo.d reae. Nb, Mtrvrele. It A It I .l.'.V.ll IVinsil IV MflTHPfTCl Raigaln in used machines. Victor Roos, 1 ne Motorcycle Man," i'rus Leavenworth Pope Motor Co., Sj72 leavenworth. R. IJk! 1W4 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE now ready; ba mains in ui(d inachines. OMAHA BICYCLE CO.. lbth and Chicago. DJIT-X. Llndborg Bros., 2U23Cum. (Flying Merkl). DCS1NEBS CUACES BUY, lease or sell your theater, machine and aupplle through Theater Exchang Co., 14W rsrnsni St. DongUs Iksfl. C. J. CN AiTReaT EUt and'Exchange CANDY, olrar, notion snd oakery for sale. Sales average $ dav. Living room. Addresa H. Obrtat, 2U Sherman Ae, omana. DRUG STORK tn a rood town for sale, will invoice about li.oJu; only drug store. Address Y 141. lie. GRCtCER. stor for sale, cheap rent; good reason tor selling. Tyler 1H40. l. V EST ME N T A substanlliU conxua- ttfin wants reliable party to oftlce and manag salesmen. Should pav $o.0uu to flS.onu annually; $.) to $1.&U will finance business; you handle own money. Reference exchanged. Bales manager, Fisher Bldg, Chicago, 111. IN VEST M ENT Several good business men who have a small amount of capi tal, not working;, to loin ua In establish ing In Council Bluffs -a branch of our business, whLh Is a profitable Invest ment. Full particular furnished bv ad dressing "P. Omaha Be. Council Bluffs. INVESTMENT Panic -with money to Invest ran learn of a per cent guaran teed investment, with a shsr In profit abov nr cent, that will nt a fini profit; absolute security. Can ua up to THEATER Wanted party with amall cai ltal to leas or rem plctur and vaudevlll theater at Wabb City. Mo.: seating capacity nearly 1.100. Addreaa t-rierli ,, wt walnut St.. Kansas t lty. Mo iMfcAiLns-miy, tease qy sell your tneater, n.acnuie ana sutipne through Theater Excbang Co., 1. Faruaiu tot. Iouglas iwi. WANTED An lusa! V caa thluk of some aimpi thing to patent T Protsct oj. Idea, they may bring you Wealth. W rlM for "Needed luvantluna and "Host to Get Your Faisal and Your Mouey." Randolph Co.. Palest Alluroeya Wasbiuglou, D. C - HKt,r WAXTKl BisiF.sf4 rn.xr:s TO )l T In or out of buaineta. call on OANOEPTAU. 4"4 Rea Hldf. U UJl. To Wt lCKI.Y sell your business or real estate, write Konr.eberk '.. Omaha 7oiiNo.vr"pA xton mT"kk"kT "hj HliH-t'LA.k8 business openlnss Western Ref. A- Bond Ass'n. 7J4 Om. Nat. lik. lilng EI? t'CATIOX L fcJUiMMEK bCJIOOL NOW OPEN in liotb tho Day and Night Sessions. BOYLES COLLEGE ENTER NOW.. Business prscttce, bookkeeplr.g. penman ship, salesmanship, banking, stenography, stenotypy. typewriting, ' telegraphy ac counting, filing, private eecietarlal work and many other courses aro open to you here. Von may work for board whila at tending. Call, write or lotephonu i.r latest catalogue. BOiLES COLLEGE. 1Mb and Harney Streets. Omaha Neb. The Van" sTnThool STENOGRAPHIC COURSE Hummer sessions, II a. m. to 1:4 p. m. Uth snd Farnam Douglas 6047. Foil's aTki fa discount, a full u nihri" Ited scholarship Id Boylea Businusa col lege. Omaha; good for either shorthand or business Apply at the vide or omsna nee. M0S1IER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE SUMMER SCHOOL Every day I an enrollment day. Un surpassed classes In all business snd Eng lish branches, shoithand. stenolypy, tel egraphy and typewriting. Sludents ad mitted at any time. Graduates guaran teed good positions. Places provided for young people to work for board. For a now. free catalogue nddiess MOSHER-LAM PM A N COLL EG R. 1X1 j Farnam htrret, Omaha, Neb. T-OST AXD FOUND OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of th Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the art rest cars. Many articles each sy are turned in snd th company is anxious to restore them to th rightful owner. Call Doug Ihs 4i LOST Cuff button. Masonic, emblem, 6 cmps. t 'sn casnter, ioug. iu. LOST A combination Knight Templar and Sid degree Masonic charm. The finder will receive returning it to T. C, Brunner. 1102 Podge Bt. LOST Coat with gentleman's watch and chain, also letters addressed to owner. IJberal reward Return to 131K Douglas Pt. LOST Pslr gold rimmed spectacles. Re ward. Finder call Webater ftWO. , ONE brown mare, one mule,, strayed to W. Anderson . Benson Acres, Hnnson. Neb. Call Benson 4i7V; owner may hav satna by paving for ad. LIVE STOCK FOR HALE. Horses and Vehicles. LARGEST stock of delivery wagons In th city; all kinds of blacksmith work, painting and lettering. Johnson-f tanforth Co., now location, ir.S-Sl-S3 N. lth Bt WAGON umbrellas. Wagner. S01 N 16th. Mixed grain $l.n0 h'dred. Wagner, "KOI N. IB MEDICAL, Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles.' fistula and other rectal diseases without surglcsl operation. Cur guaranteed ana no money paid until cured. Writ for book on racial diseases with testimonial. DR. E. R. TARRY. 240 Be Bldg. DRUSE HOSPITAL A hospital opened, to meet the needs of any case; strictly modern building, all conveniences; all outside rooms. 2Mb bt. and Dewey av. Tel. Harney 739. "a . IL'., MONEY TO LOAN NKED MONEY? ua. Quick rv!r. Ua.i nana 1 .. i ' 1 w nu irniT a K-t 1 v p 's a 1 g m. v. 1 t 4 inu -is v 11 ua I A CO.. 30 Paxtoa Block. Douglas 141L FOR SALE Faraltore. New A 5d hand fumit're, cash or terms, reasonable. Amer. Furn. Co., 606 N. 18th. SEVERAL van loads of furniture and some pianos. Omaha Van and Stores Co.. HOS Ha. Kith st HOUSEHOLD furnishings of an S-room modern home, Including piano, range snd heater; owner leaving city; must sell. 2J0H So. llth St. Tyler 24;n J, b)H HALE Ches.p, bedroom suite, blcy 1I0 and cadet Milt. H'. '.'w)j. nil l.oth rop Hi. FOR BALE Rug, chairs, wardrobe. Phone D. 7314. " Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS, sold; rentd. repaired. Central Typewriter Exchang. 307 8. 17th. RENT An Oliver typewriter. I month for $4. Th Olivtr Typewriter Co. D. Wis. All makes typewriters rented, sold, term. Butts Typewriter, lt0S Farnam. D. 0Q3L RENT Remingtons, Monarcha and Smith Premiers of their tnakera Th Reming ton Typewrltor Co. Telephone Douglas I HA. Rental credited It you purchase, and only vary newest and highest grad ma chines sent out. Rates, three month for 15 for underslrok machine or $4 per month for latest model visible writer. Musical lBBtramcnta. BLIGHTLY used high grad plane. Dnuglt M17. - ; -Mtacrllaaeona. FOR SALE at a discount a full, un limited scholarship tn Boyles Business college, Omaha; good for either ahort hand or business course. Apply at th oftlce of The Omaha Bee. - $1.0ii0 WORTH of high grade ehoes and oxfords for sale or, trad. Box 306, Corn- lngla. DETAIL National -Cash reglater. nearly new; coat have no use tor i win sell cheap. Dutch Mill, 1618 Harney St. FOR SALE 250 Ions Ice. Addresa Henry Heumann, Seward, Neb i-hand mch. Gross Wreck Co., 21 A Paul. A NO. 1 BATH TUB. 51 teet. Kelly Wrecking Cj. W. 4)8. Treat er FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tabl and bowling alleys'- and accessories; bar fixturea of all Kinds; easy payment. Th Brunswick balk -cliLL--J-(iL. !-. iTiNCHD second-hand pip at 2o per foot: good for lncing purposes. Call Dougla 2174. WAGON umbtellaa Wagner. 001 N lth Closing out 10 good sewing machines, by dressmaker. $4 to IIS. W. 4X. Ill N. 16th. W ANTF.D-Evry housewlf to sav 20 per cent In th cost of gas bills; this ran be don with a Thrift Gaa Governor; coat $1. positive, simple and tndestruct Ibl. essllv Installed; absolutely guaran tee!. Writ today.' Poal Service Supply Co., 71 W. 17th St.. Davnoort. Iowa. PERSONAL THE Salvation Army industrial horn so licits your old clothing, furniture, mag rine W collect. W distribute. Phon lkugla 41 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new noma. lllu-UU-1114 Dodge Bt. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as ivited to Visit th Young an , K . . I . i .. . stranger ar in Women's Chrlsti at Uth BL and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to auiiaDi ooarding la aaalfsted. Look for place or othrw our travelers' aid at th I nion station "BIBLE aultabla tor pvilpit us. D. IS. fUl'LTKY AND bCPPUES BTEREoTYPE mstricea mak th best and cheapest lining for poultry houses. Thry ar 17x23 inches, atronger and mora durable than tarred fait and practically firvproof, 75c a hundred at Th Be office. AGENTS. tnetiiat. 100 pr cent protltT aeaou now on, get tuay. Chick! Llf Sar to.. AC1 Cuming bt. .ilxed k'i ain7ll W h'cred-Wagner, N. 16 WAXTEIl TO IlORROW. WOULD like ti borrow i0 for one year at 1 per cent. Interest payable every three months Can give the best of se curity. 'o'uld Use to have money for Im mediate use Addrea Y !. Bee. WANTED tO BUY SI.HtHTI ied pmno Web. g72 OFFICE furniture bought and sold. J. C Reed, 1W Farnam. I oug. , wXNTED-lTcTld feathe7 bedsT highest Prices. Ad;rrss A. B, Mark, tieneral De livery. Ihnp postal. Will rail. LIVE STOCK MAKKET OK WEST Bit IP live stock to houtn Omaha. Sa mileage and shrinkage. Your consign rrents rtei prompt and careful atten tion. Llva Stoek Commlaslan Merchaats, 1IAKTIN HH4 CO . .Kxcnange Bldg I HWAITERy CXILIJMN i HAVE 4KKTf. UP.OCF.RY eTOlTli IN I sood location, low rent. g'Kd reason for I disposing of It. Address 8. C. 1272. Hoe. liv'IIAT It AVI.' Vi.l- TO I.-Vl 'U A VI . j for $l.r00 equity In 13-room mcdei n houicM rox r."i, omnim. MOVING Plt'TI RE FILMS FOR SALE of a failed road show; must sell; $10 per tesl If taken t once. Banner and pnpers with each reel. s. C, 117H. Bee. WANTEI FOR CASH, A GOOD Mov ing picture machine. What have you for 40. Address S. C. V.'IS. Bee. ONE SAFE. VALUE $73: JUt-T AH GOOD as new; up to date; best make. Will sell oe tesrie Address K. . 1J02. ONE rHOE REPAIRING OUTFIT, IN- lulling new slngor Machine i nd pood Jack; 1 chest Carpenter Tools; 1 6x. View Camera: ! One-Minute Post Card Camera and outfit. Will tell or -trade all to gether or separate. What have you to offer? Curiosity seekers or children keep your stamps. Ad-Ires s. C. !k. Bee. WILL BUY- SOME GOOD SECOND hand oflice furniture; must be cheap for cash. Address S, C, 1H40. Bee. I HAVE FURNTlTlt"KR20-R6t5M hotel, nsll located and Is always full and la making )1n0 a month, that I will exchange for residence property or land of th samo value. This business will stand the closest Investigation. If you want something of this kind, look this up. 8. C. 10UB, car Bee. - WILL SELL FOR 1,6U0 OR TRADE for clear cottag or lots 5-passcnger locomobile, first-class condition, new tires. Address S. C. 123i. Bee. NEW LADY'S WATCH. 20 YEAR GOLD filled case, never worn, worth $10, to trude for good kodsk and outfit, or what? Addresa S. C. 12. Bee. DIAMOND SCREW EARR.NGS; VALJJE win swap tor viciroia. Aaaress a. C. USrt, Bee. $5,000 STOCK OF GOODS. DOING A good paying business her in the city, expenses very low. Will exchange for clear Isnd of about equal value. Address 8 C. 1233. Bee. LARGE RESTAURANT OWNED BY , man In other business requiring all his attention necessitates selling restaurant. Good location among hotels; excellent equipment; good business. Worth double the price asked, $8,uu0. Will exchange for anything of value. Address. S. C. 122tt, Bee. GIBSON HARP GUITAR, TWO MAN dollns snd Farland banjo cheap for cash. Will sell on small payments. Ad dress S. C. 2i3, care Bee. HAVE GOOD FARM IN EITHE.1 South Dakota or western Kansas to swap for good residence property in Omaha. S. C. 1364. Bee. PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER CAN - rent a 6-room house near 25th and Maple In exchange for work. Referenc re quired. Address 8. C. LSM Bee. HAVE SEVERAL GOOD CHICKENS, . wire, posts and houses to stap for In ferior, decorating. Address 8. C. 1271, care Reo. HAVE A NICKEL PERCOLATOR WITH alcohol burner- cost new $0.60; also a r.lnc ash sitter worth $4.50. Will swap for chickens. Adress 8. C. 12S3, Boe. HAVE A NEARLY NEW NATIONAL cash register, cost $Hfy), will swap for anything of like value in restaurant ur what have you? Address S. C. 1287. Boe, HAVE A TOLEDO 2-LR CANDYiiCAL nearly new, will exchango for anything that csn be, used in a restaurant, or roll top desk. Address 8. C. 12SS, Bee. APPER6ON JACK RABBIT "45 - ft-PAS-senger touring car. Just overhauledi In excellent condlrlon. This car must be seen to appreciate the bargain you're getting. Plnaao answer at once as this car la for immediate sale at a bargain price. Ad drers B. C. 125. Bee. HAVE 3 IRON BEDS. GOOD CONDI TION. What have you? Address 8. C. 12D7. Be. . . ... . I HAVE AN L.. C. SMITH HAMMER loss. 1 pair No.' waders, 1 No. 42 Shell coat, will trade for horse. Address B C 121-V Be. .. . SIX FINE LOTS IN , OMAHA. WANT good used car; no Junk. Audress 8. C. lfcid. HAVE GOOD MANDOLIN FOR CASH 1 or swsp. wnat havo you? Address t. C. 12.53. Bee. . I HAVE BRAND NEW, TWIN. TWO .speed, fully equipped motorcycle and sido car to trade for a small auto road ster or five-passenger car. Address S. C, 1256, Bee. . . ... HAMILTON PIANO TO SWAP FOR A truck or auto. W'tU give or tokc;-or for clear lot or lumber. Address, 8. C. 1030, Bee. WHAT -HAVE YOU FOR RIVERSIDE hard coal burner? Good condition. Here is winter chance. Address B. .C'., 1268. Be. DO YOU WANT TO BECOME A GOOD tenographer? I have a practically new stenoty pe, the fastest writing inachlpe In the world. Complete rours of Instruc tions Included. What will you give or trsde for It? Address S. C, 12fi0,'Be. CADILLAC ROAD.STER-1N3 MODEL, ' fully equipped with bumper bar and extra tire. This car in A-1 condition and must be sold this week. For quick sal st a bargain address . J. 1263, Bee. 6TUDEHAKER ROADSTER FULLY equipped with two extra tires. In best running condition. Must sell this car and will reduce price for quick sale. Addresa 8. -C. I2i Bee. AUBURN "30" 6-PASSENGER TOURING car, fully equipped and In good condi tion for immediate sale. Will take. $400. Addrea S. C. 12-, Bea MOL1NE MODEL M. Nearly new. 40 horsepower, --passenger, 1912 model, fully cuulpped In Al condition. Just recently overhauled; will exchang tor good Ford and cash difference. S. C. l?:!4. r NEW ANSOO KODAK I'-.xJ'i, EX- cnange Tor bicycle, s. t:. i'i I HAVE A $S,0U0 STOCK OF GOODS . that requires a woman ar manager. This Is a splendid opportunity for a womsn of business sblllry and will stand the closest Investigation. Will exchange thla for good land of aame value, as other Interests require my attention, and will gtv a good deal. Give description of your isnd In first letter. Traders ned not answer. Addrea H. C. 1267, Be. FURNITURE FOR A 46-ROOM HOTEL near Omaha. i.w)0. Low rat rent oil the building. What have you to offer? Address 8. C. 136H, ear Bee. FIRST CLASS GROCERY AND MEAT business, with a full stock of all staple goods in all uepai tin-nits, all mouern, ii.n grade fixturea. central location on ona of tit principal buelnea atreats of Coun cil Bluff. Doing a big cssh and credit busineas. Will invoice not less than For a house and lot or a good un.m proved farm. Tell what vou have in firet letter. Thin equities and trading propo sitions not considered. This is an estab lished money making business. Traders keep out. Address 8. C lT7tt, Bee. PRACTICALLY NEW ua ..... Grafsnnla with 4 double disc rria; worth t. will trade for good visible tvpwritr, or what hav you? Addresa S C. I2.-.7. Bee. ABE YOU GOING TO BUILD? LET me do your carpenter work. Will tak anything of value a Part - payment on work Addrea B C. l?i Ree. HOTEL WANTED, FAMILY OR Cu.M merclal; about M rooms: brick build ing, must b titgh class, clean, well fur nished and hav going busmeaa. Will exchang 40 acre Irrigated land located but ween Bnalu and Grey bull, Wvo. in Big Horn Basin. In cenler of oil district. Water on land, which ilea level and proper slope to Irrigate. Nothing finer In th west for farming, dairying or or chard. Addts B. C. 1252, Be. LIVE WIRE BUSINESS MEN of Omaha A. B. C. of Omaha A Diamond gives you thst prosperous look; best of quality, lowest prices; take elevator and ave money. West ern Watch Jewelry Co. 217 Karbach. Mi. LB A Boiler Compound Co.. a boiler compound for sick tollers, dis solves lioller scale, not boiler Iron. Miba doe not pit flues, only removes old scale, adds efficiency and economy to your holler plant. ZK Omshn Nat. Bank. D. 3157, after 6 p. m., and on Sundays loiig. Siss. OMAHA PILLOW CO. 1721 Cuming Doug. r7. Renovates feathers and mattresses of all kinds, makes feather mattres.'e. Call or writ for prices. jIANO tuning. R. Riandon, 7 years at navoen a. . Mecommended bv beat musl.-lans. W. 4332. 4is N. 2Rth Ave. rAClX'M cleaners, $,.!, MM, $7.59. a . iy only, uuirn your nesitn. Sanitary service Co.. ?Ai Bee Bldij. WE tent, repair, sell needles and parts for all sewing Inachines. NE 4.I".A8A. CTCLK CO., "Mick rl . isth and Harney. Douglas 16?2. Afritnl, Mif.b'LLK D' THOMAS ft COMPANY. l--M City Nat. Bank Rldg. Tyler I1A Adlav Maelilnes, palton Addlpg Machines, 411 S. IS. D. 144ft. Adder Mch Co. (Wales! W. O. W. D. Aato and Maicneto Hrulrln. Mt-pneto repair work a specialty. D. 241. A ictloonn, Dowd Auction Co.. 1123 W. O. W. Red RS3. Architects. Clarence W. Wlgtngton, 2?0 a. 13th. D. 42S7. Everett S. lodds. til. Paxton. D, g8l7" A (tractions. OMAHA film ex.. 14th and Doug Motion Pjcture machine and film bargains. , llarbrra. " " 12 Chairs, IQc shave, peck shave, 1S17 Far. Blae Prlatlna. "l.BriTO.V,-;BIue Prinl".' umlsr rtw ownership. :o; Omaha Nat. Bk. D. 31.57. Brass Foundries. Paxton-Mltchell Co.. grth and Martha Rts. Balldlna and Hrsslrl... E. FRANTA, till Paxton Blk. California Lamia. Doug. 2157. W. T. Smith Co.. 1111 Cily Nat! Bk. D. SSI. Card Mass Office door let g. Mynster. Pax. Bk. D. S7. t aterers, MRB. F. A. WOOD. Sim Parker. W. 8298, Chiropractors. , " J. C. Iwrence, D. C. 2322 Howard. P. Wl, L. Geddls, D, C 22 Bee Bldg, Dou"g42n W. B. Purvlance, D, C, 409 Pax. Blk. D.4S42 L. C. HAYES, p. c, 0 nee Bldg. RHtm C'leanlna: and Dyeing:. Corbett cleans everything. 1505 Harney 8t. China Palntln-r Ruth-Iietchford, decorating, firing. R. 4940. Cream Separator. Thgharples Separator Co.. 12th & Farn. Danrinar lmtrrtln Last mo. summer rates, Mackle's, P.544g. Turin's Durtclng Academy, 28th ft Farh. Dentist. T " Dr. Bradbun'. No pain. 1BS0 Farnam. Dr. Todd's alveolar dentistry, 40S Brandeia. Bailey, the Dentist. 708 City Nafl Bank. Taft Dental Rooms, 1517 Douglas. P. 2J8ti. Deteetlvea. JAMES ALfAN. 3J2 Nfcvllle' Blk. Evi denc secured In all cases. Tyler 113. Dresamaktn;. 3 Terry Dreasmak'g college, 20th ft Farnam. SUMMER dresses a specialty. Web. 8070. MI.S8 STURDY. 2416 Cass St. Doug. 7311. Draw. I DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on $10 ordars: catalogues free. Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb Electric BaDDlle New and secontj-handed electric fans and motors LeBron Electric Work a. Sis 8. 12th Douglas 2176. LEBRON Elec. Win., 318 fi. 12th. D. 2176. E-erythlag; for . Wonieos. Woman's . Ex chsngs. 433 Paz. Blk. R. 49U SWAPPER'S COLTJM5 WILL SWAP PONY. CART HARNESS and caddie for good cow. Addresa 8. C. 12h-9, Bee. ANGORA .CATS BLACK DOUGLAS ft Honey Bun stock: only toek' of these famous kings. Cash or "swaps." Clos liiK out. 1541 Spruca St. Tel. Webster 7444. FOIi RENT. Apartmenta nnd Flats. GOOD location for doctor;"-room modern flat on 1st floor:- translr point, W. 57.01. LA VERNA. 181! Capitol Ave., nw brick, modern. choice - furnished apartments, running water In. every room. u. ts-M . 4-ROOM apartment, lurnlsbed or unfur nished. .667 So. 28th Bt. - Phon Hot. ney 6183. bEAUTIFUL 6-room apartments. $3S; 1416 So. 10th. For particulars phone iKiuglas 4870. ' ' APARTMENTS. $4I.S0 per mo.. 4 room 3, with Murphy 'beds, new and .trictly modern.. The War ren. 617 So. 28th Street. $33.00 per mo., 4 rou-ns. In excellent re pair. The Harold, 27th and Jackson Streets. , $17.60 per rue. 7 rooms, modern. Her Bldg., 618 So. 16th Bt. tlu.00 per mo., 7 rooms, modern, Powell Bldg . 619 So. 16th 81 GEORGE ft COMPANY. 902 Cltv Nst I Bank I Idg. Phon D. 75- 6-ROOM modern apartment. i per mo. Call 1816 Maple St. Webater 7276. . THE LOOM1S APARTMENTS. COR. SOTH AVE. ft MASON 8T. JUST COMPLETED. Six large beautiful rooms, ideally ar ranged. These apartments have prlvat front and rear entrance, privet laun dries, private porchas and many other features that go to make them very at tractive places to live. PAYNE ft BLATER CO., Omaha's Renltl Men. 616 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. KEEP THIS IN MIND FOR PROFITABLE ROOMING HOUSE. 615 N. 0TH 8T. 10 CLASSY ROOMS. Redecorating enlliely. Ready August L A. MAROWITZ. Douglas 7tt. THREE and 4-room, with bath, ro n. In flrt-class condition: newly decorated and cleaned. $8. $10. 11 Phone W. 610 -o ALL klndTof flats. 1601 Vinton. Tyler 1771. 3 Rooms and Bath $15 to ALLOWED FOR MOVING EXPENSE!. Brick flat, newly decorated, fin loca tion, walking dlatanc. Call Mr. Swan- beck. Douglas 1016. 15 N. 20TH ST. NOTHING BETTER; ROOMING HOUSE. 10 CLASSY ROOMS -BEI'M tins IM'. wi.i-iAa PLEASANT and 6-room apartments; . . . l . Ink lt walking oisn. w F1RBT-CLA6S 4 or x-room apartments. on West Farnam. with Janitor service JO H N W ROBBINS. lwtl FARNAM ST Globe Van&Storage tor, mores, packs and snip; -hor van and ansa. $1 t per hour; storags U Ptr month -Sstlaf action guarautit bon Dougla - and Tyier o Rental Service Free Why worry where to find a hous or apartment when w hav Hated every vacant house and apartment In the city. 'Phon us for further Information. Doug las 4477, Fidelity fctorage ft Van Co. . Fverytbtaa; for Women. riumes msde over, cleaned, dyed, curled. Bertha Kroger. 43" Paxton Blk P. JJEAiSTlTLlll.NG Ideal Button snd Pleating Co.. 107 g. lh. (ssrrrtr F.aalneers. Cagnebln-Vella Co. 4J0 State hank. D. CH3 f'artalna. Vashlng A lace curialns done. Tyler 1144. Farriers. BEN FENSTER, M10 X. 24th Pt. W. 7777. Florists. L. HENDERSON, 1319 Farnam. D. 125S. Memlier Florist Telegraph Del. Ass'n-, HES8 StVORODA, U)b Farnam Bt. A. DO NAHU E . 1622 H arney. Doug. 1001. BATH S florists. 1W4 Farnam St. Live Stork Itemedles. OMAHA Remedy Co.. I17 S 13th. Red 4??. t.air Dresalau. Harper Method. R. . Bnird Bldg T. fn. MAUD Muller Beauty Shop. Doug. 6311. Llghtlna, Flstares and Wiring. THOMAS DURKIN Electric fixtures and supplies, contract ing and repair work done reasonable. 241 CUMING. DOUGLAS 3fl-. Masseuses. Miss Be?s, 852 jaunders-Krnnedy B. 18Pg h'ittenhouse Co.. 21 4 Pstrd Bid g , 17 ft pT AW M I?KSJ BATHS. 8CIEN A i A A M i 1 I xip.,,; MASSAGE. 1M2 Farnam St.. Apt. 5, 3d floor. D. S6S1. Miss Fisher, mass., elect, treat't Red WSA Massage. Miss Gibson, R. 224. Neville Blk. MASSAGE. !!! S. Uth iSt. Mrs. Steele. Mrs. Snyder, elec. trt. 1408 S. 8th. P. 4380. Af Al IV. Swedish movement. 418 JU.xoJvvjl-l Be p,d Douglas 72. CLARA LEE, massage. Douglas S75I. J-iUrityi t'-v-L pchurcil. 214 Bolid Bldg. F-TENTIF1C niHesnge, home and offlco treatment. Red 410S. Mrs. Chapman. Anna L. Smith, 220b Farnam trained nurse, gives scientific massage. Hrs. a a. m. to 9 p. 4n. 2d floor. Walk in. VIOLET RAY, mass., 43 Be Bldg. D.6112. Massage, Miss Walton, R. 224, Neville Blk. Millinery. SWITCHES from combings. $1.80. Pgvcha free. Mrs. If. M. K-k. 3Qj3 Marcy. H. 564.7. Hsrlsg. Storaar nnd Cleanlim. W. C. FERRIN. 13th and Capitol. Ty. 1200 Ocalists. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pav as you can. Drs. McCarthy. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. Pateat. H. A. Sturges, 3S Brandeia Theater Bldg. D. O. Barncll. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. Patent Development. AMERICAN Machine Co., 110 S, Uth St. Prtntlna. WATERS-BARN HART Ptg. Co., quality printing. , Tel. Doug. 2190. 24 8. Uth St. lKJUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 6-447 COREY & M KENZIE PTG. CO. D. 2644. RIES-HALL Ptg. Co.. IfcSO Capitol. D. 1102. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. 371547 It 00 oh Katr.rinluator. B. B. B. Roach Powder at your druggist Sine and Tlnieloek 13 x pert s. SAFE combinations changed, opened, re paired. F. E. Davenport. 1406 Dodge. Dl 82! Shoe Repairing. Electric Shoe Rep. Co., 1807 St. Mary's Ay. REASONABLE, Farnam Rep. Co. 81 S. 24. Steel f ellings. CARTER Sheet Metal Works, 110 8. 10th. Store nnd Office tlx tare. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 414-16-18 8. 12th. D. 2724. Towel Hnppllea. OMAHA Towl Supply, 2 H7 8. Ilth. D. 528. Trnnk and 8nltcae. FUELING ft STEINLE, 1808 Farnam St. Veterinarian. DR. G. R. YOUNG, 4603 Center. II, 6063. Window Screen. Om. Window Screen Co., 1322 Nicholas St Wine and Llqaor. ALEX JETES. 201-8 8. 13th 8t. Wines, liquors, cigars. Plate dinner 11 to 3, 10c. GLOBE Llq. House. 422 N. IS, 7 qts. beer, $1, delivered. Write for price list D. 43.2 HENRY POLLOCK lQOOR HOUSE? 15th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. FOR BENT Apartment nnd Flat. $28 -rm. mod. flat. 3327 Cuming. W. 4869. Gordon Van Cog lit N llth Bt. Phon D. H94 or H. 11 St. Glare Apartm'ts 23d and Harney, just completed. 2, S and 4 rooms. Harney 647 or Douglas R505. TEN-ROOM flat; modern. Harney 647 Board nnd 00m. REEDHURST Try our meals. 106 No. th St. Hnol ' room on Farnam car line t men or. man and wife. Tel. H. 2n9. - FOR WORKING MEN. ". Good rooms, with excellent board; rates very reasonable. 1611-13 Howard. D. 714,',. Y'OUN'G married couple want room and boafd In private family. State all first letter. Address G 386, Bee. Fnrnlshed Flats. ' A modern 6-room flat, field club district, 33d and Mason St a., S. Harney 136. rnrnlahed hwssi Five room at 28 Cos St.; only $10.00. STRICTLY modern, well furnished, cool, airy private residence, 2223 Douglarj St. SUITABLE for or 4. modern, cool pri vate home. -Irtrjutre 2017 Douglas. BEAUTIFUL 7-room house, 3716 N. S4th, with furniture complete; on car line; good location: owner leaving city. 140. HASTINGS ft HEYDKN. 1614 Harney Bt. Knrnlaaed Booms. COOL, pleasant rooms. Call 2115 Douglas. FRONT parlor on firat floor, aingle room on second floor, both suitable for 3 gen tlemen: modern, cool; board. Web. 8070. COOL Furnished room. pr:vat family, w"u walking distance; use of piano: large parlor, no children. Tyler 2234. THREE modern unfurnished rooma for light housekeeping. 2M7 Poppleton Av. v The Davia Apt., 10t S. lrith. Newly fur iilahed rooma. mod.; private baths. D. 713. 6-ROOM furnished house from July li to Beptember 1. II 687a Room In 1 rivate family, 1 or 2 gentlemen or man ft wife; board if desired. D. 8071. ELEGANTLY furnished room with young couple, all convenience. Close In, on Harney car I ne. Married couple pre f erred or ladle. 311 N. 2oth St.. Apt . Fnralahed Hnaekeplaat Rooms. TWO newly furnished, modern house keeping rooma; gag, linen, close-in, 64. ru Dewey Av OGDEN ANNEX looms, wltn kitchen ettea Counci! Bluff TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. 1909 Bt. Hoskrrlsg Roam. 725 & UTH St. -Housekeeping and sUep Ing rooms: n.od house Phon T. 1u21-W. FURNISHED rooms for light bousekeep Ing. 2111 Douglas St. BO. 18th ST., 7ia Housekeeping rooms n suite; first floor; also sleeping rooms. Tyler ion w. THREE nli- secooJ-floor room, modern houk. 1e. W ebster o70. B AV KNKi RT. Sol TVO NICELY FUR. NISH FRoNT HOl'SEK'P'G. ROOMS. Ilatrls and Apartmaat. CAIJFORNIA Hotel, I6th and California. W ekly rate J and up. Dougla 70. OGDEN HOTEL rooms $3 per wk CoudcU Bluff l. 0.