THE HKE: OMAHA, AUGUST 1014. I WANT ADS Want eda reoel ed at any tlm, but U m"r proper clasaincstion must P pre snted before 12 o'clock noon for evenini dttlon and 7; JO p. tn. for morning anil Sunday editions Want ad received after ouch hours wlil he under th beading Too Labt to Clalfr" CASH RATFS. Cm tlm U rent line. Three tlmea within on wetk, cent a. Iln each Inaertlnn. Seven consecutive times, 7 cents a Una each insertion. CIMROH BATES. Three tlmea within on week, 10 cent a, lin each Insertion. Seven consecutive timna, l cents a Una each, insertion. Count six average, worn to a Una. Minimum charge, SO cent. Th Fee will not be responsible for nor than on wrong lnrtlon due to typo graphical errcr. Claims for error muat ba prompter md. An advertisement Inserted to be run un til dlsntlnued muat b stopped by writ ten order. You ran Plata your want ad In Tha B ly telephone TELEPHONE TTLER V. Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column" Hundred of other answer hav bn railed or and delivered during tha lanl week. It la reasonable to suppor that "all of th people below have mad the dlrd prwapa therefore, do not rll for the balance of their answer. Be Want Ad aure get results. BO. 8 C. 8 C. .r. J.flf.4 1 1 l.KH 1.1W 1.112 1,11 1 12J B.CS SC. fU l-. PI I ail V.'7 V-J W.H fC4 WW ?41 912 I'S H 9'i.i !'7t tT7 . 1.1 1.171 1.1T& l.lTli 1.1TS l.1t 1.1X7 1.IV3 1.1M l.H'S 1,2' l.Sn 1.210 !') 3,ul 1.VI7 1,22.1 DISATIII AKD f INEDAL NOTICES FSineral of Wllllarn C. ruberU will ba bld from Crosliv'a purlois at I p. m. Ttiaaday. Intcrmant at roreat lawn tscmatery. C'WIWY-Mary A., at local hospital, Sat urday. Aueunt , 1H14, aged M yeara. Funcra.1 TtieHday morning. Auiiust 11, Mrs. Uauite H. l oth, J417 Maple ir.-et, j r-:ji au m ; ofit'tea nnn i:muh-u, wi'ii aoond arJl Kinney sUeets. at t ft. m. in terment at Holy Bepulrhar cemetery. MIHTliS A1SD WJATII. Blrtha Gay and Jesala Knudton, 197 boulevard, by; Carl and JiaUirlua Chrhdlanaen, R.M4 Jaynes, hoy; l.vla Hnd Cynthia (Vsinira, Farna'n, jrtrl; Frank and Klala Dvoiak, 3SW 8outh Tt.lrtiath. girl; Al and Huth PleHlng, Xili North Twenty-eighth, girl; Ueorica. and Carry tlardner. hospital, boy: Ralph; and Kern Keeling, A"I5 rlaratoga, boy; B. and I,ILl.le Moh, 1714 Houth eleventh, boy; A. and Mary Wilson, 7P1 North Korty tdnth. girl: Frank Hnd F.mnia Nref, 4 North Twenty-ninth, boy; John nncl Carrie Iliidfleld, arW Hamilton, boy; Olaf and Oolille Renlem, ;17 Seward, girl; Arthur and Anna 8wndf'ger, KM tllme Vaugh, boy: J. II. and Naiuila Trlnder, 301 North Thirty-ninth, girl. IVatha Albert Kanls, 6 montha, 1511 North Twentieth; I.unt Albright. II montha, 111 South Fifth. MAHIUAdH L,lt BNSK9. Th following marriage license bava Van isaurd: Nama and Residence. Aga. Prter A. Conatantlne, BloUI City, la,. iM ,tu i la KaUura, Omaha ; 20 Jack A. Beaton, Grand Island 25 Marie Crow, Urd. Is Fred 1 Frenih, Vn Molnea 2 Iaura J. Taylor, I'erry, la 29 Charles Peterson. McClelland, la V Frmia 8uinmervoaldt, Manning, la...... lR James R. Mattox, Omaha i 82 Klisnheth Hltnpaon, Omaha H B11I.UIX. I'KHMITS. Max O'Kiillen, 1410 Ohio, repair Uail.e dweliliiK, 15. W. to lODAVS CX)MPLETB MOVIE rKOUKAM Exclualvcly In The Mee) liDVtl t n at. CAMEIIAPUONK. 1403 rX)UQtAg. The Operator at black Hock, 2-rerl. KaU Gwendolyn, the Hawing Machine Olrl. Bio. The lquotter s Oal. KL1TK THKATKU NO. 2. 131A FA UN AM. Tha Hiver'a Secret, 2-ree. Mollea. The Iedly Battle at llickaville. Kalero. Across the Burning Treat!. Kdlson. FARNAM TUKATKIi, 1416 FAIUNAM. That' Fair Fnougb. Joker Coin. Rescued by Wireless, 8-reel. Hleon. l7iPPT H klATCR l&fll A iTAK N K Y Mutual Weekly No. M. Top. The Oanu stera and the (llrl, Jf-r. dra. Kthel'a Teacher, com. I'erlla of Pauline. Beiial. iTakk theater. iii no. wru br. Two-reel drama. eennatlaoa feature. sterling comedy. Western 1'AHJbOH THKATEll, 1V i'OUUUAii, rVr Old Times' Bakes Neat. Firelight, it-reel. Kclalr. PR1NC10SM THKATKK, 1S17-U Uuugla t. Midnight Visitor. Rex. strong Affair. Sterling. :-Cailber Friendship. Neat. Jtaurtaw AUIAMBRA. 1S14 N. 14TII. Tragedy of th Orient, two-reol Mronclio. Fxciilng Courtship, KaWm comedy, sparrow of the Circus, American drama. jJlAMOND. 2410LAKBB'r. By the hun'a Rays, Nestor. At th Foot of the Stair. Rex. 1 v " 1J tinch. -rwe Bteriln g CO mefl y . T'ltA NKL1N THKA-, 24TH & riUNKUN Kroncno ttniy and th Sheriff, Knaaiiay The Fat of a Njuaw, Kalnn. A Woman Laughs, a-reel Sellg. M1PFOUKOMK. 2STH AND ClMINCk Trinkets of Tragedy, two-reel Essanay. A Train of ln4denta Vltagrapli. ini Iog a Treat-hery. Kaleni. IT THKATKK, USTH AND liScCST The Moonatona of Fes, I-rwJ Vltagraph. A Boarding Houa Scramble. Kaeauay. Th 1-ie. Iubln. I.OTHKOP THKATKK, 813 NO. 24TH HearTt-Sellg. Th Circus and th Hoy. Vltagraph. Reporter Jlinnil Intervenes, 2-renl 8ellg. LOY.AL. lilTlt AND CALDWKLL Tad Men'a Talea, t-real aixsclal. An Aakaard Cinderella, Rex comedy. pALACiJ iTlKAli-l JVTlA'liN7'oUT Duty, :-reel Kclalr. on In the First, Joker comedy. SlHtii KUAN. UtH AN D A si KB The living lead, Vllaon. Th Kxprnas Meaaenger. 1-reel Kalrm. The Arrival of Jome. Vltaaraph. th. APOLLO THKATKK, 224 Leavenworth. Kara to Face. KdUon Th Lure of the Car Wheels. 2-r. Lubltx. IooHniIth' Haby.VltHgraph. ' ijj.i m b'i a t H k a x k rTi; 1" .lrit5T'. H carat Selig. Th Vkkea of Hymen. Vltagraph. Hi fitolen Fortun. 2-reel Keeaniiy, 4-OMFOKTT .tfTANir IN TON. elles No. Z, Million iKdlar Mvstery, a iwl featurt;. t-hirt turnis. 1-r broni ho. Sky f'lint. Keyeion comedy. AVORITE, wulua. J-r. Mellea. liTil AND VINTON. At the Foot of the Hills, Ks. Irama. When th Cook Fell III. Kellg Comedy. VaS". AIR16.VIK ANX. VfntoaI Fwrtla of Faullne, fcerira No. 2, three reel. FlartrU'. A .unlen Omelet, Ploeraph comedy. " . Kf THEATtR, si iaTHST. 'I he Rainied lady's Cblid. S-r. Amertran. Mutual Olrl. Nu. 1. I .vt..lri'1 ir. Ke.vntone comedy. I i A N 1 1 2T tr"c AS f KJ.LAH The Natl m's Peril, -ral Bison, it'jil Voir l'cariut. Joker cvinedy. I-IK''- IciJ MNToN ol Ti!bi1 War In P.niih Sean. 2-rtel llUioa. In Xo.. I'uaers cuiuudy. TOn.lVH (DMriT.TH movie ricx.itM K-rluiHlrHr In The) Ui nmh, PASTIME THEATER. II - Ix-ave-nwnrth nt Adrift In the South Sea. 2-r Hleon. floplile of the Films. .Nonlor lomrdy. tc. Admission ". VK.NK.IA THEATER. 1211 S. 13TH. Out of the Darkness. Itex Drama. Cnlv. Ike. Jr., In Cupid a Victory, C. T. ". A Normandy Romsn'-e, Imperial Drama. tVm. A I HPOMK TIIK.V, FARNAM A PA UK Money Tnlk. Ess. Bread I m the Waters. 1-reet Vltagraph Defying the Chief. Kalem. monk ok thea r EnTt't far nam kt! Trey II. arts No. 1, IHowtrO' KUmci, 3-r. Gold Heal. . Ncwlywed Dilemma, Nolof Ouniwly. He. .OH. ItKNSUV TMKATKIt, WOT. MAIN ST. lih l4Mnnril In "The Jloir 1 darordant." In 2 parts. The ('hash, Sterling Comedy The Craxh, 2-r. rlterlltig Comedy. f:rkn Harriers. Frontier Irntua. (.aril biaffa. ROncrt. M7 JUrtOADWAT. Tha Dune, a f-ree featura, A nd a Hterllng mmedy aa Osisha, HKSSR THKATER. 24TII AND S STB. The t'perttor at Hlark llock. 2-r. Kal. Hnakevllln'a Home tluard, Iasanay. The Al.ple. VHonriiph. MAUfclrUEATKIl. 24TU AND O ST8. When Ronianro Came to Canna, i-r. Imp. A Wild Hide, Hterling Commlv. Vandeyllip. OnrilKUM. 84TH A M, HO. OMAHA. Through Fire to Faima, 4-r. featura, ANNOUNCEMENTS OfciT a prlvato booth tn my grill room Tor" HAZKI. Leaf Tile Coiiea! ileniady COo postpaid'; samples free. Bhvrmaa M'-v'iineu umg uo., tmiana. Wedding announce. nents. Doug. I'tg. Co. LUCKY wedding rings. Hrodegaard'e. Pollllval. VOTB for Joaeph N. stcln. republican, lurjiiBiiiiji iu pea."!, umani MV NAM K will appear on tna republican tirlmUfV till 1 1 r, f lM.1MmU tnm. i - nation for Secretary of btatn, at' primary cjtin a ui'iii jo, itfii. Auaiaca wan. Be'rntary or btat WILlJa C. CROHHY. 1R24 N? Z4th Bt., ra- puuinnn vjimumej lor coroner. JL. 1. QUISUY, 4011 rii'K.i tDutidee), demociatic candidate for stale senate. C. W. IlRITT, republican candidut fur ' police Judge. THOMAS J. CHONIN. in California, republican candidal for eherlff. FRANK A. KENNKUY, republican can didate for state senator. FRANK C. YATKH, I2i W. O. W. Bldg., republican candidate for senator. UKNKY V. HAZK, 2W5 North lth Republican candidal for sheriff. AU-'RIiID SOUKNHON, republican candL iiat tor congress. VOTl'J for C. K Nethaway, anti-corpora-Hon candidate atate repr-aintatlv dem ocratic ticket. Klor. 27 for my platform. W. R. 1IOMAN, republican candidate register of deeds: SO veara resident anil taxpayer Douglua county. EDWARD SIMON for republican atata senator; author Mothers' l'enalon law., JAM1CK ALLAN, republican candidate for sheriff; your aupport earnestly solicited. FRANK W. HANDIJC. 4162 Burt St.. register of deeds and republican candi date for re-election. OHO. A.. MAUN KY. county attorney and candidal for re-election on th demo. cratlc ticket. C. II. T. iUKPKN. resident Doual.a county a years, republlcun candidal for coroner. VINCKNT iX HASCALU 716 H. awth St.." repubHcan candldnt for Justice of peaoe TON Y coSf Xnzo:piJrO'ca1can". D1HATH FPU STATW LKHIHLATL'RH U. A. KCKLES. republican candldiite fur polio udg. 102D 8. Mth. VOTK for T. A. Holllster, republican prl tnary, candidal for county attorney. VOTK FOR J..K. Melons, superintendent Florence public schools, republican can didal for superintendent public Innlruo- OTF. for Harry P'arce. candidal for reglater ofceeda on repunlican ticket. T. W. BLACKBURN for congreaa. VOTE for C. L. Nethaway, antl-corpor,-tlon candidate aut repieaentatlv dein ocratlo ticket. Tel. Flor. for my platform. VOTK for C. H. Bllyeu, republican can nldat for Justloo of the poau. IIKU WANTED FKMALE Factory a4 Trsscs. APPRF.NTICK girl. Oppenhalm Parlor. llaekeeper mm Uvsacatica. I1IH servant Olrl Problem Solved. The ne wtu run a servant Ulrl Wanted Ad "RKS until you get the dealrod resulta This appliea to pasldenta of Omaha, South Omalia and Council Bluff. Bring ad to The He office or tolephon Tyler 100. WANTED Girl for general nuuaaworZ So. Slat St. II. lot. ANTUD A girl for general housework wbrr aoond girl is kept. UuU Wool aorth Ave. Rhone Harney K34S. WANTLli A good girl for generul house- -.r in t'ovniv laniuy: a nines norm f Florence; good wages. Tel. Flor. 44. flf . , .minimi ur hemlan, who can do good plain cooking Call It, 4771, between i and 4 p. in. W ANTKD A girl to aaaist lu general hounework. Si3 Harney St. 'W ANTKD A cook. -AHi St. Mary a Avo. WANTKle Whtlw niaid for general housework lu family of two. No laun dry work. Must be good cook Call 3s,0 Dodge. Telephone Harney 7340 WANTKI Girl for gtirrol housework. 7: So. iM St.. WANT KD A young girl to aasiat tn housework;, good home; a mall fawUy. II. fciK.V I4 K. Xhth Kt WANTED-A competent girl for anuond work Reference required. tto, JUd Ave. rnotie H. iwi. WANTliT A girl to help with house- m-. . U II tTH WANTED A girl or middle aged lady to asKitil with huuaewoik, uo Washing. Ap ply 614 Park Ave. AN experienced, all I wanted for general houeewurk; no washing. 2jUB Krug Ave. 1. Mi. WANTED A gtil. tAM S. th bu N,o wash ing, If preferred. WANTED A gill for htusvwurk, no waahlnv. 11. h.iJ. M taveltwaiinows WOMEN wanted for government clerk ships; 270 month; Omaha examinations soon; apaclmen q.iealions free. FranKUa Institute. 1)L kk-0, Rochester, N. Y. TOI'NG Women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to vlrttt the Young Women's Christian association building at St Mary a Ave. and 17th St., wher they will bo directed to sultabl boarding places ur other la asaiatrd. Look fur uur travelers guide at I'nion Station. 100 C.IKKH to learn r'l do churua work. aalary ti and up. RegKlur season opens August Si. Poeltlotia guaranteed to all. Sketches furnlxhed to vaudeville act. Four more good char.ui girl for No. 1 allow. Addreaa or call. Ed. Gary la, American theater, Council Duffs. YOCNO women to take montha' couiw of training In th cat of feeding of la- CHILD aAVINO TN8TITUTH SO. 41 Si reel. HELP WANTED MALE Agrala, Kalraaaeji mm Bui lei lore. SALESMEN with ability to deliver tha giMKta. Must be willing to WORK. Cash owmnilMKloiiB. Big ne line Advertiauuc ,le iHlllea. lu al and outeid lertilurirs Call 2-.1 S. Alain St., or I' Hed J7iX t'oiimil Blulla, Moiday, lor eppuiut- IlWDt. i HELP WANTED MALE Airita, alranra and Bnllcltwra. HAMMKN-V ant an experienced se clalty man to represent an pastern manufacturer. Mum have good r'fer"nces. Straight salary; no commission. Addres V 111. care He. AVANTKIe-Several real live sollrltora for steady ikiMiIiiii on rnd, .f t per veek. Ai'ply Mr. Iye, X1 I'.rnndida 1 hewter lildg 9 a. in. sharp, Monday inornlnir. WANTED Three neat appearing young men, between the ages of 20 and 'A years, to travel with manajter ntid taki orders. Rig money for the right men. Call between 7 and 9 p. m. J. 11. Train!!', l St. Mary a Ave. HaY.EHMAN WANTED Well known manufacturer of factory labor saving equipment baa arlllna airency oen wltli protected territory. Commission propotil. lion on a business basis for big caliber man seeking unusual opportunity. 1'. o. Il'ix M, Chlcopee Kalla, alass. Clerical Offlee. IP TOU are looking for a high grade po sition see. the CO-OPKRATIVF, MF.FERBVCB CO.. 1tlf-l CITY NATIONAL HANK Rl.lHT Faeiory and Trades. WANTED First class butter maker. I. Muecl. 21. Weat Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. WANTED MEN TO LEARN THE BAR BE t Til A DM Be Independent. Few weeks completes. Positions waiting Our graduates qualified for best Job. Wages wl.lle lenrnlng. Tools given. Call or write. MOLER.nARUEll COLLEGE, 110 H Hth St. Hurry! Hurry! flat A fx 1 1 V. K. 1 VA r, t 1. . , HTOUe. r.t; v. di'sinkaX nch ni en u typed to gv you. Th auto aeaaon is open ana me oernana is grcai lor audi men as w turn out NATIO.NAI, AUTO TRAINING AS8N 2K14 N. 20th St.. Omaha, Neb. MEN to learn th barber trade; tuition, li; set of tooia given: wares uald. Tri. City College, 12th and fmuglns Sta Drug store snaps; lobs. Kneiat. Be Bldg. Mlarellaueuns. PAXTOrt Blk., lettering School. Urn. lt WANTED Name of men. IS to 4ft, wlnr7 Ing to be Omaha mnll carrier. f7 month to begin. Y 104. Bee. MEN with patentable Ideaa writ-Ilaa- dolph A Co Washlnirton. D. C. GOVERNMENT positions ara good. lra par for "Kinn" under former govern ment examiner. Booklet 8-16 free. Fatter son Civil Servlc School, Rooheater, N Y. o SEVERAL young men of good habits and appearance to travel; pay dally. Apply to 8J3 Brandel Theater Bldg. a. m. "anltary Baths, 1.7c; shave, 10c. 20 N. lAth. Mlsrelliaeus. TIIE NEBRASKA AUTOMO BILE SCHOOL ha turned out more successful graduate than any school In this country. 'There's a reason." Writ today for our catalogu C), 1417 Dodge, Omaha. Neh. WANTED Intelligent young man, stenog raphic knowledge. Splendid opportun ity. Burroughs Adding Machine Co., 308 South 13th St. WANTED 1.000 men to eat ham and eggs. Coffee John. 14th and Capitol Ave. WANTED Two solo clarinet players, on expert auto repair man and on pho tographer, who play solo clarinet can se cure good positions at once. Piny In fifty-piece band, No boozAra, Address, W. W. Reeder, Sec'y Cherokee Concert Band, Cherokee, la. HELP WANTED MALH AND FEMALR. 18,000 GOVERNMENT Joba open to men alio wumen, iki w sitftr munin. w rue for list Franklin institute, Dep't 221-0, (uviiesivr, fi s. WANTED SITUATIONS POSITION wanted for a lady for nurs maid or light housekeeping. Call H. 71 UANDMAHTER Wanted by experienced baudmaater, position with reliable ama teur hand. Addreas D 340. Bee. ELDERLY lady would Ilk good home a housekeeper; no ob.tectlona to going a short dlatance In the country. 2744 Grant St. Webster 3i:i6. WANTICD-Dny worli or mala work. Call LWUKIH" Will. STENOGRAPHER wishes position;, ha knowledge of bookkeeping, l'hon W. 401. RELIABLE whit woman work. Phone Iamglaa 2W)2. wanta day POSITION desired us housekeeper; beat references; willing to leav city. Ad dress. H 7R7, Bee. HI'NDLW wanning or day work. II. 4001, WANTED Cloatilng by day. W. 476. AUTOMOniLKS Qreennugh Omaha Rad. Rep. Co. 2020 Far. CUT I'KICK pneumatlo tires. 818 Ho. toth. $100 forfeit for any magneto w can't re pair. Coll repar'g. O. Baysdorfer, 210 N. IS 'IJiidbet'g"Fore door, body bldg.,4 k Far. InduatrTal GaraK Co., 2oth Harney Bta. AUTO storage, $n to $s per mo. Johnson- lanfor;h Co. oarage, ua-ai-w in. Iii3 FORD roadster, good aa new; Lee puncture proof tires; shock absorber: electric, light and horn, chains and all tool. For tXC. Call D. 1236. Molorvrcle. IIAIUY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargain In used machine. Victor Rooa, 'Th Motorcycle Man," J.03 Leavenworth. Pope Motor Co., a72 l.eavcnwunh, R. KOR. lull INDIAN MoroliCVCLK now ready; bargain In uaod machines. OMAHA H1CVCLK CO., lth and Chicago. D. 37 at, Oiiduorg Brua, iXU Cum. (Flying Merkle). BUSINESS CHANCES HERE IS A Sa.tiUO SALARY JOB. A LARGE OMAHA CORPORATION 18 lAlOKINrt FOR A FIRST-CLASH COKI'ORATION MAN TO (HVl'PY TUB I'OSITMN OF BKCHETARY. HAI-ARY SS.Om PER ANNUM. NO liA8-WA2UKI'J4 NEED APPLY. ADDRESS G :, BFJ-J. PRINT1NQ offline for aale, completely Miuipped, cylinder and platen press-;, paiar uuttar, type and furniture; located ground floor Be Bldg. Inijuiro Klupp i Barliett Co, TO GET In or out of business, call ea OANGE3TAD. 4o4 Bo bldg. p. gfT, WANTED An Idea. Wn can ttiluk ot Bum slmpl thing to patentt ProUct your Idea; they may bring you wealth. Writ fur "Needed Inventions " and "How to Get Your Patent and lour Money." Randolph A Co.. PaUtot Allornya XV astilngton. D. C. TO yUlCKLY sell your business or real wtata, write Kenliebe. k Co.. Omaha. JoTl N S N"722 PAXl-ON-Bl.K. RE"uil3. HIGH-CLASS bualuexa opeulnga Western Ref. A Bond Aaa'n. 7a4 Urn. Nat. Bk. Bldg C. j7CANANRai Eatat and"ExchanKa BUY. leaae or sell your theater, machine and auppiiea through Theater Exchange Co., 14U f arnam St. Douglas 1 PARTIES with money to Invest can loara of a per cent guaranteed inveatiiMnt, nun m , iv,iv ' - w yrr it, inai win nvt a line I'miu, iuhoiuis se rurlty. Can u up to liuu.wa Addrs Y WANTEI swverai good business men whohav a small amount of capital, not working, to Juia ua in tabltahlng In Council Fluff a branch of our business, which la a profitable lnvestmnl. particulars furniehed by addrvaaJag; "F," Omaha Be. Council Blufts. FOR SALE Candy, cigar, notion and bakery. Sales average tS day. Living rooms. Addra H. Obrist, klJO hrman Ave., Omaha, WANTED-i'arty with amall capital to lease ur rent picture and vaudeville theater at Webb City. Mo.; seating rapacity nearly 1.100. Address Sheilock, ItH Walnut St.. Kanaaa City. Mo. ONLY drug stor In a gixxl tuwn foi sale, will lavuiva about W.ouu. Audraaa Y IU, B. IUSINESJ4 C1IANCKH A BST A NTl A I. oirKratln wants re liable party to eatahllsh office and man as siileemen. Should pay ?..' to Ili.O'fl annually. V'to to fi will finance busi ness; you handle own money. Refer eticia exchanged. Sales Manager, 4V6 Fisher Rlda., Chl"igo. III. MEAT MARKET doing good business; county sest. other business reason for Belling. Addreas Y-144, Bee. KIUCATIONA SUMMER SCHOOL NOW OPEX iu lioth tlic Day and Xight Sessious. BOYLES COLLEGE EXTEtt NOW. Business practice, bookkeeping, per man ship, salesmanship, hanking, stenography, stenotypy, typewriting, telegraphy, ac counting, filing, private secretarial work and many other courses are on tc you her. You may Work for board whilo at lending. Call, writ or telephone tjr latest catalogue. , BOVLES COLLEOn, ISthi and Harney Streets, Omaha Neb. MOSilElt-LAMPMAN COLLEGE SUMMER SCHOOL Every day la an enrollment day. Un surpassed elaasea la all business and Eng lish branchea, ahorthand. stenotypy, tel egraphy and typewriting. Students ad mitted at any time. Graduates guaran teed good positions. Places provided for young people to work for board. For a nw, free catalogue addiesa MOSHER-LAMVMAN COLLEGE. 1816 Farnam Street, Omaha, Net. FOR SALE at a discount, a full unlim ited scholarship lv Boyle Business col lege, Omaha; good for either shorthand or bualnrsa courses. Apply at th office of Omaha Bee. The Van Sant School STEN0G RAP1HC COURSE Bummer session, I a. tu. to 1:46 p. m. 18th and Farnam. Dougiaa 0647. LOST AND FOUND omaha & Council bluffs street railway company. . Persona having lost soma article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha Council Bluffs Street Railway company to aacertaln whether they left It In th treet oara. Many article each day are turned In and th company la anxious to restore them to tha rightful owner. Call Doug iaa 4S. Lost Brown and white bull dog. Finder please return to 3619 Farnam and receive reward. l0hT-0nB Federal quick detachabl tir o Firestone demountable rim. Slxe 84x1 O. Btor. 8708 Farnam. Reward. LOST Cuff button. Masonic emblem, 6 nii. .au casnier, iioug. jfjc,t. LOST A combination Knight Templar aim r aegre Masonic charm. The finder will receive $5 returning It to T. C Brunner, llfle Dndg 8t. LOST-Coat with gentleman watch and chain, also letters addressed to owner. Liberal reward. Return to 1318 Dougiaa St. LOST Saturday afternoon in the ahopr Ping district of the city a diamond cluster pin with pearl set In platinum. Suitable reward by .referring to Mr. Jamison, car Hayden Bros. LOST Pair gold rimmed spectacle. Re ward. Finder call Webater 6239. LITE STOCK FOR 8ALFJ. Ilorara and Vehicle. LARGEST stock of delivery wagon la th city; all kind of blacksmith work, painting and lettering. Johnson-Danforth Co.. new location, 162S-81-33 N. Wth 8t WAGON umbrellas. Wagner. 801 16th. Mixed grain $1.50 h'dred. Wagner, S01 N. 1 MEDICAL. Piles, Fistula Cured Pr. E. R. Tarry cure piles, fistula and other rectal disease without aurglcal operation. Cur guaranteed ana no money paid until cured. Writ for book on rectal diseaaea with testimonial. DR. E. It. TARRY. 240 Be Bldg. DRUSE HOSPITAL A hospital opened to meet the need of any case; strictly modern building, all convenience; all outside rooms. 2aia St. and Dwy avtt. Tal. Harney 7398. I rr , 1 1 ; 1 . MONEY TO LOAN NEED MONEY! See ua. Quick aervlo. Half uaual rat. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. 308 Paxton Block. Dougiaa MIL OFFERED FOR BALE Fnraltare. New A 2d hand furnlt't. cash or terma. reannable. Amer. Funi. Co., 606 N. 16th. SEVERAL van loada of furniture and aom pianoa. Omaha Van and Ktorag Co., K fco. Wth St Typewriter. TYPEWRITERS sold; rented, repaired. Contra! Typewriter Exchange, 907 a 17th. RENT An Oliver typewriter. S montha for $4. Th OUvtr Typewriter Co. D. Ula. All make typewriter rented, gold, terms. Butta Typewriter, 1 Karnam. D. 0UBL RENT Remingtons, Monarch and Smith Prmlere of their maker. The Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Dougiaa LM. Rental credited If you purchase, and only vary newest and highest grade ma chine aent out. Rates, three laontha tor K for understroke machlnea r $J per month for latest model vlsibl witters. MualraJ last rameHts, SLIGHTLY uaed high grade! pianoa, Dougiaa 2017. Mlacrllaaeoas. FOR SALE at a discount, a full, un limited scholarship In Boyle Business college. Omaha: good for either short hand or business course. Apply at the ofil e of The Omaha Bee. DETAIL National Cash reglater, nearly new; cost $'". have no us for It. Will sell cheap. Dutch Mill. 141 Harney St. Folt HALE 264 tuna Ice. Addreaa illenry Heumann, Seward, .Neri. 2-hand inch. Grows Wreck Co., A NO. I ilATII TUB. 6 teet. Kelly Wrecking Co. W. 41. FOR SALE New and second-band oarom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleya and actwwurtes: bar fixtunw of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick Balke-Cullender Co.. 407-40 8. loth HI 1H-1NCHD second-hand pipo at per foot: good for lancing purp ! call lougias 14474. WAGON umbrellas. Wagner. ul N. I6lh I : I I aiiI 1,1 . uwl. niAi.KtnA t. v. draaxnuiker, $4 to $16. W. 4A. ;ilN.ltth. WANTEli Every housewife to sav 20 per cent In the cost of gaa bills; this can be done with a Thrift Gas Governor; coats $1; positive, slmpl and Indestruct ible.; easily Installed; absolutely guaran tee.!. Write today. Post Service Supply Co.. 71H W. 17th St.. Pavnport. Iowa. BTP.LE auitabl for pulpit us. D. 6jbZ PERSON All THE Salvation Army industrial home ao llclt your old cluthlng. furniture, mag rainea W collect. W distribute. Phone Douglas 4136 and our wagua will call. Call and Innpocl our new uurae, HH-lUi-1114 laxtge St. 1 YOUNG women roiiiing to Omaha, aa slranscrs ar Invited to vlait tle Young Women' Chrintian association building at l,ti St. and St. Mary a Ave., where they will b directed to aultabla boarding pica or otherwise aaaltfted. Look lor ur Uaveleia' aid at tii Union station. rWnr nc fan 1. Trister POULTRY AND PCTPMES STCKEOTYFE matrices make the best and cheaist lining for poultry houses. They are 17x23 Inches, strong r and morn durable than tarred flt and practically fireproof, 7.a hundred at The Bee office. AGENTS, investigate; PpYciit prof'tT aeason now on: get busy. Chicken Lit Baver Co., 2011 Cuming Bt. Mixed grain $1.40 hdred7Vagner. Wl N. IS. WANTED TO DORKOW. OLLD liko t'i borrow liuO for one year at k per cent, Interest payable every three months. Cnn give the beat of se curity. Would like to have money for Ini tnedlat use. Addre Y 11. He WANTED TO BUV SI.IGHTI.1 UHed piano. WeH. 37SR. OKFICK furniture Niugbt and sold. J. . l-1 Farnam. Doug. 14. iVAXTKlf.M old feather bf7d.: hTghest prices. Address A. B. Mack. Ucniral De livery. Drop postal. W ill cat1 MVE 8TOCH MAK KETOr" W EST bltlB live stock to Soutn Omaha. Sav mileage and shrinkage. Your consign rrent icelv prompt and careful atten tion. LIT gtnel. Comsataatosi Merckaata. MARTIN BROS A CO. Exc'nangw Bldg. SWAPPER. COLUMN WHAT HAVE YOU TO EXCHANGE for JiiOt) equity In 13-room modern houseT Box 7ar,, Omnha. MOVING PICTURE FHIg FOR HALT: of a failed road show; must sell; $10 Pr teal if taken at once. Banners and papers with each reel. 8. C. 117H Be. WAN1EIV-FOR CASH, A GOOD MOV ing picture machine. What hav you for $40. Address S. C. IMS, Be. ONE SAFE. VALUE $75; JUST AS GOOD as new: UD to date: heat mil. win well or trade. Address 8. C. 1302 ONE SHOE REPAIRING OUTFIT, IN rludug new Slngor Machine and good Jack; 1 chest Carpenter Tools; 1 6x8 View Camera; l One-Minute Post Card Camera uuuii, iu leu or traao all to gether or separate. What hav you to Curiosity seekers or children keep ampn. Address S. C. 102. Be. your el WILL BUY SOME GOOD SECONnT hand office furniture; muat be clieao I HAVE FURNITURE FOR A 30-ROOM hotel, well located and la always full and la making $160 a month, that I will exobang for residence property or land of the same aalue. Thl buslneaa will stand the closest Investigation. If you want something of thl kind, look thl u. B. C 100B, car Boa. WILL SELL FOR $1,000 OR TRADE for clear cottage or lot 6-paaaenger Locomobile, first-class condition, new tire. Address 8. O. 1232, Bee. NEW LADY S WATCH. 20 YEAR GOLD filled case, never worn, worth $10, to trad for good kodak and outfit, or what? Addrena S. C. 1236. Bee, STOCK OF tfOODS, DOING A gooa paying Duaineas her In tha cltv. expenses very low. Will exchange for ciear lana 01 aDout equal value. Address rv v.. iii, nee. LARGE RESTAURANT OWNED BY man In other business requiring alt his attention necessitates Belling restaurant. Good location among hotels; excellent equipment; good business. Worth double the price asked, $8,000. Will exchange for anything of value. Address. S. C. 1226, Bee CTENOGRAPHER8 I HAVE A NEW etenotype: her Is your chanca. r muat. Pe of It Immediately. Addreas l HAVE A -ROOM ALL MODERN house which I am going to deal for th best offer In th next ten day. Thia house 1 located on the north side of Benson, and can ba seen at any time. Will take good milch cowa, horses or ciear vacant, property lor my equity. Phone Benson 1ST J and get lull partic ulars. HAVE GOOD FARM IN EITHER South Dakota or western Kansas to awap for good residence property In Omaha, a C. liS64. Bee. PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER CAN rent a 6-room houa near 26th and Maple In exchange for work. Reference re quired. Address S. C: 1261 Be. APPERSON JACK RABBIT "46" 6-PA8-aenger touring car, lust overhauled. In excellent condition. This car must be seen to appreciate the bargain you're getting. Please answer at once aa thla car I for Immediate aale at a bargain price. Ad drew H. C. 1266. Be. " HAVE IKON BEDS, GOOD CONDI TION. What have youT Address 8. C. 1267, Be. I HAVE AN L. C. SMITH HAMMER losa, 1 pair No. 8 waders, 1 No. 4J Shell coat, wtu trad for horse. Addres 8 C 1211I, Bee. SIX FINE LOTS IN OMAHA. WANT good used car; no Junk. Audreaa S. C. HAVE GOOD MANDOLIN FOR CASH or swap. What have you? Address H. C. 1263. Bee. WANTED TO BUY OR TRADE FOR A 1910 model 10 nuto for repalra. State Mice or what. Address S. G, 1239, Bee. 1 HAVE BRAND NEW, TWIN, TWO Bpend, fully equipped motorcycle and Bide car to trade for a small auto road ster or flve-paasengcr car. Addres S. C, 12i6, Bee. HAMILTON PIANO TO SWAP FOR A truck or auto. Will give or take; or for clear lot or lumber. Address, S. C. 1030. Be. WHAT HAVE YOU FOR RIVERSIDE hard coal burner? Good condition. Here la winter chanc. Address S. C 18. Bue. DO YOU WANT TO BECOME A GOOD stenographer? 1 nave a practically new atenotype, the fastest writing machine in the world. Complete course of Instruc tions Included. What will you give or uaue tor 11 r a a ureas p. c, lztai, Hee. CADILLAC ROADSTER 191S MODEL. fully equipped with bumper bar and extra tire. This car la A-l condition and must be sold thla week. For quick Bal at a bargain address. 8. C. 1263, Be. 8TUDE BAKER ROADSTER FULLY quipped with two extra Urea, In lieHt running condition. Muat sell thia car and will reduce price for quick sale. Address 8. C. 1204, Bee. AUBURN 1 -30" 6-PASSENGEU TOURING car, fully equipped. and In good condi tion for Immediate sale. Will take $400, Addreas B. G 1262, Be. MOLINE MODEL M. Nearly now, 40 horsepower, 6-passenger, 1912 model, fully equipped In Al condition, Just recently overhauled; will exchange tor good Ford and cash difference. S. C. 1234 . t NEW ANoOO KODAK JVtxJi EC change for bicycle. S. C. 1227. HAVE TWO LOTS. 3eth AND PINKNKY, would swap fur good vlctrola. Address 8. G 10. Bee. 1 HAVE A $5,000 STOCK OF GOODS that requirea a woman aa manager. Thia Is a Hplendid opixirtunity for a woman ot business ability and will atand th closest Investigation. Will exchange thia for guod land of same value, as other Interests 4-equire my attention, and will give a good deal. Give description ot your land in first letter. Traders need not answer. Address S. C. 1367, Bee. FURNITURE FOR A 46-ROOMHbTEL near Omaha. $l.6M). Low rate rent on, the building. What have you to offer? Ad dre S. C. l?t. care Be. WILL SWAP PON YT C A RT H ARN E'i and saddle for good cow. Addresa 8. C. 123. Bee. ANGORA CATS BLACK DOUGLAS 4k Honey Bun stock; only stock of these famous klnKa. Cash or "awapa" Clos ing out. 141 Spruce St. Tel. Webster 7444. HOTEL WANTED. FAMILY OK CHM mercial: about 30 rooms; brick build ing; must be high class, clean, well fur nished and hav going buslnesa. Will exetiange 40 acre Irrigated laud located between Bnslu and tlreybull, Wyo., In Big Horn itaain. In center of oil dialrlcL Water on land, which lies level and proper slop to Irrigate. Nothing f liver lu th west for farming, dairying or or chard. Addiesa S. C 152. Bee. FIRST CLASH GROCERY AND MEAT bualnaa. with a full stock of all atapl goode in all departnirtnls, all itKXIera, uiKh arad fixtures, central locatioa on out of the prlncliial business stretB of Coun cil Bluffs. Doing a big cash and credit bualneaa. ill Involc not leas than $,au0. For a houa and lot or a aoud unim proved farm. Tl)I what you have in first loiter. Thlu eqdities and trading propo altlona not eonaidnred. is an uus- liahed money making business. Traders keep out. AddiYss 6. C. 127X), Be. LIVE WIRE BUSINESS MEN of Omaha A. B. C. of Omaha a : A look; bet of quality, lowest prices; taae elevator and save money, w t ern Watch A Jewelry Co., 217 Karhaclt. 0 M AHA PH.LOW CO. 1721 Cuming ootig. 247. Renovates feathers and tnattreSMA- a uii luj. ,n feather mattreitjea. Call or writ for prices. PIANO tuning. R. Brandon. 7 yeara at Havden'a. Recommended bv best musicians. W. 4-32. 4aH N. Wth Ave VACUUM cleaneiB, $5.i. 9s, $7.S. a Tew days only. Guard your health. . -.,,,rjr eervice Co.. ,W Be) Bldg. Aerssslssts. "SkXlhhr- 5- THOMAS & COMPANY. v mj- ,-vat. Hank Bldg. Tvler 1810 AddlaK Maehlaes. Plton Adding Machines, 411 S. 15. r. 144!. Adder Mrh Co. (Wales. W o v p r,;r"' Aaito and Magaet Repairing repair work a specialty. r 2418. Aaet lone4ra. owd Auction Co., ua W. O. W. Red S2. Architects. ; Clart-nce W; Wlglngton. 220 S. 13th. d. 4287. Everett S, Dodds, 612 'Paxton. D 7 AltMKll... OMAHA film ex., 14th and Doug Motion picture machine t v- lT. , "lol,OT1 Barbere 12 Chairs, 10c shave, nCk ahav. in Fftr ' Prlatl .-- . v-iiim iat, hk. D. ritr7. Brass Kvandrles. Paxton-Mltchell Co., rth and Martha s,. "'s; Bad RpalrlK. FANTA. 11 pton Blk. Dong. 2157, California W. T. Smith Co.. nil city Nat Blc n aign pfflo door lefg. Mynater. P. hi. p. nierera MP8. F. A. WOOD aim Parkep w 8296. th.roprwc.or.: fLawrenc. p. C. 2322Hnwa D. 8471. T. ,T 1,1. '' o-. ti. C. 228 Bee Blda. TW7C7 W. K. Ptirvlance. D n 409 Pax. Blk n T. AT II A V r- . ' - . . 111 " 1 r.a, c, 660 Bee Blda R7j7b6. 1 leaning; mm Dyeing;, Corbett clean, everything. ISM w Bt China, Palntlnsr. Ruth Letchford, decorating, firing. R. 4942 Cream Seciaratora. ' ' The Sharpies Separator f . PHfc A Farn uanclngr Instrnct Ion. iasc mo. summer rates 1u-.a1.Ia-. t-,-., Turpln'i B Dnncino. A ... n.... a a "'Jiny, iiin & farn itist " : Dr. Bradbury. No pnln. ir, Farnam. Dr. Todd's alveolar dentistry. 408 R-r.' naiiey. tn Dentist, 708 City Nat l Bank Taft Dental Rooms, 1517 Douala, TTa7 Deteetlves. dene secured In -all cases. Tyler nag Dressmaking;. TerryDresamak'g college, 20th A Farnam. SUMMER dresses a specialty. Web. 8070. MISS STURDY, 2416 Caaa' St. Dou nTi Drwa-a. ordara; catalogues free. Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb Klectrlo Bannllea. New and second-handed electric fans and in.010,'"' 7Brn Electric Works. $18 8. 12th. Iouglaa 21711 LEBRON Elec. Win., 818 8. 12th. D. 2176. Kverytalna; for Wonna. Woman's Exchange, 432 Pax. Blk. R. 4912. HEMSTITCHING Ideal Button and Pleating Co., 107 & 16th. SWAPPER'S COLUMN PRACTICALLY NEW HAKMo.'i Grafanola with 40 double disc records; worth $65. will trade for aood visible typewriter, or what have you? Address o. c iao(, nee. ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD? LET me do your carpenter work. Will take anything of value as part payment on work. Address S. C. 1222, Bee. OFFERED FOR RENT Apartments mm Flat. GOOD location for doctor; 6-room modern flat on lat noor: transfer point, w . 5701. LA VERNA, 1812 Capitol Ave., new brick. modern, cnoice turnisnea apartments, running water In every room. D. 884. 4-ROOM apartment, turnlahed or unfur nished. 667 so. zwn St. Pliona Alar ney 183. KEEP THfS IN MIND FOR PROFITABLE ROOMING HOUSE. IS N. 20TH HT 10 CLASSY ROOMH. Redecorating entirely. Ready August 1. A. MAROWITZ. louglua 2070. THREE and 4-nxim, with bath, close In, In first-class condition; newly decorated and cleaned. $8, $10, $12. Phone W. 620 o ALL klnda of flats. 1601 Vinton. Tyler 177L 3 Rooms and Bath $15 $5 ALLOWED FOR MOVING EXPENSE. Brick flat, newly decorated, fine loca tion, walking distance. Call Mr. Swan beck. Douglas 1016. 613 N. SITU ST. NOTHING BETTER; ROOMING HOUSE. 10 CLASSY ROOM8 REDECORATED. DOUGLAS 2070. PLEASANT 4 and fc-room upartmeniu; walking distance. 404 No. 24th St. $28 5-rm. mod, flat. 3337 Cuming. W. 4i69, FIRST-CLASS 4 or --room apartments. on West Farnam, with Janitor service. JOHN W. ROBBINS. 102 FARNAM ST Globe Van&Storage a. .a.,aa u , . L a a 1 1 ,1 .itin,, S.hora siurn, nwi - -'"- van and 3 men, $1 25 pur hour; storage z per montn. Miaiaiuun 1Uoi.. t-hon Dougiaa 43W and Tyler 23a Rental Service Free Why worry wher to find a house or apartment wheu w hav Hated every vacant houae and apartment tn the city. "Phone ua for further Information. Doug la 4477. Fidelity Storag A an Co. Gordon Van Co.rS 21 N. 11th St. Phone D. 4 or H. toll St. Clare Apartm'ts 23d and Harney. Jnt completed. t.J and 4 rwmaHarney 647 or louglaa brib. 'TenTrihiM flat: modern. Harney 647. 'reedii-urst" Sv,r I ia.1 larg room on Farnam car lln VvOOl j 1IM)n or ,. wif. Tel. II. r FOR WORKING MEN. Good rooms, with excellent board: rate very reasonable. 1611-18 Hoard. D. 7145. a.raiahet Flat. ' A mod era (-room flat, field club district, xjd and Mason Bta.. $J6. Harney 136. garalshsg Baura, i-ROOM furnished house I nan July to taptunlarLHIrtl BEAUTIFUL I-rooin hou, 37U N. S4tn, with furnllur complete; on tar Hue; good location; owner leaving city. Sax HASTINGS! 4t UEYDEN. 16L1 Harney Bt W fr needle, and parts I" lSthl-lr CVtLE CO., "Mick- " 16th and Harney. Dougiaa 1662. F.verytblnar for Wiafi, Plume made over, cleaned, dyed, curled. Bertha Kruger, tiN Paxton ltlk. D. KM. t osrrr.1 Kstlsrrn, Onenehln-Wells Co. 4J0 State bank. P. 22R6. ( arlalaa. Washing laee eurtalna done. Trier 1144. Farrier. PEN 1-ENSTER, 1410 N. 21th St. W. Florists. L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam P. 1268. Member Telegraph Del. Ass'n. HESS ei PWOHODA, 1 nTl?7rnair St. A. WXAHCK, IC Harney. Doug. IflH. BATH'S florists, 1804, Farnam St. .It Stork Remedies. OMAHA Remedy Co.. 7 S 11th. Red 4!:.2. lair Dressiag. Harjier Method. R. C. Ralrd Pldg. D. Sfin. MAUD Muller Beauty Shop. Doug. 6311. Llgatlns, Clxtnrrs and Wiring. THOMAS DUIKIN Electric! fixtures and supplies, contract ing and repair work done reasonable. 241$ CUMING. DOUGLAS 2319. Ma.senaes. MIaBess, V2 Saunders-Kennedy B. 18APC Rlttenhouse Co., 214BTlrdBldg.. 17 fc I. ANA M MIKS baths: hciex- V TIFIC MASSAGE. jfgJrnamHt ., Apt. 6, 3d floor. D. 8681. Miss Flwher, niBsa., elect, treaft Red SORrt? MASSAGE. 109 S7uT"St. AIrs7e"tee"le7 Mia. Snyder, elcc. tft. 1408B, 8th. D. 4380. MASS ACiE Swed'lsn movement. 41$ JmiJOAUti Bldg. Douglas 67172. CLARA LEE, massage. Douglas 87F1. ELEOTRTCMASSArtE. BATH. Mis tT L-Pohurch. 21 Balrd Bldg. SCIENTIFIC massne-e, homo and office treatment. Red 4108. Mrs. Chapman. Anna I Smith, 2205 Farnam trained nurse, gives scientific massage. lira. 8 a m. to p. m. 2d floor. Walk Tn. VIOLET RAY, mass.. 436 Bee Bldg. D.U12. Massage, fills Walton, R. 224. Neville Blk." Millinery. . SWITCHES from combing. $1.60. Psych free. Mrs. H. M. Eck. 3009 Murcy. H. 6645. Mevlna, atorasje and Cleantaiac. W. G FERRIN, 15th and Capitol. Ty. 1209. Ocallsts. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pav a you can. Dra. McCarthy, llll W. O. W. Bldg. Patents. H. A. Sturge. 3 Brandel Theater Bldg. P. O. Barnoll, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. Patent Development, AMERICAN Machine Co., 110 B. Xlth 8t Printing;. WATERS-BARNHART Ptg. Co., quality printing, uei, uoug. .lw. tC4 s. lath St. pOUGI-AS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. COREY ei: M KENZIE PTG. CO. P. 2644. RIES-HALL Ptg. Co.. lKO Capitol. P. 1102. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. 37M. Hoaeh Exterminator. B. B. B. Roach Powder at your druggist tint and Timeloclc Ex pert a. O AFE comblnatlona changed, opened, r. " paired. F.E.Davenport, 1408 Dodge.D182l Shoe Repairing. Electric Shoe Rep. Co.. 1807 St Mary' Av. REASONABLE, Farnam Rep. Co. 313 8. 24. Steel Celling. CARTER Sheet Metal Work, 110 8. 10th. ture and Office Fixtures. DESKS, aafes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 414-16-18 S. 12th. P. 2724. Towel gapplles. OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 S. 11th. P. 62$. Trnnli and 8nltraaea. FRELINO & STEINLE, 180$ Farnam St, Veterinarians. DR. Q. R. YOUNG, 4702 Center. H. 6062. Wlsdoir Screen. - . - t . Om, Window Screen Co., 1322 Nicholas 8t Wines and Liunor. ALEX JETES. 201-3 S. 13th Pt Wine. m liquors, clgarg. Plate dinner 11 to 3, 10c. GLOBE Llq. House, 422 N. 16, 7 qU. beer, $1. delivered. Write for price Hat. D. 4362. HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSET 15th and Capitol Ave, Ten-cent lunch. OFFERED FOR, RENT Fnrniaae.a liooms. Five rooms ! Casa St.: onh $10 00 bTKtUii.i .uuuciii, well tuuiuiKU, com, airy private residence. 2222 Douglas St COOL, pleasant rooms. Call 2116 Douglas. SUITABLE for 8 or 4, modern, cool prl yate home. Inquire 2017 Dougiaa. MOD., private home; reference. Har. 6138. FRONT parlor on first floor, single room on second floor, both suitable for 2 gen tlemen; modern, cool; board. Web. 8070. Varnished Hooms. COOL Furnlhed room, private family, walking dlatance; use of piano: large parlor, no children. Tyler 2234. THREE modern unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. 2817 Puppleton Ave. The Davis Apt, GlOVi S. 16th. Newly fur nlshed rooms, mod.; private baths. D. 713S. ELEGANTLY furnished room with young couple, all conveniences, ciose in, on Harney car line. Married couplo pre ferred or ladles. Ill N. 25th St.. Apt. 3. Room in private family, 1 or 2 gentlemen or man A wife; board if deelred. P. 8071. Knrnlshed UssHkeepts Rooms. TWO newly furnished, modern house keeping room; gas, linen, cloae-in, $1 2718 Dewey Av. OODBN ANNEX looms, with kitchen, ttles. Council Bluffa TWO furntahed housekeeping rooms. 190 Douglas St. HosMkeeBls Room. 725 8. 1STH St Housekeeping and sleep ing rooms; mod. house. Phone T. !o21-W. SO. 18th ST., 72o Housekeeping rooms en suite; first floor; also Bleeping rooms. Tyler 1021 W. THREE nice second-floor rooma, modern house. 'rel. Webster 8i70. DA VEN PORT. 2018 TWO NICELY FUR NISH FRONT HOUSEK'P'G. ROOMS. Hotels anal Apartments, CALIFORNIA Hotel. 16th and California Weekly rates $- snd up. Douglas 103. DODGE H'. T EL M oderti. Reasonabia OODEN HOTEL, rooms (2 pur week. Cuuncil Bluffa . Uaf arnlahed ftvooma. CLEAN, newly furnished, large, t rooms enauile; housekeeping complete; splen did location; only $3.75 a week. 2b2 Parker St. Henae and Cottages. NONE to compare, 7-room houa. also 4- rouin flat 220 N. 23d. HnilKPS ln " Prt of th city. For RENT All miidern s-rooin housV 2617 No. iOth St. Tel. Web. 6iT75. , FOR RENT W have a complete list of all houses, tpartmeut al.d flats that are .for rem. TliU list can be seen free of charge at Omaha Van t Storag Co.. M S. 16th St. FOR COLORED, t-rooms, 934 N. 27th, gas, water (water paid), $14. HASTINGS A HEYDEN. 1611 Harney. 3010 CHARLES I rooms, toilet, ilty water and gas, H2; 40th and California, S rooma and basement, city water, i do, 45th and California, 8-roum and cellar. $7: 4th and Chicago, S rooms, $7.60 All new. Dexter I. Thomas. 412 Bee Bldg. 9-KOGM house, all modern, free, water. 7o4 N. Suth. Tel. D. lbi. O. V.; AVXit-I' ,rij, anJ .tor.ue r VvJ Farnam. Doug. 61; W. KiH. 7 R'Xl.MS. part mod , $18. 44! Plerco 8$ 9-ROOM modern house, 2407 Jon bt, ok ISnD. fJ. le r inuiiiri. J. R. KEMP. IHJUQLAS Ml$. -RXM cottage with toilet. 27 6$ Bo. 13th Ht Red tia,L