6 THE REE: OMAHA, MONDAY, AUGUST 10, 1914. WANT ADS Want ads received at ar.y time, but to Insure proper classlflcstton must be pre sented before 12 o'clock noon for evening edition and 7:90 p. m. for morning and Sunday editions w ant ds i-'lvl after such hours will be under tha heading Too Lata to Classify" CAHH RATFS. One time, 11 cent a line. Three tlme within ona week, cent a line each Inrertlon. Seven consecutive tlmea. 1 cants a Una each. Insertion. niAROE RATES. Three tlmea within one week, 10 cents a line eaih Insertion. Seven consecutive tlmea. I cent a Una esch Insertion. Count six xvcrase words to a Una. Minimum charge, 20 rants. The Bee will not he responsible for mora than one wrong Insertion dua to typo graphical error. Clalma for error must ha promptly mode. An advertisement Inserted to he run un til discontinued must bo stopped by writ ten order. Toil rsn place your wsnt sd In Tha Bee by telephone TF.L.EriiniNr'; ti i.r.n i'-" Unclaimed Answers to the Swapiors' Column" Hundreds of other anawers have been (ailed for and delivered during the last week. It la reaaonable to suppose thst all of the people below have mate the desired swsps therefore, do rot call for th balance of their answers. Bee Want Ada sure get reaults. PC. SC. SC. PC, SC. no rw -80 l.nf2 wu m si i.of lis r Ml 14 l-4 1.1" Ml 942 f8 1.1"5 12 Mt 9 1 1i 1.176 147 ft 1.104 1.17" KM W'3 1.1 M" KT7 7 Wr 1.11! 1.1' m ;4 i.ii i.i m 977 ? 1.121 ''M2 M4 97$ 1.001 1.123 1.1H3 B.C. 1.W 1 1 1I l.i 1. 1,210 1.217 l.Ktt 1.211 1.242 TODAY'S CXIPLETK MOVIE rnpoiiA.M KxcTusiTrly in The I lee CAMERAPHONE. 1403 IXUOLAB Hroncho Billy and the Gambler. Essanay. Who Swki Revenge, 2-r. Lubln. The Hlnsvllle Fire Department. Kalem EUTK THEATER N. 2. W FARNAM The Fable of the Coming Champion Who Was DoNyed. Kaa. The Indian Agent, l-r. Kal. The Greater Motive. Vltagraph FARNAM. J4i;i FARNAM. A Rare for Life, Sterling comedy. tiateway of Regret, Imp. drama. Series No. 7 of "The Million Dollar Myi tery"' will he ahown Hunday and Mon day. Two thrilling parts. HIPP, K.TH AND HARNEY, Jim Regan's I-ast Raid. Dra., Bro. The Widow, Dra., Am. Ringing the Changes and Miss Olady's Vacation, com., Key, PARK THEATER. (16 NO. 16TH ST. Western Two-reel drama. sensational feature. Sterling romedy. PAKLUK. 1408 DOUGLAS ST. Trey of Hearts, l-reel Gold Seal. A Neighborly Quarrel. Frontier romedy. PRINCESS. 1317-13114 DOUGLAS "Hesrued by Wireless," Sr. Bison. "Symphony of Souls," Rex drsma. "That's Fair Enough," a screaming farce. Aorta. AUIAMBRA, ' 1814 N. 24TH. Tragedy of the Orient, two-reel Hroncho. Exciting Courtship, Kalem romedy. Sparrow of the Cirrus, American drama. DlAMfKvb, 24lO LAKEST? My the Hun's Rsys, Nestor. At tha Foot of toe Stairs, ilex. Love end Lunch. 2-reel Sterling comedy, FRANKLIN HTH AND FHANKUN. The Toll. J-reel Vltagraph. lefyiug the Chief, Kalem. W hen the Cook Fell III, Setlg. HIPFODRO.MK. MTH AND CUMINO. Trinkets of Tragedy, two-reel Essanay. A Train of Incidents. Vltagraph. L.i me Dog's Treachery. Kalem. IT THF.ATKR. UTH AND LOCUST. A Iaf From Ihe Peat, t-reel, Lubln. Fleeing From the Fleas. Kalem. The False and the True. Vltsgraph. LOTHROF TIIKATKR. 8212 NO. 24TH. The Candidate for Mayor, t-reel Lubln, The Winning Trick, Vltagraph. 1 he Roy From the Poorhouae, Hlograph. LOYAL, 2rCATDWKLir The Trey o Hearts, first episode. Wild Heasts at Irge, two-reel comedy. PALACE. 2J0J DA V EN POUT. fnlversal Boy No. 1. The Sob Sister, two-reel Rex. M'bL'KBAN, Lillian's Dilemma, The Ue. Lubln. HTH AND AMES, l-reel Vltagraph. The Fate of a Squaw, Kalem ath. APOIJO THEATER, ?4 LEAVF7NWH. Fogg's Millions, two-reel Vltagraph. Th Proapertora, Hlograph. frhe Wanted to Know, Lubln. COLLM BI ATI lEATKlC 1710 8. IOTH! A Romance of the Pueblo, Hlograph. Codes of Honor, two-reel Lubln. The Arrival of Josle, Vltagraph. COMFORT. 24TH k.D VINTON. "cries .n, s, minion l"ouar Mystery, a rem reaiure. rnoriyiurnis, l-r Hroncho, er t-iiot. neyatone oniei1 y , FAVORITE. 171VlNTON! The Express Measenger, two-reel Kalem. A Traitor to Hla Country, Lubln drama. Snakesvlile's Home Guard. Lubln comedy. FA V. AIRIMIMK A NX. 17 vinHiiT Perils of Pauline, rerles No. 2, three- reel, r.iactric. A Spanish Omelet. Hlograplt romedy. ULH TilKATER. 1268 SO. UTH. IKAKIC IN SOl'LS, . or Smashing the Vice Trust, In six parts. HANSCOM THltA, 2VTH CASTELLAR The Natl in" s Peril, l-reel Bison. Roll Tour Pesnut. Joker romedy. LYRIC. WI7 VINTON. hen Kddy w rot to the Front. Nest com, Kste Waters vt the Secret Service, I-r rower PASTlMh, THEA. 24 LEAVEN W ORTU Four reels of Mutual pictures, comedy and drama. I renta KNEZIA. 1211 SO. IOTH. Man and His Brother, l-r. Victor. Troublesome Pets, Sterling romedy. The Falsi Step. Imp. drama. W ess. AIRDOME. FARNAM AND PARK. Ior. Smith's Baby, Vltagraph. Night Hawks, l-reel Essanay. Across the Burning Trestle. Edison. MONROE THEATER. labo FARNAM. Mary Plckford In "A Normandls Rom. nce." Mildred Bright and Bob Eraser In "The Dupe." J-r. drs., I'ntv. Ike, Jr., Our Mutual Girl. Series No. 28 Busmis. BENSON. 8836 MAIN ST. J. Warren Kerrigan In "The Stlrnt Wit. neae" In l-r. Bob Ionard In "Out of ine 4'srancss, sterling comedy. Ceaacll ft.affs. W7 BROADWAT, ROPER, The Dupe, a l-reel feature. And a Sterling comedy. oat a Oaeafca. BE8SE THEATER. HTH AND N. The Vampire's Trail, l-reel Kalem. The Suustter's GaU Essanay. Gwendolyn, the Sewing Machine Girl R MAGIC THEATER. 24TH AND O. Olana of the South Seas, l-reel Bison. Maggie's Honest lx;vers. Nestor comedy Vaaaevlli-. ORPHEUM. J4TH 4k M, SO. OMAHA Through Fire to Fame, -r. feature. ANNOUNCEMENTS GET a private booth ti. m grill room foe nooa mncn. rfclt I AX II. ill H. 17lh bt H A ZtL lf Fl Cones bast remedy or nc uina. oieeoing or proiruaing piles fa postpaid; samples free. aUitriuao a McConocll Drug Co.. Omaha We4do a u Bounce meals. Doug. Ptg. Co. A x xo t x t i:m i : ts LUCKY wadding ring Rrodegsard i I'nlltlral. YOTF, for Joseph N. f"(e!n. republican, for Justice of 'he peace. omHha I'olltlral. MY NAME will appear on the republican it namk win appear on nyurw,, primary ballot as ran.lidste, for renoml- . f, nniion lor rccreiary ri oinic, n i i-ium, election August 18, 1314. Addison Watt, Secretary of Hate. WILLI a C. CR"SHyT"i4 N 21th St., re publican randl'tate for cofftier. L jT yri.NHV," l.Uf (inindeei, democratic candidate fur elate j,onntr C. W imiTT,rcpuhnan randldate fur police JuilKe. THOMAS J. iHnMN. .V14 Csllfomln, ri putiilcan rand dte fur shrrllf. FRANK A. KKNNKI'Y republican can- dldnte fir etqte senator IIKXKV R HAZK, ai(5 North lMh gi. , Hepuli'lcan candidate for sheriff. ALFRF.D STRKNSONrepubll(.an candl date for congresa. uTK for ( . L. Nethawav. antl-curpora-tlon ramMdate state representative dem ocratic ticket Flor. 27i for my platform. Wi R iToMAN, FeiuThTican candidate register of deeds; yeara resident and taxpayer touglns county. EDWARD HIMON for republican etste. sent"r, author Mothers' Pension law. jXilKS ALLAN, republican CMndidate fur sheriff: your support earnestly solicited. FRANK W. HANDLK. 41f.2 Hurt St., register of doeds and republican candi date for re-election. UKO. A. MAUXKY, County attorney and candidate for re-election on the demo cratic t'eket. C. H. T. county 45 for coroner. HIKI'KN, resident Douglas years, republican candidal. VINCF.NT C. MASCALL, 716 H. 30th St, republican candidate for Justice of peace TO N Y "Cf"i STAN' Z o7 1 1 K P 1' H I , H ' AN CAN DIDATK FOR STATP: LKOIHLATUHK G. A. KCKLKH, republican candidate for police judge. V'it S. 4th. V'UTK for T. A. llolilnlcr. republican prl nisry, csndldste for county attorney. VOTIC FOR J. F. Mcl.ane, suerlnteiident Florence public schools, republican can didate for auperlntenilent public InMruc- tlon VoTI-; for Harry pearce. ratidlilat for register of ceeda on repuullian ticket. T. W. HI.ACK Hl'HN for congress. VOTH for C. L Nethaway. antl-corpora-tlon candidate state reptcsentatlve dem ocratio ticket. Tel. Flor. for my platform. VCTK for C. H. Hllyeu, republican can oUlale for justice of thn peace. II ELI WANTED FKMALK Farlur and 'I rutin APPRENTICK girl. Oppenhelm Parlors. Iloasrkrepers and llomritln, THE servant Girl Problem Solved. The Hee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FRKE until you get the desired reaults. This applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Hlufta. Hrlng ad to The Hee office or telephone Tyler 1"0. WANTKD Girl for general housework, M So. ,11st St. H. IMS. WHITE cook Mrs. Victor C ind second girl wanted. sldaMll, can So. JOth St. WANTKD A girl or middle aged lady for housework for a family of 2; a per manent Job If suited. Address Box 64, Octal la. Neb. WANTKl A clean girl, German or Ho hrmlan, who ran do good plain cooking. Call H. 4771, between 3 and 4 p. m. WANTKD A girl to aaslst In general housework. Harney St. WANTKD A cook. 24 6 St. Mary s Ave. WANTED White maid for general housework In family of two. No laun dry work. Mu:4t be good cook Call 3S70 Dodge. Telephone Harney 744! WANTEI Girl for general housework. TM So. 221 St. WANTED A competent girl for second work. References required. 2UU So. Aid Ave. Phone H. -20ti. W ANTEI A girl work. Phone H. to help with house- 4I17&. WANTKIV-A girl or middle aged lady to assist with housework, no washing. Ap ply S14 Psrk Ave AN exerlencedl girl wsnted for general housework; no washing. 2W8 Krug Avo. n. Ron. WANTED A girl, 608 H. ZHh St. No wash Ing, If preferred. WANTED A girl washing. II. 2M. for hi uHwork, no Mlsvellauras. WOMEN wanted tor government clerk ships; 170 month; Omaha examinations soon; specimen questions free. Franklin institute. Dept Ciig-O. Rochester. N. Y. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to vlisit the Young Women's Christian association building at St. Mary's Ave. and 17th St.. where I Lev will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look fur our travelers' guide at I'nlon Station. 100 GIRLS to learn and do chorua work, salary $18 and up, Regidur season opens August Jo. Positions guaranieeo. 10 an. Sketches furnished to vaudeville acta. Four more good chorus girls for No. 1 show. Address or rail. Kd. Garvin, American theater, Council P.luffa. YOl'NG women to take 6 months' course of training In the care of feeding of In- " "CHILD SAVING INSTITUTE, Vt So. !d Street. HELP WANTED MALE Aceats, Haleasarjt aad Solicitors, WK have special rnntrarts for expert enred acetylene salesmen. Rue Sales Co., Omsha. Neb. BALEHMEN with ability to deliver Ihe goods. Must be willing to work. Cash commissions. Hlg new line Advertising) Sperlsltles. Loral and outwlde territories. Call 2J5 S. Main St., or Phone Red 37o2, Council Bluffs, Monday, fi,i appoint ment. SALESMEN Want an experienced spe cialty man to represent an eastern manufacturer. Muat have good references. Strsight salary; no commission. Address Y 14.1. care Bee. WANTKD Several real live solicitors for steady poHltlon on road, l-'S to $40 pot week. Apply Mr. Dye, ti'3 Hrnndels 1 heater Hldg a. m. sharp, Monday morning. WANTKD Three neat appearing young men, between the agea of 2V nnd X yeara, to travel witn manager and lak. orders. Big money for the right men. Call between 7 and p. in. J. B, Trainer, St. Mary's Ave. SALESMAN WANTKD Well known manufacturer or factory labor saving equipment haa selling agency open with protected territory, lontinission proxi Hon on a huslness basla for big caliber man -King unusual oppon unuy. -. vj. Box M, Chlcopee rslls, Msss. Factory aad Tradea. WANTED At once a printer competent of taking entire charge of country newspaper. Exceptional opportunity. Tlis owner Is In poor health. F. J. Dunn, Oconto. Neh. ANTED First class butter maker. I. Muccl. 218 West Broadway. Council Bluffs, la. WANTED .MEN TO LEARN THE BAR HE t TRADE. He independent. Few weeks completes. Positions waiting, our graduatea qualified for best lobs. Wages while learning. Tools given. tall or write. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE, 110 S 14th St. Hurry! Hurry! Get a full knowledge of the AUTOMO Bli.E BUSINESS, such as only wc are eoutppsd to give you. The auto season is open and the demand Is great for sucii men as we turn out NATIONAL AUTO TRAINING ASSN.. 2814 N. loth St.. Omaha. Nb. MKN to learn the barber trade; tuition, Ua, set of tools given; wages paid. Tri City College. 12th and Douglas Sta Drug store snaps; Jabs Knelst. Bse Hldg. allscellaaeas. PAXTON Blk.. l.etterlin School. I'm. 81i WANTED Name of men. 18 to 4S. wish Ing to be Omsha in. II carriers, ttli mo4h to begin. Y 104. Hee. 1N with patentable loess write dulph 4b Co. Washington, D. C. ttsa- II KM WAXTKIe MAI.K M tare I Im neon a. TUi: NERRASKA AUT0M0 I -ILK SCHOOL has turned out more successful graduatea than anv s hoo! In this country. "There's rea.-on." Write t,.,lay for n.tr catalogue .. .... rit in,i,. k-.h W AXTKIi-Ititellluent young man, etennn raphlc knowledge. Hplcpdld opportun ity. Hurrnuchs Adding Machine Co.. South l.Hh ft. PKVKKAIi oung men of guod hslilts and appearance tu trtvel; pav dally A Hv to S J Krandcls Theater Illdg. 9 SaniUry Hatha. lSr; ehnve. 10c. ,'20 N. Iftth. W ANTK1 l.cy men - cat ham and eggs, 'i.ffep J'.hn. 14th and ''aoltol Ave. W'A NTI-.I k-Two solo clarinet playere. one exiert auto tepalr man an. I one pho- Inicraphcr. who piny solo rlnrlnet ran ae. cure good positions si onre. I'lay in fifty-piece band. No booxer. Address. W. W'. Reader. Pre y Cherokee Concert Hand, Cherokee, la. UK LI WANTED Mtl.K A.l KF.MALF.. jr,.onn GOVERNMENT Jobs open to men and women: t' to lino month. Write for list. Franklin Institute, Dcp't 221-0, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED SITl'ATIOXH WANTKD Position by young man of ability, fi years' experience In general ncrchanllPc store. 'traveling aaiosman referred; anything with a futvire ac cepted. Hest of references. Address B 381, Omaha Hee. POSITION wanted for a lady for nurse maid or light housekeeping rill H. BANDMASTER Wanted by experienced bandmaster, position with reliable ama teur band. Address D Hio, Hee. ELDERLY- lady would like good home as housekeeper; no objections to going a hort dlstiince In the country. -rcM tirant St. Webster 3136 W NTKI Dry work or maid woik. Call Douglas 3t.'. STF.Nf MIRAPHKR wishes position;, has knowledge of bookkeeping. Phone W. 40i RI'NDLK washing or day work. H. 4"1. VANTEI-Cleaning by day. W. 47fitt. AUTOMOBILES Oreenough flmnha Rad Rep Co. 2T20 Far, CITPHH,K pneumatic, tires. V.H So. 20th. $li)0 forfeit for any magneto we can't re pair, foil repar g. o. Haysdorrer, zioim. is 'Llndlerg"Fore dotir. body bhlg..4ii Far Industrial Garage Co, ith Harney Sts. AUTO storage, $5 to $d per mo. Johnson Itanforih CTo. Garage, 162D-31-$3 N. lBth. Motorvycles. H ARLEY-DA VIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Hargalns In uaed machines. Victor Rooa, The Motorcycle Man," 27i3 Leavenworth. Pope Motor Co., 2T2 I.eavenwort h. R. IM. 1114 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE now ready; bargnlna In used machines. OMAHA H ICY CLE CO.. lbth and Chicago. D. 372S. Llndborg Uros.. 2U23 Cum. (Flying Merkle). iJUSINESw CHANCES HERE IS A $f.,0U0 SALARY JOB. A LARGE OMAHA CORPORATION IS 1XMIKINO FOR A FIRST-CLASS CORPORATION MAN TO OCCUPY THE POSITION OF flWHKTABV. SALARY $r.,U) PER ANNUM. NO HAD-WAZZEKfl NEED APPLY. ADDRESS G HEE. PRINTING offl' for sale, completely equipped, cylinder and platen presses, paper cutter, type and furniture; located ground floor Hee lildg. Inquire Klopp 4k llartlett Co. TO GET In or out of buslni GANGESTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. s. csll OB D. 8477. WANTED An Idea, W can think of some simple thing to patent! Protect your Ideas; they may bring you wealth. write lor rxcaea inventions and "How to Get Your Patent and Your Money." Randolph & Co., Patent Attorneys. Washington. D C. TO QUICKLY sell your business or real estate, write nennepe -g Co.. Omaha. JOHNSON. Wi PAXt677"hXk. " RED 61.18. HIGH-CLASS business openings. Western Rcf. A llondAss'n. 7f4 Om. Nat. Hk. Uldg C, J, CAN AN. Real Estate and Exchangee BUY. leaao or sell your theater, machine mill supplies through Theatrr Exchange Co., 1401) l'amam St. Douglas IW. PARTIES with money to Invest can learn of a I per cent guaranteed Investment, with a share In profit above 8 per cent, that will net a fine profit: absolute se curity. Can use up to $1U0,uu0. Address Y 1. Hee. WANTED Several good business men who have a small amount of capital, not working, to Join us in establishing In CouikII Bluffs a branch of our business, which Is a profitable investment. Full particulars furnished by addressing "I," Omaha Hee, Council bluffs. Foil SALE Candy, cigar, notion and bakery. Salea average $S day. Living rooms. Address 11. Obrlst, llito Sherman Ave., Omaha. WANTED Party with small capital to lease or rent picture and vaudeville theater at Webb City. Mo.; seating capacity nearly i.itn. Address Sherlock, 604 Walnut t. Ksnsaa City, Mo. ONLY drug store In a good town for sale, will Invoice about $i,000. Address Y HI. He. A SUBSTANTIAL corporation wants re liable party to establish office ana man age salesmen. Should pay $J.UU0 to $16,000 annually. to Il,wi will finance busl ncss; you handle own njoney. Refer ences exchanged. Sales Manager, 406 Fisher Hldg.. I'hlrago, 111. MEAT MARKET doing good business, county seat, other business reason for selling. Address -144, Hee. EDUCATION. I. JSUAtMEll SCHOOL " NOW OPEN in Both the Day and Night Sessions. BOYLES COLLEGE ENTER NOW. Business practice, bookkeeping, penman ship, saleamansnip, oanaing, stenography, alenotypy, typewriting, teiegrapny, ac counting, filing, private secretarial work and many other courses are open to you here, iou may worn tor uoara wtuio at tending. Call, write or telephone Ijr latest catalogue. HOYLES COLLEGE, ISth and Harney Streets. Omaha Neb, MOSUEIM-MPMAN COLLEGE SUMMEll SCiroOL Every day Is an enrollment day. Un surpassed classes In all business and Eng lish branches, shorthand, stenotypy, tel egraphy and typewriting. Students ad mitted at any time. Graduates guaran teed good positions. Places provided for young people to work for board. Fur a new, free catalogue addieas MOS1I ER-LAMPM AN COLLEGE. IMi Fsrnam Street. Omaha. NaU. Ft lit SALE st a discount, a full unlim ited scholarship is Holes Business col lege. Omsha; good for either, shorthand or business courses. Apply at the office of Omaha Bee. The Van Sant School STENOGRAPHIC COURSE Summer sessions, lHlh and Farnam. 8 a. ro to 1 4 p. m. Douglas 6647. LOST AND FOUND oM AHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILW AY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the street cars. Many articles each tay are turned in and the company la anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug Us 4-. Ll T One F leral i.utck detachable tire on Firestone demountable rim. fcjxe 34x4. G. blorx, 37oN Farnam. Reward. MVK STOCK ft HI HAI.n. llnrsea and ehlrlee. LARGEST stork of delivery wagona In the rlty. all kinds of blacksmith, work, painting and lelterine .Tohneon-1 anforth Co., new location. 1V ai-a N. lith St. W A ' i iN iiml.rellas W'a'sne-. WI Nlin; Mixed grain iTsO h dred" Wngnrr. m V H MKDirAL. Piles, Fistula Cured Tk IT Xt Ttrfw r , , r- - ,i 1 1 flKfula and other rectal diseases without surgical operstlon. Cure guaranteed ana no money paid until cured Write for book , on rectal dlsraaes with testimonials. UK ! E R TARRY V40 Hee Hldl DRUSE HOSPITAL A hospital opened to meet the needs of any rase; strictly modern building, all conveniences; ail outside rooms th St and Dewey ave. Tel. Harney 733S. MONKY TO MIAN NEED MONEY 7 See us Quick service. Half usual rate RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. 308 Paxton Block Douglas 1411. OFFERED FOR SALE Furnltare. New 2d hand furnit're, rssh or terms, reasonable. Amer. Furn. Co., N. Kith. SEVERAL 4 an loada of furniture and some pianos Omaha Van and Storage Co., sisi fo. pith St Trsrwrlteni. TYPEWRITERS sold: rented, repslred. Ce n tral Ty pe w rl ter E x c hange, 307 8. 17th. RENT An Oliver typewriter, 3 months for 14. The Ollvtr Typewriter Co. D. 291a. All makes typewriter, rented, sold, terms. Hutts Typewriter, isns Farnam. u. RENT Remingtons. M .narchs and Smith Premiers of their makera The Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas L84. Rental credited If you purchaae. and only very newest and highest grade ma chines sent out. Rates, three months for 15 for understroke machines or IH per month for latest model visible wrltera Musical lnstramenta. SLIGHTLY used high grade planoa. Douglas 2017. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE at a dis.-ount a full, un limited scholarship In Hoyles Business college. Omaha; good for cither short hsnd or business course Apply at the office of The Omaha Hee. DETAIL National (ah register, nearly new: cost 10. have no use for It. Will sell cheap. Dutch Mill, 1618 Harney St. FOR SALE 250 tons Ice. Address Henry Heumsnn, Sewsrd, Neb. 2-hand mi ll. Gross Wreck Co.. 21 & Paul. A NO. 1 BATH TUB. B'i teet VV. 4808. Trester Kelly Wrecking Co. FOR BALE New and second-hand carom and oocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories: bar fixtures of all Kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick Balke-Collender Co.. 407-408 8. 10th St. . IH-InThD second-hand pipe at 2c per foot; good tor lencing purposes. Call Douglas 2474. WAGON umbrellas. Wagner. 01 N 16th Closing out 10 good sewing machines, by dressmaker, 14 to 11R. .W. 4;S. 2119 N. 16th. WANTED Every housewife to save 20 per cent In the cost of gaa bills; this can be done with a Thrift Gas Governor; costs tl; positive, simple and Indestruct ible; easily Installed; absolutely guaran teed. Write today. Post Service Supply Co.. 718 W. 17th St.. Davenport. Iowa. GRAND square piano cheap. Call morn- 1 Ctfl h!n..U 1)1.1 A 'A limn, li.!- - . .... BIBLE suitable for pulpit use.D. 6306. PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old rlotnlng, furniture, mag nine. We rollert. We distribute. Phone Douglas 41.15 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. ' YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th St. and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise asslnted: Iook for our travelers' aid at the Union station. POULTRY AND SUPPLIES STEREOTYPE matrices make the best and cheapest lining fur poultry houses. They are 17x21 Inches, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof, 76c a hundred at The Bee office. AGENTS, Investigate; 100 per cent profit; season now on; get busy. Chicken Life Saver Co., 2021 Cuming St. Mixed grain 8140 h'dred. Wagner. 801 N. 14 WANTED TO BORROW. WANT to borrow 11,000 for one year or more at 1 per cent to use in a good straight established business. Can give food security and references. Address i 8HJ, Hee. WOULD like to borrow 15O0 for one year at 8 per cent, interest payable every three montha. Can give the best of se curity. Would like to have money for Im mediate use. Addrea Y 140, Bee. WANTED TO BUV SLIGHTLY used piano. W'eb. 37245. WANTED 1 .000 old feather beds; highest prlcea. Address A. B. Mack, General De livery Drop postal. Will call. OFFICE furniture bought and sold. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam. Doug. 614H. J. WANTED-1.000 old feather beds; highest prices. Address A. B. Mack, General De livery. Drop postal. Will call. LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST blllP live stock to Soutn Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign rents receive prompt and careful atten tion. LIt Btnel. Commission Merchaate. MARTIN BROS r CO. Exchange Bldg. SWAPPERS' COLUMN ONE SHOE REPAIRING OUTFIT. IN eluding new Singer Machine and good Jack: 1 chest Carpenter T4iols; 1 6x8 View Camera; 1 One-Minute Post Card Camera and outfit. Will sell or trade all to gether or separate. What have you to offer? Curiosity seekers or children keep your stamps, An ir-ii rs. nrH, Bee. W ILL BU Y SOME GOOD SECOND? hand office furniture; must be cheap for rash. Address S. C , 1240. Bee. I HAVE FURNITl RE FOR, A 20-ROOM hotel, well located and la always full and Is making fl0 a month, that I will exchange for residence property or land of the same value. Thia business will stand the closest Investigation. If you want something or this kind, look this up. S. C. lmt. care Hee WILL SELL FOR Il.tiUO OR TRADE for clear cottuge. or lota o-paasengrr Locomobile, first-class conditlcn, new tires. Address S. O. liSi. Bee. NEW LADY'S WATCH. 20 YEAR GOLD filled case. neer worn, worth $10, to trade for good kodak and outfit or what? Address S. C. 123k Hee. ' $5,000 STtX'K OF GOliDS. DOING A good paying business here In the city, expenses very low. WUI exchange for clear land of about equal value. Address S C. 1231, Bee. LARGE RESTAt RANT OWNED BY man In. other business requiring all his attention necessitates selling restaurant. Good location among hotels; excellent equipment; good business. Worth douole the price asked, $s..kj. Will exchange for anything of value. Address, 8. C. lr.ti, Bee. WANTED BRICKLAYING AND CAR peiiter work for auto. Address, 8. C. l2. Bee. STENOGRAPH ERS I HAVE A NEW stenotype; here Is your chance, as I must dispose of it immediately. Address S. C. 12-. 1 HAVE A 8-HOOM ALL MODERN house which I am going to deal for ihe best offer In the next ten days. This house is located on the north side of Henson, and can be seen at any time. Will take good milch cows, horses or cleat vacant properly for my equity. Phone Benson 137 J and get full partic ulars. HaVE GOOD FARM JN E1THEH South Dakota or wcatern Kansas to swap for good residence property in Omaha. S. C. 1X4, Bee. HWATPFJl'M CX)LOIX I SIX FINE IA1TS IN OMAHA. WANT good used car; no Junk. Audress S. C. 12.i : W A ST To SWAP""F " A it' ' N X 1 T automobile for my clear c'nolce lot on , SHiSn.ga St.. between 40t li and 4lsi. I i i . . I. ik e rrm n,1 Dllh. 7'IUI II I H'lll, ,'l . ' - lie school You csn borrow money on this lot 11. blk. 14. In Central Park Add to build. Oo look at It, and If you think It worth lo talk, hiisln.sa In f rst letter. This Is rhol-e. 3. . p XTntkr and pa'pfTh II ANGER CAN rent a s-room house near 2-ith and Maple In exchange for work. Reference te- ilred. Address S C l.'M Hee. I HA vTi AN ElGHT-R'VjM, HOUSE, modern except heiit; not old ; m mi" ronnltlon; in north part of Omaha. What have vou to offer In exchange for the !M lJ sni iii ' sun It 4O0 equity in the house. Address 712 No. 1 itn St.- . "HAVE AN L C. SMITH HAMMER; 1 1 V-.. nHera 1 No. 42 Shell coat, will trade for horse. Address S C 114, Hee. HAVE GOOD MANDOLIN FOR CASH or swan. What have your Auurrw a. C. lrj. Bee. wXnTKD To BUY OR TRADE FOR A .i.,,. i.i m nin fnp reiifllrs. State "I" "lOiie, ... e - - Mice or what. Address n. ' .. n--- rilAVF BRAND NEW, TWIN. TWO t.eert fullv entilnned motorcycle and eiue ir t tin,ie i... - - ster or five-passenger car. Address . la. Hee. HAMILTON PIANO To SWAP FOR A . , , . win itIva nr tnke! or for iiiiin or ..... . - - clear lot or lumber. Address, b. C. . 10U0, nee. . WHAT HAVE YOU FOR RIVERSIDE hard roal burner? Good condition. Here Is winter chance. Address 8.. C-. 12TJ1. Res. , DO YOU WANT TO BECOME A GOOD stenographer? I have a practically new notvne the fastest writing machine In the world. Complete rourse of Instruc tions Included. What will you give or trade for It? Address S. C, 120. Bee. CADILLAC; ROADSTER 1518 MODEL, fully equipped with pumper nar ano extra tire. This car In A-l condition and must be sold this week. For quick sale at a bargain address S. C. 1263. Bee. 8T rDEHAKBR ROADSTER FL'LLT equipped with two extra tires, in Dear running condition. Must sell this car and will reduce price for quick sale. Address S. C. 12 Bee. APPERSON JACK RABBIT "45'1 5-PAS- senge.r touring car. lust overhauled. In excellent condition. This car must be seen to appreciate the bargain you're getting. Please anawrr at once as this car la ror Immediate sale at a bargain price. Ad dress 8. C. 13M. Bee. AUBURN ' 30" 6-PASSENGER TOURING csr. fully equipped and In good condi tion for Immediate sale. Will take $400. Address M. C. llstt, Bee. MO LINE MODEL M. Nearly new, 40 horsepower, 6-passenger, 1B12 model, fully equipped In Al condition, Just recently overhauled; owner needs money; a bargain for cash. Address S. C. 12?4 Hee. I NEW AN SCO KODAK 2V4x.li,, E change for bicycle. S. C. 1227. HAVE TWO LOTS. 3Mh AND PINKNEY, would swap for good vlctrola. Address S. C. 10118. Deo. I HAVE A 85,000 STOCK OF GOODS that requires a woman as manager. This is a splendid opportunity for a woman of business ability and will stand the closest Investigation. Will exchange this for good land of same value, as other Interests require my attention, and will give a good deal. Give description of your land in first letter. Traders need not answer. Address S. C. 1267, Bee. FURNITURE FOR A 45-ROOM HOTEL near Omaha, $l,toO. Low rate rent on the building. What have you to offer? Address S. C. 12K8, care Bee. WILL SWAP PONY. CART HARNEA4 and saddle for good cow. Address S. C. 124;, Bee. ANGORA CATS BLACK DOUGLAS & Honey Bun stock; only stock of these famous kings. Cash oc "swaps." Clos ing out. 1541 Spruce St. Tel. Webster 7444. HOTEL WANTED. FAMILY OR COM merclal; about 30. rooms; brick build ing; must be high class. . clean, well fur nished and have going business. Will exchange 40 acres Irrigated land located between Hnsiti and Greybull, Wyo., in Big Horn Basin. In center of oil district. Water on land, which lies level and proper slope to Irrigate. Nothing finer in the west for farming, dairying or or chord. Address S. C. 1252. Bee. FIRST CLASS GROCERY AND MEAT business, with a full stock of all staple goods In all departments, all modern, mgn grade fixtures, central location on one of the principal buainess streets of Coun cil Bluffs. Doing a big cash and credit Diisiness. win invoice not less than I3,E00. For a house and lot or a good unim proved farm. Tell what you have in first letter. Thin equities and trading propo sitions not considered. This Is an estab lished money making business., Traders keep out. Address 8. C. 1270, Bee. PRACTICALLY NEW HAKJau.. Grafanola with 40 double disc records; worth Stii, will trade for good visible typewriter, or what have youT Address S. C. 12T.7. Bee.' ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD? LET me do your carpenter work, will take anything of value as part payment on work. Address s. C. 1222, Hee. HAVE 2 IRON BEDS, GOOD CONDI TION. W hat have you? Address S. C. 1267. Bee. OFFERED FOR RENT Apartments and Flats. GOOD location for doctor; 6-room modern flat on 1st floor: transfer point. W. 6701. LA VERNA. 1812 Capitol Ave., new brick, modern, choice furnished apartments, running water in every room. D. 8S4. 4-ROOM apartment, lurnlshed or unfur nished. 667 So. 28th St. Phone liar, ney 8183. KEEP THIS IN MIND FOR PROFITABLE ROOMINO HOUSE. 616 N. 20TH ST. 10 CLASSY ROOMS. Redecorating entirely. Ready August t A. MAHOWITZ. Douglas 2070. 6-ROOM new apartment, with Janitor service. $26 per month. Phone W. 7276. ALL kinds of flats, 1501 Vinton. Tyler 1771. 3 Rooms and Bath $15 $5 ALLOWED FOR MOVING EXPENSE. Brick flat, newly decorated, fine loca tion, walking distance. Call Mr. Swan- beck. Douglas 1016. m 615 N. 20TH ST. NOTHING BETTER; ROOMING HOUSE. 10 CLASSY ROOMS REDECORATED. DOUGLAS Ht'O. PLEASANT 4 and b-room apartments; walking distance 404 No, 24th St. '.g6-rm. mod. flat. 3327 Cuming. W. 4869. FIRST-CLASS 4 or 5-room apartments. on West Farnam, with janitor service. JOHN W. BOBBINS. 102 FARNAM ST. FINE. St Louis, 1 rooms. $35. 5u9 8. 22d St. . Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves, packs and snips: s-horse an and 1 men, $1 20 per hour; storage $1 (fun per month Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone Douglas 4JiS and Tyler 30 Rental Service Free Why worry where to find a house or apartment when we have listed every vacant house and apartment in the city. 'Phone us for further information. Doug las 4477. Fidelity Storage ft Van Co. Gordon Van Co.ES 119 N 11th 8t Phone D x4 or H. mi St. Clare ApartnVts 23d and Harney. Just completed, t, 8 and 4 rooms. Harney 447 or Douglas 6605. TEN-R4K )M flat; modern. Harney 647. Mr and IH.su REEDHURST V?SXr& Cool large room on Farnam car line I men or man and wife. Tel. H 2V FOR WORKING MEN Good rooms, with excellent board; rates very reasonable. 1611-11 Howard. D. 714.:. FOR WORKING MEN Good rooms, with excellent board; rates very reasonable. 1611-U Howard. V. 714&. LIVE WIRE BUSINESS MEN of Omaha A. B. C. of Omaha A Diamond gives you that prosperous look; best of qiiillty, lowest prices; take elevator and ave money. West ern Watch Jewelry Co., 217 Karhach. OMAHA PILLOW CO. 1721 Cuming Doug. n7. Renovates feathers snd mattresses of all kinds, makes festher mattresses Call or write for prices. )IANO tuning. R. Rrandon, 7 years at Hsyden's. Rerommended by best musi. lana. W. 4V1 4;ik jj. ;sth Ave VACUUM cleaners. I.-..K. inns. 7.!!. a few days only. Guard your health. Sanitary servire Co , W, Hee Hldg. WE rent, repair, sell needles and parts ?a S .1 . 'w,r"' machines. NE erg"lsihA8?t, CVCLE CO.. "Mlck el . Ifith an.; Harney. Douglas 16G2. Arroantnnt.. Miro ";!.K 5' THOMAS ft COMPANY. "y nank Hldg. Tyler 1810. Addlnsr Machines. I'alton Adding Msehlnes. 411 S. 15. D. 144S. Adder Mch Co. (Walesi W. O. W. D. KXix Aato and Mnsrnrtn Repairing;. Msgneto repair work a specialty. D. 2418. Auctioneers. ' rowd Auction Co., im W. O. W. Red 32SF. A rr hi terts. Clnrcnce W. Wlglngton, 2?o S. inth. D 42K7. Everett 8. Dodda, til; Paxton. D. 2.81. Attrartlona. !e"et VmJx ' ,4th n1 nou Motion . .. ..r nine ana turn bargains. Harden. 12 Chairs, 10c shave, neck shave. 1617 Far. Bine Printing. "rjl1!"?'. C0.B',,e Printing, under new j-j-m. piny, j...- omana rvat. Bk. D. H.". Brass Foondrlea. Paxton-Mltchell Co.. 27th and Martha Sts. Ralldln nnd Itrsilrlm. K. I ANTA, 611 Paxton Blk, Doug. 21R7. California I. an.;. W. T. Smith Co., 1111 City Nat Rk. D. 2S19. Card Ht-ns. Mfflce door let g. Mynster, Pax. Rk D 21.V7 Caterers. MR8 F. A WOOD. .Itnl prker. W. ", (klroprarlon. -. J C. Iawrenre, D. C. gi22 Howard. D.' 8461.' "l". r. (-.. 22t Bee Hldg. Iou4T W. E. Purvlance. p. c. 4K Pax. Hlk. M 4M2 L. C. HAYES. D c. ftM K,e Bldg. "rJ tleanlna nnd Dl.7 Corbett rleans everything. Harney St. China Palntln-. Ruth Ietchford, deroratlng. firing. R, 4042 renm Irsantnn m The Sharpies Separator Co.. 12th ft Farn. Dasclss Iailrnelin. Last mo. summer rates. Macule's. D.544S. Turpln's Dancing Academy. 2Sth & Farn uentlsts. Dr. Bradbury. No pain, lf.60 Farnam. Dr. Todd s alveolar dentistry, 403 Brandels. Balloy. the Dentist, 706 Cltv Nat l iil. Taft Dental Rooms, 1517 rouglns. D, 21S6 Detectives. JAMES ALLAN. 312 Neville Blk. Evl- T-,.uieM in an esses. ryler 1136. Dress ma kin or. Terry Dressmak'g college, 20th A Farnam. SUMMER dresses a speolalty. Web. 8070. MI 89 STURDY, 2416 Caas St. Doug."73H. Dra as, DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on $10 ordra: ratalr.fr,, A. ' ok , , .. . ... o .ice. onerman 4ft MrConnell Drug Co . Omaha. Neb. F.leetrlc Sappllea. " " New and second-handed electric fans and motors. IBron Electric Works. 318 8. 12th. Douglas 2176. . LEBRON Elec. Wki, 318 8. 12th. D. 2176. Everything- for Women. Woman's Exchange. 432 Pax. Blk. R. 4912. HEM STITCHING Ideal Button and Pleating Co., 107 8. 16th. OFERED FOR RENT Fnrnlaned Flats. A modern 6-room flat, field club district, 83d and Mason Sts.. $25. Harney 136. Kurolnkril hss. (-ROOM furnished house from July U to September 1. H. 6870. BEAUTIFUL 7-room house, 3716 N. 24th, with furniture complete; on car line; good location; owner leaving city. $40. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St. Furnlskrd Hooius. WANTED A young girl to assist In housework:, good home; small family. H. 6635. 914 8. 3Sth St. f"l"e rocr.,- - r-, m nnlv n oft bi'KlUn.i ....... i. wed lu. ... ..eo,, Cuoi. airy private residence. 2222 Douglas St. COOL pleasant rooms. Call 2116 Douglas. SUITABLE for 3 or 4. modern, cool pri vate home. Inquire 2017 Douglas COOT. Furnished rooms, private family, waminr distance; use of piano; large parlor, no children. Tyler 2234. THREE modern unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. 2917 Poppleton Ave. 2502 ST. MARY'S AVE, A STRICTLY MODERN. COOL ROOM. RED 2977. FRONT parlor on first floor, single room on second floor, both suitable for 2 gen tlemen; modern, cool; bosrd. Web. 8070. The Davis Apt., 6104 S. 16th. Newly fur nished rooms, mod.; private baths. D. 7138. ELEGANTLY furnished room with young couple, aU conveniences, close In, on Harney car line. Msrried couple pre ferred or ladiea. Ill N. 25th St., Apt. 3. Madison Hotel Twenty-first and Chicago. First-class, low rates. Will lease to reliable party for long term. MADISON HOTEL 21st and Chicago. First class, low rates. Will leass to re liable party for long term. Room in private family. 1 or 2 gentlemen or msn ft wife; board If desired. D. 8071. MOD., private home; references Har. 613X. Furnished ttonaekeeptna Hooata. TWO newly furnished, modern house keeping rooms; gas, linen, close-in, $1 2713 Dewey Ave. OGDEN ANNEX looms, ettes Council Bluffs iltn kitchen- TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. 19u9 Douglas St. tlnnaelteentn Itooma. 718 8. 1RTH St -Housekeeping and sleep ing rooms; mod. house. Phone T. loil-W. SO. lsth ST., 72S Housekeeping rooms en suite; first floor; also sleeping rooms. Tyler 1021 W, THREE nice second-floor rooms, modern house. Tel. Webster 8070. DAVEnIORT. 201 TWO NICELY FUR NISH FRONT HOUSEK P'tJ. H04)MS, Hotels and Apartments. CALIFORNIA Hotel. 16th and California. Weekly rates $3 and up. Douglas T0K3. DODGE HO'l e.l e-Modern Kease'nablw OGDEN HOTEL, rooms U per week. Council Bluffs. lateral. -d Hneaaa. CLEAN, newly furnished, large, $ rooms ensulte; housekeeping complete; splen did location; only $3.75 a week. 2J& Parker St. llon.e. and (.'ntta-ea. NONE to compare, 7-room bouse; also 4 room fist. ZVO N. 23d ITiincoa In all parts of the city IlOUSeS Crelsn tion, ft Co.. B Bee Bldg. Ft"R RENT All modern B-room house. 2S17 No. 20th St. Tel. Web. nS;.S FOR RENT We have a complete list of all houses, tpsrtment and flats that are for rent. This list can be seen free of charge at Omaha Van storage Co.. 806 8. 16th St Kverytklna for Women. Plumes msde over, clr-aned, dyed, curled. Bertha Kruger, 4.'S Paxton Hlk D. M4. t onrrr.te Knarlnerra. Gagnebln-Wells Co. 4:0 State bank. D. E5. t art alas. Washing A lare cur:alna done. Tyler 1144. Farriers. PEN FF.NSTER, 1410 N. 21th St. W. Florists. L. HENDERSON. 1319 Farnam. D. 1268. Member Florist Telegraph Del. Ass'n. HES3ft SW'OHODA7HT5Fsrnam St. A. DONAHUE, 12 Harney. Dong. 1QQ1. BATH'S florists. WA Fsrnam St I.Itc Stock Remedies. OMAHA Remedv Co.. r7 P 13th. Red 4?T.2., -iiir DrrssliiM. Harper Method. R. 6. Balrd FMg D. 3ll. MAUD Muller Beauty Shop. Doug. 6311. LlihlJsg, Klxtorrs nnd Wiring. THOMAS DURKIN Electric fixtures and supplies, contract ing and repair work done reasonable. 2419 CUMING. DOUGLAS 2519. Mnssensrs. Mis Bess. 852 Saiinders-Kennedy B. 18ftPg RlttenhotTse Co.. 214,B7lrd Bldg.. 17 ft PT W'VA f li ICS bath's. SCIEN- .L.A.1LMU0 TIFIC MASSAGE. 1V2 Farnam St.. A pt, 8. 3d floor. U. 8681. Miss Fisher, mass., elect, treat' t Red 503'i. MASSAGE. 109 S. 17thSt Mrs. Steele? Mrs. Snyder, elcc. trtT 1408 88th. D. 43WV M S;KA(K8wlll,h movement. 418 lJk UEj b, B1(1 Douglas 6372. CLARA LEE, massage. Liouglas 8751. ELEfTf RTP MASSAtiETBATHMlsg ijuijKjA ivC- t pchurch. 214 Balrd Bid g. Si'IENTIFIC massage, home and office treatment. Red 41W. Mrs. Chapman. Anna L. Smith, 22U5 Farnam trained nurse, gives scientific massage. ?' i a m. to S p. m. 2d floor. Walk In. VIOLET RAY. mass., 4:16 Bee Bldg. D.6112. Massage, Miss Walton, R. 224, Neville Blk. Millinery. , SWITCHES from combings. $1.60. Psyche free. Mrs. H. M. Eck. 3009 Marcy. H. 5645. Mot I nar, g tor aire and Clennlnar. W. C. FERRIN. 15th and Capitol. Ty. 1209. tirnllata. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as you can. Drs. McCarthy. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. Patents. H. A. Sturges, 636 Brandels Theater Bldg. D. O. Barn7liTlaxtonBTk. Tel. Red 71177 Patent Development. AMERICAN Machine Co.. 110 8. 11th St Prlntlnar. WATERS-BARN HART Ptg. Co.. quality prl n 1 1 n g. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 S. 13th St. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. COREY & M'KENZIE PTG. CO. D. 2644. R1ES-HALL Pt g. Co.. 1620 Capitol. P. 1102. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. 3T4T Ilonrli Kx terminator. B. B. B. Roach Powder at your druggist Mir and Tlmelock Experts. C! AFE combinations changed, opened, re " paired. F.E. Davenport, 14U6 Dodge.D182l Shoe Itepalrtnc Electric Shoe Rep. Co., 1807 St. Mary's Av. REASONABLE. Farnam Rep. Co. 313 S. 24. Steel Celling. CARTER Sheet Metal Works, 110 8. 10th. Store and Office Fixtures. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.. 414-16-18 S. 12th. D. 2724. Towel Hnppllea, OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 8. 11th. D. 628. Trnnki nnd Nnltrnace. FRELINQ & STEINLE. 1808 Farnam St Veterinarian. - DR. G. R. YOUNG, 4601 Center. H. 6062. Window Screens. Om.' Window Screen Co., 1322 Nicholas St Wlnea nnd Liquors. . ALEX JETE8. k01-3 8. 13th 8t Wines, liquors, cigars. Plate dl nner 11 to 3, 10c. GLOBE Llq. House. 422 N. 16, 7 qts. beer, $1, delivered. Write for price list. D. 4362. HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE? 15th and Capitol Ave., Ten-cent lunch. OFERED FOR RENT Houses and Cottages. Free Rental List Complete information about every va cant house und apartment In the cltv. This service Is free. Tel. Douglas 4477, Fldollty Storage & Van Co. l WEST Farnam, new cathedral district; modern brick, 9 rooms, large yard with trees; lease to right party. Harney 2171. Fidelity Storage Co. Storage, moving, packing and shipping. 16 ft Jackson Sts. Phone. Doug, lilg. MaggarcTs Van and stor age Co. Reduced ....... . rv j - . . Lftrn van. 3 men. II 9K i he ,u nien. $1 per hr. 1713 Webster. Doug. 1498. 2813 WooJworth Ave., 8 rooms, mod., $2fT 2220 Chicago, 8 rooms, rood., $30; or 19 rooms, $60. 2706 Farnam, 8 room, mod., $50. 124 No. 24th, 10 rooms, mod., $40. 1219 So. 16th, -room flat for colored, $l!i. Rlngwalt. Brandels Theater Bldg. $-ROOM modern house, 2407 Jones St, nice lawn. $42 per month. J. R. KEMP. DOUGLA8 6313. 6-ROOM cottage with toilet. 2768 60. 13th St. Red 6961. 7-ROOM house, modern,' choice location In Duncee. 424 Webster. H. 2433. FOR COLORED. 6-rooms. 934 N. 27th, gas, water (water paid). $14. HASTINGS ft HEYDEN. 16H Harney. 3010 CHARLES 3 rooms, toilet, city water and gas, $12; 4."th and California, 3 rooms and basement, rlty water, $150; 4oth and California. 3-room and cellar. $7: 46th and Chicago, S rooms, $7.60 All new. Dexter L Thomas. 412 Bee Bldg. 8-ROOM house, all modern, free water. ',14 N. auth. Tel. D. 1&30. J n REED ,Exp- L'o.. moving, pack- Fa rnam. Doug. 6146; W. 2748. fTtOOMS. part mod.. Tl8. 4422 Plerca St Sturea and tlfflees. Fine cool room with vault elec. light and water free; 14Vfex27 ft partitioned for 1 private rooms and reception room. Opens clrectly on beautiful court. 3d floor. Apply room 103. Bee Bldg. FOR RENT An office with reception room, reasonable. t!4 State Bank Bldg. Kama. GOOD barn, room fur or W boi 1917 Webster St Call Douglas 45 HEAL EHTATK FARM ft RANCH LANDS FOE IALB Arkaneas. LITTLE River Valley lands, rich and cheap, on railroad. Sessions Co., Winth rop. Ark o Colorado. FOR 8ALE-120 acres smooth land. fenced; 4 miles of small town, thia county; a relinquishment and will sell for $400 rash: this Is for Immediate sale, first party seeing land will buy; think of It, simply stealing a good home; enough, said. C. M. MORTON, 109 S. 3D ST., STERLING. COLO. . Florida. FLORIDA LAND for sale; 1500 acres In Lee county; citrus fruit land; a good colonisation tract; will trade; have other tracta of land at $18 to $J0 acre. Writ lewla E. Fessler, Elsah. III. Iowa. 157-ACRE FARM T miles of Council Bluffs. All suitable for farming. About 18 acres alfalfa, 10 acres meadow; good cottage house, small orchsrd. Splendid barn. A cheap place at $125 per acre. M GEE REAL ESTATE CO., V& Pearl St., Council Bluffs,