HIE OMAHA SUNDAY HKK: AVOl'ST 9. li14. 7-A SUPREMACY OF AIR IN WAR! France Tint with Aeroplane Fleet, Germany with Dirigibles. ENGLAND AIMS AT BEST TYPE Aircraft to Play Great Part in Europo's War ' I -. ... V - -s.jrt vv --, k'N -.1 .w..,:kK,. . s. k , 7F i riaiprltoi r the Tm Styles ! Craft Indicate Advantages tor EitherOffensive a ad Defensive t ar. Recognition by the public of the value of air craft in national defense has led to the development of an Industry devoted to the supply of dirigibles and aeropianes. Especially In France and Germany has aeronautics been stimulated hi thin man ner. France developed the first practical dirigibles, but has until recently concen trated her energy chiefly upon aeroplanes, with the result that at the present time the. French army Is estimated to have between 600 and 1.000 aeroplanes In serf Ice. These aeroplanes are, moreover, of types that represent the highest develop ment In aeroplane design. On the other hand, Germany, realizing the menace of this aerial force and the Impossibility of duplicating It, has recognized the loss! billtlea ot the dirigible and given liberal support to the development of the ships of Count Zeppelin and Major von Paree val. Great sums have been spent and many lives have been lost, but '.!-.e re ward has already come. The German army now possesses a splendid fleet of twenty-five airships, represent'ng the highest development In airship design At the came time France has brought her fleet of airships up to eighteen, and Ger many has some 00 military aeroplanes with a large civilian reserve. It has be- come a race for the supremacy of the air between two great powers whose capitals He within the radius of action of air craft from each other. England ia Behindhand. England haa recently Joined the race for supremacy, and, apparently realizing that It is too late to overtake her con tlnentat rivals by the mere multiplying of units, has directed every effort toward the development of air craft superior In deslgii to tho existing types. Foreign ma chines have been purchased liberally, and an aerodynamic laboratory and an experimental air craft factory have been built. England's future In aeronautics is placed In the hands of. an advisory committee headed by Lord Rayleigh and composed of distinguished scientists and engineers. The race then la not only between the factories, but also between the laboratories. The production of i type of marked superiority will immedl ately make obsolete the aerial forces of other powers. Due to high cost of maintenance, some danger and dependence upon weather conditions, airships have not jet boen proved ot great commercial "value. It Is true that thousands of passengers have been, carried by the Zeppelins of the Delag company in Germany, but thix pas senger-carrylng business so far has been of the nature of sight-seeing trips up the Rhine or around and over Berlin. There is no more delightful way to see the country. Provided with a good map, passenger can become acquainted with a great area of country In a few hours' time. The facility for observation leads at onco to the consideration pf the use , of airships In time of ir. ' 1 Capacity of Dirigible! 1 The dirigible, operating In Oar weather at an altitude of some S,K feet, is fairly safe from gun fire and yet rot too high for a trained observer to detect the move ments of large forces on the ground, gen eral features of fortifications, number and type of ships In a harbor, presence or absence of bridges and railroad tracks. The dirigible can stop its motors and float slowly above ground It is desired to observe. The aeroplane cannot per.'orin such service except by circling above a given area, thus reducing Its fuel supily ml fut urn usef ulnms. The arrest test in military operations of the dirigible will be encounter. Jn me case oi mou- for long-distance reconnolseanco. In a'er armies, where aeroplanes may be country whose probable enemies lie within "I'Poscd numerous und their pilots ready the radius of action of air craft, dirigibles tak f"- " operations of dirigibles may be used at or before the opening of , " dbt- cI"eflr conducted under hostilities to pas over the1 enemy's fron- rovvr nf darkness or In strategic recon tier to observe the mobilization of troops. noisnncc far removed from the field of their direction of march and probable 1 battle. destination. A dirigible, unlike an aero- I A lre diiigll.le can carry over half plane. Is fitted with wireless tetejraph for 11 t(n of bombs or torpedo. In view ot both sending and receiving messages, and j l" 8 real laigei which u presents, una '.V . r, v .:..' '- ' i vVt i i Mi ,., . fiiilf", s4 '.. ... . . . J AsJMuaNA m..t rr.rwlln alrshtn fahove mhleh . . , 1 1 . I - -. - - kv rvermanv In her Invasion win . ' J - " ' t,.,..i ih Rnttish dirigibles (Jam ma and Reta. and General Joffre, the French war commander, who win nave cn.rae i the French aerial fighters. A French aeroplane Is reported to have spent Bun- day dropping homns imo uerman nn 'A end son, creaming, he would go after more worms. ii vnf nn hla tnfflnr tiroceaa for over an hour. Burlington (Kan Inde penaent. tiolnar to t MutImI what favorite theater tonight read "Today'a compels .no vie rmrram on iu uri want ud page. Complete programs of practically fwry moving picture ineaier In Omaha appr EXCLUSIVELY In The Fee. Only a Small Expense is Required to Purchase a Beautiful Upright Grand Piano or Player Piano During This After Stock Taking Sale of All Discontinued Styles and Slightly Used Pianos Kvery Instrument gold with a Honafldn Guarantee. .,.!, There never has. been a r1 of pianos to conipan with this sweeping; clearance ot our floor gtocK. Tht prices quoted are In many cases actually 1pm than the cost of manufacture alone. Small Weekly or Monthly Payments mny be nrranRcd to suit your convenience, in order that every family can take advantage of tho bargains. Note These World Famous Piano Bargains: 1250 $300 $275 I4T.0 $300 $300 $400 $500 $325 Newby V Evans, Upright, now... Kimball, Upright, now Davis ft Bon. Upright, now Stcgcr & Bons, Upright, now .... Schnioller ft Mueller. Upright, now Strauss & Sons. Upright, now .... Steger ft Bons. Upright Kuierson. Upright, now ........ Wagner, I prlght. now siar liio 5138 8100 2l0 S175 $300 Bradford. Upright, now. tana nirhter. Upright, now . $2IS0 Bmlth ft Ttarnes, Upright, now $300 Volght, Upright, now $2 50 Kstcy. Upright, now . tAC( Whlinev. Ruuare. now $1000 A. n. Chase, Grand, now iROO Hteck. Grand, now $1000 Weber, Grand, now sir5 rt ....$115 814S 8110 . 8ZO 8350 8250 8075 Only a Few Player Pianos in This List But Every One a Bargain. $700 Art Style Flayer riano, now ...... gUo $800 Wheelock Player Piano, now .... 8405 $200 Chase & Baker Player Piano, now .. 835 $260 Pianola Player Piano, now 850 HO Days. Beautiful 42-pieco Dinner Set rand or Player Piano during August, aking extraordinary Inducements on our complete PhalT, Llndeman ft Sons And Schmoller ft Mueller $500 Schubert Player Piano, now 8335 $550 Schnioller ft Mueller Player Piano, now 8200 $700 Stuyvesant Pianola Player Piano, now 8425 Our Free Offer Continued for another Free to every purchaser of an Upright, 0 In addition to these special bargains we are m Hne of new Hardinan, Bteger ft Sons, Emerson, Mc Pianos. SCiOLLER & MUELLER PIAflO COMPANY Steinway Representatives. 1311-13 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb, Headquarters for Victor and Columbia Talking Machines and Records. TIT T Ts H TTft r ' i -xr ' S." I-- r- tvi Inferior force with a fair chance of de stroying a dhvlslon of the enemy's fleet before other units could be moblliitej. Battlrablps In I.lttle tnsipr. In general It may be considered that the offensive power of airships would have little effect upon armored-decked battleships. Bombs and torpedoes will burst on the surface of such decks, tur ret roofs, etc., and do local damage, but probably will not Injure any vital parts. A ship is a small target to hit from the altitude of S.000 feet, which la required by day to be safe from gunfire. At night an airship may pass low over a ship, but In wartime no man-of-war will show lights and, unless the moon be bright, the dirlgtblo has small chance of finding the ship. It seems that the principal function of the dirigible In naval warfare la to sup plement tho work of scout cruisers, and that Its offensive powers would rarely bo called upon. In attempting to pas through waters In which mines have been laid, a dirigible coma possibly conduct counter minlnz operations. A dirigible can also give warning of the Presence of submarines, and, if required, could rid a passage of these dangerous crafts by launching bombs upon or near them. Tor this duty the dirigible may pass at a very low al titude, as It has little to fear from a submarine boat unless the latter be run ning on the surface. Dirigibles will not revolutionise naval warfare, but may play an Important ,lf auxiliary, part In It Journal of the Franklin Institute. nay keep In constant communication with ltu base. The radius of action l a calm of large rigid airships may be 2.0(O miles, the provisions made In European armies for '.he attack of dirigibles by shrapnel fire, it is unlikely thut it will be at- and medium sized, non-rigid ships. l.W) tomp.ed to drop bombs on an army In miles. An aeroplane cannot be depended , or "Pn fortified place. Further- on for more than 400 miles when an ob- nore. at night It may not be possible to server must be carried In addition to the j drol bomb" wlth "" dmnee of hitting passenger. A dirigible can save fuel by 1 lv'n ouJrt- Thepe will be cases, how drifting with the wind, and It Is well !ever- where u dirigible may be sent out to known that hv .electina a suitable eleva- . a"iroy a onaBe, an enemy s oingioie lion a favorable wind can very often be found when the wind on tho ground Is contrary. Vsef ultima at i-'it. The greatest usefulness of the dirigibln will be at night. At the present time aeroplunes canont be flown at night. . The dirigible at night can travel close to the K round without danger from gun fir and can observe the extent p:iil disposition of camps. For pure reconnoissance work an army could use large rigid dirigibles for distant Hcouting to develop the enemy's principal movements preceding the actual :neellng..i bue to its portability any expeditions li to the Interior of an enemy's country or in the colonies would be best served by non-rlgkl dlriyiMes. Thuxe ships are easily crated for shipment and can be ln- iiairu lii me lieu iiuiii uu.viru j Would cr a portable gas piani nrawn ty a mo tor truck. Lnrge sheds are not nccest iry, n the ship can be moord In the open to a post In good weather and deflated in a violent storm. In cases where both liali and non-rigid airships might be used, the non-rtgid ships might observe from a afe altitude the progress of a bsttle and the effect of artillery fire. Aeroplanes would be used for trsnsportatlon of staff officers, dispatch duty and scouting within the limits of the battlefield. Tho same functions at night would be per formed by the non-rigid dirigible. In case of :lrge. where the; er.ehiy lias possession of a great ex panne of sur rounding country, communication with the besieged forces could be had by means of a dirigible of sufficient radius t f action. Its going and coming wo'ild be masked by darkness. Cowpiriae mt Types. The ufce of dirigibles In modern wars will be greatly restricted by the enemy's aeroplanes, which must be supposed su perior both In sliced and climbing power. On the other hand a dirigible will mount several machine gurs ar.d. having a steady gun platform, can deliver a niui) a bridge, an shed, an arsenal, a canal lock or other large object. The dirigible can make Its Journey by night, and before dawn, as soon cs there is sufficient light, can de scend close to Itii target, drop halt a dozen 100-pound guncotton torpedoes and be away before It has been fired on. The surprise is ho doubt to play an Im portant part In any otfentiive rperJtlons of dirigibles. Bombs Iron Airships. The efiect of bomb dropped from aloft In no way compares with that ot shUls from great guns on account of lank of penetration before explosion. The best that can be expected la a surface ex plosion and Incendiary effect. The moral effect of dropping bombs Into an enemy's camp at night mint not be ignored. Doubtless, the daniuge may not be very great, but the effect if hourly explosions certainly be depressing. A camp orfers a large target, and a dirigible might easily hover above It all nlif.lt above the rnngc if searchlights. Its motors would be stopped or used at low power to hold position. Mufflers can bo made as ef fective i.s in automobiles. The rulea of civilised warfare probably will not tolerate the dropping of bombs upon an enemy's city, and In case the place is besieged and non-combatants warned to leave It, bombardment by ar tillery will probably be more effective than dropping bombs from an airship I during tiie night. It seems to be the general opinion that the use of dirigibles will be more for reconnoissance than for offensive opera tions, but that in special cases offensive operations promise a change of success. The large rigid type dirigible may be of service to a navy whose probable ad versaries have dockyards and naval bases within the radius of action of such air ships. The opening of hostilities might be preceded by a dirigible reconnoissance over the enemy's sea coast to observe the disroKttlon of his fleet. A dirigible might easily pass over ail of the enemy's great dockyards and naval bases and so ascer- 3IRDS VERY LIKE HUMANS Things One May Bee Wt WiiriM the Rohlna Father Feeds . His Voaaar. EM WEEKi OF OUR AUGUST CLEARANCE SALE Another week of phenomenal furniture and carpet bargains values that have never been equaled before in the furniture history of Omaha. No matter what you need an extra rocker or a complete outfit for your entire home you will find money-saving oppor tunities here such as you have never seen before. We want to convince you th&t this statement is true that Hartman's offers the highest grade of fur niture and carpets at the lowest prices in the city. All we ask is a call and a comparison of values. We know that when you see our values you will be con vinced. Pay us a call while our stock is still complete it will more than pay you. CONVENIENT MONTHLY CREDIT TERMS GLADLY ARRANGED ON ANY PURCHASE Of all birds the robin youngsters are the most determined to star at horns ana camp on Pa and Ma. It would not lie surprising to find a young robin, who was laid in March and hatched in Hay. "omlng home in August with his bride and asking Ma to get off the eggs In nhlch were her fond hopes for a third family and hustle up a meal for her eld est son and his wife. Last Monday a slim, sprightly father robin was prancing on the Baker lawn. He was flanked on either side by offspring as big as he was, one crying loudly for a fishworm, the other for a fat grub. Pa would skip along a few feet, cock his head, listen Intently, dig his beak down Into the ground and pull forth a luscious tidbit. Hoth children would squawk for it Down Into the gaping mouth of ths birdllng as long as he and much fatter would father thrust the bite. Thea, see- better directed lire tl un the aeroplane. I tain whether the enemy's fleet be con- It Is not clear what might be the re- ' tentrated or scattered, the number of result of an aerial kklrmUW between a ships engaged In coaling, the number of scouting dlrig ble and the enemy's aero planes. However, a unit of a dirigible fleet Is so much more valuable than a whole squadron of seroplanes that it seems tullkely that a dirigible wtxild hlps In drydock or otherwise out of ac tion. It might well be that such recon noissance would reveal such a condition of unpreparednesa. that, without formal declaration, war might be opened by an ytu! Anticipation of Motherhood ; V h - U SOLID OAK 41 I e . At SM HANDSOME COLONIAL. 1JKESWER. constructed throughout of American ?usrter-sawed Imitation oak. The Inlsh Is of a rich high gloss. Base Is made with two large and two small drawers fitted with wood pulls. Mirror measures zso incnes. French beveled Plata set In broad frame. Very special at , $12.35 7-PIECE DINING ROOM SET COMPL-nVTW BET OK "KVBN BOUD OAK DININO ROOK flVKKB, csssist Ing of sla chairs upholstered In Imperial Leather and one large ti-lnch top extension table which extends to sis ieei. mi "l thi ia verv mssalve. suDPorled by four heavy rest, tsei tlfully finished In golden. This set usually would bring Our special clearance sals price for this week is... im Burs i'insn w.$20.98 WIOH ORADB PARLOR ROCKER. Furnished la either solid eak, fin ished golden or birch mahogany. Morlnir seat Is upholstered in Span ish fabrtcold leather. Exceedingly roomy and coinrortabis rocker offered for clear-1 anoo at the unusually low price of juxcnainnir $4.95 There la apt to be a latent apprehension of distress to mar the complete joy of expectation. Bat this Is quits overcome by the advice of so many women to use "Mothers Friend." This Is an external application designed to so lubricate ths muscles and to thus so relieve ths pres sure reacting on the nerves, that the natural strain upon the cords and liga ments Is not accompanied by those severs pains said to cauae nausea, morning sick ness and many local dtstreaies. This splendid embrocation is known to a multi tude of mothers. Mai.y people believe that those remedies which bavs stood the test of time, that have been put to every trial under the varying conditions of age, weight, general health, etc., may be safely relied upon. And judging by ths fact that "Mother's Friend" has been in continual use since our grandmother's earlier years and Is known throughout the I'nlted 8tates it may be easily Inferred that it is some thing that women talk about and gladly recommend to prospective mothers. "Mother's Friend" is prepared only In our own laboratory and Is sold by drug riots everywhere. Ask for a bottle te-day and write for a special book fr expeetant mothers. Addrevs Urad field Regulator Co., 0T Lamar XMg., AUaala, Cs, ffHl Amulni KITCfJEH CABINET Bar.tlo $10.98 MADE OF HIOHLT MEAHONKD HARD WOOD. Complete with flfty-psuod flour bin. enina compart ment, utensil shelf, silver ware drawer and kneading board. Tour kitchen Is not complete with out this labor saying cabinet. A wonderful value at this low pries. SEE OUR SPECIAL RUG PRICES BEFORE BUYING 1-J mrviNn 1 .'JN. AN AMAZING VALUE IN A Mil FT. BRUSSELS RUG These rugs woven in the very newest patterns, colors are o blended aa to her men ice with any furnishings. Mads of wool worsted In ths very latest oriental iiaiimi. Huttable for parlor, dining room or bedroom. A wonderful bargain specially priced for our clearance sals ;$9.98 Eleiant Solid Oik CHIFFONIER $7.15 Mads with five large roomy draw ers each fitted with wood pulls. Constructed of ss leoted oak. finish golden. Ths mlr rsr Is of French beveled plats set la nsat turnsd standards. Kaslly worth 111.00. Our spsolal elearanes sals pries for this week is quoted above. I S.' "Si i SBSK i - .IE ROOMS FURNISHED $ COMPLETELY P Is rvervthina! Ready sUi for Ilouiekeeping Terms, 5 a Month A t-INCH STEEL POST BED COMBINA TION. This combination consists of very massive all steel bed. not ths very low one shown by other stores, but s regular height bed. measurtsg II Inches. Springs are all steel frame supported In the renter and cotton top mattrt complete set for only ""$10.89 MASSIVE $30 BED DAVENPORT UNI FOLD TTPE REVOLVING SEAT u A V EN PORT, Exactly like Il lustration, r reroe IS Ot SOUS Iini.nl iuim.u. .u uiiuul.i.i ifll Is of nigh grade opanisn imperial iwinir, vn. m,.mV mntloB converts It Into a full slsed bed. A handsome davenport by day and a comfortable bed at sight. Bps clal clearance sals pries for this week only upnoisterina $1615 A VERT BEAUTIFUL AND HIGH ORADB SOLID OAK LIBRARY TABLE, Top measures 11x40 inches. Flttsd with large stationery drawer. Legs are vary heavy and artistically turned. Brilliantly finished In gold en. Regular pries of thi tabls Is I14.ee. Clearance. pries ":$6.95 al.f. STEEL. FRAUD COLLAPSIBLE NBW MODEL Go-CART. Has three-piece han dle, adjustable Para ana aasa ana very stoutly constructed. Mooa ana oooy up holstered In imperial leataer. Larse wheels and neei rubber tires. For this at a n pua up- v$4.65 M lint f MI V US WHW U-W U 0 J mir 1 mm s ii ! 1414-1416-1418 DOUGLAS ST. LARGE SIZH FOLDING CARD TA BLES. Can be had In most any fliilsb. la either billiard cloth top or imperial leather. Folds up completely as shown la illustration. Tbe top measures 30x30 inches. Has nickel ends and f t very strongly constructed. IL Vtl While they last at this veiy!) 1 tQj low price of w w ass