Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 09, 1914, NEWS SECTION, Page 4-A, Image 5

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Omaha A Lincoln Power Company
Changei Tactici.
ear(lwia Jrlat Hallt Mad
I p hr rtirr If la aa4 la
Mela t Oat to Ccaar .
Clerks r Stale.
(from a Staff Corrnop1rit 1
I.INOniV. Xb.. Aua. I. (Riwrlal.t Tha
Omaha and Lincoln rowr and Light com
pany, which la ca-nod by tha McKlnlrjr
1ntrurbo.n Interests which operate tha
lotPTurbaa road from Omaha to rpll
lion, has notified tha State Hallway corn
minion that It deitraa to withdraw lt
application, made few weeks aan. for
Authority to Issue bond In tha amount
of 30,009 and stock for t.5,000 for tha pur
ree, of extending Ha road to Louisville.
In IU letter the company says:
"Osln to tha fact that it aaema to be
tha Intention ef parties for whom
mla Baker la actlnc to causa a
of troubla and obstruction to the authority
to last. atock and bond, r e have con
cluded to let tba matter rent for the pres
ent, and w hereby withdraw the applica
tion made and will M un entirely new
application sometime In lliw ri.ture."
It la supposed that the i-Nrcata buck
Inc the Omaha. Lincoln " TVntrlre road
aro behind the oppo:t!on t th Issuance
of atock to tb McKlnley r ..put-.r-
tnrnfealor Company I'nrmfi
. The Burr Incubator comniiy of Omaha
vlth a capital of IS.000 haa filed articlei
f Incorporation with the secretary of
atato today. Archer II. Burr and Ray
anjnd O. Yunf are the Incorporators.
The Katlanal EuYart iiindiimn nf
Omaha, with cop'tal of, haa alio
rjea ita articles. The Incorporator or
G. IS. Kerrlo and A. r. eliatrom.
Inrtatneat Campaay.
The Kinptre RaaJty and Mortf a com
anf (a another ef the several lnveatment
eompanlea which have keen trying to do
business In Nebraska, which haa been
held up by the State Banking board. This
Company la located In Alabama and this
week one of Ita representative was try
ing to do business here. At Havelock be
succeeded In selling a contract to a
preacher, who gave him a check n pay
ment for the contract. Later the clergy,
nan took the matter up with the But
Banking board and waa Informed that the
company had no authority to do business
In this state and to cancel the check,
which was done.
TTeapartlaaw Ballet.
Secretary ef State Walt ha begun the
Certifying of name for the nonpartisan
judicial ballot to tha county clerks, tha
time having expired In which filing can
be received. The ballet show five candi
dates for chief justice of tb supreme
Court at follows:
I Harrison C. Talmer, Maaoah B. Roes,
Francis A. Brogan, Oeorge J. Hunt and
. Conrad Hollenbeck.
i rillngs to fill vacancies in the second
and Fourth district show the name of
James T. Begley for the Second district,
Compoaod of the counties of Cm, Otoe
and Sarpy and the name of Jam P.
English. J. U Kaley and John H. Gross.
- tat th vacancy In the Fourth dis
trict la Douglas county.'
Swedish epworth league
i in camp at stromsburq
BTBOMSBURU. Neb., Aug. l.(EpeclaI.)
tThe Epworth league of the fiwed
ih Methodist chrurch Is holding a
tate campmeeting on Ita ground
, located on the Blue river at the
.uge of thla city and will contlnu
virtver Bunday. Over fifty tent are pitched
the grounds In which are leaguer
1,'0m Denver. Omaha. Lincoln. Oakland,
fcrenoa. West Hill, Looking Olaas, Bt Paul
,n id Keene. ttesslons are being held three
tu Imea a day, some of which are in the
5JiKngUsh language. Rev. K. 0. Ncrberg,
president of the state league, of Lincoln.
, and Rev. Edwin Bahlln, the vice preal
dent, have charge. Mia Minnie Nelson,
a talented vocalist from Chicago, as.
elated by a well balanced choir, render
very excellent music. Mia Ella, Wat
on. state secretary of W. F. M. B. of Lin
coln, addressed the meeting oa foreign
mission Friday afternoon. A special
lon on th subjects, national prohibi
tion, temperance and woman' suffrage,
wa held In the large tabernacle Saturday
, afternoon at which Mr. France B.
lleald. a member of th national prohlbl.
Won committee. Hon. George C. Fltoh,
candidate for congreaa In the Third dls
trii. and Nathan Wilson of Btromaburg.
a candidate for governor on the prohibi
tion ticket, gave adrireaae to n large aud
enthusiastic audience. other mlnlstera
In attendance are Rev, Oscar Palm. Par
onvtlle; Rev. Arthur Peterson. West Hill:
ttev. Guslar Erlcaeon. Omaha; Rev. Bjod
Jng. Looking Glass: Rev. William Lun
leen. Keeno; Rev. C. J. Mellberg, Polk,
end Rev. Oscar Ptrombom.
THREE HURT7n"a"uT0 '
TECUWflnir. Neb.. Aug. l.-(Speclal.y
Thre persons were seriously Injured In
an automobllq accident just at the edge of
the town ef Sterling, in this county, about
t o'clock Thursday evening. Mr. and
ilra. R. J. MUbe and two eons. Clarence
and Roy, and Mis Etta Plait, all of Crab
Orchard. Two whtele of the car went uff
the edge of a culvert, and the automobile
turned turtle Into the ravine, aome four
feet below. Mr. Mube and son. Roy.
Jumped and ecejd aside from scratches.
The other were pinioned beneath the car.
but wore aoool releaaed. Miss Pltt was
j-robably the most seriously Injured. She
and Clarence Nlbbe were taken to the
home of frlefcds In Sterling. While none
of th party suffered broken bones, the
three received bad brulets and strains,
td their neah waa considerably lacerated.
na Sutra ef ant fcrldae.
CAMBRIDGE, Neb., Aug. .Special
Telegram.) lire. Charles Richardson died
suddenly of heart failure thla morning.
Hhe le to be buried Sunday.
Mr. E. R. But'er sol' her confectionery
store to Mr. Roles, formerly postmaster
at BurweU.
Cambrtds defeated ilenjley 11 to t.
iiattertee: Cambridge, Kerry, Carroll;
Hendtey. Ixsonhu and Deboe. Cam
bridge, IJ hits; Ileiidley, a.
The first annual plcnlo of the South.
western divlMou of th Odd Fellows aad
Rebekaha as held here today. Twelve
out of thirteen districts were present.
Kach train was met by the band and tha
it krys were turned over to the large
bi tiering.
Exhibits for Women
Feature of the Fair
(From a Ftaff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Aug. 1 (Special Four de
partments of the Nebraska state fttr are
practically given over to exhibit of par
ticular Interest to women. In fact th
women of th elate are to be congratu
lated on tha rapid growth of tha domestio
products, textile, fine art and eugenics
departments. All the artlstlo and useful
products of the home are clsssifled and
premiums are offered by the Stat Board
of Agrurulture. In the educational de
partment pure food display and the trav
eling library exhibit the women are also
keenly Interested. The Interest of the
women will center this year in the new
agricultural-horticultural hall, the t
and textiles building and th old agri
cultural halt, where the pure food prod
ucts will be shown. The W4 state fair.
It Is believed, will break all record for
the tibmbef and diversity of the exhibits
of specified Interest to women.
Baby Plee ef Poises.
bTROUSBURQ. Neb., Aug. 8.-(SpeeleJ )
The 3-months-old child of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Hollleter. living southeast
of this city accldentty got hold of some
laxatlvn tablet lying on the window
sill and ate a quantity of them, which,
resulted In the child's death in a few
hours. Dr. Malater of this city waa Im
mediately called as soon a the accident
happened and rushed to their place a
fast, a an nutomobtl could carry him,
hut from the fact that the child had
tukea o many all chance of saving life
waa gone. Th funeral occurred Thurs
day afternoon. Rev. Oeorge E. McClure
ef Uysse. Neb., officiating.
cw Depot Ir Ratveama.
RAVENNA, Neb.. Aug. l.-8peclal.
Superintendent E. Blgnell of the Burling
ton railroad was In Ravenna this morn
ing with plan fcr the propoaed rebuild
ing of th depot at thla piaoe. It la new
certain that Ravenna will soon have a
very satisfactory elation. While It will
not he an entire new structure, th old
building will be thoroughly remodeled
and considerably enlarged, and made
modern throughout. It I promised that
tha work will be completed before cold
Corps of Buyers
for Burgess-Nash
East to Stock Up
L. C. Nairn, general manager of the
Burgess-Nash company, and a corps of
buyer, left for New York and th east
last night for a three week' buying trip.
Those who left with Mr. Nash are Hiram
Jones, silk and wress goods; Mlsai Butler,
laoea ambroderie and ribbon: A. R.
Whlthousei, women's ready-to-war goods,
assisted by Mlsa Mary Burr, Mra E. R.
Wrlghh corset, and Frank Robblns,
millinery. Mr. Nash and Mr. K. W.
Nash also accompanied Mr. Nash and
Ward Burgess, wno I now motoring
from Chicago to New York, will join th
party In New York.
A fully supplf at good a for Immediate
shipment will be. ordered and a complete
line of holiday goods will be Included.
Bnfo'rtt leaving Saturday, Mr. Nash de
clare that th war would have abso
lutely no affect up on th purchases of
the Burgess-Nash company, as a com
plete a stock a ever will be secured and
In volume It will b considerably larger.
"We are having bountiful crops," aald
OUr. Nash. "Th best In several years. J
That mean prosperity to thla section and
thla country despite turbulent conditions
In Europe. A few article may advance
In price, but business la bound to be an
great In the United 6 tate as ever before
and th manufacturer should do more
because they now will have exclusive ex
port trade to South America, where tho
Germans have always been In control.
"Our atock this fall will be th biggest
and best ever on our shelve Tha people
are here, the money I here and th de
mand will be here. It la up to provide and
we Intend to do that very thing."
Benson & Thome
Plan More Room to
Take Care of Trade
The entire second floor above th
Townaend Gun company atore haa been
leased . by the Benson V Thorne com
pany and one-halt will be occupied this
fall, while the other half will be occupied
by next aprlng. The new addition In
cludes an area ttxlll feet.
There will be no Installation of new
departmcnta thla fall, when a part of
th new addition la to be oooupled, but
la the spring several new . department
will be added. Just what they wlU be has)
not been determined.
The lower floor will be remodeled en
ttrely. New shelving and fixtures will be
Installed and th men' department I to
b transferred from the west and of th
store to th east end. Wtmen'e and
misses' furnishing will be found on the
went side, while In the new space up
stair will be th women' department
and the millinery.
An elevator will also be Installed- The
company Is planning tu lea th third
floor of the building and extend their
buslncse still further, a little later on,
as soon as other leases run out.
The cost of Improvements tht fall will
b more than tio.OOO, while the Improve
ment next spring will far surras that
Omaha and South
Omaha to Have Day
at Lincoln Fair
Omaha and Couth Omaha business men
have only to agree oa th date, when
thty want to go to LI wool n for th state
fair this fall. At a meeting at which
some twenty organisations were repre
sented at the Commercial clu it was de
rided that there shall be an Oms ha and
Couth Omaha day at the fair again this
year, and that every effort shall be put
forth toward making It the greatest
Omaha and South Omaha day the fair
has yet had.
Among the organisation represented
were the Commercial club, Ak-Sar-Bea,
Ad club, bureau of publicity. Rotary club.
Elks, Manufactureta' association. Uni
entity dub, and others. The fair Is to
be btrld the second week In September,
An automobile run la to oo . planned
rroni Omaha for the apeclal day, and
Eingling Brothers' Show Arrive for
Two Performancei Monday.
City Wltnla Itself Pitches Its Tents
tiru Parade ta Pas Thrnagh
Oaiahn streets Monday
Mora In a.
The circus Is here.
Long-heralded, Rlnglltig Bro ' shows
arrived In Omaha from Fremont this
morning for a Sunday holiday and one
whole Joyous day of elephants and pink
The first of the four clrcu trains
reached the Northwestern railroad yard
before dawn. As fast as the section ar
rived they were shunted onto sidings at
fourteenth and Nicholas street. There
the unloading took place and a continu
ous cavalcade of wsgons, red and golden
chariots and ail the rainbow trappings
of Hpangletuwn wended Its way from the
tracks to th Twentieth snd Paul streets
show grounds.
Prartercd rroupi of youngsters and
thoeo grorvn-UDl Who are alwara Peter
Pans when the circus cornea to town were
on hand when tho first train pulled In
noar the viaduct. Tbi-v watched nrf
marveled at the precision of the unloading
prock There was neither lost time nor
reotlon tn getting the vast show equip
ment from the cars to the show grounds.
The grinding brakes of the incoming
trains seemed ss signals. The Interior of
sleepers wis aatlr In a twinkling. Men
rubbed their eves, stretched their llmha
ana tumbled from the cars, each going
about hl.i appointed work without hci.
tsnry or doubt.
Mart fir the (irusnili.
Then cam the procession through th
streets. And there Is always that peculiar
something about the neighing of the
hotees, the deep rumble of th wagon
wheels end the clanking of the hsroess
which every community lilies to hear nt
least once a year and which affects one
with that Indescribable longing for tha
white tenU which, for want of a better
phraae, I culled "red wagon fever."
At th old clrcu grounds the scene Is
one of methodical turmoil. Mon empty
huge wagons and begin pitching the din
ing and cook tents and stables. One mam
moth affair on wheel opens Its side and.
oenota: there I a twelve-foot range,
which twenty minutes later ha been fired
and la alive with slsxllng egg and bacon.
Another wagon discloses a mammoth
boiler that as quickly emits steam which,
carried to Immense caldrons by means of
hose, Is merrily boiling potatoes or turn
ing cold water and Java Into piping hot
coffee. In the meantime the dining tents
have been placed, vast table have been
laid with cloth and service, and, presto!
all the people of the first train section
r seated at breakfast for all the world
Ilka soma great plcnlo party.
Menaarerle Ten Goes
By this hour th entire drmia vwtnnAa
are alive with men. The mniiapu .
had begun to go Into the air and likv j
wise the giant pole which will tomorrow
support th mammoth main tent that Is 1
to house the spectacle of "Solomon and
the Queen of Bheba" and all the wonders '
of th Rlngltng Brothers' arenlo perform- !
ances. Thla canvas Is aald to be the 1
largest ever tised by a traveling organise- I
tion but those who visit the show grounds ',
today will wait In vain to see It erected
for It la not needed until. Monday and I
in mngimgs aiwaya make It a point to
curtil work on Sunday that their work- I
Ing men may have as much of a holiday !
a possible. But the absence of this par
ticular feature will not greatly disappoint
thla morning' crowd. Rig, beautiful
horses driven In team of four, eight and ,
even twelve claim much attention as .
they draw the big costume van and the
BCOreS of heaW animal liana Int.. th. ...
"soologlcal circle" which conatltutee the
Rlngllng menagerie. Elsewhere tent of '
every kind and else, twenty-four In all, I
were going up and ferruled stake being
driven . home by group of men who j
whistled and sang at their task. The
chug-chug of the miniature pile driver, '
used where the around wan 1
Bounded a deep-noted accompaniment and
stretches of canvas golly flagged stream
ers slipped skyward at seemingly every
angle. And so the work goes on. It la
tremendous task, thla eatabliMhina- nf
the world's greatest shows.
Vlsltlac Time.
While this afternoon witl K viaitina-
tlme" at the circus grounds, when all who
wian may taae a Peep at the domestio
side of life In Ringllngville or wander at
will through the big stabiea or the com
missary department, the first "official"
appearanoe of tha ahow will come with
tomorrow morning's street parade. The
pageant la expected to depart from th
now grounds at 9:39 and paaa over th
following rout:
Twentieth to Cumins'. Cumimr n ri.
teeath. Sixteenth to lmigla, Dougla to
Twelfth, Twelfth to Farnam, Farnain to
niteentn, fifteenth to Howard, Howard
Fa " in; s
aai km alati al I
Stop at tke)
ICaewa tn world ever
Oa Michiaea Area, Qitcafo't bm sMredl
ie boalcvwd. UaolWtntdeJ view ei Oast
Paik aad Lake Mtciigaa. UaiivatUd as a
Sesiaxtraad WinJet hotel. Withis It atiaules'
Walk oi Federal BwkUug, tke leediag theatre,
aad tiaiisiist ceatre, Reeeat it i m imiij
Made at c4 aaceee'ia( $300,000.
Calais aae) eervice unexcelled
Stafla Roaa) it aaa aamat
l W. l GOaa2.W..aa.
PaUt Raaal fa ha Hint
li M. J.UO aae- 4 10 pat ear.
SiaaU PWoas vita bat im aaa nama
U WTlOO. J. W aaa 4 .00 aat at.
DaaUt Kan kaA tm taa aattam
M OO, 5 00 aad 6.00 mm da.
f Mraustj asm. NukiaM Setim!.
to Sixteenth. Sixteenth to Cuming. Cum-
io iwrmiem ana neca to the grounns.
Thirty Plephaats la Parade.
There will be more than u"0 horses In
line, six bands, scores of open drns ami
chariots, clowns to pleas the youngster,
thirty elephants and such novelties as a
team of sixteen camels bitted and bridled
and driven like horsts. In all there will
be thr miles of what th advertisements
term "stretched-out rainbow." The circus
will give two performances in Omaha at
1 and p. m., Monday, the doors to the
menagerie opening at 1 and 7 p. m. The
main tent program will orn with the
spectacle "Solomon and the Queen of
to be followed by two hour of arealc
eheba," which Is said to require a cat
of 1.260 characters In Its presentation In
cluding a huge ballet. The pantomime Is
and trained animal novelties, enlisting
400 artists.
Lincoln Men Will
Storm Ak's Den on
Monday Evening
Lincoln night at th Den. That Is to
morrow night, August 10. The latest re
port from Samson Is that 900 are coming
from Lincoln on the apeclal train. Sam
son says he gets his dope from Harry
Porter of Lincoln and from W. S. Whit
ton, secretary of the Lincoln Commercial
The special Burlington train to bring
the crowd is to arrive In Omaha about
7:30. A reception committee In Omaha is
to be made up of every member of the
board of governors of Ak-Har-Uen. That
la, every member who Is not now checking
hie baggage from village to village in
the kaiser's land, looking for a boat to
get out. For some of Omaha's good clti
sens annually go abroad, and when war
come then the remember General Sher
man' characterisation Of the big brutal
game, and they wish tbey were back in
Old Omaha where folks are always good
to them.
So the members of the board of gov
ernors who are In the city and not In the
war aone will be at the station to meet
the Lincoln crowd. Cars will be char
tered for the Den.
A. W. Jefferls Is to preside over the
peaking of the evening. The speakers
are to be Governor John H. Morehead,
C. S. Qulggla, president of the Lincoln
Commercial club: W. 8. Whltten, secre
tary of the Commercial club, and Qu
lllers, sheriff of Lancaster county.
There Is to be no meeting of the board
of governor Monday night, as the board
will be converted Into a reception com
mittee. Excellent reports are coming in as to
the class of shows that Ak-Sar-Ben will
have at the Highway this fall.
Oot anything you'd like t swap? Use
the '8wapper' Column."
Then your stomach and digestive or
gans must indeed be in bad condition,
but don't bo alarmed.
Loss of appetite is always the
first signal of inward weakness, of a
lazy liver, clogged bowels. It should
bo given immediate attention so as to
ward off a more serious illness.
The timely use of
Stomach Bilkers
has proven very beneficial as an appetite
restorer, aid to digestion and preventive of
indigestion, heartburn, nausea,biliousness,
constipation and malaria, fever and ague.
Your Chance
to Save $5.00
Dm ing the rest of August
these types of Cabinet
Gas Ranges will be sold at
a reduction of
Our Easy Payment Plan.
Easy Term Payments 12.50 Down, $2.70 per Month.
These Kangea arc of the best construction
and finish, and are warranted in every way.
See the display at our Btore or send for a representative
Omaha Gas Company
Phone Douglai 605.
Meeting of German
and Austrian Women ;
to Be Held Monday
A meeting of German and Austrian
women will be held Monday afternoon at
th Mualk home. Seventeenth and Cass
streetx, to discuss the war situation tn
Europe. Contribution are to be solicited
for a fund to be divided among the father
less families the war Is mak'ng. A move
ment will likely also be launched deplor
ing armed fighting and .Instead beseech
ing the factions Involved to resort to a
tribunal of arbitration.
Growth of a Peat la Tasmania that
Has Created m Sertoes
As in other states In Australia, the
problem of dealing with the rabbit pest
haa been slven considerable attention by
farmers and pastorallsts In Tasmania fori
som time.
The matter wa taken up by the Farm
ers' and Stockowners' association - at a
recent meeting of the council of that body.
Among other things It was stated that
information had been collected bearing
upon the trade in rabbit skin In this
state. The figures Indicated that not less
than B.000.CO9 skins were exported from
Tasmania each year, the value of which
was under $230,000.
As poison was also generally used for
destroying the pest, it was quite safe to
assume that as many more were killed,
making the death roll equal to 10,000.000.
Adding to that at least 2,000,000 left at
the end of each winter to breed again, the
conclusion was arrived at that the lands
of the state were growing every year
12,000,000 rabbits.
Taking these figure as a basis and al
lowing fifteen rabbits to consume a much
grass as one sheep, It waa computed that
the rabbit waa occupying the place of
800,000 sheep, or. In other words, taking
up about one-third of the lands, for which
the state received under 1250,000, as
against the value of 900,009 sheep, which
would not be less than 11,600,000 at a low
estimate. New lork Sun.
Indlatlon aaal Weak Stomachs.
Take Electric Bitters. It give appetite,
strengthen the digestive organs, lessen
the work of liver and kidneys. 60c and fL
All druggists. Advertisement.
A Familiar Limp.
"Dl.1 vou hoar about Oeorge? Hurt his
lfg sliding to third and can't play in the
Val game."
"Dear ine. Is It anything permanent?"
"I tn afraid so."
"Isn't that dreadful?"
"It tlllaht ha IT.1. . .1 ....
limp you ever saw. When he wnlks It
'., ,? " it no were aoing the
dp." Cleveland Plain Dealer,
No. 231 Cabinet
Regular Belling prlre 30.00.
During AuguMt this range
will be sold fotr
f-tis I
I j
Mighty Oaks From Little
Acorns Grow and Big Stores
From Small Beginnings Rise
If you'd been
here yester
day you
would have
seen why
this store is
forced to
Thanks to Our Great
The greatest waist bargain
of a decade is offered for
Monday, August 10
"We've gotten together about 17 dozen beauti
ful waists that have not heretofore figured in .
any Sale. We've got them all on one table
and when the doors open Monday the rush to
obtain them will begin.
Dainty Batiste, Linens
ana v oiles, some plain,
others of daintily fig
ured fabrics, all nicely
trimmed, every one
new in style and freBh
and clean as a newly
blown rose. Sizes to fit
all, but sizes for small
women in greatest evi
dence. Regular values
I Irom fl.75 to $2.95;
while they last, your
choice for
1516-18-20 FARNAM STREET.
"jaii -Id ,!ia)(l I. H ill " 1
Phone Doug. 1889 : : : : and have a case sent home
j q
(Srnufae ID (Herman pouble?3ter
Omaha Real Estate is
Could Make. Read The
Clean Merchandise.
Fair Dealing
ail count in
the long run,
hence a
bigger O. (EL
T. store
fin rP
the Best Investment You
Bee's Real Estate Columns.
Lter)tody ral l;e M"art Ads.
Pc al trains are to be arranged for.
t a