IliK OMAHA M'AlA 5i,K: Al til M 1. UU4. li A CENSOR IS SUPREME Heads Great German Army Against French ONE DOLLAR DOWN. ONE DOLLAR DOWN. ONE DOLLAR DOWN. ONE DOLLAR DOWN. OYERTHE CONTINENTi 1 s Pencil Ruthlessly Cuti Out Every Line that Would Give Informa tion of War Moves LONDON PAPERS CUT IN SIZE HI Dallies Are Hrdnrrd to Half lae, hat Ar Having- IniM ClrraliXloM tne to De sman d for Xews. (Copyright. 1314, Press rubllshlng Co. LONDON, Aug. ; 7. (Special CkbleKram to the New Tork World and Omaha Pee.) Military oierat ons or preparations through Europe ore being carr'cd on be. hind an Impenetrable vrll of cprusoriililp. There has beevno teletraphlc communi cation between England and Geimany for the last week. Only new from Berlin waa received until then. It came via Washington or waa brought by refugees. The cutting of the German-American cable, destroyed the former source of In formation, Dispatches have been brought to the Dutch or Danish frontiers and illed there, but the censors will allow nothing of vital lnterent to go through. Telegrams from France to Britain are liable to In definite delay. They must be written In French and are seves; y censored even when in plain language. Telegrams the meaning of which are not quite clear to the censor are being stoppcJ. There Is occasional communication with Italy from here under the same condi tions, but telegrams take from twelve to forty-eight hours to get through. With regard to Switzerland, the same conditions prevail as with Italy, the cen sorship In both cues being doubled, be cause dispatches have to run the gaunt let of the French censor In addition to the censor of the country of origin. Cables to RugHla are still open, but ft. Petersburg, which was slow In putting the censorship In motion, now hss estab lished It, and It Is almost impcrslble to Ket through press dispatches, except those filed by Rupsla'a official agency. The London papers all have reduced In size. The Daily Mail, instead of running from twelve to sixteen pagej dally, la printing six pages. The Times has re duced to twelve of its small six-column pages. The Telegraph, which recently waa printing up to twenty-two pages, now also is twelve pages. Advertising has al most disappeared from their pages. The luality of print paper used seems also to have changed. The evening papers contain practically nothing but war news and rumors and their war specials are Kent out on single six-column sheets. Owing .to the difficulty, . if not com plete Impossibility of getting war photo graphs, the Illustrated pap.-rs will be severely hit, for the circulation of the daily papers will be increased Itjond all records. French Say Posters - Prove that Kaiser Premeditated War PARIS,' Aug. 8. An official statement, Issued today, say that German mobiliza tion posters placed on all towns of Vio and Moyonvlc, in Alsace-Lorraine, prove the French contention that the war was premeditated on the part of Germany. The towns were occupied by the French yesterday and, according to the statement, the posters which tiny found afforded them valuable information concerning Germany's mobilization, besides reveal ing that Germany had decided upon war at the time the triple entente was redoub ling Its efforts for peace. BERLIN, Aug. 8. (Via Amsterdam and Ltndon.)-Tlie German newspapers com plain about the diplomatic mcaneuvers curried out to make Geimany appear the illMturber of the peace. They maintain that it was Hunt's that pushed Germany to war. It is reported here that the Germans In France who were unable to leave within the time limit are being sent to western Franco and comiielled to help with the harvest. They add that German women in Russia are being expelled, while the men have been thrown Into prison. Matthias Krsberger, leader of the cler ical party In the Imperial Parliament and chairman of the arms committee, states that the German army and navy are both splendidly equipped, while the German riflea and cannon are superior to those of the adversaries. He declares Ger many can absolutely rely on its defensive forces. r . tciv.:-.-.- -( 4 J v.-' :-:' i -;;05-: A FREDERICK WIUJAM, Crown Prince of Germany. REPUBLICANS IN OLD-TIME RALLY (Continued from Page One.) British Optimistic About Food Supply LONDON. Aug. 7.-J. D. Broadbank, representative of the. Board of Trade In port affairs. In optimistic regarding the food supply, nl an interview he said: "All British ports and especially Lon don, are bound to huve a large acces sion of business, since most of the con tinental porta are no longer open. Ships which ordinarily carry cargoes partly for Iondon and partly for Antwerp and Hamburg are already discharging their cargoes here. There are eight ships waiting at Gravesend which were des tined originally for continental ports, but now are ordered to discharge here. "There Is now at sea a large tonnage of shipping laden with foodstuffs consigned to Hamburg and Bremen. These car goes will be diverted to London or other British ports. All this indicates a con tinuance of sufficient supplies so long as the war lasts and our navy commands the seas." PARIS, Aug. 7 (S:M p. m.)-The gov ernment in at'polnting a commission to Consider the food supply, sanitation, or ganisation of employment bureaus and other kindred subjects that may arise, is arranging for the country to have the service of a number of the most dis tinguished public men In France who cannot be taken into the cabinet. Among them are Alexandre Rlbot, Leon Bour geois, Theophile Del Casse. Allexandre Millerand and Camllle Pelletan. RESERVIST UNDER BOND TO SUPPORT HIS FAMILY NEW TORK. Aujr. 8-Clty Magistrate C. M. Harris, sitting In the Domestic Re lations court, today established a prece dent In the case of wive and families of foreign reservists called to the front. Joseph Geler was placed under a bend of 124 to support his wife and two children In, the event that he Is compelled to leave this country. Mrs. Geler made the appli cation. Otter Is an Austrian. Thfe oxen were roasted In a hugi) covered sheet Iron roaster over a wood fire. Neither flies nor dtirt could reach the beef. And It was excellent. Hundreds of band of buttermilk were served, and it was cool Just off the foe. Barrels ft pickles wera consumed on the sandwiches. Platform I'sder' Trees. Around the gerat Cottonwood tree In the park said to have been planted by Brlgam Young a half century ago, a speakers' platform had been built. E. F. Morearty presided. In a brief address he reciewed the grand history of the re- I publican party. He recounted the achieve ments of the nation under republican ad ministrations, and prophlsled a long and glorious! future for the party. He responded to the address of welcome de livered by Mayor F. H. Tucker of Flor ence, who threw open the gates of Flor ence to the Jolly crowd. A. W. .Itfff.ris. the principal speaker of the day. was by the way, about the only speaker who was not a candidate for ofilce. lie noted the wonderful achieve ments of the republican party in the past, reviewed its brilliant record of matchless administrations, and pointed out its great field for nrood In the future. . J. H. Kemp, candidate for the nomi nation for governor, was the first of the candidate speakers. Ha promised an economical administration if elected gov ernor, prophesied a republican victory In the state from top to bottom, and de clared there hud been enough of a demo cratic administration In the state for the present. Two Candidates Not The. Here the chairman called for Rosa L. Hammond and R. Beecher Howell, but neither was present. Ross Hammond was not even accounted for, although It was reported that he was campaigning In the southeastern part of the state and could tiot be present. Mayor Tucker was responsible for the story that Howell was In Florence, but did not apepar In th crowd during the speaking.' Mayor Tucker said Howell waa over at the water works plant a half dozen blocks away for several hours In the afternoon. James Stephen"mpld he stood for any thing that would restrict the traffic In liquor. I expect to stay by the water wagon." he said, 'though I may never come up with the band wagon." Yelner Bpraks Cruel Words. Then came John O, Yeiser. Yeiser could not overlook the opportunity, of roasting his cautious opponents. He ad mitted that they' had spoken so gently and pleasantly that he felt like a lion In a den of Daniels. He took a gentle fling at each and every candidate for governor, and reserved his heaviest fire for R. Beecher Howell, boss of the water board. He said Howell bragged of re ducing the water rates under municipal ownership, but that Mowell had to make the property owners psy for his pipes in order to reduce the cost of water. "Fur thermore," he said, "he fixed a mini mum charge of 60 cents a month for the water when I may only want to use SO cents worth." He charged that Howell had been re sponsible for the city's buying the water plant at about M.W.flOO more than It was worth. Then he admitted that he was something of a municipal ownersh'p man himself, "but," he continued, "I don't want mtinlclpi.1 ownership so bad that I would help out a set of rascals to get H.ilO.OnO more from the city than their plant was worth." All this time Howell was supposedly s'ttlng In the cool re cesses of the water plant a half dozen blocka away, while the chairman was rslllnr for him to srx-sk. A I Sorenson. W. B. Howard and T. W. Blackburn, all candidates for congress from the Pecond district. sioke follow ing the candidates for governor. "Off again, on again, gone again, Blackburn," told what be would do In congress, but didn't tell why he changed hi mind so many times in the last week about run ning. I Other candidates were called upon I promiscuously as long as they lasted on 1 the platform. Among them were can didates for attorney general, for the state senate, and Dr. A. . Thomas and R. I. Klliott, both candidates for the office oC statu superintendent of public Instruction. The Crowd Rats. The crowd gradually shifted to the bar', becue, and began to munch .beef sand wiches, until by the time the speaking was over, nearly everyone had a sand wich In one hand and a cup of buter milk In the other. A fife and drum corps marched through I the park and about the streets playing i patriotic music. A band began to Play j dance music and the dancing began In the .iiiuuio ui itiv uucmoon. J nig dan cing platform waa erected, and dancing continued Into the night. The. crowd, men, women and children was variously estimated from 3,K0 to 3,00. MOREHEAD PLAYS . PARTY FAVORITES o p a o p O ONE DOLL We" Asklj.ypllliJb O OWN II Ak down sa The people of greater Omaha are familiar with tho UNION OUTFITTING COMPANY'S GREAT ONE DOLLAR DOWN SALE. It comes every six months in August and February. Last week saw hundreds of people take advantage of this pecial opportunity to secure the LONG NEEDED pdeces of furniture and rugs upon the payment of ONLY ONE DOLLAR DOWN. You can go through this seven story building, select any article ycu wish and ONE DOL LAR DOWN IS ALL YOU PAY AND GET THE ARTICLE RIGHT AWAY. (foiae "Dollar Down on Any Single Room Home Outfit TIIRKK ROOMS Fl'R MSI1KD COMPLKTH 1.00 I'EK MONTH $1 Delivers to Your Home Any Kitchen Cabinet You May Se'ect B I'M I I g xrrT-UK OUTFITS ill I'll I H yfl g?TT 7m it' I I 9X00 VKU MONTH. an 1 .iin.g'ti u 1 ip ! innnnii 1 11 11111 1 11 111 rtTlT ' 1 . -H 1 M Fl IB I B ' I II I 1UUUUUUUMMHI p;r 91 1; t Forn rooms fur nished COMPLETE 3S & 5.00 PER MONTH $1 Down Secures for You Anv Roar You May Select Down Per Month ; will ileHvff o your honiw hi i-omplclf) lwM outfit. FOR A 8PI,EM)II flfi.OO KITCHEN CABINET Similar to Illustration; lian largo double hln base ad upper cabinet top. . Ksootly Ilka illustration 1 and l"vv m!" nnisneu 111 a nmn ainuo J .vr,J....rf fohitr- ...1. ...... .,.ri9 1,.,. .... u 11 afnui fruiiiA and guaranteed laniK. mattresn has a soft top and ntrontc tlcktnu. This outrit usuaJly srlls for lH.r.O special price $11.75 I .95 for a Beaotiful $25 Fall 1U-. Scamlcji VeWet Rug Tha slzn la Id feet and the design la extremely pretty. mT $1 Secures for You Any Table in Our Entire Stock Just a Few Fur niture Specials I1.21S ninlna- Konm t'hslrs, wood seat, ! 79o iirlce $7.00 Bx tens Ion Table, a I foot slides (9 DC .95 for this tlS.53 'tWestal Table trim colonial dn-slK". H at . 4.0 Parlor Itork- H H ern. well Tnario, H n , $:6.oo nuff t,. n H larae and! rflnmv, H I a1.. SI 2.95 J $1.00 Will DeliTer to Your Home Any - Gat Range In our entire stock. This week m a special we offer a i regular $30 Dt reft Action Gaa R a n at only . $21.50 CM 1 1 A BBMBfcllMltSSUl-l ii Jli ... cyywmisHiiminii "wniiiiKil1 iin y1 , '"''''MiiiiiiiniiiirillUJWf (Continued from Pasje One.) on provided and Insinuated that the election commissioner had a motive I making registration not too caty for all Many Left fttaorilnw. Friday afternoon at S o'clock the door ! of the election commissioner's offlco waa closed and thirty to forty voters wer turned away, either disfranchised or com pelled to lose more time from their work by fighting their way through today's crowd. Arbitrary measures disfranchising re publican voters on various pretexts were adopted by the election commissioner, who waa several times compelled to back down from his position. For example, Bert Smith and Tom Armstrong, who live In the Eighth ward and are employed by the Nebraska Tent and Awning com pany, one oi mem having lived here all his life and the other for twenty-five years, were told by Election Cunimls sloncr Moorheud that they could not reg ister because they were moving today. The election commissioner had It figured out that It would be Impossible to assign them any residence because they were moving County Officials Help Them. Hnilth and Armstrong summoned hflp In the persons of a representative of the office of the clerk of the district court and two county commissioners. The re sult was that Mr. Moorhead himself reg istered the men, although they were com pelled to stand outside the railing for one hour and a half. Doth registered re publican. A. O. Hunter, an employe of the fed eral government, who for the last nine years has lived at the llrunawick hotel, registered last fall. A report was evi dently made to Moorhead that he could nut be located, id a notice tui sent him j Hunter appeared and tried to register again, uui juoorneaa reiusea and told j Hunter that he must appear before a notary public with two registered voters and make affidavit before his registration J will be accepted. j Two professional men who apiwared to J register while the crowd was at Its height j were In the office only a short time. They were led back Into the vault of the elcc- tlon commissioner a office. ONE DOLLAR DOWN. ONE DOLLAR DOWN. ONE DOLLAR DOWN. ONE DOLLAR DOWN. HDEMS OUTLINE THEIR PLANS Iowa Party Member to Make Fight on National Issues. WILSON WILL ENTER CAMPAIGN Leaders of Tarty Are Comlsg West o Slate to Make M peak I use Klaht A grains t Cummins. (From a Staff Correspondent) PBS MOINES, la.. Aug. 8. (Special Tel-egram.)-Iowa democrats will ask for vic tory at the polls In November aa an en dorsement of the Wilson administration and a rebuke to the present republican state administration for "high and ex travagant taxation." This announcement was made tonight by Htato Chairman J. W. leynold of C'reston at the close of an all-day confer ence of the newly organised democratic state central committee. Congressman Maurice Connolly, nominee for aenstor against Senator Cummins, conferred with the committee. ' it waa also announced that President Wilson. Secretary of Stale Bryan, Ma jority Leader (wear Underwood and Siieuker Champ Clurk would visit Iowa this fall. The following were selected to head the various departments: Organisation, A. 1L Luthrop, Des Moines; finance, Miss Mary Nail; legislative, C. K. P. Froome, Coun cil Bluffs; speakers, C. V. Smith. ilody Found In Itlver. Thrc body of a well-dressed man was found In tiie l'es Moines river by a fisher man today, lilood spots were discovered on the railing of a brl lgo directly over the place where the liody luy. No means of Identification were found In the man's clothes. i . AE3 The Real Remedy For the Ravages of Rum is the Omaha Neal Liquor Treatment The men who have taken THIS TREATMENT are en thusiastic in their praise' and are daily causing others to follow their footsteps. FOR FULL PARTICULARS ADDRESS, 1502 South 10th st Ph. D. 7556 POLITICAL AUVKHTIIl.(i, POLITICAL AI1VKKTISIKU. Forts of Libau Badly Damaged STOCKHOLM, Aug. 8.-(Vla London. 4:10 a. m.) The captain of a schooner which has arrived here from Libau, hav ing sailed from the Russian port on Au gust 4, reports a heavy bombardment of Llbau by the German fleet and that the fortresses were badly damaged, but still holding out. He saw no warships on the voyage. All the stores and the wharves at Ilsngo. Finland, were burned, having been blown up by the Finns and Hubs Ian troops. Steamship communication be tween Sweden end Finland has been restored. Notes from ((' Count). BEAT 11 ICE, Aug. .(Special.) Charles j Barber, living near I:iler, finished thresh-! j Ing his oats crop Thursday, which yielded sixty buxhels to the acre. This is the best yield yet reported In this section of the state. The automobiles of Luther Hagcrman atid P. M. Anderson coljlded at Filley Thursday night. As both cars were being driven slowly they were damaged but lit tle when they came together. Mr. An derson sustained a badly bruised arm. Tho John Warren properly, one of the finest In the city, was S'jld Friday to J Jacob Claarsen, who resides southwest of the city. He expects to locate In the city September 1. If", CHARLES W. SEARS or OMAHA REPUBLICAN roa ATTORNEYGENERAL If you want a Lawyer and Buainaaa Adviser wha will mak tha Attorney General's Office a potent factor In the administration of Nebraaka affaire and In an orderly, bualneee-llko and lawful man. ner protect the people and property and conserve the reeourcea and rv Mh.eui VOTE for SEARS. Throat and Lnas Trouble will oease to trouble you by the timely uso of Dr. King's New Discovery. Sure relief, too and $1. Ay drugglsts.-Adver-Usenient. npsrlatsnJeat of riorenee FubUo Be boo la for tao Vast Viae Teara c""v V f l 3 John F, r.lclanc Republican Candidate TOM COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT or PUBLIC INSTRUCTION POLITICAL ADVERTISING. V ELBE uiE! I am a candidate for the Ite publican OuiiKreasiuual Nomina tlon. If nominated, I believe I will be elected. I came to Omalu in 1871. I believe I ran efficiently repre sent this district In connres. I have been told that I have the ability to aattsfaetorlly ret reftcnt this district In Congress. liKMEVK THOKK who have ao told nie. They are persons com petent to Judge. If nominated, I aliall make a thorough cam paign. UKMKVE ME. 1 pledge my word of honor, that if elected, I will attend atrictly to the buaineaa of the people of thb dlHtrlct and atate. lilCLIKVK WE. There's no foolishness n niy" ' campaign. UKLIKVK ME. ' ALERED SORENSON V if CA D.M.Haverly Candidate Republican nomination FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS Primaries August 18th 1014 THE OMAIIA BEE . TUR IIOilE IWVER.