Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 09, 1914, SOCIETY EDITORIAL, Image 17

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Omaha Sunday Bee Magazine Page
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LADY DUFF-CORDON, th. funout Xucil." of London, and
fomaoil crMlor ol fohiont in lh worW. write each week
lb fatluo rlicl for tkia Mwapapar, pmanluif aQ dial li
MWtal aal beat ia ttylaa for wll-drent J womn.
Lady, Duf-Cordoa't Pan atlblKiat bnnct kar kilo c)om IbucK
with thai caatr of fathio.
TUB tendency of the early Au
tumn bate Is toward the bl
tarre. particularly In their
decoration. The almple and ever so
loTely flower effect which mark the
mid Summer bate la to elre way to
eccentric effect. I am Bending you
photographs thla week of some hats
. whose trimming make one think of
the fireworks with which yoa cele
brate on your Independence Day.
These hats are In all instances
black, with either white or black dec
orations. The Plnwheel Hat and the
Skyrocket Hat are Indeed most noreL
Their names explain them, 1 think;
and so does the name of the "Fir
Fountain" Hat explain Itself.
The wide-brimmed sailor, espe
cially the one whose brim Is wider
In front than In back, will be very
' chic this year. The Watteau shapes.
' however, have had their day. 1 am
not sorry to see them go, for they
were suited to only the most piquant
. and youthful faces.
There are so many thlnga of which
I want to write! It Is difficult to
limit myself to stated things. My
pencil wants to follow my fancy, and
If ! permitted very far afield It would
Has the night gown dress reached
the United States, I wonder? It is
not so outrageous as Its came would
Imply! It Is Just a dainty, exquisite
' affair,, made of whHe mulL I am
sending you a picture of It
1 am reminded Just here to tell you
of some lovely new tea gowns and
tea trousers which I have Just seen.
Oh, how true It Is that fashion per
mits yoa to be either fascinating or
freakish Just now! It all depends on
your own mood.
In the one case you can don a tea
gown which Is Just a clinging soft
" nessof white, flatly pleated chiffon,
the cross-over corsage held in be
neath the bust by a golden girdle
formed of a trail of little laurel
leaves. There is no other vestige of
trimming, and. for once, the white
purity of the robe Is untouched by
the faintest suspicion of pink, the
under slips being of white instead
of flesh-colored crepe de chine and
chiffon. But. then, to make up for
thla. the loose, graceful coat which
is worn wkh the little gown. Is a
glory of color, its outer nlnon being
of vivid Mediterranean tlue and the
lining of the same nimy fabric In an
equally krllMant fuchsia pink, which,
after giving a new and elusive beau
ty of shading to the veiling blue, re
veals Itself more clearly through the
broadly bordering insertion of gold
lace, which la further enriched by
raised broideries of gold. A piping
of pink satin gives a finish to the
graceful garment, and so here yoa
have, the tea gown, entirely and al
luringly feminine.
. But If yoa aspire to the wear of
trousers, then you can have a "smok
ing suit" of soft, black satin, pat
terned with a weird futurist" fruit
design In vivid yellow and desd
cnaik-white, the foliage being
crudest green. The trousers are
gathered into an elastic landing at
the waist in front, their fulness be
ing held in about the ankles by the
same means, but at the back the
quaint garment Is cut in one with
the coat, which Is finished off with
black satin lapels and pocket flaps.
8o the wearer will secure a suffi
ciently startling appearance to sat
isfy her love of sensation. But, all
the same. I would not advise any
woman to let a man see her ar
ranged In this eccentric garb until
she was safely and securely his wife!
Else he might back out of a mere
engagement as a result of his dis
illusionment! Of course, however. If the "trous
ersM be of Oriental fashioning and
fulness, that Is an entirely different
matter For their fabric will then
be the most delicately flesh-pink
chiffon, and a fringe of gold bullion
will finish them off at the ankles.
A transparent slip of equally pale
pink nlnon will then be worn over
them, and, finally, a loose coat, richly
broldered ' In gold and possibly
further adorned with the gold fringe.
Or else Just one over garment of
gold-broidered nlnon will fee held In
about the waist by a deeply awathed
and loosely knotted sash, weighted
Into still more closely clinging posi
tion between the filmy draperies by
a heavy fringe of gold.
Rather less markedly Eastern in
effect, though their Inspiration Is the
same, are the tea gowns whose skirt
fulness Is arranged with two open
ings for the feet to be passed
through, quite a number of Paul
Polret's models being thus made thie
season. One is of soft satin of real
rose-pink shading.- made In the
armplest way. and Just held in at the
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The Undress Gown of White Mull and All-Over Lace, Show
ing the New Lara a Armhol. By Psquln.
waist by a deeply swathed
aash of sapphire blue chiffon
fastened on one side with a clus
ter of silver roses and leavea of
gold, the long enda which hang far
down the left side being fringed with
gold. It is a veritable garment of
grace and as comfortable as It is
Another Polret creation and tri
umph, which la of that same Turkish
trouser fashioning, is of broche crepe
de chine In the wonderful blue of
Delphinium blossoms, Its draperies
cleverly arranged to ahow an under
robe of pure white satin, while fes
tooned across the corsage In front
are endless chains of shining crystal
beads, from which hangs pendant
from a shining, swaying chain of
diamonds a great heartrshaped orna
ment of massed crystals and paste,
dividing the blue draperies and
finally biasing out against the back
ground of white aatin.
Another new tea gown model by a
very famous Parts house la somewhat
too elaborate for comfort and la
really almost more suggestive of
fancy-dress attire.
For you cannot Imagine anyone .
taking their ease In a closely cling
ing, shining sheath of ivory net cov
ered completely with myriads of
opalescent and Indian silver pail
lettes, with here and there a definite
glint of gold. Just In front the skirt
certainly does open over a foam of
frills in leaf green chiffon, but, for
the rest, Hs slightly trained scanti
ness is all bordered with water
lilies and leaves.
And these same deco-"
rattve blossoms are 'faith
fully imitated In silken and
sliver broidery and pen paint
ing. As a deep bordering be
tween tall bulrushes, with dragon
flies flitting overhead, for the trans
parent loosely banging coat of green
chiffon, which can further coast of a
finish of fringe In soft green silk and
shimmering silver. Finally, you mast
shimmering silver.
Finally, you must know that filmy
yellow tulle ie folded at the decollete
and drawn Into the awathed satin
sash of the same yellow,, into whose
bow ends Just one more water lily la
carelessly fastened.
All of which is undoubtedly very
decorative and beautiful, but Inas
much as it is entirely tacking In the
comfort and the "allure" which
ahould be the chief characteristics
of the tea gown it is by no means an
Ideal model for choice or copying.
of Black
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Patching Up Our Bodies With Rubber Just Like Broken Tires.
A NUMBER of recent experiments by American and for
eign surgeons have demonstrated that rubber may be
uaeu Tory enecciveiy as a suDstltute for human tissues.
There are not many substances which can aafely be intro
duced Into the human system, and the discovery that rubber
can be thus utilised Is therefore regarded as a very Important
one. particularly as this substance is better adapted to aur
gleal work than any other which has so far been used for thii
iHltherto, for Instance, ailver, platinum, gold, copper and
aluminum have been relied upon almost exclusively to repair
broken bones and unite eevered vessels, but these metals are
not only expensive, but difficult to work with. Rubber, on the
other hand. Is inexpensive and lends Itself admirably to
manipulation at the hands of the surgeon.
. To what extent rubber piping may be used in the future to
replace worn-out arteries or other defective blood vessels can
only be conjectured, but several experiment along these lines
neve resulted most satisfactorily. A few yeara ago Dr. Ed
ward Sullivan, an American surgeon. Introduced ' a rubber
tube into a dog's body to replace the biliary ducta between the
hepatic canal and the duodenum, and the substitution waa en
tirely successful. . Somewhat later a similar achievement waa
accomplished on a human patient In a case in which the bile
duct had been destroyed, the rubber tube which waa Inserted
serving the purpose of a bile duct very satisfactorily.
The danger of inserting a foreign body Into the human
system lies in the fact that the blood Is very susceptible to
su:h interference. If It comes In contact with any substance
other than those which nature provldea It almost invariably
coagulates, and death necessarily follows unless the normal
flow of the blood stream Is soon restored. It baa now been
discovered, however, that no coagulation follows the contact
of human blood with rubber, and hence the use of this sub
stance 1 deemed entirely aafe.
The reason rubber proves so satisfactory Is believed t
because of Its colloidal nature, and It possesses many other
characteristics of buman tissue.
Another very Interesting demonstration of the value of
rubber for surgical work waa given by Dr. Alexia Carrel a
few yeara ago when he removed a piece of the wall of the
abdominal aorta of a dog and replaced it by a piece of rubber
' about an Inch by an lneh and a half in area. The rubber
sheet was carefully sutured to the aorta an j the anion which
followed waa perfect Fifteen month later the animal was
examined, and It waa found that both aides of the rubber,
patch were covered with tissue.
Sterilised piece of rubber sponge have been used success
fully by Dr. FleschL the well-known Italian surgeon, to close
the aperture In inguinal ruptures, and no harmful effect have
followed, and Dr. Delbet waa similarly successful In the use of
a sheet of rubber to repair the abdominal wall of another
patient afflicted with hernia.
From the history of the various subject who have been
thus treated with rubber Jt seems to be scientifically esteV
lished that this substance may be used to an almost unlimited'
extent to repair human tissues, to piece together several .yea1
aela and eventually perhaps to replace entire organ.
In the repairing of broken bones which fail to reunite &at
uraily It ha long been the custom to use plates of ailver V
platinum, which are riveted to the bone and become a perm.1
nent part of the skeleton without any untoward result. Piece'
of healthy bone have atmllarty been used to take the place of
bone that haa become diseased. Hard rubber may perhaps be)'
found of value for thla class of mechanical work, bat It great.'
est sphere will be In the replacing and eking out of soft tiueJ
Rubber lungs, rubber stomachs, even robber hearts, arej
not deemed to be beyond the reach of the aynthetlo surgeons
of th future, but for the present perhap w shall have to b'
satisfied with the use of thla valuable substance for repar-'
tlv work. In which limited aphere It will undoubtedly prorV,
of Incalculable benefit to the human race.