TUK OMAHA SUNDAY RKK: AUGUST 9, 1D14. Three Railway Lines Now Connect Bolivia with Pacific (Copyright. 1314, by Frank a. Carpenter.) A PAZ The Iron horn of trans- L portatlon and wmiiro has I climbed over the Amies and Is now ron-ing his way through the wlldg of Bolivia. Fifteen years a no all the rallwuva ,f this country did not cover 900 miles. To day more than l.SoO miles are In opera tion, more than 500 miles are being con structed, and something like 8.500 miles have been surveyed or projected. When I last came to La Pax I rode over the Peruvian Southern railway from Mol lendo to Arequlpa, and thence on to Puno on Lake Titlcaca. I crossed that lake on a steamer to Chtllllaya, Bolivia, and came with the malls on a stage across the plateau to I Pas. This year I have come by the same route as far as the lake, and thence to Ouaqull. where an express train brought me In comfort right Into the heart of the Bolivian capital. In leaving La Pas to return to the sea coast I was hauled by mules on a long three-day gallop down to Oruro. where I got the narrow gauge line that crosses the mountains and desert to the port of Antofagasta. I have gone over the same road thte year, but It has now been ex tended from Oruro to La Paa and there are branch lines that will soon connect with the Argentine railway system and give a transcontinental line across south ern Bolivia to the Atlantic ocean at Bue nos Aires. Then Bolivia had no through railway to the sea. It has now three, the third being the short cut to the Pa cific at Arica. The Arlca road was com pleted only about a year ago, and the trains are Just now beginning to run safely over it. During my stay In La Pas I have had talks with the managers of the several roads; and at Arequlpa and Lima I gathered the latest Information as to the Peruvian Southern, which, with Its extension from Lake Tlticaca to La Pas, forms one of the most Important outlets to the trade of this country Only Available Ladder. These Andean railways are the only ladders up which one can climb to the golden roof of the South American con tinent, and they are the only downspouts through which mineral and other products of the plateau can be sent to the seacoast. From here to the Isthmus of Panama there are now five such ladders. The first Is Ecuador. It runs from Guaya quil to Quito, passing in full view of Chlmhoraso and Cotopaxl. The second Is the Central railroad of Peru. It climbs over the coastal range to the great cop per mines of Cerro de Pasco, reaching an altitude which Is far above that of any other railroad point of the world. The third is the Peruvian Southern. It climbs over a pass of more than 14,000 feet to Lake Titlcaca; and the fourth and fifth are the Arlca-La Pas and the Antofa-gaata-La Pas roads, which cross the Chilean desert and end at the Bolivian capital. The highest of these roads is the Cen tral Railway of Peru. I crossed it at an altitude which Is more than three miles above the sea, and on one of its branch lines I ascended to a height of 16,805 feet, which Is the highest place now reached by rail. The Peruvian Central crosses the Andes through the Galera tunnel, and then goes down into the fertile valley of Huancayo, and it will some day be ex tended to the navigable tributaries of the Amazon rlvwr. .Railroad In Clouds. The Southern Railway of Peru crosses the Andes at an altitude of 14,400 feet. Its highest point Is about that of Pike's Peak, which is 14,147 feet above the sea. It then descends to Lake Titlcaca, and from there drops down to La Pax, which lies In a hollow almost two miles and a quarter above the sea. The Central rail road goes up three miles in altitude over about 100 miles of track, and its total mileage, not Including the Cerro de Paca j extension. Is less than 2,"i0 miles. , The Southern road from Mollendo to Ia Pas, including the trip across the lake, covers a distance of more than W0 miles. It Is 3 miles from the sea, where It crosses the Andes, and there It is 1,000 feet lower tt'an the altitude of the paa of the Peruvian Central. The La Pax-Antofagasta line has a mileage of more than 7iX mil, end Its highest point on the main line Is over 13,000 feet above the sea. The highest point on the Arlca line Is Just tinder 14.000 feet, but the Antofagasta line la building branches that are almost as high as the highest point on the Mora cocha branch of the Central above Lima. One of these runs from Ollague to Cola buasl, where there are copper mines owned by the Ouggenhelms, said to be among the richest mines of the world. The other begins at Rio Mulato, betweei Oruro and t'yunl. and goes to Potosl, the famous mountain that has produced billions of dollars In silver and that promises to produce like values In tin. The Rio Mulato and Potosl branch crosses a pass 15,814 feet high, or only fifty-one feet lower than the pass to Morococha, where are the great copper mines, largely owned by Americans. Moat Difficult to Bolld. , Of all these lines the most difficult of construction was the Central Peruvian. It was begun in 1S75 by Henry Melggs, and its first eighty-six miles are said to have cost more than $300,000 a mile. That road Is of standard gauge, and It has no gra dient steeper than four and one-quarter in 100. It has sixty-seven bridges, one of which is 675 feet long, spanning a ravine 300 feet deep. Melggs also built the greater Part of the Southern railway, and that without cogs, and he was the con structor of the road from Valparaiso to Santiago that now forms a part of the first great route between the Pacific and the Atlantic. Outside the Melggs roads, the new line just opened from Arlca to La Pas has been the most expensive and the most difficult of construction. The Arica-La Pas road is less than half as long as the Peruvian Southern, and only about one third as long as that from Antofagasta to La Pax. Its length is under 360 miles. It begins at the seacoast, and crosses the Andes at lesa than 11.000 feet above the level of the ocean. On somo parts of the rout the grades are so steep that the rack-and-plnlon system has to be used. The maximum grade of the ordi nary line is only about 3 per cent, whlta some of the cog sections reach a grade of 6 per cent. The cog section is longer than that of any other railroad, and there are many engineers who claim that It cannot be worked at a profit. The cog system Is about the same as that of th roads up Pikes peak, Mount Washington and the Rlgl. It does well for tourist traffic, but whether It will work with the heavy freights Is a question. One of the civil engineers engaged In Its construc tion tells me he thinks that the cog part of the road may eventually be run by electricity. Bnlldlna" Railroads Everywhere. During my stay In La Pas I have met Sir John Jackson, whose company has built the Arica-La Paa syatem. He is one of the famous engineers of the world and his company has work going on all over the globe. It is arranging to con nect the Bolivian and the Argentine rail way systems. When the Panama canal is completed the shortest route from the United States to Bolivia will be by way of Arlca. That port Is 2,200 miles from Panama, and by the canal It will be less thsn 3.600 miles from New Orleans. Most tourists will prefer to go by way of Mollendo and the Peruvian Southern, the gradient of which Is more gentle and "1 i ill M'" .f3-X;4 ijj r J A rA ' ' I" LZ' ' 7 J which has also the advantage of the half way station at Arequlpa and the pleasant trip over Lake Titlcaca. The quick Jump from Arica to the top of the Andes Is liable to give one soroche, and many will not care to risk the long rack-and-plnlon system. Some will go to La Pax by one route and come back by another. At present the most of the trafflo to Bolivia passes either through Mollendo or Anto fagasta. Moat Important Road. The Antofagasta-Bollvla railway sys tem Is perhaps the most Important of the republic. It is now giving a direct service from La Pax to the ocean In forty-four hours. There are three trains a week, with sleepers- and diners. This road is about as long as from New York to Clove land. Leaving . Antofagasta, the chief seaport .of northern Chile, the train takes you through the nitrate fields and across the Chilean desert to the Bolivian frontier. Tou are all night and the whole of one day In making that Journey, and you ar rive at Oruro at ahout B o'clock the next morning. During the first 223 miles you reach an altitude of 13,000 feet. Tou then drop about 800 feet to the great borax lake, and thence climb over the moun tains to the Bolivian plateau. A part of the way Is over vast plains spotted with llamas and alpacas, and In plain right of snow-clad peaks from U.OOO to 20,000 feet high. Oruro, the commercial center of the plateau, is the half-way station, and the distance from there to the Bolivian capi tal la ICO miles. geenlo Wonder of World. The Antofagasta mad is one of the scenio routes of the world, and geo logically and geographically It Is one of the most interesting. The Bolivian plateau was once a great Inland sea hundreds of miles long and sixty or more miles in width. Parts of It are as flat as a floor, and the road F.'es for miles over beds of stone and stretches of eea sand. I am told that sea shells are often found, and that fossils of fishes are In evidence. Some of the way Is past volcanoes, and you see beds and mountains of lava of the most wonder ful character. The road taps the treas ure vaults of the Andes and Us freight Is largely tin and copper ore, which Is shlpprd from Antofagasta . to the incit ers of Europe and the United States. Dalit by Americans. The reconstruction of this Bolivian rail way and Its extension wss financed and ... A - oh tJtxJlujn- JcTir.9 built by Americans. Only a few years sgo Bolivia and Brasll entered Into a treaty by which Bolivia conceded to Brasll a rubber region about twice as larte as the state of Indiana for the sum of $10. 000,000. This money was used to build certain railroads for the development of Bolivia. Messrs, Speyer A Co., and the National City bank of New York got the contract for the completion and ex tension of the Antofagaata road. Their scheme Involved an expenditure of moro than 127,000,000, the - capital to be made lip of 113,000,004 advanced by the Ameri cans, and of 112,600,000 by the Bolivian government. The American loan was sect-red by bonds and the guarantee of (he government. One of the extensions to be made was the standard gauge from Oruro to La Pas, another was from -Oruro to Cochabamba, and a third a line to Tunes to connect with the Argentine system. The Potosl extension was also a part of ths contract. This was In 16. shortly after which time the work was begun. American engineers were brought In and by 1W the line from Oruro to Vlaclia above La Pas was almost com puted. Othr constructions were wen under a ay when the controlling Interest In the undertaking was sold to the Eng. Ilph Antofagasta and Bolivia Railway company, and that at a big prof. Knallsk Mow la Control. In this aiy the Antofagasta and Bo llvia railroad paed "t of the control of the Americana and Into that of tn KugliKh. The Americans may still own mm of the stork, but the railroad he longs to a;id Is managed by Kngllsh capi talists. It has been completed to lax, and Is now advancing toward l ocliahaniba. a thriving town on the east ern side of the Andes. The same rom puny Is building a line from I'yunl to Tpplsa. the total length of which will be about 1-X) miles. A short extension will connect that line with the Argentine railways, a a? then one ran travel across country frcnl Bolivia to Argentina. I un derstand that the Bolivian government haa already contracted a loan for the building of ths break from Tuptia to the Argentine frontier. The Antofagasta road Is one of the most profitable roads of all South Amer ica. It Is the great down-the-mountaln chute for the tin and ropper ores of the Bolivian plateau, and, as It has a mo nopoly. It can charge all that the traffic will bear. The freight rates are enor mous, and )hst on coal from Antofngssta to I.a Tax Is something like $20 or l a ton. Suppose you had to pay $ for getting a ton of coal from Washington to Detroit. I venture you would object, even as La Pas people do. Will Create Baslness. By the extension of the lines the freight of the road will be greatly Increased. Cochabamba Is In a thriving agricultural district, with no outlet for Its products, rotosl Is on the slope of a mountain that was once a great mass of silver, and Is now being worked for Its tin. It is expected that many low-grade tin and silver mines, which rsnnot bo operated because of the high cost of transporta tion, will be opened up as soon as the road Is completed. As to Tuplsa, In southern Bolivia, that town Is of no great Importance, but all along the road from t'yunl there are rich tin mines, and many low-grade proposi tions will he opened up when the rail road goes through. As It Is now, the rhlef trouMa of this system la Its two different gauges. Some of the tracks are of a forty-Inch gauge, while others sre only thirty Inches. 'The latter is the case with the road from Antofagasta to Oruro, hut arrangements are being made to alter It to forty Inches, thus standardising the system. American Rolllnsr Stock. A great deal of the Bolivian rolllnj stock comes from the United States On the Antofagasta line the locomotives are chiefly Baldwins. A great many Rogers sre used on the Peruvian roads, and on the Arlca line the engines are American, English and German. During the con struction of that road there were fifteen locomotives and 140 flat cars In service. The heaviest engine wlghed seventy tons. Our olvll engineers have had much to do In laying out the roads of Bolivia, and Americans are now taking contracts for the new construction financed by the English. The rough work Is largely done by Aymara Indians, who receive from to cents to a $1 a day. This Is very high for Bolivia, where the average wages are perhaps not more than 29 cents per day. Notwithstanding this, there Is great trouble in getting good men. The Aymara usually works for a week or lrs, an then leaves. Sometimes he goes awsj without pay. I talked with one of tin cnntrai-tiirs last night as to the labor situation. Said he: Alcohol Drinkers. "The chief trouble is that all of th Imllaus sre heavy drinkers of alcohol After ray day we find that we have tt lay off many of them so that they may .ler up. They all chsw coca, and w allow them a certain amount of coca w.th their wages. They do not like for eigner, but we have to us foreigner! as foremen, for the Indians sre so low lntelle tnally thst they rannot boss ol plan. They have to be driven, and the'i Milieu loo'ts show that they are dls-gi'Me-1 always with their Job and art rady to leave at ths first opportunity." The most Important part of Bolivia hai not yet been touched by the railroad. I rofer to the fertile eastern sertlon, Jual over the Amies. This consists of enor mous forests and high grassy plains whlrh will feel million of rattle. Ths government has planned railroads, which some day will be extended - into tnis region. These roads go from the cen ter or the plateau to the tributaries of the Amazon, and some wilt be extended to the navigable branches of the Para guay as well. One road Is planned from Potosl to Sucre, and another from Sucre to I.agunlllas, the two together covering a distance of 'leas than 226 miles. An other railway Is to connect La Pas and Corlpnta Corolco, and thence go on to the navigable waters of the Benl. down which ships csn travel to the railroad abeut the falls of the Mamore-Madelra. When this railway Is finished Bolivia will have an outlet to the Atlantic by way of the Amason. Will Rnlld Branch. Another Amason river branch Is to be unlit from Cochabamba to the River Chl innre. which flows into the Mamore. and there Is also an extension from the Ar gentine system to connect with the same river at ruerto Rojas. It would seem that Santa Cms Is to be the railroad center for eaettrn Bolivia, and there will eventually le railroads throughout ths' whole region east of the Andes, opening up the country from Argentina to F.cua di.r and Colombia. It will thus be seen that Bolivia Is at the very beginning of Its railroad devet tpment. This country Is one-fifth a large as the main body of the United States, with the addition of Alaska. About two-thirds of the land lies east of the mountains, and I doubt not the amount of good soil In the whole repub lic Is proportionately as large aa that of the United States. We have now about iM'.COO miles of railway; and If Bolivia had as many In proportion to Its slse. It would have something like 60,000 miles, or almost forty times as much as the railways now In operation. It Is not probable that such a system will be built for centuries to come; but the open ing up of the 3,500 additional miles al ready planned or surveyed, will create an Industrial reolutton 'n that part of the country east of the Andes that will as tonish the world. FRANK O. CARPENTER. What Kvery ratkejr Knows. "Where," said the land agent, address ing an audience of possible purchasers, "where else on the face of the glube will you find In one place copper, tin, Iron, cotton, hemp, grain, game" A voice replied: "In the pockets of my youngest soa' -New York Ulob. Kickers. You have frequently heard some lasy lout complain because Eve wished the apple on Adam. -And now a chronlo kicker complains because Noah didn't awat the flies when the supply was lim ited. Atchison Globe. The Busy Bees Their Own Page HILE most of the boys and girls are romping about and en- A f I Joying themselves merrily these vacation days, there are a r w I number of Industrious little ones who are going to school. even iuuueu n is va;iiuu viiuq, vuuuioa ui iuu oncuieu Immanuel church attend school at the church every morning between the hours of 9 and 12 o'clock to learn the Swedish language. Their instructor is a young man from Augustana college in Illinois, which trains young men for the ministry. Adolph Mult, our Busy Bee king's father, is minister of this church, but Adolph is not attending this school, as he is spending the summer in Chicago with his grandparents. Then there are Hebrew schools for the children of the Russian syna gogue and Anshe Sholom synagogue. Here they are also taught the He brew form of worship. ' Perhaps the little ones, chafe under the necessity of going to school when their fellow-playmates are having such a good time, but when they grow older they will be happy over the extra advantage they will enjoy of having mastered another language, which is quite an accomplishment. The editor wishes to compliment Edith and Myrtle Hawkins, whose letters are printed this week, for the neat appearance of their letters. This week, first prize was awarded to Pora Rich of the Red side; second prize to Dorwin Wengert of the Red side, and honorable mention to Helen Young of the Blue side. Little Stories by Little Folk 1 17. n ONE OF THE BRIGHT LITTLE BUSY BEES. f (First Prize.) The Baby's Bath. Bv Dora Rich. Aged 10 Years. 1130 North Twentieth Street, Omaha. Red Side. '"Tlng-a-lins! a-lingl" rang the tele phone. Then a voice sa'd, "Hello! Won't you let Alice come over to the entertain ment?" And Alice, eager to know what that meant, ran across the street, where her aunt lived. What do you think ahe found T Her baby cousin had arrived on the train and was about to have her bath. "Now," aald the mother, "turn on tne water. Off with baby's clothes and in she goes splash In the clear warm water." Alice cried, "Isn't she a dear. Just hear her gurgle and coo, and see her splash with her little hands." "She certainly is a preciaus treasure," said the baby's mother, "such a Jolly little sunbeam, all dimpled with smiles." "See the raindrops sparkle like Jewels on her face! Now, we must take her out. We will dry her with the towel and then powder her." "Ob!" cried Alice, "She looks like a frosted cake." "She certainly does. Now we will dreea her. What? What? Tou aren't going to cry? No, no! Now, Where's the baby? Here she la ek-a-boo under the petti coats. Now comes the little eleaa dress. "Now she may have her breakfast while we rock-a-bye-bsby-now she is al most asleep. AVe will tuck her in her BULES FOR YOUNG WRITERS 1. Write plainly ea one aid of the paper only and aambex the Sages. a. Use pea and Ink, not psactl. 3. Short and pointed articles will be given preference. So aot ass over 850 Words. 4. Original stories or letters nly wul be ased. a. Writ yonx name, age aad ad tress at the top of the first page. Itrst and second prises of books will be given for the bast two eon triietons to this page eaoa week. Address all communications to 1-XU.OJtBsT'B SEATME1IT. Omaha Jtea, Oman a, carriage and wheel her to the porch by the roses." (Second Prise.) On the Farm. Dorwin Wingert, Aged 10 Years, Over ton, Neb. Ked Side. One day last week my uncle and I went threshing, ont at his farm. When we reached there we got out of the auto and my unclo went where the engine was, and I got in the wagon, took the scoop and shoveled the rye In the back part of tt. When the wagon was filled, I hitched up the horses and drove to the granary, and John unloaded the rye, and we went back to the field and got an other loud. I stayed with my uncle till !'''L: 4:30 p. m. Then we came home and I took a bath. I dressed and ate my sup per. After supper I went to the picture show, and when I reached home, was so sleepy I went to bed. Experience with Pett By Anna Stoldt. Aped 10 Years, Missouri Valley, la. It. Y. V. . Ited 8lde. One day papa went to town and bought me two gold fish. They looked so pretty In their beautiful clean globe. I rejj them every morning with two ant eggs and a little piece of something that looked like paper. I had them for about six months and one morning, when I was go ing to feed them, I found that one was dead. I felt awfully sorry then. One day Krnest brought home a little rabbit and gava It to me. In the even ing I fed him some alfalfa and some milk. He did not want to drink and eat but I dipped his nosa In the milk and he licked it off. 1 did tbls until he began to drink himself. Boon he ate the alfalfa. He grew rapidly and when he was about three Inches high we dust put a plat of milk and some alfalfa in one corner of the dining room. When we all were In bed he would come out to eat and when mamma or papa would look at him he would run under the cupboard. Soon he was large enough. II got so wild we let him go, but soon Ernest gave me a little meadow lsrk. We had some little chickens In th house and every time they said "peep," he answered them. He would not eat, so we let him go. Do any of you Busy Bees think he Is dead? Fun at Picnic By Edith Kcnyon. S2 Cuming Street, Omaha, Neb. Last Sunday we had a picnic at Elm wood park. There were four other fam ilies going with us. We came in time for the races. The first race was for girls II years or under and the prise was a pink psrssol. The girl who won that prize was very proud of It too. The next prize was a very fine fan, which this girl's sister won. The next prise was a rose colored umbrella, which a young lady won. Then there were boys' races and men's races and lean men's, fat men's, fat ladles' and lean, ladles' races. After the racea all went to eat their lunch. In the park I met my teacher and talked to her a little while. We had ail kinds of good things to eat Then we played hand ball. My sister was captain on one side and I the captain on the other side. There was one big boy and ha said he would be on the side which won In run ning so my sister and I got ready and I won so he was on my side, and it was very herd to get him out. ' Then we played a question and answer game, Tin Tin and New York. We had a splendid time, although I haven't told half of the fun we had there. Hat Mischieront Brother. By Esther Birrs. Aged 11 Years, Brad shaw. Neb. Blue Ride. Dear Busy. Bees: I read the Busy Bees' page every Sunday. I would like to Join the Illue Side. I will be in th fifth grade when school begins. I -est year ther were thlrty-sl pupils in my room and seventeen pupils in my class. I have a little brother who will be four years old In August. He is quite mlschfevoua as most boys are. This Is my first let ter. I hop it escapes th wsste basket. (Honorable Mention.) Trip to Colorado. Br Helen Young, Aged 10 Years, Council Bluffs, la. Blue ftide. A long time ago, whew I was small, we went to Denver. On the way out we saw lots of little prairie dogs that would alt at their holes and bark at th train. They live In what Is called prairie dog towns. Denver Is the prettiest place I have seen. It has so many pretty parka with all kinds of animals. On park, th elty park, haa a herd of about fifteen buffalo, They have some eagles, too. I think their collection of animals is very fine and Irterestlng. One day we went to Morrison and saw some rocks ss red as red could be. We went through the Oarden of the Gods the same day and saw the balancing rock. Th Irish washerwoman, the freight depot and very many more things. t think it is th prettient place there is and I hope the girls and boys who read this will think so, too. Gives Up Doll. By Margsret Reynolds, Aged 11 Years, Grlswold, la., It F. D. 2. Blue Bide. Once upon a time there lived a llttlj girl whore nam was Ethel. She had so many dolls that stia didn't know what to do with them. On her twelfth birthday her Aunt Jan bought her a lovely doll. When Ethel saw the doll she said: "Oh, what did auntie buy me a doll for, I have so many dolls? Why didn't she buy m something else? Ethel always took a short nap on Sunday and as this hap pened to be Sunday ah lay down and was soon fast asleep. She dreamed of a story which her aunt had told her. about a little girl named Kathertne. Katherlne was a poor girl and didn't have any dolts to play with. At present she was In the hospital with a broken leg. When Ethel woke up she began to think of her dream. She said to herself, "I'll giv Katherlne my oldest doU. No, I'll give her the one that auntie gav me today." She asked her mother about It. Her mother said it would be very kind of her. So Ethel got her doll andwas soon at the hospital. She gave the little girl the doll. Katherlne thanked her and named the doll Ethel. She had lots of fun with It. When Katherlne grew well rh went to se Ethel, and took th doll along. 1 After that th two girl were very good friends. Our Peti.; By Edith Hawkins. Aged 13 Years. 431 Grant St., Omaha, Neb. Ked Sid. W one had a little gray kitten. It was the ncst kitten you ever saw. It was very playful and would Jump up In my lap and play with my fingers. We had It for about a month, when It died. W think that it was poisoned. We now have two rabbits. One Is all brown and th other Is brown with a little white on It. W did have pigeons, but w sold them, bacaus w wanted th barn that they were kept In torn down. Campfire Girli. By Hazel Mclllan. Sutherland, Neb. Blue Side. Sutherland being a small town and hav ing few amusements, a lady thought It would b nlc to organls a camp of camp fir girls between th ages of U and II. We served refreshments, 1c cream, sher bet and cake Isst Saturday evening. We took In 121. We mad th sherbet and part of the Ice cream, and baked our cakes. We Intend to buy our suits with th money. We are going to take an auto hike next week, and cook our sup per over a camp fire. Won't that h fun? A Lesson. By Alice Thomas, Aged 12 Yeats, Deer Trail, Colo., Box IDS. Blue Bid. Once upon a time there was a llttla girl, named Pally. She was Idle and good for nothing. She cried and pouted when she was told to do anything. One day her aunt brought her a pretty new doll. Sally wss very glad to have It. While ahe was playing with I'.. her sunt asked her to please go to the store for her. Sally said, "Oh. dear! 1 never get time to play at all. I don't want to go, I want to play with my doll." ' She got no further, for her doll fell and broke. This tsught Sally alwsys to do what she wss told to do. Beautirul Hps are those that say words that are honest, kind and true; Beautiful hands sre those that do work that Is honest, kind and true. Makes Auto Trip. By Lester Clark, Ased Years, Overton. Neb. Blue Side. Mamma and papa and I went to Sum ner by auto one Sunday morning, the latter part of May. It began to rain about t o'clock. W started for home about t o'clock, but we did not get out of town, because the roads were so muddy that th auto slid from one side to the other. So wo turned around and went batk to my cousins' home and stayed all night. The next morning We took the motor car to Kearney and cam horn on No. 21 In th afternoon. Likes Musio Lessons. By Myrtle Hawkins, Aged S Years. 421 Grant St., Omaha. Neb. Iled Side. I would very much like to become a Busy Bee. I enjoy reading th Busy Be page. I would like to be on the Red Side. I have Just begun to take music lessons and like It very much. I hope to see this letter In print next Sunday. Lives in Country. By Dorrls Frlsbee, Palmyra. Neb., Aged Vi Years, iled Hide. I am a new Busy -ties and I wish to Join the red side. I have two sisters and one brother. I 11 v In th country. I read your stories very much and would be pleased to see my letter in print. By In Ice Cream Factory. W. A. Averlll, Seneca. Kan. Red Side. On of my uncles owns a large factory which manufacture ice cream, bottled drinks, butter and Ice. The other day 1 went through it. I watched the making of th Ice cream. First th mixture of cream, extracts, sugar, milk, etc., Is put Into the mixer that has been steamed and scoured and scoured and steamed until the most hardy germ would ba unablo to find a living In It. After th mixture has been thoroughly mixed. It Is poured Into th freezer, which looks something like a giant lc cream tub. Then the power Is turned on and the bis tub whirls r.round and around In th ice until the lc cream Is aa solid as It can be made. Then It Is put into th small tubs, packed with lc and sent to th different cus tomers In and out of the city. It sounds simple, doesn't It? But you go through a factory and find that It Isn't so simple after all. Next comes th making of the butter. First th cream is put Into a large churn, which looks like a large barrel with both enda closed. Again the power Is turned on and th big churn turns around and around until th butter Is made, Then they take the butter out and work it by hand until It la Just right, adding a little salt to tt. It Is then put Into pound car tons, all ready to ship. Church Parade. By Msry E. Orevson, West Polnl, Neb., Aged 13 Yeajs. Blue tflde. Every child and member of the Qrac Lutheran church will be In a parade on Aug. I. , l. i. In honor of West Point s Chau- lauguas. All the churches In the city will have a parad and the cnurcn ana ounaay school classes. Th on church having the best parad will win th banner. The Sunday school teacners are maains arm bands for every pupil. We are to march frorti the church around town and then to the Chautauqua tent. The Chautauque will last six days. Th tent will be on the public school grounds. Chooses Blue Side. By Ethel Myers, Wesley. Ia., Aged 11 Years. Blue bide. I like to read the Busy Bee a page and would like to Join. I would like to be on th Blu Side. Shows Right Spirit. By Hazel Vroman. Plaltsmouth. Neb., Aged W Years. Blue Side. If you do pot get a prize do not worry. Worrying will not do it. If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. It is a Usson all should heed. try. try again. I hop to win a prise, but If I don't I wnt try again. Doe Poetry Pay? A palatfnl touring car had attracted th attention of a visitor to Boaton and he asked his friend. "Who Is the man seated In tbat large car?" The Boetonlan glanced tn the direction ini! ated and replied: "That is the poet laureate of a well known biscuit factory." Everybody' j Magazine