Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 09, 1914, SOCIETY EDITORIAL, Page 3-B, Image 14

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Women Are
Doing in the World
Club Calendar.
WE1VBSPAT-Annual mtlna;, Franct
Wlllsrd WomRn'a Christian Temperance
union, Hansoom park; Annual meeting"
Omaha Woman's Christian IVmperancsi
union, Younsj Woman's Christian aaso
rlatlon lecture, room: Omaha suffrage
assoclntlon, lawn social to celebrate
Lucy Stone's birthday, Mrs. A. P. With
ers nostess.
THURSDAY Kqual Franchise society,
Mrs. E. M. Fairfield, hostess; Kenstnif
ton club, Vesta chapter. Order of thej
Eastern Star, Mrs. Pearl Welshans,
hostess; McKlnley auxiliary to B'nal
B'rlth. Metronolltan hall: Emma Hoar-
land Flower mission: liramn Woman si
club, Mrs. K. R. I'arker, hostess.
FRIDAY Henson Municipal lcaue, Mrs.
R. 8. Heasley. hostess.
SATURDAY Suffranc Self-Sacrlfice day.
UFFRAGE Felf-Pacrlflce Pay"
will be observed Saturday,
August 15. by suffragists all
over the country. It is the
anniversary of the birth of
the pioneer suffragist. Iucy ,
tone, who was tho founder of the Wom
an's Journal, tho suffrage paper.
On Sclf-Saorlflce day all suffrasrials ar
asked either to Rive a sum of money t
the work, to make some special effort o
earn It, or to get It from some one as a
contribution for the campaign states.
"We must raise o,C," rr. Anna
Howard Shaw said. "I have decided to
give 100 spepchen Instead of money."
Dr. Shaw said that Jane Addams would
be asked tt serve as temporary treasurer
for that day, and suffragists would for
ward to her, at Hull House, Chlcaaro,
whatever sums they can raise or save.
Contributions to the local "meltins
iot," Into which suffragist are pouring !
old gold and silver, will be collected and
ent to Mrs. Medlll McCormlok, who orig
inated the Idea, the early part of the
The Omaha Suffrage association will
celebrate Lucy Stone's birthday with a
lawn social Wednesday evening at the
home of Mrs. A. P. Withers. 2348 South
Thirty-fifth street. Mrs. W. II. Hat
teroth will give a sketch of her life: Mrs.
D. O. Craighead will ppeak on "What
Suffrage Meant in Lucy Stone's Day and
What It Means Today," and John 1
Kennedy will sneak also. Musical num
bers will be given by Misses Dorothy
Sosiilskey, Marie Adler and Besa Adler.
The annual convention of the Douglas
county Women's Christian Temperance
Union will be held In the Presbyterian
church at Waterloo, Friday, August 21.
Mrs. C. J. Roberts, vice President, is In
charge of the program and will preside at
the convention In the absence of the pres
ident, Mrs. W. O. Whltmore, of Valley,
who la touring Europe and has not been
heard from since the outbreak of Europ
ean troubles.
There will be morning, afternoon and
evening sessions of the convention. Miss
Marie Brelim, head of the temperance
bureau of the Presbyterian church, and
a speaker of national reputation, belnf
the principal rpeaker at the meeting. Miss
Brehm will be in Omaha August IS and 17. !
Reports of officers and superintendents
from the nine unions of the county will
be received. In addition to wTilch the
Young People's branch of the Women's
. Christian Temperance Union will be rep
resented at this meeting for the first time.
The women of Waterloo will house the
delegates who stay over for the evening
session. .
Suffrage discussion will fill an Im
portant place on the program of the
meeting, according to Mr. Roberts, act
ing president.
Mrs. C. W. Hayes, ex-president of the
Omaha Women's club, returned Thursday
evening from a two-months' trip in the
east, which she took following the con
vention of the General Federation of
Women's clubs. Mrs. Hayes took tho
lake trip and then went to Atlantic City,
where she met her son and together they
visited the large cities of the east and
Chester county, Pennsylvania, Mrs.
Hayes' old home. On the return trip
Mrs. Hays visited a Water In Indianapolis
and spent some time in Manchester, la.
Mrs. Hayes speaks most enthusiastically
of the splendid sessions of the biennial
The Kennlngton club of Vesta chapter,
f'rder of the Eastern Star, will be enter
tained at the home of Mrs. Pearl Wel
shans, 6701 North Twenty-fourth street
Thureday afternoon.
Edward Simon will speak on "The
Mothers' Pension Law" before a meeting
of the Equal Franchise society at the
home of Mrs. E. M. Fairfield, Thursday
afternoon at 4 o'clock. Francis A. Bro
Kan, who was announced as the speaker
for this date, will address the society at
a future msctlng.
The Benson Womun's club will hold a
called meeting Thursday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. K. R. Parker when ar
rangements for next year's program and
other matters for next season's work
will be discussed.
The Benson Municipal league will hold
a meeting Friday at the home of Mrs.
R. S. F-easlav.
Y. W. C. A. Notes.
The local delegation to the Estes Park
conference Waves Thursday afternoon for
Colorado, the conference being held from
Aug. 14 to 24. The secretaries who will
attend are Misses Lilly M. Strong, gen
eral secretary; Ora Johnson, member
ship; Jennie Brandon, business; and Miss
Laura Hyde, of the lunch room. Miss
Rose Briem is a delegate from the Ath
letle club; Misses Eva Norton and Mary
Ammons from the Business Girls' club
and Misses Hattie Ptckard, Martha
Frankfurt and Louise Herman will go
Several changes in the secretarial staff
of the association will take place Sept. 1.
Miss Llta Bane, Miss Vera Walker and
Miss Ira Hagler have severed their con
nections with the local association to
take up work In other cities. Miss Vera
Moore of Mlddletown, O., will arrive to
be the Household Arts director and Miss
Louise Curtis will be educational secre
tary and general assistant. Miss Laura
Mulford is a new office secretary. Miss
Edna George of Des Moines "will arrive
Oct. 1 to take up her duties as assistant
in the physical department.
Miss Helen Laurence will become sec
retary of girls' work snd Miss Laura
Hyde, who has been assistant In the
lunch room, will become director of the
branch lunch room. Mrs. Branton,' who
has been in charge at the branch, will
be transferred to the main building.
Some of the secretaries are enjoying
long trips this summer. Miss Marie
Odlorne is spending some weeks in Port
land, Ore., and Miss Elisabeth Brenlier
will also visit relatives In Oregon, kits
IXTKR-CITY WOMAN'S GOLF On Friday the Omaha Woman Golfers met a team from the Hlou City
organization at the Field club link. Ttt picture shown the Rlouv. City visitors: lft to right, sitting:
Mm. II. J. Chittenden, Mrs. 1. M. Lyon, Mrs. A. F. Nash, Mrs. WlHrh and Mrs. O. R. Iean. Standing, left
to right: Mrs. G. IV. WhHmer, Mrs. J. II. Adm, Mrs. J. Winamatti, Mrs. H. Krumann, Mrs. I M. Con
ner and Mrs. K. K. Ilosmer, all of Slou City. Below, Mrs. Carl Llnlngfr, acting president of the
Omaha club (at the left), and Mrs. A. D. IHn, president of the Sioux City eluh (at the right).
Johnson will take the Tellowstone trip,
com'ng back to attend the Estes Par
conference, and finishing the month of
August at different points in Colorado.
Miss Gertrude Butterfleld and Mrs. Horn
are substituting in the absence of Miss
Odiorae and Mrs. Clara Mead. Mrs. Ina
Mixer Is hostess at Summer Hill farm
the first two weeks In August and Mist
Laurence will succeed her, remaining
until the farm closes, Aug. SI.
The Omaha Women's Christian Tem
perance union will hold Its annual meet
ing Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock
In the lecture room at the Toung Wom
en's Christian association. There will be
reports of committees and election of of
ficers and delegates to the county con
vention which will be held at Waterloo,
August 21.
The Frances WHIlard Women's Chris
tian Temperance union will hold Its an
nual picnic at Hanscom pary Wednesday.
A picnic luncheon will be served at noon,
following which the afternoon will be
devoted to the annual meeting of the
society. Reports of officers and superin
tendents will be received and election of
officers and delegates to the county con
vention at Waterloo will take place.
At the Miller Park Mothers' Circle ken
slngton held at the home of Mrs. D. S.
Taylor, It was decided to hold a basket
picnic at Miller park, August 28. It will
be a basket picnic and after supper a.
mus,cal "nd "terarjr program will
given at the pavilion
Mrs. C. R .Thlcm, president of the
Miller Park Mothers circle, has been con
fined to her home for the last two weeks
with an attack of typhoid fever. Mrs.
Thlem is getting along nicely, according
to her mother, Mrs. Uyerett, "grand
mother" of the circle. ,
At a meeting of the board of trustees of
the Old People's Home Tuesday, it was
decided to postpone activities for a new
home until after the September meeting
of the board.
The Kensington club of the Central
Park Congregational church held a picnic
at Fontenelle park Thursday, fifty-two
members being present. Mrs. Nellie
Thompson Is president and Mrs. J. Kettell
is secretary of the club.
Mrs. Percy Pennybacker, president of
the General Federation of Women's clubs,
1. to be among the speakers at the Nil
tlunal Suffrage convention in Nashville
next November.
The Washington Woman Suffrage couni
ell, recently organized as an auxiliary to
the congressional committee of the
National Association Woman Suffrage
Association, has undertaken to establish
a speakort' bureau for the convenience of
suffragists throughout the country.
It wishes to list and classify speakers
on suffrsge, with the fullest possible in
formation regarding them, in order to put
that Information at the disposal of all
suffrage organisations which may wish to
use it.
M. F. Black, candidate for the repub
lican nomination for county surveyor, has
withdraw from the race, leaving a clear
field to Louis Adams, present holder of
the office.
Although the election commissioner re
fused to take official notice of the with
drawal because coming later than the
time prescribed by law, Mr. Black signed
a statement to the effect that he no
longer was in the race.
Aared Kansas City Coaple, Wis Ia.
berlted Money, Come to
When fate tipped the horn of plenty
and poured (20,000 into the lap of R. M.
Frailer, S3 years old. It had waited too
long. The curse of a fortune after so
many years of poverty and toll led Fra
iler and hla wife to the North municipal
Now the couple are Inmates of the mu
niclpal farm, sentenced to too dsys there
by Acttng Judge Charles H. Clark.
The old man wept as he sat in court and
told hit story. Beside him sat his wife.
I L.p unui six muDini ago ray wue ana
I were happy. Frailer said. "We have
been married twenty-two years and, si
though It was hard sometimes, I slways
managed to make both ends meet.
'Then I learned one day that my
mother had died and left me fcW.OuO. The
money was a little too much for us In our
old age snd we were not used to proa
perlty. We started out to enjoy It the
way we would have done twenty years
ago. We took In the cabaret and the
cafes. My wife learned to drink, some
thing the had never done before. It was
my fault and almost broke my heart.
"I told her she must stop. We quar
relled and I gsvs ber I'JOO and told her to
go her way and I would go mine. She
left me, but came back.
"Last night we went back to the 'life'
thst Is too young for old people." Kan
sas City Star.
wap anything in the "Swappers' cot
I -t - XV .Ji l l
, If .
7 :r W?f'1?'
be I I I -i f III
l'g' ae.'Cy lJvJ umr
- :
Huge Quantities
of Good Eatables
at Newsies' Picnic
Seven hundred pounds of spring chicken
eighty watermelons, 800 ice cream bricks.
fU,ty ca8e8 of Pop' chocolate
cakes and candy and fruit are on the
menu for the newsboys' picnic to be held
at Krug park next Wednesday. These j
quantities of food are to be devoured in
two meals, first st 1 and the second at
6:30 o'clock.
A parade In the morning will be partici
pated In by Omaha and South Omaha
newsboys, headed by a musical union
band, directed by George Oreen. Prlxea
to the amount of $300 will be awarded In
a wide variety of contests, the generosity
of Omaha merchants and citizens and the
police department making these as well
as the dinner possible.
The committee in charge of the affair
consists of Chairman Mogy Bernstein,
Mike Barto of The Bee, Tony Costanio
and Harry Graceman of the World-Her
aid and Sam Zigman of the Daily Newt.
The public la invited to witness the pic
nic, and, according to Mogy, as an ex
hibition it Is superior to any vaudeville
or burlesque show.
As a direct result of the European war,
Omaha and tho middle weat ia experienc
ing an unuaual absence ot traveling
salesmen, according to hotel clerks.
While many drummers generally begin to
cover this territory in August of each
year, they are conspicuously absent now.
"We are daily receiving requests from
patrons among the talesmen to forward
their maid to headquarters, ss they will
not make the usual trips this summer and
fall because of the war," local hotel
clerks say. "Many salesmen for import
ing houses have failed to start out this
seasln, or else have been called in already
or are returning of their own accord be
cause ot the disturbed business situation
resulting from the war." ,
Amateur wireless telegrsphy experts
will hsve a fine chance to get good equip
ment cheap Tuesday, when a govern
ment auction of discarded material from
the army signal corps will be held at the
quartermaster's depot. Twenty-second
and Hickory streets. Besides eighteen
complete radio-telegraph sets, a number
of reel carts, storage batteries, gener
ators, lanterns, typewriters snd othe.
discarded equipment will be sold to the
highest bidders. The sale begins at 10
a. nv
Mrs. M. J. Deitrtch. Ml West First
street, Oklahoma City, Okl., has written
to local postoffice authoritiea Inquiring
for the address of her brother, John Harr,
and stepbrothers. Curtis and Allen Parker.
When last heard from they were in
Omaha. However, at this time there it
no record of them or their addresses at
the postotflca,
V- J
V " "
W I Tt I I
Members of the free Hebrew tchonl of
the B'nal Israel congregation will cele
brate their first annual basket picnic
Sunday at Concordia park. At noon there
will be automobiles to take the young
sters out to the park from the school at
Eighteenth and Chicago streets, while the
grownups will ride on West Leavenworth
street cars to Sixtieth street, and will be
taken from there to the plcnlo grounds
In auto trucks. "
Harg Folia
4t JTmfrj - this uiit
The progressive policy of the Empress
Is being pursued with renewed vigor these
days and in consequence this week the
management has secured two separate
shows to run alternately with the vaude
ville throughout the week.
"Atlantis," in four parts, It the double
attraction that will alternate with the
usual vaudeville program. "Atlantis" it
the film adaptation of Gerhart Haupt
mann'a novel of the tarns name, by the
Great Northern Film company, and ia
tald to be a reproduction of the Titanic
and Empress of Ireland sea disasters.
The vaudeville offerings consist of two
hesdllners, Melle. Davenport's European
Models, a novelty posing act, and Hong
Fong, the Chinese Harry Lauder. Eld
ridge and Dsrlow will present "The Law,"
a comedy sketch, snd Dresler snd Fox are
billed as Instrumental Musical Boys. The
vaudeville shows will be at the usual
hours. The Empress will open an hour
earlier than ususl this week and "At
lantis" will only be exhibited daily at U
a. m. to 1 p. m . again at I p. m. to T
p. m. and 10 p. m. to 11 p. m. The usual
prices will prevail
r i
) - K
fit hv
Rector o( All S&inti' Episcopal
Church Expects to Return Soon.
(oloael aad Mrs. J. II. Mlthea sail
t.eorae F. Itelm Safely lloaaed
la Rnalnna others Ala
Heard From.
Following the ru?h cf tourists to Eu
ropean seaports snd to I-ondon, when
the war broke mil, and the reopening
of a limited cable service to America,
numerous cablegrams are being received
telling of tho arrival of tourists at
plaoes of safety. Hev. Thomas J. Mackay,
rector of All Saints church, was one of
the prominent Omahan who have been
heard fr.-m. Il In afc In London and
In good hralili, according to a mesraue
received by Mis. Mwckay. tt was feared
I that he wim In tlcrmany o. iie'gium when
tho righting hcKnit. He Is tMetled to re
turn to America at the first opportunity.
Colonel ami Mrs. J. II. Mlthcn of
I Otnaha, who have been tim
' tinrntal Europe UiIh i:m:in r ami were In
the war tune wlun I'nstllltle.i broke out,
! rinally reached Uuulcn In Kafrty, and
their frlemla n,re nuitc relieved to hear
jfiom thrm. Hurry K, Kaaion, Co'onel
i Mlthrn's buslncsn iiarttit-r. received a
icahlegrsm stating that they were safe at
j Hotel Cecil In lindon.
Ulnd to lie In London.
George R. Holm, mfcnager or the
Cadillac Auto company of Omaha, has
, sent a message to his associates here
that he has safely arrived at London
, from continental Europe. He Intimated
nothing as to the disturbed conditions, ex
' cept that he was glad to be where he
Among Omshana abroad, who have not
been heard from since hostilities began
; Is Miss Luella Pegau, who landed at Ant
; werp about July 30 and was going to
Wetter. Ruhr. Germany. Her slater, Mrs,
. Julia Pegau Hahn, S430 Templeton street,
. Is anxiously awaiting a cablegram. She
j fears Miss Pegau may have been unable
to reach London because of her nearness
to the seat of war.
A telegram to The Bee from Sussteld,
Lorsch & Co. of New York states that
' they have received word from Julius
I Hartmsnn, American consular agent at j
Liucerne, swtucrlund, that Jull
Porter I
of Omaha la safe and well there st Hotel
The annual state encampment of the
I socialists will begin Sunday. The camp
will he pitched on the Elkhorn river near
j Waterloo, and a large number ot social
ist will spend the week there. It It
planned to ha ve the socialist candldste
for governor, G. C. Porter of Morrill, and
Fiid J. Warren, socialist candidate for
conprepa, address tho encampment some
time during the week. A suffrage day
will bo held, when speakers will boost for
equal suffrage In this state.
Members ot the Tri-Clty Ben Franklin
I club will hold their third annual picnic
at Elmwood park next Saturday. Con
veyances will meet tho picnickers at the
end of the Leavenworth street car line
and convey them to the grounds. There
will be a I've schedule of events snd a
band concert In the evening.
Where Your Dollar
Will Buy Most
- .
White Enamel Furniture tor lour
Bedroom Moderately Priced
We want vou to see this new fur
niture, fresh from the factory, beau
tiful in design, specially well fin
ished in white enamel beds, dress
ers, chiffoniers, toilet tables, chairs
nnd rockers making it possible to
furnish a dainty sleeping room, ar
tistic in effect at very small cost.
Beds, $12.00 and up.
Dressers, $18.00 up. .
Chiffoniers, $12.00 up.
Toilet Tables, $13.00 up.
Chairs, $2.75, $3.00, $3.50.
Rockers, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00.
45-Pound Elastic Felt Mattress,
ART TICK, With Roll Edge
Mude from cleanest, purest, felted
cotton, built In layers as the cut shows.
A soft, elastic felt mattress, covered In
specially selected art ticking with a
heavy French roll edge. A splendid
value at $6.50
Covered In art ticking, has roll edge,
filled with carefully selected material,
heavy felt top and bottom J k (f
and sides; a mattress that V s vU
will give good service; A jns
full site or 3-6 Mr
Pullman Style Revolving Seat
This bed baa a solid oak frame, full panelled ends,
genuine leather, no Imitation, upholstered seat and
back, opens out into large comfortable bed, with non
sagging tubular frame-spring. We can furnish ma
hogany finish or golden oak frames If desired In
real leather, only 830.75
mem rr
Omaha Tennis Men
Beaten at Wayne
on Lobbing Game
Clsrke Powell, one of the flies ot tenn a
sharks who Invaded the state tourna
ment at Wayne the first jf the week,
returned to Omaha Friday night after
he and hit partner. Harry Koch, were
Properly trimmed by OUlhar and Has
call of South Dakota. While Powell It
yet to figure out how the Omaha players
lost to much, he ' It enthusiastic over
Wayne and the state tourney
"They hsve three of the fastest courts
I ever playod on," quoth the vanquished
Powell; "these courts In Omaha aren't
in it with the courts ut Wayne. And the
fellows who participated In the affair
were all the finest kind of chaps. The
lobbing game beat the Omaha boys.
None of us was prepared to smash loba
and do nothing else, so we failed misera
bly against players that shouldn't have
otherwise won. Still it's all for the best
of the game and the boys out In the
country deserve a big batch cf credit
for their Interest snd skill In the court
The preliminary arrangements for
handling tho Nebraska State TWhers"
association in Omaha In the fall are al
ready being made. The bureau ot pub
llclty It making some srrangements. Boms
B.OOO are expected to attend this year. The
convention wilt be held during the flret
week In November,
' -
m V
This Massive Mission
Rocker Solid Oak
Genuine Leather
One of the greatest
values ever offered at
anywhere near this price.
Built of solid oak, a very
massive frame, genuine
leather teat and back,
with wide arms, finished
in genuine fumed color.
May be had in Early Eng
lish or golden oak also.
Craft Hand Made Rugs, Hearth Side Rugs
Special Prices
These are like the rugs grandmother used to make, made
from new cretonnes in old colonial designs and colorings.
Suitable for the best homes. This week we offer some special
values in these popular, attractive, washable rugs.
27x54 size, regular values 90c, special 75c
30x60 size, regular value $1.25, special 00c
27x54 size, regular value $1.75, special.... $125
30x00 size, regular value $2.00, special ....$1.50
colors desired to
make and hang
per pair
Looking in the
1513 Douglas St.
We Find the '
made today. It is only 4 ft.
8 in. long (shorter than an
upright). It should sell for
$650. but it ia only
Ileal Mahogany
fast the visas for
your rest room.
(SstabUthed 1RU)
1318-1515 Douglas Street
Our 40th Year.
Headquarters for tbs world's best
pianos, including the famous Krsnloh
st Hach, Kimball, Bush Lane. Cable-
Nelson and Hoape Instruments,
h. , ... ... , .
Reliable Goods at
Lowest Prices
i-V iV..,.-
eV v . f
New Patterns in Summer and
Fall Draperies
The new Sunfast over-drapery cloth will appeal
to you because of its beauty and durability. It
looks better longer than any other material of
similar nature.
50-inch Hun fast, all new patterns and colors, special
offering for a few days only, per QC-
yard HOC
36-lnch plain Ames Cloth for bungalows, all colors,
a splendid new drapery material, Cfts
per yard "UL
60-lnch Kinlire Cloth, the new shadow effect ma
terial, most artistic, adding greatly to the appear
ance of your decorative scheme, fine tf! PA
for over-drapery, per yard S A 0 "
These are velvet portieres. We are making them
uo soeclal durtna August only. You may select the
match your decorations. We will
them during August,