2-n TTIK OMAHA SUNDAY PEE: ATIOUST 0. 19U. OMAHA WOMEN PLAYING GOLFi SfTeral Flan to Hay in the Wettern Women'i Golf Tourney. LARGE SEPTEMBER WEDDING Mlu rarollae '4 easdoa Will Have I.argr Weddlngr party Rifi(f. wifit t Mix Myrtle Mawee la Aannanred. wlal Calendar. ' M"NrAY-Chllrtren'e mstlnee danos at Me'd and Carter Iak rluba. TI'KSIUY-Chlldre n'e matne dance and dinner-danre al Hppy. Hollow eluh: Carter I-afce rlub' dinner dance; I'nl veroal rlnJe,' card artv. WF.INFnAY l'lnnet-danres 'at Fieir, and Country cliihn; children's mstlnee. "nm m rr; irmur MKf i iililllijr V.IUP, rottssers" njRht, Carter l,ake club. Tllf KSIAr-Carter J-ake club, dlnner rtnhre. i it ... , , FKI1 AT Women golfers at Peymour Luke Country lub; children's rnattnee risnce and moving pictures, Carter I,ske rluh; dinner-dance, al Brymour 1-uke Country rlub. FATIHMAV Fisher - Mullln wedding; nwk-fnil dlnner-danre at Field, llnppy II ill low and Country rlnbe; members' .night at Carter l.ke club. Omaha will be well represented In the Weatern Woiwn'i Oolf tournament td ha held at thaUIInadale club, Chicago, Au gust 14 to n. ,Mr. E. H. Rprsgiie of the Country club and one of tha bent' players of the state will leava thla week for Chicago' to enter. From Happy Hollow will be Mre.-'Walter fj. fllver and Mr. Karl Linlnger. The former plans to enter, but Mn. Linlnger h not yt made her plana.. Mn Brucs'xtoffalt of tha Field club left lail evn!bff for" Chlrafo and plana to enter thla tournagiept. Mrs, Jt. 8. Tubbe nf Council Bluffs, a member. of liie Women Gcilrers of Omaha, was formerly of Chicago and i a member or tha Hinsdale rlub. .Mra. Tlihhs will enter baih the -weateVn' tournament and also Hi Wisconsin, wet In MIIaiike. Returning rom Europe, . j otnan a travelers who. have heeh abroad lb la summer are fiartalnly having an I eliciting- return trip. , , t . if 1 Mr. and Mrs. C: H. Pickens and Mlaa j Kllzabeth Pickens wera'-fpaasnngers on tha Mauritania, which put' In Thuraday 1 at Halifax to escape pursuit by German crulaeri. Tha British crulaer Essex ac companied tha Mauretanla to Port.' Mr. rickena wired from Halifax that they had had an exciting voysge and would ba In Omaha next Wednesday. They reach New York Nunriay. i,v".'; Mlaa Jean Wallace la In, receipt of a letter from her alirttta, the''Mteee "Mary and Winifred WaV.Hre, who are touring tha region of the Vtroaaache" In Scot land, under data of July 2J, In which they make no mention of the Kuropean iroublee. They write that theyure leav ing for England and expert to aall from Liverpool on the Arabic AUgust V: Dr. and Mra. C. A. Hull, who have been abroad for tlx weeka, grii.cd on tha Rotterdam ejid reached Omaha Thurs day. They had a delightful slay In and near Paris, being entertained at the horn of a French woman who has a charming house at Oompelgne. They loft Paria Just fourydaya befor Ilia declaration oil war, and wlreleaa message In. mid ocean gave them the tlrst news of tha trouble. ! Mr. J. H. Millard, and Mlsa Jessie Mil lard ' reached home' Wednesday from a month In Europe, having landed Monday on tha George Waahingtpn. They passed in mid-ocean tha Kronprinseeeen Cecilia, whh-h waa afterwards chased by British and French cruisers bark to this coast, and were themselves stopped by a Ger man cruiser until they showed the Ger man flag. . , r , At Lake and Seashore. , Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Davis. Mlsa Ellsa- beth and Miss Mellora Davis returned inia wees, 10 wmiu v-ny tiuiu nwir motor trip through tha Whit mountains, and Thursday went to Watch Hill, ac companied by Mrs. Walter Itoberts and Mrs. Tom Davis. . Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Weed are expected horn today from Okoboji, where they went by motor last week. Miss Anne Olfford left Friday for Chi cs go. where aha will stop over two days to sea, her brother, Pan ford, who la study ing; at. the university. From Chicago Miss Clifford goes to Richards. I-andltig, Ont., to visit Miss Stella Thummel. . , . Mrs. K. 8, Cowglll left Saturday for Plum Lake, Wis., where her son, Win ston, (a at a boys camp. Miss Edith Tobbltt left Saturday for Hturgenn Bay, Wis., to spend her vaca tion wrt" Miss Charlotte Templeton, who liaa a House fliers. ' " ' ' Mr. 'fun ""Mra. Will nurrAleft Frldar fir Okfit.ojl,' to ba the gucnf s?of Mr. and Mra. fiia Ryrns over Bitndar. Mra.'.;I.vitter and Mls, Hutler leave Hundsy 'Kir, Trior' Ike to 'be gone two weeks.' (.'... ' . . . , Mra. Vtrlur .' Caldwell and . sons, Jabjn, and IaUl. hve rvWriwd (jura Christmas Summer Bantv. . - j Mlsa JUnliie' !"'., who has Wen spend ing the hist nioMh In fthsbnygan, Miqh.; La now at Paw Paj Lake, Mich., for, the month ft Augrist.. .' . , ... -' . Mra Dudley llerdllnger 'and daughter are vIMting New York, Boston and Chi go. They-will return to Omaha In. Sep timber, after visiting Mrs. llerdllng's mother In Dee Moines. . Dr. C. 8. Phepard is ' back from the north, where be spent a portion of the heated t-rm. Mra. Bhepard and their daughter.. M!s Helen, are atlll at Isle Royal, where they will remain until Sep tember. In Chicago, op his return, Dr. Xhepard waa very 111 for several days from Etomulns poisoning and was la a hospital there. " Mr. Paul Hoagland returned Saturday from Dennis, Mass., where he went with Mrs. Hoagland and his family to spend a tew weeka Mrs. Hoagland and tha children will return tha first of Beptem br. . Mrs. J. K. Summers and son, Stuart, left Thursday to aprnd tha week-end at Culver, Ind., with Mr. Jack Bummers. Krura there they will go to Atlantic City fur two or three weeka to New, York h fore returning home about the, middle of f ptember. Mr. Jack Bummers expects to Join rhetn tn the east after the cloae of the Natal Hummer school at Culver. Mr. and Mra Frank Haller, Mra. Llnln gr and. Mr. and Mra Fred W. Thomas return home today from Atlantic City. Mr. and Mra. liallwr were met by Mr- and Mra. Thomaa and Mrs. Llnlnger upon their .return from urope,anS they, all went to tha seashore for two Weeks he fore coming home. - Mra W. R. McKeen left Tuesday for kaneatals, N. Y., to visit her uncle. General Marshall. .liudlngton, -and ,laer HI vi:t an aunt In Boston, wJaara. she lll be Allied by Mr. McKeen, and they .ill r.o to lennla. Muss. Mr and Mrs. C. O. Tulmage and "daugh ter, Doris, will leave tonight for Quebeo French-Congdon Wedding Party 0mmts- I . - - -,-- --"- -' ; 1 n n v 1 M ... : - J , - ; : '.t . .. 1 ' ' . : ... J" . : . ..., , - V - ; . '.MMewS ..!'. I . -.,.-. . "V . .,'., ,::..:. i 1 ' " '",' -,..:. ; I .,...;..:':-. : ,, ' , ' ; ' . ::-::':: i" .' . - I .-.;:;;-:'' I ' -: ' ' I 1 ; . : ... i- ' , : v . 3 .. '.; . ' , f t ' ,U ' ' and other eastern points. Thslr Itinerary Includes the water trip down the St. Law- renoa river through the Thouaand Islands to Quebeo. They will return to Montreal, after which tlrey will make the water trip through Lake Champlaln and Lake Oeorga. They will go from Boatoa by water to New York and Atlantle City, with atop-ovara at Waahlngton and Balti more, They will be' gone nearly a month. Mrs. Matte Jefferla leaves for Chicago Sunday, evening to meet friends and with them. will take a two .weeks' trip on the lakes. Mr. and Mrs. Kara Millard leave Mon day for Canada to visit New Brunswick and the lower St. Lawrence. Mrs. Millard will also spend some time In her old homo, Montreal. Mlsa Katharine McCormlck, who bag been at the Gotham In New York, Is now at Seagate. Mrs. R. 8. Hall, M'.sa Dorothy Hall. Mlas Jenette Hall and Mr. Jasper Hall of Omaha are stopping at tha Wolcott In few York City. ' Mlaa Rose Welch left Tuesday to spend a few months fn' Boston and Scituate Beach, Mass. Mrs. Harry Welch and Miss Anna Welch left Tuesday to spend a month at Clear Lake, la. To Wed in Chicago. The engagement was annouaosd In Chi cago this week of Miss Myrtle Moses, daughter of Mrs. A. Moses, to Mr. Bamuet Altschuler of that city . The wedding will probably take place thla fall and Miss Moses, who has bee a prominent In muHlcai circles, plans to continue with her work. Miss Moses has a splendid voice and has been-doing concert work. Motor Trips. Omaha people are enjoying extended motor trlpa thla summer. Many famlllea are having their cara sent east and oth ers will motor the entire trip to the At lantlo coast , Mr. and Mra. Fred Hamilton and Mr, Ward Burgess left last evening tor Chi cago, where they will remain over Sun day, going east from thre In the Bur. gesa' car, accompanied by Charles and Iwta Burgess, to meet Mrs. Burgess and Mrs. Joseph !arker. They will all tour the eaat together, and later Mr. and Mrs. Burgess will be the guests of Mr. and Mra Crofoot at their Maine summer home, and Mr. and Mra Hamilton will go to Watch Hill. , Supper Dance at Kirvood- Mr. apd and Mra Fred Hamilton 'apd Mr.-Ward Burgees gave a supper dance at "Klrkwood." Thursday, -the supper being sent out from the Omaha club, and an orchestra furnished the muslo for the, dancing. The party Included Mr. and Mrs. Ulenn Wharton, Mr. and Mra Moshler Colpetser, Mr. and Mrs. Bpragua, Mr. and Mra. William T. Burns, Mra C. Y. Smith. Mlsa Dinning. Mr. Brlnkar. Mr. Fred Berger of Inver and Mr. J. ds Forest Richards. The party piotored to Klrkwood about 4 o'clock. In time for a awlia before supper. With the Visitori. . Mr. Daniel McCarthy, Jr.. so a of Colonel and Mra. McCarthy of Chicago, formerly "of Omaha.' w ho has Wft" mirt-h 'enter tained while the guest of Mr. Clarence Peters and Mr. Harold McConnell, left Friday to spend two weeks In Colorado Springs before returning to Chicago. Miss Hattle Rosenblatt of Baltimore, arrived this morning to visit her aunt, Mrs. Mag Orkln. for several weeks. Mrs. Hsrry Rowley and daughter, Haxol, of Philadelphia, have arrived to visit Mra. Rowley's mother, Mra M." F. Haselton, and slater, Mrs. Fred Goerne, Jr., for ona month. ' Mr. and Mrs Benjamin Anchell and family of Brooklyn, N. Y., are visiting Mr. Anchell's slater, Mrs. N. Kahn, Mil Sherman avenue. Lawn Party for Daughters. Mrs. a. R. Rush entertained at a lawn party last evening for her daughter, Mlas Angelina. Quantities of Chinese lanterns were used for decorating and dancing was the feature of the evening. Those present were: Misses Mles Alberta Jaeger, Jeannette Jaeger, Kleanor Hlabaugh, ' Hernlco Wilcox, Catherine (Jons, Kstella Cullen. Messrs. William Young. William Hamilton. Warren Deems. Newton Woodward. Oscar Thompson, Edgar Thompson, Jarvis Gofford, Wallace Miller, Herbert Barker, Alice Huntington, I.oulne McKwea, Ruth Miller, Marguerite Cullen, Helen Nolan. MarJorle Parks, ' Aie-srs Gerald Tudor, Kobert Olmstead, Lanaing Brltcnln, tiarrv tirlni'iu, Roaer Moore. - Jack Drleoull, Herbert Welsh. Clifford Ruaaell, Dancing Clubs to Entertain. Tha Coronado and Cacti clubs will give their mid-summer danolng party at Carter Lake club Wednesday evening, August St. It will , ba' a subscription dane,- 'tha committee In charge Including; Messrs: Wayne 'Moore, George Buchart, Jack Buchart,' William Nelson. Lloyd To- land and Clinton Hamilton. Tha grounds and hall will be elaborately decorated tn Japanese) lanterns. The club members are anticipating aa enthuelastlo danoa season the coming winter. Surprise. Party. A surprise party was glvsn In honor ot Mr. Clyde Spencer at his home Thursday evening. Tha evening was spent In games inj music Those present were: Misses Misses Cora tioldl, Terea Williams, Carolyn emrurtner.Mary Dolen Frances Mtlier. Teresa Meiill. Teresa Tromp, Clara Bailey, Agnes Vanoe, Crystal Vlnoent. A'ine Seldl. , Margaret McCoy, Anne IiMI. tlernlca McConnell. Margaret goxton, Messrs ' Clarence McNutt, Frank tiroes, Fled Coll. (leorite Jacobaon, llsrold Townsend, Milton Larson, l iford Nelson, Melvln Adams, 1:1kt McAilame. lleien Beaton. Mabel Mortenson. Clara DlKglna. . bertha V. rede. Anne Bvhlnker, ' Messrs. Clyde Spencer, Guy Klacy, joe twiai, Hoy Benoer, Virgil Houck, Mnrv Drlrb, Eden Mason, Al. McAllister. Joe 4reos, Al. Krlttenbrlnk. Clyde nice. Mr. and Mra Spencer. Ice Cream Social. - A cabaret Ice cream soeaal will be given by the woman's auxiliary of 8t. Paul church Tuesday evening, August 11 ' Bridge Luncheon for Quest. Mra. John, W. McElroy of South Omaha entertained at a bridge luncheon Thurs day In honor of Miss Eunice Enaor of ttotTnesterr i: Y.,'who- le the guest of her mother, Mrs. X. U. TLoaor. Tha guests 1 were seated . at email tablea which had an attractive decoration of green and white. High scores were made by Mrs. T. H. Ensor and Mrs. William Queenan. Those premmt were: Mesdames C. A. Melcholr, N. R. Hrysun, J. J. McAllister, J. W. Grlbbell, B. II. Elliott. W. H. Uueenan. Mlsa Eunice Elisor. Mesdames T. H. Enaor, C. P. 8. Tobin, George Park, William Mhawgo, A. 11. Murdock. Fisher-Mullin Wedding. Cards have been Issued for the wedding of Miss Katherlne Douglas Mullln, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Mullln. and Mr. Robert Earle Fisher, son of Mr. and Mra John W. Fisher, which will take place Saturday morning, August IS, at 10 o'clock, at the home of the brlde'a par ents. At Seymour Lake Country Club Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Donohue entertained at dinner Friday evening. They had aa their guests s Mr. and (Mrs. O. M. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. William Gunlock of Chi cago. Misa Gladys Gorham of Hampton. Mr. W. F. Bovlnger of Hamburg; Ger many. Mr. John Barnes. Dining together were: Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cheek. Mr. and Mrs. Jamea C .Dahlman. Mlaa Mary Cook Messra Messrs J. W, Cook, W. 11. Cheek. V. H. K. Hmilette of Rapid City. Dr. and iMrs. M. L King had aa their guests: Mr. and Mra. William Conboy. Mrs. W. a King. Mlas Elisabeth MrOrath of Sterling, I1L Miss Catherine McGreth of Walnut, la. Kev. Father Moran. Dining with Mr. and Mrs. U I Raber were: Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence. Misses Misses M. King. I,. NelBOn. IL Chapman. Hattie O'Rourka. Messrs Messrs Frederick Stafford, W. Hahn. . Edward Hawley, Nate C. Houston entertained at a din ner party Friday evening. Covers were laid for: Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Zaugg of Alton, 111 Mra. Jessie Davis. Misa Uuth K. Itovls. Miss Luclle bmllh of St. Louis. Jack Dugdale entertained at a dancing and watermelon party for: Misses Misses Mumaret Hoffmann, Annabel Sinclair . Dorothy Fleming, Messrs Messrs Edward Alperson, Paul Duffy. Mr. aud Mrs. W. B. Tagg had as their guests: . , Mr. and Mrs. Hsrry Boyd. Miss Jennie Ionard of Louisville, Ky. Miss Mildred Gross. Raymond Owens. J. M. Cook entertained at dinner Fri day evening for: Mlsaes Misses Maurlue Murdock, Miry Cook. Messrs Messrs F. 1U K. Hewlett Austin Galley. Miss Louise Mote ot Plalnvlew, pianist, and Mr. Frank Bordner Pilger, baritone, guests of T. J. tshanahan. contributed to tha entertainment Friday evening, fol lowing a dinner party . Mr. and Mra. Harold M. Anderson are entertaining Mrs. Al A. MeoDlerinld and Roy W. MacDlarmld of Detroit at their cottage. Another dinner party Friday evening Included: Mr .and Mra. A. S. Mtdlam. Mr and Mra John Urion, Mr. and Mra H. E. Paid. Mlsa Margaret Vrlon. Clayton Mid- lam. Seymour Lake club losee Its house secrets y, J. V. Brennan, who has ac cepted a position In Sheridan, Wyo, Mr. James P. Sullivan, who has been secretary of the South Omaha Board of Education for a number of terms, will succeed Mr. Brennan. Mra. M. R. Murphy entertained at luncheon and a card party. Those pres ent were: Mesdames Mcvdsmea C. I". Crowley, Edward Hayden, P. H. Phllhln. Adolph Htora. WllliHm Hayden. Thomaa Flynn, Washington. P. C. Miss fadie Hayden. A lunVhnon and Kenslncton waa given by the membera of "the 1 1. F. B. club. Those preaent were: Mesdames Meadnmes F. E. Ames.1 F. Prurha. George Davis, F,. O. Furen. J. I, Hush, George Frsncls. W. F. Nitche. Miss Blanche Buh, Msster Byron Frsncls. Seymour Lake Country club golf men will play the qualifying round for the club championship on Saturday and Sunday, August 8 and The play will be In three flights. Much enthusiasm Is manifested by the players, and a large number are expected to enter In the qualifying round. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Cohn entertained at dinner last evening In honor of Ambert Haley of Kanaaa City and A. B. Cohn of Pan Franclaco. The evening was spent in dancing. . Mr. J, M. McOuIre had three guests at dlnnet last evening, after which other guests Joined the party for dancing. At the Country Club. Mr. Francis Oulmet, the natlrnal open golf champion. Is expected here Monday and will be the guest of Mr. and Mra. M. C. Peters for the week. Chick Evans was also expected from Chicago, but la unable to get away from business. V. F. Sswyer, Warren K. Wood and Mr. Stnn diah are coming with Mr. Ou'.met and there will be some Interesting matches on the links during the week. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Georgs entertained at dinner Saturday evening at the Coun try club, when covers wers laid for ten guests. Nathan Merriam entertained a party of ten; Charles Mets. three; Mark J. Coad, five, and Ralph Peters, four. At the Field ClubT Among those who entertained guests at the dinner-dance last evening at the Field club are Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Hyson, who gave a dinner for Paul Emery of Genoa, Neb., when covers were laid for twenty guests. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Rogers enter tained at dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Frank lin Harwood of Kansas City, formerly of Omaha, when covera were laid for ten guests. A. J. Vterllng had eleven guests; M. A. Buehler, three; C. N. Richards, tour; O. C. Stora, twelve; R. H. Manley, two; H. B. Morrell, six; J. O. Llford, four; Dr. A. P. Condon, six; J. Q. Adams, three; John Lavelle, two.; G. Stors, eight; H. C. Nicholson, two. At Happy Hollow. Entertaining at dinner Saturday evening at Happy Hollow were Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Edwards, who will have covers laid for seven guests; A. H. Doran, eight; J. E. Pulver, four; T. J. Nolan, four; W. C. Ross, six; W. C. Klopp, two. At the Boat Club. Mr. Byron Reed entertained at dinner at. the Boat club. Lake Manawa, Thurs day evening. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. . Banelle. Mlas Veronica "if. Mr. Charles Hanley and Mr. Uyron Reed. Change Plans. Mr. and Mrs. Howsrd BsJdrlge and Mrs. Rachel Scott of St Paul, who were booked to aall last Saturday on the Vater- land are now sojourning at Atlantlo City, with no prospect of reaching Europe for tha present. Malcolm Baldrige la visiting at Buxxard'a Bay. Motor Trips. Mrs. Georgs F. Relm, Miss Minnla Nygaard, Miss Anna Reim and Mr. Julius Nygaard loft Friday morning In their automobile and will motor to Lake Okobojt, Bptrit lake. Laka Minnetonka and Minneapolis. They will return In a month. Celebrate Birthdays. Mrs. C. Myers and Mrs. Myrta Barber entertained eighty children at Ftontenella park Friday, afternoon In honor of the birthdays of their children, Viola Meyers snd Clifford Barber. Universal Circle. Tha Universal Circle will entertain at a card party Tuesday afternoon at Its hall, Twenty-eighth and rowier streets. Mrs. N. E. MlUer and Mrs. C. Jacobson will be the hostesses. v In and Out of the Bee Hive. Miss Mabel Bennett leaves Tuesday for Nswmsn Grove, Neb. Miss Ida Kaley returned from a five weeks' trip to Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Stevens left Friday for the Yellowatone park. Mlas Elsie kets left yesterday for a stay of two weeks In Manltou. Mr. and Mra. Louis Naah left Friday for New York to be gone two weeka Mr. and Mra. A. A. Buchanan are spending tha summsr In Gloucester, Mass. Mlsa Myrtle Brady left Saturday for Portland, Ore., to ba gone until Septem ber L Mlas Martha Hall left Thursday for. a vlatt of a month In Billings, Mont, and Cody, Wyo, Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Richards re turned Friday from a stay of ten days at Lake Okobojt. Mr. and Mrs. C. Z. Oould left Sunday for a month's visit in the lake region of northern Minnesota. Dr. and Mrs. F. 8. Owen and daughters have returned from Colorado, where they si-ent the last three weeks. Mrs. Ida .Mabel Rolfe of Mlnneapolla. Minn., arrived Saturday, to be the guest of Mrs. Nancy J. Moors for several weeks. Mra Bart let t Richards and children were the guests of Mrs. Richards' brother, Mr. J. De Forest Richards, last week. Miss Blanche Deuel returns today from Chicago, where she haa been the guest of her aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mra. Joy Morton, at their country place. Mrs. McFerron and her son, Donald, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stewart in Council Bluffs, returned Wednesday to Chicago. Mr. Soott Cuscaden returned Sunday from the eaat. where be spent three weeks la Boston with hi brother. Prof. Robert Cuacaden, and visited relatives In Phila delphia. Mr.- and Mrs. Themes Bennett - sad daughters, Grace and Bess, leave Tues day for an extended trip through Idaho, HER ENGAGEMENT IS JUST ANNOUNCED. I V v P. 1 ' - - 1 I - ',. V. S ' f -: ' - ! Tfttes lUyrile JUos&s Montana and Utah, where they will visit relatives. Personal Mention. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Winters of Kanaaa City are the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mortng. enroute to the north- ern lakes. News comes from Norwich Cnnn nt the birth of a son 011 July 2H to Mr. "and Mrs. l,eroy Robbing of that cltv. Mrs Robblns was formerly Miss Jennie A vcrfair ot Omaha. Mr. gnd Mrs. Halleck Rose and thlr family moved this week to their new home Just completed on Thirty-ninth street and Thursday they left In their car ror usakla. Minn., for the remainder of the month. Mr. Howard Kats. who has been m. ployed since the first of the year at tha smelter, gave up his position last week and lert for Rolls, Mo., where he is to be married and will later return with his brida to Kisslmmee, Fla.. to make his home there. Mr. Frank Benbow. who suffered a asrl. ous attack of appendicitis last Saturday, nas been pronounced out of danger at the Swedish hospital. Mrs. Benbow and children,': who - were summering In Wy omlng. where Mr. Benbow expected to Join them, returned home Wednesday morning. Matters Asks for a Continuance of Hearing of Case . Tom Matters hss asked for a continu ance of his case from Beptember 1 to November S and haa also asked for a change of the place of trial from Hast ings to Omaha. United State District Attorney Howell has been requested by Judge Smith McPherson to appear at his residence at Red Oak Monday, where he will hear the arguments on the motions. Taxicab and Auto Truck in Collision William H. Taylor, driver for the Cen tral Taxi company, and A. J. Glddings, auto truck man for the Fairmont Cream- Iiry company, are under arrest for reck less driving as a result of a collision of their two conveyances at Twelfth and Farnam. The accident happened as Tay lor was making a hurried trip to the Union station with two paaaengers for an early train and as Glddings wss deliv er ia- Ice cream. Two traveling salesmen In the taxi were badly shaken up and Assistant Truckman Pete Pollco ' was brulsec! about tha knees. ,1T j , i 1 . 3 Few can resist Its charm, it comfort, iu freedom from trouble. And why try to resist it? Tha Wood is the most economical car you can own. You know what it will cost to run it. Many ten year old Wooda car are giving- satisfaction today, If so substantially built that nothing ever "happens" nothing- to fuss with or learn abSut. v0u Just drive and forget the car as a piece of machinery. The 1915 Woodg Models show me chanical refinements not obtainable on any other car. In style, easy rid ing and freedom from trouble they ara a year ahead. Do you want ti DO siiownr Just telephone. PBUMMOND MOTOIt COMPANY 256I-70-7J Farnam Street, . Omaha. Telephone Harney 409. FIGHTING F0RWAREH0USE Every Effort Being Made to Keep Indian Supply House Here. POINTS OUT OGICAL REASONS Commercial Club Itea Berw Reasons Why Omaha Is Eco nomical Location for lleadqaartera. Omaha is still fighting to be retained by the government as the location for one of .the three Indian warehouses. There sre five In the 1'nlted Ftates. It has been decided there shall be but three In the . future. Congressman Lobeck, after vis iting In Omaha a few weeks rushed back to Washington when the decision to cut down to three was made. At Washington he snd Senator Hitchcock will have a fight on their hands to show that Omaha should be logically retained as the lo cation for one of the three warehouses. I.oalcal Location. ' The Commercial Club Journal this week points out some of the reasons why Omaha Is a logical locations ss follows: Every well Informed student of the situation realises that Omaha Is the best located of the five Indian warehouses now being operated. Omaha la 5u0 mllea nearer to TT per cent of the Indian achoola and agencies than any other warehouse. Freight can be shipped from Omaha to the.se various points much more cheaply from Omnha than from any other ware house. Officials In Washington know aa a matter of record that the United States srmy has been buying supplies tn Omaha at a lower cost per ration than anywher else. It is obvious that If ordinary busi nesa principles are followed and true economy considered. Omaha will be first choice as a permanent supply department. If Omaha does not secure the appoint ment It would seem that tha decision must be based on something other than busi ness considerations. At the time when the abolition of the entire Indian ware house system was considered before the senate and house, Omaha advanced the most effective arguments and put up the strongest fight for the retention of the system. It Is needless to say that every thing in the power of this club and the Nebraska delegation In Washington la now being done to secure a place for Omaha as one of the three permanent -warehouses. HOTEL KEEPER GIVES STRANGER AMOUNT LOST Jena Karl Lauraen, a young Dane, who has been In America only a short time 1 snd can hardly speak a word of English, reported to the Young Men's Christian association and to Chief of. Police Henry W. -Dunn that he had been deprived nf ; IS of his money when he placed It "for I safe keeping" In the office of a Thirteenth ' street hotel. When Chief Dunn and Gen eral Secretary E. F. Denlson of the as sociation took the matter up with the hotel, the proprietor dented Lauraen's allegations, but paid the amount lost "In order to protect the reputation of the hotel," he explained. The Dane was given a Job as Janitor at the association building, so he Is now quite happy again. SUFFRAGE SOCIETY SENDS THANKS TO J. C. LYNCH Mrs. Katherlne Sumney, secretary of the local woman's suffrage organisation, In a letter to County Commissioner John C. Lynch, chairman ot the court house com mittee of tha county board, thanked hint for allowing tha use of tha court house entrance for the speeoh by RoaaUe Jones. SCRE AM TO GET RID OF BLACKHEADS There la one simple, safe and sure way that never falls to get rid of blackheads and thaf is to dissolve them. To do this get about two ounces of plain powdered neroxln from any drug store-piinkle a little on a hot wet sponge rub over the blackheads briskly wash the parts and you will be sur prised how the blackheads have disap peared. Big blackheads, little blackheads, no matter where they are, simply dis solve and disappear, leaving the parts without any mark whatever. Black heads are simply a mixture of dust and dirt and secretions from the body that form In the pores of the skin pinching and squeexing only causs Irritation, make large pores, and do not get the.11 out after they become hard. The pow dered neroxln and the water simply dis solve the blackhe&db so they wash right out leaving the pores free and clean and In their natural condition. Anybody troubled with these unsightly blemishes should certainly try this simple method. Advertisement t- Beautify the Complexion IN TEM DAYS NadinoU CREAM The. Uncqualcd Btautifltr VSBD AND ENDORSED BY THOUSANDS Guaranteed to remove tan, freckles, pimples, liver spots, etc. Extreme cues about twenty days. Rids pore and tissues of Impurities. Leaves tha skin clear, soft, healthy. Two sixes, 50c. and $1.00. By toilet counters or mail. KATIONAL TOIUCT COUfAJfY, Mrs, Vhaab goU br 8hmas A MoCoaseil Drug Btoras. bt tea Drus Co.. Uraudsta bras best, sad sUars. Many a Grouch Has Been Turned to a Grin with Many an old boy with the evening- slipper habit has been led to turkey-trotting- and healthful laughter because it is so easy to go anywhere in the "Woods." 1 1 . iLij.ai!!r,-. j : s-m,.- - .-.j I I