Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 09, 1914, SOCIETY EDITORIAL, Image 12

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    The Omaha Sunday
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lUauType Small Tractor
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THE world's groatest farm tractor denioa
tt ration is to be held just outside Fre
mont, Neb., August 17. to 22 of this
. It may advisedly be culled the
"world's greatest," because farm tractor demon
strations are a new thing, and were practically ini
tiated ia Nebraska and at Fremont. The first one
was held last year, September 8 to 13.
Before that, many wondered whether there
cculd be any interest in seeing a lot of engines
plowing up the stubble fields. Many wondered
whether anyone would come out to see. '
A crowd of 20,000 people came to see.
That was the answer. It proved that the farm
ei s of Nebraska and adjoining states are taking an
interest in tractors. It proved that in the march
of progress the progressive farmers have already
seen that the farm tractor is to take the place of
the farm horse in doing the big, heavy field work,
and that the up-to-date farmer must supply him
self with tractors.
Farm horses die. Tractors do not, if kept in
good repair.
Farm horses eat corn and oats that is becom
ing more and more valuable. Farm tractors eat
gasoline, which Is comparatively cheap, and which
yields far more power per gallon than many bush
els of costly corn and oats will when fed to horses.
Horses must be fed through the winter, when
there is no field work to do. Tractors are pushed
itto the shed the fall, where they cost nothing
until time to take them into the fields in the
The horse was completely pushed off the map
or agricultural activity at the big demonstration'
last year. He will be even further relegated to
the background at the demonstration this year
Tractors plowed the 500 acres of ground in the
demonstration work in the beautiful Platte valley
last year. No horses were harnessed to the plows.
Automobiles brought the farmers to the scene,
and from the cushioned seats of their automobiles
they watched the work of the tractors as they fol
lowed them across the fields.
Truly the tractor demonstration spells the doom
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of the farm horse, however far or near in the fu
ture it may be.
The very first of the tractor demonstrations
brought out thirty-nine tractors into the field.
They were of all makes and sizes.
The demonstration this year is to bring out
some sixty, as that many have already signed the
entrance contract. This year S00 acres are to be
plowed. The ground has already been leased for
the purpose. It lies just outside the city limits of
Fremont, so that it is within easy walking distance
of the business part of the city.
The coming of the era of power farming was
never perhaps ' better heralded than by the late
Prof. E. W. Hunt, associate editor of the Twen
tieth Century Farmer, when he wrote:
"Man is measured by the power that he uses.
'The man with the hoe almost a brother to the
Insensible clod he stands upon' is a type of the
lowest plane of human effort. Ills body only ii
alive. His mind is dormant. Continued exhaust
ing physical exercise deadens mental activity and
prevents mental development.
" 'Grant roe but to see, and AJax asks no more,'
was the cry of the blinded hero In the thick black
ness of the hostile camp. That cry typifies the
yearning of every man that struggles toward a
higher plane of effort. Brain power indefinitely
multiplies muscular power, and finally supplants
it. The discovery of the use of the lever and of
the Inclined plane, which made the powerful screw
possible, marks a new level In human achievement.
The engine, the product of man's brain, doing
man's work for him, touches the highest level of
achievement in human labor.
"Brain power emancipates man from brutaliz
ing drudgery of mere physical toil. Brain power
makes possible the cultivation of the humajltiea
and the art of living."
And Prof. Hunt penned these lines before even
the first tractor demonstration had been held at
Fromont He penned them before the farmers of
Nebraska were fully awake to the poHsibilitles of
tractors in farm economies.
A 'tractor show doesn't sound as interesting as
a circus. Knglnes seem rather dull and stupid
things to the uuinitlated. But when one goes to
a tractor show and sees the big central tent, with
blue pennants flying in the Nebraska breezes,
crowds of men standing about auj excitedly dis
cussing the merits of their favorite machines, the
moving picture men running here and there with
their cameras, and the powerful tractors, each
surrounded by an interested crowd of observers,
plowing deep furrows in the rich, black soil, one
begins to feel that an engine is an attractive thing
after all.
The farm tractor was once considered for the
amateur farmer, the rich man who, with the money
made In other pursuits, bought a wido stretch of
fertile country and tried. out ton It the "back-to-tbe-land"
theories evolved in his many years of
banishment from the soil. - The tractor was a first
cousin of the railway locomotive big, black and
puffing out clouds of smoke and steam as It crept
Tlio tractor business . has . undergone a Changs
In the last few years. The small farmer, with
from 1C0 to 000 acres, has cast longing eyes on
this saver of time and labor, this dumb hired hand
that docs not eat in the winter. He wants to spend
his time doing other things than Blowly following
i team of horses or mules' back and forth over the
fields, and carrying feed and. water to these horses
and mules after the hard day's work is done. ' He
has demanded a tractor fitted to his conditions, and
i. mall and compart enough' to pay on his small
farm. . . ' ' '
lias this demand been met? .If you will go to
Fremont, Neb., during the week from the 17th to
the, 2 2d of August, you will be surprised to see how
(treat the response has been to this call of the
farmer for freedom from the drudgery of farm
work. The inventors of this country and other
countries have turned their attention to the farm
tractor, and they have evolved many effective
machines. ,
For the small farm It is uneconomical to use
a great, heavy tractor. The buying of such a ma
chine means the tying up of more capital than the
small farmer feels he is justified in spending on
a piece of machinery that. is used. but a compara
tively small part of the time. The cost of the fuel
ii bed in propelling such a heavy engine mounts up
too fast. Of cose, the big machine will get over
more ground in a day, but for the man who does
not own a ranch or plantation of many thousand
acres, thia Is not important. What he wants is a
happy medium between the slow horse and the big
tractor that will pull an almost unlimited number
of plow bottoms.
This need is met by the cheap tractor of small
proportions, ' but, ; compared with ,the horse, of,
' (Continued on Page Nine.)