Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 09, 1914, NEWS SECTION, Page 10-A, Image 11

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    10 A
IWicts Yellow Man Will Seiie
( Germany'! Tacifio Possessions.
. llKht hy the territorial -hlvlt and form
the banta of the chronlrle of the first
I greet moMllutlnn of forces erer at
tempted in the Paclfl Bnn Franclaro
aaaaate,a-l-erf arias; raaarreaaataa
. Flats Time Betweea Tatea at
Waafclaartea tap Taklaa;
Trip Over Meat.
Attain deploring the. "smallnrs" of the
United "tatea navy In the fare of the
European war situation, and jredlctlns;
that an early development of the present
ronfllct will be the seltur by Japan of
. all Germany 'a possessions In the Pacific
and the hastening of a claah !etween
Americana and Japanese for supremacy
there, Consrressman Richmond Teareon
Ifobaon of Alabama itpent laat nlaht at
Hotel Rome In Omaha, on, hla way to
JIoMrese to deliver a Chautauqua lecture.
' "I expect an early atep In this over
whelming world war." he aald, "will be
the taking by Japan of the Ladrone
Islands, German Samoa, and all other
German possessions in the Prriflc.
"It la a great ptty that America hasn't
aot a good navy and merchant marine.
We haven't a big enough navy even to
enforce out neutrality In a possU-le con
tingency, and our merchant narine la
alao ao amall that we cannot take ad
vantage of tha great commercial oppor
tunity placed at our doora by tha war
altuatlon on tha aeaa."
Anerlcaa lloldlaas Menaced.
- He aald tha "poa"lble ccntlngency" re
ferred to waa that which might occur
when one of tha belligerent, eecuiing
complete control of the sea, might not
have due reepect for the rtghta of the
United State aa a nutral, and might
by Itnlff. or through an ally, auch aa
Japan, take auch atepa In the Pacific.,
for 1 net nee, aa would menanca tha aecur
Ity of American possessions and Ameri
can trade there.
"The. preaent war and It probable
Japaneae-Paclflc outcome, I conelder will
hasten the ultimata clash between the
United State and Japan, for the latter
nation la well prepared for the chance
and will certainly make the moat If it."
That tha kaiaer U In "a right perilous
position," waa ventured by the famous
big-navy congressman and hero of the
Xterrimac. The war is the climax of a
ayatem of militarism, he laid. Germany
I wonderfully prepared, having felt the
barrow conflnea of It country and x-
.pectin tha rising of the Slav In a
struggle for supremacy.
Looks for Qalek Coaclaaloa..
: Refusing to make a prediction s to
the probable length of tha war, Congress
man Hobeon aaaerted tbat the swiftness
of present war operations would tend
to a compartlvely brief period f f hostili
ties, before the outcome would b settled
-on land and sea. '
, Although congress Is still In cession at
'Washington with Important legislation be
fore It, tha congressman la ranking the
most of proffered chaiees to eke out hla
congressional salary by making platform
addresses In tha middle west. He made
no mention of any Intention to "put
back" .any unearned salary, as on other
' congressman did recently. After filling
a date at Holdrege, he will invade Iowa
speaking on "America In thu Twentieth
MONTREAt At. ' a Seven ocean
liners are due to sail from Montreal to
morrow, having taken out clearance pa
pers. Following are the vessels and ports:.
Scandinavian, Glasgow; Canada, Liver
pool; Manxman, Bristol; Monmouth, Lon
don; Tyrolla, Ixndon; Leletiai Glasgow,
and Alaunla, Glasgow.
They will go as far aa Quebec. Whether
they will proceed out to aea depends on
wsr conditions. When the seven liners
Join the Victorian, Empress of Britain,
Alsatlon and smaller vessels already wait
ing at Quebec, there will be gathered at
the ancient capital one of the largest
fleets In the history of the Canadian
merchant marine.
The ocean liners which are to sail' from
Montreal carry wheat and other food
stuffs for England.
HeaTj Volume of Enlistment for Ex
peditionary Force Beported.
tall for Mea n R.a Show.
I)omnon mn amies fmll of
Rs-Naval Mea of British
Barbed W ire I M la Defense 'of
BRl-asEUI (VI London). Aug. -(8:20
a. m-) Details of :he latest fight
ing at Liege are still lacking, hut th
newspapers report brilliant feats by the
Belgian defense up- to Thursday night.
According to the Press, the German In
vaders, expecting a weak defense, were
greatly surprised at the splendid fight
made by the BelgUna, 'who themselves
suffered severely In resisting th German
Though Liege Is defended by forts
thirty years old, modern ' devices , war
employed by the skillful Belgian' com
mander. Barbed Wire, together with ar
tillery strengthened the field between the
forts. The Germane falling to deter
mine accurately . the position of these
field works wer cut down by wholesalo
when they attempted 'to pars between the
Wedneaday th German Seventh army
corps mads a tremendous assault with the
aid of searchlights, but the 'Belgians, by
a daring counter attack front the heights
of Wandre, a village four miles north
cast of Liege, compelled , the, attacking
fore to retreat In 'disorder toward Mae
atrlcht, on the left bank of tha Meuse,
about fifteen miles north of Liege. .
Another assault by the Germans upon
the Chateau Lancers, under cover 'of "a
heavy artillery fire, was defeated by th
Belgians, who blew up the chateau.
OTTAWA, Ontario, Aug. 8-lt Is
lesrned that when Canada acquired from
-hH the two Amerlcan-bullt submarines.
-...en are now m the harbor of Victoria,
British Columbia, the crews were also
obtained. On each of the submarlnea
there was a full complement of officers
and men. and these have all taken service
with Cnnada.
The call for men to run the cruiser
Nlobe has revealed the unsuspected fact
that Canada and the United States sre
full of ex-naval men of the British rerv
tce. The Canadian naval department ha
been flooded with applications to serve
on tho Nlobe with men, who have served
from five to ten years In the British
navy, but left the king's service before
their twelve years' period of enlistment
was up. Some say they bought dis
charge; some that they m-ere Invalded out
and others frankly admit desertion.
One applicant reports that he had "ex
ceeded his leave by two years." It Is an
nounced that the 709'mcn wanted for the
Nlobe could be obtained several times
German reservists in Canada are tie
In arrested. It Is undeetood they will
be assembled under guard In a camp and
held until the close of the war. Iefenee
precautions are being extended. Armed
guards have been assigned for the pro
tection of all railway brldKes of tha
country. A heavy volume of enlistment
for the Canadian expeditionary force la
reported. Enlistment began today.
Nebraskans Among
Americans in Paris
NEW YORK. Aug. g. (Special Tele
gram. Many Americans now In Paris
have registered at the New York Herald
bureau there, with the understanding that
if relatives or friends In the United Ststes
desire to communicate with them, cable
dlsputchns may be sent in care of the
Herald paper and they, will be delivered.
Among those who have registered are
the following from Nebraska: W. Newton
of Omaha, Miss Frances Long of Madison,
Mlsa Edith Stocking of North Bend. James
Francis of Nebraska City and H. Molr of
German Merchant
Ships Fast Falling
Into British Hands
LONDON, Aig. 7 411:40 p. m.)-The
capture of German merchant craft con
tinues at a rate gratifying to English
men, who predict that the war will
speedily result In driving Oerman com
merce off the sea.
Late this afternoon the German steamer
Hauta, lumber laden, was towed Into
Lelih. This la the fourth Oerman prise
brought Into thst port. IJoyd's agent at
Bordeaux reports that th Oerman
steamers. Consulhorn and Arcturus. have
been seised there by the French govern
ment. Since the outbreak of the war a num
ber of German merchant " ships which
were lying In English harbora when war
was declared have been seized. Accord
ing to an English authority on Interna
tional law such vessels can be retained
only while the war laats. ' When peace
Is signed they must be returned to their
Peace Body Thanks
Wilson for Offer
NEW YORK, Aug. a A message of
thanks for President Wilson's offer of
mediation to the powers at war In Europe
was sent to him tonight by the Oerman
American peace society from Its general
meeting here.
With the outbreak of war In mind, the
secretary In a statement reaffirmed Its
adherence to the peace proposal laid down
In Its platform.. It adds:
At the present time, however, that point
of Its program seems the most Important
which provides for the furthers nc of
friendly relatione between the old and
new fatherland and it most emphatically
protests against the attitude of a part
of the American press that seems to try
its best to bring about a disturbance of
these relations even for the time after
the end of the war.
In this sad honr our sympathy belongs
without reservation to our brother fight
ing In the ranka of the Oermnn urd
Austrian armies and we hope for the vic
tory of their arnia not only out of love
of the old fatherland, but also out of
sincere conviction that by this the ideals
of mankind, hHo the rightly understood
Ifiea of universal peace, will be best served
In the end. We regret and condemn this
war, but faced by an unalterable fact we
hope for tha victory of the right for we
firmly believe In the mission of th Ger
man nation.
Omaha real estate Is th best Investment
you could mak. Read Th Bees re a.
aetata columna
aarhr MSA.' M SI W
DeiBcna F Bail v
Thla Institution la tha only on
In tha central west with aeparata
buildings situated In their own
ample grounds, yet entirely dis
tinct, and rendering It possible to
classify cases. The one building,
being fitted for and devotod to the
treatment of non-contagious and
non-mental diseases, no others be
ing admitted; the other Rest Cot
tage being designed tor and de
iipd to the exclusive treatment
of select mental casoa requiring
for a time watchful care and spe
cial nursing.
Qf&f&fijfffifififjfLYo Discount on Picture Framing During August. ij4&M&&&&&ty&1lM'
"s : . 3
elsr T JStJJS hnjihliiLi CXllCf InvLl(m Mb HIS
of plain Swing In many novel and at
tractive styles, .with roll In collars.
are now offered OC tTt
at a&JC andOVSC
large, round pins, with one or
two rows of first quality brilliants, 3
are flndln
at, each..
rollee asea Empty Pistol la Chaaa
: f Allnsl Lck V Fit-,
teea Dara.
-811 children era being treated by th
department of health for bite and
scratches Inflicted by a Maltese cat
, Tha cat, erased by fifteen days' of hun
ger and confined In a vacant apartment,
ran mad In Roosevelt and Cherry streets,
'and two policemen emptied their revolvers
before they killed It. It Is believed that
many' persons whos names th polio
Old not get were scratched and th police
are canvassing the neighborhood.
The cat was owned by a woman who
moved from a flat at 10 Roosevelt street
on July It. Tb cat remained locked In
th flat until released by new tenants
two weeks later. It mad a dash for
liberty and, after biting a numbtr of
children who wer playing in th hallway,
ran Into a cellar at 110 Cherry street It
was there that Policemen Ilaggerty and
Palleck of th Oak street station went
for It.
-T'o sooner was th door of tha cellar
opened than the cat Jumped over Hag
gerty's head and through th door. Rota
pollcement shot at It but missed. They
continued th chase, shooting aa they ran.
Th rat took refuge In a saloon at lOt
Cherry street and had th place to Itself
lnr a moment.
When Haggerty and Palleck reached the
saloon th cat was crouched on tha bar
Xor a spring. Th policemen fired at It.
Th bullets demolished glass and wood
work, but th cat was unscathed. Tabby
Jumped right at Haggerty but he dropped,
and the cat went flying through th
swinging doors. While th cat waa In tha
a4r Haggerty brought It down with hla
last bullet New York Times.
Bud 'Logan of South Omaha was given
tha decision over Tommy Bhcehan of Chi
cago In the sixth round of a scheduled
ten-round boxing match at one of the
clubs adjacent, to Omaha last night on
a foul. Th match waa about even, with
Logan having a shade the better on points
until th sixth tound. It wss evident
Logan was th better man of the two
from th start.
Logan la undoubtedly a comer In welter
weight circles. II Is sure to make a
nam for himself In th squared circle
with a bit mor experience. H will mix
with Kid Graves, who won th big tourna
ment at th Broadway Athletlo club. In
the nar future. . ;t
VIENNA, Aug. .-Vla London.-(t,10
a. m.) Th Montenegrin government has
Informed the Austrian minister that Mon
tenegro considers Itself In a state of war
with Austria. As a consequence th
Austrian minister hss left Cettenje.
(lead Hating.
"Metchnlkoff. the Metchnlkoff of sour
milk fume. Is soon to celebrate In Paris."
sHld a Paris correspondent on furlough in
New York, "his seventieth birthday."
"Blnce his sixtieth blrthdav. when he
began hla sour-milk regime, Metchnlkoff
has not aged. On the contrary, h has
become rejuvenated.
"To the committee that has In charg
the splendid honors of his birthday cele
bration Metchnlkoff gave some advice
on th benefits of frugal eating th
benefits of taking no alcohol, very little
meat and an abundance of well cooked
prren aegelablea. And he ended his
lectura with this crystal of wisdom:
" "Good eating makes more pessimists
than bad luck.' "
The New Fall Garments Are Arriving Daily
Summer Is almost forgotten In the Apparel Sections and all attention Is directed to the constantly arriving fall garments.
Already there are several hundred of these ready for your inspection. They are styles that represent the most advanced
thought of the world's , reliaHe ' and talented fashion authorities, and may be accepted as an authentic guide In the selection
of your new fall wardrobe.
There is Much of Interest
in the New; Dresses
' The new serge and satin- combination dresses for early
season wear for young t misses .preparing for school are de
cidedly smart and effective ,ln, their combinations of basques
-and Russian tunics., ..These .styles ..promise to become im
mensely popular, and are, shown in numerous variations and
adaptions. Prices are flt f 16.5o, ft17.50, 910 up to 913.00.
Showing the Trend of Style
of the Suits for Fall
The new Redlngote, dlrectotre and basque effects, in com
binations with the Russian tunics and blouses form an ad
mirable style scheme for the coming season. The popular
cloths are serges, broadcloths, poplins, worsteds and effective
novelty fabrics. There 1b an assortment here that represents
every style tendency. Prices: f 33, $20, $35 and up to $65.
Representative Models in Skirts and Waists for Fall
We are now showing' skirts of serges, poplins and fancy
plaid worsteds, all characterized by the long tunic and pleated
oversklrt effects, with Roman striped or satin . bottom and
trimmings of braid, at f 3.9H, 0.H, f7.3, fH.98, $10, f 12.50
and f 15.' - - '-''
A m nn o- tbe manv t n target I n v naar valiti nnur abmt.n h
are models of crepe de chine and taffeta, In new and striking
.color combinations, flowered chiffons, plain colored .crepes
and messalines. In many styles, at 93.08, $5, . f 0.08, 97.50,
98.08, $10, $12.50 and $13. ,
g rapid sale now, IjOjC
Middy Blouses
Misses' rind cliildreru's
mi.ldy blouses and Nor
folk waists, with plain
color or stripwl " fojlfirif.
Kejrularly $1.25; on . OOp
sale Monday at . . . U UU
White Waists
Pretty summer waists ot
f inev Voile and ' lin&eru
cloths ; fresh,, dainty and
new, ltlarly worth up
to $2. Your choice f)fl
of 700 tomorrow. . . UUU
Wash Skirts
"Women's wash skirts of
ratine," linen,' cordaline
an rep, in white or-tan.
Plain or ..tunic, styles,
worth up to $l'-5tf, ' "Jttm
on sale Monday-.'. ..
Wash Dresses
Dainty styles in women's
wash' dresses at an ex
tremely small price. A
variety of models in good
materials; worth rt Q Q ft
up to $8, choice. UuUU
- Fine white petticoats,
beantifully trimmed with
laces, embroideries and
ribbons, garments.regu-
larly worth up
to $15, for. . .
Caatomarr flap.
-From the New York Run) "Ths llttls
Blrl said aha had bran wlil as far bark
as she could remember." Harvard Lam
poon. I
Meveaaeats at Onaa Steamer. ,
ArrtT. Xallxl
Mvkrpooi. DuinlBios
Moso kono , , chra Mara.
yl KKN8TOWN tvillf.
KKW YORK St. l',u.
,Ur Report ml lavaslaa ar 200
Tallforalaaa Threw Hawaii
lata Faale, .
On day late In Octobar, 1K1, a report
reached Honolulu that a saeret expedition
wss belna organised in Kan Kranrlsco to
sail oa tha bark 8ea Witch out through
tr.a Uoidn Uata, with Honolulu as Its
objective, and then with force and arms
overturn tha Hawaiian sovemmnt and
nuik it a republic. After about tha third
sepetltlon of the report among tha Hono-
luluans tha filiibusxercra became a band
'.of bloodthirsty ruffians who would raise
.the blatk flat and roam tha sea as pirates
rather than hoist Old Glory.
The report of the project filled the great
King Kamehamrha, 111, with apprehen
sion, and all during October, 'November
and Iecmber, 11, secret meetings of
. Ih privy council attended by the Kuhlna
Nul (old Kinau) and tha native and whits
nu-mbers of the council, were held to de
vise an elaborate svatsm of defense for
the Islands. Tbat system became an In
stitution that endured for more tban forty
ara, throughout the monarchist regime.
..The account of this Interesting event Is
her made public for the first time. It is
derived from the minutes of those secret
meetings of Kaniehaineha's privy council.
Tiis minutes were retained carefully,
properly annotated id otherwise Identi
fied by the Bvacouarleld of Hawaii and
fMt-d away In the archives.
' Kur years they were tussed about from
nr.o building to another, stored In odd
' 'laces, turned over from one government
to another, passing through several revo
lutions and finally stored In the attic of
old i.laj e of Honolulu, frons which
(J.:im Lilluokaluni was ev!ctd la KJl
reuotIy they have been brought to
When Four Months Old. Pimples
Festered. Didn't Sleep Nights.
Used Cuticura Soap and Oint
ment. Healed Her Sound and Well.
R. r. D. No. 1, Custar, Mlrh. "Our
lli.Ua girl first broke out with ecaema whan
aba was aixwt four mouths old. Boa was
broil aa out all over la small
red pimples. They festered
la a short Ume and mattery
substanut ran out of Uiem,
They Itfhed all tha time so
we had to keep mittens oa
her hands. She didn't
sleep alghts at ill; wa were
up s early all night with
her fur eight months and
he was so cross I had to
hold her all tha time.
"Remedies failed: avery
thlna wa tried vnulH ri.
good. Bhei the breaidng out eighteen
months So we got sis cakes of Cuticura
Soap aad only used four rakes and two
hoses of Cuticura Ointment aad they cured
her sound and well." Calguad) sir. James
Moyer, Mar. SI. 1914.
Samples Free by Mall
For red. rough, chapped and bleeding
hand.. Itching, burning palms, and painful
finger-ends wtth sbapoleas Ball, a one-olghl
Cuticura treatment works wuetdfcs. Soak
hands, oa retiring, in hot water and Cuticura
fcoep. Pry, anoint with Cuticura Oinlmeni
and wear soft bandages or old. loose gloves
during the night. Although Cuticura Bp
(3&e.) and Cuticura Ointment (SOe ) are
sold by druggists aad dealara everywhere,
a sample of each with -. Skin Book aiil
be sent free upoa request. Address post
card: ?CuUoura Dei. T. atostue,V
Sheets and Pillow Cases
- At-Big Reductions V
IlU'suhed Kherts :
Extra heavy. - 76x90
Inch Rlze. .Good qual
ity made to sell' at
65c, each
Bleached Kheets ,
Extra tine quality,
d o u ble bed slae
81x0, In.- Regularly
worth; 76c, special
lUearhed Pillow Caaes
42x3G or 45x36-lnch size. Good quality,
free from dressing. 3-inch hems. Torn and
Ironed. Positively worth 10c, on
sale Monday, each
I'nblearhed Mtiallii
Yard wide. Very fine
quality, light weight,
standard 7c grade,
special at, yard
lUeached Sheeting
Genuine Lockwood
brand. 2tt yds. wide.
One of best sheetings
made. While it lasts,
26c , .
Two Good Values in Dress Forms
Dress Form Bust Form JT
''i Full size dress forms, Black Jersey cov- z" '. ' ""v
t iadju stable to any ' ered bust forms in any f '.' -V 1
WaJ height. Jersey covered, size from 32 to 44. ' ' J
1 Perfectly proportioned. Correctly proportioned. I
.1 Sizes 32 to 44. Special An extra special value
I at- Monday at, only
X $298 85c
Ten Special Offerings in Notions
Regular $1.25 oiled cedar mops
with a can of cedar oil, all C
for I OC
. 2. packages wire hair pins for lc.
5c and 10c ocean pearl buttons,
dozen, lc.
Linen and cotton tape, bolt, lc.
Coate's, Clark's and Cbadwtck's
200-yard spools thread, lc.
Hooks and eyes, card, lc.
Coate's Mercer, all nunrbersr
ball, c.
Darning cotton, spool, lc. .
: Gold eye needles, paper, ,1c. '
Wash edgings, yard, lc.
Four Special Lots of
Lace Much Underprice
Fine net top ori
ental lace flounclngs,
white and cream, 18
and 27 inches wide,
also fine cotton shad
ow lace ' flounclngs,
worth up to 89c yard,
on sale Monday,
yard .
18 to 36-lnch shad
ow allovers, 6 to 18
ln. shadow flounc
lngs, 18-ln. . corset
cover" lace, qualities
worth up to 19c a
yard, Monday, only
Very fine cotton
shadow lace flounc
lngs in white and
cream, 18 and 27 ins.
wide, also 18-inch
black and white all
overs, worth up to
59c, special tomor
row, yard
Fine white orient
al lace flounclngs
the newest designs
for tunics and over
drapes. 18 and 27
inches wide. Worth
to $1.50 yard, at .
Monday we offer your un
restricted choice of any
parasol In our entire stock . J
Two important Groups of Embroidery Monday
3w I 46-inch crepe, - voile and batiste flounclngs. asm TV
H a 1 3 and 4 2-inoh colored embroidery allovers. - M B
Wf I 27-lnrh hemstitched swiss baby flounclngs. 1t D Of
V Worth up to tl -i regularly, on sale at, yd., vjjr Jr V
45-Inch voile, crepe and swiss finunrtnxs.
IS and 27-inch voile and crepe sWii'tlnga.
8-lnh tunlo effect Rwiss f loum'inKK.
Hertilarly worth up to laa yd., Monday at
Pearl Beads
Finest French pearl beads,
solid waxfilled, with d-
gold clasp, worth $3... P 1
White and Colored Wash Goods
lU-nuianta of colored French
embroidered crepe, voile, epon
ge and marquisette, .4 0 to 45
Inches wide; worth up to $1.75
y".d.,.!,!.8.,! '. 69c
TuMxah KUk, yard wide, new
scroll designs, in wanted even-
,a?d:B: ....45 c
French cotton crepe, yard
wide, white ground with floral
printings, 60c qual
ities, yard
Mlk and cotton fabrics with
silk dots and Jacquard designs.
27 Inches wide,
Iteal Indian Head suitiug in
good colors for children's
school dresses. 34 inches wide.
15c qualities,
While India Ltnon, 28 Inches
wide, best 15c qual- f
Ity. yard AUG
lea with
iltiufi in
es wide.
10 c
Dresa percale, fine quality,
mostly dark colorings, neat
dots. fiKurea and tthenherd
checks. 10c value,
Monday special, at... U2 C
White dress noveltlea and
check and barred batistes,
worth to 20c a yard, in.
for lUC
Ueautlful dress sephyrs in
all . the leading colors and
styles; neat checks, stripes and
plain shades. Regular 12 Vic
values, Monday at, sit
yard 2C
lUack sateen, 36 inches w ide,
highly mercerised. Hand loom
woven. Fast beetle black. 25c
values, at, the yard, i O 1
Monday 1C
Dress I'oplln, beautiful silk
finish. In all the choice shades.
Highly mercerized, permanent
finish. 25c value, Monday,
special sale, tfjl .
at 1.&C
Monday Sale of
Hair Goods
f 1.50 quality natural ssr
wavy hair switches, at. 3C
$5 qualify natural ttsj Cf
tavy gray switches P lUU
$10 natural wavy hair t r?
switches, Monday, at... JJ
Hair lrelng, Manicuring, Sham
pooinK. ..polntiiient made by phone.
Drugs, and Toilet Goods
Listerlno, C O n
11 bottle... Ww
Colgate's pure ly-
H-1U O I A
a I w
i aru-
Piamond "C"
soap. IS bara
Ft ex. cascara arv-
niatlc, I-oa.
Palmollve soap,
10c cakes . ..
Horllck's malted
bottle U3b
JO Mule Team
borax, s-ltx
lilu Jay corn l.ih
tor. lie Oa
pkK W
fl.00 triple
tic Lavoris
antiseptic ..
SOo Sloan's
LUnlment. . . .
Jap Rose Tal
runt, can
tl bottle r.
Danderine.. WWW
Hospital cot- Q.
ton, lb, roll. I ww
Graves' tooth pow
der In. . 7n
toilet 2Jq
A splendid range of colorings.
$3.50. On sale at 9129.
Black Charmeuse
The silk that la to be one ot
the leaders this fall; 40 inches
wide, also all silk casstmere
satin. Kegularly worth $2.
On sale Monday,,
at . : . .;
42 inches wide. Worth up to
Cashmere de Soie
Plain or brocaded, 40 inches
wide, also plain, brocaded and
printed Canton and French
crepes, failles and poplins.
Qualities worth up to fr
$2. at. yard. i70C
w . v
glass. . . .
10c rolls
Witch hasei,
pint buttle..
Sal. Ilepatlca,
medium alse
60o Bromo
Beltser at..
Rrcular tl
bath capa at
Johnson's floor wax
cp.Tf 29c
IMamorxd Pyes, C.
all colors, pkg.,
Iustrite nail polish,
tor,?.k.:.:."" i2o
Manicure buffers,
worth lie. 39C
, Moth Balls.
1-lb. pka. for
Wizard polish mop,
new Style, QQ
II. iO value.. WWW
Haviland Dinner Sets
Choice of four handsome patterns of
Haviland china diunerware, 100-plece
sets, worth to $69, Monday J25
Colonial cut glass individual salts,
nicely finished, each c. .
Canton and French Crepes
. i
These are among the smartest and .most desirable fabrics for
fall, dresses and blouses. The newest Roman stripe, Slavonic,
floral and Pekln stripes. In effective color combinations. 40
lnches wide. Priced 1.60 and $1.03 yard.
New French Faille Crepe, $1 .29
This is a very firm and easily draped material for the new
fall suits, and one that - promises to become very fashionable.
$2.25 Crepe Meteor at $1.79
One of the softest, most lustrous silk weaves for dressy cos
tumes. 40 Inches wide. A broad selection of seasonable shades.
Regular $2.25 quality, on sale t. yard. 91. 7U.
: Fall Dress Goods Special
.44 and 6 4 -inch all wool serges, whipcords, crepes and nov
elty worsteds In ail the wanted colorings. 'Regularly worth up
to $1.69. On sale at Ottc and 70c yard.
Extra Value in Serges
36 and 40-inch all wool serges, crepes and whipcords, de
sirable for fall suits and dresses. All. colors, yard, sue.