Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 08, 1914, EXTRA, Page 6, Image 6

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Till; J5KK: OMAHA, KA'lUi)Al. ALU LSI S, 1J14.
1 1
i i
to Release Pigeons
Eighteen Poundi for a Dollar Now
Rules Flour it Steady.
flra Coffee .t4rrri Tkrre. rate
-Ham Baron I n and I.ero
aa Ge Sky-Hta TrtM
rfirkri Are la.
Sugar took another Jump lowanl a
n.atlmum price thla week, with tha re
eult that sugar la now retailing for
eighteen pounds for tha dollar, and beat
advices relieve that It will b hut a
telatlvely abort time before cane eurar
will ooat IT a aaik. with beet augar cloae
behind. Nearly all augar beeta rome
from Germany, and with thla tranapor
tarJon ahut off thia country will be com
pelled to be content with the rane sugar
and the email crop of beeta of thia
Flour la eteady on the market. H la
practically on a fence and there can be
no way of determining whether It will
go up or down.
Imported Swla cheeae Jumped 10 centa
a pcnimT Thursday' and will continue to
rlae until tha war la over..
Oreen coffeea have advanced from I
to IVa centa a pound.. due to the war.
liana ai4 Baroa l,
, Hams and bacons, advanced another
cent and a half, but beef la still steady
and should 'remain 'ateady. 'Pprlng chick
en dropped another cent, selling;, at 204
tents now.
Butter-and eggs are the aame. .
Lemons went aky high during; the laat
week. The price advanced 11 DO a box.
Tha price la now $7.50. . '
Green apples are plentiful' snd are
reasonable, selllngr at 25 centa a peek.
Arkansas aad Texas Alnerta peachea
will be heavy fen tha Omaha, market
Monday and will sell at $2 a buahel, a
very reasonable price. . '
Tokay grapes are In and selling at T4
cants a pound, California, Hartlott wars
are about over. Those strangling caaea
now found on the market sell at 2 Vi.
According to Al King, manager of the
Hay dm grocery d"parrm!t, the abso
lute confidence with which the people
have accepted bualneas ootid! Hone denplte
the war has made the produce market
steady, and only In the few Imported
articles will prices advance. All domes
tin articles should remain the aame, aa
bualneas Is on an even basis.
The captivity of half a dosen pigeons
accidentally caught in the folds of an
awning over the window or w. J. ton
nell a office In The Pee building ao
arotiaod the avmpathirs of Laurie J.
Qulnhy that he left hie work, went to
the aid of the pigeons and released them.
Prom an office In the Omaha National
bank building he saw wings of struggling
pigeons popping out of the folds of an
awning on The nee building. He realised
that they had been caught when the
awning waa rained at night.
Arms, Ammunition and All Military
Supplies Absolutely So.
Farmers Advised to
Keep Calm and Store
J ll Cotton, and Grain
WASHINGTON, Aug. 7 "Keep Calm,
use the nation's great credit and business
staunchness to the fullest extent; with
hold cotton from the. market and give
careful attention to warehouse facllitlea
for' grain, .la the advice, of the Iwtpart
tnent of Agriculture today to farming In-'
treata of the country as a means of re
lieving threatened crop congeatlon on ac
count of tha European war. The office
of markets has been maintaining a careful 4
Investigation Into the situation with a
view 4 affording relief. . .
"Cotton Is the moat Important factor In
the situation,"1 said Charters-J. Brand.
In charge of the office of markets. "Cot
ton Is the International croj and the only
crop that goes Into the Industries and Is
used In manufactured state. The con
tinental situation ta bad, ao far as cot
ton Is concerned.
''England no doubt will be able to or.
ganlsa Its cotton spinning' In a short time
and the consumption of American mills
will be greatly Increased If war goes on.
"The whole situation la not nearly ao
acute, though very careful attention
ahould be given to wa'reboualng facllitlea
which hither have not been utilised."
rood, t.rala. Money, Horses aad
Ciearral aap-g-lles Placed la
(oedlttnnel llaas Ty
' WASHINGTON. JCiis. 7. Great Britain's
contraband of war proclamation Was
cabled to the Btate department today by
Ambaaaador Page.
It placed arma, ammunition and all dis
tinctly military auppllee on the Hat of
"absolute" contraband. an fleslgnated
food, grain, money, horses and general
auppllee as "conditional" contraband.
Kverythlng under the latter head be
comea aubject to selmre when Intended
for the uae of a power with which Great
Britain la at war.
The proclamation followa the uaual llnee
and thoae Issued y other powera Involved
In war probably will be virtually Identical.
It names the following as absolute con
traband: 1. Arms of all kinds. Including arms for
sporting purpoaea and their Ulauncuve
component parts. ' .
t. Wolerliles,' chargce and cartridges of
all klnde end their distinctive component
part. ,
. rowrier end explosives especially pre
pared for uae In war
4. Gun mountings, limber boxes, limbers,
military wsKona,. field Inrgea and their
dlxtlnctive component parts.
&. Clothing and equipment or military
klnda. . .. .
. Klnda of harness or a oiaunctiy mili
tary character.
. 7. HaiUlle, puck and draught animals
suitable for uae In war. m ' ,
a. Articles of camp equipment ana uieir
distinctive component parts. . , ,
8. Armor plates.
if,. Warahlpa, Including hunts rind their
dlwtinctlve component parts of such a
nature that they can only be uaod on a
veoel of war. . ,
41. Aeroplanes, alrahlpa, balloons and air
craft of all winds and their Component
parta together with accearlee and arti
cles recognisable fr nee In connection
with balloons and air craft.
It. Implements snd apparatus designed
exvltirlvely for the manufacture of muni
tions of war for the manufacture of tha
repair of arma or war materials for uae
en land and aea.
The following will be treated condi
tional contraband of war:
. 1. J'ooriatuffe.
2. Fumfc-e and grain suitable for feeding
5. Clothing, fabrlca for clothing and
boote and alioe suitable for uae In war,
4. Gold and silver In coin or bullion and
paper money.
t. Vehlclea of all klnda available lor uae
In war and their component parts.
6. Veaaela, craft and boats of all kinds,
floating docks, parta of docks and. their
component parts.
7. itatlwsy material, both fixed and
rolling stock and materials for telegraphs,
wlrehtaa telegrapha and telephones.
a. fuel ana lunricanis.
. I'owder and explosives not Specially
prepiired ff uae in war. .. i .
lu. llurbed wire and Implements for fix
ing and cutting the same.
11. Horses' shoes and shoeing material.
12. liar tie a and eaddlery.
' 13. Klold glanaea, teleacnpes, chronomet
ers and all kinds of nautical Instru
Dr Frederick Renner Recalls Battle
with Redskins.
' Had Ralhleaalr Mardere
Settler and Freighters All
A lea the Nebraska
Kurope'a war la bring;rg back fight
recollections to Umahana who have been
In conflicts, and among thoae In this lo
cality who have been reminiscing Is Dr.
Frederick Renner, who on August 10, 1SR4,
captained a handful of early settlers In a
successful csmpstgn agalnat Indian at
tacks about twenty miles southwest of
Alexandria. In Thayer county.
Dr. Renner waa officially tilled captain
of Company A, Irst regiment, Second
brigade of the Nebraska volunteers, but
as he looks back at It now. military
formalities were thlnga In dlatiae and It
waa a caae of every man getting busy
and sending Indiana to their happy hunt
ing ground. In thoae deya the redaklna
were not as apt with firearms aa they
later were, and the whites had an edge
on them In the matter of marksmanship.
It waa on August 7 that Captain Renner
and hla band started to meet the on
slaught of the concentrated tribes of In
diana againat helpless white aettlers and
scattered freighters. The whole western
country was then In an uprising agalnat
the redaklna, for they had been extremely
cruel in their treatment of whites, es
pecially the captive women and children.
It was on the third dsy out that the
frontiersmen end Indians met. It was a
running fight and one In which the rain
of bullets ass thick snd continuous.
One after another the redskins dropped
and after many of their number had been
scattered along In a bloody train and re
duced, the rest started on the run for
safety. Tired out by the hard campaign,
tha frontiersmen retired, cotslent with the
work they hsd accomplished in subduing
tha savages. In the particular locality
where the battle occurred there were no
future Indian troublea, and to Dr. Renner
and his steadfast helpers has the credit
of the change been placed.
Most Unusual Spying System
Throughout France Revealed.
oas f a be Firm Declared by Freach
(over amen t gee-ret gervlee Mr
Hare Permitted laaealeas
Plaa Aid lavaders. '
H'opyilght. 1!I. rreea Publishing Co.)
PARIS. Aug 7 (Special Cablegram ta
New Tork World and Omaha Ilea) Ac
cording to the authorities here, most
complete and unusual spying system
were In operation by Germane within the
confines of France, and even of Paris,
ht-fore the declaration o war. Po todny
the police were busy removing all poa
Mble aids to the enemy.
The most extraordinary discovery was
that a company designating itself as the
"Bouillon Kub" (Soup cube), a German
firm doing an Immense business In
Fiance. with compressed meat essences,
was using Its billboard advertisements
for illicit purposes.
Various arrangements of Its cubes on
the lithographs, so that they appeared
In groups of different numbers, or looked
like triangles, or bore certain geometric
relations to each other, all bore hidden
messages Intendedfor the German In
ader At least, so say experts In cryp
tography or secret writing, who made
Ihelr reports to the government.
An innocent-looking sign on the aide
of a road In a department far removed
from the city, according to the decipher
er, meant: 'Thia village haa sto many
inhabitants, so many armed men, ao many
cattle which may be aelxed. ao many
bakeries," and ao on.
To a casual observer the algn would
mean nothing but a suggestion to buy and
use 'The Bouillon Kub," but to a
German regiment It would mean suste
nance and knowledge of Incalculable
All over France, today, today, city and
village and department authorities were
tearing down the advertisements.
The gendarmes of Versailles today de
scended upon a auspected house near the
Rue Aerodrome, and found there a com
plete wireless telegraph outfit and a large
number of cipher dispatches and docu
ments In German, together with plans '
of the Aerodrome an immerse place
and all the general vicinity of Versailles.
Rules of the Road
Must Be Observed
Chief of Police IT. W. Dunn has or
dered the observance of the rules of the
road, and particularly of the regulations
requiring drivers to give warning by
raising the hand of intention to turn or
slow down.
"We intend to keep up the campaign
to force the observance of these rules un
til the 20th of the month." said Chief
Dunn. "After thst we will summarily
arrest all offenders.'
Chief Dunn says failure to observe
these rules and the croasing regulaUona
may result in serious accidents, as well
as being the means of confusing; traffic
Omaha real estate le the best Investment
you could make, llsad The Bee's real
estate column
Gustafson Says :
. Burns Gave Order;
Cleared by Court
A step toward escaping the ecsssquences
of his Burns-Dally News plot here was
gained for Joe- Polcar yesterday when
District Judge eVehora of Kansas City
made a ruling that enabled John A. Gus
tafson to escape extradition to Omaha
on a charge ot conspiracy to have County
Commissioner John' C. lyneh. charged
with bribery.
Gustafson, who Is macaxer of the Kan
aea City branch of the Burns agency,
swore on the wltoesa stand that Bums
himself- waa responsible for the orders
given for carrying out the plot here. The
court held there was not sufficient evi
dence on which to hold Gustafson. Polcar
and his frlsnds. who had feared that Gus
tafson would become a state's witness It
brought to Omaha. Were Jubilant.
Gustafson fought extradition desper
ately, finally winning In a habeas corpus
Three Hurt in Joy
Ride with Miller
As tha result ot an accident ahlle Joy
ruling Thursday night. MUs Mollis Mack
of Hotel Rome la In Clarkaon hospital
with a broken collar bone; Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Juelg of Joliet, lit., ataying at the
Rome, ere confined to tbeir buds with
bad cuts and brulaes. and William B. manager of tha Rome, ia at lib
trty under a police court bond. The auto
In which they were touring was owned
and driven by young Miller. While
turnlag a corner, at Twelfth and Capitol
avenue atlas Mack an the Juelgs 'were
urown out and hurt. -
Cliance for Belgians
to Go Home and Fight
Dr. E. Ia Dellaney, acting Belgian con
aul at Omaha, for Nebraska and. South
Dakota, has received a telegram from the
general consul at New Orleans, O. D.
La Dewal, saying that funds will be fur
nished by the Belgian government for
t,h transportation home of Belgian re-
aervlate. A Holland ' American liner Will
leave New York Auguat 11.
There are about 100 Belgian rsservlsla
In Dr. Dellaney'a territory. .
Aa a protection agalnat the deluge of
candidates' pictures, Dresner Broa. have
devised a bulletin board la their window
which they have given over to. thla par
ticular display, with tha explanation
"Borne of our friends are to be cleaned
up outside ot our shop on primary day.1
Diarrhoea Uaieteiy Cared.
''My attention was first called to
Chamberlain's Colio. Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy as much aa twelve years
ago. At that time I was seriously 111
with summer complaint One doe of
thle remedy checked the trouble." writes
Mrs.' C. 1 W. Florence, Rookfleld, Ind.
For sale by all druggists. Advertisement.
Blahup Richard Bcannell has gone to
Denver on a short vacation. Rev. J. W,
Stan eon haa been appointed aduilnla.
trator of the dloceae during his 'absence,
es Mens. Colanerl is In Europa
Coaater Seta
Heren piece coaster sets. Nickel
plated copper with Dutch decorated
porcelain baa. Regular $2 gets on
gala Saturday In tha west no.
arcade t
a " 1 '
If1' 1 1 ' V "'i urn ' i an ii ia.n nnm .11. j 1 I !n .1 . "' ' I "" I ......ii. 1 11. 11 .
niMPini si ilia
Crumb Sets
Fancy crumb tray and fcrgper set,
heavily nickel plated. Regular
price 4 8c. On sale Saturday In the
chinaware section, west
arcade, at
&yT)Jfr'jiiriSs&cl 5 Reduction on all Picture Framing During- the Month of Au g'us rSSjf4rsS'rjrifl)Skl O
Summer Dresses k Saturdays Gearing
An our tnfk rf rlrftnnoa trrn-m cmnllor 4hrir nriooa lilrpwiso'nrA rnnstnntlv rUm lniRliino". TYn Katnrfiflv wp have ncjiin rearraniTPfl the stocks, divid-
Inn 1 fA .1 .. : e ; 1 1 e .. . 1 . .: VJ T,.1...1 J ....,. V. ;, Aneona rst firta
linporio cloths, voiles, crepes, linens, organdies and other dainty summer materials. They are distinguished by the newest ideas in long tunic and
ruffle skirts, fancy wnista and other fashionable features,
275 Dresses
Formerly Priced
up to $6.50 at
There is no reason why every woman cannot have pretty dresses now,
400 Dresses
Formerly Priced
up to $10 at
325 Dresses
1 1 1
Formerly Priced
up to $15 at
ggi 200 Dresses 4
rormerly fnced
up to $20 at
Your Choice of Any
Summer Wool or Wash
Suit in Our Stock
Decisive Clearance of Wash Skirts
Saturday we offer, your unrestricted choice
of any -wtth skirt In our stock for
This Includes the newest model ot ratine,
pique, .linen, cordallne, crepe and rep,
formely priced up to $10.
Your Choice of 150
Silk or Wool Summer
Coats Wdrth to $20
The Black and White Hats Are
Very Popular for Fall
They are faced with white hemp and satin, some trim
med with white satin ears, ornaments of corded ribbons, ros
ettes or ribbons, smart bandings, etc There Is
special display prepared for Saturday, at....
Roman Stripe Waists, the New
Favorites of Fashion '
There's a pronounced vogue of the Roman stripe in waists
now. Various bright colored stripes are seen in crepe de
chine, mescalines and taffetas. They have the new set-in
long sleeves and basque effects, $3.98, $5, $3.08, 0.98, $7.50,
$10 and $13.89.
Two Attractive Special Groups of Waists for Saturday
Pretty summer waists ot tine voile and lln- a big assortment of fine silk waists to be
gerle cloths; dainty, fresh and crisp. Many are fg cleared out Saturday, Jap and tub silks, tut- Cfl gQ
new la every particular.. There Is a splendid xfJR fetas, mescalines and chiffons, regularly worth r I -
. variety from which to choose, all regularly worth Jml. up to I. These will prove welcome bargains at ; i
up to 12. Saturday war w paly t .y
The New Hair Goods Styles
A Big Special Sale
Triple Head Switches are most desirable, as they
can be worn for any, head dress; all-around braid,
new tango knots, or any attractive dressing. They're
absolutely guaranteed as to texture and quality.
Tha hla diamond tat do bet woe n teams
compcaed of alumni of Michigan and
alumni f Nebraaka unlvcraltioa haa at
laat been aettledl upon after aevral wwk
of aauabble between, the two factluna.
The fray mill occur on Eaturilay. Auguat
-2. at tha Happy Hollow rluh.
latent C. Haacall ta manager ot the
Netraaka ayuad and Jeaae Palmer ia
nikiuiger of the ailchtgun asgregatiuu.
f.imer lit been challonging; Nebraaka
to warfare tor the laat two yeara. and
it waa not until Haarall entered the field
that be could get a game. Now all la
a.rranged eicept the selection of the Umpire.
VASHISOTO, Aug. T-Nomlnationa
r r'aul Mv Wurturg of New YorH and
l-'relrlck A. IWUnj of CliUago aa mem
Ufa ul tue ftJcri recrve board were
tbitfinutd by the eenate toolghL
New York. March . 1311: "A rash
formed on my forehead and commenced
apreading. It was a ringworm. The itch
ing and burning which I endured for four
montlia before 1 commenoed ualng Real no!
Soap and Kealnol Ointment were terrible.
All my claaamatee kept away from me In
fear that they would catch It. I uaed
every home remedy I could think of. but
Willi' uo aucceaa. My family doctor ad
viaed me to use Reslnol Soap and Real
nol Ointment. Tlie moment I applied them
I (elt a cooling eenaalioa which was laat
Ing the relief waa quick. I uaed two Jara
of Hmtnol Ointment, and Real not Suap,
and waa finally rid of the peat. Today
there Isn't a single mark to ahuw where
1 had the dlaraae." (Signed) M. Ci Koss,
Sn Church Kt.
Reelnol Olntuient and Realnol Boap are
blao apeedlly effective for ecsema pirn
pile, bla'-kheada. d and ruff , aores and
many forma of pllea. Sold by all drug
glaia. For trial free, write to Dept. JI-R,
j Reainol, Raltlmore. Md.
11. SO 20 and 22
In. Wavy Switch
es. Bat
28 and 30-lnch
Btem Wavy Switches, If
value, Sat- fo ATL
urday aPO.-D
The BrtUin Permanent
Wavy Triple Switches,
guaranteed to retain the
natural color, fH r r r
$10.00 value PUUU
$3 24-ln. Triple
Wavy Switches
rirsi quality convent wavy Hair Transform or
ations.. $10 value. Saturday special sale price JD
s Long Silk Gloves
On Saturday we will oiler
about 300 pairs women's 10
buttoa length, heavy weight,
double tipped filk gloves
wortl. $1.50 (so called eec
ouds) at 75o per pair. Tlieso
come in white and a few
$3 58-in. Triple
Wavy Switches,
The New Twin Wave,
one of fashion's latest
coiffures, for women with
scanty hair, Q$y f-
easily arr'ged P.OU
- Transformation, ot nat
ural wavy hair. 18 Inches
long, extra
heavy, at
. $1.95
$1.50 Grade at
Long Silk Gloves
Worth to 89c at
Women's 12 and lG-button
length double tipped pure
silk gloves black and white,
worth up to SOo a pair, 59a
Drugs Toilet Goods
toe Febeco
Tooth Paste
2to Palmer's
Toilet Water
tOc MaJba
Face Powder
50c Peroxide
lablng Cream
on sale at. . .
2Sc Cutlcura
b'oap for . . ,
Red Rubber
poo Spray
on aale at . .
iOc Sloan's
Liniment at
Large elee bottle of
Sal Hepatlca J I
for 110
Eeldllts Pow
dera.10 in boa
1 ScvPream
Me. .dor for .
Peroxide, pound Qf
bottle for ..
BOo box Caa-
carets for
Liaterlne, BOc
bottle for
lOo Bhamrock
Corn Plasters
Melorose Pace
Powder at..
Kinkle's Ptlla
100 in bottle
20 Mule Team
Borax, pound. .
lOo Peroxide fii
Soap for Wl
Pluto Water.
15c size for
( yd Antisep
tic Gause for
Caldtwell'a By nip ui
Pepeln. 11.00 rQ.
bottle OOQ
Tvo Big Sample Lots of Summer
' . gf Tr Awirra mm' Cawls CI eVwwwa ' V
; , uuuci t cat uu uaic uaiuiuay
A sample stock obtained at a fractional price, combined with odd
lots and surpluses from our own stocks enable us to offer fin union
suits Saturday at a big saving. Women s
fine lisle union suits In Kayser, Pandora
and other well known brands. ' Cuff,
knee and umbrella styles. French band
and beading tops. Dainty hand crochet
lace trimmed. Actual 50c. 69c and 75c suits
Women's Sample Vests
We will also offer women's vests at an
extreme low price Saturday. Swiss ribbed
lisle with French band and crochet bead
ing tops or dainty hand crochet lace yokes.
Vests worth up to $5c, on sale at ......
Dollar Sale of Shoes Continues Saturday
Women's and utbiaea' baby dull boot In
tan ItuaaU calf leather.
Woman's dull ralfakln button boots with
gray whipcord tops.
. Yt'omeu's black satin oxfords, button
style Willi covered heels.
Woman's two-atrap alippers of soft
chrome patent leather.
W'oiiieu's roloiilala In dull aad patent
Girls Mary Jane pumps la doll and pat
ent leathers.
Women's soft kldakba oxfords.
Women's brown buckskin lace oxfurda.
Women's one-atrap brown kid pumps.
. Women's O-button tan ralf oxfords.
Ulrls' white canvas Mary Jane pumps.
S2.50 to S4.00
Women's English walking boots of black
Women's and misses patent leather
dress oxfords.
Women's white, canvas oxfords and
Women's black satin colonial pumps.
Women's patent oxfords with dull kid
Women's velvet dress pumps.
Women's soft kldakin house alippers.
Boys' dull calf lace or button attoes.
Men's patent or gun metal oxfords.
Hoys' dull calf skin dress shoes.
Women's Juliet house slippers.
Women's tan calf pumpa.
Women's dull calf two-etrap duuids.
Hosiery Specials
' Fr Saturday
Women's pure thread silk boot
hose with double soles, heels and
garter tops. Regularly pa
worth to 76c, special Sat. OUC
Silk Boot Hose
Women's silk or fibre silk boot
hose In black and white, rip
worth 35c, special at .. aDC
Men's Sox Special
Men's fibre silk sox In
white, tan, navy or gray.
-any worth 2c, on sale
Men's Sox Half Price
Men's lisle and mercerised hose In
all colors. Regular 25c -t nr
qualities on ssle at. . . . 1 jC
Children's Hose
Child's and misses' fine ribbed
mercerized hose, also heavy ribbed
hose for boys. Worth f O 1
25c regularly, on sale at lat&zC
' -' rr --