Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 08, 1914, EXTRA, Page 5, Image 5

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"iiI'"I'S BV TV" iH'ut.gui p jiuw.itmi iuji..jtJA.e
Fl aV. r .. . 'j, ... f
terri,j-: '' 1 J..
Thousand of bargains in furniture, rarprts ami rue" and every
Imatrtnahle nncwsllj or luxury that Horn to furnish or brltthten your
hom will he 'found on our floors. You know a real value when you
see It. Sfcep into our afore and convince yourself that yon cannot po.
H1t dupl?rate our values anywhere in Omaha. Pricea have been rut
23 In .V'To below regular retail prices. Itelow are a few of the spe
cial values 'Uted for Haturdnv. Others on display at our store at cor
resMndliiKty low prices. DOX'T MISS IT. TAKK A YEA It OR TWO
Vt r.u ic lot WISH.
Bed. enamel
ed beautiful!
ly in Vernla
Martin. H
ten heavy 1-
ncll fillers.
netal 'ball
irarinit crs
tmn. Matta
of the IiIkIi
tot k r a (I e
i e a in 1 e h s
steel tuhinK.
Mi nixes.
Spe c i ally
priced for
Sntu r (1 a y'a
s e I 1 1 nir at
tills unheard
of low price.
A nent design In a larr
size solid, oak dresser.
Has three roomy draw
ih. each fitted with
wood pulls. The FYench
beveled plate mirror is
set In neat artistically
shaped standard",
ily worth
Our price
I i i
ft .ywf
Made with five large,
roomy drawers, strongly
constructed throughout
of solid oak. has neat
l' beveled plate
mirror, all orawers nt-
ted with wooi I
rula. An un
usual value..
Timely Measure Taken Lait Week
Are Clearing Atmosphere.
Mora a OMMr Arraaaes fr the
Transfer at Money to I.oatloa
for Toarlats Mil Bast,
aeaa Mntiaea
NKW YORK, Auf. T. Timely meas
ure taken since the rhmln of the Stock
exchange a week "ago today have to
tome extent cleared the financial at
mospher. There I hope iimtiiK busi
ness men that, the tension will continue
to relax.
The export' situation wdi relieved to
day by the arrangements made for the,
purchases of documentary Mlla on Lon
don covering ahlpment of grain, thus re
newing trade. There also nave been es
tablished by J. P. Morgan t Co. cable
transfer relations to facilitate money
transactions, not only for tourists, but
for the lesumptlon of commercial Inter
course between, this country and France.
Exporters were relieved by Great
Britain's announcement that foodstuffs,
forage and grain aid eleven other
classes of articles will not be considered
contraband except when Intended for
the use of a power with which England
la at war. There has lieen a betterment
reported, too. In the financial situation
In Paris and London, which must find
Its reflection here.
More gold was today transferred to
Canada and banks of the Dominion con
tinued to draw on their reserve. It Is
this fact mare than anything: else which
has caused a maintenance of the 8 per
cent call money rate.
The augar market has Become active
and strong becauee the wars In Europe
threaten to demolish the augar beet In
dustry In France, Germany, Austria and
Russia, thereby removing all competi
tion against Cuban augar In the Amer
ican market
During the last day or two large eales
of "granulated have been made to the
United Kingdom. Prices for raw sugar
had today advanced to a 4.W basis. Cen
trifugal and fine granulated la practi
cally on a 6-cent baals.
f r
a .v a m ji
In addition to the many wonderful bar
Kalns offered during this sale we will give
away absolutely free a Handsome Semi
porcelaln Bl-piece dinner set with every
purchase amounting to $50 or over. Caen
FURNITURE has been reduced ft. An ex
ample of the value is the Willow Rocker il
lustrated. Very strongly made and
neatly finished. Exceedingly roomy
and comfortable,
- d J mwMMj
Made of highly seasoned bard wood, very
complete with 50-lb. flour bin, roomy china
compartment, ' utensil shelf, silverware
drawer and kneading board. Your kitchen
not complete without one of these cabinets.
Regularly priced at $18.00.
For tomorrow only.
RAVENNA, Neb., Aug. T.-(Fpcrlal.-A
party thought to le the Industrious
burglar who r.inrackcd several business
places night before Inst, and made his
escape by running through a glass door,
was captured. A pursuing party traced
him to ttoelus, ahoul twelve miles east,
where he bought a meal and a shirt and
overalls. Between Hoelus and Dsnne
hrog he changed clothes, the discarded
shirt being found by the pursuers, but
the trousers are still missing. The party
lisd a quantity of small change corre
sponding with what we taken from the
saloons and pool hall, and has a flash
light which Frank Gerhold Identified aa
his own and which he had left In the
saloon. The man pleaded not guilty, but
was very reticent and guarded In his
Kaaeral f James Dtsr,
TF;CUM8KH. Neb. Aug. 7.-(Hpec!al.
James Devenney, for many years a resi
dent of Tecumseh, died at his home In
Omaha at 3:5.. o'clock last Monday after
noon. He had been In falling health for
some little time, being a victim o(
Brtght's disease and having suffered four
apoplectic strokes within the last few
years. During last winter following a
slight stroke he was confined to the
house for several weeks, resuming his
work the middle of April. Mr. Devenney
was 71 years old. Mra. Devenney and the
seven children, who had gathered at the
bedside of their fnther. brought the body
from Omaha to Tecumseh, Wednesday.
The funeral was held at St. Andrew's
church Thursday morning at 9 o'clock
and waa largely attended. It was con
ducted by Rev. Thomas Harden.
Arnte ladlaresf Inn.
! waa annoyed for over a year by at
tacks of acute Indigestion, followed by
constipation," writes Mn. M. J. Gal
lagher. Geneva, N. Y. "I tried every,
thing that waa recommended to me for
this complaint! but nothing did mo much
good until about four months ago I saw
ChBmberlaln'a Tablets advertised and
procured a bottle of them from our drug
gist. I noon reallied that I had gotten
th right thing, for they helped me at
once. Since taking two bottlea of them
I can eat heartily without any bad ef
fects." 8old by all druggists. Advertisement.
From Our Near. Neighbors
1414-141B-141B DOUGLAS ST.
" A UU. - ilPl.J-IJl" ."J.- " - )"" W'
Just Look Around
Have you looked over the real estate col
umns of The Bee today? Homes for sale,
houses and Apartments to rent are among
the attractive bargains offered you today.
Rectal Diseases Cured
A mild treatment, that cures Piles, Fistula and other Rectal dUeaaa in a short
time, without a surgical operation. No Chloroform, Ether or other general aoast
hetic used. A cure guaranteed in every case accepted for treatment, and no money
to be paid until cured. Write for book on Rectal Diaeases, with testimoniala.
-. - DR. TARRY B Building Omaha.
H. Chapman and John Franksett are
the latest to purchase autos.
A fine shower fell here Tuesday night,
uhlch was much needed by corn and pas
Mr W. C. Crown visited the Isst week
with the Fred Chiistenscn family near
Henrv Roberts of Tekamah motored
down Saturday morning on a business
ir.tsaton. .
Miss Georgia lnthank left Sunday for
Lincoln, where ehe will visit relatives
ftr a few days.
William Wilson went to Blair on Sun
day morning to vUlt hla brother, Guy
ho resides there.
Mrs. Charlca Harrison went to Valley
Wednesday morning to visit her daugh
ter, Mrs. Roy Hlckson.
Mrs. A. I Hughes of David City, Neb ,
was the guest of her parentavRev. and
Mra. Couffer, over Sunday.
Miss May Jensen departed Tuesday
morning for Missouri Valley, la, lor a
short visit with her parents.
Mra. Anna, nowru m ' ' ,v"""
Veb., autoed over to the Reynolds home
n a business mission inurww.
Miss Norma Lockman waa a passenger
to Omaha Tuesday morning, where she
will vlelt relatives for two weeks.
Mrs. Mary Rosenbaum left Monday
evening for Howells, where she will visit
her daughter, Mra Ernest Suesner.
Misses Anna and Klsle Myers returned
the first of the week from Uehllng and
I.iirl where they upent their vucatlons
Mr. and Mra. Chris Wulf vlslt-d Sun
day with Mrs. Wuif s parents, .nr. aim
Mrs. F. A. neynoios, oi rremnin
A childrena nsrty waa hem at ine
home of Mrs. William lams Wednesday
afternoon and lunch was served by the
Chester Pfelffer motored from Fonte
nslle Hunday and took his grandparents.
Mr and Mrs. rxuomon rnjin,
with him to visit a few days.
m,. ( Wolburn of Ham
burg', la., are' vlfittng for a few whi
at the home or sirs, itoiuh
Mr. and Mra. t'. 8. Williams.
, . L . U.H
Mrs W. C Hrown ana aiiuiui-r, i
jorle, Mra. Alma Brown and Karl Brown
autoed to Blkhorn Wednesday evening to
Visit Mr. ana oirsu ueorin oiisrp.
Threshing in this vicinity Is In fill
pi ogress and wheat la averaging from
nine to twelve bushels per acre. Oata wnnA aoina- from fifty to
sixty bushels) per acre.
Sheriff Comptor. came irom "'"ir
... . i bh.i tAntf llarmiin Masks
tack with him, charged with being an
Inebriate, ana irom ms.
the sUte asylum at LJncoln on Thurs
day. ,.
nr r. l'lrixWaon enioved a visit from
his mother of Bloux Falla.
Wade Caldwell has been elected teacher
in a rural school near Kimball.
Mr. and Mra Nlchole, May and J. E.
Nichols motored to Omaha Hunday.
Mra. fl. E. Munson of Omaha la spend
In a week with her brother, Ir. J. C.
A gee.
Mr. and Mra. Husband and children left
for their new home In Memphis, Teqn.,
Mrs Parson, who has been 111 In an
Omaha hospital, returned to her home
W ednesday.
Mrs. William Nightengale left Sunday
for her old home in Canuda. Her mother
la critically ill.
Mlas L.ll!!an Morrow returned Friday
from a three weeks' vacation apent at
her home in Tekamah.
Gertrude Ingram Is staying in C. Cook's
atore during his absence and Ruth Peter
son is taking her place at Rofct-rs.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Collen left on
Wednesday for Illinois. Mr. Collen was
called by tho death of an older brother.
Mrs Grace Shockley, Miss Marguerite
and Miss Florence Dudley of Omaha
were the guests of Mrs. Ingram Sunday.
Kev. B. A. Fye and Mr. Cook left on
Wednesday for Excelnior Springs In Mr.
Cook's automobile. They expect to be
gone two weeks.
Miss Helen McKee of South Omaha,
who will teach the Intermediate grades
in the Valley schools, is the guest of Miss
Mildred King.
I'r. J. C. Agee stepped upon a nail,
which waa run through his foot Wednes
day, and be is now confined to his home
fiom tne effects of it.
The Men s Brotherhood of the Presby.
terlan church gave a successful social on
the lawn of Mr. and Mrs. T. U McNlah.
The receipts were over
Alvlne Drug-man Is quite sick.
Mrs. J. G. feefus entertained tha card
club Wednesday.
Dan Qulnn, Jr., and Henry Johnson
went to Burweli Wednesday.
Henry Thlesen and Arthur Deerson are
sight-seeing at Devil's Lake, N. D.
Mr. and Mn. Jack McCormlck moved
Monday Into the Mia. Dtnsdale house.
Mrs. George Calvert returned Friday
from a few days' visit near Bennington.
Emll Psrakrnlngs of Eagle, Neb., is
here this week looking after his dwelling
Mrs. George Rigby and arm, Robert,
came from Kanass Tuesday to visit his
mother. Mrs. Calvert.
Mra. Stevenson and little daughter of
Wolbach, Neb., are here visiting their
cousins, Mrs. van aisi, ana siBirm.
c ... t .... v.Anin. llitrrv
nuni) JJ. w""'"" ' --
Clark and Jack McCormlck attended Mn-
sonic lodge at Waterloo xuesnsy cviim.
Mrs. Anna McOrew and Mrs John
. . i ...... nr l..i from Kxcelslur
Springs, where they spent several weeks.
J. A. Gibbons snd J. K. V ate attended
the funeral Sunday of the 4-year-old son
of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Spearman at I'apll
lion. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mockelman enter-
. i j .. ....... 1.... nnnl Sstur-
u. .iwninir t h.m dance, tne barn
having recently oeen ereciea.
The business men held a meeting
- , an. I u n rw I n I n t rinnl.
mlttees to meet with the Douglss County
Agricultural sssot-iaiiun in iui.ii
eating the county fair here.
- a vlH 1 1 It riAMlharil and f fl m-
m I . hiiu .j. - ;
1 1 . . . TlAn.l Icrlrtav in RU tU
tomoblle. They will go on later to L larks,
- - . . . ..... 1 .1 1 AA.4.i,Bf4a u
INeu., lo aviena ino wruums tUnv.ui
of a niece or aira. uooumro
Jlr. and Mrs. Elmer Weber have gone
to Denver and other Colorado points for
a ten days' outing.
Mrs. 8. P. Majors, Mrs. Ethel Flynn
and Mlsa Irene Majors were Sunday
guesta at the J. R. Wilson home.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Clarke and Mlsa
Dorothy Clarke left Wednesday for their
home at Beverly Hills, near Lms Angeles
Alex Oatherwcod,' who hae been section
foreman here for over forty years, hss
been changed at his request, to towerman
at Fortnl, a less strenuous position.
Chester Spearman, the 6-year-old eon
of Mr. and Mra. J. P. Spearman died
Saturday from Brlght'a disease. Inter
ment was Sunday In Schaab'a cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Tnrnbull and two chil
dren of Chicago are visiting with Mrs.
Turnbull's parents In South Puplllinn. Mr.
Turnbull expects to make his home In Ne
braska. Mis. R. W. Sprague has returned from
I Lincoln wlw re she has been taking
treatment. She Is much Improved hut
will continue to tske treatment at the
lminanuel hospital In Omaha
Mr. and Mra. H. B. Thompson of Su
perior. Neb., w-re guests of Mr. and Mra.
Charles Behrendt Sunday. After a short
visit with relatives at Harlan, la., they
will go to Twin Falls, Idaho, to make
their home- Mrs. Thompson was form
erly Mrs. Enma Johnson, a teacher of
this place.
Miss Irene Trumble suffered a severe
concussion of the brain Saturday evening
when she waa thrown from her buggy in
a runaway, '-he la atlll In a serious
condition but there are hopes for her re
covery. Miss Florence Peterson of
Omaha, who was with Mlia Trumble at
the time, escaped with a few bruises and
wiy&'. wji INAiy. ZiTW'f ''c
itv' f?fi pr ww5J.
Wilts raf' Vstn
1 .!i fiW XI Vm iw lot for
lb IIl
-fc DT af7 . Pi
ffl '.M'.TVUr'.U.B...' ff 3?
I I , ,
Mra. W. a Miller returned home from
Dunbar Thursdsy.
Frank Snide has gone to Montana to
look up a location.
Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Miller are prepar
ing to move to Incoln.
Mrs. Mabel Bliss of Bcott's Bluff Is
visiting Springfield friends.
Mrs. Sehestedt and i-on. of Omaha are
viaiung at jonn f. scnaala .
L. C Olderog visited C. W. Sanborn
ai ueinany tne tore part of the week.
Governor Morehead will apeak In
Springfield August -'1, on one of the dayj
of the annual picnic.
The Springfield Tennis rluh wnn mn.
the Papilllon club on the home grounds
inunuijr oy a score n to 1.
Mr. W. If. Davidson hi. .i-,
Ellsabi th, and son, Floyd, made a trip In
their automobile to Wauta last week.
Mra. H. B. Kelley and MIsj Pearl Kel
ley, who have been visiting in Spring-
'""" ' r inrir nome in feru last
George Carpentci and family of Amboy,
HI., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. I. H
Carpenter. Mr. Carpenter drove throuKh
in an auiomouue.
Those who are attending the Kpworth
assembly are: Mr. and lira, (irinell, John
Zoerlan, Mr. .nd Mrs. I M. Ball,
Lawrence Nelson. Bernlce F.lwell, Opal
Denni s, rwereii vviueit and C A. Bates
I ,
r ii a ra
'L.t.' fcrU .f.X. MT AT -UB LT
Berg Suits Af
iiuff -XL liU
to our Great Half Price
Sale of Men's Summer Suits
Wv arc gitiK to st 11 ftr "ONE DAY, Satur
day" 100 2-piece Suits oiit and trousers
:Uto 44 pizo. in nil tlio poimlar wool mator-
ials. bluo HiM'c iiit'liuiod, that sold from $10
to $'J'J.r)(, at a nioro fraction )pi
of tlioir prioo; your ilioico of aV
No .AltrrntlunN. No Kxrlimijfca. Sr Douglas St.
A1,S) Toiitha' long jmnt miitu and Norfolk-. 14,
In. 16 ami 17 yonr alzos, that sold rrora f6.00 to flS;
.Saturday' price S2.50 to $7.50- A great bargain.
Boys Suit Sale
A splendid chance to fit the lioy out in
a nice school suit for next month. We are
offering suits that are worth up to $S.50
"Knickerbocker stylos" for $2.95. Sizes
up to 17 years.
Broken Mnea of G0c Waist'. ... 1 .25
Broken Lines of $1 WrIm 500
Uroken l.lnea of bOc Rhlrta.
Urokon Linos of l SUlrts 50
Mauliattan Hlilrt Hale.
Plenty of (rood styles and values yt to be had at
1.15. 81.38. 81.88. 82.25. S2.G5. etc.. etc.
Extra Npetial t'ntlorwear Hale.
2-plece garments, ghlrts and drawers, In soft cotton,
mercerised and lisle, that sold at $1.00. $1.25 and
$1.50 a garment; Saturday your cholee 50 PC 8"
ment. All Ues. Light, cool summer weights.
will be In town next Sunday and occupy
the pulpit for one of the services,
A five-day Chautauqua will begin here
Mr. and Mrs.- Re - Hutchins and Ie
Forest i'hilpol are making a week end
visit at the home of M1m Ksther Smith
at IJnwood, Neb, The trip was made by
Wiord has been received announcing the
marriage of K. W. Kills, who was form
erly an Instructor In the Woepinir Water
Academy. He was married at Madison.
Wis., snd will reside st Lincoln, where
he Is an Instructor In the slate univer
Weepla Water.
G. H. Olive Is at the bedside of his 80-
jrear-oia miner at indlanola, la.
J. P. Comer of Alma, Neb., is visiting;
his daughter, Mra. Chris Hansen.
Miss Berths. Jameson is In Council
uiuita at ine unery Cllsbe home.
J. M. Kilbourn and little son are at
Dorchester, Neb., visiting the former's
M. J. Wlckereham hss gone to St
Petersburg-, Kla., for a three week's bust
nesa and pleasure trip.
Frank Towle of I.onr Beach, Cal., la
nere visum nis sons and their families
lie waa a settler nere la an early day
The Andrew Oleson eighty-acre farm
two miles west of town has been sold tu
August Ho h man of Dunbar; consideration
Mra. O. M. Card and son, Everett, of
Gordon, Neb., are here for a month's
vlnlt at the home of Mrs. Csrd'a parents,
Mr. snd Mrs. K. iC. Day.
Rev. 8. I. Ilanford of Mncoln, a former
pastor of the Congregsttonal church here,
Mrs. Ilendrickson and Mrs. Minnie Deln
nere Omaha visitors Monday.
Miss Harlln Tlrewsler went to Johnson.
Neb., to visit for a few daya.
Clarence Pomp and Wilson Llnheurt
went to Kennlng-ton to the picnic Hunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hlhbsrd of South
Omaha spent Hunday at the llrvwster
Mrs. Nels Rasmuven went to RennlnK-
ton to visit her daughter, Mrs. Kred Paul
sen, Monday.
Mlxs Hanson of Kennard is vlsltlns- at
the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and
Mra. Jacobsen.
Little Viola Bprinic of Pen son Is visit
ing at the home of her grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Spring.
James MHdson. who has ben visit
ing at the A. ". Deln home, returned to
his home at K unr.aiiton, la., Tuesday.
Mrs. Henry H end rick son of Jamestown.
Cal., la visiting at the home of her hus
band s parents, Mr. and Mra. John Hend-rickson.
The Congregstlonal church held Its an
nual plcnlo at Fairmont pnrk. They
cliartered a car which left Pennon st 9
o'clock. Over 1.C people were present.
Beontaaton, (
Mr. and Mrs. Mordhorst were Omaha
visitors last Monday.
The Danish Brotherhood will be here
for its annual outing August 9.
The members of the German Lutheran
church held their meeting Monday after
On Wednesday afternoon occurred the
marriage ot Maggie, oideat daughter of
Mr. and Mra Peter Kroegr, to Mr. Peter
Mordhorst. A large number of relatives
snd frlendd were gathered at the home
In honor of the occasion and many beauti
ful gifts wero received. Mr. and Mra.
Mordhorst will reside on a farm north ol
' Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Odelt rt-turned
Tuesday, after spending two months with
relatives and friends.
The Omaha District Logrolling asso
ciation will hold its annual plcnlo at
Krug park August SO.
Mangold Pros., who have been In tho
lumber business hre for the Inst twenty
years, recently sold out to the C'hrlsteeen
Lumber company,
Mr. and' Mrs. Otto Hansen, who came
down from Tllden to attend the funeral
of their brother-in-law, Charles Kock,
remained for several days, visiting
I V. Dunkak of South Dakota, waa
here this week visiting.
Miss Helen Harp of Prairie City, la.,
was tho guest of Avoca friends this
Miss Marguerite Francis of Dunbar whs
visiting lir sister, Mrs. II. H. Marcpiardt,
this week.
Miss Marv Hennsley was here from
Merlin the first of the week visiting her
sister, Kva.
The Misses Hanger of Lincoln were
here this week visiting at the Pdinud
Johnson homo.
Mrs. ltiKU and son. Beryl, of rlatts
moulh, have been visiting relatives south
east of town this week.
The Misses Connors of Council Bluffs
were visiting at the M. M. Straub home
east of town this week.
Mrs. J. W. Rear waa down from TJn
eon last week visiting her daughter, Mra.
John Andrews, west of town.
Carlos Durham, who has been In the
navy for aeveral years. Is here visiting
hla mother, Mrs. F. Durham.
Ward Plttman left the first of the week
for Fairmont, where he will play with
the base ball team at thai place.
Mra. Spencer waa here from Weeping
Water tho first of the week tatting her
daughter, Mrs. H. P. Itudge, south of
Wllf Miller and family and Mrs. H. L.
Smith and Mrs. Allen of Llucon were
vIMtlng at the W. A. Hollenberger home
Mr. and Mra. Benjamin Potts left Inst
week for a visit to their daughters, Mrs.
Ouy Young, at Fort Collins. Colo., nd
Mrs. C. K. Jones, at New Mexico. They
will be absent about three months.
Hot weather sense
Eat cooling foods in clean
sanitary places.
The Pure Food Sign.
Quicksery Cafeteria
liaaement City Natl Bank Elds
Or Huston Lunchea.
Sltf SouUi 18th 8U
1406 Houctas BL
1408 Karnarm St,
Get Your Copy Today
Yx Million Sold Before Publication
Tie Eyes
A Real Love Story
Haroiil Boll Wright's
Greatest NovcS
Illustrations In Colors by F. Graham Cootes
Sold Cvorywhero, $1.35 Met
PMbihbart The Cook Supply Company Chicago
GREAT t iipuct
mm sir?-.
al Ul IV .lly.J.f J
- w
The Circus of
I o oo
Parade At 10 otiock A. U.
MfUaaMii KM a M
CMIL til If tlAstS MaLf-Ml
16th aad Farnam fcts.
Same prices aa charred at rounds.
will deliver a copy of "The Eyes of the World" to anyone
in the city or out of the city postpaid for $1.35 net.
Dancing, Boating and
Many Other
Free Moving Pictures
Every Evening.
Free Band Concerts on
Ideal Picnic Grounds.
kotraxs rue
Des Moines vs. Omaha
Auras T, , . 10.
uadsy Two Oamsa First Came calls
at a r, M. . aConda, Z.Ues' If ay. Oamea
eaUed at t V M.