Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 08, 1914, EXTRA, Page 2, Image 2
TIIE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 8. 1914. r Glove Sale, 69c a pair 450 pairs of Choice Gloves Including glace, suede and washable kid; gloves that are perfect in style, quality and workmanship, but are slightly soiled. Many of this lot worth $2.25, none worth less than $L25 a pair. All to go Saturday at 8:30 a. m. for COc a pair. Leather Goods A good Goat Seal Leather Bag, fitted with coin purse, moire lined, gilt, silver or gunmetal trimmings, plain strap handle, special, $1.00 each. A new line of Pin Seal Leather Bags, also Party Boxes, received. Specials for Saturday - In the Men's Department Exceptional sale of Men's Silk Mixed Shirts, 30 dozen, $3.00 values, at $1.35. 1 . These sVrts were purchased from one of the largest and best shirt makers; they are all well made and nicely laundered i not a poor pattern in the lot. $3.00 Shirts Saturday, $1.35. i ; Sale starts at 8:30 a. m. Special sale of Men's high grade Coat Shirts, with soft or laundered cuffs, some with collar to match; values to $1.50. Saturday. 05c. SILK LISLE HOSE Men's -25c high-grade Silk Lisle Hose, with double sole and high-spliced heel; black, tan, gray and navy,' 10c. SILK HOSE-Men's 50c Silk Hose, extra good qual ity, all the new shades, 35c, 3 for $1.00. . NIGHT ROBES Men's 75c Right Robes, cut extra large and nicely trimmed,; Saturday, 50c. MEN'S 23o and 8.V Wash Ties, 18c; 3 for 25 MKX'B 2.V Iri Garter, 17. or lloston Women's and Children's Ganze Underwear Women's 12 Vic Oauxe Vest, now 3 for 25c. 35c Lisle Vests, now 25c. 35c Gauze Union Suits, now 25c. 65c Game Union Suits, now 40c. Boys' Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, regular 50c, special Saturday, 15c each. Specials in Toilet Soaps ltansoln and Almond Knap gU a rake. Witch Huxel aud Oatmeal I lath Tablet, 8H each. i Sale of Infants' Fancy Socks Infants' 5Cc Fancy Socks for 35c. Infants' 35c Fancy Socks for 25c. 1 Infants' 25c Fancy Socks for 15c. Remarkable Sale of White; Footwear SOROSIS SHOES INTERNATIONAL SHOES A rare opportunity to obtain standard Sorosis and International Shoes at prices considerably below their standard values. SOROSIS INTERNATIONAL SOROSIS White nubuck colonial or regular pumps, suitable for. walking and dress; S4.00 and $1.50 values, at special price, $3.35. ..... In addition to this remarkable sale of White;. Shoes, there will be more than 100 other styles, in all desirable materials' at greatly reduced prices. ' ; IXTKUXATlOXAl White dmk liegent pump. Thla aniart whit) shoe wu designed , especially for Rummer wear; m aabatantial Cuban henl makes It comfortable for walking; it la urnametited with neat metallic buttons fa.SO value, at aiterlai price. wmmmmmm. HOVMHDili AND SIXTEENTH STREETS BRITONS PANT FOR THE FRAY ; Huge Crowdi Respond to Kitch ener'i Call for Recruits. ALL CLASSES ARE REPRESENTED Mlaaeapell Womia la Loatna wilt Mind Drnmpil Reaalt f Her Kerleacra LfT la Oeraiaay. liONIxN, Aug-., T. (2:16 p. m.-Tha response to Field Marshal Karl Kitchen er's appeal for recruits for the British army surpasses anything- In the memory of Hrltlsh military men. Huire rrowfla of all aa ami all atatlona' of : life, atlk hatted men and poorly clothed laborer tood In lonfc lines all day In front of he reerulting . stations awaiting their turn to go before the medical officer. Dr. Hans Flchn, correspondent ' of the Oerman Telearaphte News agency,.: who had been placed under . arrest, aaa rc leaeol today after h had--aatlafled the police that he ) not a apy. . 11a haa decided to return to Germany. Critic Balla. A despatch from ijueenstown statea that the Celtic sailed from -there . today for New York after embarking- tV) pen center who were glad to be allowed to occupy tha ateerage. With the . object of co-ordinating the syatem of giving assistance to travelling Americana and. restoring order among tha chaotic condition! arlilnK out of the multiplicity of committee an authorita tive committee of American reeldent in London waa formed today under of ficial auaplce. Walter IXInea Page, the American ambassador ha been ap pointed honorary chairman and conaul General Robert Bklnner vice chairman. Tha aecretary la F. C. Van Duaer. chair man of the American aoclety In London. The purpoae 1 to upply money to' thoae who are pennlleaa ami lend tip to SIX on negotiable paper at th rate of SB to the pound sterling, lntead of at the extor tionate rata of W to tha pound aterling, Dow current In London. Asked te) Name Body. The authorities In Washington have been aiiked to appoint some official body to dispense the appropriations coming on board the Tennessee. . The street In front of the American consulate general was again filled with Germane today waiting to register their names and eddreaaea. There; was no dis order. ' '-. t , Mrs. Katherine' Peek of 'Minneapolis wa found today by the police wandering about with her mind deranged. She was hungry, although she bad a large sum la paper and letters of credit In her purse, She Is sufferbna; from the effect of her Journey across Germany where h said ' he waa dragged from the train to be hot. She now Imagines - she may be taken as a py. She ha been placed in a hoapltal for treatment. EESERVESmi, ".. ; NOT BE ALLOWED TO RETUBN HOME (Continued from Pag One.) , STORYOF SEA FIGHT ' (Continued from Page One.) net, found the K.omiln Lulae lay ing miaei. A destroyer pursued and tank it About fifty of Its crow, -which probably numbered ISO or .910, men,' were humanely saved by the cre of the British destroyers. , "Th Amphloa continued to scout wltk the flotilla and while on the :etuni journey was blown up by a 'nine." I "The Indiscriminate ue of mines not In ooanectlon with military harbor or etrateclo positions and th indiscriminate 'scattering- of contact mine about th I sea might, of course, destroy not only ! warships, but peaceful merchant- ship juader a neutral flag and possibly carry ing supplies to a neutral country. "The nae of mines la new in warfare and . deserve th attentive consideration, 'net enly ef the of ue who are engaged in war, but of th nation of tn civilised i werid. 1 "Tfce admiralty la not at all alarmed or i BLwoocerted by thla Incident." Mr. Churchill added that arrangements I Lad been made such as Would reduce the possibility of accident caused by mines te a minimum. Wilt Ors Ravel Press Bareaa. Rfeninj to the dlconcriaig war ru mora spread by the newspapers, Mr, tTburrhlll ald they were probably due t strict censorship prevailing and caused th paper to fill tblr column with re port from Irresponsible and nervo.$ per aona oa the coast. Mr. Churchill announced that th Brit lib hsd decided to establish a press - bureau presided - over by Frederick K. Smith, a member of Parliament, and from this bureau la to be Issued a steady sup- 'ply of: trustworthy 'Information from both the admiralty, and Mar cfTio. wiUi i out. however, placing la dae?r he natal and military Interest of the country. In thla way,' he said, 'th' country would be , kept truthfully tufurtnd of the a tat -of j affaire, . . '. The first Jord then pal 4 a tribute to th ; prs fur Us restraint during th preceu ' lonary period abun the government was , without any legal mean if eentrelltng I It This ha enabled th authorities ex pedlUousljf sod discreetly to. cuinpit I their preparation. " taelJ 'Dtstrlrt la sraal. ' ixndon. Aug. 7. is-ie p. m )-The i I rafivtal district of Lunaon resunwd almost , Jta nunul asparet toda with the re I opeuib; ef th banks. Interest cantered around th Bank of England, where a sraduaiiy extending: line of people gath ered, eeixiou to ezchange paper money 7 for aold. There ws no great rush tljl poon. r In strong contraat with the customary activity and buatle In the bullion depart ment of the ftank of Kngtand, where a larg staff Is usually employed weighing bullion the whole day, not a person was to be seen there today. At other banks business waa quit moderate. Checks In most esses were paid la notes. , lira Ruth Bryan-Owen, daughter of the American secretary of state and wife Of Captain Kafaehl A. Owen of the royal engineer, today Issued an appeal for th asilataiioe of the American pre In collecting . contribution In aid of British subjects suffering privation through th war. 'Subscriptions, ah says. Will b applied without delay to organised ra!lf. In Germany are being badly treated, while French and Russian aubjects returning to their own countries are Insulted and molested by crowds and the authorities. The French ambaaaador at Berlin, Jul Carabon, la believed to b still at Mecklenburg. Kidney Treakle and Weak. Baek. lftia of breakdown In health. Klectrlc Hitter glvea sure relief and lasting bone fit from Ha use. loo and . All drug Slats. Advertisement Omaua real estate Is th beat Investment you could make. Reid Th Bee'a real aetat column. State with referenc to the latest phase of the European conflict. Charge Hoscher of the 6 wise legation told Secretary Bryan Swltaerland would today Issue a proclamation of neutrality. Th charrs (tated that 'Americana pour ing Into Bwltserlfcnd ' from Trance, Oer many and Italty and especially.. Vienna were safe. j. . t. .. . Censors at Wireless) ' Stations. All Inspectors '. In", th radlp-telerraph service of the Department of Commerce , today were notified to co-operate with I the Navy department In censoring wlre I esa messages so as to p reserve the neu i trallty of the United Btetea. The ln t spectors are located at New Tork, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltlmor. New Orleans, Ban Francisco and Beattl. Secretary nf Labor Wilson haa decided that Immigrant deported aboard veaeela which later put back Into th United States because of the war crisis may be received back from the steamahip com panies and taken care of at Immigration stations pending- developments. (jerniaa Oil Ship Ilecallrd. PHILADELPHIA, Aur. T.-Recalled by wireless tho Oerman steamer Pennol , which left here July S7 with 2,000.000 gal lons of oil for Oermany, returned to its dock today. Sicilian Retarna to Qaebee . QUEBEC, Aug. 7. The Allan' liner Sicilian, which put out to sea Sunday with passenger for Glasgow, came back i to Quebec today for fear of capture by German cruiser. Two ships, presumably Oerman, are re ported to have been (topped In the St. High Quality At a Low Pricf. Lien's Panama Hats 1 All Departments Take a Part la the greatest clearance we bare ever held. IfcMermined to make thla the greatest clearance sale ever held, we offer the moat ex ceptional bargains. A sale exceeding all others. MEN'S CLOTHING Our entire stock, including Rochester made clothes, except blacks, now reduced to one-half former price. Choose all S10 Suits now S3. 00 Choose all $15 Suits now $7.50 Choose .all $20.00 Suits now iv. vrfsv rW. t. m m w i. -sv at : $10.00 Choose all $25.00 Suits now Sl.50 Choose all $30.00 Suits now at $15.00 MEN'S FURNISHINGS Shirts, all styles, formerly $1.25 'at' .75c Wash Ties, 20c kinds .9c Closed Crotch Union Suits 65c Wilson Bros. Silk Hose, white included, 25c quality ; 12lsC r.lon'o Odd Trousers Made bjr America's foremost makers,' in peg tup, aemi-pega, and conserv ative ".tyles. . . ' ' liewcon ShiK'n, liargaln Lines $3, $3.50 and $4; sale price $1.85 $2.50 and $3 grades. . . $3.50 and $4 grades. ; . . . OLiUJ I grades. Viil h. S. ASMSTEIM-1519 DOUGLAS STREET A. MAYER Any STRAW HAT Values to $3.50 Lawrence river at th Island of .Orleana, near the naval station recently estab lished there. Pern Declare Moratorlam. LIMA, Peru, Aur 7.-The Peruvian government today laaued a' decree pro clalmlna; a moratorium for thirty daya from AugAiat LIGHTNING OFFENSE - IS HOPE OF GERMANY (Continued from Page One.) nigh stagger the lmaBlnatlon. Fleets and armies form but one factor In the Im mense and Intricate ctruggl. -The whole Blob will be ahaken and the Issue may be turned by Influence yet undreamed of. ' The Moral Factor. Conalder the moral and sentimental fac tor. Whatever the enthusiasm and confi dence of Oermany and - Austria may be, the sense of a Just oause will permeate the people arrayed against them and sym pathy will pervade kindred peoplea be sides many foreign communities In other countries and seas. Our great self-governing colonies will be staunch for the' mpr.-, a point not merely sentimental but of practical stra tegic Importance. There are already clear signs that the Irish problem-will be happily solved by the concession of - Irish claims. That re sult will be worth army corps a ad fleet to the empire without reckoning and In debt. Its credit stands higher, than that of any other nation In Europe. Taxation for the mass of the people has been re duced while Increased, for the fringe 'of the ' very rich peraona. Oermany la a debtor country with a somewhat" topheavy business fabric in a far less stable conlitlon and 'Austria has been suffering verloualy frpm the heavy cost of partial - mobilisation ex tending over the last two 'years. A -.France Is. a' creditor ' country wjth enormous accumulated wealth and should be well able to bear the long, strain. ! , Kaiser Says Germany ; is Attacked by Its : Jealous Enemies BERLIN, Aug. 7 Via London, 1:18 p. m. A proclamation by Emperor William, addressed to the Oerman nation, waa published In the Official Gazette today. The text aa follows: "Since the foundation of the Oerman empire it haa been for forty-three years the object of the efforts of myself and my ancestors to preserve the peace of the world and to advance by peaceful means our vigorous development. - "Our adveraaii. however, are Jealous of the Bucceaaea of our work and there has been latent hostility to the east and to. the west and beyond the sea. twenty-four hours before Henry Holmes waa lynched here In connection with the. aame crime. Some Nations Admit Receiving Wilson's Offer of Mediation WASHINGTON, Aug. 7.-Recelpt of President Wlleon's offer of good offices has been acknowledged by some of the. warrlns- nations of Kurone. hut nnnx nf the responses, constitute anything In. the nature of a rent v. Officials An nnt Irnnw whether It haa been received In Oermany. ' The response from, the Russian foreign,, office -said the proposal had not been', bronght to the attention of Emperor . Nicholas,, because he wa moving about the country directing orenarattona. What other had acknowladged wa .not - dis closed. ... TV To n A f f nmnf o T ? fs rf German Crown Prince LONDON,"' Aug.' 7. (3:80 . a. m.)-The Standard ay 1t haa heard -from -a r-. liable ' source that the Oerman crown prince haa been seriously Injured by an . unidentified assailant, who. after -inflict-. . ing grave-wounds, escaped. . , . .. , ?Thla haa been borne by us till now. as.. . .v. . . ,. calculable advancement of moral strength, tw were aware of our responsibility and dlgnlUea -upon, severs Englishmen. a- Dlseeaaloa Amea Teatoas-, Ifcur power. ".. ' cording to she. im reperu-. , , -, Against thai XMUl(. weurhjtb doraeatic weakness and friction caused among the Teutonle allies by the sullen and seditious people' of Poland and Alaace Lorraine In Oermany and of Croatia, Boanla and Hun gary in Austria, to aay nothing of the external Slav pressure from the Balkans. Turkey may raise Its hand to counter balance thla latter Influence, but In that case Italy, with its strong anti-Austrian policy tn the Adriatic, may be compelled to raise Its. Of the nations net engaged In the struggle the United States Is by far the greatest. Whatever Americans may think of the origin of the war, as 'wickedly and wantonly provoked as any In his tory, Englishmen hope for, nay, confi dently expect. American sympathy not merely on the ' grounds of kinship and common Ideals, but out Of Sober regard to the lawless steps finally taken by Oermany in violation of treaties, riaaaex ras Part. Finance will affect the war In only a small degree compared with decisive bat tles, but it will count. Th United Kingdom Is probably better prepared than any other belligerent. Alone among European powers It has not borrowed during the last ten years, but on the contrary, has paid off $100,000,000 of Its BRITISH EMBASSY : ATBERLIN STONED CcnUnud from Page On. I an lent to lb Turkish government a aaval Instructor. Baa Is Thrvwa. BERLIN, via London, Aug. 7.-The of- fklal account of th attack on the British embassy by the .Hriln populace, for whUh th Oerman emperor apologised to the British ambassador. Js as follows: 'The llerlla public, first confined Its demonstration to the singing of patriotic songs, and to shouting at various ir. on who were making outrageous ges tures from the windows of th embassy. Home sard waa thrown on the crowd, which tlirpoa tor up th mosaic pavement-, on th sidewalk and bom barded the windows. The police tin medlaUly cleared the atreet. Dear Bod Trulausl. Th Uerrnan foreign office today de clared false the stories that discourtesy had Wen shown la Oermany toward th Dowager Empress Maria Feodorwna and Orand Duk Constanttn of Russia. Of ficials stat that hr majesty waa re ceived with the. greatest reepect vs Iter arrival In Berlin and that her train wa diverted to Denmark because th territory east ef Berlin was In a state of war. Aaaer.raiia Have Meaey, COPKKliAUEN. Aug. I. four hundred American. Including Alvey A. Adee, a delegate to th Kpltsbeigea conference at rhrtstianla. and George Post Wheeler, secretary or tne America a embassy at Toklo, and th latter' wif, ar proceed ing from Eabjerg to England. I leery White, former A mem a ambassador to France, la reported aafe In Berlin, but unable to leave. All Americans have suf ficient fend. Preachs mm Hswlaat Mistreated. PARIS. Aug. ;. Via iondon, I S a. ra.) Aocording to a semi-official communica tion, French diplomatic representatives German and French Infantry in Action VI:,-: It " rA . ' " s 'Now, however, these adversaries wish to humiliate us, asking that we should look on with folded arm and watch our enemies preparing themselves for the coming attack. "They will not suffer that we maintain our resolute fidelity to our ally, who is fighting for its position aa a great power and with whose, humiliation our power and honor would be equally lost. "So the sword must decide. "In the midst -of perfect peaae the enemy surprises us. Therefore, to arms! "Any dallying -and temporizing would be to betray the fatherland. ' "To be or not to be is the question for the empire which our fathers founded. To be or not to be Is the question for Oerman power and Oerman' existence. "We shall resist to the. last breath of man and horse, and we 'shall tight ' out the struggle even against a world of cnemlea "Never has Oermany been .subdued when we were united. ; . "Forward with God, who will 'be with us as He was with our ancestors " - Three JVearroe Are Lynched. . MONROE. La.. Aur. 7.-Preston Grif fin and Charlea Hall,-- neKroes, were taken from the local city hall tower early today and hanged by a mob. Lea than WHITE STAR LINER 0LYMP1CV GIVEN CLEARANCE, PAPERS NEW YORIf. Auf.' 7.-The While1 Stir. liner, Olympic, due to sail tomorrow' wsr given clearance papera this aftemoonvby customs officials. .Earlier in the day It' was announced that It , might not sail Inasmuch as t .belongs to. the British naval reserve , and . the enforcement, of the government'a neutrality policy might result In Its detention here. . PLAN SUFFRAGE-PARADE IN . PROTEST AGAINST WAR ' NEW TARK. . Aug., V As a protest against the war. In Europe, a movement . has been started here by. suffrage leaders for a parade of women, godned In black, on Saturday.. August 22, or Sunday,' Au gust 23. Bkla-Graftlna; Operation. BOONE. la.. Aug. 7. (Special , Tele gram.) George Smith, who waa seriously burned two weeks ago by a htgh-tenslori wire, today underwent an operation for ' skin grafting. Co-workers volunteered for the operation. nassi nj,iM.i.aiaa law suuaiismij sw.uas JM jm.h.mswsWiii K a Ml m , '", ' , , .J-Jg- 1 . -.1 r-" V 1 1 4 ' ey : 4 . ; J UPPER PICTURE SHOWS GERMAN 1XFANTRT CROSSlNo" PONTOON BRIDGE. LOWER PICTURE 18 OF A FRENCH INFANTRY CUARQa;. THE COT PRICE DRUG STORE OF OMAUA 25: Albert's Little Dinner Pills at ........... IOC 50c Charles' Flesh Food, at 19c 25e Perepiro 10c 25c Opal Shampoo.. .12c 50c Ise 'bell's Prepara tions : 28c 50c Samuel's 3-P Capsuls at .. 29cy 90c 2-quart Water Bottle, , guaranteed red rubber, at .. .... .......GOC $1 2-quatrt Fotmtain Sy-. riage, red rubber.. GOc $3.00 DeMar's ..Whirling Spray Syringe ..'.$1.08 75c Rubber Gloves.. 39c 50c Pebbeeo Tooth Pasto at .. 29c . $1X) Hood's Sarsaparilla at .. .....G7c 75c Pompeian M a s tb a g e Cream .: ...... 47c 50c Pompeian Massage Cream 29 c 5c " Anti-Colic Nipples, 2 for ...5C 75c Pinaud 's Tiyoli Pow der ....45c 50c Beaton's Cold Cream at .. 40C 50c DeMar's Benzoin and Almond Lotion .... 25c 100 bottle Ilinkle Cascara Pills .. ...........12c 75c Jad Salts....... 53c 25c Mentholatum . . .14c $5 Gillett Kazors $3.40 Durham Duplex Razors. . 19 60c Carmen Powder ....) 1 lb. Epaom SalU ...... ,5c 10c genuine Castile Soap, per cake -4 I5c Brotuo Seltter 17 1 lb. Mule Team Borax . . .G? 26c Peroxide HydroRen . . 25c Porter's Brass Polish. . $1.00 Newbro'a Herpiclde 63 -Horllck's Malted Milk. or..34e G7 S2.70 25c Beaton's Tooth Paste '2.C 75c and 85c Bath Cape, all rub. ber 37 BEATON DRUG 15th and Farnam Phone Douglaa 81, 82, 83 and 84. CO. J