Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 07, 1914, EXTRA, Page 9, Image 9

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4 -
r RH ft A Mi ll LiXDI FOR I,R
FOR EALR SJO arret in eastern Colo
rado. I'ntmproved. 90 arrra larm land,
balance pasture. Price, 11. KO. Good In
vestment. For Information, address Box
Imperial. Neb
I OWN 30.000 acres of land In Cheyenn
ami Mnniln counties, Colorado. Will
sell In small or large tracts. Kaav terms.
Write w. J. Mureliart. Mankuto, Mln
nesota. o
36 ACRES fruit land, unimproved, $
mile north, 76 per acre. Lsy-dt Heaa
Co.. 123 Pearl St., Council Bluff.
FARM for sal. 213 acres, 6 miles north
of Council Bluffs postofflce, on Lime
Kiln mad. Well feiu-ed and watered.
Good blue grafts, some timber, 10 acre
rorn. Price. $ per acre. Pay & Heaa
Co.. la Pea rl St. Council Fluff, la.
80-ACRK Improved farm In htlis. Some
fruit Small buildings. Good water.
miles north, $76 per acre. Can add an
other 40 at same rate. Day c Heaa Co.,
123 Pearl St.. Council Bluffa.
15 beautiful aouthern Minnesota farms In
the heart of the corn belt In Watonwan,
Hlue t:arth and Brown counties; well, Im
proved and located, rich aoil. sure cropa;
write for our Hat and beautiful booklet,
"Southern Minnesota." C. E. Brown Laud
and Uiri Co., Madella, Minnesota.
NO FAILURES In Pine county, Minne
sota; close to best markets; choloe
lands, easily cleared. $ per acre; eaay
terms. Hunt-Johnaon. Hinckley, Minn.
FOR SALK 3 acres if. mllea from Min
neapolis, ono mile from town; 10 acrea
under cultlv-tlo, bal. need for pasture;
tan practically all be cultivated; heavy
oil; good aet of buildings, consisting of
l-roo n house, large barn, granary, corn
cribs, etc.; the land will produce 60 bush
els of corn per acre: telephone In house;
country thickly settled; complete set of
machinery; 27 head of stock, consisting of
II cows, balance l ana z years otn; good
horses. 25 hugs, chickens; H of this year's
prop and everything on the farm goes at
M per acre; half cash. Schwab Bros,
lO.'S Plymouth Rldg., Minneapolis, Minn.
. 9ie'brakv
FOUND 820-aerei Homestead In settled
neighborhood; fine farm land; not aa
hills; cost you 1200 filing fees and all,
111. J.
A. Tracey. Klmhall. NeD.
New York.
Fifteen cows, tesm, tools, young stock,
bull. 10 hogs. 300 hens, and all crops go
with this 8&-acre farm on slate macadam
ized road.' Price, $6.S00; 11,000 rash down.
Eighty-acre farm near Fulton City.
Price with 6 cows and team, 1 1,1(0; $400
cash down.
Write for photos.
2436 S. Sallna St., Syracuse. N. Y.
Mention Omaha Bee when writing.
FOR SALE 700 acre Improved land, a
bargain. Tart cash, balance terme. J.
C Lovelace, Crowder. Okl.
Best dairy and aeneral croc state In the
union; settlers wanted: lands for sale at
low prices, on easy terms. Ask for book
let 34 on Wisconsin Central Land Grant
Htate acres wanted. Write about our
grazing lands. If Interested In fruit
lands, ask for booklet on Apple Orchards
In Wisconsin. Address Land Dept., Boo
Line Ry.. Minneapolis. Minn.
Suitable for raising clover, potatoes and
dairy cattle, with Its many lakes of pure
cool water, abundance of clover, blue
Joint and timothy growing wild or cul
tivated. It la the best possible place to
raise cattle and sheep. We have no hog
cholera, chinch bugs, Hessian fly or army
worms, and It is worth something to live
In a country free trom these pasts. I
offer $.000 acres of cut over hardwood
land, with stumps In many cases all de
cayed and gone, at reasonable prices and
easy terms to settlers. Borne stock raiser
ought to buy my 200-acre tract, enclos
ing station of Ooodnow on Milwaukee
road, crossed by fine little river, several
old springs, some groves of hardwood
timber, balance can be put Into graxlng
or can be farmed. Have a full half sec
tion adjoining this also. Write for map,
prices and Information .op Oneida, county
lands, and list of farms for aale. , .
C. P. CROSBY. Rhlnelander. Wis. ..
FOR EXCHANGE Several good Missouri
farm for Nebraska farms. Writ what
you have. Quy R. Htanton, Lebanon. Mo.
No Commission Realty Co.
ll 6-30 Faxton Block.
If you want to buy. sell or exchange
your property or business, go where that
kind of business Is done. Everybody go
to the No Commission Realty Co., BE
CAUSE nobody pay a commission.
Pianos for other musical lustru't. U. 1011.
3-0 ACRES Well Improved farm for trade
for hardware store; farm located south
west of Lodge Pol ( miles and Ihi miles
southeast of Hujiol. Want something will
Invoice about five to six thousand dollars.
Address lock box 400. Lodge Pole, Neb.
HUDSON car. newly painted, extra cas
ing.' demounted rims. Owner wouid con
sider good vacant lot or city property.
Kor further Information call Scott & Hill,
307 McCague Bldg. Douglas 1009.
WB sold nine house last week let u
ell yours this week. We have more
buyers than . we have bouse for sale,
riee us today.
101&-W W. O. W. Bldg.
$JM lo 4l.0U) made promptly. F. 12.
Wead. Woad B'dg.. 1MB and Farnam.
Cl'lY and farm loans, 6, 6s. per cent
J.H.Dumont Co., ItsOS Farnam, Omaha
WANTED City loan Peters Trust est.
OMAHA homes. East Nsbraska (arms.
101 Omaha Nat. Douglas 2714
WANTED City loan and warrant.
W. Farnam Bmlth & Co., 1320 Farnam.
UARVINI lUtl) Loana. $6u0 and up.
A1V. 131JO. omaha Nat Han.
UEE us first If you want a farm loan.
United states Trust Co., Omaha, Neb.
MONEY en hand for city and farm loans.
li. W. Binder. City Nat Bk. Bldg.
ITV 1llK'n Rmls.C&rlbara Co.
O 110-311 Brandels Theater Bldg.
CITY property. Large .oan a specialty.
W. H. Thomas, 3 fitat Ban Bldg.
KERR Title Ouarant. and Abstract Co.,
a modern abstract office, A Bo. 17 1 a
Ft. Phons Douglas MI7.
BEED Abstract Co.. oldeat abatract of
fice In Nsbraska. 20 Branfela Tneater.
5 Acres
On mil north of Krug Park, well Im
proved. Price $4,625; $725 cash, balance
only $26 per month. Snap for ioim on
who act quick sure to go. Tak you
out any tlm.
D. V. Sholes Co.
13 City Nat I Bank Bldg.
Doug. 4.
Acres Acres Acres
On the Bellevue and Fort Crook boule
vard and car line la located Country club
Acrea. This addition is very choice, high
ana signiiy; scenery most rnarnung; no
nicer suburban property than Country
Ijb Acrea. You ran buy from or acre
up ana on eaay terms.
O 'Neil's B. E. & Ins. Agency.
'"a Faruam 8t. Tel. Tyler 1CC4.
Field Club District
Two Beauties
AVe have Just finished two very fin
etrlrtly modern two-story dwellings, iou
must see these before you can truly ap
preciate them: Inspection Invited. They
are built by day labor. F.ach dwelling
has a fine living room, one the entire
width of the house. The dining room In
one has a built-in buffet, the other has
a bay window: kitchens are complete,
and conveniently arranged. Oak finish
downstairs, oak floora upstalra and down
stairs, except kitchen. Three fine bed
rooms and sleeping porch upstairs; splen
did bathroom, tiled floora. best grade of
plumelng fixtures. Full cemented Base
ment and walks; guaranteed furnace
tFoxi, coal blna and fruit cellar, etc. We
would consider a good cottage, clear, aa
part payment, or sell on very reasonable
Make appointment to see these. They
will not last long.
Scott & Hill Co.
Phone Douglas loot. 300-7-3 McCague Bldg.
Choice Investment
Very centrally located brick business
property paying S per cent net on $30 two.
Present tenants have secured building
10 to IS veara and the rente from unex
pired leases amount to more than $15,OJ0.
Can be bought on a basis of 13 per cent
net on umoiint required to handle It. No
trade considered. K 2J7, Bee.
Reception hall, parlor, dining room,
kitchen, hardwood finish, hardwood floors
up and down stairs, three bed rooms,
stairway to attic, house In nice order, lot
47x111, at 8516 Davenport; house vacant,
key first door east; non-resident owner
has reduced his price from $4,600 to $3,750.
Room $47 Omaha National Bank Build
ing. Phone Douglas 12iM.
Field Club Snap
Attractive modern house, 6 rooms and
bath. Oak finish and floors. Dandy cor
ner lot. Built about four years ago and
always occupied by owner, a physician.
8plendld opportunity for young doctor.
Worth much more than the price. Let
us show you.
Armstrong-Walsh Co.
Tyler 1636. ' JOR-lO-tM, State Rank Bldg.
Almost new, strictly all modern, i rooms
with sun . room, mirror closet doors,
quarter-sawed oak finish downstairs,
birch upstairs, screens and storm sash;
lot $0x114 and garage. Owners built this
for home, price $6.V)0. which Is lesa than
cost. $500 cash, balance monthly.
$10-11 BrandeU Theater Building.
4- rooin cottage 3332 Maple St. $200 cash,
balance monthly.
6-room 2419 S. t7th.. $l,6GO-$S0O cash,
-room, modern, 1714 N. 28th St., $2,300
$300 cash, balance monthly.
5- room, new, modern home, 36th and
Center St, price $4,800, will take good
auto and $500 cash. Inquire 413 Karbach
block. Phone Douglaa (WU7.
BEAUTIFUL home In exclusive West
Farnam district. Owner will be In town
for one week only and must aell Immedi
ately. Burroughs Adding Machine com
pany, 300 South lth St., city.
West Farnam
The modern home at $2$ No. SSth Ave.,
with two bath room, and coating over
tfiujO on a $2,600 lot. Offered for $6,000.
Phone owner, D. 247.
Nearly new, strictly modern -room
bungalow; oak, finish; full cement base
ment; two block to car; fine corner lot
1016-10 W. O. W. Bldg.
Close-In Corner
Best in Town for
Northeast corner Twenty-fourth and St
Mary's, 72x147, with two two-story frame
houses In fine condition. Price reduced
to $12,000. Will consider all cash offe.r. It
can't be beat for the money.
Armstrong-Walsh Co.
Tyler 1636. 208-10-12-14 State Bank Bldg.
Dandy 6-room cottage, entirely modern,
elaborately decorated, paved street, east
front lot. one-halt block to Field club,
two block to car and near school. Price
only $3,000.
210-12 Brandels Theater Bldg.
FOR BALK, cheap, nine-room, modern
house, with four choice lota, one block
from the car line aud In good neighbor
hood. Priced right and terms If desired.
The Allen I-and and Investment com-
Danv. 5B4 Brandels Bldg. Tel. Red 2M.
T-ROOM house, renia for S1S.M, must be
A SNAP Must s sold at once. 8even
room house, electrio light, gaa, city
water, toilet SO-foot front, good bam.
3123 Burdette, $1,000. Small payment down
and the rest like
rent Call Web. 1306.
Candidates for
Office Speak at
the Loyal Club
Twenty-two candidate for office poke
briefly last night to a larg audience at
an open meeting of the Loyal club, known
as th organisation where good fellowship
lone determine It members' standing.
Th speakers were of all parties and be
liefs. Harry Zlroman, who apoke last, caused
some excitement by mentioning; hi be
lief that officeholder should turn In to
th county all fees received by them and
should be satisfied with their salarlea,
these publicly expressed opinion having
the effect of tending to bring blushes to
th cheek of Sheriff McShane and
Robert Bmlth, cleric of the district court,
against whose "fee-grabbing stunts" the
Board of County Commissioner) ha been
waging war.
Zlmman also criticised Charles Saunders
and Mike Lee, legislators, on th ground
of having broken their pledge to the
voter to advanc R. Beecher Howell'
War May Stop
All Bond Plans
Th poor prospect of selling bond on
a market upset by war may cause th
withdrawal of all bond proposition that
were to hav been submitted to the
voter of Omaha thl fall. School board
r ember ar seriously considering the
tnadvtaabillty of asking the taxpayer to
authorise $1,200,000 for nw school build
ings, a contemplated, and several city
commissioner are likewise saying they
see no use, under the conditions, of
even voting on the proposed million-dollar
park bond Issue.
Everybody reads Lee Want Ad.
Strongest Men in Wheat Thought to
Be Accumulating Holdings.
Yellew terewl Make bstaallal
tialas Over Rest la a; (pets.
Helped by the ltalare
la Wheat
OMAHA. Aug 1 WI4.
Many of the strongest men In the wheat
trade are thought to be luletly, but per
sistently accumulating good sized lines of
wheat. Thl fact was demonstrated yes
terday In the atrength in the May as a
reflection of the growing belief that the
market will show great atrength and
valuta are advancing sharply during the
present crop year.
There were price galna In wheat yes
terday of lVH'ec and fluctuatlona were
sharp and continuous. Foreign grains
! led In the strength and were followed bv
wheat Crop advices from western Can
ada aa well aa from eur own northwest
were unfavorable. There were rumors
from the eaat that there Is a possibility
of the cessation of all naval oppoalMot;
10 Ultimate shipments of wheat from this
country to western Kurope. The declara
tion of war bv England against Germany
Is believed In most circles to have cut
off the exportation of all breadstuff aa
well as Provisions for a time at least.
The blockade of wheat at gulf porta has
diverted some of tree grain In Chicago
and Kansas City sold SOO.OUO, but to oome
here yesterday.
Cash sales of wheat were small at IS, 000
btikhela, and thla wae taken by millers.
Strength of a pronounced character was
alao displayed by the corn market yester
day, prices at the finish showing gains
f 1f lt,c over previous renting spots. The
bulge In wheat naturally had some In
fluence, but the market owed most of Its
advance to the United States crop advices
and strong cash situation However, the
rain was not deemed sufficiently general
to help greatly and It Is evident that the
crop is steadily deteriorating.
Apparently, there Is almost a corn
famine In the east, and shipper were
active buyer today. Cash corn sold at
an advance of tYaAc and sales were re
ported at W.0O8 bushels.
More activity and much strength fea
tured the trading In oats yesterday. Ad
vancea of !2S" were established and
market finished right at the top. There
waa a large volumu of new outalde buy
ing, presumably on the theory that thj
time to buy is when tb movement Is on,
especially with the general feeling that
with corn a short crop, oats around pres
ent prices are good property. There was
a big demand for caali oats at lHc to SSc
advance, with sales close to 600,000 bush
els. Provisions scored some remarkable ad
vances yesterday, with the packers and
snorts bidding. Pork and ribs were strong;.
witn late demand stimulated by reports
that packers had sold 6.000.000 pounds of
meats to the British government Reports
were aiso in circulation that tb packers
had withdrawn offers on all product
suitable for exnortlna.
Wheat was lc to $o higher.
Com was lo to lc higher.
OrU were lHc to lo higher.
Clearances of wheat and flour were
equal to I7t,000 bushels; corn, 2.CU0 bushels;
oats, 2,000 bushels.
Primary wheat receipts were 1.RJ1.000
bushels, and shipments 1,77,000 bushels,
agalnat receipts of 1.61,000 bushels and
shipments of $28,000 bushels last year.
Primary corn receipts were 361,000 bush
els and shipments 42,000 bushels, against
receipts of 872,000 bushel and shipments
of 224,000 bushels last year.
Primary oats receipt were 1,621,000
bushels and shipments Mo. 000 bushels,
against receipts of 077,000 bushels ana
shipment of $36,000 bushels last year.
Wheat Corn. Oats.
Minneapolis ,
xuiutn 3e ... . ...
Omaha lit M i!4
Kansaa City $72 28 29
Bt. Louis 1&! 1$ 71
Winnipeg to ... ...
These sale were reported today:
Wheat: No. 2 hard winter: 1 oar. Mo;
2 cars, 83o. No. $ hard winter: 2 cars,
MUc; t .cars, 82c. No., t hard winter: 2
cars. Sic. Ry: No. 2: 1 car, 70c; I car,
c. . Oats: No. $ white: S cars, Sfic, No.
4 white: 2 car. 34tto. Corn: No. 1 white:
1 car, 7 so. No. 1 yellow i 4 cars, 76c. No.
5 yellow: 3 car. 76c. No. S yellow: 1 car,
73fto. No. 1 mixed: 1 car, 7&c; 1 car, 74Hc;
1 car, 74(4c; $ cars, 74c. No. S mixed: 1
car, 74c. No. $ mlxM: 1 car, 76c; 1 car,
74Vc; 2 car. 74c; 3 car. 73c. No. I
mixed: 1 car, 73Hc; 1 car, 73o. No. t
mixed: t car, (near white). 74c.
Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. I hard,
Sinuate; No. S hard, tOVtQHoc; No. 4 hard,
7Vitj8iHe; No. 2 spring. 84CWe: No. 1
prlng, MMCjete; No. 4 spring, Wi3c; No,
t durum, t&a4c; No. 3 durum, SUrsSc,
Corn: No. 3 white, 75HC7trVc; No. S whit,
76V75Wc: No. 4 white, f4H76o; No. 2
eilow, 7tva75i4c; No. 3 yellow, Utjn&c;
No. 4 yellow, lWlic; No. 2 mixed, Ti
74c; No. $ mixed, 73H74c; No. 4 mixed,
7873Wc. Oats: No. t white, 8f,lc;
standard, atsitfloVic ; No. $ white, Mtoc;
No. 4 whlto, S4l4ia34Vic Barley: Malting,
4KWc; No. 1 feed, 4348c. Rye: No. 2,
Bij70c; No. 3, 68-690.
Featarea of the Tradlaar aad Cloatas;
Price Boairsl of Trmae.'
CHICAGO, Aug. C On a udden flurry,
but unaccompanied by any heavy trad
ing, the wheat market today In th De
cember and May option ran up to th
n.s nest prices of the year. Before any
extensive profit taking could be accom
plished, however, quotations had dropped
back and the market closed weak at a
point hilvKo above last night. Th only
basis for the brief stampede appeared
to be a report that some wheat had been
aold here today to bo to Montreal. Corn
wound up lVAo nlgher, oats with a
gain of VtCHc and provisions at 27MC4?
$1.70 advance.
Optimistic cable cam from Liverpool
and London Implying a better prospect
regarding the moving of grain, but were
haxy in Important detail, so much that
some seaboard owners of wheat made
attempts to resell in Chicago houses at
several cent under September contract.
On th other hand a rise in cash wheat
at southwestern markets offset talk of
th railroads making emergency rates to
bring wheat back from the gull to north
ern terminal centers.
Th extreme jump in wheat today,
though only momentary, waa 4c above
last night At th apes. May touched
L074 a bushel.
Nothing occurred to stop th bullish
ness that ruled th corn market. Re
ceipt her dropped to forty-one car,
and It waa laid that estimates on th
Illinois yield had been reduced 82.000.vu0
bushels in July. Scattered showers and
promise of mor In the drouth region
exerted only a transient Influence on
th bear side. Oats reflected th strength
of corn, but trading lacked breadth.
Hope of a big demand soon from
Europe lifted provisions. The action of
.Denmark In prohibiting export led to a
belief that Great Britain especially would
call on packer here for unusually large
supplies. Remarkable scarcity of hog
teoalpt throughout the west counted
also In bringing about an almost record
breaking advance.
Oraln price furnished by local branch
office of Logan at Bryan Co.:
, Article I Oyn, Hlgh. Low. I Close.
Sept ..
lec. ..
May ..
Sept. ..
Leo. ..,
May ..
Sept. ..
Dec. ,.
May ..
Sept. ..
Sept ..
Oct. ...
Jan. ....
Sept ..
Oct. ..
Jan. ..
! 1
0W, WS, KV
1 07 1 03 1 06
74 714 74
St, 17
71 611 70
3V tf Sslsj
41V 40H 4144
44V 4$ 44S
22 20 30 36 22 00
63H $ 10 ttS
1 70 M $ 60
its o st
12 S2Hi 12 tB It 47H
12 40 I 11 7TH 13 36
11 46 I 10 87i 11 26
..I losvt!
... 72vn
..404k Hi
.. 4tH31al
...! 90T..10I
... Stuff
...12 1MRi
...111 87-721
... 10S0
New York teeaerat Market.
tled ;. receipts, 3 'ttJi tubs; creamery, ex
trss. 2tVr2c; firsts. 26Vd2tic: seconds.
'OMttr; ladle, current make, first, 22c;
seconds, flO'ilHc
rXfciS Steady and unchanged.
Mlaaeaatalts Grata Market.
.September, iSc; No. 1 hard, II. W, No. 1
northern, $1.0401.0: No. I northern. 11 ONr
KLollt Advanced 10c a barrel.
HAH1.KV- i.flvlo.
uvv; .'ttf.v.
Bit AN $;.'. 09,
OHIN-No. 1 yellow. 7.".ii ;.
OATS-.No. 8 white, 37ViW
FLAX II.S3HW1 ,ti.
BUTTKR-No. 1, 1-lb. cartoon. 7c; No.
I. ttf-lh. tubs. 27c.
CHKKSK Iroportol Swiss. S4c; Ameri
can Swlsa. He: block Swiss, XHc; twins.
17c; daisies. 17V; triplets, 17Sc; Young
America. lHc; blue label brick. li...c.
llmburgrr, S-lb., ISc; 1-lb., 30c; New York
white, lc.
FISH White, 14c; trout, 1c; large rran-
Mes. 12c: shad roe. ier pair. .c; salmon,
lo; halibut. lOSc; buffalo, loc; elm
catflah. If; plk.. 13c; pickerel,
POULTRY Broiler, JMr; hens. 12c:
cockak ;. ducks, (tc: geese. Ic; turkeys.
'V: pigeons, per dosen. tc: ducks, full
feathered, c; geese, full feathered, be;
muiIm No 1 II .M: No. X. C0u.
1 1 OU. Receipts S.t.Ol'O bead; market.
dull hulk lviMlShh lis
nixed, t 10.M W). heavv. $.0isbf.iO; roiiKh,
$s.ow 10; pi sa, rntjs i.
BEEF CUTS-No. 1 rlba, l,c: No. 1
lTr; No. t, 144c. No. 1 lolna Slrc; No.
t, ISc; No. 2. loV- No. 1 chuck. 1!c;
No. 2. 12c; No. 3, lOc. No, 1 rounda 15V ;
No. 2, lSc; No. 3. lc. No. 1 plate.
The following fruit and vegetable price
are quoted by the Uilineky Fruit com-FRUITS-Oranges:
Extra fancy Glen-
dora Valencia, wis. 112s. 1. If.
300a and 3A7& er Ihix; nea au i-
anctaa. all les. W -60 per box. Lf'""";
Kxtra fancy tlolden Bowl. $. $ti0. fTOO
per box; fancy Silver Cord. and
$ per box. Grapefruit: Extra fancy
64s, $4.60 per box; extra twv 4s. $4.09
per box; extra tancy jos. " v-' -
Indian Klver. 4a and lx. $4 M per Iwx.
Ariles: Wlnesaps. $3.60 per box; Duchess,
$4 Ottr4.50 per barrel. ...
l7u FORNI A FRUITS Black Dia
mond pluma. $17 per box; red Pluin";
$1.60 per lox; California peaches. tJC per
box; California Bartlett per. 40-pound
box, $1 per box,
B A N A N A H $1 .78 to $3 60 per bunch.
VEQETABI.F.iV Cabbage, Src ler lb.;
onion. $c per lb.; pePlr. WV per basket;
fancy tomatoea, 50c per basket; cucum
bera, hothouse. 2 do basket, 75c per
basket; new beefs, carrots, turnips, 25o
per do.; celery, Michigan. S5J per dos. i
celery. Denver, large Jumbo. $1.00 per
dos.; head lettuce. 6tMY$1 .00 per do.; leaf
lettuce, 4uo per do! ; onions, home-grown,
16o per dos; radishes, 60a per dos ; gar
lic. Italian. 20o per In.; horseradish, $l.ft
per rase; shelled popcorn, 4c per lb.; as
paragus, home-grown, ptr dos , market
price about Sua per dos.. potatoes, new,
HSc. per bushel.
CANTAJAJUPES Arlaona atandanla,
22.60 per crate; Jumtxis, $2.00 per crate;
Ponys, $2.00 per crate.
CAUL1FIX5WER Home-grown, $L00
per bssket.
NUTS Baited peanuts, $1.60 per case;
No. 1 California walnut, 18 Uc per lb.;
pecans, UWo per lb.; filbert, 16c per lb.;
almonds. 20c per lb.; popcorn, 4a per lb.
date, $1.3fi per box; lime, $1.7$ per
basket; crackerjack, $3.60 per rase:
crackerlack, per half case, $176; check-
era. $3.00 per case; checker, per half
case, $1.75.
Corn a d Wheat Rearlost Bailetla
Corn and wheat region bulletin of the
United (States Department of Agriculture,
weather bureau, at Omaha, for the twenty-four
hour ending at $ a. m., 7&tli
meridian time, Thursday, August 0:
Temp.- Kaln
High. Low. fall. Sky.
Ashland, Neb... SO ti .00 Clear
Auburn, Neb... M OA .at Clear
B'ken Bow, Nb 03 SO .00 Clear
Columbus. Neb. 80 07 .00 t'lesr
Culbertson, Nb. 8 67 .00 Clear
Falrbury, Neb.. W 3 .0) Clear
Fairmont, Neb. 94 p .00 : Clear
Or. Island. Nb.. 4 fid .00 Cloudy
Hartlngt'n. Nb M 00 .00 Clear
Hastings, Neb.. H tl .OH It. cloudy
Holdrege, Neb.lOO t4 .00 Pt. cloudy
Lincoln, Neb... 01 M .00 Clear
No. Platte, Nb m 80 .00 Clear
Oakdale, Neb.. 87 2 .00 Clear
Omaha, Neb.... 89 .00 Clear
Tekamalf, Nb. W 0 .00 Clear
Valentine, Nb. SO 00 ,00 ' Clear
Alta, la.......-.; 34 00 .00 C1er
Carroll, la...... H5 02 .00 Clear
Clarinda, la.... 8 .00 Clear
Sibley, la 38 63 .00 Clear
Sioux City. I-. SO S3 .03 Clear
Minimum temperature for twelve-hour
period ending at s a. m.
No. of Tamp. Rain-
District. station, tfign. ixiw. tali.
Columbus, O..... 18
83 . 00 .00
S3 3 .00
SO 62 .00
0 tM .00
Louisville, Ky... ?
Indla'polla. Ind.. 13
Chicago. HI 24
St. Louis, Mo.... 18
Des Moines, la.. 24
Minneapolis $2
Kan. City. Mo.. K
M 2 .80
$3 60 .40
S .40
2 64 .00
Omaha, Neb 17
The weather is slightly cooler In Minne
sota and the Dakota. It la slightly
warmer In the eastern districts. Ad-
treclable showers occurred In Minnesota,
Iowa and Missouri. L. A. WELSH,
Local fcurecaater, weather Bureau.
Local tvcarltle.
Quotttlsa rarnlihet by ar. Briaksr A Cs.
4v utEsss issiioui n miuqin;
Fslrmost Creamarr pfs.. 7 sr esnt..
ralmsat Crssmsry ur. see cset.. A C. B. Ht. Hr- fli
Omaha ft C. B. Ry. ft Drldfs
Omaha g. L P. M
gloui City glook Tkrdt pfd
Union Stock Ysrds, umsha
City National Bank Bid.
('., M. A Ht. P. 4. 3014
Council Bluffa O. ft . ta, 1421
Pua4e HaTln Warrasta, 7 per cant
Duode Haalir ' 4a, 1411
Hot 8prln(a, S D., 4a, 1430
Kaiuu Cur. Ms., tax bllli, T . s...
Sortharn Pacific 4a. S04T
Omaha L ft P 4a, 14U
Omaha Oas 6s. I17
tttr of Osiaka 4a. Wt
Omaha ft r. . Bt. Ry. ta. IM
Bid. Alices.
Pu(t Sound T. L P. U, lilt.
Salt take School 4a, 1IW
gwltt Co. 6s 144 j
U. g. SoHltln ft Kef. &s. llll...
Bt. Loal Lire tek Market.
ST. LOUIS, Aug. $. CATTLE Receipt.
2.4u0 head. Market higher: native beef1
steers. $7.60&.7o; cow and heifer. tiUO.
S.2&; tockr and feeders, to.vxan M; south
ern steer, $t0rip3.2&; cow and heifers,
$4 094 to; nstlve calves, $6.0073 10.50.
HOGS Recslpts, 2.MU bead. Market
hlarher: Dlsa and llrhts Si.6ut.l0: mixed
and butcher, S.5otjv.l0; good heavy, $8.0
fcv 00
SHEEP AND LA MBS-Receipt 200
head. Market ateady, lamb 10 to 16c
higher; native mutton, $400q$4.60; lambs,
Coffee Market.
NEW YORK, Aug. . While no change
was reported In the situation with refer
ence to renewed Importations of coffee
from Braxll, there was a lea active de
mand In the spot market here today, and
prices In some Instance were a shade
lower, Rio 7s were quoted at t'c, and
Santo 4 at loo. The curb market wa
easier, with September deliveries quoted
t $.30e, and December at 2.30c. or about
forty point under yesterday' figure.
Oaaaha Hay Market.
PRAIRIE HAT Choice upland. $11.00
11 SO; No. 1, $10 Ooifi 11.00; No. 2, $3 OOSJIU OO;
No. 3. $00&.00. Midland. No. 1 to choice.
$10 00tf 11.00; No. 2. $M.utK04O.OO; No. 3. liiUO-tf
toO. Lowland, No. 1 to choice. $00it4)00;
No. !, $n fxri(8 0U; No. 3 $4.00td OO.Straw:
Choice oat or ry. $3.00iHf.&0; choice wheat,
$45tro00. Alfalfa: Choice. $13 00 13.50;
No. I, ll$.0fr&l3.U), No. 2, 10.uU11.00.
Dry Uood Market.
NEW YORK, Aug. 1-Burlaps rose
rapidly today and some gradea of heavy
cotton goods were bought to replace them.
!eree and embroideries advanced ahamlv.
Some llnea of foreign dress roods were
advanced 10 per cent today. Linens scarce
for future delivery. Cotton convertible
easy; colored lines firm.
Kvaserated Apple mm Dried Fralt
LR1KD FRUITS Prune, etedy; "prl
col nd Peaches, dull; raisins, quiet. All
foreign ofisr of dried fruit wtlhdrawn.
, 1
Baak ( leariags.
OMAHA, Aug. 8 Hsnk clearings for
Omaha today were $2,37.601.08 and for the
corresponding day last yssr $4.&4,241.S2.
!(' Market.
NEW YORK. Aug. t. SUGAR Raw,
etroria: molasses, J tile; centrifugal, IZtc;
refined, firm. ,
CMtle Reoeipt$ Very Light, with the
Trade Active and Higher.
Pal heeat Steady to Tea tents
llUaer Kat Ijimba Ten Fit
ter tent Higher and
Trade Active.
south omaha. Aug , wi.
Receipt wfw
Cattle. Noi. H ler
Official Mnndav
.. Mi
Of'h'tal Tuesday
. 61"
3 'A
'"iiciai w cdiiekilay.
Kstlmate Thursday..
iu '
" " 1
-. ,
.7M 1
4i.0W .
Four laa this week. .?1
Same days last
Same dava 2 wk. ago 10,!4l
MHine daya 3 wka. ago.
SO-1! ,
iHame daya 4 wks. ago. .1
eame daya laat year.
The following tubie aliow the range of
of cattle, hoes and etierp at the rViuin
Omaha l)e stork market for the year to
date as eoinjwrvo with last yean
1i4 lt Ino. 'e'
Cattle 4ft.M2 4M.WS 30,il
Hoga l.72,Wt 1.73i.Wt ltiS,Si
Kheeo I.317.K. 1 U.I.7. 1SH.171
Tlie following lahl snuwa lie receipt
Price for hog at the South Omaha Uv
stock market for th lat few daya with
'Palel I 1!H4. l.3.ilM3.HH.!lIO,)lWHo.
July 1.4.1 73 I 8 HI 7 I,-! S 341 S !! I 40
July 1.( I $ S.V 7 201 t 3M S 3M t 7S
July 30.1 S 17 3 t $3 S 21 T K
t 3.4
t 27
Illlv 21.1 Tivl a c
1 4 ri s 311 7
July gx g 7
S M 7 361 fl S4 s a, 7 t t 81
S M 7 111 I 8 Sfi! 7 671 X4
8 77 7 8S S S3i I T 671 t 31
g 771 7 471 S i 8 HI J $84
AM 7 K7 8 27 7 ll
July "1
8 fc'S
8 64t.j
July 24.
July a
t &4
July JA
July !7.
$ I T 861 661 8 31 7 Ml
t ICSI 8 6; 8 t4l t 2.11 87 $ 0J
8 8 671 7 t 6 871 7 l! 7 271 t 14
8 WV, 8 (41' 7 S7' 7 171 7 40 40
4S 8 Ml 7 73 t J 7.441 t 41
t 2 S 631 7 7 t t4i T 00f ( t 41
8 48 7 i t l t to 7 4-
t M 7 3 t 7 7 76i 7 Ml S 33
7 ash! 8 43! 8 Ml 7 70 7 Ml t 88
July ZD.
July i.
July 30.
July 81.
Aug. 1..
Auw. 2..
Aug. 3.
Aug. 4
All, t.l 7 70V n Jli 8 Ml 7 04' 7 m 1 4
Aug. t. I 8 17 7 S3' It 711 7 M
g 46
Rerelpta and disposition of live stock at
th Union Stock yard In South Omaha
tor twenty-four hours ending at 3 p. m.
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
C V. A St. P 17 2
Missouri Pacific 1
Union Pacific
C. ft N. W east 1
C. ft N. W., west 11
C, St. P.. M. 0 1
(. H. & U , east 4
C, B. & U., west 7
O., R. 1. at P.. east 3.
Total receipts 81
24 34
g. Sheep,
ill 1.731
36 J.MI
227 1348
Morrl & Co w
Swift & Co 113
Cudahy Packing Co.... 13
Arnvour Co ho
Schwart A Co
Kay Packing Co
Henlon, V'ansant a K. 31
Hill t Son t
J. H. Bulla nr.
Werthelmer ft Oegen.. 131
Rothschild "3
Christie 11
Roth 10
John Jlarvey 23
I. ft K J
Other buyer M
Totals VTi
CATTI.K RecelDta were
onlv. 68 cars being reported In at
thl point, with 23 car out of that num
ber feeder that wer on their way to
Colorado and not offered for al at thl
point. In other words, there were only
35 car of cattle on sale. For the week
receipts amount to 8,821 head, beln
smaller then a year ago ky over fl.Oiio
head, and the smallest of ny recent
week alnce three weeka ago.
All other point wer also lightly up
plied, and for that reason there w a
better feeling on the market at thl
point. Buyer all eemed to want few
and th meager offering were cleaned
up In a very hort time at price that
all looked to be strong to 10a higher than
yesterday. The beat yearling beef ataera
sold up high a $8.70, there having
been very little change In the best besves
compared with last week. Cow and
heifers were In such light aupply that
th few her sold in -some case almost
high a laat week, but aa a matter
of course no one can fenn a very clear
Idea as to what the market might have
been had receipts been larger. The few
atockera and feeder alo gold quit
freely at stronger figure.
Advice from Chicago and tho east ar
till very unsettled and the market at
that point far from aatlsfactory. Yea-
terdar th Chlcaao TiaDers Quoted th
trade as vary slow, with packers staying
out of the market until midday, exoept
In the cue of a few choice beevea.
Butcher stock selling to the packers waa
actually 10lSo lower, according to the
Chicago papers, so that th situation at
that point la not vary encouraging, and
nothing la to be mad by shipper pass
ing by the western markets and taking
their stock to Chicago or any other east
ern point
Quotation on cattle: uood to cnotc
corn fed beeves, $8.00j.76; fair to good
rornfed beeves, 38.a6fil.o0; common to fair
cornfed beeves, $7.6oti.26; good to choice
range teera, $d.0Oio f); fair to good rang
steer, l.artra tw; common to rsir range
steers, $ri. 60077.00; good to fancy cornfsd
heifers, t7.7fxtjS.76; good to cholc grass
helfara, $.27.26; good to choice areas
cows, $S.0o4i0; fair to good grades, $626
tTti.OO: oomnion to fair grade. U.buvtbit;
good to cholc docker and feeder, $7.60
tutoo; fair to good stocker and feeder,
ttJjttf.&O: common to fslr stocker and
feeder, M.Ootit 76; stock cow and heifers.
$&.OOt((.76: stuck calves, $6.0Outl.0U; veal
calves, tl.wttfio.oo; buns, stags, etc., t4.76f
Kepresentatlve sales:
No.' A. Pr. No. At. Pr.
14 1171 1 Tt 10 I41 I M
1 1KM) tit II KM tM
37 1104 ! 41 lilt t 40
II 144 t 1 fit t 7t
1 4i0 8 U 11 4I t l
t 710 4 14 1 1010 t tit
1 1011 4 K t 444 t U
t 770 4 46 I aw M
1 11 1 t U0 t ll 1 1
2 lit t 00 1 114 I 01
I ,.. 140 4 00
t Ill IK 1 100 t 76
7 i t tn 1 4o 1 to
1 41t t It
1 1040 I tj 1 I0 t 14
1 1110 t 40 1 TS4 7 00
I. Iil4 t 0 1 1110 T 1
1 130 t I 1 ISO t 10
t 4V 4 OU 13 121 III
7 ' IU 14 Vtl I ti
E. H. Halbert, South Dakota.
18 steers... .111 7 35 3 cow 1013 6 70
1 heifer ... WO 7 10
W. V. Powell
1 calf 430 to
South Dakota.
1 calf bm
II stockers. t-tt
4 cows 42
7 00
I 40
I 76
7 calve... ii 8 2
4 feeder. . 80 6 70
Visha ft Kuffer
South Dakota.
24 feeder.. 870 66 36 feeder.. 71
1 cow M 4 10 1 cow TO
1 cow 740 8 OS 1 bull 1410
1 helfsr.... 730 S tu
W. A. Palmer, South Dakota
4 feeders.. 710 t ST. 17 feeder.. 7K8
20 feeder.. 7H7 t 6D 1 cow 860
2 cow 770 S 80 67 (seder.. 712
I 10
I 00
I 00
I 40
t feeder... 7 40
W. A. Palmer, South Dakota,
t heifers.,. 838 6 86 1 heifer.... 900
1 heller... S 60 It'. Scow Sr76
1 cow k&O 6 25
R. L. Bishop, South Dakota.
88 feeder.. 77i I 7 feeders.. 731
I feeders.. 064 6 ao 2 cows 746
6 10
4 $6
S 86
4 35
3 cows 10M
t 15 I heifer .. 110 I 26
7 U 2 feeder.. 770 7 lo
10 fnuer..lH4
2 cow 116
1 cow 1340
I 46 I aieer 10 $ 26
I so 14 cows..... M ltd
1 cow 1130
4 7i 1 bull 100 $ 10
1 bull 1630 $ 7
HOGS A good, strong shipping and
speculative demand showed up this morn
ing, and wlUi packers bidding a little bet
ter than steady It wa comparatively
eaay matter for ahlppeie to clean up
practically all of the light receipts at
price that were unevenly higher, the d
vnc being quoted aa anywhere from a
dime to 2oc over yesterday's packer trade.
Packer managed to get a very few loads
at price that were about lOu higher, but
as was stated before, ll wa almost en
tirely a shipper market. Hogs were aold
II th way from $7 10 to $t li. th latter
figure being the highest paid, and the
tuust of th talcs lauded around $7.v
I W. Owing to the tinevenness, the aver
age la rather undeiendahla proposition,
and with htvga selling at such a wide
range it Is not very reliable, but It la
safe to quote today's general trade
l." higher.
Movement at fnlrly active nt times,
and a clearance wits made In good sesaon.
On the surface conditions were nesrer to
normal than they have been for a week,
but with the rerelpta ao light and shippers
buying most of the hogs. It Is very hard
to say whether or not killer have aban
doned their bear tactics. There were
really not enough hoga here to test the
packing market, and none of the killers
seemed very anxtooa to take chance of
tuning a wtld-flre market by coming
Into direct Competition with th ehlpner.
It Is sate to say, though, that conditions
are becoming more settled every day.
and It la believed thiit the worst part
of the scare la over. The country ha
keltt. tts hiift vrv tt'-tl ml th nuitli
wn,,B rumors nf all sorts were so thick,
and values were dropping off anywhere
from a dime to aa much as 6tV In a day,
shnwln a decline of an even dollar per
hundred In less thaa a wee
Anatlier verv Itaht sunnlv wss rAtvorte,!
today, aomethlng like twenty-five care, or
1. nrau. cetng receive-i. r or tne tour
davs the receipt total S.3 head, being
1.0)0 smaller than last week, and SI. OH)
short of the same day last year.
Representative sales:
NO. At. 8h. 1T 'o. Ar. Hh. tr.
HI ... 1 74 t JM ... II.
4o U4 ... t 7J tl S.' 120 T lb
4 M7 M t V, 17 1M ... 7 l)
J7S It til 7T SI T
f4 ... 7 Wt TJ HT ii 7 n
4 Iff M TM M Ill ... 7 44
H l'l 1f T Ill IN
I t'l 7 It! Ill o 1 Xt
rWl 1 1 (1 M tM to It
" .141 1 II 140 1M T
47 IN IM 1 M 44 tM 40 7 i
4,1 ST4 l IM M IM Ml t 1
1 to t ti m IM 1
4 M ... t . 41 IM ... I It
T Ml 144 T S6
PHEKP-Th sheep market had another
very 'lr run I Ills morning for a Thur
day, the estimate hlna? imn. R fell ha.ri
against t.v a week ago and 18.01 on the
same dny a year ago. making for the
week to fate a many a 62.N03 head, as
compared alth 38.803 for the same days
Inst week, 4.(M two weeka ago and 71, ss
tor tho corresponding daya laat year. Chi
cago had another light supply today:
so had the other western markets which
fact favored the selling Interests here.
While the quality of the offerings yester
day waa better than on the Drevlous dava
of the week ami better than on any dnv
laat week, today uualltv In ceneral waa
atlll better, the bulk of th lamb offerings;
being on the choice order.
Tho light tecelpt at all market last
week and the light receipts at Chicago
and other Missouri river points this week
have enabled the local seller to dlepoe
of a liberal run here to a good advantage,
thla being again the ease thla morning.
Th packer hav tried hard to keep th
lid on. but failed again today, as-the
bulk of the lamb crossed th So line,
there being several load at $3 10 and ten
care of choice Idaho latnba at $8.25, with
a very light sort at that. The lamb at
$8 26 were purchased by an outalde buyer.
The range on lamb sale wna from $7.90
to $26. There wae aunther scarolty of
feeding lambs and the demand continued
strong, th only ale of Importance being
some few hundred head of lamb t $7.00.
Few If any feeding sheep were available.
Wethera, ewe and yearling aold strong
lo a dim higher. The supply tan pretty
much the same aa on foimsr data of the
week, both as to qaulltv and the lis of
the receipt. Included In the early tran
r set Ions were some wethers at $i.8T and
some yearlings at $8.00. A good clearance
look place at an early hour.
Quotation on ran sheen and lamb:
Lamba, pood to choice, 3H.0O((p3 36; lamb,
fair to good. $7.604100; lamba, feeders,
il nOtjI.OO. yearlings, good to choice. $o.7S; yearlings, lair to soon, .i.uuvo.ja;
yearllnaa, feeders, $ii.2Hi6.70; wethers, good
to choice, $&.oTKtt6.0; wethera, fslr to good;
36.304i5.0: wethers. feeder. 14.0IK& ,&;
ewes, $4.7rR 00; ewes, fslr to good, $4,600
4.7f; ewes, feeders. W.lw.l0.
Representative soles:
No. A v. Pr.
371 Idaho wea 114 6 03
1.178 Idaho lamba Co 7 HO
1.232 Idaho Iambi 08 S i0
811 Idaho lamba e.7 8 on
603 Idaho feeder lamba 08 IN
1S7 Idaho feoder lamba $6 IK
314 Wyoming yearllnga 88 S CO
m Wyoming wethera 112 S Sr
700 Oregon feeder lambs 67 t 00
l.b&l Oregon lamb 7 I 00
4 Cull 80 7 00
48 Nebraska ewe 74 I 00
78 Nebraska ewes 87 $ 7$
2,641 Idaho lamb 70 . S 30
Cattle Steady Shad lllghei
Hog Mostly Higher.
CHICAGO, Aug. I. CATTLE Receipt,
2,000 head. Market steady 10 a (had
blghar; beeves, S7.10O0.D6; ateer. to. "a;
$40; stocker and feeder. $6.3Xa'7.M; cows
and heifers, 13 o00.10; calves $8.00911. 26.
HOGS Recelpta, 6.000 head. Market
strong, mostly Sun higher. Bulk of salsa,
$83ora6: Hint, t$U4M6; mixed. Mow
8.10; heavy, S7.S64j8.sO; rough, $7.86il.0D;
plUM, 17,00a 8 80.
SliEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 7,000
head. Market atrong to 2Cc higher; aheap,
86. 00; yearlings, $5.76j.80i lambs,
Kanaa City Uv Sleek Market.
ceipts, 1,600 head. Market higher; prime
fed steers. $8sW4).86; dressed beer steer.
$7.76fc .25; western steers. M.7600.26; stock,
era and feeders. $OO&l.00; bull, $6.264j)
1.76; calves. $ totf lO.OO.
HOGSRecelpts, 1.000 head. Market
higher; bulk of aale. $3.00ta8.85: heavy.
7.'J(4j.26: packer and butchers, $8utJ8 $&;
lights, r.Swt .36; pigs. $7.&Oii0u.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt $.600
head. Market higher; lambs, 37.7&4H.36;
yearlings, :,.0OaD.l5o; wether. $4.7&.00;
ewea, tt.
New Yorkers Urge
Postponement of the
Anti-Trust Move
Th Merchants' association of Nw
York Is urging that all pending" anti-trust
legislation In congress) be postponed until
a later session of congress. Th request
comes In a long telegram to th Omaha
Commercial club, suggesting that till
matter be called to th attention of rep
resentative and senators from Nebraska,
They give a a rtison th disturbed con
dition of affair due to th trif n
Europe. Th telegram ay that th as
sociation has telegraphed Senator Nw.
lands, chairman of th Interstate com
merce commltt, and th senators from
New York stats about th matt sr. ..
Following I a copy of th telegram sent
to the tenator and to th Omaha Com
merclal club:
The Induatry and commerce of thl
country, already disturbed by tli neces
sity or readjustment to new condition
created by the tariff and currency legla.
latlun, I auddenly confronted by th
paralysing effecta arising trom th pos
sible, If not probable, sunpeiialon tor an
Indefinite DSilod of forelxn commerce
nd of international trade and financial
relationships. Under such vlrcumatance
additional readjustment to comply with
the term of pending anti-trust legisla
tion. Irrespective of the merit of the
pending bills, would constitute a burden
h ten our Industry and com mere may
be unable to bear, and would be likely
to precipitate a crisis m serious at tn
constitute a national calamity. W
therefor respectfully urg that further
consideration of and action upon any of
the anti-trust bills now pemilng be Im
mediately postponed until a later session
ot cong ie.
Sir Ralph Paget, under secretary of
state In charge of tb American bureau
of th British foreign office, had a lav
of abnc which h has been spending In
California, terminated by cabl yesterday
and he lft for New York, whence h
plan to nail on th Mauritania for Lon
don. Sir Ralph Is accompanied by Lady
Paget, hla two cousins, Reginald and
Arthur Paget, sons of Lieutenant Gen
eral Sir Arthur Henry Paget, and another
cousin, Gerald Chichester, younger son of
Lord Arthur Henry of Templemor. The
party will pas through, Omaha Friday. I
Omaha real estate i th beat lnvetmut
you could make. Rxd Th Bse't real
stat columns.
Wheat Market Provei Unprofitabln
to Poor Guessen.
Osesa at Del la r. Gave Ip gave a aa4
Half Ceata, The DrM Back
rar and Half Ceata aal
Then p A gala.
The giain market ha caught them
going and coming. Those who guessed It
right and backed Judgment with mone.y
cleaned up neat sum, while those who
were poor gitossera were wiped out.
Omaha trader assert that It waa purely a
neculatlve market and that there were
ni conditions that Justified the fluctua
tion In th option. Omaha cash wheat
wa steady to higher, the price ranging
from 82 lo 83 rents for No. 3 hard. Th
recelpta were lit cars.
The Chicago market waa th on that
presented the gambling features. 'The
lo- on, September wheat yesterday was
cents and this morning the opening
was 89V cents and like a rocket the price
bounded to cents and almost as
quickly dropped back a couple of cents,
rebounding again and touching the high
innrk before th noon hour.
At Omaha commission house It w
asserted that there was little dealing In
th option, ven the inont daring trader
feeling that the risk was too gret. With
little grnln being exported and all th
porta closed, the Omaha men contend
t:at there la no Justification for the wild
Many of the dealer In flour took ad
vantage of th quick advance In wheat
prices and pushed flour up accordingly.
In many Instances on certain gr.fle of
flour It Is said the advance wa 50 cent
per ck of fifty pound.
Not Enough Ships f-
for Reservists to
Return at Once
l4trk of sleamalilps will prevent Au-
trio reservist from returning to thtlr
country to take up arms, according to
a message received by Henry Pollack
from Conul Ovneral Hugo Sllvotrl at
it Is Impossible to accommodate th
reservists who are ready to return," th
consul general says. "Thos subject ta
mobilisation order should send their
names and addresses to their nearest con
sular office. Wben steamships ar avail
able notice will be sent for the reservists
to assemble.
"Expense of returning will be re
funded, with the exception of th trans
portation from home to th consular of
flce, which must be born by th Indi
vidual." Diners to Charge for
Bread and Butter
If you rida on a railroad train then
dy and eat tn th dinar you will dla- .
cover that there I nothing on the fre
Hat except a wooden toothpick and a
glass ot ordinary water. Th bread and
butter I no longer fre. not vn with a
mat order. If yon at $8 worth of meat i
you will pay 10 oents for the bread gnd !
butter. If you get any.
Railroad passenger men got together In
Chicago and decided to take bread and
butter off th free list o far dining
car are concerned. This part of th
dining car meal had been, free over sine
th establishment of dining car service
In th event a meat order was taken.
Now bread and butter ha gone onto the
menu at 10 cants for bread and a chip
of butter, and It Is thr t stay, o y
th railroad men.
Germans in Omaha '
to Help Vaterland
A rush of Omaha nermini to th war
Is noted by Miss Clar Southard, who ha
charg of th postal savings bank in th
poatofflc. A number of German hav
drawn out all their money from tho bank
and left to join th army of tho father
"Tby showed mesaegea calling th re
srva to th oolora, when they withdraw
thlr savings," Miss Southard says. "The
first one went Monday, as soon as th
bank was open after Germany's declara
tion of war on Russia Saturday. Quit
number of othars have gone sine then."
Omahans of other nationalities hav
withdrawn money from the postal bank
to send to th old country.
Bishop Gcorg A. Bechr of westers.
Nebraska. In Omaha, was nthuslasUo
over th prospects for th Kearney Mili
tary academy for th coming year. Th
bishop said:
After the resignation of Mr. Bell a
rector of th acsdamy I immediately took,
the school under my own supervision,
and am glad to be able to state that ali
th member of th faculty will remain
In the school for th coming year. The
proepect for a full attendance Is better
than Usual. Several Improvement r
being mad In the building and ground.
Including th Installation of th new
heating plant. Th regular course of
study will be carried out in every detail
a announced In the catalogue. I hav
appointed Rev, O. G. Ware, archdeacon
of the district of weat irn Nebraska, a
rector pro tern. He 1 now in charge
of th school and will gladly receive any
communication from people dealrtng in
formation concerning the school.
A dslr to serv In Unci Sam's navy
seem to run in th family of Mr. Mary
Shannon, who I manager of th Cudahy
Packing comruny'a restaurant and live
In South Omaha. Bom time ago her
younger on. Will, tried to enlist in th
navy before he had teachad th required
aga of 17. Upon being turned down, he
waited until his ssvntenth birthday
and then appeared at the recruiting
headquarter before they were . opened
that morning, when h wa accepted and
Miss Elixabeth Oould, daughter of Mr.
nd Mr. C. Z. Gould of Omaha, I now
in either England or France, touring
with her aunt Ml Mary E. Mitchell.'
principal of a large New York publio
1 auusl wit
rr gotstserarretsta. Prteaenl; 184 ftiiUifl4rtiM-r.
D. Muraa. Haawall. l.nlaa: "twraiialuiw
4e Is all yM lain. III M 4U ai
eers mile, eaee aawi lat y a." 1 ian aain,itn4
ataioe fraa. afcane fietuma o I kartaal m. ft ft 11 aaa
ra sxAawraTwailta oa ftertwe. aassia.
Bfi mm Ftf fi Warvaaur rata aMTknva U
a aW 11 ft ahorh auusl with a am b.