Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 07, 1914, EXTRA, Page 7, Image 7

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    Till: HEK: OMAHA. FHIDAY, AUGUST 7, 1914.
"The Arch-Sorcerers!"
Copyright. 1M4. Intern I Xewa .Service.
By Nell Brinklcy
Ones bUck witchcraft was burned and dipped but there are two
mighty ones left who dig through the forbidden book of black-art In the
wee ma' hour for recipes to turn a man's head Into a spinning humming-
top and his heart to melted butter Woman and Aphrodite's gypsy son!
For he has a cook book of brews and charms, and when a man drinks
deep of their witchery and looks straight Into the eyes above the bowl-
he's a clean goner! Sorcery is not dead peek at the pair of 'em, with
guilty eyes cast over their shoulders and their two little red hearts between
their teeth because the curtain behind them waggled In the wind I
Publicity, Truth and Success
Publicity eliminate pretense. The faker
gannot work In a club.
Falsehood makes for friction
truth and love are lubrioanta.
Where many people
Sire involved nothing1
(Toe but truth.
The sunlight of
publicity destroys
the ptomaines o f
fraud. The faker
withers before the
As the planets are
field In space through
the opposition o f
forces, so are men
held in the straight
and narrow way of
truth through public
The ad cluba of
America are great
and important fac
tors in the prooesa of
making men unions
lata and roonlat. The ad-crafters atand
for ethics In the highest sense, and also
they atand for effectiveness and effi
ciency. The ad dubs form, in themielves, a
university. The public meeting once a
i?0- i
The Bashful Boy
How to Lote Your Tan,
Freckle or Wrinkles
A day a motoring, an afternoon on the
tennla ground or golf linka, a aunbath on
the beach or exposure on a aes trip, often
bring on a deep tan or vivid crimson or,
more perplexing atllt. a vigorous crop of
freckles. A very necessary thing then la
mercoitsed wax. which removes tun, red
ness or freckles quite easily. It literally
peels off the affected akin Juat a little at
a time, so there's no hurt or Injury. As
the skin comes aff in elmoet Invisible
flaky partlrlee. no trace of the treatment
la shown. Get an eunos of meroollsed wax
st your druggist's and use thla nightly aa
you mould cold cream waahlng it off
mornlnca. In a week or so you will haive
an entirely new akin, beautifully clrar,
transparent and of a moat delicate white
ness. Wrinkles, ao apt to form at this season,
may be easily and quickly removed by
bathing the face In a oluuon of powdered
aaxoIHe, 1 ox, dissolved in witch hasel,
is pint. This Is not only a valuable astrin
gent, but has a beneficial tonic effect also.
week for midday lunch of an ad club
will. In the course. of a year, evolve every
member from a villager into a cosmo
polite. No mea can get into an ad club and
wrap ignorance about him, and tuck In
his prejudices, feeling safe and secure.
Foolishness is given the amlle audible.
Selfishness flies out through the win
An advertising club is a pooling proposi
tion. Everybody puts In alt he knows and
lakes out all he can carry .away. And
what he takes away is In reality what
he puts In. We keep things by giving
them away. Thus ws get a practical
monism, or a soientlfio pragmatism.
'And progmetism Is simply the science
of a sensible selfishness or. If you pre
fer, call It enlightened self-Interest.
Pragmatism is the law of self-preservation
illumined by love of Wad.'
Righteousness Is a form of common
S' nee.
Business is the science of human ser
vice, i . .
' Commerce is eminently a living calling;
and the word commercial should never
be used as an epithet, save by the man
with a guinea-hen mind.
The creed of an ad club man runs
somewhut as follows:
I believe in myself.
I believe in tl e goods I sell.
I believe In the firm for whom I work.
I believe In my colleagues and helpers.
I believe In the efficacy of printer's Ink.
I believe in producers, creators, manu
facturers, distributers, snd In all Indus-
trial workers who have a Job and hold It
! down.
I telleve that truth ia an asset.
I believe in good cheer and In good
health, and I recognise the fact that the
first requisite In success Is not to
achieve the dollar but to confsr a benefit
and the reward will come automatically
and aa a matter of oourae.
I believe that when I make a sals I
must make a friend.
I believe la the bands that work. In the
brains that think and in the hearts that
I believe in sunshine, base ball, fresh
Ir, spinach, apple sauce, bombaxlne, but
termilk, babies, laughter, motor cars,
adding machines, typewriters, typewritiata
alwaya remembering that the greatest
word In the English language ia "sufficiency"
"I am a young man who has not had
much dealing with women and never
cared for the company of a girl until
recently,' when I met a young lady for
whom I have a great liking. I meet her
when I am in the company of another
young man.
"No aooner do we meet than X seem
to lose all power of apeech. I cannot
aay what I want to convey. She seems
to understand me and acts pleasant and
encouraging. I have never asked her to
accompany me to any places of amuse
ments, for fear that I might not treat
her properly. Furthermore, I would not
know where to take her. as I've never
gone out with girls." writes Henri O .
I suppose it would do no good to tell
you, Henri, that In these days of bold
ycung men whj think they honor a girl
by speaking to her, your modesty and
shyness have a real charm of their own.
What wot want to know la how to
campaign for the affections of the girl
you admire. Tou don't want ' to be
tongue-tied In her presence lest she think
you a bore. Tou are unwilling to risk
having her girlish sympathy come out
to your shyness for fear she will pity
and despise you, when all your mescu.
line Instinct is for conquering and win
ning admiration. .
6uppose you ask her to go with you to
a bait game. Host men understand base
ball and not very many women do. In
explaining the points of the game you
can act as her Instructor and guide and
thereby you will gain confidence In yourself.
Tou may ask her to the theatre, to go
to some moving picture or to taks a trip
to Coney Island or any amusement park
)ou like. If yju go where you have a
chance for physical exertion as rowing
ot canoeing you will some definite re
sponsibility to take your mind off your
self and your own shyness.
The bashful young man who Is quite
at a loaa when he la paying a formal call
In a girl's home will find himself per
fectly at ease when buay at something
more than the conscious game of aociety.
Occupy yourself at some familiar or
congenial purault, and ask the girl you
like to share it with her.
Don't struggle to make conversation
dc something If it ia only taking a walk
or going to the corner for a aoda or tak
ing a street car ride. Discuss what you
see going around you aa you would with
a favorite boy companion or a dear rela
tive. Stop thinking of yourself and de
vote yourself to giving pleasure to the
friend you are trying to win.
Friendships consists of almost equal
parta of liking the same thing and liking
each cither. Find a congenial pastime
that pleases you both and out of your
common Interest a real friendship will
All rnen who ere shy have a certain
modesty that the brasen lady-killer laoka
And so, don't grieve over your Inexperi
ence. Juat be your natural boyish self
and rest assured that If the girl you like
Is fine and wholesome your unsettles de
votion will win her.
Advice to the Lovelorn W
Summertime Fables
Von Need a Spaablng.
Dear Mini Fairfax: I am it years old.
I have been clerking In a grocery store
thla summer and X met a traveling man,
who must love me truly, because lis has
spent so much money on me. He takes
me auto riding and to the dances and
has taught me how to tango. He la mar
ried, la the only trouble, but he don't
love his wife since he met me, snd he
haa won my heart. Hut my parents ob
ject to our romance. They want to aend
me away for a while because they think
I will forget htm. I think I ahould obey
my heart and atay In the atore, where we
can see each other. People have told me
things against his character, but I refuse
to believe them because 1 know he la my
affinity. Do you think we are doing any
thing wrong? 1 am worried because peo
ple are inclined to talk. Your advice and
Interest will be greatly appreciated.
Tou need a spanking, and will probably
get It, It your parents find out what you
are up to. The traveling man you refer
to is a sneak and a disgrace to bis kind.
No man with any spark of honor would
be guilty of putting such foolish notions
into the head of a girl of your age. He
means you no good, and you ought to
avoid him as you would a pestilential
Forget It.
Dear kites Fairfax: I am a young girl.
U years old, but big for my age. While
on my way home from a distant town
about a week ago I started to flirt with
a flagman on the train, but fell deeply in
love with him after I had talked to titm
and he had treated me tc uranuta enu
pop. When my station arrived he started
off the train with me, and when we were
paaalng through the vrstlbula he klss.Ml
me on the cheek and said he hoped to
meet me again. While at the atatlon the
other evening I aaw lie waa on the traiu
and X weui up to blio end socks. He
coolly stared at me, but did not apeak. I
.Now, i love him very much and waa
very much hurt because he didn't apeak.
Tell me what I can do. aa the suspense
Is killing me. Woulld It be ail right to
invite him upon hla next lay-off from the
train? I am anxious to read your advl'-e
at once. S. N.
You are a very silly little girl. Love
should not enter your head for tha next
ten years. Try to forget thla adventure
aa quickly as you can, for If you do not,
the day will come when you will recall it
only with ahame.
Net Tee Yoaag.
Dear Miss FairFax: I am a girl II
years of age and disDlv in love with a
young man three years my senior. Now
this young man has asked me to become
his wife. What I wanted to know Is, sm
1 too young to marry? I am almost sure
I would make a good wife and am sure
he would make a very good husband.
Please advise me what to do. M. A. P.
Many a girl has married at II and lived
happy ever after. Tet it would be better
to wait a couple of years If you can.
True love will easily stand that test and
lose none of Its Joys.
Tee Old (or Yea.
Dear Miss Fairfax: Will you please tell
me If It is wrong to love a lady tea er
fifteen years oluer then you. I sm It and
trie lady la 13. 1 make IIS a month and I
do not .drink. I love her, but she says
shs Is too old to make a wife for me, I
4ell her it makes no difference, so long
as I love her and give har a home and
he good and kind ii her. I don't think
the age makes any difference aa long as
we love one another. V. J.
The lady la old enough te be your
mother and apparently baa too much
good sense to think of marrying you.
Hhe might love you as a son, but never
as a husband. Age doee meke a w.ighty
difference when it comes te marital happiness.
- til .
Once upon a time there was a youth
who, perceiving that he was in the also-ran-class.,
and was never likely to win
out In the race of life, determined te
make an end of
himself. Thereupon
he sought the big
drink, but before
he took the fatal
plunge, he sat down
upon the bank and
wept a few.
While he was thus
bemoaning his fats,
an old man, observ
ing his grief, ap
proached and ad
dressed him.
"Why these goba
of gloom?" the
aged party Inquired.
"A I a a." replied
the youth, "I am
nothing but a falsa
alarm, and aa I do
not dealre to be merely a piker all my
daya, I have resolved upon uolng the
suicide etunt, for of what use Is It to
possess a dress suit If you have nowhere
to wear it, or to have brains In your
heels if the only place where you can
maxlie Is in a cheap dance palace?"
"Ha," cried the old man, "your case
la one ot aspiring youth and blasted
ambition combined with symptoms of
lack ot opportunity."
"Tou have got me Steve," replied the
youth, with a fresh burst of woe.
"I apprehend," said the a a c I e a t
mariner, "that you yearn te be a lady's
pet end heve the fair onee sighing for
your favor."
"Mock me not," returned the youth,
"but such is the desire of my heart."
"Also." continued the gray beard, "that
yeu would not look with disfavor upon
assy money."
"Try me," exclaimed the youth,
"likewise," suggested the venerable
philanthropist, "that you would not seri
ously object to occupying the center of
the stsse, and having the spotlight
turned en you."
"In pity," pleaded the youth, "quit
pulling that earthly paredtee atuft en
"All may be yours," quotn tha eld man,
"If you will only follow my counsel
Arise, go forth and purchase youreell
glad raiment, and beat it te the nearest
summer resort. There shall fair women
etruggle for your favor, and claw cats
other'a eyes out for the privilege ei
tangoing with you. and also shall they
teed yeu with rich foods and ply yot
with cosily drinks, and ride you about
in tutomoblles. Likewise you may marry
the daughter et a pork king, for a thing
Is of value in proportion te its rarity,
and a man at a summer reeort la a pearl
In a barrel ef clams."
Thereupon the youth did as the ell
man bade him, and the result was even
as tha wlae one had prophesied.
Moral: This fable teaches that th
summer Is the young man's opportunity.
and sagacious is be who emoreree it.
Coat-Tralltaar la V later.
We are hearing much about coat-trailing
In Ulster, and one wonders If the
practice In Its literal sense ever really
existed. Tradition connects the origin of
the phrsse with the famous Donnybreok
fair, licensed by King John, and growing
steadily more disorderly until Its aboli
tion In ISM. Here the Irishman on the
lookout for a fight la supposed to have
taken off hla coat. and. brandishing a
aliillalah, to have dragged the garment
behind him with a pious hope that soma
one would treed on it. And the hope was
seldom disappointed London Chronicle.
Taw Zs the Time te u eg These
Vglf pete.
There's ao longer the slightest need of
feeling ashamed of your freckles, as the
prescription otblne double strength ia
guaranteed to remove these homely spots.
Simply got aa ounce of o thine double
strength from the Shennaa eV MoCenaell
Drug Co., er any druggists, aad apply a
little of it night and rooming and you
should soon see that even the worst
freckles have begun to disappear, white
the lighter ones have vanished entirely.
U la seldom that more than an euoce ia
needed to completely clear the skla and
gain a beautiful clear complexion.
Be sure te ask (or the double strength
ethlne ae this is sold under guarantee ef
money back If it falls to, remove freckles.