0 THE IJEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY,. AUGUST 7. 1914. By MELLIFICIA. Thursday, August 6, 1914. V THE war cloud of Europe are bavins a dampening effect on society as well as business, erea in the western atatei. Never baa the social calender been such a blank i at present. Scores of Omaha families have relatives either visiting or living In Europe, and while but few are in danger over there, nevertheless the relatives here are naturally concerned and not in the mood for entertaining. A wedding of much local interest Is scheduled to taker place today la Milan, Italy, that of Miss Marie Mohler, daughter of President Mohler of the Union Pacific and Mrs. Mohler, who will wed 81gnor Mario Banno of Milan. The bride, who has been studying for seversl years in Paris and Milan preparing for grand opera, has given up a promising career and Slgnor San no and his bride will reside In Milan Mr. Mohler sent a telegram to his daughter, but, of course, subject to llelsy because of the war. Mr. Mohler is on a business trip through the western states and was not able to go abroad for the wedding. Mrs. Mobler, who has bsen in Europe for many months with her daughter, will probably be the only Omaha guest present A.. V. Klnsler haa received word today that Mrs. Klnsier and Miss Jluth Klnsler, accompanied by Miss Mary Munchboff, will sail for the United States on the steamship Tunisn, that is said to be carrying some 00 Americans who have been marooned In Europe by reason of the war, fThe Tunlan sslls from Glasgow and, according to steamship agents hers, Jiould resch New York August 16. H Is a second-class vessel and not as wlft as the ocean greyhounds, but the Amerlcsns consider that they are fortunate In getting any accommodations. Mr. and Mrs. George Kelly have recently been with Mr. Klnsler and Mlm Muncbhoff and may possl )ly be on the same boat. Fashion Hint j3)inner Party for Chicago Guett Mr. and Mr. A. B. MtConnell enlcr Gained at an enjoyable dinner party last 'evening at thlr home In celebration of 'the birthday of their guest, Mr. Daniel 'McCarthy, jr., et Chicago. A large bowl if Mrs. Ward roses formed tha cental leoe for the table and covert were planed Mlsaea Misses Xarlnn Towle, Tnmthy Htowltts, Jaoml Towle, Keglna Connell, .Alice Coad. Krng of .Alice Jaqulth, Knrt Crook. Messrs. Mexurs nnll McCarthy, Jr. ; John Hnnnlghen. Jr.; 'larnr Peter. HtnKletnn Kwltser, ahlllp Chase. Harold McConnnll. "aul Khlrley, tAt Carter Lake Club, Mra. E. W. Powell entertained at luncheon at Carter Lke club Wednes day. Covera were laid for: Mesdamea Misses "W. T. Johnson, (May Hrhneltel, M. Hobeon, Allre M Mahoit, JWIIIIam Hchnelael, Frances Nash. IJenrge Pchnelsel. Mrs. Fred J I ad r a was hostess for a luncheon party, which Included: Mesdamea Mealanie- Ivid ligen, ' Henry Miller. Chicago: H. C. Kubel. Fred Adler, M. Strauss, tW. U Harris. r. O. Ileyn-Unversagt. The Carter Lake Bwimmlng club enter tained at luncheon "Wednesday. Follow lpg the luncheon there waa bowling, whan lira. J. A. Freeland'a' team acored 411, Mra. A. I Dennodye team U7 ami Mrs. W. J. Cettln's team 11 Guests at the luncheon were aieadamea P. Koder burg of Button, Neb.; T. J. Potter of Bt.' Joseph. Mo.; fowler of Des Moines, .A. A. Wedemeyer.'CVVInoenU 1L M. Conant, Charles Martin. Glenn W. Bmlth. and ilUeos Jean Wallace and Georgia, Potter of EL Joseph. Among tha members of tha club preaent were: . Maadamea Uesdames C. K. Maloney, F. C. Heat, J. E. binipaon. 1.. A Dermody, Jlenry Keating, W. It. lorraJice, J. A. Freeiand, "W; D. F'tk, William 11. clould, JiW. J. Catun, K. Hralley, t'axl M. Johnson, A. J. I'teraon, 'harla Meyers, J. A. IloKera. Frank lxiv.rtug. Alex Jetea, F. 1.. Keller, J. Adams. '. H. lsard, Oeume K. Coaawall, H. I.. Vnrterwood, kil H. Ooldntrom, C. H. T. lUepen. j'avld M. Meyer, Arthur Kuhn, A. F. Hltchle. J. F. Ittmlck. " . K. Fanning, C. A. C. Ulveen. ', H. U. lllerman. Mrs. L W. Smetana entertained four ueets at luncheon, and Mra. Gordon Mo (L'euley two guests. In tha evening 130 reservations for din ter wra made by tha Omaha liakarg association. Other reservatlone for din ner were made by Mr. and Mra. H. J. IHauf lairs, who entertained nine guests; It. Orant Wllllame. two: Cadet Taylor, three; C. W. Oilman, nine; D. Hear man, two; Fred.Hadra, three; Vincent liaacalL two; A. J. Jackaon, two; Alas Jetee. four; H. R. Klntey, two; Glenn J'aicton. two; Kdward 1 Bchlecht. two; G. Stafford, three. Mr. and Mra. Joaeph Rohacak enter 's ined at their cottage, "The Beacon,"' In bonor of the birthday of Mra. Rohacek's mother, Mrs. C. 'Peters: Those present aere: Sir. and Mia. C. Petera, Mr. and Mra. C. I'hrlg. . Mr. and Mra. Jowpn Rohacek, Mian 1 jjrttta efferman, lin Hannah Hetfermen, Mr. Ma.urii'a Peixra. Cbria Olaan eaucht a ala-pound black aa in Carter lake Wednesday evening. Summer Plant. Mra. J. E. Summers will leave this evening for a stay at Atlantic City. En youta she will atop for a visit with her ton, Ja'k, who is at Culver Military eucademy at Culver, Mo. Mr. and Mia. Harry O. Pteel are taking tha lake trip and before returning home will visit Montreal and Toronto. Canada; GS'ew York. Boston, Philadelphia. Wash ington and Baltimore. Mra. Arthur Remington and Mra. Wil on Ixw. leave Thursday tor a visit at Katun ranch at Wolf. Wyo. Mies ,Kdna HoHman left Sunday for 'hli.K and Marquette ranch, near I.ln tuln, ia. fha will rvturn In tha fall. With the Visitors. Mra Ueorge T. Besaire and daughter, Mtsa Loutiw and Mlaa Gaorglan, errvwt Monday to b tha gueata of Omaha frieixla. Mra. Bessire and daughter. Miss Oeorgtan, are tha guests of Mra Bessire's daughter, Mra. Lynn Campbell, and Mr. Campbell, and Mlsa Louise is the guest f Misa Dorothy Hal bach. Vi -is ftvsaie Fried of Milwaukee and ilis Ines Ilobinson of tea Moines, la., are guests al the home of Mlaa Miriam tvy. In their honor, Mlaa Levy enter tainxd at a Japanese tawn party Wednes day evening. In and Oat of tie Bee Hive. Misa Mae Foley returned home last vtii'.ng after svendtng a month la New York City, the gueat of Mr. and Mra. U. i;. Troup and Mr. and Mra. 8. B. IMelrlch. Mr. and Mra. J. H. McDonald and Mra. )r F. J. Wearne expect to remain en I'll.ir month touring through Maine aaj around Boetoa. Tney will return Beptem te. li - r.PKiv.rring at the Hotel afcAlpla front t'o.nn during tlia week liae been Mr. r 1. R. Unes, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Russell. Mr. Mat Orkln, Mr. end Mra. F. I Hallcr, Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Thomas, Mr. E. R. Tarry, Mr. James Menagh, J-ev!d Menagh, Mra. B. Harding. Mr. Fred G. Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. James P. English, Mr. Roy J. Xunn. With the OkotojTcolony. Omaha neonla continue to make many trlpa to and from Lake Okobojl, either by motor or train, and week-end bouse parties at the lake are numerous. Mr. and Mis.. Harry Doorly motored to Okobojl te spend a few days with itr, and Mra. Harley Moorbead, who have the Patterson cottage for the aummer. Mr. and Mra. Harry Plarpont, who liave a oottage et the lake with Mrs. Plerpont s parent!. Mr. end Mra. Howard Smith, spent the week end In Omaha and re turned yesterday to the lake with- Mr. end Mrs. Arthur Cooley In the letter's car. Mr. and Mra. Cooley will spend a few daya with Mr. and Mrs. Plerpont before returning home. Miss Katherlne Moorhead and niece, little Mlsa Annls iKMigat of Pittsburgh, have returned from a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Harley Moorhead. Mr. and Mra. Ben Cotton and children are expected borne thle week from Lake Okobojl. where Mra. Cotton and children have been spending several weeks. Mr. Cotton went to the lake last week. Mr. John Bobbins and littia iti.a tv... othy Sherman motored up to the lake one nay last week to visit Mr. Robbings family, who haa taken a cottege there for the summer. Personal Mention. e' Miss Laura Ruderadorf drawing In tha South Omah. .v...i. - -- . m v iiuvi., ia In Berlin, and haa not been heard from since the outbreak of hostilities. She Is a sister et Mrs. Doene Powell. Mrs. C. C. Allison, who w. .n. i. by the Illness and death of her mother. Mra. Crelghton, will leave Friday for Colorado Bprlnga. Dr. and Mrs. Allison and family have taken a cottage at the Springe and expect to remain there dur ing the eummer. Among the Omahans In Belgium st the present time are eir. and Mre. Jean Marie uulalaln. Mra. Oulalatn waa formerly Mlsa Rose Co ft man and they have been living In Brussela ever since their mar riage several months ago. Brussels I only forty miles from Liega where the largest battle of the war haa been waged. EAST OMAHA RESORTS ARE BEING INVESTIGATED Fearing ptoeecullon under the Mann White Slave act. Kaat Omaha Hurt. . said by the Council Bluffa police to have movea rrom lowa territory across the line Into Doualas countv. A rumn. k.. government special marahals were In vestigating tntm ia aaid to be responsible for the move. It la euppoeed that when women were taken from Omaha te Kaat Omaha the art might be considered Inter, state traffic. i - . " K V ' S . " f t-'i.-, s ,'r:' 4 h - f t --T - J T jr ..f. i v ' ' " W 1 I r " BIG BARBECUE ON SATURDAY Republicans Will Gather at Feait to Be Held at Florence. CANDIDATES TO MAKE SPXECHES Keaa, Yelaer, Howell, llaaaaaead, Sleebeas, Howard, Rlarkkarw, Psresiea aad Others te Address Asseaaely. places ef honor on the platform. Those scheduled to apesJc are J. II. Kemp, Ross L. Hammond, R. Beecher Howell, John O. Tclser. J. Stephens, W. B. Howard, T. W. Blackburn and Alfred Sorenaon. Foot races and athletic events are aleo to occupy a part of the afternoon There will be band music, dancing. sandwich eating, buttermilk drinking, and political speaking at the big rally and barbecue at Florence Saturday, when the republican's from all over the state get together there for the greatest rally of the campaign. It la to be a ladles' event aa much as a men's event, although suf frage has nothing to do with It. Women are Invited to attend and get a roast ox sandwich. Two osen are to be roested. and the shortage of tx-ef supply cannot possibly affect this announcement, tor the oxen were ordered from the packing houses eome ten days ego. A. W. Jefferl la to be the principal speaker of the day. Candldatee for gov ernor and candidates for congress are to be the speakers of the afternoon. All other randldatea preaent are to have Kldaer mm I.leer Trwakle quickly helped by Electric Flttere. Sure and prompt relief. Stimulate the kidney and Hver to healthy action. 60c and L All druggists. Advertisement. CLARK SEES WAR ACTIVITY IN NEW YORK HARBOR W. D. Clark, professional golf player of the Omaha Field club, la back from New Tork. He saya that New Tork harbor la full of ships from all countries and that these ehlps are covered with canvas, eo that nothing that goea on board them can be aeen. They are being loaded with coal and provisions after midnight, the workmen wearing miners tanterna on their cape. - Ten New Tork Russians came weat on the train with Mr. Clark. They are wealthy men who are attempting to get back to Ruasla to fight. They will sail from Seattle for Japan, but If Japan haa entered the war will go to Shanghai and from there will go to St. Petersburg by way ef Siberia. DOCTOR ORDERS RESK10L FOR BAD RINGWORM New -York. March a, jsii, x rash formed on my forehead aad commenced; spreading, it was a ringworm. The Itoh Ing and burning which I endured for tour months before I commenoed using Realnol Soap and Reslnol Ointment were terrible. All my claesmatea kept away from me In fear that they would catch It. I need every home remedy I could think of. but with no euocesa. My family doctor ad vised me to use Reslnol Soap and Real nol Ointment The moment I applied them I felt a, cooling sensation which waa last ingthe relief waa tiukk. I used two Jara of Keainol Ointment and Reslnol Soap, and was finally rid of the peat Today there Isn't a single mark to ahow where 1 had tbe disease." tBIgned) M. G. Ross. TJ Church St. Reslnol Ointment and Realnol Soap are also speedily effective for ecsamik ptra pllea, blackheads, dandrufff, eorea and many forma or piles. Sold by all drug gists. For trial free, write to Dept 77-R, Reslnol, Baltimore. Md. ' t " (AUCTION SALE Another lot ot unclaimed house bold goods will be sold at Publlo Auction Saturday, August Sth, sale begins la at 10 A. M. aad lasting all day. You can't afford to miss an opportuaity of this kind, household goods of all de scriptions will be sold. OMAHA VAN dfe S TO RACK CO., MOO Mouth 10th fct. 1 .. BY LA RACOXTECSff. An evening gown of tink fiaured silk. A, drapery of white lace forma the upper pert ot the bodice and the short sleeves. The lower part of the bodice Is of sink silk. The skirt la gathered uo oults full In the front seam, and falla plainly over the left aide, ending In a very ahort train. RAILROAD MEN HAD BEEN EXPECTING RATE CUT Omaha railroad men are not surprised over the declaion of the Nebraska Htate Railway communion reducing freight ratea something like IS per cent They figure that the reduction will cut off some ttlX.OQQ revenue annually, provided that It is permitted to remain In effect. It ie expected that aa appeal from the eommisalon'a declaion will be taken. The Burlington ia the road hit hardest by the decision of the Nebraska commis sion, It having the greatest mileage within the state. The Union Pacific la seoond .and the Northwestern third. Then comes the Missouri Pacific and the Grand Island road. $5.25--Trauoling Dags-$7.g9 OUR ANNUAL, CLEARING SALE OF DISCONTIN UED LINES VERY SHARP REDUCTIONS. "VVe will I nags ana uu Vsi,?, "ii kS on sale tU2uE3 I . .-K 1 -v- Cases ATURDAY Je7ai I AND S7.50 The regular selling prices on these bags being 7. CO to $12.00. These bags arc Walrus, Alligator, Imported and Domestlo Cowhide. All leather lined. Locks and Trimmings the) best. FUELING & STEINLE 1003 FAR NAM STREET The i Drink That Links Health With SociabiKty in xzf I 'r,' S aU v . ... ...... X uotucd vftcro tho Beat vGrapao Grow i U! J aWaaaBaSaM fc-ai esmas, llsiif II II; 5 x 1..V -..iV,-: . S :":.:-. t t 1 t ' J r. u Fine any time and all the time so fine that a million discriminating men consider it the best beverage. Babst Blue Rat The Beef;of jQualiiy With a soft mellowness that appeals to a woman's fancy a zestful snap that delights a man s taste a purity and flavor that makes it a pleasing drink for everybody. The Pabst Company Telephone DougUs 79 , . 1307 Leavenworth Omaha. Ntbr. - PUS is kSe ess sea that tests the ob el teilet eeeparatioat. Face powder. eTeaaat, rocaai aad other aeceaaiiy fads erxssaorias aSeuU be el the eery beat wssnrislt, aad a a a e. . aseea cg sjnder the ouract supaitMfci m arsem. Ne wocaaa can be ibcaatihil wkh a bloteheel aad spackeel seetplexiosv yet even whsa tha (eetuMs an sot perfect, a soft, dear aad smooth akia will stale the lace appear besatihiL Mate. Iseleirt Fktk XPtrm ErJmMr thoroughly ckesaes the perm, and etiasum blackheeds, ssasples sod othet saneiaa.ua. h amakes the A hi weoderhiPy aweed faie aad lair keeps it fro becoailnf too diy, or the exceM el oil, I asy- la feet. clean aad rehashes the eemptahea as does se otbet teiiet neg zjJy acatioa, ttt pacsEar kWhaig aad heaaag elect ii BeOcaabU the stosteat k tosjehes the earfaot el yeet aloe. WalcVt for tltt BcAutifu. Red Pecktjf on Display m AU Leading Stores Mma. UtxX'l Cj'iu'ieU Tux Pew4. VWi. Maa LeSjJ't NaMral WbA Rmaa, JOt. EH. sfSs.Si5- flr Etl": Iz fata hC CGs H.tti.a I. Tk IWa, iO. bW D.CherWik l J30. Moc by mmi. iscbkll. tnst woklo's most rAeoo bcautt CxsKirr MarceUa SembricVi laSS&Ss&S y. MARCEtXA SEMSfuCH." There is no after-glow When you blow gas stoveand not run out a Safe Home the risk of burning your match, it is OUT. fingers. And it stays out Every Safe Home match is chem ically treated to prevent after-glow. Safe Home match es are extra long and extra strong. The extra length means extra ser vice. With one Safe Home match you can light all four burners of a The extra strength means extra safety. Other things being equal; that match is ' safest which is strong est Safe Home matches are strongest Examine the head of a Safe Home match. It is nearly twice as large as that of an ordinary match. That means better burning a big ger flame, an evener flame, a flame that burns longest Safe Home matches are non-poisonous. They are safe to have in the home. AU grocers. Five cents a box. Your Business Chance Among the hundreds of splendid op portunities that are advertised in the Omaha Bee's Want Ad Section, there are many that would enable you to have a successful business of your own. Whether the amount of capital you have to invert be large or small, here you can find an investment that is both safe and profitable. If, perhaps, there isn't an opportunity that seems to fit your ability and experience write out a description of just what you want and you will stand an excellent chance of finding it at once if your ad is in THE OMAHA BEE eeryeaW R,md, Wautf Ads.