Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 07, 1914, EXTRA, Page 5, Image 5
I mE r.KK: omaila. fimday. aum:kt 1014. BRIEF CITY NEWS ; Thomas W. Blackburn for Conrrasa. HaTS Boot Vrlmt It Now Bwnnn Vrtrn. X.lf KoatMy Inooms Unuld, Bw Blue rid slit y ft"tora-a aad Tarn Co., Dour-161 Zilrtatlaf rixtnroa Burfss-Grandn company. Tt lu Coacart In the "500 block Saturday night BWpabUoaas Attaatloa Prank Iewer. county clerk, first term only, wants r nomination. Baas Away front Soma Jim Faltey Bged 18, waa brought to court charged with running away from his home in Atlantic, la. Warned Hot to Anna Animals Tom Mart sloe waa Jailed for cruelty to ani mals, but on trtnl waa dismissed with a severe Warnlnc Glvss tUrangar a Bids and la Boated . W. Wedlock, while giving a colored man a ride In hla wagon, was robbed of W8 and a stickpin, which he asserts the negro took. "Today's Com plat Mori Prorram" may be found on the first page of the classified section today, and appears In The Bee EXCLUSIVELY. Find out What the various moving picture theaters offer. Tausral Claras Back from Taoatlons Miss F. A. Moore, deputy clerk of the T'nlteJ States district court, and Was Emma Quick of the revenue agent's of fice have returned from vacations Baa Xer Fnrse Bnatohed Mrs. 8. L. Smith of 803 North Twenty-third street reported the stealing of her vanity caao by a negro, who snatched the case from her at Twenty-fifth and Farnam. streets. Deserter Oiree Batf. Vp Private Charles A. Butler of the army recruit ing station has gone to Fort Leaven worth, Kan., with James Kane, a soldier who surrendered here after deserting from his company at Texas City. Oar Una to Bathing Beach City Pur chasing Agent Richard Qrotte and others will ask the street railway company to extend the Ames avenue car line to the municipal bathing beach on Carter lake, a distance of about seven blocks. - Cousin In Midst of War Revenue Agent Slusser In the Federal building has a cousin, Carl Herbruck, who is right in the midst of German war prep arations at Kiel, the great naval station. Herbruck is a post graduate student at Oxford university. 'Dad" in Xinoola Secretary J. V. Weaver or Ak-Bar Ben is in Llnooln to ri &yto make some further arrangements for Lincoln day at the Den Monday night. He is also looking after arrange ments for an Omaha day at the state fair in September. Wo Beward Money City Attorney John A. Rlne has held in an opinion to the mayor that the city cannot appropriate money for a reward for the capture of the men. who are supposed to have murdered Fred and Pete Schroeder and William Rapp. Boya to 0o on Hike Carrying blankets, and 'intending to Bleep on the ground without shelter, thirty or forty boys of the Toung Men's Christian asso ciation vacation school will hike from Albright to Bellevue Friday afternoon, and will walk back the next morning, after "sleeping out" over night. Hiss B3ffglBa to Ban Tneaday Word was received from Miss Pansy Hlggina that she did not sail on the Luaitania, on which she had bookings, but expects to sail next Tuesday on the Norwegian wittf M1ss Pedernen, a professor the Denmark National school. Miss Higglns has a scholarship in that school. Would Join German Bavy The war In Europe Is bringing all sorts of in quiries to the United State army and navy recruiting stations here. One man wanted to know if the recruiting officers were going to receive enlistments for the German army and navy. Many questions ars asked concerning the status of Amer ican ships; tourists and property in the great war, and numerous other questions give the officers In charge plenty to do. Nebraska li MAY WOMAN HLE FOR JUDGE? Miss Grace Ballard Raises Question ia Washington County EDGEBTON GIVES HIS OPINION Several Kapreaie rart Opinions Hare Been Derided for Women and Kta-erlon follows Them In Ralla. POLITICAL DAYS DRAW WELL AT CHAUTAUQUA AUBURN, Neb., Aug. (Special.) The Auburn Chautauqua is In progress. The attendance has been good. To the regular program there are added three political addresses. C. F. Reavls spoke Tuesday for and on behalf of the repub lican party. Richard L. Metcalfe yeeter 'day discussed the cause of the adminis tration. He confined himself solely to na tional issues. Harry E. Sackett today talked for the progressives. HYMENEAL Kaklert-Bell. HURON, S. D.. Aug. 6. Suecial.)-The marriage of Miss Jane Carmont Bell and Herbert E. Kahlert of Minneapolis oc curred Tuesday evening. The ceremony took place at the home of the bride's parents In the presence of relatives and a few Immediate friends. Rev. L. Car- mo n Bell, father of the bride, - assisted by Rev. J. P. Anderson of Central City, Neb., an uncle, officiated. Following a tour of three weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Kahlert will be at home at Spruce Arms, Minne apolis.. Sl-kmlllt-RIpp. AVOCA, Neb., Aug. . (Special.) The marriage of William Schmidt and Miss Rebecca " Rlppe occurred today. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schmidt, while the bride is the daughter 'of Mrs. Henry Rlppe. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Carl Leucke of the German Lutheran ' church.. They will re side on. a, farm southwest of town. f MrMallen-Powrr. PONCA, Neb., Aug. . (Special.) Owen McLuiller.,' county treasurer of Dixon county, waa married here this moiutns to Miss Nona K. Powers of JSIoux City, la;, a St. Joseph's church. Father J.. V. Mohr officiated. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Aug. 6. (Special.) May Washington county have a woman county Judge Is a question which has been put up to the attorney general, or rather may a woman legally file for that office? Miss Grace Ballard of Blair desires to file for the office of county judge under the non-partisan Judiciary act passed by the past legislature. The law provides that she must stgn a statement and among other things certify thst she Is "a legal voter of the county." As the woman suf frage proposition has not gotten that far the clerk refuses to place her nam on the ballot and has asked the attorney gen eral to rule. As the attorney general submitted to an operation Monday and Is not in con dition to take the matter up. Assistant Attorney General Edgerton renders a "personal" opinion in the matter In which he cites a ease from a Nebraska county in which a woman sought to hold the office of county treasurer and an other from a Michigan court. In which In each Instance it was decided that a woman could bold the office. Therefore Mr. Kdgerton gives It as his personal opinion that Miss Ballard has a right to subscribe, to the affidavit that she is a legal voter and the clerk cannot refuse to place her name on the ballot. It is understood that the county clerk may refuse to do so and that Miss Ballard will mandamus him. Requisition for Stopprs. Governor Clarke of Iowa has asked for papers from the governor of Nebraska for the return to Des Moines of L. C. Stoops, wanted for the desertion of his wife and two children. He is being held at Lexington. Ollls Baay villi Campaign. Senator J. A. Ollls arrived in the city today, after a short campaign tour of the state, and says he Is well pleased with the outlook regarding his candidacy for the nomination for railway commissioner on the democratic ticket. The senator is president of the Live Stock association of the state, and has been identified with the State Board of Agriculture for many years, and believes his large acquaint anceship with the people ,of the state ought to count for something. Anto Men 03 Deck. Seventeen automobile dealers and manu facturers have so far secured places for the exhibition of their machines at the state fair, and fifty manufacturers have also secured space, so that there Is little doubt but there will be plenty of exhibits along these lines. Most of the manu facturers will exhibit a line of agricul tural Implements, and whatever falling off there may be because of the failure of the big fellows to exhibit will be made up by the little fellows, who. In former years, have been crowded out. "'' t Roper Would Withdraw. R. C. Roper of David City has notified the secretary of state that he would like to withdraw his filing as a candidate for the democratic nomination for the state, senate from the Twelfth district. As the time has passed for withdrawals and the secretary has already certified Mr. Roper's name on the ballot, the with drawal cannot be made. R. E. Plller of Millerton Is also a candidate for the same nomination on the diniocratlo ticket. Nebraska OXFORD MAN KILLED BY FALL FROM WINDMILL OXFORD, Neb., Aug., C (Special.) Phillip Bush whose home was here and who was employed by the Burlington railroad as a bridge carpenter, fell from a wind-mill towor at Oberlln, Kan , yesterday and was lnstnatly killed. Ills body was brought home this morning and he will be buried' here tomorrow. He leaves a large family of children most of whom are grown up. ( Postmasters for Nebraska Towns . Named by Wilson From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Aug. .-ipf-.lal Tele gram.) The following postmasters have own reappointed in Nebraska: Office and County. Postmnstcr. Cherry, cherry Rush F. Osborne Clara. Cheyenne Phillip T. IIirrIiis Clinton, Sheridan Ishrc C. George Collins, Arthur Wellington II. Dean Colyer, Morrill Nannie J. Colver Curlew, Cherry Tnnmas W. Carr fVme, Sioux George McKlhanry lHmald. Hooker l,ouls Schmidt Dunwell, Hooker John W. Wells Eclipse, Hooker Sylvia Rice Kdholm. Hutler Arthur Meredith Flliaheth. Cherry John M. Nehllng Ktna, Custer Andrew J. Osleraard Fern. Cherry Kelso F. Klme Galena, Hayes Henrietta tnlth Gary, Banner John K. Smith Giles, Brown Lucy K. M-ger Hamlet, Hayes Frank 8. Graves Harlan. Cherry Walter C. Yon Hoaaland. Iopnn Allen E. Jared Hodges, Klmbull Karle H. Hodges Horse Foot, Uock Milton J. lxiyd Agee. Holt Peter J. l.tunworth Altona. Wayne Fred O. Panning Arhorvllle. York ..Charles A. WhlMemorn Banner, Cherry Alice C. Murphy Tilling, Sheridan ....Charles A. Andrew Blanche. Chaso Gideon V. Davis Braden, Arthur Rhoda B. Twldwell Buda. Buffalo Henry O. Cook Chase, Chase Frank L. Case IN IOWA. Ash Grove. Davis John W. Proctor Bear Creek. Wannllo Harlan 1' it.ln Blanden, Pocahontas. ..Charlie Weldmanl Dellmos, Rlngxold Kva G. Hire! I'rKslo, Decatur Harvey D. DeKalb Krnie. Floyd James McKendrlck Fairmont, Jasper A. Uvlngston Fredonla. Iulsa William R. Button Gladstone. Tama Joseph V. Slmok Gladwin, Lou's Milton O. Jones Glendale, Jeffers Mary Damm Graham Clayton George P. Burgess Harvard, Wayne Minnie F. Stewart Houghton, Lee Henry PloUmeler Kendallvillc, W innleshlek . . B. O. Pederson Kllbourne, VanBuren. ...Richard Skinner Laddsdale. Davis Glen Wilson Maud, Altemeka Henry H. Larson Minerva. Marshall. .William A. Humphrey Osborne. Clayton George Fellow t-oweraviue. jnoya George Ietrlok Shipley, .story John A. Buehner Spring Brook, Jackson.. John Gonner Stiles, Davis John If. Colins Slyvia, Linn P. Arthur Osborne 0. A. Devine Joins Benson & Thome Co. RED CROSS WIRES FOR AID Wants Omaha to Assist in Raising Funds to Send Ships. MANLEY TO CALL A MEETING HrH rn Would Send AM to I'.arh Connlry Which Is Xnn lla. aaaed In the Kuritpran ( onfllrl. The lied Cross afovtotloii has appralrd to Omaha for contributions for relief work . In Kuro. The appeal was re ceived In a telegram at the mayor's of-ll'-e. The mnttlrr has been taken up with Robert Manley of the Commercial club, and a meeting may be called to discuss the raising of funds. The Bed Cross plans to send a ship under t'.ie Red Cross flag to every nation now at war In F.uroiie.. The appeal follows: Please use this hiI to raise fund for tho Hed Cross. During our war with Spain thousands of dollars were sent by the Kuropean Red Cross sotiettes to the American Ked Cross to aid In the rare of our sick and wounded soldiers. Now In the hour of their supreme need the Amer ican Red Cross, both for the sake of hu manity and to express our gratitude for their aid to us In the time of trouhlo snrt distress, has decided to charter a ship and send to each country involved, doc tors, nurses and hospital supplies. This ship, sailing under the Itcd Cross flaK, will be under the protect n.n of the treaties of Geneva and The II linn.', Mid can enter any harbor for tho discharge of Its beneflclent duties. In no ether way can this trained personnel so greatly needed reach the different countries. Pro tection Is provided also for the personnel of the Red Cross society of neutral Mates that render aid. By the treaty of Geneva the American Red Cross appeals most earnestly to all of our people, to the gov ernors of states as presidents of the Hed Cross state boards, to tho Red Cro chapters, to mayors of cities, to cham bers of commerce, to boards of trade, and to all associations and Individuals, for Contributions to carry on this work. Con tributions may bo designated by the don ors. If they so desire, for the aid of any special country, and will be used for the country designated. Assistance will bo given to all in the true spirit of the Bed Cross as represented by its motto, neutrality-humanity. Grieved as we may he over this terrible war, the agonizing cry of suffering men cannot appeal to na in vain. The Ameri can Bed Cross nsks for a prompt and generous response. Contributions may be i tne American Ked (Toss, Wash ington, D. C, or to the state and local treasurers of the Red Cross. C A. Devine, for some time past In charge of the men's furnishings and hats of Pease Bros., has entered tho employ of Benson & Thorne Co. In a similar ca pacity, taking the position made vacant by W. E. . Davis, who resigned to enter the insurance business. Mr. Devine was born, raised and had his first mercantile; experience , in Msysville, Ky. He was later with the Furst company of Jersey City and the Kllgore Briggs Co. of St. Paul, which latter place he left to accept the position In Omaha. Mr. Devine has made for himself n host of Omaha friends, and the Benson & Thorne Co. feels that his connection with their soon to be enlarged store is a distinct advantage to them. He leaves Saturday evening for New York on a buying trip, where he will meet Mr. Ben son and other Benson A Thorne buyers, already in the market. HARVESTER PUTS MUCH " CONFIDENCE IN STRANGER H. M. Parcher of Florence. Ala., who has been working in Nebraska as a har vest hand, wanted to send $36 home to his wife. Going to the postoffice at 7:30 a. 111. before the money order office was open, he found a stranger at a public writing desk and asked him if he be longed to the money order department. "Sure," the stranger replied; "what do you want." "Just send this money to my wife," Parcher directed, but later he told the watchman and the police that he was afraid his wife might not receive the remittance. CANADIAN BOATS DO NOT CANCEL ANY SAILINGS General Agent McCaiium of the Cana dian Pacific Steamship company, with headquarters In Chicago, is in Omaha and asserts that up to this time there has been no cancellation of sailings from Montreal and Quebec to Liverpool and English ports. However, all Pacific coast mailings of company boats, of which there j ara six, have been discontinued. Omaha UAI I PY MAM RFAnY'TD agents say mat rour or the boats of the ,"u-l-c, mtW nCMUl IU I Holland-American line are still in the FIGHT FOR ENGLAND !buslnef8 of carrying business between An Englishman living near Valley has offered to respond to any call for re serves that may be made by Great Britain. His letter waa opened here by Raymond G. Young, acting British repre sentative In the absence of M. A. Hall, who Is away on a vacation. No other communications in regard to the war have been received by the local British consular representative. He . says no British reserves will be called out until It Is known where they are to be sent. Aurora Booster Day. AURORA, Neb., Aug. 6. (Special.) Yesterday was Bjoaters' day In Aurora. At 10:30 a parade of decorated automo biles was held and three prUes of Hi, MO and to were given. After a basket i nn r the afternoon was taken up with acrobatic feats, slow notorcyclo race and a game of base ball between Aurora and Hampton, in which Hampton won. Aeate Iadlarrstloo. "I was annoyed for over a year by at tacks of acute indigestion, followed by lonstlpation." writes Mrs. M. J. Gal lagher. Geneva, N. T. "I tried every thing that waa recommended to ma for his complaint, but nothing did me much cuod until about four months ago I saw Jhainberlaln'a Tablets advertised and procured a bottle of them from our drug, gist. I soon realised that I had gotten the right thing, for they helped roe at unce. Since taking; two bottles of them I can oat heartily without any bad ef fects." Bold by all druggists. Advertisement. Gage County otrs. BEATRICE, Neb., Aug. ft-Ross L. Hammond of Fremont, republican can didate for governor, arrived In? the city Wednesday on a campaign trip through this section In an automobile. Governor Morehead spoke today at the "skirt and bloomer day" ball game held at DeWUt this afternoon. Paul Lyle, who was seriously burned snd scalded at the farm of H. O. Wil liams, four miles southwest of Wymore, when a threshing engine blew up. Is re covering. He Is a son of City Marshal Lyle of Wymore. Mrs. Thomas Jensen, for twenty-eight years a resident of Gage county, died Wednesday evening- at a local hospital, aged 65 years. She Is survived by her husband and six children Mrs. Mar.aareH Severely Beraed. AVOCA, Neb.. Aug. . (Special.) Mrs. M. D. Marquardt of this city was severely turned about the face, arms and body here yesterday. The wind blew out the gasoline stove that was bunlngj and the gasoline had dipped over the bottom of the stove. As she attempted to light It the gasoline caught fire, and in trying to ex tinguish the flames her dress was burned nearly eff of her body. Tahl Roek to Have. C'araltal. j TABLE ROCK, Neb., Aug., .-tSpe-I ciul.) At a meeting of the business men j of Table Rock, held at the office of W. 1 G. Carter last evening. It was decided to hold their annual carnival August f7-. Avoid Blood Poison by ujing Bucslen's Arnica Salve on all wounds, bruises, sores, scalds, salt rheum, etc. . Prompt relief for pile. 25c. All druggists. Advertisement. Europe and the I'nlted States. DEATH RECORD W illiam N. O'Brien. LEAD, 8. D., Aug. . (Speclal.)-Prob-ably the largest funeral ever held In the Black Hills was the final tribute paid to the late William 8. O'Brien, general fore man of the Homestake Mining company, who died unexpectedly just after resign ing on account of his health. The funeral took place at the KpiscopaJ church, where Rev. Roland Mackintosh, the roc tor, officiated. The mines laid off, busi ness houses' closed and over 2,004 em ployes of the compsny were in line, in cluding Golden Star lode No. 9, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons. S?:.iar'sh war veterans, Homestake veterans and friends from all over the Black Hills. The funeral was under Masonic auspices, interment being made In Lead. Henry Stewart. AURORA, Neb., Aug. 6.-(.-pecial.)-At 3 o'clock this afternoon took place the funeral' of Henry A. .Stewart, only child of Rev. J. D. Htewart. His death was caused by burns received while trying to get his horse out of the barn, which was on fire. He leaves his father, a wife, three sons, Charles M.; Harry, Fred W. and three girls, Ida F., Flora J. and Helen. Jadue K. II. ort. ST. JOSEPH, Mo.. Aug. .-Judge Elijah H. Norton, one of the best known jurists of Missouri In the early days, who served as a member of congress and upon the state supreme court bench, died today at his home in Piatt City. He was ti years old. Donald SI. Phllbln. DULl'TH,' Minn., Aug. 6. -Donald M. Phllbln, long connected with the Great Northern railway, died her today. He was credited with being one of the fore most experts on Iron ore transportation. Omaha is Isolated in Stand Taken on Currency Question "Omaha has been rather Isolated In the position It has taken In the currency matter since the wars in Europe have started," said one of th Omaha bankers, "and we think we are (ioing to get along all right. Everything is coming , along nicely and the currency question Is no longer bothering us." It is true that while the banks of many of the eastern cities have placed them selves on a clearing house check basis, the banks of Omaha have refused to do so, and yet have an abundance of cur rency. They have, however, taken the precaution to organise a currency asso ciation as required by the Vreeland-Ald-rich law, so that ' If necessary at any time they can get large quantities of federal currency. In the meantime they are smiling and doing business as usual. The Clearing House association has held another meeting, which lasted but five minutes.; These, meetings are being held now from day to day merely to check up the currency situation. CIGAR DAY IS TO BE OBSERVED IN OMAHA "Cigar Day," similar In plan and pur pose to 'ratsln day," "apple day" and "orange day," will be observed in Omaha and throughout the country on October 12. Special window displays and adver tisements of cigars will call the at tention of the male portion of the public to cigars, and eek to introduce the pleasant perfeetos to those who are not already acquainted with them. George Rogers of the Nilcs-Moser-Rogers com pany is local vice president of the organization which is promoting the idea. Ho and Earl Hi?lns, local correspond ent and agent of tobacco leaf, are al ready making plans with wholesale and retail cigar dealers for observing the day ip Omaha. ' ) For Protection against the serious sickness so likely to follow an ailmentof the digestive organs, bilousness or inactive bowels, you can rely on the bast known corrective ITU Urn SJ. at An lUildM la tfc WarU) itii Evoywkcim. la bm, ltc, 2c fcC IIOOLH AND TOLLEGKS Kola 10 tteo MoTlesf If you want to know n advance what pictures are going to be shown at your favorite theater tunlght read "Today's Complete Movie Program" 011 the first want ad page. Complete programs of practically evury moving -picture theater in Omaha appear EXCLUSIVELY In The Bee. MXTV-SIXTII YKAK Rockford College for Women HOCKltmiJ, ILLINOIS Aoorsdlted to the Worth Osatral Association, Dsg-rses of B. A. and B. U. Broad enitore, with eleetlvs vocational courses that fit for life aad for ssU-support. faculty in close touch wit u the girls. Chosea body of stn' nts. Health and safety paramo -ut. Vara air, pure artesian water, fine earapus. New fireproof aorsiitory, eleotrle Ugbt, steam heat. Oood table. Cata logue. Box XT. JUUA H. 6ULUVER, Pi. P., LL. P., Ftcs. DUBUQUE COLLEGE' Dikiiic lets (Kormerly fit. Joaph's fvUtf) BoarttlngSchool for Boys 'Sif ."?? Hih ifcttoo! au4 Co lieu Court ldlB i tachlor f An, bachelor of Lrtutsra iq4 iiachlor el btluct drgiM. UiLUtiatiMt Stjuvutr ud Ca'alof-oa ftnt tu V J FinUy Enftaring ColUgt s.- otta nraariMva) mfj ; mrw -y uJ lft4on. K c M Atft ft cU A. Ww Ivaal ft. a I -1 "Store Hours, 3:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. Saturday till 9 P. M.ii ., BURGESS-NASH CO. "EVERYBODY'S STORE Thurstlity, August , 1011. MTOKK NKWH rX)U FUIDAV. Sixteenth ami Marncy Bta. FRIDAY IN THE MID-SUMMER CLEAN-UP SALE Remnants of 15c to 39c Wash Goods. Friday, at a Yard, 8 l-3c 'pilot 'SANDS of desirnblti lengths from IL to (5 yaxtls, including such splen did materials as voiles, ratines, lawns, madras, ginghams, soisettcs, etc. Light and dark colors, pretty patterns, oly were loc to 31e. a yard, Friday ... Vol. Bnrgess-sTasn Co. Mala rioor. Thousands of Silk Remnants m the Cleanup Yard. 29c and 69c Involving tho season's best weaves, pat terns ami colorings. AOr to ft. 00 Silks, 20c Short lengths or foul ards, plain and fancy mesHallnoH, ta-.feta silks, etc.; Rood, desirable patterns and colors. $1.23 to aa.SO Silk, BOc Short lengths of crepe de chine, charmeuse, poplin, foulard, mesaa ltne, etc.. in widths 30 to 40 inches. EMfsra-sTasu Co. lCln rioor. Clean-Up Friday of CURTAINS at $1.75 ABOUT 250 pairs of voile and maraulaette curtains. hemstitched with lace edges, 2'4 yards long and 40 inches wide. White, cream and ecru, were $2.95. $3.00 and $3.25, in the cleanup Friday i 7r at, pair p 1 e I O Burreaa-sTash Co. Third rioor. 25c White Tlaxons, 15c IN checks and stripes, lartce assortment to select from, regularly 25c per yard, 1 f Friday, yard, IOC IMO riOIMSai l, I n e n finish thread, black and white, spool. ,.ao Unen tape, six for ..... . . . . He Darning cotton, black, white, tun, 4 spools for. .ftc Pearl and fancy colored pins, at, card lc Nickel plated safety pins, three dozen for ... .So Slightly damaged dress forms, Jer sey covered, wire skirt, were $3.50, at 2.25 W o m e n's and children's hose supporters, at, a pair 7 t,c Must forms, sties 3 2 to 4 4, Jersey covered, at. .HfVc Large fringe hair nets, all shad", doxen 22c Wire hair pins. 2 pkgs. for . . . . lc N a i nsook dress shields, pair, To Common hat pins black and white, doeen Sc C o in in o n pins, 400 to the paper, at, paper . .1HC arrest-Wash Co. Main rioor. Clean-Up Friday of LUNCH CLOTHS BLKACHED damask lunch cloths, hemstitched, good selection of beautiful designs. Size 32x32, were 75c, yQ Friday, at e7C Slie 36x36, were $1.00, ;n Friday, at OUC Slie 45x45, were $1.25, "ft Friday, at iC Barber Towels, 370 T-)ARBKR towels, 13x24. ab- - sorbent quality, Friday, the. dozen . Snrress-Wash o. Mala rioor. 37ic The Great Clean-up Sale Friday in the ECONOMY BASEMENT Women's Hose, Pair, 12 He Women's black or white cotton hose, full seamless, also children's hose in tan, blue, pink and white, Friday, the pair Women's Vexts, Kach, 12 He Extra slse. V neck, low neck and sleeve less, Swiss ribbed, very special Friday, 12ic 12ic 19c Child's I'nion Suits, 10c Low neck and sleeveless, knee length, drop seat, cleanup price for Friday, at. . , Women's Coals, at 98c A broken- range of sizes in linen and cloth coats, many Btyles and materials, were $5.00 to qq $7.50, cleanup price, Friday at OC $1.00 to $1.25 CHINA at 69c Pink rose, full ground, white and gold border decoration, including salads, cake plates, square or round, choc olate pots, sugar and creams, syrup pitchers with plate, were $1.00 and $1.25, g !c.e: b9c Water Sets, as Illustrated, Six Glasses and Pitcher, Set 25c Good clear crystal, full size pitcher and 6 glasses, colon ial style, exactly as lllus . t rated, very special for Fri day, set complete, for J.S N Enamel Ware Friday at 49c I n c 1 u d ing C and 8 quart Berlin kettles, 8 and 10-quart preserv ing kettles, tea pots, 10 quart stock pots, etc., four coated white enamel, full guaran teed, r ri- ag uy. at, - AMr choice i.;!... ."wV Tin Fruit Cans, 33c Tin cans (or preserving, best quality, Frl- oq. day, per dozen OaJC Coverall Aprons, 3 for $1.00 Women's bungalow and coverall aprons of ging ham; regular 50c values, in the clearing sale Friday, your choice, 3 for P 1 Embroideries at 2y2c Nainsook and cambric edgings and insertions in widths 2 to 5 Inches, also embroidery bead- Ol ings, per yard aw 2 C Val Laces at 2y2c French and German Val. lace and Insertion to match, also linen torchon, ia clearing sale ty 1 Friday, yard sGlfC Women's Handkerchiefs, 2c A big selection of linen, lawn and Swiss handker chiefs, in the clearing sale Friday, choice, at, each aG $1.15 Muslin Curtains, 45c Plain or colored border muslin curtains, some have embroidered edges, were to $1.15, Krlday, yig TaJl 29c Corset Covers 19c Corset covers of nainsook and allover embroidery, some lace and embroidery trimmed, 29c i q values 1 tC 59c Combinations, 39c Combinations of nainsook embroidery, lace and ribbon trimmed; were 58c, clearing sale qq price Friday, each JC 35c Dressing Sacques, 19c Fancy lawn, striped or figured; were 3uc, clearing sale price Friday pair 19c 79c to 98c Gowns, 69c Gowns, petticoats and combinations of nainsook, lac and embroidery trimmed, were 79o to rv 98c each , t, Oi7C $1.00 House Dresses, 39c Broken assortment of women's house dresses of lawn, percale and chambray; were $1.00, on clearing sale price Friday, each otC $1.98 to $2.98 Dresses, $1.00 Made of chambray, percale and other desirable ma terials, trimmed with allover embroidery, col- f ' lar and vest; were $1.98 and $2.98, Friday.. JJ JL Women's $1.47 Waists, 39c Clearing of all waists in the basement section that were priced to $1.4 7. Voiles, lawns, qq crepes, etc., choice for )vC Men's 25c Hose, 9c j Men's lisle, fibre silk and pure thread silk hose ia odd sizes but all colors, no white and black; some have double sole, high spliced heel and toe, some single soie, aouDie neei and toe. Any pair of them good values at 19c; while the great portion of tbem are regular 25c lines, Friday, pair. , Khaki Pants at 90c 9c Well mande, double seamed, turned up bot U pants, regular khaki coloi Boys' 50c Overalls, 39c nn torn. Khaki pants, regular khaki color.. 7UC 39 c Crown overalls, regular price BOc, sale price Friday Mn's 48c Underwear, 19c All the 2-plece underwear which sold up to 48c, our special price for Friday If you need underwear at this line. 19c cheap price buy DRUGS and Toilet Specials Fels Naptba Soap, 10 cakes for 30 Borax Chips, large pkg 10 Household Ammonia, 1 quart bot tle for 13 Chloride Lime, large can 9 Diamond "C" Soap, 10 cakes for 23t Assortment of 10c Soaps.... 5 Sani Flush, large can 17 Talcum Powders, were 16c, at 5 Safety Matches, 000 for 3 Borax, 20-Mule Team 9t Castile Soap, large bar 45f Whisk Brooms, 15c kind It REMARKABLE CLEARING SALE of SHOES for FRIDAY Women's $3.00 Oxfords, 08c Button and blucher styles, all leath- An ers, Klzes 2 a to 4 Vi only; were Mstf 3.00, clearing sale price. w Men's $3.00 Low Shoes, $1.03 Button or lace styles, tan or black, sizes 6, 6H and 71 MS were $3, clearing sale price. MiMes' 91.75 Pumps, f 1.10 White canvas, two-strap style. MlNeV (t.00 Shoes, $1.39 White canvas, button style. tlill.l's 2.00 Shoes, $1.25 White Canvas, button style. Women's $3.00 Pumps, $1.89 Colonial style, gun metal leathers, sizes 2a to 6. -Xooaomy Bassmant. .Men's Ixiw Shoes, $1.49 Men's white canvas low shoes, all sizes. Women's $2.23 Shoes, $1.30 White canvas, button style; all sizes. Women's $2.23 I'umps, $1.59 White canvas, two-strap style. Burjrsss-Hash Co, I)res Percale at 7 He Light, medium and dark colored dress percales, all are 3 Inches wide, styles that are neat, 7g new and pretty, Bale price, yard 2 Iteninints Voiles, Crepes, Ktc., 5c Mill lengths of fancy silk and cotton voiles, crepes and rice cloths that are worth 25c a yard, f" will be old at, yard JC 12 He Blue Chambray, ttc 3C-lnch soft finish blue chambray, worth 12Vc a yard, all In deelrable lengths, perfect goods, ? at, yard DC fHe Shepherd Check at He 32-Inch shepherd check, double fold suitings, the regular 12'c kind, on sale Friday at, r yard OC 10c Blue Chambray at 4,e 27-lnch soft finish blue chambray, hundreds of perfect mill lengths of the 10c grade, on A 1 Eale at, yard , rzC Dress Ginghams at 4 M c Fancy checked and Scotch plaid dress ginghams Thousands of yards on sale Friday, 10c and 13 Vic would be the regular selling price, sale A 1 price, yard 4jC 15c 1'liHse Crepe at 9c White plisse crepe, mill lengths of the 15c quality. 27 and 32 inches wide, sale price Friday. e yard IJC 15c Bedford Cord at else Bedford cord and novelty silk stripe suiting, every yard would be a bargain at 15c a yard, sale 1 price Friday, yard Ojv Cotton lluck Towels, 4c Various sizes cottou buck towels, many are A ' the 10c kind, choice, Friday, each iC Cotton Toweling, at 2Uc - ' All the mill ends of cotton, buck and twill toweling that usually sells at 6c a yard, will be nl sold at, yard 2 C