Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 07, 1914, EXTRA, Image 3

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House of Common Passes War
Credit for Half Billion.
Sip r.dniri finncfcpH TrlU Commons
that lifrmnf Practically aked
r.lM4 to -t Hrr a
LONDON. Aug. a-(5:2i p. m.)-The
House of Commons this evening unani
mously passed a war credit of IS00.0W.fti0
for the Increase of the Brlilih army. This
Is the second war credit passed by the,
house, the sum of $.t..(K.10.0fW having been
voted two days ago.
Premier Asnulth told the house thnt the
"White Taper Issued by the government
showed how strenuous and unremitting
had been the efforts of Plr Kdward Grey,
the British foreign secretary, to secure
for Kurope an honorable and lasting
"Iifssinaa ProwoI."
After read'ng Sir Edward Ooschen'a
dispatch saying that Germany hnd mado
"a strong bid for British neutrality," the
premier remarked that Germany"! sug
gestion amounted to ' the Infamous pro
posal that we should give her a free hand
to annex the whole of the extra-European
possessions f France." He contin
ued: "If Great Britain had accepted what
reply could she have mado to the Bel
gians' appeal . It could only have repl ed
that we had bartered away to the power
threatening her. our obligations to keep
our plighted word. What would have been
Great Britain's position If It assented to
this Infamous proposal and what was It
to get In return? Noting but a promise
given by a power which at that moment
was announcing Its Intention of violating
Its own treaty."
Mora tori am for Month.
Chancellor of the Kxchejiier Lloyd
George announced today In the House of
Commons that the government had de
cided to proclaim a general moratorium
for a month. Wages, salaries, rates and
taxes, government payments and national
Insurance transactions are not to come
within the scope of the moratorium.
' Steamers Painted Blnek.
The British admiralty announced today
that the steamers Iceland and Elder,
from Bremerhaven. report that the North
German Lloyd liner, Kaiser Wllhelm der
Gross has been , painted black and con
verted into an armed cruiser with guns
and a searchlight.
German Trawler Captured.
A German trawler was captured by a
British warship near the Orkney Islands
to the north of Scotland today. It Is be
lieved to have been engaged In spying, as
carrier pigeons were found on board.
Germans Fire. Into Crowd.
ANTWERP, Belgium, Aug. 6. (3:15 a.
fleet (above) counted as the strongest in the world, with the exception of that of Great
Britain, and the French fleet (below). In the lower picture the battleship Justice is
shown in the foreground, with Verite following
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tConllrnuil fiom 'ncc ni
(H'"dllirn l exi"-t'l In Ji.ln will. ;
the BclRtaiis ty Innmrrow or I'riilay, nnd j
It la believed tMat the rombineil furi'r will
have another Krcnt buttle witli th tin
niAnH If the Hi'liilan i nk hold lliom la 'k j
at IJogi", or liat-Ncr other point tilling
thn CHslrrti UelKliin front Irr thrv iiibv i
e!sy to bron k tlironnli. At mldnlKlit. tho j
kaiser's fom-a hal not reoi eatilard Mif- j
fli-ntly to renew their attink. i
Klna l.rrv r l.rnil.
Accwrdlng lo 1 A- Sole, a Kruasel nens- I
paper. King Albert of HrUliini, will coin
maud the I"ranro-lti Itilan troops. In no- !
cordanco with a treaty that exists be
tween tlie two nations, lie Is preparing
to do so. It Is said, nnd tins turned over
his palace to the Ited Cross.
There have been report a Hint Kimhinil
would send a hind expedition lo tho nlil
of lle.Uiuni, which would iinlto with tho
rombliiel French and 1'cliilaii forces In
repelling the Invader, but as yet. there
la no official confirmation here of mioli
ii belief. Great enthusiasm lias been
aroused by tho single handed victory of
the troops In the smaller alitor kiniidcm.
It Is stilted hImi thnt there Is no doubt
of the Germans having Invaded Holland,
nt Tilbury, near the llcliiinn frontier. A
state of lnnrtial Inw has been d. Inrcu1
In Holland and the niobllliiatioti of Its
troops has been completed. Holland
army officers declare they have got to
gether IIO.OiW men In l sa than twenty
four hours.
News of the violation was received with
great satisfaction In I'arla. for It meant
that half a million more men, fiuhtinir
for those nntlons. would take the field
against the Knitter.
i'ommiiiid'd ev ery confidence.
I Kuiuiienn nnd American tourists are ex-
ENTERPRISE IN CHINA j Irlrn. ln great difficulties imlng to tho
1 1 losing of the Trntia-Sllierlan railroad, and
I lestrlct Ion of the steamship service for
ti. t 'lilna today 1 lil' li some of them held tickets, while
some or the bunks reiuso to recngniie
certnin Kuropean letters of credit.
I'l.MNG. Chinn, Aug
proiliilmed Hi neutrality In conn-c Hon
with the Kuiopean conflict. The work of
fortifying tlie German possession of
Tslng-Tnu continued tmlav anil the au
thorities there added to th"lr accnmulH
tlon of prov isions.
I'orelKrn rntvriu 1st In Clilnn b'lnc par
Ivxed. many Chinese have been affected
already nnd are withdrawing tliclr moiuvv
fiom llio banks controlled by financiers
representing llnsslii, France, Ft gland.
Gernmny and Japan, which liltlieito had
Dlnrrluirs Unli-Uif Cnred.
M attention was first called to
Chiimtierhilns Colic, Cholera and lliu
rlioea Itemed y as much as twelve yours
ago. At lhat time' I was seriously 111
with Bummer complaint. One dose of
this remedv checked the trouble. " writes
Mrs. C. W. KloiTtice, Hockflcld, Ind.
For snle by all druggist?. Advertisement.
It was fpund also that no vessels were
available on the great lakes.
Conditions In Psrii Better.
PARIS, Aug. t Food remains plentiful
In Taris and prices have Increased only
slightly since the outbreak of war. Meat
and vegetables are the principal com-
modifies affected, as retal'ers find dif-
j flculty in bringing them from the central
depots because all delivery wagons have
been requisitioned for military purposes.
In the great central markets there were
large quantities of vegetables today and
m.) During an anti-German demonatra- push cart dealers reaped a rich harvest
tion here today several Germans fired as they had the advantage over store
into the crowd. Four Oerman steamers ' keepers whose vehicles had been taken by
were selted today by the Belgian author-i tr, rnllltory
(Continued from Page One.)
Cockerllls, there is located at Liege all the
important small arms plants of Belgium,'
Liege Is tho principal manufacturing
point in Belgium fdr locomotive and rail,
way materials of all sorts. The city Is
locsted on tha principal railway line con
necting Paris with Berlin. The Nord ex
press and all the fast Paris-Berlin trains
pass through the town..
Appeals far Transportation.
WASHINGTON. Aug. B.-tieneral Im
provement In the conditions among
Americans abroad was shown today In'
official dispatches to the State depart'
ment. Urgent appeals for transportation,
however, continued.
Ambassador Herrick reported the ' fi
nancial panic had been sj far alleviated
in Taiia that he r i inmtndcd that the I
sold on board the cruiser Tennessee be
diverted to other cities in grca'er need.
K. H. Gary, chairman of the relief com.
mlttee in Paris, stated that at least M.OOJ
Americans were In need of transportation
and that with present accomodations it
would take alx months to move them.
Ftom Vienna Ambassador Penfield tele-'
graphed under date of August 3 that he
was making 'every . effort to get Ameri
cans out of Austria before yesterday at
midnight, when all transportation was to
be stopped for a period of some weeks.
Tha plan was to transport the foreigners
from Vienna to Trieste and thence to
Venice, where they can embark on Italian
So- far there has been no danger to
Americans, but great Inconvenience. Tha
Cunarder Carpathla has ..already left
Flume for Malta with a number aboard.
London Work Well Organise..
Oscar ' Straus and P. I. Kent, repre
sentatives of the Bankers' Trust com
pany, both members of the relief com
mittee in London, reported that their
work was fully organized and a complete
list Of alt Americana In Kngland will be
issued tomorrow. Needs of transports
capable of carrying at least 20,000 people
was urged since the lack r.f gold haa
made It Impossible for many to obtain
even food to say nothing of lodging.
Similar conditions at Milan, ac
cording to Consul Stewart.
Consul Baahr reported Switzerland also
filled with Americans unable to secure
From Bergen, Norway, a dispatch
signed by the Arctic Explorer Rassmus
aon, reported a party of Americana on a
polar axpedition on board the Prins Fried
rich Wllhelm on their way to Bremen
had dlstrobarked and asked for assist
ance. W. Q. Sharp, the newly appointed am
bassador to France, will proceed as soon
as he can secure passage.
Ship Owners Arc tireeay.
Secretary Garrison expressed his chagrin
at tha disposition of American steamship
companies to charge whet he considers
exorbitant prices for vessels to transport
Americans. Mr. Garrison said preliminary
Inquiries brought Information that ves
sels could be obtained for about )duO a
day. The price a'.ddenly has been
'T do not intend It have any one gat
suddenly rich out of this business," said
Secretary flarrtion. "The steamship
companies will find they cannot use this
occasion tj siphon money out of the
United States treasury."
For that reason Mr. Garrison said It
will be Ms purpose first, to employ soma
of the twelve army transports at Galves
ton already being refitted for transatlan
llo service. He has made Inquiry If he
haa authority to commandeer commercial
vessels for the emcigency, and it hope
ful that the government can aelxe ships
and afterward arrange for a fair com
pensation for their use.
Inquiries for Pacific vessels have de
veloped that nothing is available there
more adaptable than on the Atlantio side.
The principal wholesale prices today
for sacks containing 520 pounds were:
Potatoes and string beans. J6; dried
beans, M; spinach. Kg; onions.. $.
Fruit and poultry sold at less than the
usual price, while butter was abundant,
but tha price had Increased as the public,
fearing a shoitage, had beep begun buy.
Ing quantities of twenty pounds. 'The
authorities today forbade retailers to
sell more than ofie pound to each cus
tomer and fixed the maximum price at
44 cents a pound.
Kggs mtiKi be sold according to an of
ficial tariff hew laid eggs costing 4 cents
eaoh, frosh French eggs, 3 cents each,
while other eggs are marked at 32 cents a
oosen. '
The problem of getting in the harvest
has given much cause for thought to the
French ministry of 8grK ture, which Is
considering a scheme for replacing the
men who have Joined the army, by train
ing all children from 10 to Id years of age
In field work under the guidance of the
Ambassador Myron T. Herrick, in order
In s event stranded Americana from be-
I ing exploited by speculators, today went
lo u hotel where, one was doing business
and posted a notice saying that the
American embassy had nothing to do with
the enterprise which was charging (60 for
transportation by river steamer from
1' arts' to Rouen and S100 for the voyage
to an English port
(Continued from Page One.)
(Continued from Page One.)
tha Oerman staff long ago decided that
tha invaalon of France through Its
strongly fortified eastern frontier was too
difficult to be relied upon.
It Is "plain that Germany thought It
preferable to violate Belgian neutrality
and drive England into the field against
her than to rely on getting Into Franca
through the latter'a curtain of powerful
fortifications. There is little doubt that
the Germans will succeed in forcing their
way through Belgium,
Trneae la Csixscrji,
The Times' Copenhagen dispatch says:
"Yesterday 15,000 troopa were ordered to
man fortifications of Copenhagen. Tha
feeling here la pessimistic, but it Is still
hoped that Denmark's neutrality would
not be Infringed upon.'
The Times' Stockholm dispatch says:
"Partial mobilization of the defense of
tha neutrality of Swoden was ordered
yesterday and la proceeding normally. Tha
public -is keenly alive to the gravity of
the situation and even the socialists favor
tha mobilisation movement."
The Times' Berne despatch says: "Tha
national council assembled today In ex
traordinary session. The president an
nounced that Switserland has lecelved
assurances from the French and Ger
man governments that they would respect
her neutrality. While they accepted with
gratification auch assurances, the Swiss
government wss taking all necessary pre
cautionary movements for the defense of
the fatherland, and was confident tha
army- would be ready for all emergencies.''
BflgUsi I nltcd.
The Daily Mall's. Brussels metsage says:
"The Walltons and Flemings have sunk
all their differencea of view of the na
tional crisis. The troops of tha two
races sang choruses together on their
way out of Brussels to tha front this
morning. There is talk of the seat of
government being transferred from Brus
sels to Antwerp. It Is undoubtedly be
ing considered as an eventuality.
"The general Impression Is that the heavy
f'.ghtlng will bo around Liege, where the
Belgian troopa will have to retard tha
German march until tha French arrive."
one, some reports giving the number of
casualties as high as 8,000.
German Crolsera Are Safe
From Rome came a report that the
German cruisers Goeben and Brealau had
escaped the pursuit of French and British
warships after bombarding the Algerian
coast and had safely reached a Sicilian
port. .
German war vessels are said to have
penetrated the Gulf of Finland and bom
barded Sveaborg, the "northern Gibral
tar." No definite confirmation of the reported
ultimatum from Germany to Italy camo
to hand here.
' Aa soon as Prince Mchnowsky. the Ger
man ambassador, left London today tho
American embassy assumed full care of
German Interests In the British lslos.
It win B. Laughlln, the American secre
tary of embassy, devoted himself to this
Manr Germans In Great Britain.
It was estimated by the embassy that
there were . 100,000 Germans In Great
Britain, but there were no means of as
certaining how many of these had left
since the beginning of serloua trouble be
tween tho nations. Many Germans resldo
in England In order to escape military
service, "but a great number of these are
said to have applied to be permitted to
serve In the German army as soon aa
Emperor William offered pardon for de
serters. So far the British government had not
Issued any order for the expulsion of
Germans and none la expected, so that
those now here are HVely to remain.
British families, however, are discharg
ing all German '. servants, governnesses
and chauffeurs, so that the German ben
evolent societies have their hands full In
supplying the needs at tha destitute.
. Asaexteana Ask for Food.
Many Americana today asked for help
to obtain food and lodging. There were
many Instances of persons with gold
certificates In their pockets walking the
streets all night hungry. Some of these
were relieved by small unsecured loans
from H. C. Hoover of California, who
spent moat of the day working to obtain
a reasonable rate of exchange for Amer
ican bills. The rate Is now exorbitant.
Among the callers at the American con
sulate general was Mrs, James T. Macey
of Denver, who was ordered out of hoi
sick bed In a hospital at Antwerp Mon
day with only . two hours' notice. She
was told the hospital was needed for the
wounded. Mrs. Macey left her mother
and child In Germany.
' The street In front of the American
I consulate general today was packed with
j Germans, mostly youths of the servant
Class coming rrom ail parts oi tne Hritian
Isles to register their names, so that they
might return to Germany to fight If pos
sible. The Germuns were very peace
able and the police on duty were aole
easily to keep them In line.
The clerks within the consulate general
meanwhile registered their names and
address and stamped their military books
to protect them against being classed as
deserters in case they were unable to re
turn to Germany.
There waa no show of feeling against
the English in the crowd of men return
ing to their fatherland as a patrlotlo
"uty. Their usual answer to the ques
tion rs to why they were going Was:
"We must"
Several hundred German seamen ex
pelled .from France have arrived here
and are boarded In the various sailors'
Thus far no cases of Insult to or 111
treatment of Germans by the English
have been recorded.
Germans Want Hellish Cltlsrnahlp.
There was a rush of Germans of all
classes to the home office today to securo
British naturalization papers.
About une-hulf of the sixty American
delegates to tho church peace conference,
which was to have been held at Con
stance, have reached London. Tha other
half were left behind. Those who came
through were taken under the apeclul
protection of Emperor William and given
a safe conduct to the frontier of Holland.
Consul General Skinner is overwhelmed
w'ili personal letters and dispatches In
quiring foi Americana whose whereabouts
aro unknown. He says It Is Impossible)
for him to trv to locate people or answer
letters or telegrams. Extra clerks have
been employed at tho consulate general.
but even with this help all the demands
cannot be met. Mr. Skinner added:
"It Is simply a matter of organization
and I hope all Americana will aoon be
entered on a card Index and looked
Omaha real estate Is the h"t Investment
you could make. Rend The lieu 3 real
estate columns.
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I ain't heered o' no suffr'get's
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It came as fine pimples and then became I
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