Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 07, 1914, EXTRA, Page 10, Image 10

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The European
T CrcVT tQ?ti THit.
about oft.
Novo thgw 've- Got
Will Rest Up for Big Booster Game
on Friday Afternoon.
Tie Malum an Omaha to Clash at
Fear O'clock aad Rcrrlpta to Be
. teed for Ualerlalalaa the '
Lratirn la ftjovember.
Johnny Gondlng nrnl hi tribe of
Kourkrs returned from Kunui yester
41 ay, and after the one day of rest will
commence attack aKHlnat Baldy Isbell'
elan today. Friday will be Booster'
day. The proceed I r un the came will
be donated by tl'aari. Rourke and labell
to Ihe fund for the con
tention of the Nathmal Aaaoclatlon of
rrofcaalonal nse Hall Icagura In thl
tlty In November. The game will b
called at 4 o'clock In ir-o of the earlier
kour 10 that many buslnea men who
thrrwlse could not ret off may attend.
Il.a Udlea' day date liaa been abolished
n Booater'a day.
Sunday a double head r will be played.
The flrat fame wlil be callpd at 1 o'clock.
"Pep" Smidera, crack btora hurler, will
work In one of the Hunday imei.
Tltcher Jeaee Uarrvtt, the new twlrlcr,
Will work In one nf the aamea against
the Dei Molnca ciiib. Monday will be
Wdics' day. All t,emcs except Friday
od Sunday will Iw called
. . . . t
T)cs Molncs.
J latin
Omaha, t
, ..Mchllebner
,, .Thoinssim
...Conicalton '
..Flrat .
. .. c .coiid
..Third ,
,.. Bhort
..,1-eit ..
... RiK'lt
... Catch
...Pilch .
.... P'tri;
...P h
... PUch
... P.tch
Krueger I
CTo by .
'I lplla
. .Oarrelt
Today la also Pa Rourko's birthday.
Pa Rourke Gives
Receipts of Game
TTi T3i,4.V.1iT
Uii 111b JJii LilUClJ !
W. A. Ilourke, president of tha Omaha
I3a Ball club, will celebrate hi fiftieth j
hlrthday today by contributing hia share '
of tha receipts of the ium between
Dmalia and lea slolnes to the Coinmer-
lal club for the entertainment fund for
too convention of the National Aasocla- ,
jon of Professional Base Ball leagues.
which will meet In Omaha In November.
Ilourke ha been connected with organised
baae ball for thirty year and ha owned
tha Omaha team over a doien of those
Joe LoU. Omaha boy and student at ;
Crtighton college, who waa tried out by
Pa Rourke, las finally made his way Into ,
the big league. Lots has been purchased
from the Osl.kosh team of the Wlaconelu-
Illlnnl league by the St. Loul Cardinals.
II bus won seventeen games and lost
ix to far this icaton.
The Columbia Fir V nderarlters' team
haa accepted the challenge Hindu by Mor
ris I'avia, manager of the Ringling Bros.'
tesm, and the game will be played be
tween the two Hubs Sunday afternoon,
probably at Fontenelle r'k-
ok a . Ml. TUA flataaaM.
v L
Rl H VI i'lK. N.,, Aug fi.-lSpe,la..- " N"W rk'
Bu.hNtlle won two good ball game last Oeoi gr arpeutler, on August IS. The
week. The f rat was whn they defeated j French fighter Is obliged to return to
,U"L. "T 'n;rd"",J"-.i l.0Vromirn o Join hla color,
tw MlneKilMV. The aectmd was wn irom j
) tiirliiga. 4 to 1 In Ine lord"n gane l -
Foreman mlowvd lloi.lou on.y two hits. - Fatrhory Wins. . ,
and had the game In hand St all time, f FA1RHI RY. Neb . Aug. l-(Bwial
fcorea: I I i' i Telearam.l Falrhury Oreya defeated
Jordon ?! J-? ! i . Bmnli.g b to 4 today. At the close of the
Xunhvllle 1 I I 0 1 I l , ninth Inn'ng the st ore stond 4 to 4. hut a
t-lrurk out: By Fcieiusn, 7: by Dale. d. single to first by Jive Chancellor. Kair-
Tialteries: For Riuhv lie. Foreman aid bury's star fielder, resulted In his getting
btookey; for Uord.n, Dale and Burks. : around the path to home plate, giving Ihe
R.ll.B. game Falrhury. This makes ten games
May Borings OOt 0 t, played between Falrhury and Brunlng tli's
Jii'ehvilie flo0-' 44 l'l S' year end the Falrbury tires hav walked
Btruck out: Py Mlfhi, t: iy Losey. s. t
'Batteries: for Huanville, unry and
Burks, for Hay fprngs, Stlrhl and
Vsitanal I.eaa to Red lai,
UPLAND. Neb.. Aug. ,- Special The
Kiiiut City Red staged a batrrat
Uli Upland yesterday and easily de
feated the home team. Outside of the
heavy hitttng of the visitors the game ass
featureless, fckorc; R H s.
I piand 0000 4 10 0 a.- I 14 4
K. .'. Red Box 4 f o l I J v II ii l!
Batteries: I ptand. I.liiuiiren. Oster -
rsard arid I'nttrh: )'ed Modelsn and
Urealiani. Umpire Purdy.
Table Stork Defeats genera.
TABLE ROCK. Neb.. Aug.. . (Spe
cial. (Table Hu'-k base ball team defeated
ISeieeta lere l utsdsy to I. i lia feature
of His game as Table Rock s balling.
I---ne. a using three pdcher-
hstleries: Ti le lirn-k Roberts slid
niiih. t-eneia, Tbintaon. Hurler. Tay
lor and Hurts. Unit Ire: Ten ek.
Dearer atstas 4. y Marsaa,
KANSAS CITY. Aug. . -y Morgan,
puttier, iiirnad by ihe Kaunas lily
Airiericaii aaiaUa club, annouiieed to
iliv In it lie liad siKned v1tb th iJcnvar
cixb of tb Wtelern It. ague.
Situation is Just as Clear to Jeff as the Mississippi
wei i rn i cv
youee Austria advanced TH
WAR. Out.
otturo ubo5WA VJfQH. (5tN.
IT'fc AL-
- Vr -rnev
Ot'rUfCbAn,.. -
Baltimore in First
Place by Defeat of
Chicago Tinkers
. I1ALTIMORF. Md.. Aug. H-BalUmore
again went Into flrat place by winning to
duy'a game from Chicago, C to 3. Chi
cago' two tallica were on home run by
A. Walsh and McGulre. Meyer rcored
Ualtlinore's flrat run by hitting over the
fence.. Score: H U E.
Bfnltlniora ...1 0 0 1 0 t 0 0 -6 10 0
Chlcngo 0. 0 1 0 1 0 0 0-2 4 1'
Dntterte: Fucgs and Jacklltfh ; Mc
Guire, Kink arul t'lemonn.
I'lTTSHl'ROH, Aug. .-Plttburgh de
feated the Pt. Ixula Federals today, f to
6. The oama was featured by heavy hit
ting. Scora: RH.K.
Kt Louis I 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 1-5 10 :
Pittsburgh ...0 0 2 1 0 0 2 0 1-6 12 S
Batteries: Davenport, Brown and Si
mon: Knetr and Herry.
BUFFALO, N, Y., Aug. 7. Buffalo
closed the present at home aerie by win
ring both game of a double header from
Indianapolis today. Pcoro, first fame:
Buffalo 0 OOO220O 4 91
Indianapolis .0 0100000 01 6
Batteries: Krapp and Blair: McOon
nuughey, Mullln, Warren and flarlden.
Koi-otid game: R.H.E.
Jltlffnlo 1 0 0 0 0 1 !0 4 I 1
Jndlananolls .0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0-3 7 3
HatteHca: Uoort and Blair; Kalserllng
l ml Rarlilen.
BROOKLYN, N. T., Aug. .-BlueJacket,
an Indian pitcher, who Jumped from the
New York Nationals, and "Chief" John-
I 3 o clock, another Indian Jumper from organ
I Ised base ball, opposed each other hero
and tha former won. Bluejacket wa In
the box for the Brooklyn team which by
S to defeated Kansas City for the third
stralcht Mme In this series. Johnson wa
outpltched by a small margin. Tha game
went seven Inning by agreement. Score:
Kansas City 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 4 1
Brooklyn 2 0 0 0 0 0 0-2 1
tUiltri Ua .Inhnma anil !!, m,i..
Jacket and Land.
Australasians Win
More Tennis Honors
BOSTON. Mass., Aug. .-Two well
won victories In singles today gave Aus-
'lal ft long lead In tha tennis contest
with the British Isle for the honor of
meeting America In tha challenge round
for the Davla cup next week. Norman
K Brook dafaated J. C. Parka three acta
to two, 6-2, t-4, 6-3, Hi. 7-6, while A, F.
Wldlng of tha same Antipodes team, put
out Arthur II. Ixiwe In atralght sets, '4-X
-l, W-14. Both Australian were forced
to tha top of their Individual game, and
Brook was much exhausted when Parke
last stroke went out of court.
WAYNB. Neb., Aug. 1 (Special Tele
gram.) The second day of tha State Ten
nis tournament brought In four more en
tries, making a total of seventy-two. The
weather conditions were very good and
tha wer ,oon put ,n fn rondl
t,on Bfr ,h )wyy r,n of Ui evenl)r
,Urry Kcch uu champloni of 0maha,
w hfM to0,y , ,h, tnrd a.
4er,Ie,ve b-.t Btockham. -2. Mor-
gan beat Hart a. 1-7. 10-8, t-t. Kuahn
beat Uaydon. 6-S, 4-0, 7-J. Cavert beat
Kllln;cr, (-0, -l.
In Ihe preliminary McKllllp beat F.lll,
t-l. -4 Madden beat lavla, -.
Kill and I'avls are state cupholdera In
doubles and were easily defeated. Beta
between Burt a and Morgan were fiercely
tontrsted, Morgan winning, 5-7, 10-S, 0-4.
I)NlKfN, Au. .-Ginbot 8m,tht tha
A n...-l.'B .v haaul'ualahl mifflllal aultl
mnvoii J " !".. will a3V-t,
urr itti seven or them, hcore.
Falrbury 2 00200000 1 i
Pruning 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 14
Umpire: Doyle. Batteries: ' Falrbury.
Shaner and Booth; Brunlng, Lubby and
Standi. of t laasrk Ltsgse.
FA I RF1HI.1). Neb.. Aug. .-(gpecal
Tlrsm t tjcores of the lanuek league:
i At (airfield: Fairfield i. tilenvilic 4. At
I FriXMr: Kdgar S. DeWeeae J. At Clay
Center clay Center . Nelson i. Stand-
ing or teams:
i P. W. I,
FaJrfiald 4 4 1
I Nolson .'.... t 2
joianvill S S 3
lV.,my Cantor , S J' I
r.iiKar a a
DeWeesa 1 4
l.aiai Wlthoot taae. '
T'ie Luxus are without a game for next
Sunday, and would like to hear from any
Irani In Clival. a, or any out-of-town team.
Cull O. llarhten. D. k.'.'O.
Uo las Fear fooaaaaptloo t
lr. King' New Discovery will help
cure your rougti or cold, no matter how
(hronlv It la. Try It today. bOe and L
All druggists. Advertisement.
niK HKK:
ci aim it- T-ft Vrt U
Grizzliei Win When Teams Play Off
Postponed Game.
Scoaalae aad Harrlaatna Kaa( In
' Dnel that la In l.lneola'a Favor
. I ntll the. Finish of the
LINCOLN.' Aug. . Lincoln and Denrver
played off a postponed game her today
and the visitor won, S to 2. by a rally
In tha ninth Inning. Score:
AB. R. M. O. A. E.
Qulllln. 3b...' 4 1 1 0 2 U
MiKiaffigan, as 2 112 4 0
Lloyd, it 4 o 2 3 i o
Miller, If 4 0 0 1 0 0
Collins, ir 4 0 0 2 0 0
Schrelber. cf 4 0 0 2 0 0
Williams, lb 4 0 S 12 1 0
Rehor, c S 0 0 S 1 0
Schlrm 1 0 0 0 0 0
Scogglns. p 3 0 0 1 4 0
Total ......33 2 7 27 14 0
AB. R. H. O. A. K.
Fay. 2b 4 0 1 2 2
Cassldy, rf 4 0 0 1 0 0
M.-Carty, cf 4 0 0 1 1 0
Butcher, If ..4 2 3 1 0 0
Block, c...: S 0 1 7 . S 0
Coffey, sa 4 13 0 S 1
Fisher, lb 4 0 0 10 0 0
Barbour. 3b 4 0 2 1 4 1
Harrington, p 4 0 0 0 3 0
Total s 36 S 10 27 M 4
Batted for Rchor In ninth.
Lincoln 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-2
Denver 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 3
learned run: Lincoln. 2: Denver. 2. Two-
base hit: Qulllln. McOafflgan, Lloyd,
Coffey. Double plays: Scogglns to Mc
Oafflgan to Williams. Barbour to Kaya
to Fisher. eft on bases: Lincoln. ;
Denver, . Stolen bases: Williams, 2.
Saurlflie hits: McOafflgan, Block. Struck
out: By Scogglns, 3; by Harrington, 4.
Balk: Harrington. Time; l:K. empires:
Fyfa and Cullcm.
Russian Troops Are
. Becoming Active on
the German Frontier
LONDON, Aug., . (3:45)-Oerman
newa a to tha happening of the last
day or two In the conflict In which the
armle of nearly the whole of Europe
are engaged la atlll lacking; and It
ooln'ied out here that when It reache
tha world It may altar the pcrpectlva
of tho war ploturo painted ny Meigian
and tha French artist. Not a word has
reached London from Berlin, while tied
isolated and delayed message from
Vienna throw no light on the military
From St. Petersburg word has) com
that . tha mobilisation of the Russian
force I progressing mor quickly than
had been eioectud and tha activity of
tha Russian troopa on th Uerman
frontier eema to confirm thin. Italy re
malpa In an expeotant attitude and from
hints dropped at tha Italian embassy In
London appear a quite ready to maintain
Its declared neutrality and even to
assume active hostilities If necessary In
faoa of any number of Uerman ultima
tums, of which tha Italian embassy say
It haa no official confirmation.
Number of German vessel were
snapped up again today In British port.
BKRLIN. via Amsterdam and London.
Aug. . :2S p. m. The fore of Russian
cavalry which tried to break through the
German frontier guard wa repulsed to
day near Boldau, In Eaat Prussia. An
other Russian cavalry division also suf
fered losses and I retiring In the vicinity
of Neldlenburg.
German Cruisers
Active Off Coast
of United States
NF.W TORK. Aug. S.-Offlclala of tha
Cunard line here announced today that
the Mauritania had put Into Halifax
under ordera from the British cruiser
Essex. They stated that It would be held
at Halifax to await Instructions from the
British admiralty.
Confirmation that the big liner had
sought a h,aven at Halifax gave color to
tha many reports of wireless messagea of
activities of Uerman warships off the
American coast. Details of Its reasons
for entering Halifax, further than the
brief statement that It had been ordered
to do so by th British cruiser Essex
were lacking at the Cunurd line office
Report that Kaiser
Sent Ultimatum to
the Italian Monarch
LONDON, Aug. 1-It I reported that
Germany baa aeut an ultimatum to Italy.
Tii report lack official confirmation,
but Is' regarded here a not Improbable.
There have been rumor that Italy, owing
to th wrong antagonism existing be
tween Austrtana and Italian, wa likely
to break aaay from the triple alliance
nd declare Itself on tha aid ot England.
N0Vi. Rufc.IrN If CtVTjcR. Ye, HOLD
uPiNTHENKrU uA4 to
oeteL-rHe tenth (MPeJA
Standing of Teams
Sioux Clty..5 4.1 ,i2
Denver M 44 .577
St. Joseph.. l 4 .670,
les Moines. 65 M .Wi
Lincoln 62 64 .491 1
maha 49 67 .it
Wichita ....43 (S .
Topeka 43 67 ,ll
AMUR. A S3' N. I
Txtulavlllo ,.3 49 Ml
Milwaukee. .K2 48 .6)141
Cleveland ..5ft 64 .6IK
( oltimbus ..65 53
lnllanapollK67 67 .600
Kan. City... 56 53 .6ii6
Mlnneapolisa3 5 .4771
St. Paul 40 70 .3641
W.L Pet.
New York... 66 34 .6M1
Chicago ....63 46.641
St. IjOU1....63 47 .6.10
Boston 49 45 .Sil
Cincinnati ...47 61 ,4Mu
Phila. 4f. 50 .474
Brooklyn ...40 52 .4.15
Pittsburgh.. . 40 M .426
Baltimore ..63 41 .64
Chicago M 44 .60
Brooklyn ...60 41 .64
lndlH.napolls.60 44 .Uti
Buffalo 414 4fl .611
Pittsburgh. ..42 62 .447
St. Louis. ...42 67 .424
Kan. City.. ..42 68 .420
W I Pet. I
Beatrice ....53 32 .b24
Hastings ...1fi 39 .641 1
ld. Island.. 4 3 .5111
York 46 41 .6231
Superior ....43 43 .DOOj
Norfolk ....; 45
Columbus 48 .4A4I
Kearney ...31 64 .365
I.. Pet.
49 .M6
49 .5.19
64 .522
67 .604
5 .600
6 .473
71 .440
ioulsvllle ...64
Milwaukee .62
Cleveland ...69
Columbus ...68
Indianapolis 68
Kan. Clty...M
Minneapolis. 63
St. Paul 40
Yesterday's Reaolte.
fNo game scheduled.)
Denver, 3; Lincoln, 2.
(No games scheduled.)
Pittsburgh, 4; Boston. 6.
St. Loul. 7; Brooklyn. 2.
Chicago, 4; New York, 3.
Cincinnati, 4; Philadelphia, 1
Kansa City, 0; Brooklyn, 2.
Chicago, 2: .Baltimore. 6.
Indianapolis. 8; Buffalo, 4.
St. Louis. 6; Pittsburgh, S.
Indianapolis, :, Minneapolis, S.
Cleveland, 3: Milwaukee, 1.
Louisville, 4: Bt Paul. 1.
Columbus, 14; Kansas City, U
Superior, 2; Beatrice, 4.
York. 1; Hastings. 8.
Kearney. 2; Grand Island, I.
Columbus, 1; Norfolk, 13.
Uasnea Today. . ..
Western League Wichita at Topeka,
Sioux City at St. Joseph. De Moinea at
Omaha, Lincoln at Denver.
American league Washington at Chi
cago. New York tit St. Ixiuis. Boston at
IDetroit, Philadelphia at Cleveland.
National League PHtsburqii at Boston,
St. Louts at Brooklyn,. Chicago at New
York, Cincinnati at Philadelphia.
Federal Leagues-No games scheduled.
American Association Minneapolis at
ht. Paul.
Nebraska State League Kearney at
Orand Island. York at Hastings. Superior
at Beatrice, Columbus at Norfolk.
Mathewson Weakens After Holding
Them for Seven Innings.
Derrick's Doable 1st tho Ninth Frarnao
scad I tho Tying; anal De.
riding Rons for the
NEW YORK, Aug. .-After holding
Chicago to one hit In soven Innings today,
Mathewson weakened and th Cub
batted In four runa, winning, 4 to t. Der
rick's double In the ninth sent In the tying
and deciding run. Scora: R.H.K.
Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S 14 T 1
New York 1 0 0 4 0 0 0 1 X1 10 Ij
Batteries: Chicago. Humphries. Bres
nahan and Archer; New York, Mathewson
and McLean.
Reda Trim Phtls.
PHILADELPHIA. Aug. i. -Cincinnati
hit Marshall a delivery hard and knocked,
him off the rubber in five Inninga today,
and won from Philadelphia. I to i. Ben
ton, although a little wild, waa very effec
tlve and held hla opponent to four hits.
Score: R.H.E.
Cincinnati ... 0 1 3 0 0 0 6 14 10 S
Philadelphia. ..1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 4 1
Batteries: Cincinnati. Benton and
Clarke: Philadelphia. Marshall. Rlxey,
Mattiaon, Baumgartner and Klllifer.
Cards Trln Dodgers.
BROOKLYN, Aug. S.-St. Loula easily i
nereateo Krooklyn today, 7 to 3. Four
bits off Schmuts and a wild throw by tha
pitcher gave the visitors a first . Inning
advantage of five runs. Allen pitched the
rest of tha gsme and wa effective ex
cept In the ixth. Score: It. H H.
St. I.uls I 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 07 10 0
Brooklyn 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 12 S 1
Batteries: St. Loula, Perdu and Sny
der; Brooklyn, Schmut. Allen and
Braves Make It Nino.
BOSTON. Aug. C-MaranvUU home
run drive over the left tteid fence in the
tenth Inning of today' gam gave Boston
a 6 to 4 victory over PltUDurgh. It waa
the ninth consecutive fame won by the
home team. Score: R.1I.E.
Mostoi 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 1
Pittsburgh..O 0S010000 04 3
liatterlea: Boston, Tyler, Crutcher,
Ft i and and Whanng, Uowdy ; Pittsburgh,
Auamt and Gibson.
Tommy Shaehan of Chicago, ona of th
top-notcher In tha aelterwelght class, la
In Omaha training for a coming boue
with Bud Logan of South Omaha. Shae
han ia on of the best exponent of clean
living In th fighting game. He la a
rons'ientlou red-headed Irishman, and
a fast boxer, with a sleep-producing punch
In either mitt. He haa a large following
In Chicago, and he and Logan ahould
make a good match. She ban fought
Billy Wsltsrs in Hammond, Ind , a week
a;o and he carne out clean, with a draw
0Teft- TO
ocncot.m ,
Comes to Front When Prospect of
Shutout is Bright.
Fielding; of Neff and Harllag; of
Johnson for Beatrice In Plnehea
Star Few tares of Very Ex
citing Contest.
BEATRICE, Neb., Aug. 6.-(Speoial Tel
gram.) Wtlh the core I to 0 In favor of
Superior In tho last half of the eighth,
Beatrice' wrecking crew got busy and
pounded . out four runs, winning the
game.' Up to the last half of the sev
enth Inning big . Weideman of Superior
held the locals hltless. The fielding: of
Neff and the hurling of Johnson of Bea
trice, iwho retired Superior a number of
time' with the bases full, were tho fea
tures. The score:
HllWb'4. lb.. I 0 11 0 SPlnrer ?h . 4 S a 1 a
Hmlth, J6....4 01 tHellrlch, ..! 1141
urown, as....t a e UNeff, tf 1 I
Thaminc. rf.t a a o liurk rf a i i o i
Lauiilreth, It.t 1 OUns. lf.l . 4 0
Monroe, tb..4 111 417
(Ireena, ....4 ta Our let, lb 1 I 1
ISrratt, cf.... 11 ecoa, e 11 1
Weldaman, p. 4 0 4 Johnaoa, p...t 1
Total ....II 4 14 11 S ToUl 1 4 17 I t
Superior 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 02
Oleatrlce 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4
Stolen bases: Brown, Smith. Hlldebrand,
Errett. lndreth, HeUrich. Sacfrllce
hit: Hellrich. Three-baso hit: Hellrlch.
Two-base hit: Landreth, Oriet. Double
plays: Floroy to Hellrlch to Bockewltx.
Struck out: By Weideman, 4; by John
son, 12. Base on ball: Off Weideman,
3; off Johnaon. 8. Hit by pitched ball.
By Weideman (Orlet and Neff); by John
aon (Brown and Hlldebrand). Time: 2:00.
Umpire: Meyer.
. , ' Eaay Game for Norfolk.
-"NORFOLK, Neb., Aug. .-(8peclal Tele
gram.) Norfolk toyea with Columbus
this afternoon and took a second victory,
13 to L Kranlnger put In four pitchers
and each waa hammered for long drives,
all of which counted for scores. The
Drummers played an errorless game and
Wallworth waa never in troubled on the
mound. After Dad Towne brought In
throe runa with his double In the first
Inning, the game became' a comedy. The
Columbus. nohfouc
. AB.H.O.A . AB.H.O.A.E.
iRoedaau. ill 1 I I Turis, rt.. I 1 1 4 14 IRela, 2b 4 I 1 t
rratt. rt.... ( 1 t OMelker. lb.. 113
H Deal, lb. 4 1 t 1 t Brlgnt, If.. 4 110
tyrt, .C.. 4 111 OBrura, cf.... 1 A 0
Htgterty, If 4 1 0 STovne, as... I I 1 0
Hal(h, s... 10 1 SMuaaar, c... (14 4
Ad. inn. aa... 4 111 IWallworth.B 4 ft 4 0
Tblaman, p. 0008
Corey, p.... -0 0 Totals ....M U 17 It 0
Xondarinn, p 1 0 0
UulBA, p.... 1 1 e
Totals ....a ra t
Bunted laat strike.
Columbua 0 0 00 0 1 0 0 0 1
Norfolk 3 4 3 1 0 2 0 0 13
Sacrifice hit: Walworth, Rels. Kranln
ger, Pratt. Stolen bases: Hela, Turpln.
Bruce Towne. Brown. Two-base hits:
Towne (2), Bright, Rela. Pratt, Brown,
H. Deal. Home run: Melker. Bases on
balls: Off Wallworth. 2; off Theiman. 6;
off Qulnn. 3; off Zonderman, 1. Struck"
out: By Wallworth. 4; by qulnn. S; by
Theiman, 1; by Zonderman, L Left on
bases: Columbus, ; Norfolk, . Wild
Pitches: Qulnn, 2; Wallworth, 1. Hit by
pitched ball: By Zonderman, Bruce.
Time: 2:00. Umpire: Black.
Kearney Weakens la Ninth.
GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. Aug. .-(Special
Telegram.) The Islander solved
Maple a slow ball in the last stages of
the game today and tha bunching of hit
gave the Third City a safe lead after
the visitor cam near tying the score In
the eighth. The hitting of Pitcher Ever
don waa another feature. Score:
AB.H.O.A. K. AB.H O.A.B.
grseh, lb... 111 ennbea. lb... lists
Acock, lb... 4 1 1 4 OObet. lb 1 1 a
Drama. Ik. I 1 11 1 SF.yaa. aa-rf 1 t
Bchaurea. cf 1 I evaraer. ef 1 4
Knaar, rf. 4 1 Downarr rf.. 1 1 1
Matnar. It. I S Ward, aa-rf. 1 I o
Woodruff, aa 4 1 I OVanca, e.... 4 1 I
Erlckm. . 4 1 I 1 lCI.Ira, lb... I I 11 0
"" S". area OHatcn, It... If
riruiptos, .! t.nton. p.. 4 I 4
Totals ,...11 4 14 14 1 Total. ... a. n a
Kearney 0 0 0 0 S 01
Grand Island 0 0 0 1 0 S S 6
Bases on balla: Off Majjlea, 4; off Bver
don, a. Struck out: By Everdon, S; by
Maplea, a. Two-base hita: Drumm, Acock,
Claire, Everdon. Three-base lilts: r. ver
min mil numn. carnea runs: Orand
lnlafi4 X iJu mmA Kail. V..u ' ... . i .
' ,un oi..JH
baoea: Payne tl Sacrifice hit: Hatch. Um-
Reda Play la Gee Form.
Vt'k BTtVC.fl NK iii. a 1. -.
. ... - - " . nun. - i no nrui
f lulled themselves together today, played
n good form and easily defeated York,
.v . .iiri uiiiii iiia ninin aia ine viesi
ors have a look In. A two-base hit and
a wild heave and a scratch single al-
iowvu mem meir oniy laity, ine score:
AB.H.O.A.E . AB.H.O.A.E.
Murphy, if.. 110 Scraaa, at. ...4 114
Flares, lb.. ..I 111 1 Brown. I lb.. ..4 II 1 I
Tottaa, lb. ..I til Mwra, as. ... I 1 I I
K U.rrU ... a a I 1-. . I w . . . . .
- - , H. . . . 1 . W .
I'Kab lh A t IS 1 1 Met K. I .... a
R.huul, c.l 141 1HI. hurtUoa.e 4 1 4 I
uwrna-a. n..s v a eMam.tta, b. 144
L.Harrta. If.. I 1 1 r'orabarg. rf.4 1
u.icr. 9 m m a liviiar, p V 1 S S
Total 4 14 14 I Totala ....St 11 II 11 1
York 0 0 0 0 1 t
Hastings 0 1 0 1 0 0 3 4
Two-base hita: McCabe, Moore, Murphy.
Sacrifice hits: MoCabe. Riley, Matttcks.
Jsornsen. Stolen base: Crann Struck
out: By Reilly. 1: by Haley. 4. Baaea on
balls: Off HI ley. 3; off Haley. 1. Double
playa: Moore to Al at ticks to Oettman;
Riley to Gelt man; Mattlcka to Gettman.
Hit by pitched ballr Riley. Wild pitch:
Haley. Time: 1:4U. Umpire: Ncwhousa
Aaaerteaa Aasorlatloa Rraataa.
JndUnapolls ..a ...,.. 15 3
juuiriaaoiis , a ii s
Cleveland , ! 3 11
Miluke 1 7 1
Cnlumbu 14 IS t
Kansas City 1
louUvllle 4 8 1
St. Paul 1 S 1
See real catat columns for bargains
Drawn for The Bee by
' . A ts. M
THEN vbR.rn i
TftfTCT - StfitCHVrAG
5XATR.65 To
f.tVC.G AHO tN.LArrt
Belgian Reserves
Will Be Sent Home
' on the Vaderland
NEW YORK. Aug. . In response to a
call for reservist here to prepare to re
turn immediately and enter the army,
Belgians today began . enlisting with
Pierre Mall, the consul ' of Belgium in
New York. Consul Mall said he expected
to be able to send a large' number ot re
servists to Antwerp aboard the Vader
land which la, under order, to aall at 10
o'clock Saturday morning.
The Vaderland file the Belgian flag;
and has accommodation for between 2,000
and 3.000 reservists. It was expected it
will have the protection of French and
British warship across the Atlantic.
With the calling out of the Belgians the
reserve of all the warring nation exce".
England are under order to return Im
mediately to their native lands.
CHICAGO, Aug. . The German' and
Austrian consulates here have virtually
abandoned attempt to transport to Eu
rope the 4.000 reservist who have regis
tered at the two consulate to go back
and fight In the European war. Baron
Kurt Von RelswiU, the German consul,
today made public a statement dlscouraar
ing German reservists from making ef
forts to reach their native country. The
Austrian consul said that It would be
impossible, white war waa In progress
for resevlrsta to be sent from America
to the fatherland.
NEW YORK, Aug., . The 8w1a
consulate In' this city today 'Issued a call
to fifteen thousand Swiss '1n the United
States to report here for embarkation to
Join the Swiss army, which U mobilising'
to enforce neutrality.
London Paper Favors
Deportation of All
Germans in Britain
LONDON, Aug. .-Whlle most of the
paper counsel the courteous treatment
of Germans who are compelled to remain
in England, the Daily -Mall, in an edi
torial, urges a vigorous application .of the
law controlling aliens, saying:
"There are too many German In Eng
land and unless they are kept under close
observation their presence may be a
source of great danger. Now that Europe
I under arma we must not shrink from
any measure necessary to preserve our
national existence. Theee uninvited
guest will consume food needed for the
British poor and their maintenance will
absorb funds that cannot be spared."
The alien restriction order, the legis
lation for which waa passed through all
atagea In the House of Commons yester
day, forblda alien enemies in the kingdom
to have firearms, explosive, automobile
and motorcycle without permission from
the police.
A aeries of royal proclamation were
published today. One revoke the prohibi
tion against the Importation of arm in
Ireland and other aet forth the Illegality
of trading with an enemy; prohibit Brit
ish vessels carrying contraband of war
between foreign ports, and declare that
British subjects contributing to a loan
raised on behalf of the German emperor
or contracting with the German govern
ment will be guilty of high treason.
Ambassador from
France Treated with
Discourtesy in Berlin
PARIS. Aug. . The French ambassador
to Germany. Jules Camon, according to
official information, was not provided
with any means of transportation for his
return to France when he received hi
passports st Berlin- He was obliged to
use his own reeourcea and go t Denmard,
where he remains. It wss said at Berlin
that the mobilisation had monopolised
the railroads, but It Is officially com
m.n4.that tha French government pro
vided a special train to take the retiring
German amessador. Baron Von Schoen,
from Paris to the frontier.
LONDON. Aug. The German ambas
sador, Prince Charles Max IJchnowsky,
with th princess and his suite, left Lon
i..n it.v liv aneclal train for Harwich,
enroute to the continent. A large crowd
waa assembled at the ralway station but
there wa no demonstration.
Boy Scouts Play
Important Part in
European War
NEW YORK. Aug. . DUpatches from
abroad mentioning activity on tha part of
Boy Scouts In connection . with military
operations in the European conflict have
led to th belief her that the scouts will
play an Important part In the general war.
although their activities will be Incidental
rather than a part of the campaign. Al
ready dispatches have told of the raptur
by Boy Scout of spies In Belgium, their
guarding of British bridges and the plans
of scouta to assist in harvesting crops.
ThPta ara aDnroximately 3EA.00O Bov
j Scouta in Europe, divided as follows: I
Great Britain, w,oi; uermany, 60,uu;
France. S.OU0: Austria-Hungary, la. Out);
Russian Poland. 3.000; Servla, 4.000; Scan
dinavia, 30,000; scattered, 36,000.
1 I
V J I I i i
"Bud" Fisher
me sanvS
AfHt r COP
0. Coff EG
Des Moines Chamber of Comm'erce
Takes Hand in the Matter.
Two Railway Poatofflre on Rock
Island Railroad Between De
Molar aad Omaha Are In
cluded In the Cat.
DES MOINES, la., Aug. 6.-(8pecial
Telegram.) The Des Moines Chamber of
Commerce today got Into the game In
connection with the curtailment of postal
facilities In Iowa, and sent to th Post
office department a protest against the
proposed abandonment of certain rail
way postofflces.
Included are two railway postofflces on
the Rock Island between Des Moines and
Omaha. The chamber demand that they
be retained as the facilities now are
none too great.
Wages of Copper
Miners Reduced and
Hundreds Laid Off
DOUGLAS, Ariz., Aug. S.-Reductlon of
10 per cent in the wage of the men em
ployed by the Copper Queen and Calumet
and Arizona smelters here wa put into
effect today. At the same time some 500
men, amounting to a quarter of the work
ing force, were laid off. Two thousand
men were affected by the cut In wages.
Similar reductions In the Bisbee mine of
the two companies were made.
RAY, Axis., Aug, 6. A a result of the
unsettled condition caused by the gen
eral European war. copper mines In the
Ray district reduced their working forces
to half time. Two thousand men are af
fected. REDDING, Cal., Aug. .-The Mountain
Copper company closed today the Iron
Mountain mine, which in eighteen con
tinuous operation has produced ore valued
at 327.000,000. Three hundred and fifty
men were laid off and the comoany's
output la reduced SO per cent. The Hornet
mine, near Iron Mountain, will continue
operations, but the smelter at Martines
will be closed.
German Cruisers
Reported Sunk Are
in Italian Harbor
ROME (Via London), Aug. 6.-11:37 a. m.,
Aug. 1 The Trlbuna publlhe a report
today that the German cruiser Geoben and
Breslau which were reported captured by
the French have arrived at San Salvatore,
near Messina, Sicily.
One of the German officers, in an in-'
terview, said that while the Breslau was
shelling the French naval station at
Bona, Algeria, sinking ships in the har
bar and destroying the castle and some
houses, the Gpe ben bombarded Phlllppe
vtlle further along the coast. He added
that the two cruisers were subsequently
pursued by a British squadron.
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