Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1914, EXTRA Early Mail Edition, Image 8
Till: KE: OMAHA. AUGUST 1914. WANT ADS W ant ads mflvH at any time, but to , Ir-stire proiier classification mimt na rre- eentcd before 12 o'clix k noon for evening Dillon mil 7 30 p. m. for lnornlnr and Sutidav edition. Want ada received after such hour mill he under the heading Too Late to Clanslfv. CASK RATES. On time. 12 cent a line. Three times within on week, t cents a line esch Insertion. Seven consecutive times, T cents a Una i h insertion. CHARGE RATFJt. Three times within on week, 10 Mntl a line each insertion. Seven consecutive times, I eenls a Una each Insertion, fount six nvnin words 1o a line. Minimum charge. 10 rent. The Bee will not ba responsible for mora then dim wrong lnattion dua to typo sraiilil. nl error. Clalma for error must ba promptly made. An advertisement Inserted to be run un til discontinued must ba stopped by writ ieu order. Ton can plaoa your want ad In Tha Bee by telephone. TELEPHONE TTLEft 1W0. Unclaimed Answers to the ' Swappers ' Column ' ' Hundred of other answers have been railed lor and delivered during tha last wnek. It la reaaonahle to suppose thst nil of the people below have made the desired swa pa therefore, do not call for tla balance of their answer. Pea Want '.da aure not restuta KC .8 C sc. l.'"2 1.06 V"M 1 HK( 1.1 l.NW 1.112 i.ii 1.121 1.13 SC. i'.i'H 1.171 ins i,m 1.17-I 1,1. 1.17 1.1H 1.101 1.11 sc. i!if ii" i.r 1.3" 1.210 1.217 1.211 1.24$ !! I Ml PI 2 !": F.'4 '7 I'j V.i.1 9E4 90 IM IM !K "i 9i !" J.01 u iHI 'Ml MA ,1 s VTt DEATHS AXD IXSERaL TfOTICEt. LARSON-Harbert. sged II ream 11 months 19 days, beloved ion of Mr. and Mr. John Irson. Si'Ol Leavenworth r treat August 2, 1914. Mineral Thursday afternoon at I o'clock i from the Immanuel Lutheran church. Nineteenth and C'ui atreeU. Interment i at Forest Lawn ceoielary. Friends In vited. SOHREinFR-John. August 4. Funeral Wednesday at 2 0 p. m.. from Hoffman funeral home. Interment For eet Lawn cemetery. RlRTllg AND DEATHI. Blrtha Andrew and Mary Alexandra, 1324 South Twentieth, boy; Milton and orlllo Elliott. 45 brown, boy; Oscar and Freda Fachner. WIS North Twenty-third, hoy; Sidney and Mollle Irwin, 1004 Mouth Twentieth. girl; Harry and Olive Kelly, 616 South Twenty-Rlxth, girl; Clyde and lura Moore, 2',-i Mandemon. rirl; Teter and Jennie Peteraen, 2.16 Houth Nine teenth, Klrl; H. W. and liertlia Scandrett, HHiney, Klrl; John and Thereaa Wal ter, Henaon, txirl. Keatha Mattie l'aron, 27 year. 1C01 North Klt-venth; Juniea levemiy, il yeara, Ml 1'lerce. Tha following were reported yeaterday: Blrtha W. and Norah Dlneen. Jf.28 North Fortieth, boy; A. and Anna Taucek, M South Eleventh, boy; Joe and Alice Flynn, 1W7 North Twenty-ninth, boy; John and Kmma Hauaaner, SIU Poppleton avenue, Klrl: Anton and Marie Jenaen. 1421 Mili tary avenue, girl; Ueorga and Tracy ltuchman, 3ITf 8011th Fourteenth, boy; Joo and Francea Itoaaltto, 1711 Hurt. Klrl; R. hX and Agnea ReeHe, hoapltal. boy; R. J. and C. Khankey, 1M0 Bnuth Twenty elghlli. girl; R. W. and Ulllan Sterner, tS Pnutli Twenty-ninth, boy; lula and M. Swartalander, H North Thirtieth, girl. Death Toulna Adama, yeara, 1143 North Twentieth; Gladla Baaa, i month, ' 2215 North Twenty-aeventh ; Marjorte ' Woyer, I month, 72 South Twanty-alxth; Kllen C. Crelghton, 09 yeara, 404 North Twentieth; Iennla O'Kaefe, 1 day, lhlS jjorraa; nary M. Parker. 7 yeara 1712 umina; junn roeiser, eo years, 1V2V South F.ighteenth; Opal Trumbull, 4 yeara, hoa pltal. MAHRtAOB LlCBNaKS. ; The following permits to wed been taaued: , Name and Realdence. '-heldon Spangler, Nickeron Joaephlne Polanaky, Nlckerson Joseph Herian, Omaha Hannah Hansen, Verona Kdward Carlaon. Omaha iKdlth Johnaun, Omaha John Hetrlck, Omaha Olga 1. lletrlck, ArensvUle, 111.... Hsy P. Benolken. Omaha imma Herat, South Omaha......... Harry F. Downa Omaha . Kdna M. Rupp, Omaha hava Age ... 21 ... 20 ... Vt ... 11 ... y. ... 25 ... 5 ... at ... ... S2 ... ... 20 BUILDING PERMITS. Charles P. Trouer. E.HV33 Willis ava ue. double brick dwelling, tGO.OUQ. Tha following were reported yesterday: O. Kopald. S14-20 South Thirty-first, double brick, dwelling, 27, MO; I, K Van Valkenberg. 4l North Thirtieth, frame tore, U.j0; A. M. Grant. 404S Fort, Iranie. dwelling, 22.SM). TOD.4V8 COMPLETE MOVIE PKOinA.M Kiclualve ly la Tha 11 Mwniiai, CAMERAPHONE. J40J DOUGLAS ,.Jn Wolf's Clothing, 2-reel Kalem. , fcllppery Hllm'a Inheritance. Kaaatiay. aiyl of the Mountains. Sellg. ' K1.1TK NO.-5! " "Til" yiuviu The Living Dead. Kdlaon. ARN AM Itana and Patriotism, Meliea. , A 't raitor to His Country, Lubln. Muff, Selig. ,V(NM THKATKH, 1115 FARNAM IV, hen leatb Rode the Englae. Eclair Rehlnd the Veil. Rex drama. x"Luur The Minl' Awakening, Front. V, U!k' i. . , 16111 AND 2' AHNEY, At the Knd of a Perfect Day. dra AnL ur Mutual oil I, No. 2S. dri. MuL j My and ills Rival, com., .Rel. PARK. THEATER. H NO. WTU bT. Two-reel snt.alonal feature. Western drama. Strlinir oomedv. ' AVi' 7 1.1 JwfDOL'ULAB Aniiuatvd Weekly. The vb Siatcr, i-reel Rex, -One c-umt'dy. PRINCESS. i3l;-"I7l'D0CULA"s 3 V:'1r- Wr"' Kerrigan In wVn and Ilia brother. Llttla Mary Pn kford aa4 ucn Mo. ire la A NurmandyRom. nee Aertku ' "ALHAMIiRA, lg!4 NO 1TH "il" '-u,nl spark. 2-reel Domiia luTuJT..1'' MJno drama . . . n, uimuim orama DIAMON D, LA v e ut" All at sea. Nestor comedy. BT Kato Water of Secret Service. 1-r. Pow I ruubloorne I'ets, Sterling coiiih1v t-KANKLlN TIIKA., MTU FRANKLi terrors of the Jungla, li-reel Sellg Sojinie Find a lirro, Kasanay. A.r.,Oie burning Trestle, Kdlson Hlr-PODROMK. WTil AND Cl MlNa l rlnketa of Traxedy, to-re. Raaanay A 'IraJn of jeina. Vltagrapn. l.Biim 1k's Treachery. Kalem IT THLATLR. KTH 'a U U H I "s A Ri.inane of the l"vblo. IiIl. Him and Hih Work. 2-r. V ila Tlie Fable of the . nectarine. F.aa. ..lATHItop THKATKH i ne r tnixy Meea, S. llg. .'.-.T-.y, loyal thea., hth aniTcaTEJwIIlL . K'?Kr Pfli-ce of vndla. 2 reel special. 1 'reus. Stirling comedy. ( i'ALACL. 2TTvtl7pcaT -V. lim the World Wag Slleut. 1 reel Imp. ..-I 11 IIHAN, 24TH AND AUKa - wis, ,, -,wf rM-ua- H-.w He IamI HI 'J rousers. IxiUn. I l- VVrld and tha Woumn. Hh.K ra ph Seatb. AI-Ol.I) THEA., LKAVEN WORTH 11. jtrwt -."-ell j4. .tiiit Il4i, !-r.el Kaaanay. La: a cf 1;. Ladlra, fcei.g TOPAVS X)Mn.FTK H IK riUNilUM KirltiftlvHjr in The llee goatk. rnLVMRIA TIIKATKH. 17l"1 SO. 10TII The Toll. 2-r., Vita The Fable of tlie Higher Kdiiratinn That v aa Too Tllah for the ld Mn: A Vlmt to the Parla Zoo COMFORT, 24TH AND VINTON The I.ure of the Kawduxt, 2-reel Anier. Mutual tllrl. Fertea No. A Fatal Sweet Tooth, Keyntona comedy. FAVOHITK TIIEATKK, 1714 VINTON Heamt -Sella. The False and the True. Vltagraph. Code of Honor, 2-ree l.uhln. FA V. AIROOMK ANNEX lt7h Vinton. The Poor Folk' Hoy. 2-reel Vltagraph. Molly, the I'nmimer Hoy. F.dleon drama Snakevllle'a New Waltrcea. W'extern com. MF.M TIIKATKH, lrj SO. 12T11 The l4Mt Aaeianment, Kdlann. l.llllan'a Pllemma. 2-reel Vltagraph. The Fate of a 8'iuaw. Kalem. HANSCOM THEA, S9TI1 CASTULLAH The Natl m'a Peril, 2-reel Rlaon. Roll your Peanut. Joker comedy. LYRIC. 1617 VINTON At the Foot of the Stair. Re. liove and l.unrh, 2-reel Sterling comedy. FAallM. 1 Mb A. 24 JKA V EN WOUfll Four reel of Mutual picture, comedy and drama, S centa. VKKEZIA. UU BO. 13TH Mud Man'a Ward. 2-reel Victor. Weai. AIRDOMK TIIKA., FARNAM PARK Hroncho Hilly and the Sheriff. F.aaanay. A Canine Rival, Kd. Henth'a Witneaa, Bio. The Coming of lone Wolf, Kalem. MONRO K, 2C56 FARNAM ST. Anna Little In "Prowler of the Wild." Kd Malaon, Tranformatlon of ldenca Universal Hov No. 1, UtUe Mattla. lleaaoa. BT-NflOM, 8RS MAIM BT. Renunciation, t-reel Western Eclair. A Wild Ride. Sterling comedy. An Old Rag Doll, Imp drama. Coaacll Mlaff. B37 BROADWAT. ROPE P.. The Die a l-rel feature And a Sterling comedy. at k Omaka. BESSE. 24TIT AND N An l'p-to-Dat Courtship, Edlion. I lie, L,unin. Ill Fight, Sellg. Money Talk, Kaaanny. MAGIC. 24T11 AND O The Snow Drift, J-reel Flalr. The Tangle. Powera comedy. Vaadevtliw. ORPIIKUM, 24TH A M, SOUTH OMAHA. In addition to regular program, all aeries of the "Million-Dollar Mystery" ahown Wednesday only. ANNOUNCES IKNT9 Leave Your Thirst at the "Sodoasls," lth an Dodge, or "The Owla' Neat." 16th and Harney, beau tiful downstairs soda and lunch rooma Finest soda, purest Ice cream; too kinds of dainty lunches, hot and cold drinks. sandwiches and sweets. To Shoppers! Come In and rest a while, cool off and listen to the music. H11KRMAN aV McCONNELL DRUG CO., Four busy Rexall store. -ho. GET a private booth In my grill room for noon lunch. PKTK LOCH. 212 8. 17 Hi HI HAZEL Leaf Pile Cones. Best remedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding piles; SOe postpaid; samples free. Sherman 4k McConnell Drug Co., Omaha Wedding announcementa loug. Itg. Co, D. BTGrTffith, wig mfgr.. It Frenser BlaC LUCKY wedding rlnga. Brodegaard's. 1'alltlcal. MY NAME will appear on the republican primary ballot aa candidate for renoml- nation for Secretary of State, at primary election Auguat 12, 1914. Addison Walt, Secretary of State. C. II. T. R1EPEN, 701 S. loth-Republican candidate for coroner. WILLIS C. CROSBY, 1U4 N. 24th St., re publican candidate for coroner. L J. gUINHY, 4!UH Dodge (Dundee), democratic candidate for atate senate. C. W. BRITT. republican candidate for police Judse. THOMAS J. CRON1N. S21 California, republican candidate for sheriff FRANK A. KENNEDY, republican can didate for atate senator. HENRY P. HAZE. 2i46 North lHth Republican candidate for sheriff. Si ALFRED SORENSON, republican candi date for congress. W. R. HUMAN, republican candidate register of deeds; SO yeara resident and taxpayer Douglaa county. EDWARD SIMON for republican state senator; author Mothers' Pension law. JAMES ALLAN, republican candidate for aherlff; your support earnestly solicited. VINCENT C. HASCALL, 714 B. SOttl St.. republican candidate for Justice of peace TONY COTANZO, REPUBLICAN TAN- DIDATE FOR STATE LEGISLATURE G. A. ECKLES. republican candidate for police judge. Wi S. 84th. VOTE for T. A. Hulllater, republican pri mary, candidate for county attorney. VOTE FOR J. F. Mr La ne, superintendent Florence public schools, republican can didate for superintendent publlo Instruc tion. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical aad Office. BL'RGESS-NASH CO. NEED. SALESWOMEN. WE NEED EXPERIENCED. NEAT APPEARING SALES WOMEN FOR RIRIVON. JEW ELRY. I-ACE. EMBROIDERY. NECKWEAR AND OTHER OlMJD POSITIONS ON OUR SALES FORCE. WE PICK YOU IN AGREEABLE SUR ROUNDINGS, PAY YOU A GOOD SALARY AND PRO MOTE YOU TO SOMETHING BETTER IF YOU SHALL WISH TO SUCCEED. IT WILL PAY TOU TO TALK THIS OVER WITH OUR SUPERINTENDENT. MAIN FLOOR. BALCONY. STENO., 2; Steno., 2.4; Steno, and book keeper, 2-; cigar clerk, 2.M. WEST. REFERENCE at BOND ASS N, 7i2-4 Omaha Nat l Bank Hldg. Factory aad 'Iradea. APPRENTICE girl. Oppenhclm Parlor. lteeaekecgiere aed Darello. - THE servant Girl Problem Solved. The bne will ruu a bervant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the dralred result Tt.ia s wiles to resident of Omaha, South Omaha and Council blufta bring ad to The bee otft.-e or tlephuiie Tyler luO. W A NTEI Girl furg7ieraiUMisviurkI U.- So. 21st St. H. 144. WANTED A good girl for housework In a private faunr. 2 miles north of Flor ence. Tel. Florence estk. W ANTET A girl to asaiat wlUt bouae- work. 114 South Mtb St. WANTED Futal-claaa rook. 3X4 SU Mary'a Ave. WANTED A girl forgrneial houswork. Addieaa 2IOJ VS i lister St. Douxlaa SWiO. WANTEliA girl or niiddl-aed')adyto SMUtt with general houaewoi k; no wash ing. Apply 614 Paik Ave. WANTED A young girl to assiet in housework; good home, small fumlly. II iKl6. kl So. &Mh St. WANTEI French Klrl for general housu a oik, two In family. X't limine) SU HKI.P WANTKI1 FK.MAKK Factory gnri Trades. WANTED Competent white girl for gen eral housework; small famllv; no wash ing. Cumin St. Tel. H. (M. f lirrlUaruni, WOMEN wanted for government cleric ahlpa; 270 month; Onisha examinations soon; specimen ti'iestlons free. Franklin Institute, l-epl t.0. Hochester, N. t. IIMINU women coming to Omaha a strangers are Invited to vlMlt the Young Women's hrlattan association building at St. Mary's Ave. and 17th Pt , where they will be directed to aultable hoard In places or otherwise assisted. Ixxik for our travelers' guide at Union Station. HELP WANTED MALE Aimla, alraiara and golleltora. WANTED Reliable state sales manaser for .high gradn coat reducing special machine, every store your customer; at tractive commission. Address The Ruck ley Specialty and Machine Co, Lima. . SALESMEN to represent a larse eaatern knitting mill, making a full line of sweaters, jerseys and bathing suits. Ex clusive territory given. Hive full par ticulars and reference. Apply Mr. O. deCordova, 157 Ucimont St., Maiden, Mass. o WANTED Four live men to drive In country and sell farmera fine proposi tion. All expense money to right parties. Bee me, Harney hotel. F. H. Wilson. Clerical s4 Office. STFNO., beginner. 20; fiteno., Pt; Rtetwv, rw; Steno. and c erk. 170l office clerk. 24-t; collector, Bohemian speaking, 2S; Steno. for real eat&t and Insurance of fice, opportunity to leara the business, 240 to lV WEHT. REFERENCE & BOND AflS'N., uriKineiors or tno iiexeronce HUsinesei 7r7- Omaha National Bank Rldg. IF you are looking for a high grade po sition see the CO-OPERATIVE REF. CO, 1015-14 City Natl. Hank Rldg, NO FILING FEW. Bookkpr.. 175; PROFIT CLERK. I7: Pteno.. .) to 240; Steno. 27u; Geo. Mdse. Clerk, llohnm'an, t.o. ROUKRH REFERENCE CO. 2(1 State Hank Rldg. 17th and Harney. STENOGRAPHER with general office ex perience; good aaiary; splendid luture. Apply at f.M State bank Hldg. Factory and Trades. Drug stnr snaps; -jobs. Knelat. Be Bldg. Hurry! Hurry! Get a full knowledge of the AUTOMO BILE BUSINESS, such as only we are eouipped to give you. The auto season is open and the demand Is great lor auca men as we turn out NATIONAL AUTO TRAININO ASSN ZXI4 N. 20th St.. Omaha, Neb. CABINET makers, six first class ones wanted, it you are a cood man bring your tool. I'lenty of work. Whltcomb Cabinet Co., Kansas City, Mo. WANTED Men to learn the barber trade. Few weeks completes. Good money made. Best trade In existence for poor man machinery can't kill It- Our grad uates greatly In demand on account of our thorough training. Call or write, Moler Harbor College, 110 S. 14th St. VVANTED-A flret-claaa blacksmith, at ence. Must be sober and Industrious and a good plow msn. Will pay good w gea. George C. Casten. Grafton, Neb. MEN to learn the barber trade; tuition, t&; aet of tools given; wages paid. Trl Clty College, 12th and Douglas Sta Miscellaneous. PAXTON Plk lettering School. Rnr. lt TILE NEBRASI'lA AUTOMO" CILE SCHOOL has turned out more successful graduates than any school In this country. "There's a reason." Write today for our catalogue to, 1417 oonge, omana. in en. SEVERAL young men of good habits and appearance to travel; pay dally. Apply to Ji Brandela Theater Bldg, t a. m. WANTED Names of men. Is to 45, wish ing to be Omaha mall carriers. 167 month to begin. Y 104. bee. Sanitary Baths, 15c; shsve. 10c. 320 N. Pith. MEN with patentable Ideas write Ran dolph A Co Washlnaton. T. C. WANTED-1.0U0 men In eat ham and eggs. Coffee John. 14th and Capitol Ave. GOVERNMENT positions are good. Pre pare for "Exama" under former govern ment examiner. Booklet S-15 free. Patter son Civil Service School. Rochester, N. T. o WANTED Two solo clarinet flayers, one expert auto repair man and one pho tographer, who play solo clarinet can se cure good positions at once. Play In fifty-piece band. No boorera. Address, W. W. Raeder. Sec'y Cherokee Concert Band, Cherokee, la. WANTED SITUATIONS POSITION wanted for a lady for nurae maid or light housekeeping. Call It. SI. NEAT colored girl desires position nurse girl or second girl. D. :i4i. NEAT lady aa housekeeper. Tel. D. ttliX 2215 California St. WANTED At once, temporary work In an office; reference; call evenings. 2574 Florence. LAUNDRY and family washing wanted. Harney 737. CASHIERING at cafe or grocery; have general office experience. Address L STS. Bee. BAN DM AST&R Wanted by experienced bandmaster, position with reliable ama teur band. Address D 340, Bee. AUTOMOBILES This Week Our Real Bargain Week In order to move our lame stock of used cara this week we have cut the price on each car 2UH. We have 52 cara for you to chose from, with prices ranging from $200 to (1.40U. Each car Is thoroughly overhauled In our own shop and we know the exact condition of the mechanism. w e are the originators of the used-car business. Our lre list of satisfied cua toiiurs la the best recommendation we can give you. Write for our Bulletin No. ". prices and large lint of satisfied cuatomera INDUSTRIAL OAR AO E COMPANY, Sftth and Harney Sta. Omaha. Neb. Greenough Omaha Rad. Rep Co. 3u20 Far. CUT PRICE pneumatic tire. 31 So. loth. FOR SALE or trade, a White Steamer auto In good running order. Will aell cheap for cash. W. U. Amoa, Shallon, Neb. tUuO forfeit for. any maaneto we can't re pair. Coll reiar g. O. baysdorfer. 210 N. 18 "Liudtierg" Fore door, body bl.1g..40 ft Far. Industrial GaraK Co . 2oth ft Harney Sts. AUTO atorage, 26 to ts per mo. Johnson DanforUi Co. Garage, 1529-81-23 N. 16th. - Melorvyeles. II ARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. bargalna in used machines. Victor Roos, The Motorcycle Mail," 27o3 Lea venorth. Pope Motor Co., 2572 l-eavenw..rtli. R. Uio. Isi4 INDIAN MOTOIU'VCLK now ready; bargnina In used niachlnea OMAHA BICYCLE CO., 16th and Chicago. 1. y;28. Llndborg broe.. 2U CuTnTTFlyliig MeraTe). ATTIUCTIOXS WE ORIGINATE, OTHERS IMITATE. We are not Imported, but have furnished attractions and balloon aaceiutlniia Is suc cessful cara. We brHk Independently. aving you booking agent's profit. W have under contract the only original DARK DEVIL JAMIE, the -Slide for Life'' artiat. You have triad the rest now book tha best. We will buck up against any of them. TWIN CITY AMUSE MENT Co.. Council bluffa. U. M. M Jun. Seirelait. It I. Ittd ril. HELP WANTED M4I.K AND FF.MAI.r.. i.0i tloVKRNMKNT Jobs open to men and women: 2 to 2l month. Write for list. Franklin Institute, Dcp't 221-0, llo-hester. N. I. ntsi.Eif cnANdl'JB A Safe Investment For People of Small Means. $100 Collat eral First Mortgage Real Estate Gold Bonds Theae bonds secured bv City Real Pa late 22 40 worth of security for every dol lar you wou'd Invest These bonds certified by one of the oldest and most conaervstlve trust com panies In the middle west. These bonds will return annuel Interest of 4 per cent, payable semi-annually. To enable the small Investor to Invest his money without risk theae bonds have been Issued In small denominations, as low as $100. They furnish the safest and best secur ity. Address, M 884, Bee, for complete In formation. T( GET In or out of business. - call on 0ANOK8TAD. 4u4 Bee Rldg. D. 3477. PRINTING office for sale. compfeteTjr equipped, cylinder and platen press", paper cutter, type and furniture; located ground floor Bee Rldg. Inquire Klopp A Hartlett Co. 7 I We have tor sale cholue mortgages on Improved Nebraska farms bearing 7 per cent ranging in mount from $300 to 25.00a Nona nf thAta mnri,..u exceeds 20 per cent of the market value of the farma Call on us for further par ticular. KI.OKE INVERTMFVT rri 201 jrn. Nat Bank Bldg- Omaha. Neb.- JOHNSON. 422 PAXTON HLK. RED Rl5" "ii31.1"18? business openlnga Western Ref. 4s Bond Ass n. 754 Orp- Nat. Bk. Bldg TO ViUICKLY sell your business or real """'v write ivennenecg Co., Omaha. WANTED An Idea Wti. can think of some almpie thing to patent? Protect T2U '"i tlW y brtng you wealth. Write for "Needed Inventlona" and "How to Get Your Patent and Your Money." Randolph Co., Patent Attorneys, WaahlnKton, D. C. WANTED Good dry goods firm to oc cupy new corner brick building In town , thousand people that la growing and will be on of best business centers In western Nebraska. Address Lock Boa D Bridgeport, Neb. C. J. CAN AN, Real Estate and Exchanges BUY. lease or sell your theater, machine "d suppllea through Theater Exchange 4wq r ifium ni. I 0 1 1 K I PARTIES with money to Invest can learn or a a per cent guaranteed Investment with a share In profit ahov ner rnt that will net a fine profit; absolute se curity. Can use up to 1100,000. Address Y, nee. I CAN reduce your gaa bill. Tel. W. 2414. practice lor aale, Including about 22O0 drug stock and office fixtures; ao ..... minium, jiuureaa x i&z, liee. WANTEI-everal good business men who have a small amount of capital, not working, to Join ue in establishing In council hiuiis a orancn of our business, which la a profitable Investment. Full paruciuara lurnisned by addressing "P.' Omaha Bee. Council Bluffs. EDUCATIONAL. SUMMER SCHOOL NOW OPEN in Both the Day and Night Sessions. BOYLES COLLEGE ENTER NOW. Business practice. bookkeeDlr.s. nenman. ship, salesmanship, banking, stenography. iieiioircjr, iriavriun, teiegrapny, ac counting, filing, private secretarial work and many other courses are open to you here. You may work for board while at tending. Call, write or telephone lor latest catalogue. BOYLES COLLEGE!, 18th and Harney Streets, Omaha Neb. MOSUER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE SUMMER SCHOOL Every day la an enrollment du. TT. surpassed classes In all buslneas and EngJ iisn orauciica. mionnsna. BienoivD. tel. egraphy and typewriting. Students ad mitted at any time. Oraduatss guaran teed good posit lona Places provided for young people to work for board. For a new, rree catalogue address MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE! isitt t irntn street, Omaha, Neb. The Van Sant School STENOGRAPHIC COURSE Hummer aesalons, I a. Hi. to 1:45 p. tn. 18Ui and -Farnam. Douglaa 6647. FOR SALE at a discount a full unlim ited scholarship In Bovles Buairuma rol. lege, Omaha; good for either ahorthand or bualness couraea Apply at the office or umaua nee. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE. Horace aad Vsklslaa. LARGEST stock of delivery wagons la the city; all kinds of blackamlth work, painting and lettering. Johnaon-Danforth Co.. new location. 1529-31-22 N. 16th St WAGON umbrellas. Wagner. Sol N 14th. LOST AND FOUND OMAHA ft COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET IUILWAI COMPANY. Persons havlrur lost some article wnuM do well to call up the office of the Omaha ft Council Bluffa Street Railway company to ascertain wnetner tney left it in the street cars. Many articles each day are turned in ami ine company is anxious to reator them to tha rightful owner. Call Doug- aa LOST On Tueaday. downtown, iadlea' small eal Pocketbook. containing about i; reward. Harney 477. Lt KST open face gold watch left In men's toilet, bee Bldg. Reward lo returned to K. A. Jonea, care of bankers Realty nvestment Co., 17th and Farnam, MKDICAL. DRUSE HOSPITAL A hoapltal opened to meet the needs of any case; strictly modern building, all conveniences; all outside rooma Skia St. and Dewey ave. Tel. Harney 739. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures pUea, fistula and other rectal dlseaaes without eurglul operation. Cute guaranteed ana no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. IL TARRY. 240 Bee Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN NEED MONEY T See ui. gutck service. Half usugl rata RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. 3US Paatoa Block. Douglaa 141L OFFERED FOR BALE Karaltare. New A Id hand furnit're, cash or terms, reasonable. Amer. Fura. Co., N. 14th. SEVERAL van loads of furniture and some piaaoa Omaha Van and btorage Co.. ad So. loth st MUST aell at once furniture and ruga at a sacrifice. 1617 Burdette St. Trent svrttere. TYPEWRITERS sold: rented, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange. 2U7 a Ltu. RENT An Oliver typewriter I montha for 24. The Olivlr Typewriter Co. D. 2ia. All makes typewriter rented, sold, tar ma butts Tvbiwriler. Ufa garaato. D. Ouui. I OFFEKED FOTl RALE T se.arlleni. RENT Remlnrtons, Monsrchs and Smith Premiers of their ma h era The Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone 1 Hiugla IS4. Rental credited If you purchase, and only very newest and highest grade tna rhlnea aent out. Rales, three, months for K for understroke machines or 23 per month for latest model visible writer Mtilrll lastraaseaits. SLIGHTLY used high grade pianos. Douglas 2oiT. Mlseellaaecwa. FOR PALE at a discount a full, un limited scholarship In Boyles Business college, Omaha; good for elthr ahort hand or business course Apply at the office of The Omaha bee. 2-hand mch. Gross Wreck Co., 21 ft Paul. A NO. 1 BATH TUB. (S 'eL Trester Kelly Wrcklng Co. W. 4W. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tablea and bowling alleys and sccessorles: bar flxturea of all Kinds; easy payment. The Brunswick- balke-coilender Co.. Q7-4Q s. unn nt. 1H-INCIID aecond-hand pipe at 2c per foot; good for fencing purposes. Call Douglas 2474. WAGON umbrella. Wagner. 01 N. 16th. FOR SALE Eleven Stroud lj-yard dump wagons; excellent condition. Inquire I015 City National Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 2k46. ('losing out 10 good sewing machines, by dressmaker. 24 to 215. W. . 211S N. 11th. WANTED Every housewife to save 2D per rent In the cost of gaa bills; this ran be done with a Thrift Gas Governor; costs 21; positive, simple and Indestruct ible; easllv Installed; absolutely guaran teed. Write today. Post Service Supply Co., 714 W. 17th St.. Davenport. Iowa. GOOD Missouri river Ice by the carload. Kelrle Ice Co., Florence, Neb. PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, mag rtlnea We collect. We distribute. Phone Douglaa 41 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th SL and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Union station. POULTRY AND SUPPLIES STEREOTYPE rns trices make the best and cheapest Unlna for Poultry housea They are 17x23 Inches, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof, 75c a hundred at The Bee office. AGENTS. Investigate; 100 per cent profit; season now on; get busy. Chicken Life Saver Co.. 2021 Cuming St Mixed grain 11.40 h'dred. Wagner. 801 N. ft WANTEDTO BORROW. WANT to borrow 23.600 on section good land, western Nebraska, worth 220 an acre. Will pay 10 per cent Owner, Box oil, umana. WANTED TO BUY SLIGHTLY used piano. Web. 2726. WANT TO BUY farm, well located; give description and price; owners only. Ad dress Everett. Box 754. Chicago. 111. WANTED 1.000 old feather beda; highest prices. Address A. B. Mack, Ueneral De livery. Drop postal, will call. LIVE STOCK MARKET OP WEST blllP live stock to South Omaha Save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign rrenls receive prompt and careful atten tion. Live Stock Couamlaalaa MsNaaata MARTIN BROS, ft CO.. Exchange Bldg. , SWAPPERS' COLUMN WILL SELL FOR 21,600 OR TRADE for clear cottage or lots 5-paaaenger ILocomobtle, first-class condition, new tires. Address S, C. 1232, Bee. 86.0U0 STOCK OF GOODS, DOING A good paying business here In the city, expenses very low. Will exchange for clear land of about equal value. Address S. C. 1233, Bee. MOLINIQ MODEL M. VT I .. .. - .ft V. ........ CnBunWAW 1912 model, fully equipped tn Al condition. Just recently overhauled; owner needs money; a bargain tor casn. Auuress d. C, fm Bee. I NEW ANSCO KODAK SMix3Vi, EX- change for blcyole. 8. C. 1ZJ7. , LARGE RESTAURANT OWNED BY man la other business requiring ail Ms attention necessitates selling restaurant. Good location among hotels; excellent equipment; good business. Worth double the price asked, 24,000. Will exchange for anything of value. Address, B. C. 1236, Bee. HAVE TWO LOTS, 38th AND PINKNEY, would swap for good victroia. Address S. C. 1018, bee. WANTE1D BRICKLAYING AND CAR- penter work for auto. Address, B. - U. 1228, Bee. - STENOGRAPHERS I HAVE A NEW atenotrve: here Is your chance, as I must dispose ot It Immediately. Address S. C. 1225. I HAVE AN L. C. SMITH IIAMMER less, 1 pair No. 8 waders. 1 No. 42 Shell coat, will trade for borse. Address 8 C 121, Bee. I HAVE A s-ROOM ALL MODERN house which I am going to deal for the beat offer tn the next ten days, inis house Is located on the north side of Benson, and can be seen at any time. Will take good milch cows, horses or clear vacant property tor my equity. Phone Benson 151 J ana get iuu paruc- ulara. FOR MERCHANDISE OR PERSONAL property. One-story onca ounuina on 60-ft lot, facing 25th St and L, soutn Omaha, paved streets; one block from P. O. and car line, Jn the buslnes center of the city, under four-year lease, paying 4 per cent on 85,000; room for two more buildings; equipment as follows: One large steam boiler in basement, one 7-H. P. motor with all wiring and switchboards, two up-to-date washers, one power ex tractor, three underground storage tanks, pipe connecttona and settling tanks of 0 gallons each, one power and one hand pump, all belting for machinery, two trestles for settling tanks, all cans, bucketa, tank funnvia, shafting and pul leys to run machinery, 1 slno scouring table. I stationary tubs, chemical cabinet. 2 large bunching, coll dry room, baskets snd brushes, four glass 4-drawer wall case, pressing table and Irons, housing gas stove, buck board, sewing machine, typewriter, chairs, twine, iron cloth rack 7 doors, office radiator and 18 2-coll radi ator, other thing too numerous to men tion. This Is a well equipped cleaning and dyeing establishment. In full operation. Will consider an up-to-date auto In vestigate. . C. 102. Bee. ONE - SAFE. VALUE 275: JUST A good as new; up-to-date: bent m or trwoe. sunrcut a. A;., ljJZ. li ROOMS OF FURNITURE, IN FlRStC class condition, would swap for good vacant lot W hat proposition have you? M 1 1 ir. Cm DANDY AUTO. FIRST CLASS IN every way, complete equipment. . If you want a real auto thla will suit. Prlc 81. art. Will exchange for clear property or diamonds, or what have you that is iirst eiaaa .aaureea B. c lziu. Bee. ARB YOU GOING TO BUILD? LET me do your carpenter work. Will take anything of valiu as part payment on work Address S C. 1222, Be. ALMOST NEW FIVE - PASSENGER Auto. Will exchange for diamonds. grocery or real estate- Address, S. C. Uu nee. MOTORCYCLE: TO TRADE FOR Brush or other snail runabout in eo.wi condition. Address S. C. WI2, Bee. WANT TO SWAP OTHER VALUABLES for Karaite and renalr shoo, with i..i. In Omaha. 8. C. 1007 be a. MOVING PICTURE FIl-Mrt FOB. SALE r f a 1 a I f I 1 r. ,h ii altiH, ... i , . . a . par reel if taken at once, banners 'and paoere with each reel. 8. C. 1 1 16. Bee. WANTED FOR CASH. A GOOD MOV Ing picture machine What have you for 840. Addreaa B. C. 1212. Bee. A S-Y EAR-OLD MARE AND FINE colt and rubber tired two-sea ted bovay. want automobile. Phone Benson 404 W. LIVE WIRE BUSINESS MEN of Omaha A. B. C. of Omaha A" ta Diamond gives yon that prosperous look; best of nuality. lowest prices; aae elevator and save money. West- ernWetch Jewelry Co., 217 Karbaeh. 0 M AH A PILLOW CO.. 1721 Cuming Doug. 247. Renovates feathera and mattresses of all kinds m.hl feather nisttremes. Call or write for prices. PIANO tuning. R. Brandon. 7 years at Havden a. Recommended bv best musician. W. 4T32. 4K1S N. ytth Ave VACUl'M cleaners. 25.S6. 21 PS, 27.S9 few day OlllV. rilmnl vnnr a 1th. Sanitary service Co , 20H Bee Bldg. WE rent, repair, sell needles and parts uo . rv,n machines. NE- -1 ., - v ' ' . ii . , . Allck- e , loth and Harney. Douglas 1661 Adding Marklses. " pelton Adding Machines, 411 S 15 D 149 Adder Mch Pp. Walea VV. Q. w n Rare Aecoaataats Melville D. Thomas ft Co.. 501 City Nat. Bk. Aata aad Maaneto RrnilH.. Magneto repair work a specialty. D. 24m. Aaetloaeer. Dowd Auction Co 11M vtr n w ... .. , rivfi Arekltects. Clarence W. Wlglngton. 2a R th. D 427. Everett p. Podds, 612 Paxton D. 2W. Attraetloaa. OMAHA film ex., lth and Doti,. Motion , Picture machine and film bargain" rbera. 12 Chairs, 10c shave, neck shave 1S17 Far. Bine Prlatlnar. ""LSXIZ"' Printing, under new -....miM, m'i. 1.1ms na Nat Bk. D. ,TI57. raea Foaadrlra. Paxton-Mltchell Co.. 27th and Martha Pts. Ralldlna aad ReDalel. E. FTtANTA. 411 Paxton Blk. Doug 21CT allrrat Leads. W. T. Smith Co.. 1111 city Nat. Bk T. . sra Biaraa. Office door lefg. Mynster. Pax. Rk r BS7. Catere-ra. MB8. F. A. WOOD. X401 p.rk er. W. 2WS. 3. C: Lawrence. D. C. H51 Howard D. Mfl.' v. euo.s, u. v.. 221 Ra Blda. DosTr Wrrvlance. D. C. 409 p, niw n L. C. HAYES, D. C.. fifsynZT Bldg. R. 87M. rieaalagr aad Dreisiw. Corbett cleans everything, isos W.,w. Bt ti Palatlna. Ruth Letchforrdecoratln fPl ng. R. 4942. RDTH T.ii"rr-xjir-n. . Crea m genaratora. The Sharpies Separator Co.. 12th ft Farn. Daactnar Inatraetln Class ft private lessons. Mackle's. p. 5444. Turpin a Dancing Academy. 28th ,ic77 Deatlata Dr. Bradbury. No p,n, VAn FmrTllm Dr. Todd's alveolar dentistry. 403 Rrai.' Ballev tli. n-n, 1 ww . .. . . ' - "'" iv t-ity wat'l Bank. Taft Dental Rooma. mi "pouglaa. D. ti" Detectives. JAMES ALLAN. SIS Neville Bile. Kvi . "ence secured In all cakes. Tyler llVa Dreasmakli Terry Dressmak'g college, toth A Farnam. SUMMER dresses a specialty. Web. 807o! SUMMER DRESSES, $5.00. WehTfi3 Drugs. DRUGS at cut prices: freight paid on 210 ordsrs; catalogues free." Snermin ft McConnell Drug Co . Omsha. Neb. Kleetrle BagipUea. New and second-handed elect rio fans and 10. fBrn Electric Works. 218 S. 12th. Douglas 2174. LEBRON Elec. Wk.. SU S. 12th. D. 2178. Everything- (or Wasaeta. Woman's Exchange. 432 Pax. Blk. R. 4U HEMSTITC1UNG Ideal Button and PleaUr.g Co., 107 S. 16th. SWAPPERS' COLUMN FINE HIGH GRADE PIANO FOR NICE diamond. Address S. C. 1200, Bee. HAVE FINE STOCK OF PAINT, WILL exchango any amount for piano, dia mond or vacant lot or equity in cottage. Address b. C. 1231, Bee. AUTOMOBILE. WHAT HAVE YOUt One of the latest Stanley Steamer Run about out. In running order, very classy high grade looking car, with steel spoke aneeis; you can go and come with a certainty, a hill climber, high speeder and always ready without any tinkering be fore starting. If you are In the market for a car and qualified to judge, call for a Demonstration; ten what you have In first letter and come and investigate. S C. 1054. Bee. WILL TRADE 8-PHA8E ELECTRIC motor. What have your Address 8 C 12o4. Bee. CLEAN STOCK OF MERCHANDISE. clear. In Omaha, good location, cheap rent invoice 23,100. What have you clear to offer? a C. 1342. Bee. I HAVE TWO EDISON PHONO graphs, fine ones, and from twelve to forty records. I will trade either for diamond ring or pin or other property of equal value. 8. C. 1241, Bee. SIX FINE LOTS IN OMAHA. WANT good used car; no Junk. Address 8. C. 1234. WANT TO SWAP FOR A RUNABOUT auioniooue tor my clear choice lot on Baratoga St.. between 40th and 41st. south front; one blk. from cars and pub llo school. You can borrow money on this lot 11. blk. 14. In Central Park Add. to build. Go look at it. and if you think it worth uo talk, business in rirst letter. This Is choice. S. C. 10u4. Bee. FORD FOR DIAMOND. Flve-paaaenger Ford, good as new, wilt exchange for carat diamond and SJ0O cash. Car Is fully equipped with every thing, cost $700. Address S. C, 1?!8 Bee. NO. 7 REMINGTON TYPEWRITER, two-color ribbon, excellent condition. Will swap for anything I can use of equal value. Address 8. C. 1211, bee. OFFERED FOR RENT Anartaaeats and Flats. GOOD location for doctor; 6-room modern flat on 1st iioor; trans rer point, w. 6701. Globe Van&Storage Stores, uovea, pack and ships; 8-horse van and 2 tnen, $1.26 per hour; stores 82 er month. Satisfaction guaranteed, 'hone Douxlaa 4iM aad Tyler S4 Rental Service Free Why go to different real estate offices for rental lists when we have complete rental lists of every real estate offica For further information telephonea7Doug laa 4477. Fidelity Storage and Van Co. PLEASANT 4 and 4-room apartments. walklna 404 No. 24th bt. Gordon Van CorS5 ri n. nth st Phone D. W4 er H. till MAE WOOD . APARTMENTS. 2 rooms and bath. French windows, balcony, disappearing bed. everylhiu first-class: location Xth and Harney. Price, only ' BK S1KE and IN SPECT THIS. APARTMENT BEFORB LOCATING. ERNEST SWEET. Office 2611 Harney St Iouglaa 1471 4-ROOM FLAT, mod ex. heat: U5. N. guth. Conrad Young, 223 Brandela Theater. Douglas 1571; 816. e 4-ROOM apartment, lurntabed or unfur nished aal So. ath St Phone Harney Concrete F.nalneera. Gagnehln-Wella Co. 420 Stste bank. T". r. ( artalas. W ashing ft lace curialns done. Tyler1144. Everything '' Women. Plumes made over, clean!, dved, eurled. bertha Kruger, 429 Paxton Plk. D. &-T94. Fairrlera. BEN FENSTER. 1410 N, 2ttli St. W. Florists. L HENDERSON, 1.1I Farnam. D. 125S. Member Florist Telegraph Del. Ass'n; HESH ft SWo'hoDA. 14TrTrnarriPt. A. DONAH! ' E. 1623 llnrney. pUug. 1""T BATH'S florists, 1WM Farnam St. I.lvo gtock Remedies. OMAHA Remedy Co.. Wi7 P 1.1th. Red 42.i2. .air Uresslsg. Harper Method. R. 6. Balrd P!dg D. JK1T. MAl'D Muller beauty Shop. Doug. 6.111. Llahtlna, Flitnrea and Wiring. THOMAS DUKK1N Electric fixtures and supplies, contracts Ing and repair work done reasonable. 241 CUMING. DOUGLAS 2519 Maaseases. Miss Bess. 852 Saunders-Kenncdy B. 18ftPg Rlttenhouse Co.. 214Bsird"Bldg.. 17 ft I AVVA t BATHS SC1EN- 1S02 Farnam St.. Apt 5. 3d floor. V. fc68 1 . Miss Fisher, mnss., elect, treat't Red BOSS. MASSAGFi! 1011 S. 17th St. Mr. Steele. Mrs. Snyder, elec. trt 14"8 S. gth. D. 4.1W. MASK OK Swedish movement 4i iUACWAUrj Bgc Hldg. Douglaa 6372. ELE(JTRIC!MA8"f'A3E. BATH. Miss V - ivtUpchurch. 214 Balrd Bldg. Anna.L. mitli, 2'20o Farnam trained nurse, gives scientific massage. Hrs. a. m. to p. m. 2d fhxir. Walk In. MISS BRINN. magnetic treatment. D.6751. VIOLET RAY, mass.. 436 Bee Bldg. D.61U Massage. Miss Gibson. R. 224. Neville Blk? Mussage, Miss Walton. R. 224, Neville BlkT Millinery. SWITCHES from combings. 21.50. Psvehs free. Mrs. H. M. Eck. 9009 Marcy. H. 5645. Movlna. Storaae and Cleanlaa. V. C. FERRIN, 15th and Capitol. Ty. 1200. Ocallata. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pav as you can. Pre. McCarthy, 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. Pateata. H. A. Sturges, 3S Brandels Theater Bldg. D. O. Barnoll, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117T Patent Development. AMERICAN Machine Co,, 110 R 11th Bt Prlatlnar. WATERS-BARNHART Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 8. 13th St. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. CORBY ft M KENZ1E PTG. CO. D. 2644. R1ES-HALL Ptg. Co., 1620 Capitol. D. 1102. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. 3754. Roach Exterminator. B. B. B. Roach Powder at your druggist Safe aad Tlsaeloclc Experta.- AFE combinations changed, opened, re " paired. F.E.Davenport, 1406 Dodge.D1S21 Shoe Repairing;. Electric Shoe Rep. Co., 1807 St. Mary's Ay. REASONABLE. Farnam Rep. Co. 813 S. 24. Steel Celllna. CARTER Sheet Metal Works, 110 S. 10th. Store aad Office Flxterea. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.. 414-16-18 8. 12th. D. 2724. Towel Bappllea. OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 B. 11th. D. 628. Trnaka and Snltcaaes. FRELINQ ft STEINLE, 1806 Farnam St Veterinarians. DR. G. R. YOUNG. 4603 Center. H. 6062. W la; Makers. D. 8. GRIFFITH. 12 Frens Blk. D. 4561 Wlndnw Screens. Om. Wrlndow Screen Co., 1323 Nicholas Bt Wlnea and Llqaor. ALEX JETES, 201-8 8. 12th St Wines. liquors, cigars. Plate dinner 11 to 8, loc. GLOBE Liq. House. 422 N. 16, 7 qta. beer. 21, delivered. Write for price list. D. 4862. HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE, 15th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. OFFER'S l FOR RENT Apartments anal Flats. HOLLYWOOD APARTMENTS. S rooma and bath, large clothes closets, very desirable: fasy walking distance; at 25th and Harney. LOOK AT TH1B APARTMENT, IT WILL INTEREST YOU. ERNEST SWEET, Office Soil Harney St. Douglaa 14T2. 3 Rooms and Bath $15 25 ALLOWED FOR MOVING EXPENSE. Brick flat, newly decorated, fine loca tion, walking distance. Call Mr. Swan beck. Douglaa 1016. FIVE - ROOM apartment The Chula Vista, 3inh and Poppleton. Conrad Young, 222 Brandela Theater. Douglas 1571. OGDEN ANNEX looms, with kllchea sttea. Council Bluffa 5-r. modern flat 821. 2308 8. 24th. H. 4711. ALL kinds of flats, 1601 Vinton. Tyler 1771. J28-t-rm. mod. flat. 2327 Cuming. W. 4S6. FOR RENT Four rooms and bath, sec ond floor, 2601 N. 15th St.; rent reason able.. Inquire 2610, opposite. RAILROAD MEN New, modern, 4-room. 1933 S. 9th St. Call Douglaa 1607 or TH08. FOR RENT. 140.00 S-room flat beautifully decorated, very choice. 25ti6 St. Mary's Ave. $30.00 6-room St. Louis flat, finest la town for money. 2817 Jackson St $10.00 6-room, large and airy, nloaly decorated. SU03 Leavenworth St. $12.00 6-room. newly decorated, new fix. tures. 1902 So. 10th St. H. A. WOLF. 614 Ware Block. Tel. Douglaa 8068. KEEP THIS IN MIND FOR PROFITABLE ROOMING HOUSE. 415 N. 20TH ST. 10 CLASSY ROOMS. Redecorating entirely. Ready August L A. MAROWITZ. Douglss 2070. FIRST-CLASS 4 or 6-room apartments, on West Farnam, with Janitor service. JOHN W. ROBblNS. 1SS FARNAM BT. FINE, St Louis, 7 rooms, $36. 6u S. 22d St CLOSE- IN BRICKS. 201 P. Suth, 5 rooms, on first floor. 11 N. 2vth St., 7 rooms. Southwest corner 24th and California, over drug store, one 6-room, 10-room. Heat and water paid on this. O'KEEFM REAL ESTATE CO., 1014 OMAHA NATL DOUGLAS 27U. 2918 Farnam St. Very nice 6-room. strictly modern anart. ment In West Farnam district; very rea sonsble rent 825. PAYNE ft SLATER COMPANY, Omaha s Rental Men. 616 Omaha National Bank Kldf APARTMENTS. 842-50 per mo., 4 rooms, with Murphy beda new ani strictly modern The W arren. 517 So. 2Mb St. $.00 per mo., 4 rooms. In excellent re pair. The Harold, 27th and Jackson Sts. $47. bo per mo., 7 rooms, modern, Her bldg.. 618 So. 16th St $C0u per mo., 7 rooms, modern, Powell Bldg.. Cl So. ltitti St. GEORGE ft tXlMPANT. 202 City Nat'l bunk bldg. Phone T. 754. $27 60-4-11.. all mod. apt. H N. 17th StT $22 5fl-4-r.. all mod. upt., I22 Cuming St. $Ju.W -r., all mod. flat. 560 8. 24ih Ava RASP bltoS.. loug. ltt. $17 4-r. modern brick fiat, steel range. gas stove, kitchen cabinet and water paid. tm Nicholas St. RASP BROS., DOUGLAS MUL