1 T1IK M'.K: OMAHA, TIM'RSDAW AldfST ". 1!H4. BRIEF CITY NEWS I ere Boot Mat It Now Beacon Vrrss. Life Monthly Xaeeme Gould, Use Bids. riaeUty Btorm sad Tea Co., Don-. 11 Us-bUb matures Burg ss-Grandsn company. Free Baa Consort In the "oOO" block Saturday night. Mossy to X.oaa on city propeity. 'W. II Thomas, State Bank Building. BopufcUonma Attention Frank Pewey, county clerk, first term only, wants re nomination. Today" Complete Movls JTrorram' may be found on the first PMe of the classified section today, and appears In The Bee EXCLUSIVELY. Kind out what the various moving picture theaters offer. Nielsen a Bankrupt Jens NtMsen has leen declared a bankrupt In the sum of 1712. 50. Nielsen's occupation Is soliciting-. Pnlmotor Arrtres The pulmotor pur chased by tho city some time ago for the municipal bathing beach at Carter lake has arrived. Many Dogs Killed City Poundmater A. Waggoner killed 1 dogs in the month of July. The total number of dogs killed up to July 81 this year reached 931. Meld for Assault Vincenso Rollo has been jailed on the charge of attempted assault of a-yar-old Louise Bonaccorso. Rollo Is held Oil to.UOO ball to the district court. Church Monlo Thursday Members of the Zlon Lutheran church. Thirty-sixth and Lafayette avenue, will give a basket picnic at Miller park this afternoon, and evening. Morris Ken's Clun Outing The Morris Men's club of the Morris Packing com pany of South Omaha will hold Its an nual field day and outing at Seymour Lake Country club Saturday afternoon, August 8. Engineers to Milwaukee The Na tional ' Association of Stationary Engi neers will holi their annual convention In Milwaukee, September 7 to 12. It Is ex pected that a delegation of ten to a dozen will go from Omaha. .Xagles to Kansas City Members of Qmaha aerie No. 38, Fraternal Order of Eagles, have gone to Kansas City to at tend the national convention there. The local teams are entered In the contests ind Judge Brltt expects to bring back the "bacon." Family Reunion of Omahans in Paris is Spoiled by the War . A family reunion In Paris of Omaha and Ohio tourists, who have spent the summer abroad, has been made Impossi ble by the war developments. Mrs. Charles E. Smlthr with Dr. Smith and their three daughters. Misses Helen, Porothy and Ida, planned to meet Mrs. Smith's sister. Mrs. L. P. McDonald of Warren, O., In the French capital next week. The Smiths are now in London and Mrs. McDonald, with her husband, Rev. Dr. McDonald, and a party of tour ists, are In Italy. Mrs. Smith and Mrs. McDonald are sisters of Mrs. If. A. Doud, 144 North Forty-first street, this tlty. The latter has received no word from them since the war broke out. Capt ain Kline is Back from England : Captain H. H. Kline of the Salvation Army has just returned from a trip abroad, where he visited England, France and Belgium. In speaking of the' European war situ ation and Its causes, Captain Kline said he believed that the indirect causes are the ethical and economic conditions of the lower classes. The Salvation Army Is prepared to care for the Interests and families of those who find it imperative to go to Burope to en gage In the war. MANY FOREIGNERS IN i SYMPATHY WITH KAISER "All the foreigners I met are strong for Kaiser William, and think he Is In the right," Henry Pollack, Austro Hungarlan representative, declared upon his return from an auto trip to Schuyler, Howells, Morris Bluffs and other for eign settlements on business. "The people seem to sympathise 'with Austria and Germany In the. war, and I Old not meet a single man who was going to return and fight on the other side. ven Bohemians and ' Poles favored the triple alliance In their discussion of the situation." I T. ANTHONY TO STUDY MEDICINE IN AUSTRIA Word has been received in Omaha that Joseph T. Anthony, Crelghton ' medic, 1914, has left New York . for Austria In spite of the war. Anthony expects to continue his studies In Vienna ' and Prague. Mrs. Anthony, who expected to accompany her son, will return from Xew York in about five mont s. Stanley Dillon, 2019 California street, expected lo join Anthony, but has .changed his mind under tho hostile circumstances on the continent. NO IMPORTED EUROPEAN FRUITS FOR A WHILE "The war will spoij America's importa tions of fancy French fruit lor two ears," declared F. W. Lytle of New York, who Is stopping at Hotel Loyal. He is the representative of French fruit Im porters, and hss received telegraphic in structions to offer frunts only In retail Quantities, subject to the stock on hand at New York. WOULDN'T FIGHT FOR CZAR FOROaOOO RUBLES "1 wouldn't go back and fight for Russia for 100,000 rubles." declares Carl Bedrit, a Russian Polander, who Is sub ject to the oiars call for troops. He lives here and works in the Union Pa cific shops. Threat aa La a a Treaties luickly helped by Dr. King's New Dis covery. The first dose helps. Best rem edy for coughs, colds and lung diseases. 0c and II- All druggists. Advertisement- Gotaar tit Mavlea T If you want to know advance what pictures 4 re going to be shown at your favorite theater tonight TraA "Today's Complete Movie Program" on the first want ad page. Complete programs of )rartlially every moving picture theater in Omaha appear EXCLUSIVELY In The Be LOCAL ITALIANS FEAR WAR Hurry to Send Poitoffice Orders Home Before Hail it Shut Off. OTHERS A1S0 SENDING FUTSDS Many Uerasaaa, Raaslaas, Freaeh saea, Kasjllahmeu aal Others B" aalttlac Varlaas A Hark OM Ceaatrr. Omaha Italians are Indicating a fear that Italy will soon be drawn Into the war, for they are rushing to the postof- flea to send money orders home before all possibility of mall communication Is cut off. Sixteen Italians living here sent money orders to their relatives in the old country within a few hours. They Bald they were In a hurry to get the or ders Into the mall. Another Italian wanted to send 8760 home, but Wirt Thompson, the Issuing clnrk, refused to accept such a large sum In the face of the situation and department warnings against issuing foreign money orders for what may be speculation. Other Ala Sraaln Maaar. Many Germans, Russians, Frenchmen. Italians, Englishmen and other foreigners In Omaha are sending funds to their rela tives In the old country by postal money order. The money order office Is also being used by relatives of Omahans who are now touring Europe to furnish emer gency funds to the tourists for their return home. Emergency regulations have been Issued by Postmaster General Burleson to cover the war situation. No more parcel post shipments are be ing received for Germany and France," for parcel post service, with those countries has been suspended. The Omaha office refused to accept several such shipments Tuesday and Wednesday. Such packages as have already been sent since the war broke out will be returned to the sender nd the postage will be refunded. Omahan's Forecast of General War Nine Months Ago Dr. H. L. Arnold of Omaha does not claim to be a military seer or expert, and yet he forecasted the present European upheaval last December on his return from a six months' stay on the continent in company with Mrs. Arnold. In an Interview published In The Bee December 5, 1913, Dr. Arnold said: f'Surely It would seem that Europe had had enough of war In the awful desola tion of that Balkan slaughter, the effect and extent of which we In this country do not understand or grasp. And yet Eu rope feels that the settlement is but tem porary. But this Is not the war so much anticipated." That war, Dr. Arnold afterward ex plained, was one in which all Europe would be Involved, and then, worse than all, certain countries. If successful, would, according to their aspirations, go after the United States. "I was told by many men high in pro fessional and business life that such was the purpose on the part of some mon arch!," says he. "An American newspa per correspondent In the German Relsch tag told me plainly that the first object of attack would be our Monroe Doctrine, so cordially hated In Europe. . "I do not relate this as a fear of mine, but as a reflection of foreign feeling." In the December Interview Dr. .Arnold showed how the eopla of the various countries were being taxed to their eyes, until their own and the tourists' living expenses were beyond all records. "But why all this tax?" runs the De cember Interview. "Ask any man you meet, observe and listen for yourself. War, war, war, or talk and preparation for war! Even the middle classes of Ger many and England breathe the spirit of rivalry of their respective naval prowess. In Germany $250,000,000 extra was raised this year for military purposes over and above the regular amount paid out. Rus sia Is said to have its goal fixed at an army of 10.000,000. In England, Austria and France the same tendency exists." Judge Lovett Sees - Big Prices for the Crops of Nebraska Accompanied - by nls family. Judge Lovett, chairman of the executive com rrittee of the Union Pacific, spent a greater portion of the ' day in Omaha. The judge came In from New Tork, ar. riving over the Illinois Central and going out special over the Union Pacific. At North Platte President Mohler will be picked up and will accompany the judge on a portion of the trip, that will con aume some five weeks. The trip of Judge Lovett at this time cne of his semi-annual inspection tours of the lines of the Harrlman system. Judge Lovett sees no Immediate pros pects for the ending of the war In Europe. Had England kept out, his judgment Is that it would have been of short duration. "With England In, as aerted the judge, "no one can tell when It will end." Speaking of the ultimate results of the war. Judge Lovett added: "When it Is over it is going to make a tremendous demand for American grain and all classes of food products, which will mean high prices and the farmers will reap the benefits. In New York, and, so far as that goes, at all points. Imports and exports have ceased. There Is noth ing going abroad and nothing coming in. and cannot be so long as cargoes are likely. to be captured on the seas." SUIT AGAINST JUSTICE CLAIBORNE IS DISMISSED A suit recently brought sgalnst Justice II. C. Claiborne In which he and attor neys practicing in bis court were charged with conspiracy to defeat . justice was dismissed by District Judge Sears after a hearing. Justice Claiborne declared the suit was brought for political purposes. CREDIT MEN OF OMAHA AT CARTER LAKE THURSDAY About 130 torn! credit rntn will splash In the aater at Carter Lake club and other wise enjoy privileges of the club Thurs day afternoon and evening. Dinner will be served at .30 p. m. In the evening dancing will be the amusement. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mil May Davis. stenorrsDhar to the police rommiMlonnr. and Miss Blanche Manning, warant clerk in the citv comp troller's orfice. will leave for Colorado Friday for tlieir vacation. Mra. Km'ly Jarksun of Ia Angeles, a aister-ln-law of Secretary W. T. Bourke or the omaha Board of Education, and her daughter ar in Antwerp. No word has been received from them for several nays. By MELLIFICIA. HE society editor of the Sioux City Journal tells mc that the women T golfers of her city are Quite Interested In the coming! match Fri day at the Field club, when the women golfers of the Midlothian club of Sioux City will arrive to play the Omaha women golfers. The local players have not yet been chosen, as it is not known exactly how many players will come from Sioux City. Mrs. Walter Sliver, Mrs. Bruce Moffatt and Mr. Karl Llninger have charge of the affair and all of the Omaha players will be members of the Women Golfers association. Some of the golfers of the club have signified their Intention of com ing. Those who will attend from Sioux City are Mrs. A. F. Nash, Mrs. Martin Johnson, Mrs. George Adams. Mrs. II. It. Kellogg, Mrs. G. R. Whlt mer. Mrs. U M. Conners, Mrs. I. M. Lyon, Mrs. Edna Ueacb. Mrs. John Wlssmath. Mrs. O. S. Dean and Mrs. H. J. Chittenden. Several others will probably attend, as the Invitation has been extended to all the members of the Midlothian club, which Includes over fifty golfers. At Carter Lake Club. Mr. and Mre. Shepherd entertained at dinner at Carter Lake club Tuesday even ing. Covers were lstd for: Ir. end Mrs. N. M. I,oomls. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. MrDonald. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Ward. Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Shepherd. , An unusually large number of dancers were at Carter Lake club Tuesday even ing and many were entertained at dinner. Mr. and Mrs. J. Gafford entertained at dinner, when covers were laid for: Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Robb. Mr. end Mrs. William Sydney. Mr. and Mrs. C D Horton. Mr. and Mrs. J. Gafford. Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Simpson entertained In honor of Dr. and Mrs. Potter of Shelby, Neb. Other guests were: Mrs. E. Stunt. Misses Misses Helen Churchill, Katherlne Single, Gladys McConnell, Irene Simpson. Virginia Leussler. Mr. Clinton Stunt. Mr. and Mra. T. J. Brunner had as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Spangler of Fremont. Neb. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Henderson enter tained for Mr. and Mis. A. E. Bryson of Fullerton, Neb. Other reservations for dinner were made by Ray Daugherty, who entertained two guests: Scott King, three; F. C. Hesi, two; Marco Villon, two; C E. Fanning, two: Fred Hadra, two; F. F. King, three; E. R. Plerson, two; C. Peck, four; W. E. Van Colt, four; Grant Williams, three; McDonald, eight; W. H. Taylor, four. At Happy Hollow Club. Mr. Brandon Howell entertained at din ner Tuesday evening at Happy Hollow. Covers were laid for: Misses Messrs. Emily Keller. Earl Burkett, Harriet Copley, Robert Stout, Margaret Rustln. Charles Keller, Lois Howell. Brandon Howell. At the Country Club. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hanlghen had as guests st dinner lsst evening: Mr. and Mrs. E. J. McVann, Miss Father McVann, Miss May McVann. Mr. Donald McVann, Mr. Cleary Hanlghen. The dinner dance planned by Mr. and Mrs. Glenn C. Wharton for Tuesday evening was Indefinitely postponed. , Birthday Surprise Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Jones gave a sur prise Tuesday to his mother. Mrs. George W. Jones, formerly of Fort Wayne. Ind., It being the anniversary of her seventy seventh birthday. Ice cream and cake were served and an enjoyable time was spent Among those present were: Mesdames H. H. Haner, E. G. Wells, K. P. Weare. M. Garrison, F. Weare, Mesdames R. Jamleson, A. Anderson, C. M. Fisher, J. J. Berger. Seymour Lake Country Club. Mra Harold M. Anderson entertained at a luncheon and dancing party Tuesday. She was ssalsted by Mrs. Kenneth D. Phillips. The guests were: Mesdames F. M. Hoover, Ray Smith. L. M. Lord, J. A. Lyons, George Jones. Mesdames Harold M. Anderson, Paul Havens, J. H. Parratt, T. L. Combs, John Urlon, Kenneth PhllllpH. i Miss Marguerite Havens. Mrs. Howard Said entertained at a golf luncheon Tuesday, having with her: Mrs. DwlghS Powell. Miss Isabel F.phlln. Mrs. Leslie Foi grave, St. Joseph, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Brown entertained at dinner, having with them: Misses Misses Dorris Clark, Jennie Milton. Papllllon; Three Rivers. Mlct Marion Brown, Karl Brown. Mr. and Mrs. John Bekins had the fol lowing dinner guests: Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Klnale. Arcadia. Mrs. G. Lubbers, KicKruan. Miss Anna Hlgley. Miss L. Klnsie, Arcadia. K. Kinzle. The following guests comprised a jolly picnic party, followed by dancing: Mr. and Mis. E. T. Yates. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Dennis. Mr. and Mis. X. E. Arnes. Misses Mlstes Helen Yates, Minna Ames. Martha Relmers, Florence Dennis, Messrs. Elaine Yates. Frieda Holsteln, .viarjorle Abbott, Dorothy Dennis. Messrs. Dean Ames. Jobn Yates Another dinner party Included: , Mr. and Mrs. George Psrks. Mr. and Mra. J. B. Watklns. Mrs. Mugan. Dining with Mr. and Mrs. U M. Lord were Miss Eunice Ensor and Miss Frances Lord. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Cohn had Mr. and Mrs. H. Z. Rosenfeld as their guests at dinner. H. S. Arnstein entertain at dinner and dancing Tuesday evening: Mr. and Mrs. T. Arnstein. Roger Robertson. Edwin Robertson. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Hughes of Gretna entertained three guests at dinner Tues day. With the Visitors. The Misses Myrtle and 8tella Bleier of Pittsburgh, Pa., arrived Tuesday to be the guests of their sister, Mrs. C. E. Lanyoa, for a few weeks. At the Field ClubT" ' Mrs. Ernest Bweet entertained seven guests at luncheon today st the Field club. Mra George Haverstick entertained at luncheon Tuesday for members of the Women's Whist dub. Covers were laid for eight. Summer Plani. miss unity i leva left today for a month's visit with friends In Chicago, and later will join them on lake trips. In and Out of the Bee Hire. Mr. W ier tteyn has returned from a few wotks' stsv at Cnarlevolx. Mich. Miss Helen Sorensen left today to st lord a houte party at the home of Mies Wednesday, August 5,, 1914. Sheldon. There will be four other Kappa Gamma young women In the houe party. Mr. Arthur Forenoon returned tnl morning from a fortnight's stay In Chi cago and lavenport. Misses Millie and Marie Rmllcr left this morning for a two weeks' visit In Denver and Colorado Kprlnga. Mrs. A. T. Stearns and Miss Mayme Badeker left Tuesday for North Platte and Denver, to be gone about four weeks. Mrs. W. T. Bourke, ('sughler, Mary, and son, Norman, leave tonight for Colorado, where they will spend a month In their cottage there. Miss Kllsabeth Marks leaves today for Manitou, Cel., to Join Mrs. I. rearlman and family. They will spend the re mainder of the summer there. Miss Gladys Munger, niece of Judge and Mrs. Munger, arrived Mondey for a visit with Miss Verna Roper. A number of Informal soclM atfaira will be given In her honor. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Wharton re turned Monday evening In their automo bile from a visit to Colfax Springs. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mra. George C. Swlngley. Miss Louise Dinning returned Monday evening from a short visit to Des Moines, Is., where she visited Miss Mary Denman, who wOn the tennis championship at the Des Moines tournament. Personal Mention. Lieutenant Colonel Benjamin Morse of the Seventh Infantry has been transferred to the Fourth Infantry and will move with his family shortly to Fort Crook. Senator Millard Back from France Ahead of the War "Yes, we got out of Europe just In time," said Senator Joseph H. Millard when he and his daughter Jessie arrived In Omaha on their return from a trip to Europe. They sailed from France on the German ship George Washington a week sgo Sunday night and arrived In New York a few days ago. "There will not likely be another German ship out of there for a good, long while," said Mr. Millard, "and we feel lucky to be back home. There was not the slightest Inti mation of war In Europe when we left. At 'that time everything was nice and peaceable and friendly between Germany and France. It was last Thursday night that we heard aboard ship that there was war In Europe. Then I got the re port that the Bank of England had raised its rate of Interest to 10 per cent .and I knew what that meant. The ordinary rate of Interest there Is 2 per rent, and when they, raise to 10 per cent It Is a sign of a critical situation." So far as the currency question Is con cerned In America as a result of war. Senator Millard said: "The currency question will take care of Itself; there will be plenty of currency." j Senator Millard and his daughter left Arthur C. Smith and his party In France only a few days before sailing. They do not know where' the Smith party is. MATTERS SUES RECEIVER OF THE BANK OF SUTTON Thomas If. Matters, the attorney, has brought ault against the receiver of the defunct First National bank of Hutton for $16,19. 40 as the sequel to the sensa tions! expose In connection with that bank several mouths ago which resulted In Mr. Matters' Indictment. He asserts In his petition that an examination of the bank's books Khowed that It owned him f),000. REVENUE OFFICE EXPECTS FALL OFF IN IMPORTATIONS The office of the collector of customs In the poatoffloe building expects to have very little to do after one or two weeks, because of the war. The clerks (ay they expect Importations to fall off to almost nothing, and say the Omaha office will probably feel the slump quite soon. Mothers Tell of ' Mother's Friend Experience is or should be our best teacher. Women who have obeyed the highest and noblest of all sacrifices, the Struggle for the life of others, should have a better idea of helpful lnfluenoe than those who theorize from observation. At any rate when a prospective grand mother urges her daughter to do as she did to use "Mother's Friend," there is reason to believe It tbe right advice. "Mother's Friend" la an external ap plication for expectant mothers. , Its pur pose Is to furnish pliancy to the muscles, to take away the strain on the cords and ligaments, to relieve the tension of nerves and tendons so apt to provoke or ag gravate nausea, morning sickness, twitch ing of the limbs and so on. Although, In the nature of things, a woman would use "Mother's Friend" but but rarely, yet so effective has It been found that this splendid remedy Is on sale In most drug stores throughout the United States. It has been prepared by Bradfleld Regulator Co., 40 I-amr Bldf., Atlanta. Ga., and advertised by us fur over forty years. This la a fine record for such a special remedy and the grate ful letters received to-day are just as appreciative as were those of years sgo notwithstanding that methods ar sup posed te have greatly edvanced. Ask at tha drug store for a bottle uf ''MollMr't Friend." H Is wvrttt wnll. Store Hours, BURGESS-MSH CO. WtMlnevU, August ft, IBM. Well Put These Pretty Street Dresses That Were and up to $7.50, in the Sale $1195 Choi ice. rpIAT'S the way v arc Koing to J. oloim liouso in this section," wi'ul tho mnmwr of (he reiuly-to-veir soo lion this iiHrninr. "Wo nood tho room, m out thoy go while onr patrons can got the sooil out of tlioin." Tho drones are very desirable for house ami street, wear; nuule in a variety of pretty ways from crepes, voiles?, ginghams, batistes ami lingerie materials. Of course the offering is of broken lines ami otbl pioooH, but the selection is very attractive. Dresses formerly priced $3.50, $4.50 nnd up to $7.50, Thursday, choice, $1.95. Bargess-irash Co. Second Tloor. A Cle aring of UNDERWEAR THREE special values that will be of interest to you. Women's 35c Vests, 25c Low neck and sleeveless, mer cerized or lisle thread, were 35c, Thursday 25c Women's Union Suits, 39c Regular or extra slscs, fine quality - cotton, low neck and sleeveless, wide umbrella leg, sec onds of 50c quality 39 Women's Union Suits, 25c . Extra sizes only, low neck and sleeveless, wide umbrella leg, on at 230 Bargess-Wash Co. Mala Floor. We Ye Clearing Out Our Stock of Men's Under wear Thursday Like This THERE'S no doubt but you need a lew extra pieces to help out the season. Men's 50c 2-Pieco Roxford Balbrigg-an Underwear, 29c Drawers have double sea'. and suspender are extra wen short and long 1 lines; not all sizes. Also or ous mesh shirts and drawers, u sal I w I were 50c, Thursday, garment, 'W !fc'at 29? "SI ft T I Men's 6c Klilrta tit Uc -Balbrlggan and bal-mesu two piece underwear, the 60c quality, 8c. drawers have double oet and suspender straps, the shirts have long and short sleeves. $1.0O Genuine I'orosknit Underwear, "(19c Slightly Imperfect union suits, the dollar quality, OOc; all ntzeH, white and ecru. Burrsss-Vssa. Co, Mala Tloor. Burgess-Nash Avoid Impure Milk for Infants and Invalids Aob fo)n UiU It means the Original and Genuine RfflALTTEE) MfllLK The Food-Drink for all Ages. Rich mOV, malted grain, in powder form. More healthful than tea or coffee. For infant, invalids and growing children. Agree with the weakest digestion. Pure nutrition, upbuilding the whole body. Keep it on your tide board at home. Invigorates D uning mothers and the aged. A quick lunch prepared n a minute. fTTako no substitute. Askfor IIOIILICK'S America's Favorite Beverage A 8:30 A. M. to 5 P. M. Saturday . "EVERYBODY'S STORE STOItK NKWH FOR TUl'ltSHAY. Rich, Lustrous Black Messaliac Silk, Formerly $1, Thursday 69c THE very silk in greatest demand right now for seiw rato skirts, etc., beautiful rich satin finish, full 36 inches wide. Wc consider it n most umusual valuft at, yard . . -XJOc ' nrgsse-lTasn Co. Main Tloor. Women's PURE THREAD SILK HOSE In Black and Colors, Thursdays Pr, $1.10 THliHR are about 160 pairs, slightly Imperfect, $2.00 to $2.50 qualities, but so slight that you tan hardly notice It and it will not Impair the wearing qualities In the loast; black and colors, pair '.., SI. 10 Women's 50c Black Lisle Hose, 25c Imported quality, fast black, with Instep daintily embroidered In colors, were 50c, Thursday, pair ... 25 Burgeas-Kasn uo Clearing uTtheEconomy Basement Women's !t.00 Oxfortls, OHc Button and blurhe styles, all leathers, sizes 2 to 4 Vt on ly; were $3, clear lag sale price . . 98c Men's $3.00 1xw NluteN, $11,011 Ti. lima atvluu straps; shirts made witli in tan or black: ftlzec , 6 Vi and sleeves; broken were $3.00. clearing sale price ...... Men's Low Hhoes, $l.4tt Men's White Canvas Low Hhoes, $2.25 values, all sizes. Women's $2.25 Shoes, $l&0. White canvas, button style, all sUes. Women's 92.23 Tumps, sJl.ftO. White canvas, two-strap style. MisseM 91.75 Pumps, $1.19. White canvas, two-strap style. 1 Misses' $2.00 Hhoes, $1.3l . . White canvas, button style. Child's $2.00 Hlioew, $1.25 White canvas, button style. Women's $.1.00 Pumps, $1.39 Colonial styles, gun metal leathers, sizes 1V4 to C. ... aurress-Wasa Co. -Beoaomy Baseiaeni. 29? ami Drawers Co. Everybody's Store 16th For n Anheuscr Busch Co. of Nebr. DISTRIBUTORS Family trade supplied by G. H. HANSEN Dealer Pkoae Douglas 2506 OMAHA NEBRASKA till 9 P. M. a Sixteenth snil Harney 81a. House and $3.50, $450 Thursday at saaia x iuvr. Sale of SHOES $1.95 and Harney. I AMUSHMEXTS. COMING TO OMAHA one i Mnsmiiv Aiir in At 20th and PAUL R INO LINO B HO 3 AND MIGHTY SPECTACLE SOLOMONths QUEEs'OHEDAl l230ACT0RS-733ti0RSES 30Q DANCING GIRLS Dooms Ohn st 1 n T,a. M. KlfllSUCES Mil 11 i tsl I P. K On 52c Ticket Usili !i !! CMIlDatM UMM IS MMtel I0OO ARENIC WCkDERS Bse ttas Iiutususs attract Farads. . Downtown Tlokvt Ofiloa MYBa-DIia.OM BSVO CO Cor. lit a and ruotm Its. jgams Fricss as Charfa at Oroonils. LAKE F.1 fl!! AHA Dancing, Boating and , Many Other Attractions. Free Moving Pictures Every Evening. Free Band Concerts on Sundays. Ideal Picnic Grounds. lcvw. . t-h;"tLi? I , vt. . i -! I BIO DAY 4