Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1914, EXTRA Early Mail Edition, Page 4, Image 4
THK HKK: OMAHA, THUUShAY. AIK1UST G, 1!H1. HIE OMAHA daily bee FOUNDED BY EDWARD ROfrEWATElt. VICTOR ROSEWATEK, EDITOR. The Reo Publlrhlng Company, Proprietor. HF.TB BflLDINO. FARNAM AND BKVK.NTKKNTH. "".ntered at Omaha poetofflce as second-class matter. TEKMS or SUBSCRIPTION. Hy carrier St mad per month. per year. iUr and PnnrinT Mo.....' 14 lallv without 8unnsy....' 4 00 Kvenlne; an.l mdv .! Kvnln wltho'it Sunday Zr 4.00 Sunday Bee only 2 Henri tirtlrt of elisnse Pf eddreea or complaints of trrsular1ty III delivery to Omaha IVe, circulation IVpertment. , R KM ITT A NCR. Remit bv draft, eKpreea or portal order. Only two rent stumps received In payment of amall ae roimta. l"ersonal cheese, except on Omaha and eastern exchange, not secepted. ofticks. . Omaha-Tha Bee Bnllrtlns South Omaha 1 N street. '. -nunrl Bluffs 14 North Main street. , ! Lincoln K Little Bulltllnr. i t i fhlrajr Wl Hearat Bulletins- New Tork Room IMS, Fifth avenue. , ft. Ixwte-W New Bank of t'ommarre. Weshlnaton J8 Fourteenth St.. N. W. . CORREPPONDENCn. "" " Addreea communications retatlnc to new and edi torial matter to Omaha Bee, lUlltorial Department. JULY CIRCULATION. , ' 52,328 tstste of Nebrssks. Coitnty of Douglss. a. lWts;ht .Williams, circulation manager of The Bee Publishing company, belns duly eworn, aaya that the aversse dally circulation for the month of July. 1014. km i2.m. TnVIOKT WILLIAMS. Circulation Mansser. Subscribed 4n my preaenca and aworn to before foe, this 4th day of Auaroet. 114. ROBERT HUNTKIt. Notary Public. , " 1 " ' ' ' Subscribers tearing the city temporarily . should hare To B4) mailed to them. Ad dress trill be changed aa often as requested. For safety first In war news read The Bee, Bee 4traa five reliable -up-to-the-minute war sews. The United States Neutral. The neutrality proclamation Issued by Pres ident Wilson officially recognizes the state of war between the leading European nations and warns all that we are not to take sides In the f-on'Hct. To maintain strict neutrality Is obviously the duty of this country. Having do entangling alliances with any of the belligerents, and no desire to be drawn Into the vortex, no effort "should be spared to observe neutrality, and to perform all the duties imposed upon a non combatant country to exact observance of neu tral rights by those at war with one another. Fortunately, our dints tire from the original seat of disturbance should greatly facilitate us In such a policy, for we are not likely to come Into direct contact except on. the high seas. The maintenance of strict neutrality on the part of the United States cannot, however, gov ern the sympathies of our people. With our population made up almost wholly of former subjects of the different European countries, or descendants of their former subjects, their sym pathies are bound to be divided. The peculiar combinations which this war presents must con fuse those sympathies still further, as, for ex ample, where friends of Britain entertain an abhorrence Of Russia, or where admirers of the German emperor have no patience with the fierce Balkan bands. It Is natural and Inevitable that Americans will have a lively Interest in the fortunes ot the war, regardless of our neutrality, and will sit In stern Judgment upon the conduct of the bat tling races and the prowess of their military masters. These are the days when the "doubtful Voter" begins to get chesty. What a dull, prosaic thing a repetition of the Caillaux trial would be. Russia Is coming, no doubt, but with char acteristic Russian deliberation. Europe continues to buy our American wheat Oh, how could It keep from it? Mexico Is making baste slowly In fact, de spite all 'lts mad rush, la In no hurry at all. If you would live long and happy, avoid a conversation on the war with the telegraph editor. " . The United States will maintain neutrality. That's so! We were neutral in the Mexican war, too. ... Twenty, miles of, British war ships Is enough to send the cold chills up the back of the brav-' est enemy. , ' v ; ' After .this war Europe may look as it some great map-changing finder ot rivers of doubt, had struck It. ' ' What chance has a poor American tourist to get out ot Europe when they commandeer bis automobile and stop the trains? But In the United Statea Germans, Britons, French, Slavs, Russians and Austrtans are all Just plain, everday peaceful Americans. Up to the hour of going to' press .Mr. T. Withdrawal Blackburn was . still hesitating about withdrawing the withdrawal of his with drawal. ' No doubt some well known bribe peddlers axe saying to themselves, "It's an ill wind that blows nobody good." But the excitement may pass sooner than they hope. , It Is officially announced that there Is plenty of money available to move the crops. Yes, and the Nebraska farmer wants It known that he has plenty of crops In sight to move the money. . ' If he wereonly sure of being able to hang ra to all those naturalisation fees. District Court cjerk Robert Bra 1th "might be Just aa much of a ihypocr!te as a peace advocate as he is as a re former., , ' . : y... . ' 't s. tttthtt j "Omaha taxpayers afe paying about $30 a rfiy for -the time which the three high-salaried Tf&tsr' hoard: employes, are putting In chasing votes. s But,' of course,1 there are no politics In the Water.board! ' ' Bearing in mlud this, that all ot these war- mad roonarchs claim to rule by Divine right, one gets the full force of the . folly of a war that drives men of peaceful pursuits and purposes sway from their life's work and into the bloody business' of killing each other. ' , fV ' William eegelk. of tbs well known firm of romy A Sasalka, celebrated his forty-aecond. tirthday alone; with a number, of Invited friends at his realriene on tkjuth Tenth street. Among those present were Ju.le ant Mr. Beneke. Mr. and' Mrs. Ooortte erhmldt..Mr. and Mra. Ueorge Pomy, Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Brandt. Kl MAurer, Carl Kodtnan of New York. Mr. and Mra. Prad Btubaodorf and Mr. Htubendorf's mother, ho arrived Iaat week from Ourmaity. A. U Btraa Co. t thla lty baa aeoured the jontract tu construct the water work at Lincoln. i ne Eunraj pi mv. v tiimm MdaJMlllsh. aa larseir attended, the aer vices being pjuttlpatd In by Rev, CUW. a.vlUe, Her. W. J. llaraha. Rev. O. T. Croaaroaa and ftev. J. B. tile wort. The pallbearera were O. H. Jlallou, O. Y. Pavta. Levi Kennedy, P. U Partite, Howard Kennedy and W. J. Weithans. Marshal Cumin i Is wrathy over the Council or dering a one-horse patrol wason. He aaya It will be ot as uae, nd will only go out on a atde bill and set auck la the mod, sad that twu-huree wasoa Is needed tdly. k Mr. ftaratMl Shears. JaJtdlord of the Millard. r turned with his wife from a three weeks' trip east. Prof. Harry Irvine, leader of the MuaKal Union trrheetra. Is-uite 111. ' . Mies Jennie McTabe of llaetlnga la vleitlng her S.urs i this city. Mm IslaJiue and Untie Mdabi America'i Offer of Mediation. While too much to expect that war-mad Eu rope will at once leave off the passion for fight log, President Wilson's proffered mediation is nevertheless consistent with both our national peace professions and our obligations under The Hague tribunal. Its eventual acceptance is n,o doubt within the probabilities, but not until the warring nations have sufficiently felt the force of one another's steel to be willing to heed their own better judgment. Failure on the part of . President Wilson to have acted would have subjected our govern ment to criticism, though with no prospect of immediate response.' Bo long as The Hague treaty both permits and requires us as a stranger to the dispute to offer mediation, there was nothing else for us to do and uphold our reputation as a peace-loving nation. Ii This What We Want? Oue ot the constitutional amendments sub mitted by the last Nebraska legislature for popular ratification proposes to change our sys tem of unanimous Jury verdicts, and to substi tute verdicts by a five-sixth vote. This change is urged as a matter ot judicial reform to do away with the single obstinate juror holding out against his fellows, either de feating Justice pr forcing a new trial. Verdicts by less than the full number of twelve Jurors, it is pointed out, have been provided for in Mis souri, Kentucky, Idaho, South Dakota, Wyoming and Washington, and Nebraska la asked to fol low the lead of these six state Careful investigation discloses, however, that the form of our proposed amendment carries the five-sixths jury verdict, not only for civil eases, but also for criminal cases where the of fense is lefs than a felony. In this feature only one state, Idaho, baa taken this departure of withholding from any criminal on final trial the presumption of innocence until adjudged guilty by the unanimous finding ot a jury of bis peers. In all the other states which per mit verdicts In criminal cases without unanimity, or by a jury of less than twelve, there Is a re striction to courts not ot record, and presum ably subject to appeal to courts of record. In Nebraska conviction for offenses less than fel onies may entail imprisonment in a county jail up to one year, and the statutes are full ot mis demeanor penalties for all sorts of minor law violation, which would be afteoted by the pro posed change. While The Bee la not hore arguing the points at Issue, It believes the people of Nebraska should know what the -amendment contemplate and ask themselves the question whether this li what they want. The subject is of all the more present Importance because the amendment Is to be on the primary ballot, and! to be counted in by the fiction of straight party votes it It has -a majority vote of the votes cast on It In the primary. '' Let Aliens Here Become Citizeni. The bill Introduced in the house excluding re-admission into the United States of all aliens who leave to engage in the European war may, if enacted into law, have the desired effect of discouraging foreigners in the future continuing in this country without becoming cttliens. Pro longed allenshtp ahouid bear its penalttea be cause It is both unjuat to the United States as well as to the native country. It tends to Intro duce here exclusive doniestlo problems of the fatherland and thereby complicate relations be tween otherwise friendly nations. One of the most serious objections of the anti-immigration-lsts' would be removed, or greatly modified, by such" legislation. The foreigner who cornea her simply to gain some temporsry advantage for himself, or escape the obligations of hla cltlsen ship abroad, while enjoying the blessings ot our free institutions aud yet giving nothing in re turn. Is not the one to whom the wholesome American welcome is extended. la such crises as the present, with all Europe at war, the ad ditional advantages ot American citizenship should .be .very apparent and. potent.. Suppose one tf the officers of the Herman array were caught with the goods trying to help Russia, what do you think would happen to him? But that Is exactly the offense National Committeeman Howell perpetrated when, after accepting an- officer's commission carrying re sponsibility in the management ot the campaign for the republican standard-bearer, be then treacherously put tn his time and money to de feat the ticket to which he had pledged hla faith, and which he was In honor bound to support. If "war Is hell," the devil and bis Imps must be mighty bu,v. Brtea owtrTtraldoaa e Steely topsee iaettea, Te mm ssssns M lee-yeaelafltty fee aslatsme af setieep Seats. AJ1 letter raT Jee. te sasSawssts Vf etto. Hw Many Kaaeaa Wears Votrref HOt'TM OMAHA, Neb., A'if. 6-To the tdltor of The Ree: I noticed a preaa dis patch In The Bee of yesterday that 30U.00S women are expected to vote In Kansas. It every woman In Kanras who Is ll ibla to a vote casts a ballot today, I doubt If any MD.Oni) or any SO.ono will vote, from the supreme Indifference they have shown In the registration in Kaneas. I doubt If there are as many as tno.000 In the state anyhow who can register and vote. The dlepatch was evidently meant to deceive the general public. r. A. AON EW. avaerr Saffrme. WHEATLAND, Wyo., Aug. 8.--TO the Editor of The Bee: la the sneering, con temptuous tone In which that woman (I will not csll her a lady) from Council Bluffs replies to Rev. Hult a sample of what we may expect when equal suf frage gets under full headway? What more convincing evidence of the' essen tial infidelity and Immorality so char acterise of the feminist movement Is afforded than her discourteous, not to say Insulting, remarks? When equal suf frsglsts feel emboldened to attack the Bible and to denounce St Paul as a sax maniac, are we not warranted In believ ing that feminism was conceived In the spirit of ansrehy and Is now about to be brought forth In rebellion and revolution? Tho Rev. Hult Impresses me as a thinker and a man of thorough culture and wide reading. Whatever he writes la characterised by marked distinction In both thought and style. He affords us a welcome relief from the dreary drivel and silly sophistries wtilch the equal suf frage blatherskite are putting forth In lieu of solid fscta and convincing logic As for the Bible and Bt Paul, thay wilt live and be read and quoted long. long after the short-haired female agitators and their long-haired male sympathisers have sunk into deserved oblivion. . U N. MOORE. trelaad's Opsertasltr. OMAHA, Aug. B.-To the Editor of The Bee: In a personal letter to Mr. Red mond I am reminding him of the old Irish adage. "England's difficulty is Ira land's opportunity." Copy ot the latter forwarded to J. E. Redmond and to the leading Irish papers. To him I say: "It Is with feelings of dep regret we notice your1 duplicity In dealing with the Irish home rule question during the pres ent European crisis. Tour action at the present ttma does not In any way postu late patriotism, and your assertion in the House of Commons on August t, that the Irish national volunteers would safeguard English Interests In Irelsnd Is nothing short of felonous, when w gudge It from an Irish viewpoint Tou seem to forget. or utterly Ignore the principle for which IrUhmen gave their last drop of blood. England's difficulty Is Ireland's oppor tunity." Tcur honesty and Integrity as an Irish patriot Is now being tested and on your quick action now depends whether your name Is to be held up to honor or burled tn obllquy. we want an undivided Ireland from north to south. from east te west, and when I say this I an voicing not only the sentiments ot the Irish in America, but of every son ot the Gael the world over. If you cannot afford to hurt British sensibilities, tben In the name of freedom. In the nsme ot the Irish race; yes, In the name of God Himself render t-P the sceptre of author ity to some other Irishman who will wield It more effectively for the honor of old Ireland and for the glory of the Gsel." JOHN A. McCKRISTAL. USi North Seventeenth Street Uncensored Opinions Baltimore Sua: Mr. Carnegis can hardly be heard above the thunder of the cannon and the tramping feet of war horses. Washington Post: This thing of hold ing Americans In Europe looks like a sub terfuge for making tnls country pay the war expenses. Baltimore Americas: Another genera tion will ne doubt be wondering how such a civilisation as thla one boasts ever tolerated war lords. . New York World: If It la any satisfac tion to little Bervta, it can take pride in the faot that U served as the pretext tor Europe's amaslnc dlaplay of statesman ship, Pittsburgh Dispatch: Perhaps If one were to hunt for the loneliest Job tn the world we might find It In close vicinity to the watchman of the Hague Peace palace. Springfield Republican: If Islam, long restlva, should take the moment for a Jehad, Europe would have big trouble on lta hands In addition to the trouble It has brought oa Itself. Notes of Progress A revolving plow has been patented, la which a gasoline motor drives the cutting wheel. ' Supported entirely from a horse's collar, a new feed bag admits a.n animal to have the free uae et Its head. ,' ' ' Aa American automatic telephone sys tem has been established In Simla, the summer capital of India. Portable power plants up to fifty horse power that use crude oil for fuel are coming Into common use la France. When a hydro-aeroplane fell into Swed ish waters a submarine boat dived under it and brought It to shore uninjured. Tests of various kinds of concretes and cement mortars now under way In Ger many will extend over a period of thirty years. An unloading crane at one of the ore ports et the great lakes takes a twelve ton bite every time. It dives Into the hold ot the vessel. s - - There are tea bridges formed by na ture In the United States. Their forma tion la caused by the current of streams running through rocks. Etwctrical machinery enablee the neweat trana-Atlantlo liner to lower its largest lifeboat filled with passengers from the highest deck to the water lu seventy seconds. Among the defenses of the Panama canal there will be several batteries ot alxteea and twelve-Inch rifles, all of which will be concealed la such manner that, with the uae of smokalesa powder, It will be Impoaelble for an enemy to locate tbem. J . What Is Contraband? From the New York Tlmee.) The question whit constitutes contraband of war Is csuslng the greaUst concern to shippers, and the perplesed state of the International law n the ques tion Is making It difficult for steamship men to know when they are carry, n a cargo that Is reasonably safe from conflmatlo.i, in the event of further declar ations of war In Europe. Millie the definition of rontrsbond Is elsstlc, there Is now an International list of articles which can never at any time be contraband. The most important of these articles to America Is cotton, which heads the list of noncontrahend goods. Of almost equal Im portance Is the fact that gold is on the conditional contraband list. Oold becomes contraband- If It ,1a shipped to a nation involved In war, and is liable to seizure by ships of the enemy of that country. Cotton wss placed on the noncontraband list at the London naval conference, although It Had been treated as contraband by Russia during the RuSso Japanese war. While the tandem declaration has not been ratified by all nations. It is practically cer tain, according to Dr. Ellery C. Stowe. assistant pro fessor of International law at Columbia university, that Its shipment would not be Interfered with by any Euopean nation in case of a general war. Absolute contraband, which Is always liable to seisure, consists of war material, gus, ammunition, military vehicles, ete. Other articles; except those on the noncontraband list, may be treated as con traband by a belligerent after giving notice to neutral nations of the articles which it has classed as liable to seisure. Conditional contraband Is liable to seisure at no time except when It Is destined to tr.w territory of an enemy, and then It can be seised with as little ceremony as If It were actual war material. Artels 35 of the London declaration Is as follows: - "Conditional contraband Is not liaofe to capture except when found on board a vessel bound for ter ritory belonging to er occupied by an enemy or for the armed forces of the enemy, and when It is not to be discharged at an Intervening neutral pert The ship's papers are conclusive proof both -as to the voyage In which the vessel Is engaged and as to the port of discharge of the goods, unless its Is found clearly out of the course Indicated by its papers and unable to give adequate reasons to Justify such de viation." Article 34 is as follows "The following articles, susceptible of use in war ss well as tor purposes of peace, may without notice be treated as contraband of war, under the "name of conditional contraband: "1. Foodstuffs. , "S. Forage and grain suitable for feeding animals. "1 Clothing, fabrics for clothing, and boots and shoes suitable for use In war. "4. Gold and silver In coin or bullion; paper money. . Vehicles of ail kinds available for use In war and their component parts. "a. Vessels, ore ft, and boats of all kinds;- float ing docks, parts of docks, and their component parts. "I. Railway materials, both fixed and rolling stock and material for telegraphs, wireless telegraphs, , and telephones "I. Balloons and flying machines and their com-. ponent parts, together with accessories and articles recognisable as Intended for use In connection with balloons and flying machines. "I. Fuel; lubricants. "10. Powder and explosives not specially prepared for use In wsr. . "11. Barbed wire and Implements for fixing and cutting same. "It Horseshoes and shoeing, materials. . 'ii Harness and saddling. : t "14. Field glasses, telescopes, chronometers, and all . kinds of nautical instruments." - - V. - ..." T.-'-r;;l A neutral vessel .la liable to capture-When more than one-half of its cargo Is contraband. . The war r ess al making the selxure msy measure its contra band by value, volume, weight, or the freight rate, and if It can bring the contraband up -to more than one-half of the cargo by any of the four methods It may make a prise of the ship. The following are the articles which ' can never be classed aa contraband, according to article 2$. of the London declaration: . r "1. Raw cotton, wool, silk, jute, flax, hemp, and other raw materials ot the terrible industries and yards of the same. "2. Oil seeds and nuts; copra. - ". Rubber, resins, gums, and laces; 'hops. "4. Raw hides and horns; bones and Ivory. "6. Natural and artificial manures, Including nitrates and phosphates for agricultural purposes. . Metallic ores. 1 "7. Earths, clays, lime, chslk, stone, including msirble, bricks, slates and tiles. 8. Chlnaware and glass. . Paper and paper making materials. "10. Soap, paint and colors, including articles ex clusively used in their preparation aad varnish. ', "1L Bleaching powder, soda, ashes, caustic soda, salt cake, ammonia, and sulphate ot copper. "It. Precious and semi-precious stones, pearls, mother of peart and coral. "IX. Clocks and watches. " '14. Fashions and fancy good a "15. Feathers of all kinds, hairs and bristles. 17. Articles of household furniture ana decora tion; office furniture and requisites." Of course, all noncontraband articles may be seised by a belligerent If thay are conveyed In a ship flying an enemy's flag or If more than half of the remainder of the cargo Is contra hand. One article enacted by the London naval confer ence, -which will operate to the advantage' of the United 6tatea in case of a European war. aocordlng to authorities on International law. Is the defini tion of "condltkonal contraband' Under the declara tion, foodstuffs and commodities, which are not war materials la themselves, can only be declared con traband when they are destined for the territory of a nation at war. For Instance, If this country received orders from Germany for wheat or flour, it could make the ship ment to Amsterdam, which would probably be neutral, and it could be forwarded thence to Germany. Under the old rule a nation at war with Germany could seise the cargo en the ground that Germany was Its ultimate destination. . People and Events . A bronse tablet erected by the Society of Coionlsl Wars in the slate of New Hampshire tn honor et Captain John Smith, was unveiled at Portsmouth. - Pr. Slmun F. Cox has resigned aa superintendent Of the Boaton Consumptives' hospital to aocept a similar posttlan In New Haven at a salary of flO.Ono a year. "Uncle Joe" Cannon, former apeaker of the house, hse made formal announcement of hla candidacy for representative from the Eighth Illinois congressional district . Anthony DrexeL jr., son of Anthony J. Drexel, ot Philadelphia and New York, was obliged, to appear la person In a New York court and pay a 13 fine for speeding. Boas W. Long ot New Mexico, chief of the bureau of Latin American affairs In the Btate de partment has been confirmed by the senate as min ister te Salvador. Washington society Is momentarily expecting the engagement of Attorney General McReynolds and Miss Lucy Burleson, daughter of Postmaster General and Mrs. Burleson. Reports fix ths wedding date for this autumn. Diss Burleson is accomplished and strik ingly beautiful. BITS OF MERRIMENT. First Trooper ImiTial Yeomanry (rtls cuselng a new officer! Hwrin a bit. don't , sometimes? Hrcond Trooper 'K's a masterpiece, -e Is; Juet opene 'Is tnouth snd lets it say wot It likes. Punch. "Jane Is so rv romantic. She rays she's golns; rlrht down on her kn. to beg her father to let hrr marry llobhy.-' AVhat'a she waiting for?" "For the styles to thanni." Cleveland Plain Ialer. Mrs Flatle This paper sayn alnioft half of many thousand loaves of hreail re cently tested in London were short weight. Mr. Flstte No such chnrge can ever be brought asnlnxt .your bread, dear. Yon kers Ststoaman. Father How do you mean your check book Is cresy? Non It's unbalanced, that's all. Yale Record. "It'a go to the cirrus, uncle," "I don't think I will, nephew. I'd rather wait for election time, when our candidate comes." Budapest liorsszoin Janko.' ImpWhere wijl your, majesty summer? Helen I think I'll stay tn town; I no tice a lot of people are coming from the country. New York Sun. "Who led the tinny in that recent ex pedition?" "I did." replied General Tamsle. "I thought the attack wss led by Gen eral Concerns. " "It was 1 who prevented great loss of life. He led them going forward, hut t led .them coming back."- Washington Star. The Oirl (watching Pavlows. dance) It looks easy, but she must mske sacrifices to keep In condition. Hhe has eaten little or no food for a week to py for Ihls evenings entertainment. tier Impecunious Kscort (Impressively) Just like me. Puck. . .. AN OVERTURE TO MORN. Kdns Mead In New YSrk Tlmts I unclosed sleepy eyes to find the lswn. Immure In (Jusker garb of softest gray. Awaiting that bold cavalier, the Day Attendant on her royal progress, through A world all hushed, that hailed her queen thereto. A band of court musicians led the wsy. I rsuKht the throb and thrill of myriad throats TeMln their pitch, upon the opening notes Of a diviner minstrelsy than ever Resulted from msnklnd's utmost en do vor! First, a low thrill, like to a single flute In a vsst orchestra which else Is mute; Then a sweet, plaintive call, resembling most The shepherd s piping on that Bretague coast The while brave Trlstsn Isy Defying death and mourning Isolde. And, after .these, a swiftly running scale f f lnliifrled melodies, tbst wovs a tale Thus the sound swelled increasingly In power, Rising and falling In a rippling shower Of brilliant arias snd maglo tones, Like clear-tongied bells, high In soma ancient tower. Each answering each perfect full ac cord. As master Instruments, the maestro' s word. So rang the chorus of the feathered realm. A wordless glory, that must overwhelm Each morning's audience, who wait en rspt Until the overture's last note IS dons. The curtain rises on ths pageant Sun. After Stock Taking Piano Sale Clean Sweep of All Discontinued Styles and Slightly Used High Grade Uprights. Grands and Player Pianos Free .Stool and Scarf With Every Instrument. Most Liberal Terms. Kl.OO Per Week. AN AVALANCHE OF PIANO HA IM. A INS THAT WILL BE SN'APl'KU VP QUICKLY BV (SHREWD BUYERS Former Price.' fSale Price. $250 Smith & Barnes, Up right $115 $300 Kimball Upright.. $135 $400 Guild ft Church, Square Piano ..',...815 $600 8Unley & Sons, Square Piano ...... $25 $250 Newby & Evans, Up right Piano ....... 800 $400 Steger ft Sons, Up right Piano . . . S160 $275 Davis ft Sons, Upright . Piano 8145 $250 Estey, Upright Piano 8110 $30 Schmoller & Mueller, Upright Piano 8150 $300 Adam Schaaf, Upright Piano ... k . 8165 $300 Straus ft Son, Up right Piano 8148 Former Price. Sale Price. $450 Steger ft Sons, Up right Piano 8235 $500 Emerson, Upright . Piano S200 $1,000 A. B. Chase, Grand Piano $375 $1,000 Weber, Grand Piano 8675 $800 Stock, Grand Piano 8250 $200 Chase ft Baker Player Player, now ........ 835 $250 Pianola Player, now $50 $500 8chubert Player Piano, now 8250 $500 Schmoller ft Mueller Player Piano ..... 8300 $700 Stuyvesant Pianola Player Piano 8425 $600 schmoller ft Mueller . layer Piano ...... S3&5 OUR FREE OFFER CONTINUED FOR ANOTHER SO DAYS. 1 Beautiful 4 2-piece Dinner Set Free with every purchase of an Upright, Grand or Player Piano during August. Remember this is the only piano store in the middle west where you can purchase brand new Stelnway, Weber, Steger ft Sons, Hard man, Emerson, McPhall, Lindeman & Sons. Schmoller ft Mueller pianos and the genuine Aeolian Pianola Player Pianos. Sclimoiler & Mueller Piano Co. ... : ' 1311-13 FARNAM STREET Oldest Pland HbuWe In Nebraska. ! ' Established 185. - ,. Victor and Colombia ', : Talking Machines SO r&f fel lm ""aw X mw l"- x7 M kv Buy it by the Dozen and you'll always have a supply of fresh, dead, pure, sweet cream and milk on hand for every purpose, I EVAPORATED .x---MnDaK Sterilized Unsweetened relieves yon of all milk worries. It keeps better than bottle milk. It is always of uniform richness, and it more economical and convenient. Cottsn milk Is made under the most sanitary conditions right In the ' heart of the best dairy country bj a process thst tlimuuUtt that fkd tmM which makes some millc objectionable. Ths Cottage process assures the highest quality at all times. It is delivered direct to your grocer from oar Condense ries so that It reaches you quickly and always fresh. Get a supply of Cottage Milk today. Ones yon know Its quality, convenience and economy you U never go back to bottle milk. The Milk Without the Cooked Taef In Two Sizes S and lOc ' At all Good Dealers If your grocer doesn't sell Cotuge Milk, phone Douglas 4413, or write oor local represenutives, Culien Brokerage Co., 21S firsndeit Theatre ttldg., for name of grocer nearest you who does, American Milk Company, Chicago (Brnufoc OJia (Bennnn pouble ?3ttr