Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1914, EXTRA Early Mail Edition, Page 2, Image 2

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    THK I1EK: OMATTA. TirtTTiSDAY. AUGUST i 101-1.
$4.50 Bleached Table
Cloths, $2.89 each.
$6.75 Bleached Table
Cloths, $4.50 each.
$7.50 Bleached Table
Cloths, $3.00 each.
$10.00 Bleached Table
Cloths, $6.89 each. .
All our 8.V II. 8. Hock Guest
ToweU, 25c
All oar BOe II. 8. Ilnrk GuMt
Towels, 3&c, Mrh.
All our flAc II. 8. Hack Guest
Towrln, ROc each.
. Ready Made
flOc Holler Towel, ready made,
8fte each.
esc 1 toller Towels, ready made,
60c each.
See Sixteenth Street
Window Display.
Our Tailoring and Dressmaking Department
Now open for Tall orders. The new Autumn goods spe
cially purchased for this Department are in and ready for
your approval. Mr. H. Ackerman, our expert designer, in
charge again this season. Those who appreciate good
workmanship, stylo and fit, should see the new styles and
place an early order to avoid delay in delivery.
. See display of new Autumn goods in our Sixteenth Street
window. v
(Continual from Pag, On.)
a short distance off the coast are the
Dresden, Karlaruhe and Strsssburg. Two
French, cruiser, ald to be tha Conde and
tha Pea Carte, are also reported to be In
tha vicinity of tha eaatbound transatlantla
lane. While hoping to escape capture by
tha German cruiser by Ita apeed, It wa
aald tha Lualtanla'a captain had tha -,
aurance of J3riUah naval authorities that
ha would be met off Fire Island by the
Britlah cruiser Essex and Lancaster and
convoyed by them as far as Newfound-
iand, where, it la reported, other British
lavai vessel would accompany the liner
to tha Irish coaat. Captain Dow before
ailing said that hla veaset waa In fine
trim and that he expected to make twenty-five
knot an hour, all the way across.
Tha t.usitanla slipped out to sea with
only Its masthead and aide llghta show
ing, it SOD paVaenger having been no
tified that llghta In state room must be
blanketed when tha veaael passed Am
brose channel. In the pasaag way oil
lamp replaced the uatial electric llghta
Passenger were permitted on deck, but
warned that no lights could be shown.
Tha British frslght steamer Etonian,
which left New Tork yesterday for Ant
werp,' put back today when about alzty
mllea eaat of Sandy Hook. It received
word last night of the declaration of war
between England and Germany and re
turned to port rather than risk capture.
Th, captain reported that about .
o'clock last n!ght he e'ghted what be
supposed waa a war vessel, Me could not
make out tha vessel's identity In tha
The French liner I Lorraine, bearing
more than TOO French reservlata, left Its
pier for France shortly before noon to
day. Mm Pansy Hlggina of thla city haa had
passage engaged on the Lusitanla for thla
trip for tha last month. She goea to Den
mark, where aha haa won a scholarship
la tha National School of Dancing. While
tha reports- say that the Luattanla car
ded tut passengers. It haa not been learned
whether Mla Hlgglne ws among that
T we t.erataa Linere Arrive.
NEW TOrtK, Aug. ..-The Hamburg.
American liner. President Lincoln, from
Hamburg. Boulogne and Southampton.
arrived early today. When It dischargee
J la pasaengera and cargo it probably will
loin, the big fleet of steamer Interned la
port her.
.Another German liner, ahoae where
about lis been veil tel. the Kaiser Wlluelr
U. of, th North. German J.loyd line, ar
rived safely la port at 4:10 thla morning.
The usual wlrelea aignals announcing approach to port., givtn at Cape IUc
or Sable Island, were lacking about tha
time they should have come, and, a the
Kaiser Wlthrlm waa due In port yeater-
day, aome apprebenaion waa felt regard
ing the at earner.
With Ita arrival it waa learned that the
wirelee waa purpoarly omitted becauae
. of the, war equation aad that the steamer
made ita way to port as secretly aa poe-
sieie. ' . . .
Thai Kaiser Wllhelm 11 la from Bremen.
ktulharoplon and Cherbourg, with about
. twenty-five cabin pastengera, maila and a
valuable cargo. It left Cherbourg
vvedpesdsy n.hv July 9.
, 4Iyaplc Hrlaas kerurltlr
NEW TORK, Aug. I.-The stcamshio
Olympic which) reached It duck today,
brought BUllion if dollar wort!i of
American securities from London, which
$25.00 54-in. Round Lunch
Cloths, $19.89 each.
$22.50 45-in. Round Lunch
Cloth:, $15.89 each.
$15 00 45-in. Round Lunch
Cloths, $9.75 each.
$8.75 Real Madeira Lunch
Set, $6.00 each.
$13.50 Real Madeira
Lunch Set, 510.C0 each.
$7.50 Real Madeira Lunch
Set, $5 00 each.
With new September designs
bow ready at the rattern Depart
merit. Only Be per copy If you
purchase a 15 pattern.
ware dispatched for delivery on salea
made In the day of great liquidation
laat week. v ,
Tha value of Europe' conaignmtnfs ex
pected on the Olympla and other steam
hip wa estlmsted In conservative quar
ter at 6,0(10,000, although tha total
ales mads by cable In tha vast outpour
ing of stocks had been figured at M. 000,00)
at least A considerable part of tha
curltte sold waa held In this city by
banker and brokers for foreign account
and many of the stocks and bond al
ready hav gone to the buyer ,
Because of financial arrangement al
ready made, the over-aea bundle of
bond and share will be absorbed with
out difficulty. .
German Passenger
Boat Laying Mines is
Sunk hyBritish Ship
IJNDON. Aug. I It wu announced
officially tonight the Britlah cruiser Am-
phlon ha sunk tho Hamburg-American
Una ateamer Koenigln Luis, which had
been fitted out for mine laying.
A message received here this afternoon
from Guernaey, . Channel laland. aay
that a French gunboat, towing a large
German ateamer, anchored In the road-
atead under tha gun of th caatl.
NEW TORK, Aug. (.-The Koenigln
Lulae, according to Hamburg-American
line officials her, waa a (mail passenger
hip of J.ono ton register, whloh for aev
eral yea re has been la aervloe from Ham.
burg to tha aummer reaorta on tha Ger
man coaat. It carried a crew of about
thirty. When lgt heard from It waa In
ALGIERS (Via London), Aug. &. Au-
thentia confirmation of the report of the
destruction of the German cruiser Pan
ther and of the capture of the German
crulaera Ooebea and Breslau reached here
. 4 ,.et)!t !i,
v.v.v.v -. trr-".r.-y..-.---;..;. .oyAVAW
jV ' fK ft' )!' . u 4
m , f;rn irocp. made up of th bMt-lr&lnf tinning n i in U vortd. MPerU iy. wtrt mat at tha Prmh borJer
thvr a.ttampta4 to croaa it with auoh firca fir that thy ratrtatad in 4aordr. TUU la tha typa af man that took
part In tha flfhung
Send i Menage to Foreign Monarchi
in Intereit of Peace.
Am liltfj la On f the Blara.
era ml Tfcei Treaty, Fres-
Idrat Wlleoa Praffrre
Mia eod Offices.
WASHINGTON, AU(. ..-President Wil
son hu offartd hla good officii to all tha
liuropean power Involved In tha wax.
Tha president haa sent tha following
"""Is la Emperor William, Kmpei-or
Nlcholaa, Emperor Francla Joeeph, Preal
dent rolnoalre and King ain:
"A a official head of one of tha power
signatory to Tho Hague convention. I
I feel It to b my privilege and my duty
under Article III of that convention to aay
to you In a apliit of moat earnest friend
ship that t ahould welcome an opportunity
to act In tha Intareat of Kuropean pear,
either now or any other time that might
be thought more aultable, a ao oocaalon
to aerva you and all concerned In a way
that would afford m lasting cauaa for
gratitude and happlnee.
(Signed) "WOOD riOW WILSON."
Forwarded Throagh Kmbaaalea.
The proffer of good offloea waa for
warded by Secretary Bryan to tha Amerl.
can embaaale In te nation Involved and
through them transmitted, to tha govern
ment. It waa ald at tha Whit, House that no
Intimation had been" received, that auch
an offer would bo favorably received.
Prealdent Wllaon took tha poaltlon that
tha European war waa to atupendoua
and that it effect on 'tha entire world
waa liable to be ao laatlng that the
United States a ona of the few large
neutral power, could not do otherwise
than at least offer to be the mean for
bringing about peace.
The proffer of good office waa not
aent to the government of Kervla and
Montenegro becauae thoee countrlee are
not partlea to the Hague convention.
Herretary Bryan haa called a confer
enca of repreaentatlvea of all the
European powera for lata today, when It
la believed message will be delivered
upplementary to thoae of Prealdent Wll
on. urging an acceptance of the tender
of good office. .
Moat of tha diplomat are away at sum-
mer embastiea, but all are expected back
Boon. Some are In Washington and other
are expected to return In reiponaa to the
Japan lfoaee for Mediation.
TOKIO, Japan, Aug.. 8. Tha Japaneae
premier, Count Okuma In an interview
today expressed hla regret that tha
United State had not been able to
mediate In the European conflict, which
If it continue ha aald, mean the de
struction of weatern civilisation. Japan,
he oontlnued, would have been happy to
join tha United State In mediation but
It poaalble participation In tha war as
an ally of Great Britain mad It an
1 11 Urea ted party.
The premier said the Japan, If It were
compelled reluctantly to Intervene, would
protect the British colonies, buff under no
circumstance would It send a fleet or
an army to Europe.
Stranded Americans
- Buy Steamship to
" Bring Them Home
LONDON, Aug. 5.-A ayndicata of
stranded American headed by Orant
e-i,Iuh Browne of New Tork, combining
bualnesa with philanthropy, have pur
chased the Britlah 'steamer Viking for
the repatriation of their countrymen at
tho price of 1DO0 fo reach berth.
The syndicate today obtained the per
mission of the British government for the
veaael to aall on Monday from Liverpool
on ita ftnt trip. It is understood th
Viking will fly tha btara and Stripea. It
Is to make a many tripe poaalble.
Among tha 240 cabin passengers ant1
1.000 Americans going In ths steerage on
board tha Philadelphia sailing today are
many wealthy person. Enormous pre
mium were offered for ticket. -On
peculator offered Charles Aldrich and
family of Cleveland $1,000 for their room
or 1300 If they allowed him to travel with
them. Martin Vogel, United States sub
treasurer at New York, and hi bride
were among the paeeengera. They aald
they were in Berlin five daye and "tha
German were parading tha atreeta aa
though celebrating victory." Later on
they passed through Pari, where they
aid "the contrast was marvelous. The
atmosphere was quiet, but tense."
Martial Law is
Declared in Holland
THE HAGUE, Aug. B -Martial law haa
been declared in all parts of Holland. It
la officially announced that up to the
present t'me tho German hav not vio
lated the Dutch frontier.
Let The Bee get you a good Jos. "Sit
atioris Wanted" ad are free.
German Troops on Their Way to
(Continued from Pair One.)
the Keiglan troops checked the advance
of the German.
Belgian reoonnolterlng parties located
three German army corps, the Tnlh
army corpa at Eyeden, the Seventh army
corps. tD.OW strong at Vervlera, and the
Sixth army corps In another locality not
named. The Tenth German army corpa
la operating along tha northern line, and
finding unexpected resistance, moved
further northward. Invading Dutch terri
tory at. Tlllburg and crossing; the Meuse
at Ey1en. An army erf 1,00 German
was marching today on J-lege, where a
general attack Is exrected tomorrow.
A German officer taken prisoner by the
Belglana said he was amazed at the re
sistance offered to the German advance.
The Germane had been given to under
stand at Berlin that they would not be
opposed In Belgium. A German military
aviator was killed today.
FRUfiSHHA Via. London, lug.
Belgian minister of war in an
atatement today, satd:
"Tha Belgians are aucoeaafulty combat
ting tha German Invasion. - The Belgian
losses are trifling compared with, those
of tha German"
LIBGK, Belgium, Auf. I. The capture of
the Belgian frontier ' town of Viae was
effected by German troop after, an en
gagement' lasting- aeveral hour. It la
Luted that the victor set . fire to the
town, killing thoae of tha population, who
reflated them. Tha town of Argentcaii
Is also In flames. ...One hundred thousand
German are reported to be marching on
Lleze. . . , .
BRUSSELS, Aujf. 6. The government
states that the German troop continuing
their march were today In the neighbor
hood of Fleron, near Liege. "They were
out of range of the forts and evidently
wishing to reach the French department
of Meuee by following, the course of the
river Meuse.
BRUSSELS, Aug. 6. The Belgian Of
ficial Oaxette 'announce today that the
entire' Seventh and Tenth German army
corpa have Invaded the Belgian province
ot Liege and have reached the vicinity of
Herve, Peplnster and ' Reraouohamp.
The German artillery bombarded Rome
mall forts In their' advance.
PARIS, Aug. It Is reported from
Montbellard, In the department of Doubs,
that the German have violated the
neutrality of Swltserland.
ST. PETERSBURG, Aug. 5.-Ruslan
troop have established contact' with the
enemy along the greater part of the
iRuaao-German frontier in northeastern
Prussia. The Germans are reported to
have fallen back and to be, burning vil
lages over an enormous stretch of the
country which they had Invaded.
ST. PETERSBURG, Aug. 8. A German
fleet of nineteen ahlpa was sighted yes
terday near the east coaat of the Baltic
ea, between Memel and Llbau.
Russian warahlpa In the Black sea have
captured many German merchantmen.
LONDON, Aug-. 5. The Oermans have
violated Dutch territory at Tllburg. It
I reported that German troop met with
reatatance after crossing; tho river Meus,
at Eysden, Belgium.
Millions af Men on March.
LONDON, Aug. 5. Although five of the
,'rcat European powers Austria, England,
r'rance, Germany and Ruasia are at war
and mllltona of men on land and sea are
under arma and ready to atrlke, devel
opments of prime importance were few
The cutting pf tha German telegraph
and telephone connection and the sev
erance of the German transatlantic cable
virtually cut off Germany from communi
cation with other countries. Report from
France, Belgium, Holland and Ruaala
abowed that Germany' smile were
steadily moving forward east and weat
nd that Ita advanced poeta were in con
tact with the opposing Russian and
French armies.
In England preparation were rapidly
completed for naval activities after tho
declaration ot war laat night, but tha
authorltiaa would not permit any leakage
of new as to military or naval move
ments. Several German ateamahlpa In British
waters. Including the Belgla. with eeven-ty-three
German reaerviata and a quan
tity of foodstuff on board, were declared
prises of war. Tho Maria LeonhariK In
the Thame auffered a similar fata. The
British government today commandeered
the horses belonging to express compa
nies and big department store, thus caus
ing almost a auapension of business.
On the coast of tha North sea. where
the Front
tmi fill
j at, y y -.SV.'.'.S
A Bigger Store, for Benson & Thorne Co.
A Better Store for Their Patrons....
Growing, Growing, alwayi growing.
Present Store too small. .
Eighteen months of dickering.
Efforts finally successful.
50 more space this fall.
150 more space-next spring.
Women's Depts. to have more space.
Men's Dept. growing like sixty. '
Double Capacity this Fall. -1
Read the following. 1 - . .
We've ieen dickering for additional space to accomodate
our rapidly growing business for eighteen montha. Successful
:, .'":' at lt- .We've leased all of second floor above our present
.".:': r , ': store and that above Townaend Gun Co. A number of the leases
;f A sale with a logical reason back of it. Price cut- . '
' ' ' .7 ting with a vengeance ,on clothe with a pedigree.
Friday night's ad tells of Once-in-a-Lifetinie Bargains for all the family
It had betn reported erroneously that 'a
naval battle, waa in progress last night,
the British government haa , taken over
all schools and other public building
for oonvarskm Into hospitals In read!-,
neas . to. receive . the .wounded men atef
the expected Important naval encounter
between th. Gkarman and British fleet.'
Volunteers . were requested for" the
Brltlnh army and nl was taken a an
Indication that aai expeditionary force
waa to be sent out, but no authentic
Information on this point was obtaina
ble. In France the mlaiater of war declared
the mobilisation to have proceeded aat-'
Ufartorlly and everything; to be In read-
Ineaa. with Oeneral Joffre commander-in-chief,-
at the frontier.
Tarker Cloaea Blark Sea.
4 s the Hlarfc aea ha been tightly
closed by Turkey, shutting the Darda
nelles and Bosphorua In order to main
tain its neutrality, the Russian fleet
there haa no difficulty la making; cap
tive many German and Auatrlan vessel.
Austria .and Servla . appear to hav.
stopped their activities, or . at least to
have put a strict. cenaorahlp on th. pew
of any Important events, as no. new
dispatches of importance, reached the
British capital from thoae two countries.
The French fleet In the Mediterranean
1 reported to have captured or de
atroyed three German crulaera,' but the
dispatches are conflicting.
German Embassy
in St. Petersburg
Wrecked by Mob
man embasay her waa wrecked and a
bonfire made ot the furniture and plcturea
by an angry crowd today. The people
were angered by the reports of what they
deemed to be an Indignity abown to the
dowager empreaa, Maria Feodorowna, who
wa (topped In Berlin on her arrival from
Ixindon on her way to St. Petersburg and
compelled by th German authorities to go
to Copenhagen.
An entrance waa forced by the crowd
through the windows. Moat of th rooina
were wrecked and th, furniture pitches
Into tha atreets.
A number of atudenta and workmen
climbed to th, roof of tha embasay and
tore th, gold eagle from to, top of th
flagataff. They then ran up th, Russian
A massive statuary depicting a group of
home led by men wa hacked to piece
with axe and th debrta hurled Into Uia
canal. A bonfire wa then made of tha
eontenta ot th embassy and an attempt
wa mad, to put a torch to th, building,
but mounted police routed th rioter.
Another crowd later tried to repeat the
performance at the Auatrlan embasay, ut
that building waa too atrongly guarded.
Tu, body of a Russian footman Is al
leged by th, authorities to hav, been
found in th, German embassy. The man
had been shot In tha bead and arabbed
and hail been d ex! for om day.
Williams Resigns
From the Senate
Foreign Committee
WASHINGTON. Aug. (.-Senator John
Fharp Williams resigned today a a mem
ber of th foreign relation committee, be
cause, he declared, the committee had
hesitated to support tb, administration'
policy as to mediation and because of it
"equally dUgusling attitude' regarding th, !
purchase of ships to carry cotton , and
other goods abroad. !
Vice-President Marshall ruled Senator t
vt lllmni' resignation out of order and an
appeal waa voted down. Senator William
dramatically left the chamber kn. For
year he haa beta an ardent advocate of
SUMMIT, 8. I)., Aug., i.-Spelal.-Five
head of cattle belonging to VT. CL
Srhults of Lora township war, struck
and killed by lightning In a storm here.
It had been the custom at the farm to
milk th, cowa at I o'clock la the morn
ing, when they were turned out to paatuw
and not aeen again until evening. When
a boy aent to get them, he found two
, a steer and two hei'fere dead.
The atorm had passed earlier In tha day.
St hults carried nn, insurance,, recovering
nothing beyond the value of th, hide
of th, animal.
do not expire until next spring. Enough space available thia
fall to give us a"splendid and enlarged Woman'a Suit and Mil
linery Section on Second floor. Also to double the size of our
rapidly growing Men's Wear Section. Work started, contracta
being let, new fixtures : being built. Fine store in sight for
Benson & Thorne patrons. Need room just now to accomodate
Saturday, August 8th,
p t ' ' ' .
Tenieuea an North Carolina Will
Carry Coin to Tourists V
Secretary GarrUoa Locatee Thirty
Nlae Oeeaa-Gofasr Ships that -Are
Available to Bring;
' Aaaerleaaa UomeV
WASHINGTON, Aug. 6. It. was an
nounced at the navy department today
that th, sailing of th armored cruiaer
Tennessee for Europe with gold for th,
relief of Americana had been postponed
until tomorrow morning in order to com
plete all of the neceasary arrangements.
The armored cruiaer , North Carolina
probably will accompany the Tennessee.
It will carry additional gold, probably to
Mediterranean ports, leaving the Tennes
see free to supply needs In the north.
A bill appropriating 12.600.000 for which
President Wilson asked In a special mes
sage, was passed by th, house under aua
pension of rule and xcltlaton of all
other buainaaa. It contained authority tor
us, of army and navy facilities and char
tering of ship. Secretaries' Bryan ' and
McAdoo told th appropriation committee
It Waa the plan to first utilize neutral
line, then charter ships and us, army
and navy transport a a last resort. The
senate passed th, bill and It waa aent to
th, president
i ' .-. .
ThlrtylVta, V easel Speared.
Secretary Garrison announced after a
conference with th, president that hla
present plan for getting Americana out
of tha war son, waa to hav, th, nation
Involved to designate a port from which
they can be removed or to get permiaaton
to hav, them - taken to Italy, Spain or
aome other neutral country, where th.
United State would call for them. . Mr.
Garrison said that h, had no doubt for-
' lgn governmenta
would make such ar-
Mr. Garrison haa located thirty-nine
available ocean-going vessel Bailing under
tha American flag. U, la . arranging to
end food to American colonic, in the war
Rioters Attack the
German Consulate
in Canadian City
VANCOUVER. B. C. Aug. t-Th, big
black eagle above . tho door of
th, German consulate waa torn from Ita
supports today by a crowd of men which
Invaded th, block and road, for tb, con
sulate with threats of destruction.
Having thrown dowa tha Insignia of
Germany and trampled on It, th, party
left peaceably after breaking a ilttl, glas,
and defacing th,. sign on the consulate
Immigration and military officers here
are preparing to atop all German and
Auatrlan subject who may endeavor to
fieeOo th United .States.
British Expected
to Land in Belgium
BRUSiKLS. Aug.. a-Via London-The
nowapaper Le Peuple, say that aa early
landing of British troops in Belgium 1
k Read one installment of jf
MThe Trey O' Heartowr
Each' Sunday in
we will begin a
Bank of England
Reduces Discount
Rate to Six Per Cent
LONDON, Aug., C Chancellor of tha
Exchequer IJoyd George announced In
the House of Commons today that th,
bank of England rat, was to be reduced
to sis per cent either tomorrow or Fri
day, Th, government, he said, had jtot
yet decided to suspend specie' payment.
Chancellor Uoyd George contended that
anyone hoarding gold waa assisting, the
enemy of hla country.
At the aame time with the view of
economising gold and maintaining th.
Integrity of th, gold standard- it ' was
propoaed to laaue note ofl 6) and 10
( convertible to gold at the bank of
England. These would be available- on
Friday to the extent of lS.OOO.OOO and
after that would be laaUad at the rat,
of 125,000,000 dally. Postal order are
also to b, made legal tender on the aam
terms a note. ' H, mad, ah appeal to
patriotic people not to withdraw gold.
NGwlands Measure
Passes the Senate
. V '
WASHINGTON, Aug. 6. The Newland
bill to create a federal trade commlsHipn.
firat of th, thre, administration t anti
trust measures, passed the senate .lata
today by a vof, of 63 to 1.
WASHINGTON.; Aug. B. -Representations
have been made to the German gov
ernment for the immediate release of
Americana Interned there during the mob
ilization. Key to th. Situation Baa Want Ada.
"It ia Impossible for you
to be strong and robust
to be able ' to win, ' if
you do not possess these,
three eesentials; but
here is a splendid op
portunity, with the as
sistance -of
Stomach Bitters
to restore these organ.,
to a normal condition
and thug promote health arri
trength Start today..