Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1914, EXTRA, Page 11, Image 11

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    Tim nKR: OMAHA, TUKSDAY, AUGUST 4. 1014.
$iOO to l,O0O mad promptly. U.
Weed. Weed B'dg.. ltb and Farnam.
CITY and farm loan. t par ctnt.
J H.Pumont To.. IOT Farnam, Omaha
WANTBD City Inana Peters Trual v-O.
OMAHA homes. Last Nebraska farms,
1018 Omaha Nat Douglas ITU
WANTED City loans and warrant.
W. Farnam Smith A Co.. P!0 Farnam
UAHV'N BROS . tand up.
VaVa.Abv.,.4 uibwo. Omaha Nat. HanK.
SKE ua flrat If you want a firu loan.
Cnlted States Trust Co.. Omaha, Neb.
MONFY on hand for city and farm loan.
H. W. Hinder. City Nat Bk. Bldg.
fCi,CITY LOAN 8. Bemls-Carlberg Co.,
y0 110-811 Brandels Theater Bldg.
CITT property. Lara .nana a specialty
W. It. Thomas, !3S State Bank Bldg.
Evsryoody reads pa Wank Ada.
KERR Title Guarantee and Abstract Co..
modem abstract office. Sod So, 17th
St. Thon Douglas B487.
REED Abatrart Co., oldest sbstract of
fice In Nebraska. !08 Brani'ets Tneater
acreage; for sale.
Acres Acres Acres
On the Bellevue and Fort Crook boule
vard and car line Is located Country club
Acre. Thla addition la vary choice, high
and sightly; scenery moat charming; no
nicer auburban property than Country
Club Acrea. You can buy from ore acre
up am on ay term.
O 'Neil's II. E. & Ins. Agency,
1306 Farnam St. TeL Tyler 10-J4.
Dundee Home
4821 Webster St.
Owner transferred to another city, must
aoll his new, atrlctly modern home. Beat
white oak floor throughout, oak flniah
on flrat floor, birch doore and flniah to
match on second floor; large living room
with fireplace; dining room, kitchen, but
ler'a pantry and refrigerator room on
flrat floor. Both front and back atalra;
three large airy bedroom, bath, linen
closet and extra large sleeping porch on
aecond floor. Full attic, all floored. Full
cement basement, floor drain and gas
connections tn basement, with sink. Gas
heater for aummer use. Large garage
with driveway. Full lot. Houae only
1 year old. An Ideal, cool home that can
be purchased right M.9C0, only f 1,360 cash
required; balance easy terms. Only one
block from car line, book thl up If you
want a, real bargain. Must be sold this
Glover & Spain
l City Natl. Bank. Doug. $902.
At 628 S. 19th Ave. I have a fine 5-room
cottage la excellent repair, modern ex
cept furnace, In the close-in district where
values are rising rapidly. Worth 84,600;
offered now on easy terms for H.SJ0.
A vacant lot. No. ' 41, block 2, Shull's
Third addition. This Is on 21st St, second
lot north of Woolworth, close to govern
ment commissary; paving, sewer, water,
gas, sidewalks, all paid. Lot 1221 feet
deep, on grade. Easy terms, A snap for
somebody. .
Another bargain! A 6-room house
situated on two lots, 1 and 2, In block 13.
Ralston. Neb. Worth 11.800. will sell for
W. A. Hixenbaugh
. & Co.
1814 8t Mary s Ave. Phone Douglas 4t,
Garden Lots
Two Blocks of Lots
Just West of
$75.00 to $295.00
II down, 11 per week, without Interest.
You my pay weekly, monthly, quar-
avera. P,U
ofym? Propel ITt
TSL&f&gft. b value
These lots will go quickly.
- II. II. Harper,
1013-11 City National Bank Bldg.
kUchertUt,hr,k P?"',0r' dlnln
Kitcnen.. three bed rooms and modern
bath room on aecond lloor. alalrwav tS
X bnt wlthTementedTooV!
with birch, maple floors up stairs and
down, house Is nicely decorated and In
lot 47x111 at 3516 Davenport, houae u
Vacant, key first door east, non-resident
owner is very anxioua to ail and has
reduced pHco from H.M) to tX'ibO u . "
Seven ronm u
2,.1tr'wlAn 1Tg;e rounl 100x127, covered
with fruit and shade trees, beat resident
Jart. convenient to car, aaklng 84. ouo.
ern part of Omaha.
Five room cottage und barn on east
front, lot 48x140 at M So. 29th (Georgia
AVS' vn?r venworth. been aaklng
13,000, but want an offer.
' W. H. GATES,
Room C47 Omaha National Bank Build
ing. Phone Douglaa I'M.
Oak finish in living rooms, kitchen,
rear entry, pantry and bedroom on first
floor; two bedrooms, bath and four clos
ets upstairs, with maple floors; modern
throughout; screens; corner lot Price.
12,W. Located 2K Blondo St.
310-lt Brandels Theater Bldg
West Farnam
The modern home at 23 No. 3sih Ave.,
2-',. two b"n 'ooms, and coating over
loOuO-on a 12.M0 lot. offered for li.Oja
J'hone owner, l. EH7. o t-,
Cathedral District
New, modem, frame and stucco, oak
and birch finish, Yale hardware; three
bed rooma and sleeping porch; corner lot
paved street; a complete home, bst bur
in Omaha.
MX 8. lth Pt. Tel. Douglas Ul.
FOR ONLY $3,760.
Klx rooms, modern, with reception hall,
Parlor, dining room and kitchen; three
bedrooms and bath on second floor; stair
way to attic; first floor la finished in
birch with maple floors up and down
atalra: full basement, cemented and
bricked up; good furnace, lot 47x111, at
S614 Davenport. House is vacant; good
opportunity to get a nice home very
Room Ml Omaha National Hank Building.
Phone Duuicloa 04. ,
Wfceat it Momentarily on the Br
gain Counter.
Heavy shlpmeata Meld te BaresMa
Bayer Will Likely Renal la
the VaKeel Utatea fer
Farther Orders.
OMAHA. Aug. 4. 1914.
The ocean Is closed to me exporters of
breadstuffs and being unable to clear the
grain already sold for shipment to Im
porting countries, they are reselling It
and it may be said that wheat la on the
bargain counter at the moment. Prices
closed with lossea of MMSc vesteexiay
and had not the market been given much
needed support late there would have
been further and more pronounced de
cline. Only a short time ago the breadsluffa
maiket of tho UnlUd Btates was In a
healthy condition. Upward of 100,0m,
uuimi nas aireaay oeen sold Tor ship
ment to Europe and there were many
vensele to carry It over the ocean.
ar haa changed all these conditions
and Instead of our grain being shipped
abroad and the money there the wheat
must remain with the growere or with
those who have It to go out and the
money remain acres the waters.
While the war news spread out yester
day waa of a more pronounced character
the financial situation In the United
Btates overbalanced this.
There seemed to be a loss of confidence
because of the reversion to the clearing
house certificate measure. Margin calls of
10 per cent on all trades was a drawback
as either the traders were unable or un
willing to put iid this amount. The In
crease of 6.6HO.O0O bushels in the visible is
a reflection of what may be expected later
on uniesa tne Dig run oi wneai is cnecaea
Heavy aelllng of oata and the slow ah'
sorption of the grain thrown over caused
price recessions of Silc. Cash trans
actions were small.
( lea ranees of wheat and flour were
equal to Kl.OnQ bushels; com, 18,000 bush
els; oata. 2,0u0 bushels.
Holiday at Liverpool.
Primary wheat receipts were 1. 414.000
bushels and shipment. l.MT.WO bushels,
against receipts or lJNi.OOU bushels, and
shipments of 2.41O.O0A bushels last year.
Primary corn receipts were 434,c00 bush
els and shipments 914,000 bushels, against
receipts of 4M.O0O bushels and shipments
of Uto.000 bushels last year.
Primary oats receipts were 4.(64,000
bushels and shipments fil,tiO0 bushels,
against receipts of 8j2,000 bushels and
ahlomenta of 7S2.000 bushels last year:
Heavy liquidation of short selling caused
sensational declines In the market for
hog products yesterday. A cable waa
received here after the close last night
saying that the Corn Trade association of
London has arranged witn me jiruen
governnemt to guarantee the war risk on
existing contracts for receivers' account
for rrain.
This means that the large amount of
wheat already sold by Chicago and other
exporters . may now be moved toward
the United Kingdom.
Wheat was lo to 2o higher.
Corn was unchanged to Ho higher.
. Oata ware "AO lower.
These sales were reported today: Wheat
No. 2 hard winter. 2 cars, 7c; 7 cars,
79c. No. S hard winter: 1 car, 7Hc; 1
car, 79c: 2 care, 784c; 1 car, 781e; 1 car,
T7U.- K xat-a ?tu,. Nn 4 hard winter:
1 ear. TRHic; 2 cars, Ttc; 1 car, 74c. Oats
Standard: 2 cars, 23c; 6 cars, U!a. No. 2
white: 23 cars, SZttc. NO. 4 white: z cars,
S2Vic; 8 cars, 2c; 1 car. 3144c No grade.
1 car, 81c. Corn No. 1 white: 1 car, 72o.
No. 2 white: 1 car, 72c. No. S white: 1 car,
71c. No. 1 yellow: J cars. 7lc: 1 car, ToSc;
1 2-6 cars. TOUc: H car, ?Oc. No. 2 yellow:
1 car 704 No. S yellow: 4 1$ cars. 70
No. 1 mixed: 1 car tnear white!. TOHc; 1
car (near white), TUVc; l car nar white.
Wo: 2 cars, my. No. 2 mixed: IV. cars
tttear white), 7iv: 2 cars, V. No.
mixed: 1 1- cars near white). TOc: 1 car.
OV; 2 cars. V: 3 cars. 9c. No.
mixed: 2 cars. tw. Sample: 1 car, lfV.
Wheat. Corn Oata Kye.
Chicago W si
Minneapolis Ia ... ... ..
Duluth as ... ... ..
Omaha 107 ,T7 SS 1
Winnipeg )i ...
Omahs Cash Prices- Wheat- No. 2
hard, Tvt's2"; No. 3 hard, 7W"!": No.
it ni a anllrolv modern.
elaborately decorated, paved street, east
front lot, one-nair diock io riein ciuu,
two hlocks to car and. near school. Price
only 23,000.
. 210-12 Brandels Theater Bldg. '
FOR BALK, cheap, nine-room, modern
house, with four choice lots, one block
from the car line and in good neighbor
hood. Priced right and terms If desired.
The Allen Ind and Investment com
pany. B94 Brandels B4dg. Tel. Red 6Z66.
A ttNAP Must d sok'. at once. Seven
room house, electric light, gas, . city
water, toilet. 60-foot front, good barn
8123 Burdettet 21,000. Small payment down
and the rest like rent jau weo. w.
T-ROOM house, rents for S1S.&A must be
old at once: 2300 will handle It. H. 4711.
Sealed bids will be received at the office
of the Board of Commissioners of State
Institutions at the State Capitol, Lincoln,
Nebraska, until 2 o'clock p. m., Saturday,
August 16th, 1814. for the furnishing of all
material, supplies, labor and the proper
construction of a brick hospital building
at the Soldiers' and Sailors' Home at Mll
ford. Nebraska, tn accordance with the
plans and specifications prepared by Jo
seph W. Salmon, architect.
Also for the furnishing of all supplies,
material, labor and the proper Installation
for the plumbing and heating of said
tjUllding according to said plans and
Also for the furnishing of all supplies,
material, labor and the electric wiring of
said building according to said plans and
Separate Lids must be made for each of
the three improvements above mentioned.
All bids must be accompanied by a certi
fied check for t per cent of the amount of
the bid.
Plans and specifications rnay be had at
the office of the Board at the State
House or at the office of the architect.
Lincoln, Nebraska. The Board reserves
the right to reject any or all bids.
By SILAS A. HOLCOMB. Chairman.
Mbswssjfoef I.) ?- gmtimtmoUvm
Caustic Bal
hard. TSUiD'to: No. 2 atrlng. :?ilJc: No.
spring. J.sTlv; No. 4 spring. 4r77Vc: No.
2 durum, 79jic; No. durum. TXWc.
Corn: No. 2 white, 71rTJc; No. I white,
7mlj73c: No. 4 white. 7lnHc: No. 2 yel
low. 7OV,fc70Sc; No. 3 yellow. 7ia'0V; No.
4 yellow. wmKOc: No. 2 mixed.
No. 2 mixed, 69"7Hc; No. 4 mixed. (fcW
Sc. Oata: No. 2 white, 33ff3SWc; atand
ard, S3n:Bc; No. 3 white, IK1 -' Vc; No.
4 white, SZfcrV. Barley: malting. 4'wtfWo;
No. 1 feed. 4146c. Rye: No. 2, &rvWc;
No. 3, 4tt65c.
Featerea of the Trad leg a a a Closing;
Prices oa) Boar of Trade.
CH1CAOO. Aug. 4. Reports emanating
from one of the lergrat houses on 'chanae
that buying of American wheat had al
ready started on a big basis put decided
vigor In prices today near the close. The
upward flurry that followed waa the sec
ond which hsd taken place after the open
ing, and resulted in a spirited finish, 2H49
2o above last night. Corn scored a like
advance, with oats tip SifSo and pro
visions higher by 7irio.
Highest prices touched by wheat today
were Immediately aftsr the receipt of pre
mature announcements that the bill to
admit forelan ships to American registry
was only awaiting the signature of Presi
dent Wilson. When It was found that as
a matter of fact the measure had up to
then not been reported to the Senate,
prices dropped back more than tVfrc from
the extreme high level, which waa tc up
as compared with last night. In the Inst
hour, though, the market was again ad
vancing with a lively swing. Two out of
the three chief options wound up at the
tip-top valuea of the day.
Corn ruled strong early and late, owing
mainly to continued dry hot weather. The
east waa an active buyer of cash com.
Oats reflected the strength of other grain,
but the huge arrivals here today of newly
harvested oats, 074 carloads, prevented
more than a moderate rise In prices.
Provisions rallied with cereals, although
recovering only a fair degree of the stag
gering losses of the previous day. Offer
Inga were light except that lard became
noticeably plentiful on the upturn of the
Grain prices furnished by local branch
office of Logan A Bryan Co.:
Low. Close!
I Open. High.
Sept........ Deo
Sept Lard
Sept Oct.
91 Vl1
S 4. fTt8
18 60-401
I ftvueol
8 80
8 Kt
ii a
10 K
10 15
1 TO
8 82H
11 AO
11 02'4
10 22
18 40
8 0
8 80
8 96
10 72
10 16
. bi
18 78
8 77
8 96
8 10
11 65
10 96
io mi
Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: Septem
ber, R9c; December, Mn. Corn: Septem
ber, 704c; December, 5e. Oata: Septem
ber, S6I4C; December, Sb"c. Pork: 4tem
ber, 318.76. Ijird: September, 8.77V,; Oo
tober, 88 96. Ribs: September, 11.66; Oc
tober, 310.96.
Cora aad Wheat Reg-loa Bnllella.
Corn and wheat region bulletin of the
United States Department of Agriculture,
weather bureau, at Omaha, for the twenty-four
hours ending at 3 a. .nv, 76tto
meridian time, Tuesday, August 4, 1914;
Temp. Rain
High. Low. fall. - Sky.
Ashland, Neb... 88 64 .00 Clear
Auburn, Neb... 90 60 .00 Clear
B'ken Bow, Nb 8 69 .00 Clear
Columbus, Neb. 89 68 .00 Clear
Culbertson, Nb. 88 60 .00 Clear
Falrbury, Neb.. 84 68 .00 Clear
Fairmont, Neb. 88 1 .00 Clear
Or. island. Nb. 90 4 .00 Pt. cloudy
nsninii n. now eu ,w Lieer
Hastings, Neb.. 89 62 .00 Pt. cloudy
Holdrege, Neb. 96 62 .00 Pt. cloudy
idncoin, nto... nz ,uu Clear
No, Platte, Nb 86 66 .00 Clear
Oakdale, Neb.. 87 61 .00 Pt. cloudy
umana, jneD.... m m . uu near
Tekamah, Neb. 89 80 .00 Clear
Valentine, Nb. 88 68 .00 Clear
Alta, la 86 61 .00 Clear
Carroll. Ia 86 61 .00 Clear
Clarinda. Ia.... 93 42 .00 Clear
Sibley, Ia 87 66 .00 Clear
Sioux City, Ia,. 88 68 .00 Clear
Minimum temperature for twelve-hour
period ending at 8 a. m.
No. of Temp.- Rain
0 18
Its Imltttsrs ert Ra Conpitltin.
Safe, Speedy and PoetUre Cure Cor
Core, 8 flirt weeay. Car
oaiae Xsaasaa, teaaiar. Wia
uTs, aa all l,isaai tnmfim.
Cans ail axis Hi,,, si sr T 11m.
.as all
tarsia, Kisatasrla.
hiianh fri hi am., m
Yr Weitle .aUdssje KM is
r sMtie. wui t mfiua. er Ml M 01.
. ant paid, wlto full diraano, tar
sj lie a. m en. sor aat
9' the Lstsee wllltasit C., Clevelisi.
Pyi 20 Annually.
Posltlea f mis stsck la
"o.lo fur smnI Si'lowda r4sl4
Bask Bro
District. Stations. High. Low. fall
Columbus, 0 18 62 U .00
Louisville, Ky... 22 90 62 . 60
Indla'polis, Ind.. IS 86 68 . 00
Chicago. Ill 24 62 (4 .00
St. Louis, Mo.... U 80 62 .30
Des Moines, Is,. 24 88 60 .09
Minneapolis (2 82 63 .10
Kan. City. Mo.. 23 84 66 .00
Omaha, Neb 17 88 62 .00
Summary of wheat and cron conditions
in corn ana wneet region for week end
ing August 8, 1914:
WASHINGTON, D. C. Aug. 4, 1914.
Weather conditions were favorable for
threshing winter wheat, but soil ia tm
ary in many sections of tne belt for plow
Ing ground for next year's crop. In the
spring wneat belt the weather waa favor
able lor harvest, which Is well under
way, out further damage by ruat and
high temperatures la reported. The week
waa generally unfavorable for corn, ex
cept in the more northern statea. Severe
drouth continues in the Ohio valley, and
much of the crop Is cut short or a failure,
and all statea west of the Mississippi
river from Nebraska and southern Iowa
southward are now suffering for rain,
with the crop deteriorating in many
places. Oat threshing is progressing with
generally light ylelda. Pastures In moat
of the central and southern districts are
In poor condition, but In the more north
ern states and southwestern ranges they
are reported generally doing well.
Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau.
Cattle Receipts Light and Fricei Are
Again Weak to Lower.
Sheen ana laahs la Large ftapoly.
with Local I.aia d Gss4 aad
rrlcee ftea4y Decide laa
preveneat In (jaalMy.
SOUTH OMAHA, Aug. 4, 1914.
Receipts were:
Ofi Ida! Mondav...
Kstlmate Tuesday
Cattle. Hogs. Slieep.
2, M
1.11 J
Minneapolis Grata Market.
oepiemoer. i'c: no. 1 hard, i7c; No. 1
northern, UbVTc; No. 3 northern, 8214
WHEAT Higher.
FLOL'K Higher.
BA RL1CT 6ti3c.
RT K f.fiflc.
CORN No. 8 yellow. T2ir78o
OATA No. 3 white, titHio.
FLA X 31.66 VtfL 6714,
Coffee Market.
NEW TORK, Aug. 4. COFFKE-Not-withstanding
the absence of official fu
tures markets, there waa considerable ac
tivity In the coffee trade here today, and
spot prices advanced further on a better
JoUblng demand than reported for some
months, with holders showing increased
firmness owing to uncertainty as to the
possibility and cost of replacing avail
able supplies by fresh Importations from
Brasll. The only cables received from
the primary markets reported that a
general holiday had been proclaimed until
August 15.
Klo 7s were quoted at to In the spot
market, and Santos 4s at 12o, or some
thing like 2c to ZSto above the lowest price
of last week.
Two days this week.. T.IC8 .4tJ 33. LH
Same days last week.. 7.93 11.611 17.MH
fame days 8 weeks ago 7.744 1V4.S7 S4.6W
Fame t'ays 3 weeks ago 8.4--T 16.073 D.Vv,
Same dav 4 weeka aso 4.1x8 I0.0M 1M40
Same days last year. .11.33 I6.616
The following table shows the range of
of cattle, hoxe and aheep at the foutn
Omaha live stock market for the year to
t as compared with last yeari
Ii4 1U lno. Deo
Cattle 4W 474.W4 2S.
Hoga l.W.W 1,712.877 . 14i.4lO
heep l,8Wi.7M 1.123,33 176,372
The following table siiuws the receipts
prices for hogs at the South Omaha live
stock market for the last few days with
Data. I 1914. 191S. 11912. 1911 1910. 1Q. 1104.
I 43 T l 83
8 881 7 47 6 M
I 7 171 4 31
July ii. I H 8 K 1 16 6 K 8 36 1 8S) 4 31
July II la t 7i T )i 6 tti t 83 4 37
July 17. 8 74'a 821 1 16 T 741 6 44
July 1. 7 8 91 7 17 4 14 I Si I 6 40
July 19., gftl l 3 8 3al 7 75
July 20. I PS 1 7 23 83 8 28 It 7N 8 31
I Julv 11 I 1 tia.1 a rrl a n 11 TM 11
July 83. I 7X 6 881 7 26i 6 861
July 23. 6 UV 6 83 7 84
I July 24. 3 Mi. f7 7 M 33
July 25. 6 64V 8 77 t 47 14 il 8 Ml 1 6 24
July M I SB T 87 14 46 8 17 7 61
July 97.1 if
iiy w.i a ti"i s wi i a a
July 89. 8 6J I 8 67 7 M 4 7I T l
July 10. 8 8 M
July 81. 8 4IS 8 64
Aug. 1..I 2.l 8 63
Aug. 3.. I 8 4H
I Aug. 1. 1 I 04HI 1
Aug. 4.. I 43
8 17 7 61
I 1 KI 4 661 8 811 7 461 4 II
& k -. , 7. a mm n
7 6 "
7 671 t 17 t 40 1 4 40
t 73 4 89 I 7 44 8 41
7 761 6 64 T W 8 41
i 7 86 4 6S t 401 7 4
7 KS 4 7i 7 7K T Ml t W
I W t 70) t 62 3 88
Receipta and disposition of live stock at
the Union Stock yards In South Omaha
for twenty-four hours ending at 3 p. in.
C, M AW. P 4
Missouri Paciflo .... 2 7 .. ..
Union Paciflo SO 9
C. N. W., west.... 12 17
C, St. P., MAO.... 4
C, B. A Q., east.... 4
C, B. A Q , west... 80 14
C, R. I. A P., east.. 1 7
C R. 1. A P.. west .. 1
Chi. Great Western .. 1
Total receipts.... 99 64
Cattle.liogs. Sheep.
Morris A Co
Swift A Co
Cudahy Packing Co....
Armour A Co
Schwnrts A Co
J. W. Murphy
IJncoln Packing Co....
So. Omaha Packing Co.
Omaha Grain Co
Aapeli Grain Co
6wlft, Kansas City
W. B. Vsn'sant Co.'.'.'!.'
Benton, Vanaant A L..
Hill A Son
J. B. Root A Co
J. H. Bulla
U F. Husi
Rosenstock Bros
Werthelmer & Degen...
Sullivan Broe
Olassberg ....
Tanner Bros
John Harvey
Other buyers
7 3R
6 3T.
7 ;
J 76
t ;t
8 66
7 SS
steers.. ..Il!l 7 IS fleers ...1?M
6 steers.. ..11-H 7 V. 3 millh HiO
1 steer 9) - ,v atcrr pmO
9 steers ... 1191 7 :r. n steers ...I.'IS
40 steers.... I ;V3 7 75 K steers. ... U'A)
30 steers ... i:a 7 76
L. Herggren Wyo.
II feeders.. SJ 7 i 4 steers. ...1136
cows.... ,107ii 8 10 8 steers. ...lf.'.'
1 steer 190H IU 4 steers. ...1192
Diamond Cattle (Vinnsnv. Wvomlna.
49 feeders.. 9 7 hi feeders.. W'S 7 ft)
4 cows 9f 6 "0 62 cows JM 6 35
Spear-.liiimermsn Company, Wyoming.
19 steers I'Wl W
It M Fad.lls, Wyoming.
lf.2 steers. . ..lisa 7 to
Newlnger Wyo.
19 steers. ... S9i.
7 s. A hfs. 944
.. I 7r. 44 steers...
J T. Mnters-ldaho.
..1IJ1 7 00 4 steers.. ..11.r
,.1040 7f. 2 steers. ...l:'.0
August Hleni-ldaho.
,.1(.t 7 0
H. F. Shelton -Idaho.
..1107 7 40 44 aleera ...1114 7 40
..1016 s An I st. A hfs.1100 7 40
.1)4 6 00 23 sleers....U4I
.U90 7 36 1 steer HMD
I4t 6 40 1 bull 1120
19 steers.,
I steer....
14 cows. ..
39 steers..
3 steers. .
46 steers. .
S steers..
11 steers..
M. H.
7 10
6 26
867 8 80
7 HO
7 6i
7 steers.
I steers.
1 bull....
8 W
7 36
6 40
1U iOM- Supplies were ery lignt tor a
Tuesday, about alxty-five cars or 4,StO
head being recelveii. The total 'for the
two days Is 8,4.13 head over .M) smaller
than last wtek m1IK lo.oou short of a year
ago. The lightness of the weeks run
shows that tne majority of Ihe shippers
are taking the safer course and holding
stock back until the present Hurry blows
The downward momentum the mar!
has gathered In the last few days served
to tarry It a few notches farther thla
morning, and In spite of the fact that
first quotations on provisions snowed a
slight reaction, first bios at the local
yarda were made at figurea that were
right rloso to a quarter lower than yea
terday's figures. There seemed to be a
little better feeling In the market, how
ever, and salesmen encouraged by the up
turn In provisions priced their holdings
at figures that were f nil v ateady and In
many cases loti'SOc higher than yesterday.
Buyera refused to even look at hoga at
steady prices, hut as the morning ad
vanced the trade strengthened up, until
offers were no more than lutflno lower
than Monday's killer trade, and after
sellers had satisfied themselves that this
waa aa high aa packers Intended to go
they started to cash their holdings on the
basis named. Movement was naturally
alow, and It was well along towards 11
o'clock before any sort of a clearance
waa made, some hogs being still unsold
st that time.
It might be mentioned that shipping
orders were conspicuous by their absence
this morning, and the few hogs that
shlppera and speculators did buy were at
about the same prices as were paid by
the packers. It will be noted that owing
to the shippers' sales yesterdsy the aver
age did not show nearly all or the break
killing hoga suffered. Today, however,
the proposition ia the other way round,
and with no shipper salea to hold the cost
up, the average ahowa a thirty-five rent
decline while the actual salea look only
llHjlnc lower.
The big end of today's sales was made
at t7.6Tifi7.70, with a sprinkling around
$7.60, and a few as hleh as 87.76. Today's
high prloe paid by Packers la a flat Wc
lower than Monday s hlrh shiper top.
The market la 80c lower than Saturday.
Representative sales:
Ho. . ib. Pr. No. At. So. Pr.
to :l ... 7 SS 41 IM 10 7 47H
4f. 174 ... 7 5 74 t4 W 7 47H
t 354 U 110 II H ... 7 7'4j
41 Ill) H TM 411 19 40 7 ID
41 25 1 10 7 H M 441 ... 1 79
it M7 140 7 4B J 80 t TO
,i t M 7 4 43 t!4 ... t 74
(4 Ml ... 7 4 SS til J40 T 7D
137 .. 7 44 71 40 SO 7 74
71 Ill 40 7 46 75 M 40 7 1
13 M4 ID 7 48 II ... T TO
4 IM IM 7 M ! -inl ... 7 74
44 t 40 7 HI f IV!I 7 T
7t........4 14 7S 71 I7 Itn 7 70
....T...tO ... 7 46 40 tn 100 T 70
44 IM MO 7 M 71 1 H
4 0 ... 7 4t 44 234 1 7 70
M Ja 10 7 4ft 40 0 40 7 TO
11 144 ... T 44 100 191 140 7 TO
94 141 ... 7 474 44 Kl H 7 78
IS ITS 90 7 47V4j V, HI ... 7 Tl
11 146 20 7 474 41 171 ... 7 76
s r i;o 7 7i 4j tsi no in
19 Sl ... 7 7 44 114 SI) 7 73
10 110 189 T 47 71 14 tOO 7 14
Drr Goods Market.
NEW TORK. Aug. 4-Cotton goods
buyers were today purchasing heavy cot
tons to replace burlaps which have rapid
ly risen in price In tho paat few days.
All printers, converters and dyed goods
manufacturers gave notice of trouble with
merchandise for future delivery arising
from inability to secure foreign dyrstuffs.
Worsted goods show a tendency to ad
vance for spot delivery. Yarna firmer.
laisr Market.
NEW YORK. Aug. 4. -Raw augar very
firm; molasses. 2.67c: centrifugal, 1.62c;
refined firm.
Totals 1,803 3,080 20,608
CATTLE Receipts were the lightest
that they have -been on a Tuesday In
some little time, only 06 cars being
ported In. Other market points were
also very lightly supplied and it was for
tunats tnat sucn was tne case as rinan
oial conditions were such that buyera
everywhere were uncertain and In doubt
as to what to do. This naturally rend
ered the trade very slow and dull
throughout the day. This wss the cass
not only here but at every point.
Blockers and feeders were possibly i
little more active than yesterday on ac
count of there being more outside buyers
ic tne yarns wno naa come in to taxe
advantage of the sharp break In the
prices. Still the market would have to
be quoted 26660a lower than last week
Drices belnc very uncertain
Cows and heifers were slow and weak
to lOtplBo lower In spots. In other words
cows and heifers are. around 25a lower
than last week, soma kinds showing more
decline than that.
Quotations on cattle: Good to choice
con-fed beeves. 8u.0ocrT5: fair to good
corn-fed beeves, 88.6OSf90O: common to
fair corn-fed beeves, 17.80ia8.60; good to
choice range ateera. 88 26fr8.76; fair to
good range steers, 87. 60474.26; common to
fair range steers. 36.6or7.60; choice to
fancy corn-fed heifers, 8S00rfl0; good to
choice grass neners, . .mhw.du; gooa to
choice grass cows, M.tMTOO; fair to good
radss. I5.604M.26: common to fair grades
62.60aY6.66: good to choice stockers and
feeders, 87.lti82K; fair to good stockers
and feeders, W.QWl.tQ; common to fair
stockers and feeders. 84.7ft4f7.00; stock cows
and heifers. 86.6047 Zft; stock calves, k.uB
1.00; veal calves, t7.60lo.60; Duns, stags
etc.. t& .26S7.26.
Representative sales:
Ho. A. Pr. No. At. Pr.
tl 4S 4 24 8 1M2 9 04
, 404
. 894
. 640
,. 774
. 74
. 784
. 846
. 104
11M i T(
140 6 14
1174 I 44
.1441 4 04
104 9 74
124 4 14
IM) 10 04
140 14 04
11 stockers,
I heifers..
1 cow
1 heifer...,
4 calves...
23 feeders..
7 feeders..
2S feeders..
4 feeders..
80 steers....
4 cows
24 cows..
4 74 I
3 40 I..
3 74 1..
8 76 I..
8 4 II
4 10
4 7
3 4s 1
8 40 1 ,
4 00 1 ,
4 74 1
4 74
471 4 71 11 1130 7 M
A v. Pr. No. Av.
. 690 6 60 1 stocker.. 640
833 6 86 1 bull f40
2 calves... 110
11 heifers.. 644
2 cows 9XS
' 2 feeders.. 6o9
6 cows fut
84 feeders. .1117
17 feeders.. sT4
7 heifers.. 756
8 60
6 76
t 86
6 60
4 75 13 cows tt
6 8b 4 cows 903
17 cows 1060 4 10 14 cows 914
17 cows fc2 8 10 10 cows 974
10 cows 1UU1 M) s
11 feeders.. 1IH0 6 80 26 steers. ...1123
14 cows 8X8 t 70 21 heifers... 669
11 heifers... l9 00 10 heifers... 792
7 feeders.. suC 6 76 20 steers.. .1112
27 steers.... 807 7 00 12 feeders.. 775
7 steers.. ..1341 7 76 8 feeders.. 835
6 steers.. ..1213 8 00 34 steers.. ..1213
34 heifers. ..luS4 4 96 36 hetfers...i0tM
lot steers. ..1373 1 16 6 feeders. .1110
It cows KftO 4 26 10 cows 1070
4 cows 807 6 76
L. Dillms. Nebraska.
22 feeders.... rlt 100
A. J. Peterson. Nebraska.
17 Steers.. ..1338 7 9U 18 steers ... 1421
J. R. Tsylor Neb.
35 feeders. .11 17 7 26 9 steers... .1K4
r . T. Nelson-Neb.
20 feeders. . 9U7 7 26
I. E. Ballenger. Nebraaka.
42 f code ra.. 1114 7 00 2 cows UiA
I steers.... 144) 7 76
A. Evans. Nebraska.
40 steers.... 1217 7 00 1 cow 1030
1 steers 1U 7 )
11 cows 1014 6 61 cows 1019
4 75
I 40
t 10
4 Id
7 76
4 60
7 75
1 steer.,... 9i0
11 rows UMi
3 cows 1130
1 cow 1140
17 steers.. ..loul
6 cows 1024
8 cows 92
1 bull 1H40
1 cow 1200
t eows 1130
I steers.. ..lof
oows 1018
33 steers.. ..1101
I. H. Robinson, Wyoming.
1 feeder... 1160 7 40 40 feedera. .10.-9
3 row, lm- 6 10 1 steer 1010
14 feeders.. low 7 10 1 cow 9jJ
16 cows 1011 I 90
J. B. Kendrick. Wvnmlnar
43 steers. .. 1140 T S6 t steers. ...IITi
46 steers.. ..118 7 63 87 steers. ...LCI
6 00
4 00
t 00
6 35
6 86
4 00
7 44
8 90
6 10
6 60
6 66
6 96
6 40
4 SO
6 76
4 00
4 00
1 40
t 76
4 80
1 00
4 96
7 65
5 76
I 00
4 60
I 60
4 35
4 76
7 10
4 10
4 76
4 60
6 60
7 40
8 60
i 80
7 68
7 86,
SHEEP With the local receipts of
sheep and lambs larger than at all the
Other western mnrkets combined, the gen
eral trade morning In both aheep and
lambs waa octlve at steady prices. There
were aa many a. IK, (MO head reported in
against only acme 6,130 head a week ago
and 20.902 head a year age. Despite the
liberal run of lambs on hand the packer
Duyera we-e out at an early hour and be
gan to fill their orders shortly after I
o'clock, ' the actively being attributed to
the marked Improvement in the quality of
the offerings as well aa to the light runs
at other points, especially at Chicago.
The quality today waa better then In two
weeks. Generally speaking It was good
picking for the paokers and as a result
the bulk of the good lambs moved st
(8.00, while th fair to good onea aold
early at 47.7V'j7.i, the sorting being very
light and In some instancea there being
no aortlng at all. The packer buyers
bought a large share of the seconds and
culls at t;.7U7 Oil.
Feeder buyers had good orders for any
thing In the feeding line, but owing to
the competition from the packing Inter
ests the supply of feeders was con
siderably reduced. What little trade
took place In this division was at good,
strong prloes.
The aged sheep supply was very mod
erate, Willi the quality showing little If
any change. Trade wes an active as in
the case of lambs, with everything clear
ing In good season.
Quotations on range sheep and lambs
Lambs, good to choice. t7.7fr-iJ8.10; lambs,
fair to good, t7.274jp7.7S' Iambs, feeders,
tS. 60777. 00; yearlings, good to choice, 10.76
64.16; yearlings, fair to good, 16.60426.76:
yearlings, feeders, 86.00tie.60; wathera, good
to choice, t5.K"US.76; wethers, fair to good,
t6.a-V8.60; wethers, feeders, t4.OT5-.60;
ewes. t4.76Q6.00; ewes, fair to good. 64. 602
4.76; ewes, feeders, 23.2ua3.7g.
214 Utah lambs
HV Utah lambs
14) Utah lambs
190 Utah lambs
1.017 Idaho lambs
4ki Idaho lambs
80 Utah feeder lambs....
230 Utah feeder lambs.. ..
119 Utah fteder lambs ...
3:6 Idaho feeder lambs..
837 Idaho feeder lambs..
314 Idaho ewea
81 Idaho ewes
29 Idaho yearlings ....
9 Idaho yearlings ....
796 Idaho
173 Culls
1.7irr Idaho
60 Culls ,
71 Idaho
K72 Idaho
m Idaho
210 Idaho
feeder lambs.
1,4M) Idaho yearlings
339 Idaho feeder lambs..
90 Idaho yearlings
l.m Idaho lambs
.. 63
.. 86
.. 66
.. 64
.. 63
.. 78
.. M
.. 66
,. 64
e M
.. 64
.. 97
.. W
.. 8'J
.. 81
.. tu
.. 57
.. 68
.. Wt
.. 71
.. H
.. 71
.. 6
.. 95
.. M
.. 82
.. 65
7 80
7 80
7 80
7 96
7 96
4 80
4 90
4 90
4 96
4 86
4 86
4 M
6 75
6 75
8 ft)
7 00
8 00
7 6)
7 95
8 U0
7 K,
i 80
6 90
4 70
E 75
7 80
t. I.eals Live Stock Market.
ST. LOUIS. Aug. 4 CATTLE Recelnls
B.luo hesd. Market ateady; native beef
steers, 8i.6o4i9.7a: cow, and heifers. 26 ojra
8 26; stockers and feeders, .V0w7&-.
southern steers, StOOtie.26; eows snd
heifers, M 6oy 60; native calves, K.ooru)
10 50.
HOGS Receipts. 4.F00 head. Market
lower; pigs and lights, tft frvtr-i 60; mixed
and butchers. 18.004i9 6o: good heavy. 48.60
BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 2 600
head. Market steady; native muttons,
84.tOij34.50; lambs, t7 Wu-H.05.
Kansas City Live Stork Market.
ceipts, 7.0U0 head. Market lower; prime
fed steers, 89.24(680; dressed beef steers,
17 714) 'J 2i j ; western steeis t7.u0t(S 76; st-x-k7-ers
and feeders, toouaig.oO; bulla. tJ.iMt
i.60; calves. t l-fi 10.1O
HOI J Recrl'its. 'M head. Market
lower; bulk, 7ni-i 10; heavy. t7.&Jau;
pscxers and buti hers, i"; itghl,
$7.7&uH25; plus, 7.6IU10I).
8 Kl- A.NIJ l.AMUH itecelnts. S.S00
head Market lower; lambs, t7 i0r(f.00;
yearlings. l5.fXkiui.a0; wethers. 44.71x15,70:
swes, H 00.
Moos City Mve Stock Market.
Receipts, 600 head; market weak; native
steers, l7.40rn1HiO; butchers. 15 2t.w7.60;
cows snd heifers. 10 utji.,iO: canners.
l 264j5 0U; stockers and feeders, 44.364.0
4 8!; calves, 7.010 Ub; bulls, stags, etc.,
6 UH-,nt uj.
MOO Receipts. 2.500 head: market SfVT
3f lower; heavy, 67. 7041 ti uu; mixed, l7.&V(jt
7.70; light, t7.304j7.66; bulk of sales. 17.60
tj7 80.
8w York Uesrrsl Market.
Creamery, soconds. i&Vi'foC&Sc : urucui
extras. 20 y 24c.
KiHjs-Kresh gathered, extra firsts, J414J
-2i.Sc; firsts, -Aim He.
Cattle. Steady lo gtreng Hogs Ten
lo Fifteen Lower.
CHICAGO, Aug 4.-OATTLB-Ucelpts.
t.iio head; market steady to strong;
beeves. ;.im4 9D; steers. 6 40(18.40; stock
ers and feeders. tf Mtl7 90; cow s and
heifers t-l&kimlO; calves, t7.fifi 11. (i.
HOGS Receipts. s,n0ii head; market 10o
to 15o lower; bulk of sales. 11 l.S;
light, IS 2oo "J; mixed, t7.;ti8.!0; hesvv.
.M.30, rouKh, ti -97.70; pigs, 7.0nV
SHKF.P AND LAMBS Receipts. lO.OflO
tiead; market rteadv to stronger; sheep.
. l(.tiM; yearlings, fc.60fi-6.0; lamhe.
t.lvo Ktock In Sight.
Receipts of live stock from the five
principal western markets:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Sioux City N 2.f
Chicago 3.WI 8.000 10,0X1
Kansas City 7.p .ui 8,u
St. Uitils 8, lot) 4 i t.sno
South Omaha 2.2i 4 SO) 1X 0.0
...18.300 24.700 34.400
OM41I4. rlARKKT.
RUTTKR-No..!, 1-lb. cartoons. 27c; No.
1, 00-Ib. tuba. 27c.
( 11 KKSK-Imported Swiss, 2Sc; Ameri
can Swiss, 24c; block Swiss, lie; twine,
17c; daisies, 17Vn-; triplets, I7ic; loung
Americas, 19c; blue label brick, 17Vc; llm
burger, 2-Ib., 18c; 1-lb., an-; New York
White, lite.
KIRH-Whlte, lc; trout. 18c: large crop
HOGS Itucelpta 83,000 head; market,
dull. bulk. 3-:5,tISh6; light, S4ioHI;
mixed, ts 10.18 80; heavy. VmiS.7o, rough,
tMimhMlO: Piss. riZi-tlKgo.
plus, 12c; Spanish mackerel. 18c; shad roe,
per pair, k-; saimon, ic; nminui, m,
buffalo. P'c, channel catfish, loo; pike,
13c; pickerel, '.
I'OlLTKY Broilers, 30c; hen 12o:
cockni 8c; ducks, He; geese. 6c; iiirkos,
16c; pigeons, per doirn, 90o; ducks, full
feathered. 8c; geese, full feathered, 8c;
squabs. No. I, tl M; No. X 60c.
liKtr CUT No. 1 ribs, ic; no. J.
17Sc; No. 3. 14c. No. 1 loins. 2iHc: No.
2, 14c; No. 3. 16V. No. 1 chucks, l!Hc;
No. 8, 12c; No. 8. iSC. NO. 1 rounos, io- ,
v .. in k.'a ii 1 1 1-V 1 tilalea.
8Vc; No. 2. 7Hc; No. 3. SC
The following fruit snd vegetable prices
are quoted by the Ollinsky Fruit com-
FRUITS Oranges: Extra fancy Glen
dora Vslenclns. mis. Ills, litis, lWs, luis,
200s and 2!is. 83.75 per box; Red Ball Val
encies, all sixes, 30O per nox. i.moii-.
Kxtra fancy Golden Bowl. e, 8s, 87 00
per box; fancy Mllver Cord. WO and 200s,
t60 per box. Gralefrult; hixtra fancy
64s, 84.60 er box; extra fancy 4s, 14.00
per box; extra fancy Stia, 83.60 per box;
Indian River. 4a and 80a. W.OO Per box.
Applea: Wlneanpa, tl.60 per box; Dueheas.
t4 oivti't.MI per barrel.
mond pluma, tl 77V per box; red plums,
tl 60 per box; California peaches, 85c per
box; California Bartlett pears, 40-pound
box, fi: per box.
BANANAS 11.76 to 13.60 lr bunch.
VEGETABLES Cabbage, 2yc per lb.;
onlona, to per lb.; peppers, 60o per basket;
fancy tomatoes, 60c per bssket; cucum
bera, hothouse, t dos basket, 75c per
basket; new beets, carrots, turnips, 26c
per dos.: celery, Michigan, S6o per dox.;
celery, Denver, large lunibo, 8100 per
dos.; head lettuce, 6Oc4V31.0O per dos.; leaf
lettuce, 40a per dos.; onions, home-grown,
16a per dot; radishes. &0o per dox ; gar
lic, Italian, 20c per lb.; horseradish, 1140
per case; shelled popcorn, 4c per lb.; aa
paragua, home-grown, per dos., market
price about 10a per dos.; potatoes, new,
86c per bushel.
WATER M KIjONB lVKIj 2o per lb.
CANTALOUP: Arlsona standarla,
12.60 per crate; Jumlioa, f.'.0O per crate;
l'onys, t2 ()0 per crate.
CAULIFLOWER - Home-grown, 11.00
per basket.
NUTS Halted peanuts, $1.60 per case;
No. 1 California walnuts. mVic per lb.;
pecans 12 4o per lb j filberts, 16o per lb.;
almonds. 20o per lb.; popcorn, 4o per Ib.
dates. 11.26 per bog; limes, tl.75 per
basket: crackerjack, t3.50 per rase;
crackerjack, per half rase, 11.75; check
era, 18.60 per case; checkers, per half
rase, 11.75.
Loonl Seeorlllea.
quotation, turnlahsd r burne. Mrlnksr A Co.
Htochi -
Fairmont pfd., f per ont..
Kslrmont f..m.rr su.r. 6 pr cnt..
Otr.ha a B. Ht. Hr. prd
(Im.h. A C. B. Kj. A Brl4ts
Omaha CLAP. M
8loui (Hr Slack Vara. pf4
Unlos Block Varae, Omsk,
City N.tlon.l Bask Bills. 4s
C , M. Ht. r. 4Ua. 1014
Council Dlllffl O. A W. Ii, 1411
pundet, W.rranla, T par cant
ptinriea liaabr ". 4a, lilt,,
Hot Hprln,.. S. D., 4, 1440
kann, Cltr. Mo., Ui bill., 7 a. s...
N.irth.ra rsolfl. 4.. )47
Omaha W. L. A P. Is, 1111
Omaha (! 6s. HIT
Pltr of om.h. 4. 1911
Dm. ha A C. B. Ht. Hr. la llll
Pnat Hound T. L P Si, Jill.,,,
Halt Lok. Hchool 4.. 1M
ftwlft fV 4a, 1444
V. S. Sni.ltln, A Hf 4s.
Warns, Nab., School Olalrlet 4a
Omaha tiny Market.
PRAIRIE HAT No. 1 to choice ihl..j
100aai .00; No. 2. 38.00910.00; No. i 4,i 00
6 00. No. 1 to choice midland, IS 6
10.00; No. J, tS.OOoJ .50; No. 3. H0n4 00, No
1 to choice lowland, I4.00sltl.00; No. 3. 36.00
(78 00; No. 3. t4.OOiB.00. '
STRAW-Cholce oat or rye, 34.50(2)6.60:
choice wheat, 64 004 60. '
AbCALr-A-KO, 1 tO ChOlOS, tliOOC'll 00'
No. I, 110.00011 00. '
Bonk Clenrtnaje.
OMAHA. Aug. 4. Bank ctearlnea fne
Omaha today were 13,11.970 05 and for
the corresponding day last year 12,814,-124.76,
Bid. A.ka.
n ivtiuj
7lt4 4-14
4 lit,
74 II
714 44
N Mtt
4 100
41 nv,
4 104
MV4 ii
i WH
H it
M 47
loo ioi
I 444
84 104
Fvenoreted Apples nasi Dried Fralte
NEW YORK. Aug. 4.-Evaporsted ap
plea ateady. Prunes unsettled Apricots
and peaches quiet Raisins dull.
Elgin Bolter Market.
ELGIN, 111., Aug.4 BUTTER 28c.
Blsly Day a Kola In Ke.w Orleoaa.
NEW ORLEANS, La., Aug. t.-Clear-
Ing house banks hero today Invoked the
rule providing for sixty days' notice of
withdrawal of savings. At a meeting of
clearing house members at I o'clock to
day the question of Issuing clearing
house certificates and limiting with
drawals will be taken up.
American Tourists ,
Leave Baggage in .
Haste to Get Away
(Copyright, 1914. i-ress Publishing Co.)
COPENHAGEN. Denmark, Aug. 4
i Special Cablegram to New York World
and Omaha Fee.1 The American legation
la gwsmped by hundreds of Americans
arriving from Germany, leaving their bag
gage In their haste to get away from the
war son.
A. Toien Worm, press representaUvg of,
the Shubert theatrical organisation, waa
(he only passenger who got his baggage
through. With other American tourists
he will sail from Copenhagen, accommo
dations having been found In the ateera ge
of a crowded Scandinavian liner which
has been partially converted Into first,
class cabin.
Presence of German
Ambassador in Paris
Causes Astonishment
(Coyprlght. 1914, r-ress Publishing Co.)
PARIS, Aug. 4. (Special Cablegram to
New York World and Omaha Ree.V-Tho-
greatest astonishment Is felt that Baron'
Srhoen, the German ambassador, hag not
yet left Paris In spite of the fact that
German troops have already attacked the
French on the frontier.
Baron Schoen called at the ministry of
ti reign affairs this afternoon and had an
Interview with Premier Vlvlanl. ' The'
greatest secrecy wga kept on tho subject
of the conference. The presence of tho
ambassador In France whllo hostilities
are going on Is unprecedented.
Mlssoarl Pacific
...a :o am
...all 11 pra
...a I M pat
a 4 as pei
a 1 11 sm
a 4 4 pa
a 1:84 BW
K. C. g. I Bisrea,. ..
K. f A St. L. Kipras.
K. C. A SI Psal
release Ureal
Twts ritr I.lmi(o4 a 4 is ptm a I is am
Twin fur KisrsM a t ) sm a 4 10 pm
Chicago e'tpreaa
talon Paclfl
Ovrrlsnd I.lmlt4
CallCirnl. Mall
Omaha F.iprM
to. An,la Umlt.4....
Ienv.r ttarl.l
Colorado Knpraaa
lora1o Spaclsl
Msn rTanciato Ilmltae.,
Paciflo LJmlta4
Oreon-Wa.hln(ion Llmlts4. ...It 44 am a 3:14 pm
North lineal
Oran4 laland Local
Atrom.burg lioosl
Illinois teatrol -
Clilcaao l.lmlt.4
t hlr.S'.i kipreaa
rhleage, Mllwaake.e
I srltlo Llmlled
rkluasn Hpaclal a 10 pm
pan r ranriaro l,imita aji;n am
Clilraso Darlisht gp.cial s 7:14 am
Manila Ucl a 1.00 pm
Wo bo ah -
Dsiaha-gl. tenuis Ripraas a I'M pm
Hall au4 Kipraa, aT:0tsm
tit.ub.rrr lxioal from C. B..b4:Apni
Chicago A Northwestern
.a 4 04 pm a 1:44 pm
...s I 00 am a 8 41 pm
...a l;V0 pm a I 44 am
a I M pm
il Hia
...all 41 sm a 4 o pan
...a 7 :J am a 1:80 sm
...a 4 II pm a 4:04 pm
...ail ol am a 7:00 sax
.all no am a 1:86 pn.
.a 4:14 am a 4:11 pra
I Hi pn aio.14 am.
,.bll 41 pm a 1:34 pa
.a oo pm a sm sm
.a t.M am il Ria
4 St. Pawl-
.a 7:40 pm U:l la
7 :74 4m
1 11 pm
11:44 pm
11 .14 am,
a l.l am'
all II pm
411:14 am
Tela Cltr Ctpraas.
Dakota Paseanfar ...
sinus Otr Looal
Minneapolis Kipraas
Dakota Cipro.
Tela Clip Llmltee
.4 7 48 am
.k 7 .44 am
li li pm
.a 4:44 pm
,.a 4:44 pm
aiO-M pm
a 4 41 sm
s 4 II pm
sll:l am
S44 I4 pm
Deersr tpsetal
Carroll Loral
Hawk. re gapri
Chlrapa Loral all 40 pm
(Carroll loesl a paa .
Chloaa-o Hpecisl a 4 00 pm
Has Pranulaco Limited a 4:14 sm
Ov.rl.nd Ural tad a P:u pm
Oron-Wahln,i ' Llmltad. a 1 11 pm
Los Angolas Limited a 8:44 pm
Oi.droa Ioeal i a 100 pm
Llnoola.Dallaa ....sI Mpm
Llncoln-Lnn Pine a t il pm
Haatlnsa-Huparlor b t il pm
Daa4woo4-l(M gprlnxs s 1:14 pm
1-aaner-i.anaor s s at pm
Alblon-OakHaV. b 4 4 pm
.4 144 am s 7:44 m
.a 7:04 sm a 4:00 pm
.a 1:40 am all 14 pm
a 8:44 pm
,10:04 am
a 7 !0 pm
a 10 II am
a :fe) am
SlA'.lt am
411:40 eat
a 4:N pm
all II pm
k 4 30 pm
I I n m
,1104 am1
6 1:8 ut
Chicago, Hock Island A Pacific
Rocky Mountain Llmliad all 44 am all W 4m
t'hlnaffo Laral Paaaansar ,.,.bl0:00 am bl0:ll pm
tlih ana liar Ripr... il llia a 4:40 pm
Cblcaso Nljht Bipraas A 4:14 pm 4 1:11 pa
Iiaa Molnas Local Paasan para 4:17 pm SU M am'
Clilcsgo Nsbruka Llmite4..a 4 44 pm a l td am
CM. -Neb. Urn. to Lincoln. ...a 4 44 am a 3:47 pm
Coloraoo A California gap.. a i :40 pra a I 04 pm
Oilahom, A Tea,, Bapeeas. . .a 4 :40 pm a11:40am
Rockr Mountain Llmlta4....all:U pm all 17 aim
Donrar Umlt4 a 1:44 am
Dsnvar and California a 4:14 pm
Pusot Hjn4 Kipraa. a 4:10 pm
Nabr.aV. Point. a I N am
Black Hllla a 4:14 pm
Un.oln Mall k 1:14 pm
Noethwaot gipraaa all IS pm
N.bra.k, Eapreaa a 8:11 ,m
Lincoln Ival , a 7:14 pm
S b 1:04 pm
Pl.ttHnouth-Iewa a 1:14 am
B.II.tus Platt.moetb all pm
ChloS4- Spatial a f ' 14 am
DenTor Special all .41 pm
rhlraso Eipraa. a 1:41 pra
llilca, o fait giprsss s 4 14 pm
Craatua Ijocal b 1:84 pm
Rt. L A K. C. Rpscwl....a 4 P0 pm
K. C. A gl. Joaoph al4:4l pm
K. C. A Bt. a 4:14 am
Llneola-PlstUmouib a I N pm
AttIts, ,
a 7 00 am
a 4'M am'
a I 14 pm.
a I (4 pm '
a 4:ie pm'
a 4 (4 pra,
all: II pm
a 7 ) am
a 4:14 pm
b 4:M am'
bl4: am,
a I 40 am
a I 40 pm
all :P4 pot
a :tl"pm
a 4:40 am
vn .wo am
,11 Ml am
a 4:44 am
a 8 04 pm
a 1-44 pm.
teeath anal Wehster.
Mlaeonri Paelflo
Da?art. Arrte
r.lla Cltr Paaaengor b I lo pa bio (4
Local Proliht b 4 40 aa b 4 44
Ihjeago, gt. Pool, Minneapolis
Twla rttr Paasaniar
flou, titp gipraaa
Hloui City PaM.nter
Kmirton Local
,.b 18 sm 1:94
,.b IH pra bll:4
.4 4 M aia
..b 4:40 pa b!14
A .
You have no title in
morals or in law
to the article you have found until you have tried
to restore it to tho loser. f the loser does not
advertise, the finder should do eo.
Most everyone is honest and would gladly
return a found article if the owner waa known.
The only sure way is through a "Lost and
Found" want ad in The Bee.
TeUphon Tyler 1000
EvryMy RaU Bt Wmnt Ad.