Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 04, 1914, EXTRA, Page 2, Image 2

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Our Annual August Linen Sale
August Sale Napkins
$4.00 lUem-herf Table Napkins $2.89 a dox.
$3.50 Klrarhcd Table Napkins $2.48 a do.
'August Sale Towels
-.)( J luck Towels 25c each
75e Huck Towels 50c each
$1.00 Iluck Towels 75c each
$1.50 Huck Towels $1.00 each
August Sale Table Cloths
$LLY Bleached Table Cloths $1.75
$4.50 IMenehed Table Cloth $2.89
$(5.75 Bleached Table Cloths $4.50
$7.50 Bleached Table Cloths $3.00
August Sale Crash Toweling
15e Crash Roller Toweling 12Vc a yard
18c Crash Roller Toweling . . .. 15c a yard
2()e Crash Roller Toweling 17c a yard
, (Continued from Tuna One.)
condition of it neutrality for the time
blnt " ... .
Sir Edward Grey In a second statement
In the Houae of Commona after tha con
ference of tnlnlatera In resard to the
German ultimatum to Belgium aald:
"Tha Brit lull govrwiment la taking Into
grava oonsldf ration tha Information re
celved and will make no further com
ment." 5'I understand that the German govern
ment will be prepared If we would pledge
ouraelvea to neutrality, to agree that Iti
fleet would not attack the northern coaat
of France. That la far too narrow an
Sir Edward drey than recited tha hla
tai'jr of Belgian neutrality, aaytng:
"Our Intereat. la aa atrong today aa
It' waa tn 1870. V'a cannot take a leva
erioua view of our obllgatlona now than
dh) the lata Mr. Oladaton In that year.
."When mobilisation began I tele
graphed both the French and tha Ger
man governmenta aaktng whether they
would reelect Belgian neutrality. France
tepiled that It waa prepared to do ao un
Ka another power violated thut neu
trality. '. i " "
Tha Garrnaa foreign secretary replied
that ha could not poeslbly glvt, a re
sponse before eonaultlng tha Imperial
t imncellor and tha German emperor." Jae
Intimated that ha doubted whether It waa
pcsalble to give an gnawer because that
aftiwer would disclose German plana.
"Wi ware sounded last week aa to
whether If Belgium neutrality were re
stored after the war It would paoify us
- and we replied that we could not barter
our Interests or our obllgatlona."
ls Edward Grey then read a telegram
. from the king of the Belgiana to King
ieorge making , a supreme appeal (or
diplomatic Intervention to safeguard the
Independence of Belgium.
British C'ralser I.eacs Havana.
HAVANA, Aug. 2. -The British, cruiser
Berwick left here at midnight with all
Ughte extinguished.
Part of Port of He bee f'loaed,
tjL'KBKC, Aug. I. The port Of Quebec
was today placed In charge of tha mili
tary authorities. The northern channel
off the Island' of Orleans was ordered
closed to navigation and H is believed
to have been mined. All buoys and
hsiinel Jlglita have been removed. The
regulations forbid all persona approach
ing government ships or dry docka.
French llaer Cemmaadeered.
NEW OHLJSAN8. Aug. S. Tha Cap
lain of the French line steamer Mti
slppl, which arrived today, received or
ders to unload aa quickly aa possible
and" report to the French consul general
here.. The consul general would not dis
cuss the order. Hundreds of French re
servists and volunteers are being enrolled
by the consul.
flht Off Vssrssrer Probable.
Canadian cruiser Kalnbow lay in the royal
road Victoria today with Ha decks
cleared for action, awaiting advices con
cerning the German crulsr Leipatg, re
ported somewhere off Cape Mattery.
Tha Lelpalg Is faster than the Rainbow
by three knots, but tha Canadian . war
ship baa the better armament and Ilea
between the Ltpeig and her nearest coal
supply. Tha German crulxer, Canadian
naval mlllta officers say, ' cannot leave
for the China station. . whither It Is
bound, without replenishing its bunker.
LONDON. Aug. I. German cavalry
today raided the French frontier near
the fortress of lielfort and attempted to
tomrrvindeer horus, according to dis
patches from larls. German patrols also
(wire attacked Jonchery, near lielfort.
Bl I.1.K1IN.
EHU811-, Belgium. Aug. 3. It Is es
timated that luo.uuo German aoldlera have
occupied the duchy of Luxemburg and are
nassed along tha French frontier.
Kxeealtvr hays Ftaaaelal Slteatloe
la fsssSi
WASHINGTON, Aug. J.-President Wll
son told callers today tha United 8tatea
had not directly or Indirectly made any
offer to uaa its good of flcea to bring
about peace in Europe. He said he had
nut heard it a suKgeettun by the queen
of Holiaud that tha t'nlud tUatea unite
with her ouuutry to offr mediation.
' The VWilte Houae authorised tljla quo
tution from the president's remarks to
tt.u WaninngUj.'i correspondents:
It l extremely eoa.ry, n is man!-;-tly
neciury, in the present atate of
tttfalru on the other aid of the water
ii. at you should be extremely wareful not
i- l in any way to the excitement. Of
v.. v .
V X1
course, the Ouropefin world Is In a
highly excited atate of mind, but tha ex
citement ought not to spread to tha
United States. Bo far as wa are con
cerned, .there la no causa for excitement
There la great Inconvenience, for tha time)
being, in tha money market and In our
exchangaa, and temporarily, In tha han
dling of our crops, but America la abso
lutely prepared to meet the financial altu
atlon and to etralghtan everything out
without any material difficulty. Tha only
thing that can possibly prevent It la un
reasonable apprehension and excitement.
"If I might make a suggestion to you
gentlemen, therefore, I would urga you
hot to give currency to any unverified
rumor or to anything that would tend to
create or add to excitement. I think that
It will be agreed .that wa must all at tha
present moment aat together aa 'Amer
icana In aeelng that America does not
suffer any unnecessary distress from ,
what la going on In tha world at large.
The situation In Europe la, perhapa, tha
graveat tn IU possibilities that haa arisen
In modern tlmea, but It need not affect
tha United statea unfavorably In tha long
run. Not that the United States haa any
thing to take advantage of, but Ita own
position la Bound and It owea It to man
kind to remain In aurh a condition and In
auch a state of mind that It can help tha '
rast of tha world.
"I want to have tha pride of feeling that
America, ' If nobody alaa, haa Ita aelf
posaeasion and atanda ready with calm
ness of thought and ateadlneaa of pur
pose to help tha rest of tha world. And
wa can and reap treat permanent
glory out of doing It, provided we all
co-operate to sea that nobody loses his
bead. I know from my conference with
tha aecretary of tha treasury, who la In
close touch with tha financial situation
throughout tha country, that there is no
cause for alarm. There la cause for get
ting busy and doing the thing in tha
right way, but there I no element of un
soundness and thera la no cauaa for
alarm. Tha bankera and business men of
the country are co-operating with tha
government with a seal, Intelligence and
apirlt which make the outcome secure."
A proclamation of neutrality, Mr. Wil
son aald. will be Issued aa eoon aa It
ran be completed by tha State depart
ment Ha doea not believe thera will b
any necessity for congress to remain In
session because of the situation In
' (Continued tron Page One.)
mum eafuguatd the honor, tha dignity
and the Integrity of Russia and her posi
tion among the great powers.
"We believe unahakeably that all our
faithful subjects will rase with unanimity
and devotion for the defense of Russian
soil; that Internal discord will be for
gotten in this threatening hour; that the
unity of tha emperor with his people will
become still more cloae and that Russia.
rising like one man, will repulse the In
solent attack of the enemy.
"With a profound faith In the justice
of our work and with a humble hooa tn
omnipotent providence In prayer wa call J
God a blessing on holy Russia and her
valiant troops. '
valiant troops. (Signed) NICHOUtal."
New York Money
Market Is Quiet
At Six Per Cent
NfcVV YORK, Aug., , S.-The money
market of New York, tha Infallible Index
to flnaucltl conditions, was quiet today.
Oaing to the auapenslon of the atock ex
change there waa no market for call
loam. Tha demand for time money waa
below normal. The slackness was re
garded as a reassuring indication.
Ona of the largeet banka In the atreet
made loans fur all dales at alx per rent
in no quarter waa there an urgent de
mand tor money auch aa might be ex
pected In case tha flnantcal market waa
undergoing a severe strain. Commercial
paper waa quoted at alx per cent for all
Urokra who had loans maturing today
I Id off their Indebtedneaa Instead of ar
ranging for renewals, as la customarily
the case fhen business Is proceeding
normally In tha street
The suggestion that arbitrary rates
of exchange be fixed from day to day
waa put Into effect Informally aed re
sulted In a sharp drop in quotations.
Beveral housea quoted a rate of it for
4mand sterling. Last weeks' quota
tiqns of K and over were . made. No
rates were obtainable for rabla transfer.
Tbe Kuropean , censorship praventa tha
use i f cable ' oodee and tha axpanaa ef
transacting business in cable transfer
w.thout the use of codee would be ao
hay as to halt ordinary transactions.
Giant Liner
1 he Kaiser's action In placing Germany
under martial law haa led to the tempor
ary retirement of the Hamburg-American
Hne and tha North Gennaa Uoyd
(Continued from Paga One.)
throwing the nation into war on aucb
pretext. Of our Incapacity to in
tervene effectively la a land war on
the continent, and of our grave dan
ger, bereaved of our gmall and sin
gle expeditionary force, If we did go
Intervene, I wrote yesterday and I
adhere to what I wrote.
Delglum Probably Safe.
Even a German attack upon Bel-
glum, a very unlikely event, would
not Justify the dispatch of the army
to the continent, treaties notwith
standing. Naval pressure would be
open to us, but -naval pressure would
not govern the issue on land, while
It would infallibly produce an Irre
sistible demand for action on land,
however hazardous and difficult.
There are, of course, limits to the
provocation that we might conceiv
ably be asked to endure.
IIow Forces are Situated.
As to the war now actually begin
ning, let the following strategic
points be clearly grasped:
Down south, far away from the de
cisive theater. Austria with 300,000
troops, la at grips with a Servian
army of about the same strength. -
Russia. Is - unlikely to. give direct
aid to Servla la this contest, for the
whole of Ronmanla Ilea between her
and the scene of conflict Her part
Is to mobilise rapidly and threaten
the northeastern frontier of Austria.
Much Depends on Servian
Much therefore depends upon the
tenacity of the Servian resistance,
for time,, in modern campaigns, is of
priceless .value. . If Servla can delay
the Austrian advance until the Rus
sian offense is ready, Austria's posi
tion Is seriously compromised.
At present reports seem to show
that the Servians are playing their
part well, stoutly resisting the pass
age of the Save and Drlna and al
lowing Belgrade to be gutted rather
than surrendered. ,
This tenacious resistance of tha little
power today haa great effect In the
larger strategy, for with the Auatrlan
army divided and distracted. Germany,
with the vaat foreea of Russia on her
eastern flank, will be bold Indeed If It
dare Invade France on her western flank.
But Russia moves vary slowly and baa
alwaya lacked offensive vigor. Germany
and Austria may be counting on their
power to deal lightning atrokea against
France and Bervta before Ruaala la ready
for action. Time will soon show.
Russian War
I "',,-. m8t ,
f e6A4NT
VM fCts,xfnuv
J I a
aw y
The dotted line Indicates the boundary Hug between Russia and Ger
msny. it Is here, around the little border towns shown In the map, that
the first battles will be fought In the war of Germany against Russia.
Imperator Held in Port
' ' , 1 "
. . . -
"K- .'.'
i ;
-..1 ',-J9...fclUJ...l' -...
line from the mudnesa of transporting
passengers , acroaa the Atlantic. The
gigantic line Imperator, practically new,
haa beea ordered to cancel Ita selling
(Continued from Paga One.)
taken by tha. association since similar
action during the panic of 1907.'
Between M0, 000,009, and tW.CiOO.OOO emerg
ency currency arrived in New Tork today
from Washington and waa loaded on
twenty trucks to be Ijauled to tha sub
treasury. This announcement was made'
at tha aubtreasury after the aecretary of
the treasury had started back to "Wash
ington. , .
Hrokeja Are Lroatns; Money.
Stock exchange brokera , reconciled
themselves today to the probability of a
prolonged suspension of the market of
New Tork. W. C. Antwerp, a member
of the board of governors, aald that there
was no thought of reopening the ex
change In the Immediate future.
The financial aspect of the situation,
he aald, waa a serloua one. Members of
the exchange realised that they would
suffer enormous loaraa should the period
of auspension be prolonged, for, while
receipts In tha form of commissions on
Stock exohange transactions would be
cut off, expenses go on aa uaual.
In tha caaea of aonve of tha larger stock
exchange flrma the expenaea run np to
$800 to 11.000 dally.
Although Immediate resumption of
business is not expected, brokera have
hesitated to disorganise their machinery
by dismissing employee and cutting off
private wlrea, for In caaa of a audden
reopening of the exchange they would
be unable to transact business.
Tha general situation haa been made
more aoute by the poor business which
Wall street experienced for many months.
More than one hauaa In the atreet, ac
cording to general opinion, haa not made
expenses for tha last year or more.
The apeaial committee of five brokera
appointed last week met early today and
It waa aald- would continue In session
each day while the exchange . la , cloaed.
Thla committee will attend to the settle
ment of such points aa may require ad
justment, acting aa representatives of
tha atock exchange flrma, and will keep
In constant touch with the European
Situation with tha view to determining
the probable chances for the resumption
Of business. Wall street's army of sal
aried employes waa particularly anxious
tor tha future. Bo far as could be
learned no wholesale dismissals of clerka
and other employes waa contemplated for
tha Immediate future.
Similar Move, la Cklmao,
CHICAOO, Aug. 1 Chicago banka to
day began the uae of certificates In the
clearing house and put In effect tha
sixty-day notice for the withdrawal of
deposits on saving accounts. Tha plan
followa that enforced In Naw York.
There will be no certificates for general
The clearing house committee called its
meeting for an early hour In order that
the new system might be put under way
without a hitch or delay in the operation
of the banka. Little difficulty waa an
ticipated on account of the announcement
that the sixty-day notice clause In. sav
ings bank receipts, requiring that amount
a i wv A
CA , eTTVArtiei.aav .SSSW
by Kaiser Because of
: x
datee and hold Itself ready for service
aa an adjunct to the German navy. Hun
dreds of Americana traveling In Europe
who had bookM paaaage on the Impera
cf notice, be given by depoaltora before
withdrawing ' funda, would be 'enforced
until further notice. It waa planned to
iasue an appeal to the patriotism of the
patrons of banka . calling to their atten
tion the - necessity of preserving Amer
ica's '' gold aupply from depletion by the
extraordinary demands of Europe on ac
count of the war. f
John 3:. Mitchell of the clearing house
committee and president of the Illinois
Trust and Savings : bank, explained the
situation today. ' ,
' "The' exportation of gold to Europe In
the last few days haa begun to be felt
here. If we had not taken , this action
Chicago would soon be emptied of Ita
gold. . There la no cauaa for alarm: Aa
aoan as we obtain supplies of currency
under the Aldrich-Vreeland bill the clear
ing house certificate basis will be discon
tinued." BleAdoo oa Way to Waahtntaroa.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 1-Word waa re
ceived early today at tho treaaury that
Secretary MoAdoo will return to Wash
ington at S p. m. to take up the finan
cial situation In the weat with repre
sentative of the Chicago and fit. Loula
clearing house associations. Mr. McAdoo
la anxious to learn to what extent the
treasury's offer of t34,000,foo to national
banks for crop movement will aid In
meeting the present situation. It waa
not known whether Comptroller Williams
will return with the aecretary, but
Charles 8. Hamlin, member-elect of tho
federal reserve board, will remain in
New York.
' Mr. Hamlin will watch developments
and inform the treasury.
Seventy Thousand
Men Are Converging
' on City of Mexico
SAl-TILLO. Max.. Aug. . An advance
on Mexico City of more than seventy
thousand well armed and equipped con
stitutionalist aoldlera was begun today on
orders from General Carrania.
IRA.PUATO, Guanajuato. Max., Aug. 1,
(Via ,E1 Paso, Tex., Aug. J).-Oeneral
Alvaro Obregon, commander of the divi
sion of the northwest, arrived here today
and his troops are mobilizing here for
the movement on Mexico City.
This place la only ISO milea northwest
of Mexico City. Obregon's forces prob
ably will converge with those of Ueneral
Jesus Carranxa, who recently took Guana
juato. Irapuato was taken after heavy fight
ing. After tha troopa under Colonel
Miguel Acoata drove back tha federal out
poata. General Luclo Blanco, Obregon'a
cavalry chief, attacked Irapuato on July
. After a three hours' fight the federals
reattacked but were' defeated. Blanco
promptly followed up hla advantage and
with hla two cavalry brigades crushed
the 5,000 federals on July 81 at a ranch
ten milea east of here. During tha fight
ing tha federals loat about 200 killed and
800 prlaonera Blanco's loaaes were about
the same. - .
French Physioian is
Shot for Trying to
Poison Wells at Metz
LONDON, Rngland, Aug. S.-Telt-grame
from tha chief of the German general
staff received at the German embassy
here assort that a French doctor with two
aasiatanta tried to polnson the wells near
Mats with cholera microbes. Tho doctor
waa tried by court-martial and shot
Another French party, according to the
aama sourae of Information, endeavored to
blow up a atrateglc tunnel near Cochan
on the Moselle. All were shot
Marjorle Lydla Boyer.
Marjorle, infant daughter of Mr. and
Mra. K. P. Boyer, 724 South Thirty-sixth
atreet. is dead after a brief illness. Fu
neral aervicea have not yet been ar
ranged, but will be private and friends
have been reaueeted to omit flowers.
Mrs. limner Cooper.
SIIELTON, Neb., Aug. 1. (Special.
"Grandma" Nancy Cooper died Saturday
night at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
L. C. Buttereon. Bha waa one of tha
early settlers of weat Hall county and
waa past M years of age. A number of
children and grandchildren eurvtve her.
Our prices are the lowest in moving and for storage space
equipment and service right up-to-the-minute.
Call U Dowtaa 394.
War Scare
tor are held up through the government's
Ship with Gold Ordered to Avoid
' British Ports.
Bl Shipment from Neve York is
Coaalgneal to Beaks ta I.oadoa
and Tarls Three Libera
Reach New Yerk.,
WASHINGTON. Aug. .-Thla govern
ment Is investigating a report that the
steamer Kron Prinxesain Cecilia tiae been
taken In charge by British- cruisers. The
gold bullion it carried la regarded aa
neutral until delivered to the Englleh
and French consignees.
NEW YORK, Aug. aWIreleaa mea
ages were dispatched today from the
home office of the North German Lloyd
Eteamahip company In Bremen ordering
the Kron Prinxesain Cecllie, which haa on
board 110,800,000 In gold for London and
Paris banka, to proceed directly to
Bremen without touching a usual at
Plymouth and Cherbourg. This order,
aa announced at the New York offlcea of
the company here today, waa taken to
mean that the eteamahip officials pro
posed to deliver tha gold aboard German
warahlpa rather than run tha rlak of
selxure by British ships.
The report that the ahlp waa off the
north coaat of Ireland last night, and
another that It had been captured by
British man-of-war, were not confirmed,
nor was there any information as to the
disposition of the paasengers. - Moat of
them are bound; tor England and France.
Llaersi Reaeh New Yar',,
The anxiety In New York for this and
other ateamahlps Increased as the reports
of war actlvltiea were read today. There
was relief In two instances in the ar
rival of i the steamers George Washing
ton from Bremen, Southampton and Cher
bourg and the Rotterdam, from Roterdana
and Boulogne. Their cabins were crowded
with home-coming tourists, grateful to
have reached port In safety.
The Hamburg-American line offlcea
here learned today that their eteamahip
Albingla, headed for Jamaica, had put
back to Cartagena, Colombia, rather than
run tha rlak of entering a British port
today. Tha Graecla, from the Weat Indlea,
arrived here aafaly.
Agenta of the Auatro-Amerlcan gteam
ahip line announced that the steamship
Kaiser Frans Josef L which waa due to
sail from Trieste and Flume on Saturday,
would be held there Indefinitely. The
Martha Washington of the same line ar
rived aafely at New York today.
Women Will Serve
Sandwiches and
Coffee at Barbecue
A committee of ten women has been ap
pointed to select a larger committee - of
aome fifty to serve aandwiches and
drinks at tha big republican rally ana
barbecue at Florence, August S. Tha
committee la made up of the following.
Mrs. W. B. Sheely, Mrs. Henry F. Meyers,
Mra. Louis V. Guye, Mrs. Robert C.
Prueaedow. Mra. II. . Hare. Mra J. B.
Cooley, Mlaa Monda Marquardt, Mra. J.
F. McArdle. Mra. Edward Mortality, Mra.
F. 8. Tucker. These will have power to
select some forty more women to assist.
Rev, J. B. Cherry On
His Annual Trip to
Climb Pike's Peak
Rev. J. B. Cherry, pastor of the Pres
byterlan church at Walnut, la., waa In the
city yesterday, enroute to Colorado, where
he goea on hla annual vacation, which ha
makes a tramping tour.
For a number of yaara Rev. Mr. Cherry
waa pastor of tha Third Presbyterian
church of Omaha, going from hare to
Walnut. For aeven yeara ha haa been
apendlng his annual vacations In Colo
rado and haa acquired tha habit of climb
ing Pike's paak. . Last year he climbed
It three tlmea In alx days and this year
ha la going to break a record by climb
ing from the base of the mountain to the
top aix consecutive days.
Got anything you'd line t swap? Use
the "Swappers' Column."
219 N. 11th Street.
President Wilion Asks Appropria
tion of Quarter Million.
Arraagemente Madr. for Cioverament
Repreaeatatlrea to tloaor All
Klada ef Money Orders
for Yaaheea.
WASHINGTON, Aug. S. President
Wllaon today sent a special meeaage to
congreaa aaking immediate appropria
tion of 1250,000 for relief of distressed
Americans abroad.
President Wilson, In conference with
Secretary Bryan today, approved plana
for financial assistance tor Americana
abroad. The main features are:
American ambassadors have been In
structed to laaue "Ambassador's orders"
or checks in exchange for letter of
credit, travelers' checks or exprees
money ordera.
Instructions have been sent by the
State department to American embas
sies to arrange with the French, Britten
and German governments to cash such
Steamship companies have been asked
through diplomatic officers to accept em
bassy checks for transportation.
Many Deposit Money.
Friends and relatives of Americana In
Europe needing money may deposit any
sum with the Stats department here and
an equivalent sum will be Issued In the
form of an ambassador's order abroad.
Two representatives of New Tork bank
ing houses will start at once for Iondon
and Paris to arrange for the further fi
nancial accommodation of Americans.
Postmaster General Burleson arranged
to issue international money orders, lim
iting the amount to $100 for each person.
Unofficial Information reached here
today that the United Statea Steel cor
poration was ready to offer the services
of about thirty ships to carry American
exports abroad and bring Americans
from Europe. The offer la being Investi
gate. Aaka Transportation.
LONDON, Aug., 1 Walter H. Page,
the American ambassador, on the urgent
representations of hla compatrlota here,
haa aaked tha American government to
furnish eoon aa possible transportation
homo to the thousands of Americans
marooned on the continent of Europe
and London.
Miss Alice Langer, daughter of August
Langer of Denlson, la., and Chester Nor
man of Madison, 8. D., were married by
Rev. Charles W. Savidge at Ills residence
Monday noon. They were accompanied by
the bride's elster. Miss Marie Langer of
Denlson, Henry H. Fr&hm and his daugh
ter, Hattle, also of Denlson. Mr. and
Mra. Norman will make their homo in
Madison, S. D.
Our policy is one of co-operation
and Helpfulness. We do
not plan to attract your patron
age by quoting a low price on
a casket and then make up the
loss by excessive charges on
other detY la.
We tell you just , what every
feature of our service will cost
and our charges will be found
not merely correct and fair;
they will be low.
24th and Dodse
Phona Doug. 390i
i. .,mm. a I J I
i ... : s t re
1 ;. -rl . x .-. "t i
4, By the
Short Sea Route
aamta sATunoave
Fran Iloirfnal ft Quebec
day At 20th and PAUL
Dooee Oeaa av 1 aao t'a. M
KlFUalKtl IUII IT t Ssl I M
fin 59. TicUt AM! UAH
cmtsws uwoea a AL-eict
aee the Xmmeaee Street Vare4e.
Sowatowa Tleket Of floe
srrrs.s-Dii.i.osT diuo co
Cor. 18th aad rarnam Its.
Wame yrieea aa Charred at ProanSe.
Dancing. Boating and
Many Other
Free Moving Pictures
Every Evening.
Free Band Concerts on
Ideal Picnic Grounds.