ritish Land Forces to Be Mobilized Todav Czar of Russia Hurls Defiance at All of His Enemies Omaha Dai mm VOL. XL1V NO. 40. OMAHA ,.AY MOKNtXO, AUGUST 4, 1H14 TWKLVH PAUKH. C Train a ana at Total Hews Btande. 6. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. Bee LY CZAR OF RUSSIA TELLS OF EVENTS ! LEADING TO WAR Says Bosnians Will Rise Like One Man and Repulse Insolent At tack of the Enemy. FRATERNAL SENTIMENTS WAKE Austria-Hungary Pays No Attention to Conciliatory Reply of the Servian Government. WAR IS FORCED UPON- HIM Orders Out Navy and Army as Neces '. sary Measure of Precaution for Protection GERMANY THEN DECLARES WAR Gear Calls God's Blessing on Holy Russia and Its Troops. SAYS DISCORD IS FFORGOTTEN Rasala Mast Malatala Its Poaltloa Among the Great Powers and w Moat Safeguard Ita Hoaar aad Dignity. ST. PETERSBURG. Aug. 3. Em peror Nicholas today Issued a mani festo In which his majesty outlines the eventst leading up to the declara tion of war by Germany and then says that "Russians will rise like one man and will repulse the insolent at tack) ot the enemy." The text follows: "By the grace of God, we, Nicholas II. emperor and autocrat of all the Russians, king of Poland and grand duke of Finland, etc., to all our faithful subjects make known that Ruesla, related by faith and blood to UmjJBIaV peoples' and faithfuT to its historical traditions, htas never re garded its fates with indifference. "But the fraternal sentiments of the Russian people for the Slavs have been awakened with perfect unanim ity and extraordinary force's in those last few days when Austria-Hungary knowingly addressed to Servia claims inacceptable for an independent elate. "Having paid no attention to the pacific and conciliatory reply of the Servian government and having re jected the benevolent intervention of Russia, Austria-Hungary made haste to proceed to an armed attack and began to bombard Belgrade, an open place. Orders War for Time. "Forced by the situation thus created to take necessary measures of precau tion, we ordered the army and navy put on a war footing, at the same time using very endeavor to obtain a peaceful so lution. Pourparlers were begun amid friendly relations with Germany and her ally, Austria, for the blood and the prop erty of our subjects were dear to us. "Contrary to our hopes In our good neighborly relations of long date, and disregard Lag our assurances that the mobilisation measures taken were in pursuance of no object hostile to her, Germany demanded their Immediate ces sation. Being rebuffed in this demand Germany suddenly declare war on Kus ila. Mast Bafea;aard Honor. "Today it Is not only the protection of (Continued on Page Two.) The Weather For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity Fair; no Important change in temper ature. Tcaapeowtare at Omaha Yesterday. Hour. Peg. 6 a. m W 6 a. m 7 a. m S a. m a. m 1 a. m 11 a. in 12 m 1 p. m t p. m S p. m . 4 p. m 8 p. m n. m i 7 p.m.;.:;;.:.; I . J 8 p. m CaaaaaratlT Local Henord 1911 1913. 1912. 1911. Highest yesterday M 101 76 Lowest yesterday 6 73 61 86 Mean temperature 77 87 tx 74 Precipitation 00 .00 T .38 Temiwrature and Precipitation depar tures from the normal: Normal temperature 7g Excess for the day 1 Total excess since March 1 .....241 Normal precipitation n Inch Ieftclency for the day 11 inch Total rainfall since March 1..14.M inches Peflc'ancy sine March 1 1.71 Inches leftclency fur cor. period, 1913. S.lslnchea deficiency for ror. period, 1913. S.68 Inches Hrart fraat Btattuae at 7 P. M. etatioa and mate Temp. High- Rain f Weather. T p. m. art. fall Cheyenne, partly cloudy.. 70 7 .00 lenver, partly cloudy.... M) M .ih fLa Moines, clear M 9l .o) North Platte, clear M M .oo Omaha, clear W .no Hapld City, clear HX 90 .O) Mhtrldan. partly cloudy.. M .00 Moux City, clear txi M . Valentine, clear H 0) "T" indicates trace of prctplta'lon. WELSH. Local Forecaster. Drawn for The Bee by Powell. GERMANS SEIZE RUSSIAN tOWNS Border Forces from Lublinitz, After Skirmish with Russians, Take Possession. BENDZIG AND KALIZ, ALSO Center of Woolen and Cotton Cloths aad Paper Maaafactarlas; Taken ' Bendsla- la a Attain Center. BERLIN, Aug, a Th"rman border troops from Ltibllnitz, Silesia, " today after a short skirmish with Russians, took possession of Cenestochowa, Rus sian Poland. Bendxig and Kallaz, Russian Poland, also have been occupied by the Germans. Cenestoehowa is a city of some 60,000 inhabitants, situated on the river Wae- the, near the Silesian frontier. It Is noted chiefly for Its manufactures of woolen and cotton and paper. A picture of the Virgin in a noted convent there attracts thousands of Pilgrims annually. Bcndalg is a coal and sine minning cen ter. It has a population of slightly over 20.000, about half of whom are Jews. Kalias Is the capital of the province of the same name. It Is the most west erly city In Russian Polon. Its popula tion of 30.000, is engaged In various manu factures. Kails Occupied. First battalions of tho One Hun dred and Fifty-fifth infantry, with a ma chine gun company, occupied Hallux, In Russian Poland. " The Oermans also made a rapid ad vance from Ostrowo, in Prussian Poland, and was accompanied by the First regi ment of German Uhlans, known as the Emperor Alexander III of Russia's Uh lans. Tho mobilization of the German army proceeded today with absolute calm. There were few signs In Berlin that any thing extraordinary was happening with the exception of great crowds at the rail road stations and the luck of taxlcabs, half of which had been requisitioned by the army authorities. An open air religious service, attended by many soldiers in marching kit, was hold today round the Bismarck monument outside the Imperial Parliament house. All joined la the Lord's prayer. lUaitn't Dlatarb) Kaiser. A notice wus issued by the police stat ing that the emperor's strength and time were absorbed in the work lmiiosed on him by this serious hour and that it was not proper for him to be disturbed by popular demonstrations. In accordance with the Imperial consti tution, the kings of Bavaria, Saxony and Wuerttemburg have (.laced their armies under the command of Emperor William. The, grand duke of Mecklcnburg-Ptrelits and the duke of Brunswick are to take the field. The families of all soldiers of the re serve summoned to the colors are to be supported by the state. One of Yellowstone Park Bandits is Caught in Idaho HELENA, Mont., Aug. 1. One of the bandits who robbed the stage coaches In the Yellowstone National park last week has been captured In the wilds of Idaho by Jimmy Mi-Bride, a noted Yel lowstone park acout, according to a pri vate message received here today. De tails are lacking. Pope Asks Catholics to Pray for Peace ROME, Aug. S.-The pope today ad dressed an exhortation to all the Catholics of the world, asking them to lift their souls toward Christ who alone was able to a'd. He called on the clergy to offer public prayer. Getting Rlfior Business The National Capital Monday, Anaust St, 1014. The Senate. Senator Galllngcr Introduced a resolu tion "deeply deprecating" the European war and expressing hop for Its speedy end. Banking committee finished Its exam ination of Paul M. Warburg, nominated for the federal reserve board. The House. Emergency legislation removing re strictions on Issues of currency and American registration of ocean ships waa taken up. WILL BRITAIN BE DRAWN JNTO WAR? Go in Violating Neutrality, is Question. MILITARY EXPERT GIVES VIEW Eraklne Chlldera Thinks It Crime for .alloa to Join la Continen tal Strife Pressure, of the Jlnarofs la Strong;. (Copyright, 1914, Press Publishing Co.) J1V KKNKIKK CI1ILDEUS, One nt the foremost military experts of Europe. LONDON1, Aug. 2. (Special Ca blegram to the New York. World and Omaha Bee.) With France already implicated In war, shall Great Brit ain, abstain? A labor meeting in Trafalgar square is declaring for prudence and peace, while a rival meeting g shout ing for war only 100 yards away. I stand by what I wrote yesterday on ths strategy, ttaa policy and the morality of the case. Our entangle ment, unless under some absolutely unavertable necessity, In this wicked and purposeless war would be a crime and a blunder. Italy with far more pressure to fight, la standing aside. We should stand with her for sanity and civil ization. Neutrality Violuted. But Is there an Irresistible neces sity? A new and reveiens fact is re ported this afternoon, that Oerman troops have violated the neutrality of Luxemburg, that tiny Independent state wedged in at the Junction of the Belgian, German and ' French frontiers. The object, of course, Is to gain a little more room for de ployment, If German armies invade France, by utilizing- the railway run ning through Luxemburg from Treves, and Its auxiliary roads. At present with the treaties duly observed, the extent of the France German frontier, between Switzer land, the salient angles of Belgium and Luxemburg, is only 150 miles. Pessimists infer that this violation is only the first step to war, the great act of lawlessness, the infringement of Belgian neutrality itself. Is There Cause for War? Now undoubtedly Great Britain Is in common with all the powers that were parlies to the treaty of 1867, guaranteeing the neutrality of Lux emburg. Does the German infringe ment. If there be one,' create a casus belli? The Jingoes are clamoring that It does. It is to be hoped, that our statesmen will retain some sense of proportion, some cool appreciation of the vast responsibility involved li. (Continued on Page Two.) RAILROADS AGREE TO ARBITRATION Representatives of Roads Involved in Proposed Strike to Abide by Federal Mediation.' WILL ASK HIGHER RATES Systems iVeat of Mlaalaalppt to Ap , peal to Interstate Commerce. Commission for Increase la Freight Tariffs. ' "WASHINGTON, Aug.; J.-Msnagers "of the western railroads have accepted ar bitration of tho wage dispute with their englnemen and firemen. The railroad managers Just befora noon advised the president they would accept the plan proposed by the federal board of mediation which had already been passed on favorably by the repreientatlvea of the englnemen and firemen. The plans provide that the question of wages shall be arbitrated under the Newlands act and that rules and regulations enforced prior to 191.1 shall be resotred. Immediately arter the call of the rail road managers tho federal board of me diation was notified of the favorable out come. Ask Increase of Rates. WASHINGTON. Aug. D.-Inoreuse In freight rates on all the railroads west of the Mississippi are being prepared for submission to the Interstate Commerce commltelon. The applications of the western rail ways for more revenue will be presented as soon as they csn be prepared In the required form. Managers of the western lines, accord ing to the best Information, are prepared to contend that they need more revenues to meet the Increasing expenses of opera tion and to point out that tlielr lines are In even greater need of relief than the eastern lines because of necessarily longer hauls and less density of population. No intimation has reached the Inter slate Commerce commission of the per centage of Increase for which the western railways propose to ask. The lines af fected extend from the Mississippi river to the Uocky mountain territory. The roads traversing the Pacific coast may not ba affected. Duke of Connaught to Stay in Canada OTTAWA. Ont.. Aug. S.-Th duke of Connaught's term as governor general of Canada la likely to be extended and the arrival of the prince of Teck deferred if the , hazardous condition of affairs In Europe continues. , The duka of Connaught had arranged to leave early in October and the prince was to arrive the day after the duke's departure. With hostile' cruisers on the Atlantic, neither the Canadian nor Hntlsh would care to send the duke of Connaught or the prince of Teck across on anything less sure than a first-class battleship. 1 Germans Invade France Near Cirey PAKIH. Aug. 3. -It waa officially an nounced tonight that a German forco had Invaded Prance near Clrey. MR. AND MRS. CONNER AND MRS. ASHBY IN LONDON tiENlSON. la.. Aug I.-(3peciai.)-Kx-Congressman J. P. Conner and wife and Mrs. Ashby of Fairmont, Neb., are mak ing a short European tour and iears were felt here fur their safety. A cablegram came thla morning saying the party had arrived safely In lxndon from Paris. C. CLEARING HOUSE TO GO ON CERTIFICATE BASIS rIOCX CITy. la., Aug. S.-The Hloux City Clearing Ifnuse asHoclatlor this aft ernoon decided to go ona certificate basis. GE1W CAPTURES RUSSIAN TOWNS GERMAN TROOPS INVADE BELGIUM ONWAYTOFRANCE Violation of Neutral Territory by Kaiser is Expected to Involve Great Britain. OBLIGATED UNDER TREATY Pact of 1839 Binds England to Main tain Neutrality of the Lit tle Kingdom EXPLANATION BY GERMANY It Says France Has Massed Larp-e Army on Other Frontier and Counter Action Necessary. WILL RESPECT ITS TERRITORY Belgium Informed There Will Be No Effort to Annex. BATTLE IN THE BALTIC SEA Raaalaa Fleet Reported Defeated hy lifrmai Squadron t.crmaa War- . shin la noiubardlna; Itaa. alan Port of La baa. Bt'LLKTIN. BRUSSELS, Aug. 3. The 9olr ays another German note has been received by Belgium In response to Belgium's reply to Germany's ulti matum and that negotiations be tween the two countries are pro ceeding, ' : nil.LKTIX. ROME, aug. 3. Italy today formally proclaimed its neutrality In the European; conflict. nl'IiLUTlV. ANTWERP, Belgium. Aug. 3. Martial law was proclaimed here to day and all business was at once suspended. ' BIXLKTIN. BRUSSELS, Aug. 3. All wire communication between Germany and Belgium was cut today. BII.I.KT1W. STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Aug. 3. A battle was fought yesterday be tween tho German and Russian fleets off the Aland islands and re sulted In the Russians being driven back. The Russian war vessels took refuge In the gulf of Flnaland, whetre they still remained today. LONDON, Aug. 3. -Violation of neutral territory by Germany during frontier raids by German, Russian and French troops, clashes between outposts, the bombardment of a Rus sian Baltic port by a German war ship and the seizure of merchant ships by Russia and Germany consti tued the striking features today of tho war on which virtually the whole continent of Europe has startev Evidences were not lacking of the grave view of the situation taken by all classes In the United Kingdom. The leaders of the opposition parties were called into council by the cabinet and It was re ported that the cancellation of Field Mar shal Earl Kitchener's return to Egypt was a prelude to his appointment as min ister of war. . Warnlna; Meat Uerataar. It was asserted In authoritative quar ters that due warning had been given to rltory, this move should not be considered In any way a warlike measure directed against llelgium, but tnly, as a necessity Imposed by French Initiative, and that If Belgium offers no armed resistance to such a movement Germany will guarantee the Ilelglum government the maintenance of its territorial Integrity and sovereignty and the fullest compensation for any In convenience caused by the passage of the Imperial troops." The German embassy also stated that It was quite certain no questions would arise In connection with German troops crossing the Hutch frontier or In any way Interfering with their .neutrality. German Minister Ready to Quit London 1XNIX)N. Aug. 3.-Today being a bank holiday, when all business, except a few small shoM, was suspended. London were a Pabbath air. Rave for the display of a few small flags there were no patriotic demonstra tions. All the foreign embassies and con sulates were opened. KwarmS of nationals of both sexes gathered at the German and the French establishments, asking for passports. The German embassy was guarded by half a doaen police and detectives. The members of the staff had packed their effects and were ready to leave on short uotica it developments required. Latest Moves in Big War Game German troops Invaded Russian Poland and occupied, the town ot Kallss. The German army violated the neutrality of Belgium, of which Great Britain Is protector, Ger man troops occupied the Belgian town of Arlon. Ilelglum had previously refused to consider an ultimatum offering a certain agreement with Ger many in case Belgium agreed to facilitate the movements of the German army. So grave is the situation re garded that a coalition govern ment of all parties probably will be formed In the British isles, while It was generally expected that Field Marshal Earl Kitchener was to be appointed minister of war. Dowager Empress Maria of Russia' was stopped by the Ger mans In Berlin on her way to Rus sia and told to return to London or to Denmark. The Russian naval port ot Ll bau, on the Baltic, was bom barded by a German cruiser, which was also engaged with a Russian cruiser. j The German fleet was reported sailing into the North sea, where the British fleet is said to be con centrated. The German ambas- '"I-rsd 1J31 )ou sq jopns Fighting between Russian and German cavalry patrols on the frontier resulted In slight losses. French officers are reported to have attempted to cross the Dutch frontier into Germany, but unsuc cessfully. French airmen are said to have made daring flights over German territory. German cavalry Is reported to have crossed the French frontier near Belfort and tried to coru nvandeer horses. Martial law was proclaimed throughout France, where the mobilization and concentration of the various armies have been car ried out satisfactorily. The Germa authorities accuse the French of violating neutrality and of crossing frontiers before the declaration of war. , Neutral Luxemburg is occupied by 100,000 German troops. TAKE STEP TOPROTECT GOLD Clearing Houses of New York and Chicago to Issue Certificates. RELIEF FOR THE STATE BANKS Money Will Be laeuea to All lai tatlona that Have A a reed tc Join the Federal He. serve S stent. tl- III'LLKTIN. "WASHINGTON, Aug. 3.-AU restric tions on the amount of currency which may be Issued under section rive of the bank law was removed today in an amendment by the ' house, passed 31 to and hurried over to the senate. Aa an amendment to a bill passed the houae HuturUay, removing other restric tions of the law In the present crisis, both houses of congress today are ex pected to leave the amount of the Usus of such currency In the discretion of the secretary of the treasury. The amendment also would extend the Issue of the currency to stata banks and trust companies which have joined the pew federal reserve system or agreed to do so. Ill I.I.KTIN. NEW YORK, Aug. S-Decia'on to en force the sixty-day clauso before with drawal of deposits was reached tdt'ay by members of the New York State Savings Hank association. All savings banks In the state are affected. . NEW YORK. Aug. S.-The clearing houae at a meeting today decided to Issue clearing house certificates to meet the currency situation brought about by the European war crisis. The decision to issue certificates waa reac hed after a general discussion ot the foreign situation and Its bearing on busi ness conditions here. It was the unani mous opinion that In view of the foreign situation every means should be adopted to protect the country's gold supply. It was voted, therefore, that for the present and until further notice the asaociatlon place itself on a certificate basis. Hnlanrrs In 4 arreaer. An additional resolution was adopted making available In payment of balances all forma of currency Issued on author ity of the national government Thla Indicates the desire of the bankers to use freely the currency Isauad to the National Currency association and to the fullest extent of the requirements of their correspondents the needs of Interior exchange. " This Is the first emergency measure BRITISH ARMY IS TO BE MOBILIZED; FLEETIN ACTION Violation of Neutrality of Belgium and Attack on France In volves England. ASSURANCE IS GIVEN FRANCE If German Fleet Goes Into English Channel British Fleet Will Interfere. STRONG APPEAL FROM BELGIUM Little Kingdom Asks Great Britain to Safeguard Integrity of Its Territory. BANK HOLIDAY IS EXTENDED Banks in Great Britain Closed Today and Yesterday. BILLS OF EXCHANGE SUSPENDED lloaae of t'ommone raaara BUI to Protect Credit aad Aothorla Ing a Moratorlam la the Empire. 1ULLKTIV. LONDON, Aug. 3. The admiralty announces that the mdbtllfatlon of the navy was completed in all re spects at 4 o'clock . this morning. This was due to the measures taken and the voluntary response of the reserve men In advance of the royal proclamation. BULLETIN. ' LONDON, Aug. 3. U .was offi cially stated here today that the British army would mobilise tomor- ; row. LONDON. Aug. 3. Sir Edward Grey told the House of Commons that he had "given France the as surance that It the German fleet aame into the English channel or through the North sea to undertake hostile operations against the French coast or shipping, theJJritlsh fleet would give all the protection in its power. DltlKTIN. LONDON, Aug. S.-8lr Kdward Grey, British foreign secretary, stated in tho House ot Commons today that the house was free to decide what the Hrltlwh atti tude In the present European conflict should be. Blr Kdward added that Great Britain had not committed itstlf to- any thing but diplomatic aupport. Toward the cloae of his speech Sir Ed ward aald: "We must be prepared to face tha conaequoncea of using all our strength at any moment we know not how eoon, in order to defend ourselves. Wild cheering from all parts of the house greeted John K. fledmond, the Na tionalists leader, when ha assured the government that every soldier In Ireland might be withdrawn tomorrow and' the coasts of Ireland would be defended against Invasion by her armed sons, the Catholics of the south and the protectants of Ulster. James Ramsay McDonald, socialist and labor member, declared he was not per suaded that Great Urltaln waa In danger nor her honor Involved. He was con vinced she should have remained neucfal. " The house adjourned until 7 o'clock for a consultation between the leaders of all the parties. The British., government today decided to extend tha bank holiday over three days. A bill temporarily suspending tho pay ment of bills of exchange passed through all Its stages In a few minutes in the House of Commons. Tha measure con tains powers to declare a moratorium Sir Kdward Grey announced in the ( Houae of Commons that a telegram from tha king of Ilelglum made a supreme appeal to Great Britain to safeguard tha Integrity of Ilelglum. Pr. R. Von Kuhlmann, counsellor of the German embassy here, today Issued a re- . markabla appeal for the neutrality of England In the European turmoil. It said In part: "Tha maintenance of British neutrality would In no way injure France. On tha contrary It might ba argued that by re maining neutral Great Britain could give Franca exactly aa much strategic, as sistance and a good deal more effective diplomatic help, as according to all re liable Information there In no Intention of aending British troops to the contitant and aa a few British divisions, consider ing tha enormous numbers engaged in, could hardly alter the balance of power. "AU England can do for France is to protect Ita northern coast from Invasion and prevent the neutral porta of Belgium and Holland being used as basis for armed aggression against Franca. "Germany would ba disposed to give an undertaking that it wouia not attack France by sea In the north or make any warlike uao of tha aeacoaat of Belgium and Holland if it appeared that Great Britain would make this undertaking a - f i (Continued on Faga Two.) (Continued on I 'ago To.) f