THK BKK: OMAHA. MONDAY. AWUNT 3, 1914. A -Horse and A-Wing By Nell Brinkley Copyright, 1!H, Intern I News Service. Gran'metlier waited in the garden but now Betty waits on the roof. - J 9 J Wfw I 1. VJw -r fvi in rW:iiV -i ' 'Ha 5S t pmmu W4 mamas;:: 8 8 Little gran'mother girl listened for a faint tattoo of hoofs on a country road whet gran'father came a-courtlng. Gran'mother waited In her soft hoop-skirts Ilka the ghost of a flower under the arch of a smothering-sweet cherry tree. v Gran'mother girl watched beside a red-brick gate with queer little 'wooden vases painted white on their sober square tops, Gran'mother peered through the soft twilight of a tree-darkened lane, with her little two feet on Mother Earth in the deepest heart of the garden when gran'father came. 1 And gran'father came on Mother Earth, pounding along on his sleek, black mare, with the dust clouding 'long behind. And his hat it - v-n,crs (TT-iur rtrm turn" n;x! I wss very tall and his spurs Jing-a-llnged with a tiny music when he strode up the gray-stone steps and kissed the face of the flower at the t0D- , v Now it's a new picture with -nothing the same but the hearts of the girl and the man. And they they are the same, young and un steady, and wrapped In flame as ever gran'mother's-and-father's could be. But now M'sweetheart listens for the growing purr of a mighty motor a far-away humming that grows terrifying and heart-gladdening somewhere out of the twillt sky. She waits in her soft, blowing frock like a slim, lighted "candle held high. She watches beside a rearing stone chimney on the tiles of the 'fttadame, Iselell'j Beauty Lesson 1.KJSON XII PART V. ObNltr Continued. The diet that goes under the name of BnUn&" which t gave In laat article Will reduce the mont stubborn eases of obenlty three to five pounds a week. whether phylcal exerclBt-s are Included In the reprlmc or not. But there are cer tain dlHadventanes In adopting so rigor ous a diet. For perfect health a more varied diet is necessary; the system nerds som starch and sugar and a considerable amount of fat. Women who undergo the banting system are apt to emerge with sallow, dry, wrinkled skin. They look, as they are, unueraourlshd. The diet I recommend Is less strenuous and to get good effects should be accompan ied by at least one-half-hour's daily work at specific exercises that I shall give you later and a certain amount of walking or vigorous outdoor work. Breakfast One egg, cooked In any fash ion except fried; two thin slices of bacon; toast, cup cf weak tea, with milk tf de sired, but no sugar: orange, grapefruit or apple sauce made without sugar, Lunch Choose one of the following dishes: Cold meat with green salad. Raw oysters with a few buttered crackers. Dry toast with baked apple, apple sauce or any stewed fruit cooked with very lit tle sugar. Any soup made without cream eaten with toast or crackers. An occa sional glass of buttermilk may be drunk. tlnner Grilled chop or steak, under done roast beef and lamb, chicken, boiled or grilled fish (excepting salmon and sar dtnef), green salad with French dressing, any vegetable that grows above ground. with butter omitted from seasoning, and. cheese or fruit for desert. Cup of black coffee may be drunk after dinner. This diet includes a small amount' of fat and 'sugar and enough liquid to aid digestion. In addition, drink on arising a cup of hot water with juice of one lemon in It and partake freely of pure cold water between meals. If the dinner hour is late a cup of weak tea, but no food, may be taken at 6 o'clock. Food between meala or before going to bed Is absolutely for bidden. Leon XII to be continued. room, and the curtains of the open dormer-window, 'where she clambered out with her field glasses, whip whltely in the night wind. M'sweetheart now lifts her face and searches the waste- of the sky, her little two feet gripping the roof high up above the floor of the feathery tree-tops, "up above the world so high," when her sweet heart comes. And ho drops out of the heart of the sky on a singing wing, the roar of his engine filling the world star-dust drifting behind. And his headgear is very snug and onion-skin close and he strips the. gog gles away from his eyes when he lights to kiss the face of the nowa days sweetheart. . NELL J5RINKLEY. How to Read Character Vy ADA PATTKHSOX. -4 Those who lament the failures of Jones to do his part, or Smith's conacienaeless breaking of bla promise, are quite as much to blame for the state of affairs as are Jones or Fmlth If they are (victims J" ,JI111 "" of those faults. They haven't taken pains to study their character. Haven't had a chance T Everyone who sees a face In a mod erate light can study character and arrive at a reasonably correct conclusion. He can derive a good working and warn Ink knowledge of the other. "He who runs may read" fits . character reading, for even while we run we can register a fairly accurate Impres sion of the character of htm we pass. We glimpse the full, ever red. loose hung lips of the edf-indulgent. We can aee at a glance whether the nose Is the high honey one that cleaves Its way through obstacles, or the flat, low-bridged flerhy x one of the supine riature. An Instant's survey reveals whether the brow Is the full one tt)at betokens the well stored brain or the slanting one that la often the index of an empty pate. It Is evident at a glance whether the chin Is the firm foundation of the, facet Indi cative of a strong will, or whether It la a mere excuse for such a feature. It takes but a second to note whether the hair Is of baby. like eortnesa and fine ness, disclosing that the owner Is of in fantile softness of nature and infantile sensitiveness to the hurts of life, or whether the hair and akin, of coarser. crlsper texture, are calculuted for a greater wearablenexe as Is their owner. IJttle ears, set close to the head have a measurable correspondence with a lim ited mental and character view, and. large ears standing well out from the head are one of the Indications of a nature gen erous In purse and Judgmenta Kyes matter little as to slse and color, but the manner of tnc'r gase la of great significance. Have they the stern. In tent regard of the mind that focuavs Its powera, or the shifting glances of the mind that scatters Its forces T All these a sweeping glance at the face beside you will reveal, but they are only digits In a column of figures, whose ) eum is Indeterminate. One feature sel- doin determines a face. As an Index In determining character It must be paired i with another. K the nose Is powerful the chin may be so weak that, add chin snd nose and divide by two, arid the result Is a character only fairly successful, and of only moderate force. The contour of the face Is . round and chlld-ltke, sug gesting love of pleasure and perhaps in dolence. Hut are the eyes purposeful? Are the lips firm? Then do not assume that the owner of the baby profile Is lasy and leisure loving. Is the hair baby like and is the chin week? Tten will the nature probably be handicapped by su persensittveness always, but If the chin Is one of the extensive sort, the will will surmount the sensitiveness and whip the slothful nature Into action. I .earn to pair features. It la the most fascinating matchmaking. By so pair ing them and striking averages will you become not an ordinary character reader, but aa extraordinary skillful one. To read a man aright and to aee a woman as she Is is to Insure ourselves against two thirds of those mistakes in life which the shallows deem Inevitable. How to Build the Brain Constant Thoughts of Hope, Courage, Love, Faith, Hatred, Wealth, Usefulness. Beauty and Good Will Are Essential lly KLL A V HE ELK It V I hCOX. a-aj- -.' ti efj-ev -aassg iri "WALTON M.HAJFUSHALL.Manaet. An Heal Hotel witk an Ideal Situation Summer 'Tter Copyright, 1!M, by Btar Company. Kvery teacher and preacher tells ua to think good thoughts, to do good deeds, to abstain from wrong thinking and wrong acting, and to love ohr enemies snd do good to those who despttefully use tis They tell- us to control the mind. But they do not tell us how to oo this from the ttm we rlae until we sleep, and even after we sleep. The mind Is liko a wild colt, and he who undertakes to break a wild colt to the bit neuds to know something about horses and horse training. Here la a little formula for the beginning of. mind con trol. When you rlae In tito morning give your first thought to the Great Power which has brought you to the threshold jof another day. Bay mentally a little I prayer of gratitude. "Thank You, Great j Creator, for life and hopV will serve i every purpose. J Kven If you are despondent and do not ) feel hope In your heart, say the words, because hope Is really tn your heart, whether you feel It or not. A being abso lutely without h'pe could not live. While you are dressing think of hope, courage, love, faith, health, wealth, usefulness and good will. Think of beauty, too. and youth. Refuse absolutely to permit jrour mind to occupy Itself with thoughts of trouble and sickness. As you mingle with your fellows, whether In your family, or In your place of business, pick out some agreeable topic of conversation rather than one depressing and unpleasant. In these time there Is much written and said about efficiency, and about the conserving of our time and energies, in eliminating wasteful methods front our business. A wonderful system has been inaugurated where bricklayers and car penters can accomplish three times the labor with one-half the' effort, Just by avoiding unnecessary movements and economising time and energy. The same can be done with the mind. To each of us Is given a certain amount of mental energy of nervous force by filling all our lungs with fresh air many tlmea a day, and by understanding and employing the law of concentration in tho use of our minds. Or we can deplete those precious forces by breaking the laws of health iu diet. postures of the body and habits of waste ful thought. It Is a wicked misuse of thought to allow your mind to dwell , on the unpleasant things In your own life or In the universe. It la wicked to think of troubles which are past, to fear troubles which may come, to worry over the future, and to wonder why Providence does not arrange affaire differently. Mental efficiency adoes not follow such methods of thinking. Intelligent men and women frequently scatter their forces by criticisms of the power which permits the helpless Invalids and the criminal and the Insane to live, while the young and happy and strong and useful are taken away. Over and over we hear these comments and complaints. Of what avail are they? And who ran say that the time had not come for the passing onward of an soul that goes, however young snd happy and needed It may seem to us? 8ueh use of our mental energies 1 wrong and foolish. It Is brain destroying, not brain building. Keep all your thoughta for some con structive purpose. , The moment you feel your mind going off on a senseless, useless tangent draw In the reins as you would draw there were you riding a refractory horse head ing for a ditch. Bay to your foolish thought of fear, or gloom, or doubt, or worry, "Get thee be hind roe, Satan, thou art not of God. and I will have none of thee. Repeat whole some words love, peace, attainment, suc cess, opulence snd usefulness." And wheu you fall asleep at night think of the In visible helpers ss ministering sngels who will come snd build your brain as you desire It to be and elwep In peace. Nature's Secrets Not All Known By GARRETT P. SERVISS. In this age of marvelous achievements and discoveries, we need an occasional dose of anti-boast. It clears up the mind and shows the wsy for future advance. It cannot be denied that the chemists jpr-iuf (with all respect for their splendid work) ii i'--,iarf.... xnd Imitations of are the cause of great deal of vain boasting. To : accept all that is aaid for tl.em, If not always by them, would be to believe that nature no longer has any secrets that cannot. In the laboratory, be made as plain and simple us A, B, C. A great number of "sjnthetic" products nature's products have boeh ilut unn the market, and their fabricators have been rash enough to try to persuade even Dr. Wiley that they are better than nature'a own work. Some of these things really are good and extremely creditable to their Inventors, but they are relatively few in number, and people who think that we are almost on the point of being able to dispense with the handicraft of Dame Nature and to turn away from our doors the kind old nurse who has hitherto taken such good rare of us In order to make room for an automaton that can do her wrrk better than she can. ought to have their eyes opened. The number of nature's marvels that chemistry can Imitate, more or less suc cessfully (usually less), is considerable; the number that chemistry has not the slightest notion how to Imitate Is im mense. I am not going to make a list of such things or ven to search for a particularly good example. take the first that comes, by accident, to ray at tention, a very fragrant, beautiful and useful thing, vis., red cedar or Juniper wood. Everybody who has a good lead pencil in his pocket knows what red cedar la He knows what a smooth-grained, soft, yet crisp and flexible, delicately aromatic, pleasant flavored, light, but sufficiently Mrong. wood It is. If, In his youth, he tter had in his hand and subject to his Jack-knife a chunk rut from the dark-red heart of some old cedar post, which has stood unrotted in the ground since his great-great-grandfather's days, he will recall the wondering admiration with which he regarded it, how It perfumed the air with its strange, rich odor, and how his very knife seemed to thrill with the pleasure of cleaving Its compact, elastic fibers. The fact that man cannot make cedar wood or anything that Is acceptable In its place Is shown by the story of the pencil Industry. The lead pencil manufacturers would be very glad to have an artificial or "synthetic" cedar If they could get it. They would rejoice If some other wood, more abundant, could be found that would answer as well as cedar does the needs of the factory and the taste of the public. Various substitutes have been tried, but none will do. The consequence is that the world's supply of red cedar or Juniper Is belt; rapidly exhausted. A single pencil factory In France con sumes ai.flOu feet of cedar lumber a year. It is so precious that, as I am (informed, houses in our country in which cedar wood has been freely employed for con struction in the days when lead pencils were virtually unknown and all wood was cheap, have In recent years been partly or entirely demolished in order that the crisp red wood might be sold to pencil manufacturers. Furniture made of red cedar has been broksn up for a similar reason, and Innumerable cedar fencepotta have beeu pulled out of the ground and turned to a more Immediately profitable account. Old farms are said to have been found whose fences of red cedar were worth more than the entire land that they enclosed. There Is within a few rods of the place where I write a red cedar tree growing with its branches interlaced with those of a number of fir trees. They all spring out of the same ground and are all nu: lured by the same sunnhlne and the same soil, but the cedar. In its strange alchemy, works up these materials Into the pencil wood of the pencil makers, while the firs, standing right In touch with it. turn them Into wood of a very different kind. Chemistry has al long road yet to travel before it can hope to put carbon, nitrogen and water together snd out of their combination produce a synthetp cedar. By taking a little thought any one can recall a great number of things that na ture furnishes frnely and that we cannot do without, but which still lie far beyond the range of the cunningest science. It la one thing to know what an object la made of and another to know how to make It. Advice to Lovelorn By BZATSZ03I rAIKTAZ ' Prudery and Plewsnre. Dear MIhs Fairfax: I am perplexed, over the question wether It to proper or lmpror for a young girl to go to a cabaret with her. escort. Also, what should she order in the line of drinks? Would you pleaae give the names of a few suitable refreshments in this line? I am a young girl who likes pleasure very much, but still I do not like to do anything that my mother would be ashamed of telling, and still I do not like to be a prude and spoil the fun for others. FERPLEXKD. . There arc some cabarets to which it would be proper for you to go. Drink lemonade, orangeade, ginger ale, sar saparllla, grape-Julc,e, or any bottled water. Simply make sure that the cabaret to which you go Is a perfectly reputable one; drink no liquor, leave be fore midnight, and rely on your good taste to keep you from doing anything that would shame your mother. Think It 0er. Dear Miss Fairfax; May I have your advice on a matter of considerable im portance to me? I am a young man of 21. and am earning per month. My work is far away from the comforts of my home, and 1 feel the need of some one to give me the comforts of home and to have an interest in my work, which Is professional In nature and at times very heavy. 1 am tired of board ing. There is a girl. Would I make a mistake In marrying at this age? Is mv salary sufficient to support us com fortably? Should I wait? 1 shall ap preciate your reply. Sincerely, IXXNESOME. You had better analyze .your situation a little more carefully. Talk It over with the girl. It Ih not good to wed Just be cause you are lonesome. Your salary is quite sufficient to support a wife tn a modest wsy. Many men are raising families on less. HOW RESINOL CURED ITCHING SKIN TORMENT Baltimore, Md., May 2S. 1914. "My limbs from knee to ankle were com pletely covered with eczema, for a year. It commenced with several small water pimples, which burst when I scratched them, until they developed into sores, and ooxed a yellow fluid. I hated to go In company, it Itched and burned so badly. I had no rest at night. I tried a good many remedies for eczema, both liquid and salve, but they did me no good, only made the skin more rough and scaly. I learned of Reslnol Oint ment and Resinol Soap and tried their and was relieved of the severe itching and burning AT O.N'CK. and after a month's steady use was completely cured." (Signed) T. 8. Iwla, 1IJI Summit St. Resinol Soap and Healnol Ointment are sold by all druggists. For free trlul. write to Resinol, Dept. 26-R, Baltimore Md.