Tilt; Bfcfc: OMAHA, MONDAV. Al (IUT .5. I!il4. I J 5 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE FOUNDED BT EDWARD ROSEWATER. VICTOR ROSE WATER, EDITOR. The Bee PubHshlnir Company. Proprietor. BEE BUILD1NO. FARNAM AND 9 K VENT KEN TIC sintered, at Omiht poetofflc as ascend -clan matter. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. By carrier By mall per month. pr yr mr and fanaar we n iiy without 8unir....' eso 4 oa Fvenlns- end Sunday v am Keening without Sunday ata 4.00 Sunday Be. only o J 80 notlr. of rnanse of address or complaints of lrrro1arlty la delivery to Omaha Bee, circulation Department REMITTANCE. Remit ht draft, express or lotal order. Only two 'nt atampa received In payment of (mill ee rounta. t'ersnaal checks, except on Omaha and .astern etchaeira. not accepted. OFFICES. Omaha The Bee Bulldln. South Omaha SI I N street. 'ounctl Hluffs 14 North Main street. Lincoln n Little pudding. t'hlcaan Wl Hearst Hulldln New York Room lis,. M Fifth avanua. htcaa;n 01 Hearst St. Ixuli-&C4 New Rank of Commerce. Washington 7Z Fourteenth St., N. XV. CORRESPONDENCE. A dress communication relatlne to nawa and edi torial matter to Omaha. Bee, Editorial Department. JXXE CincVLATIO.V 52,662 Slate of Nebraska. County of toulaa. a. Dwig-ht Williams, circulation manafer of Tlia Be Fvnllshln; company, being duly aworn. aay that the avers dally clrculaUon for tha month of June, mi, waa u.mx DWIOUT WILLIAMS, Circulation Manassr. Suhacrtbed In my presence and aworn to bafora ma thla Tta day of July. ism. ROBERT HCNTER. Notary rublle. Subecrtber lea nns tlie city Iranporaril hotUcJ haw T be mailed to tbetn. Ad dreee will be changed as often u requested. General Sherman' definition of war it 111 taoldi good. War Hti the light of Way. Treaties, alliance and entente bare been tbrown to wind and evidently are to count for little If anything in the present European up heaval. Germany Invade Luxemburg despite specific treaty restriction nd Italy stand firm for peace, while Great Britain would like to do the same. The venture provoked a Russian proposal that the czar, Germany and France combine to teach the Briton a lesson, taking their reprisal In India, Africa and Egypt, reepec tlvely.' Only Prance's demand for Alsace-Lorraine blocked the plan. With the die cast, nothing must obstruct or thwart the demew, war, not even the grave mile stone of experience. Germany attack France In the same old fashion and France meet It a I little better than half way. Forty years evi dently have taught France more than Germany. The Imminence of a general European was ass discounted from the first. Germany's hostile declaration against Russia and France came as ! matter of coarse, so also must similar action by England be regarded. The remaining question Is, how far will war spread, or what powers may succeed In escaping the maelstrom. Whatever the results, England, now ready with the rest, will be credited with an active de sire and effort for peace. Like financially-depressed Italy, though for a different reason, England can 111 afford to engage In such a war. Britain' lack of sympathy with Russia and Its allies and Interests, with which the Triple Entente obliges Britain to join, Is also clear. What a travesty, then', Is war, when nation with no grievance, with not even xeal enough to enlist, must let the force of circumstantial agreement with power with which they have nothing In common, drive them to action! Until the aerial fleets are mobilized, the world I up In the air. "Darkest Africa" shines a the noonday bub In comparison with sable Europe. ,- The hardship of being unable to take a trip to Europe ha It consoling feature. Everything and everybody aeeraa to be drunk with the war fever; even money I tight Villa never appealed to better advantage than at present keeping hi mouth shut. Pressure for diplomatic post from now on may be expected to be noticeably relieved. It Secretary Bryan can make good now a tha pacificator, universal acclaim will be hi. Gee. Nebraska "aloft mad at aobody," with the biggest wheat, corn and alfalfa crop to put away. The War at Our Door Haadltn. First of the month army of bill collector, presumably. Highway robber fully endorse the l.w pro hibiting tourists from carrying weapons in the Yellowstone. "Safety First" proclaim and American magazine which ha recently lost a famou con tributing editor. The railroad gain a partial victory in their demand for a rate increase. 8oon we will find out who pay the freight. Take comfort out of the knowledge that Abyssinia Is enjoying the blessing of peace, Menellk being still dead. ' Tha consistency with whlcU Spain aeem to be thus far trying to avoid the mlxup is a atout tribute to a retentive memory. Suppose John L. Kennedy should now sub mit to persuasion and withdraw hi withdrawal, and draw card In the game again. Here 1 a man who forget to pay for three ineal which he eats at one sitting. He I to be envied for uch a comforting mentality. Perhaps there may bo some gratification la the fact that the Omaha team ha a different reason to offer- for each day'a defeat. How 1 anyone to tell that 'Tom" will not pull the string to hi withdrawal of hi with drawal aa he did to hi original withdrawal? Huerta i said to bav put 100,000 In a Jamaica bank and $600,000 in European banks. Not so bad for seventeen months perqulsltlea. If reason alwaye ruled, prediction about tha Eu rope difficulty would be safer fit. Louts Globe Democrat. ',If reason always ruled the present European difficulty would not exist. On the principle of the fleeing purse Matcher yelling "Stop thief." the fake reformer with beld-out fees j hi pocket seem to think be can get away with it by declaiming against fee grabbing. a s? A special train cai ru Chan Fraiula Adams, resident of tha I'nlon Pacific; Trad U Amee. Oliver Aasea. a R. Callaway, Char tea T. Lam-renc and S. T. Smith, director, and officer of th road, came in from Grand Island. Tha First Presbyterian thunh. Seventeenth and Dod, waa reopened for woralilp after hav la bean closed for repair fur aeveral months. Tha Engliih Lutheran church, corner Sixteenth and Harney, la fast appruavhln comtJ.tlon. end th data of dedication "111 be announced la tha naar future. Cuuaty Ctmimilir.tr Corliss haa (una to Canada for a faw weeks' vlalt, and County Commmaloaar O'Ketfe to Chkgo for medical treatment. WUI Tour.-, tha pleaaiac clerk of Tyrrell' Cook, left for a vlalt in Kansas. Lt eveiiiti- and early thla morning It waa plenty cool enough for a iprln overcoat, and many of th ladiea took otcaa'.on to put on warmer wrap. Mra U. Lurwibxi, S) South Nlnetaaittii, i pie tared to Umh elainpln and ether embroidery work. Hav. Cummcdy of Lenvar mat with an accident whlla driving al-out th city and wa nuratnf a .okej ankle. - The Freight Sate Increase. The Interstate Commerce Commission's con cession of a 5 per cent freight rate Increase to the railroad of the central territory from Pittsburgh and Buffalo to the Mississippi river, north of the Ohio and Potomac seem to be merely a step toward equalising general freight rate schedules. A rate in thla section were admittedly below the general level and too low both In the Interest of the public and the rail roads, the advance I not to be taken as alarm ing. On the contrary the order should have generally a quieting and reassuring effect. The railroads, however, should lose no Urn In acting on the further advice of the commission to cut off free service and free passes, which mount up into the million and establish a basis of maximum efficiency and economy In their op eration. Th! appllea not only to the eastern road, but to the road of all section. Americani Abroad. Wealthy Americana residing in London, have pooled purees and arranged to send messengers over the continent with currency for the relief of any stranded American tourist. And the government at Washington stands ready to dis patch vessel In a crisis to bring back home those who must come. Tha experience of our countrymen who happen to be In Europe at this exciting time, may, after all, prove but a most interesting one, rich with reminiscence for the future. Instead of Indulging vain fear and anxieties for their safety, their frlenda and rela tives at home may soon begin to envy them for their timely fortune. Some Figure! to Ponder Oa. The Nebraska Legislative Reference bureau baa Issued a little pamphlet which contains among other things a compilation of the bonded debt of minor munlctpal divisions of th state. Remembering that Omaha and Douglas county are to all Intent and purpose on and tha earn when it come to borrowing money or paying off obligations, the following exhibit will Invite tudlou sttentlon: NEBRASKA &CN1C1PAL DEBT, . . State K Douglas Douglas Subdivision. Amount. County. County. county is.u,ho ii.e7.eoe i.aM.soo Fred not 37.500 SI.SM City and village ... tt.M4.Mt U, MS, SSI 7.XU.011 School district ao,au l.rri.ew isa.xi Drainage dlatrict mtu 43,45 49,f? Total tTRCtt H.0W.S87 Sll.7et.T3S The comparison shows that Omaha and Douglas couaty, although comprising only one eighth ot the population, are loaded down with two-thirds of the state'a total municipal debt, or, to put It more graphically, have borrowed and are paying Intereet on an amouat nearly (9 per cent greater than the obligations ot all the reat of the state. Different LaugTiag Same Thought Predicting th early political eclipse of three well advertised democratto United States senators, the New York World adds thla rea son tor faith la It prophecy: , Pontic! traaohary may hav Its brief period of aelf-glortrtcattoa, but It also ha It permanent panel ttae. Without making claii to aay copyright, Th Bee not long ago put thl thought Just aa forci bly, though la different language when It aald In another, but not dissimilar, connection: Treachery I aotna tlmae ucoeaful, but treason la ldom rewarded. Jor the quarter ending June 30, the busi ness of the United States Steel corporation yielded net earninga ot f zO,7,Sfit, a against net earning ot ffl,Sl,000 in the correspond ing quarter of 113. Dont let aay one persuade you that the business depression ha been any thing but psychological. Huerta 1 aald to have asked Felix Diax to tueet him at Toronto and help foment a new revolution. Or Is thla only another one of Car aata'a exeutea for delaying th game? All the aweet paeans of praUe the bard hav anag to th glory of work hav fallen with disgust upon the ears of the "barefooted boy with cheek of tan." Member of certain families of Europe have a loud call to demonstrate whether they are good for anything besides lingering In the Up luxury. f El? Brief aatriwatUne ea tUnely ey4ee UvlSeA. Tk BVee aaeamea a towpemBlMUty for eptmleaa ef earraevoadaaea. An latter sab le t eeadeaeetioa y editor. Jaatlre Between the Seaea. OMAHA. Aug. t.-To the Editor of The Bee; Women are asking for eelf-rovern-hient on equal terma with men- If a col lege or university education la required before one may become an elector, well, so let It be, but let all who can fulfill the requirement both men and women participate In government. Thla would be justice aa between the eexes. To insist that no woman shall be allowed to vote because all women are not educated Is as unjuat aa to Insist that all men be per mitted to vote rc-arlless of the unfltneaa of criminals. Make the test an educa tional one If you chooe, but apply the test to men as well as women, thus mak ing Intelligence and not sex the basis for rtpreaentatlon. The golden rule Is the safest foundation for a polltlral auper-itiui-ture and any government founded upon a eex basis is not calling to Ita aid the best from all Its citlsens. V!01,A KAUFMAN. Chase t aaaty'a ladaremente. CHAMPION. Neh.. Aug. l.-To tha Alitor of Tha Bee: I would like to aay a few worda for westorn Nebraska, espe cially Chase county, tha homo of a happy and a prosperous people. Chase county commenced to settle up some thirty years ago and I am one of the number that took homeateada and aa atlll living on that homestead today. I never have leTt it as a great many did by getting dis couraged and tired of western life. We have never missed but two crops In all that time and today we have an excellent crop of everything that will grow In our eastern states. Wheat Is now being threshed ml runs from sixteen te thirty six bushel per acre, and all other amall raln about the same way. Com Is In roasting ear now and clean, and bid fair for a large crop. No country haa a bet tar place to grow stock or make money easier than In weatern Nebraska. We need mora settlers a we have surplu land to make good homea for people who don't have them. There la plenty of good water to be had from a depth ot twenty to alxty fret. ?o trot along to Chae county and live in a good country and among a class of good people. W. L. DAVIDSON. Letter ef Patltical Heathe Sarrtflrlag Treth for Uaranenr'e Sake. BOMEWHHRE, Aug. 1 To the Editor ef The Bee: The democratto platform adopted at Columbus refer to Wood row Wilson and William J. Bryan a "the greatest president and secretary sine Jackson." Passing over the false syn tax of thla quotation which la enough to make William Cobbett . end Llndley Murray turn in their graves and groan wa come to its historic accuracy. By direct assertion this statement put Wil son above Lincoln, and by implication place Jackson there too. I pass thla without comment. But let us look at the list of secretaries of state since the administration of Jackson: John Forsyth, Daniel Webster, Hugh 8. Legs re, Abel V. Upshunj John C. Calhoun, Jamas Buchanan, John M. Clayton, Edward Everett, William L. Marry, Loula Caaa, Jeremiah 8. Black, William If. Keward, Ellhu B. Washburn, Hamilton Fish, William M. Everts. James O. Blaine. Frederick T. Frellnghuyeen, Tiyima F. Bayard, John W. Foster, Walter Q. Oreaham, Richard Olney, John Sherman. William R. Day. John Hay, Clihu Root, Robert Bacon. Philander C. Knox and William J. Bryan. I have written from memory, but I think I have tham all. Daniel Webstar and James O. Blaine each filled the office twice. Will any one of the aeven reapectable and Intelligent gentleman who framed the democratic platform at Columbus, look the world In the face and say that they seriously meant what they aald, when they placed William J. Bryan at the head of the class, either In ability, attain ment or accomplishments? DER HEIDQ Told in Figures Germany haa 2,46 acrea in vineyard. Spain laat year Imported X, 706,0)0 ton of coaL Argentina 1J1J Import were valued at W.fttt,a8. British Columbia last year derived SSI. OS from flaherle taxation. Bolfaat last year old 1.10) ton at thread io tha United State. Bavarla'a Iron mlnea and emeltere give employment to 14.S1T pereorta. France laat year Imported M4,S7I tens of natural phoayhatea. The United Btatca In 11S sold to Ecuador 104.au pounde ef dynamite. Ecuador last year bought 'worth of paper from the United States. The Bulgarian government la borrow ing SM.MO.OOO from Auatrlaa and German baska. Kuaalana have X13.W1.S80 invested In ag ricultural Implement manufacturing. California' 1M4 prune production le aa tlmated et 100.000.000 pounds. American insurance companies hold policies In Canada aggregating $u68,O0O,tM. Bavarian wine production last year waa .177.44e gallon. Value. 35 cents a gallon. End) ef th Romance. Washington Herald. Another one of the maudlin romances baa com to grief. A Sunday achool teacher who married a convict In tha Tenneaaee state prison to reform him haa applied for a divorce because the ob ject of her affections la now serving a eeond term of five yrarat, Woman who are dlapoaed to Indulge themselves In there (motional demonstrations get plenty of warnings, but there la no hope that we hav heard the lest ot such cases. everssaat die at In Fatenta, Philadelphia Beoord. It the government haa not tbe right I abrogate patent for the manufacture ot munition of war la tics a of stress. It bhould haw the right. It ruema almoet rldiculoua that the oaner of a valuable patent ahoull be permitted te forbid the manufacture of a necaaoary article, er limit tha manufacture, whea the welfare aaad aafaty ef the entire nation depended a a quick and full aupply. Oaalaatoai hr the Printer. Boston Traaacrtpt. We are thoroughly discus ted with our eopy of th eoaatltution. having just dis covered that the printer left out th whole ef section 11, Article I. authorising Louie Brandeie to make ell tha law for th senate. ' Servia Full of Fight Since Days of the Roman Empire Its Terri tory Has Been Scene of Bloody Stnig-gles. Predeeeeaora of the Serbs. Defiant little 5ervla hat throughout Its authentic history maintained a belligerent attitude, and when not fighting to the dath for liberty lias been busy with civil wars, making and unmaking kings and dynasties. Since Roman empire days, when Ferv"s was part of the Roman province of Moesia and waa peopled by warlike Thraclans and Illyrians, It has been In aurcesHlon overrun by Huns, Ostrogoths, Lombards, Avare and other tribes. All thee have left thnlr trace In tlie Kervlan people of today, who are akin to the unconquerable mountaineers of Mon tenegro and the fierce tribesmen of Albania, who never tamely aubmltteil to the Ttirklah yoke. As fighters the Servians are a race not to be despised, hardy, brave to reckleaenees. filled with Intense pa triotic spirit and with hate, for Austria which has lived and grown for ages, handed from sire to son among the poor herdemen who make tip the bulk of the Servian nation. Of a population of a little more than 4,).j0 fully 400.000 Servluns are on the army lists of King Peter. rentarlea ef Straggle. About 700 A. D., the Herbs, a Slavic tribe, entered ihe Moeslan district, even then Inhabited by a mixed race having half a dozen origins. A. D. 800 they largely embraced Christianity and for a time ac knowledged In surly fashion the rule or the Bysan tlne emperors. In the eleventh century, after having long acted aa a buffer for the tottering Byzantines against Bulgarian and others, the Servians, become Somewhat homogeneous, rebelled and their supreme chieftlan, Michael, waa proclaimed king and was recognized aa such by Poge Gregory VII. Thus be gan a struggle for Independence which took tbe form of guerrilla warfare and lasted for two generations. In 1163 Stephen Nemanya became king, and for nearly 200 yearn hla family maintained a sort of rulershlp over the turbulent, fighting people. Under Stephen Duehan (133G-S4) the kingdom of Servia Included all Macedonia, Albania, Thessaly. northern Greece and Bulgaria. About 1374 a new dynasty ascended the throne In the person of Isar I. who waa captured by the Turks at the battle of Kossova (In Allwnla) In 1389, and put to death. Servia bo. ame tributary to Turkey. Under Tnrklah Control. About the mlddlo of the fifteenth century Servia became a Turkish province and so remained for nearly 300 years. By the peace of Pasestowltz In 1718 Austria received the 'greater part of Servia. with the capital, Belgrade. But by the peace of Belgrade In 1739 tills territory waa transferred to Turkey. Tbe barbarity of the Turks led to aeveral Insurrections. TCarly In the nineteenth century Cserny Oeorge placed himself at tha head of the malcontents, and. aided by Russia, succeeded after eight years of fighting in securing the independence of his country by the peace of Bucharest, May 28, 1812. The war was re newed In ins, and the Turks prevailed. In ins all Servia rose in arm under Mllosh Obren oritch and after a successful war, obtained complete eolf -government, Milosh being elected hereditary prince.. Mllosh was compelled to abdicate in 1839, and waa nominally succeeded by Ms son, Milan, who died Immediately, leaving the throne to his brother, Michael.' In 1842 this prince waa compelled to follow the example of hla father and quit the country. Alexander Kara-Georgevitch, son of Cserny George, waa elected, but In December, 1KS8, he also was forced to abdicate. Mllosh waa then recalled, but survived hla restoration little more than a year. His sm. Michael, succeeded him (189)) but was assassi nated by the partisans of Prince Alexander, July 10, MSB. The princely dignity waa then conferred oa Milan Obrenovltch, grandnephew of Mllosh. Independence I Recognise.. After the fall of rievna in the Russo-Turkls'ii war of 1877-8, Mervla took up arms against Turkey, and by the treaty Of Berlin (July 13, 1878) it obtained an ac cession of territory and full recognition of Its inde pendence. It wa again erected Into a kingdom In 1882. In 188S a ahort war took place between Servia and Bulgaria, resulting In favor of tne latter. In 1889 Milan abdicated In favor of hla son. Prince Alex ander, who became ruler aa Alexander I. . In 1890 a regency ol three appointed aa guardian of th young king practically controlled the govern ment The radical alao gained a majority of the national assembly and formed a cabinet. Factional trouble made the first tew years of Alexander's reign exceedingly stormy. In 1892 the three regents dissolved the cabinet and a new one, composed of liberals, came In. In 1883, Alexander, than 17 year of age, took matter In hie own hands and decided to aave the dynasty. He declared himself of age, and took away tbe power of hla regeata and took the reins. He appointed a cabinet, made up mostly of moderate radicals, and hi action nearly precipi tated a revolution. In 1894 Alexander appointed a o-called nonpartisan cabinet and his father head of th army, an act which cauned Rueala to break off dlplomaUo relation with Servia In 1898. In 1894 the king alao annulled the new constitution and re established that of IMS, giving himself more power. But discontent and threatened uprisings caused an other change to a freer . constitutional government In 1897. Flats ef Klwat Mile-. MUaa and hi aon bad too many characteristics In common to (et en well together, however, so Milan went to the gambling resorts of Europe and finally died an exile la Austria In 1901. One of the cause ef th break between father and aon wa the king betrothal and marriage t Draga Maschln In 1900. 8h waa 13 year older than th king and had been lady In waiting to his mother. The Servian min istry dsclarwd the proposed marriagti preposterous and a menace to the state, and promptly restgned. King Alexander paid no attention to opposition and married Mme. Maaohln in "Belgrade August 6, 19PQ. Though the marriage had been vlolenUy opvoeed by official of th government the people apparently had no objection and heaytlly cheered the bridal party. The king took the precaution, however, to line the etreete with troops. Disturbance and threat ened revolution together with quarrels between the king and hie wife kept the country In turmoil. In June. 1903, a revolt occurred among army offi cers and King Alexander, his wife and several of his household were brutally murdervd In the palace In Belgrade. The conspirators, comparing seme of the principal statesmen and chief officers of th army, communicated with Prince Peter, the . Kera georgevltch pretender, in Geneva, and, having satis fied themselves that he would accept the throne it. the event of ita becoming vacant, they proceeded to put their plan Into execution. Mystery Snrrownda the riot. , It I not wholly clear whether tha plot as orig inally conceived Involved the aaaaaslnation of Alex ander, th inference being that the murderoua scenes la tbe palace in Belgrade resulted from the resist ance which the conspirators encountered on the night whan they aet forth to obtain from. Alexander hla abdication and his pledge to leave Servia. Be thle aa It may, the plot resolved itself Into a most savage onalaught on tha defenseless king and queen by their assailants, who, after having emptied their revolvere on the 111-fated couple, aet to work to alash the body of Draga with aabre until It had loat all human ambiance, after which they pitched both corpse out of th window into the garden below. On the fol lowing morning Peter Karegeorgevltca was pro claimed king of Servia in Alexander's atead, and a week later he arrived In Belgrade and took pos session of th blood-stained throne. Recently Pater gav th regency to hla second aon. Alexander, hla cldeat aon having been dial a herited eome time ago for his disgraceful conduce Recovering hi health a few day ago. King Peter resumed bis throne. Servla's part in the recent bloody struggles la th Bslkeaa la still freah In the public memory. Detroit Free Praa. t I Editorial Viewpoints St. Iouls Times: The truth Is that war ts an ill wind that doesn't blow anybody any good. Wanhington Herald: Tbaik ftoodnexs. Uncle furn doeen't hsve to assume any responsibility for conditions In Servia. New York World: To a looker-on In Vienna It must sppear that tbe wish was father to a good deal of hostile hurry. Baltimore American: Why not a aov emment yacht for every cabinet mem ber In this era of democratic economy and simplicity? Pittsburg Tost: There Is plenty of money to move the crops, and plenty of cars to do the hauling. The consumers will do the rest. Wall Street Journal: Only thing that prevents an active movement la the stock market is an absence of buyers with real money to Invest. Boston .Transcript: To avoid criticism why don't the Texas senators transfer that S2r)6.000 appropriation for the Trinity river from the rivers and harbors pork bniTH to the good road bill, an.l hnve It macadamized? marked-down srtb leu t ) snve M on tbe original prices." VVablnston Stsr. Knlrker What sort of a man Is J n ' Rocker Well, ha could eat h s vi i.( or. the eol snd do It grscef ully. N . York iSun. "Io you hse any differences of opinion In your family?" "Terrible. Why, It couldn't he any worse If we were all members of the supreme court." Life. "Isn't Deeds, the lawyer, a rather ex travagant man?" "By no means. I've known him to mska one suit last for several years." Roston Transcript. WITH THE HUMORISTS. "Would you forgive me If t kissed you?" "How can I tell beforehand?" Judge. Norniandle Can you dress within your lrcorne? Bartram Yes, but It's like dressing In an upper berth. Pennsylvania launch Bowl "They rail the head of an Indian tribe chief, don't thev?" "Yes. but what of It?" "I was .lust thinking. Then, of course, his daughter would be Mischief. Ho stupid of us not to have thought of 11 be fore!" Columbia Jester. "Are you economizing ?" "I should say so." said the man wln is always cheerful. "My wife bought enough "My! What an elegant wife vmi have! In fact, she is not at all your style:" "On rtnndays she Is, though." Munii ii Mcggendorfer Rlaetter. Rill Whst was she snapping st you so Hiuch for during the tennis game? Jill Oh, that's the only wav ahe Ihm-is she can play snappy tennis. Yonko: s Statesman. "Do you see that man going alone with his bead In the air, sniffing with his nose?" "Yes: 1 know him." "I suppose he believes in taking In the good, pure ozone." "No; he's huntlnif for a motor garage, I believe." Kansas Cltv Star. MIDSUMMER GRATITUDE. Midsummer! Yes, on western plain Tbe heat-waves undulating play: RriKht fleecy clouds, pressuring rain. With laughter mock and hie away: While yellow com and ruspet wheat In reverence bow nnd oft repeat "O Ijove. noon Thy tnercy seat. We thank Thee for the ripening heat." Midsummer! Yes, on weatern plain Tbe harvest ripens for mankind: And latiKliIng clouds itch veins will drsln - When need demands God s pledge to bind. So yellow coin snd russet wheal Obeisance make anil still repeat "O Iajvc, upon Thy merry eeat. We thank Thee for the ripening heat " Midsummer! Yes, on western plain What matter if the heat waves play? Though fleecy clouds the showers restrain The fields mature for man today. So .loin, ye men, with corn und wheat. With reverence bow and oft repeat "O Love, upon Thy mercy seat. We thank Thee for the ripening beat " Omelia. 'JOHN AI.BKRT WILLIAMS. A LIBERAL EDUCATION Taking Some One ef the Several CIRCLE TOURS EAST Illinois Central NEW YORK BOSTON FOR YOUR ANNUAL MIDSUMMER OUTING Oowhs VotUxuy t he Told AAont Ttoeaa. City Ticket Office 407 South 16th St City National Bank Building. Telephone Douglas 26 -itt WESTERN UNION has greatly reduced the cost of cabling abroad through the introduction of Cable Letters Over-night service to Europe at a minimum charge. Example: A twelve-word cable letter from Hew York to London costs only 75 cents. Atk for rate from your city, THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO. .itfttttM.tti.iiiHUl, i4 1 1 (11(9 i o Read one installment of Each Sunday in THE BEE !