Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 02, 1914, WANT AD SECTION, Page 6-C, Image 30

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Apartments Hero
About the Same as
Burned Tile Cost More, bat Addi
in Other Places
Mnch to Home' Attraction.
Big Talk in the Southwestern Sec
tion of the City.
D'kil Realdeata Ilat DmIitI far
Tears Wew Well Vaas Way
ad! Valiiee Are Taklaaj
Thrr la btr talk la aoalhvrat Omaha
f real estate booma alnoa the car lines
have txrua to build toward that section.
There la a reason for tnls. long have
the residents In that section of tha city
and Just outside tha city llmlta there, felt
that tha future of their aeotlon was brlfht
If ever a car Una would reach them.
Now tha car Una la started. Already
track la beta laid. From Forty-e1hth
and Iearen worth aoutb It la planned to
Fnppleton. thence weit on Popple to a to
Flfty-flret, thenca south on Fifty-first to
IJncoln avenue, thenca weat on Lincoln
avenua to Center street to Ruser park,
Thla means a clc-aac path of Improve
ment and Immediate dereJopmeni. Al
ready the track haa been laid practically
to foppleton from Korty-elfhtk and
I-avnworth. Tha reat la promlaad and
work la ffotng ahead.
Valaes Blea Fast.
Already, thoaa holding lota along tha
Una of Improvement and along tba lines
of propoeed Improvement are asking two
and threa Umea aa much for their lota
as they did before tha car Una waa as
sured. Wllmer R. Blackett, Mvlnf at rortjr
ainth and Unooln avenue, bought hie
placa threa and a half years eo. Ilia la
a modeat little house. Of coaraa ha la a
hustler, and haa dona a wonderfully lot
of Improvement on tha place. Ha haa
planted orchard, and haa set out tha
finest of email fruit. But taken aalda
from the improvement ha haa put on tha
place, his placa la looked upon as worth
today double what he rave for it, and
ftlackett aaye:
"Ifa not for sale. It's not for sale, for
I waited thera threa and a half year
for a car line. I walked a mile to tha
car line for three and a half years, and
now that the car Una la coining I ant
going to stay to enjoy It"
I.ara-e Tracts Bsiskt t'a.
But there are othera besides tha owner
of modest cottages In the outskirts who
ltava aeen tho possibility of advance In
prices and have taken advantage of It
for speculative purposes. Thus N. P.
Dodge soma time ago acquired a consid
erable tract of ground that la to be bene
fited by tha money tha car company Is
apendlng on extensions. George Co.
got In In time to acquire soma good
tracts that will be benefited and will be
sold at a substantial advance. Harrison
A Morton have for yeara owned tracts
In thla section, and have waited for the
Improvement The old Morton homestead
Haelf lies at Forty-sixth and Center
atreet. where Its value will be materially
enhanced by tha coming of tha car Una,
Davelns tevrev yateaa.
Another thing that la to aid tha devel
opment of this particular section of tha
city. I tha newer system. From Forty,
sixth and Harney to Fifty-fourth and
IJncoln avenua I an open sawer. Tha
proposition is to closa this, and tha Im
provement clubs of that section of tha
city are working on a movement for park,
ing tha entire course of tha newer. They
dealre to have a parking system made
of either side of Saddle creak, which la
practically tha course of tha sewer. This
would make a beautiful winding park
and driveway along tha creek for a dosen
blocks, that would materially help tha
general affect of tha locality.
Many Sales of North
Side Property Are
Eeported by Martin
Bualnesa la picking up with Charles W.
Martin Co. Tha following sales were
made in tbe last month by Charles W.
Martin A Co., who are finding a very
great activity in vacant lot and homes
on the north side:
Frederick W. Bason, lot in Belle Isle
addition on Kansaa avenue, fronting on
the park, on which he will at onoa build
j'l"i' bourn for hla homo; consideration,
?. MoCleneghan, a new home in
Belle Isle addition, , on , Kansas avenue:
consideration, 6.4iK.
A. Marshall bought a bungalow In Laur
elton addition at IM7 Iurel avenue, for
a home; consideration, 13. 2W.
l ." Ry"' nw '"' In Hollywood
addition on Browne atreet; consider-
1 1 0 1 1 , w SoO
Ir. J. C. Boukup. two lots In Bella Isle
addition, on Kansas avenue, which will
bo Improved later; consideration. J2.30O,
. JM. Janowekl. lot on Crown lolnt
avenue, in Belle Jala addition, which will
be Improved later; conslderaiion, u.
Wlleon Kelao, a new bungalow In Holly
wood addition, on llrownn street, for a
horn-, consideration, ta.0.
K. D. Maxwell of the Kalrmont Cream
I.oml.?5'. "w "onaaJow on Browne
nsTde'ranon'! " h0"-
in.V,i.ti-r.kH.1'0t on avenue.. In
Bla lale addition; oonaidemtlon. 11.160.
Oeorga C. Adwera, a lot on Crown Point
fnU.,1 Beil l" KM, to balm:
proved later: consideration. fctiO.
WTf JUUt f lh Woodmen of tha
world, a new home on the "Pntti.t
K- In Norwood addition; co'n.Idtlon!
adm.mnJ1?; w hom ln ""'Ivwflod
UiW. Browne street; consideration.
At a neetlug of tha Monmouth Park
Improvement club a resolution was
pasted favoring aqulpped playgrounds
at all school grounds, however, opposing
a distinct and separata bond Uaua for
su"h a purpose. The club favored that
playgrounds and publlo schools should
be jointly taken cars, of in the matter
of expense account
Tha biggest real estate transaction of
the last week was the sala of the Alsa
tian apartaienta on Farnam hill for ..
. The building contains twelve apart
menta. It Is a four-story building. Elmer
Williams, president of the Grand Island
fitata baak. Is the purchaser. U D.
Hj suUiinsr A Bun will handle the property
is tha future.
Building operations m Omaha Increased
(or.sldent.Uy during July, when 139 per
mits were liuued and operations coat
.4.u5, as agiLinat III permits and $3j.82j
In July. IMS, The total expenditures for
buildings In Omaha to August I, this year,
hs been Ktm.Ss. aa against 2.7,MS for
"e s. nie porlud of 1M&
One oflen hears people from Chicago,
Milwaukee, Kansas City, Kt. Louie and
other cities east of Omnha aay that rents
on apartments are much cheaper In those
cltlea than they ara In Omaha, While
passing through soma of these clUea re
cently, tha writer looked Into thla matter
to a limited extent and found that In
Chicago, for Instance, there were a large
number of very good apartments that
had been built In undesirable locations
that were renting far below what similar
buildings la Omaha would rent for. How
ever, if these buildings had Iwen well lo
cated In Chicago, the rents would have
been aa much. If not more, than well lo
cated buildings In Omaha. Ia Milwaukee,
four-room apartments la first-class resi
dence districts, ara renting from l to
, and that Is about ths sama rental
that theae buildings would bring In Omaha
If they were well located. The apartment
houaea In eastern cities on the whole are
very well arranged and are equipped In
a flrat-clasa manner, the same as apart
ments In this city, but on ths whole, ths
rooms ara much smaller than the average
rooms In apartment houses In Omaha.
As to tha surroundings and floral deco
rations, Omaha apartments show up as
well as those In other cltlea, and it was
tha writer's general Impression that
tenants ara receiving as much for their
money In Omaha as In any other oily.
Big Garage to Bo
Built Near the New
Fontenelle Hotel
The American Security company con
summated a deal with rr. Harold ait.
ford, before leaving for Kurope. for two
lota located on tha southeast oorner of
Eighteenth and Dodge streeta. Olover
A Spain Sold this week tha south one
half of theae two lots along tho alley,
opposite the Fontenelle hotel, to Ed Cal
lahan for 30,X. Mr. Callahan Intends
to put up ona of the moot modern and
complete up-to-date garages In tha mid
dle west It Is ths Intention of the
American Security company to construct
a building on the north one-half of the
Inside lot fronting on Dodgu atreet, be
tween Seventeenth and Eighteenth. Im
mediately. They have two or threa
prospective tenants figuring on tha
building at the present time.
Others sales by Olover tk Hpaln:
Residence at 113 North Thirty-first av
enue, from Mrs. A. J. Sherret to John
M. Ournett, consideration $4,760.
Itealdence at 80OI Burt atreet, Dundee,
from George Raamusaen to I J. Qreer,
consideration fflfA
Cottage at 24J4 Hamilton street, from
Francis Whita to David Miller, consid
eration 12,000.
Vacant lot, sixty-foot frontage on
Thlrty-rirat street, near tho oorner of
Dewey avenua, from O. 8. Redlck to C
Kopald for 11,660, where Mr. Kopald In
tends to build a duplex brick apartment
at once.
Tha delegated meeting on consolidation
of county and city governments In Omaha
and Douglas county is to be called at S
o'clock In tha afternoon of August I In
ths council chamber of tha city halt
Thirty delegates havs been chosen from
various parts of tha county and from
various Improvement clubs and other or
If thera is any organised opposition to
tha movement it has not yet appeared.
for W, H. Green says hs has tha promise
of co-operation from about every one he
haa approached on It Even the city and
county officers, ha says, are favorable
to it. The county officials will have a
delegate aa will the city officials. The
meeting ia to organise a league to work
for publicity and education along tha lines
of effort that must be pursued in order
to bring about tha consolidation.
Tha Real Estate exchange la ln favor of
tha movement as a matter of saving In
taxation. Tha farmers of the county ara
for It also as a means of cutting down
public expenditure and therefore reducing
taxes. Business men ara for it, for prac
tically tho santa reason.
Textare of Material Kbttald He Hark
aa ta "tan ('trartlon aad K.
panaloa I'sdrr Cold aad
Heat laflaeare.
Now that tha city council has finally
refused even to submit another bond prop
osition for tha purchase of tha Audi
torlum, tha property will likely be put to
prlvata use before very long. Harry
Tukey, who has taken an option on the
property at tl,000, wilt not aay Just yet
whom he will purchase It for or what
will become of ths property. Commenting
on the matter of the city turning down
tha proposition to submit bonds for Its
purchase, he aald ha waa not sorry that
the city refused. He says he has plans
with regard to It.
"Within the next two weeks the automo-
blla enthusiasts and business men of the
city expect to compluto plans for snolher
good fellowship and good roads run out
Into the state. There ia talk now of hav
Ing this one about tho middle of Kep
tembrr. The other ona was ahortened by
the rains, which made it Impossible to
cover all tha territory mapped out Just
what direction tha new run will take Is
not yet decided.
General Freiaht Aa-ent In. r k
Union Paclflo 'i In from Denver, having
coma across the greater portion of Ne
braska during the day time. He noted
tha condition of corn along the Hutu
river aad reports It In good condition,
making rapid growth and earing well.
Mr. Dane la of the opinion that tha com
crop along tha Una of the Colon Pacific
will be about normal ln yield and that
the quality will be up to the avarage.
Bc$rk work on the new r,tn.u
hotel la now above tha seventh story,
which gives tha hug structure a sem
blance of form and forecasts th hmnrf.
some appearance it mill make when com
pleted, me briia work la now higher
than the tops of any of the nearbv build.
lues, and yet thtre are aevea Wore storks
to ta enclosed'
Wllh the advent of more permanent con
structlna for houses, which has brought
Into general use such materials as stucco
and brick for the outside walls, attention
has naturally been directed to tha de
velopment of suitable, permanent, dur
able roof covering. Kor beauty and dura
bility nothing approachea burned cla
roofing tile, with Ita peculiarly attractive
architectural llnea and Its richness of
colors. But tile roofs are for those who
are not seriously limited In the matter
of building cost, for tha added Invest
ment Is very considerable. No one, how
ever, will question tha advisability of
using genuine tile. If possible to afford It.
For a time sheet metal manufacturers
undertook to furnish metal shingles msds
In design to Imitate real tile, but this
ws not a successful ventura for several
reason. Tha Imitation was very apparent
and sheet metal, even though galvanised,
was found to he corrosive and tha ma
terial of Inoufflclent thickness to endure.
Mofal. being a rapid conductor of heat
and cold, failed to provide adequate In
Coverlaa; Mast . Be Pliable.
Solid, stiff, thin ehlnglrs, or slabs, made
wholly or In part of asbestos, came Into
tbe market tan or fifteen years ago. In
cost such material Is somewhat lower
than clay tile, A very serious difficulty
ln connection with all solid, hard, un
yielding roofing materials lu that when
nailed tightly to the roof serious damage
Is apt to reault from expansion and eon-
traction of tha roof structure.
Tha roof of a house undergoes excep
tional and oftentimes sudden changes of
temperature, with tha result that the
problem of contraction and expansion be
comes a serious one. It Is evident that
no roofing material, if tightly nailed.
which Is not sufficiently pliable and
elastic to "go and come" as the roof
structure contracts and expands, will
suffer damage.
Bhlnglea made of Portland cement have
been manufactured In a mora or less ex
perimental way, but It has seemed Im
possible to provide In them tha necesaary
resiliency or elasticity. Recent develop
ments, however. Indicate that this prob
lem may soon be solved and a new use
for cement thus created.
IK ta Limited.
With cement shingles, sa with those
made of asbestos, the architectural or
decorative posalblliMes are limited, be
cause of their gray color, which la not
usually considered attractive from the
architectural standpoint
Hollo f from tha expense and disadvan
tage of wood shingle will not come, how-
ever, from tile or alata or any of the high
cost roofing materials, because most folks
cannot afford to make tha necessary addi
tional Investment
Tha latest development ln this Una of
activity Is asphalt rock-faced shingles.
Asphalt la one of ths old time-tried roof
ing materials. Ths process of saturating
felts with asphalt was tha beginning of
tha "built-up" or sheet roofing business.
Then cams the process by which such
roofing could be surfaced with finely
ground materials, . such aa slag, flint,
granite, slate, etc. ' Bo serviceable did this
material prove that an enterprising man
ufacturer decided to cut It up ln tha sis
of shingles. That was ton years ago, and
during the interim high-grade asphalt
shingles have come into general use, add'
Ing greatly to the beauty of residences,
because of the rich green and red colors
and at the same time providing tha other
elements of serviceability which have been
so distinctly lacking in wood shingles.
In many cities fire ordinances prohibit
the use of wood shingles, .except in out
lying dlstr'cts where the houses may be
widely sensrated.
In Grand Haplds, Mick, for Instance,
T5 per cent of the residence roofs ara now
covered with asphalt shingles. Buch roofs
possess beauty of color. Insulation against
fire, freedom from cost of repainting,
greatly increased Insulation against heat
and cold and probably double tha lesgth
of service.
Bales made by tha Vogel Realty
agency for tha wek ending July SI:
II. N. Mjonson sold to Ulysses U. Eg-
gleston, 6-room cottage at Thirty-fifth
and, Boyd streets. Price, $0.
A. L. Jeiley sold to Mabel Williams.
6-room cottage at S211 North Twenty
sixth avenue. Price, tl,4M.
A. Koppenhaver sold to Charles M.
Dodson, 6-room cottage at 6311 North
Twenty-seventh street. Prloa, $3,000,
Thomas Laraen sold to Oeorge Wheel
er, fr-room cottage at 231 North Twenty,
eighth avenue. Price, $2,360.
Badle Rector sold to William A. Trel-
bcr, 6-room out tag at 6711 North Twe-n
ty-nlnth street. Price, 62.000.
J. M. Condon sold to William Walker,
6-ronin cottage at 102S North Twenty
sixth street. South Omaha. Price, fS.000.
V. It fctlnipson sold to Mason Dever-
reaux, -room cottage at 23 Wirt street.
Price, $1.00.
II. N, Monson sold to Samuel Baker,
6-room cottage at Thirty-fifth and
Boyd streets. Price. ti6.
A. U Jlley sold to Mr. Nottle Hay-
den, t-room cottage at XC2 North Ktr
tletli street Price, J2.3U0.
Tits continued activity In property In
the office of Hastings at Heyden Is quite
remarkable considering that last week
was tlie last week In July. It Is quite
evident that people of Omaha ara com
mencing to appreciate tha stability and
surenaa of ad vane. In Omaha property.
Hastings A Heyden report the following
talis for the week:
Willis J. Barber and IJlllan E. Barber
purchased !t 6, replat of lot 131.. Benson
Acres, for stiou.
Samuel Jones purchased lots 4 and L
nan a subdivision.
Dena Pctersua purchased lot ta. Benson
Acres, ror .iy
llarrv an Ilaxen nurchasad tract E9
Dfniq Acres, tor Sw.
Walter McCune purchased lot t. block 1
Giendule. for l.JU.
Alfred J. Anderson nurchasAd lot
block S. Glendale.. for t-Ti.
il K. Harrow Dunhntd a hnua anA
lot tu Home Acres addition fur tl.TjU.
t.. K. Mueller purchased tract 70. Ren.
son Acre, for tl.luO.
J. U. I -e w I a purchased lb weat hi r
lot M. lnaon Aovs. for $
Allan H. Hamilton uurchaatd i
beiiauu Acres, for H.lvW.
Hundreds of
pieces of property
today's Bee
Banks may break, fortunes may be losT: in
sT:ock speculation, but real estate is always
there. Your savings are never jeopardized
when invested in Mother Earth.
The large number of pieces of real estate for sale or rent advert
fised in today's Bee offers a tremendous, freedom and variety of
choice. Without doubt, everyone interested can be suited exactly
in every. way.
Good real estate provides one ol the securest forms of
investment ever devised by man. Desirable property
will not only conserve the purchase money, but it will
enhance in value arid yield equal or greater profits than
those obtained from most any other business undertaking.
Iri the. rental properties offered today, everything that exacting
families demand and wise builders supply can be found Your
attention is called to a news article on this subject written by an
expert which appears opposite this advertisement
Well located real estate purchased today will steadily
increase in value and within the next five years will al
low today's purchaser to take a substantial profit after
paying a good rate of interest on the investment in the
meantime. ,
The greatest fortunes have been made in real estate and Omaha
offers greater opportunities than any other city of its size in the
'country.' People are listening to the call of common sense and
are buying now while prices are within reach", and as others are
reaping the profits from investments made a few years, ago, so
will they profit by the healthy, stable growth of this great com'
mercial and agricultural metropolis.
Think this over. Turn to the real estate columns and
note what the real estate men say. Call on them and
get full information about the possibilities in different
sorts of real estate. Then you will buy Omaha real estate.
Telephone Tyler 1000
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