Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 02, 1914, NEWS SECTION, Page 2-A, Image 2

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The Initial Offering of Autumn Style
Ideas Now Ready
Dame Fashion, ever changeful, has evolved some new
ideas of beauty in women's dress and combined them most
cleverly with adaptations of her old fancies.
The basque, an idea which stood in favor the longest time
of any style idea, is returning this fall, though often modi
fied or combined with a Russian Tunic or Medici Collar, or a
Plaited Skirt.
In separate skirts, an absolute revival of the old fash
ioned pleated black voile skirt has occurred, although a new
touch has been addedthat of a basque effect girdle.
Are now on display. You are invited to inspect the New Styles.
Second Floor.
If you are in need of a summer dress, we have a few which
we are offering at extremely low prices. It will pay you to look.
of Our
Ladies' Tailoring and
Dress Making Dept.
A showing of beautiful new
fabrics. ' exclusive patterns,
Fall, 1914.
Mr. Samuel H. Ackermai,
our expert designer and fitter,
in charge of this department,
gives his personal attention to
all orders, thus assuring you
perfect satisfaction as to style,
fit and workmanship.
Select your materials and plnre
your order now, so that garment
may be delivered when jou neel
Annual August Linen Sale
9 4,W JUaavrW TM Cloth
t 83.80 "fh
$ 7.50 Bleached Table Clotha
$IO.OO Bleached Table Cloths
t 80.89
$12.00 lUeached Table Cloth
t 88.80
9 15.00 BlftM-hed Table Cloth
t 810.80 m
$20.00 Bleached Table Cloth
t -.315.00 ch
91.75 Hemmed Napkin
t .. Sl.lO doaen
94.MI Kxtra Fine lllt'arhed Nap
kin 82,80 doen
$5.00 Extra line iilearhed Nap
kin Sn.75 doien Kxtra Fine IHearfied Nap
kin .85.00 d"""
$10.00 Extra Fine Itleatlied Nap
kin 87.50 dosea
50 68x08 $3.50 Hound Table
Cloth 82.38 each
JO 94.SO Dutch IMue . llreakfant
Clothe, Blxe 03x0.1, 83.38 e,M'u
$2.25 80-Inch Center Piece
81.75 each
92.75 80-Inch Center IWe
$;.50 80-tuch Center riece
t 82.80
9t.OO AO-Inch Center llece
95.0O 80-inch Crater riece
t 83.80 wl
90.75 45-inch Crater I'iecea
t 85.00 r.h
96.00 45-inch Center Piece
t 81.50
85c II. 8. fluent Towels, 25 each
45c II. 8. Hack Towels, J5Ji each
75o H. 8. Huck Towels, 5Q each
91 H. a Hock Towel, 75 each
91.50 II. 8. Huck Towel, SI each
Hand Embroidered Madeira
Center Pieces
97.50 27-Inch Hound Madeira
Center Piece 85.00 ch
90.0O 24-lnrh Hound Madeira
Center Piece 84.38 ech
50o Made Roller Towels, 35k ea.
6ft3 Made Holler Towel, 50c ea.
Great Sale of Mussed Fancy Linens
Including Scarfs, Center Pieces, Lunch Cloths, Doilies, Em
broidered Pillow Cases and Clany Lace Scarfs.
Special Sale of Sorosis Regent Shoes
A truly beautiful pump modeled from the newest Paris
footwear creations; ono of the handsomest and most grace
ful shown this season. Quite correct for afternoon walking
or evening wear. In patent kid, bronze kid and dull kid
$8.00 and $7.00 values.
Sale Prices
Long Silk
A Pair
Elbow length Silk Gloves, in
Tricot weave and with
Paris-point stitching; black,
white and colors, at $1 pr.
Basement Items
CREPE is medium weight
suitable for separate skirts,
suits, etc.; comes in plain
colors only, all popular
shades i25e a yard
72x99 inches SCALLOPED
BED SHEETS, fine qual
ity: the kind that launders
well .. .98c each
45x30 inches SCALLOPED
sheets 25c. each
f Will He Involve All Europe in Bloody War?
- fc r -sv
1 ' 7
f . v . . . ? - ,4 $
If if I AN?
- - - - - - - - - - - - --j-.--w-.-Br---M--
----V mir"t"".Tr" V.V.".".V: Tii r-- - -- -- -- -- -- -I---------
Qhall Tt
K woioicc
Shampoos and light dressings
of Cuticura Ointment clear
the scalp of dandruff, allay
itching and irritation, and
promote hair-growing con
ditions in most cases of pre
mature loss of hair.
Samples Free by Mall
Cutlmirs Roup and Olntnml Mid throtuhMit th
mrtd. Ubtml umitltaf Moll mU! tn, with -.
book. AUrM "Utitioort," IMpl. MM, Bottom.
(Contlnuad .from Fas On.)
abl unainea All over th world. Th
airman forc In China wer btlnf eon
centrated t Talnv Tau. Th German
conaul Kentiral Mi hla. poat at Capetown
and German merchant ahlpa wr ordered
to.aeek neutral portal' Report In th far
eaat, the Japanaae arnhKHWlor In txmflon
aid today that a long aa the warahlpa
belonclng to the natlona compoilna; th
triple alliance remained at Tains Tau,
Japan would tak no action agalnat them,
but ahould thf.y attack British IntereaU,
or ahould Talng Tau be attacked, a altua
tlnn would arise which would be deojt
with by Japan In th spirit ol th Anglo
Japaaeao alliance.
At the German crabaaay reference waa
inade to German mention of French neu
trality in lta not to the French govern
ment, and tt waa aald that thla reply waa
that Franc Itaelt would not b attacked
by Germany.
Telephonic 4oommtinlcsatli5fl' between toe
dan and Parle waa Interrupted today, the
reapeiitlve govemraenta having taken over
the aervlc In nrdur to prevent the leakag
of uaw.- Coinuiunicatton between Parla
and, Frueaela waa almllarly Interrupted.
Uak ef Eavlaad Raise Rate.
In regard to th financial situation, th
Rabk of Englarul, which waa again called
on Xo aupnljrteli unprecedented amount of
gpLUeed Its' rate today t 10 per cent,
eiii'V htghar than It baa be a alnc th
Indian fajtlny la UC1. Th next highest
,po!VwiKer cent lit 1ST J.
t . h ' Wank, -ef Kngland printera, who
work on the premises, are engaged night
and day In tUrnlugient ne.w notv, aa the
bank has arranged tv laa?ie "Ia to th
maximum xtenits, machlneryxand Its
charter pjrmlt, wAu a vlw to conserving
lta gold supply, f
Many Americana atlU insist on obtain
ing passpot-ta from tits Vnited 1'4.1-i-s en
busiiy, mainly for Oemanjr or' Franc, ii
spite of warning that fhelr chances fur
obtainlns; transportation are Infinitesimal.
Tliy declare their reason to be. In most
,cses. to get members of their families
out of those 'countries, but some of thera
asy they , have Important bualnea to
, transact.
Th usual flood of telegrams'from th
c ontinent to London was suddenly stopped
thl afternoon and only a few Isolated
ineasacea wer delivered, and these were
e'ther belated or .lacking in importance.
Telephonic communication also- ceased.
When tti new of King George' s Inter
vention with the Russian emperor waa
ronveyed to the German embassy her It
elicited the remark that it "tended to re
vlv hope."
Kaleer Blames' Caar.
UURUN, Aug. 1 -It was orrirtally an
nounced today that th time limit of th
Unimuu ultimatum to Kusma rxpired at
boon today.
An offlcUl communication published
today In the North German Gaaette aaya
tbe Russian emperor on July a tele
graphed to Emperor William, urgently re
questing him to help in averting the mia
fortune ef a European war and to try to
restrain hla ally, Austria-Hungary, from
going too far.
Kmperur William replied that he would
wlijingiy take up the task of mediator,
and accordingly diplomatic action waa in
tlikifcd at V It ana.
- While thte waa In rurrsa the newa
that Russia waa mobilising reached Ber
lin asd lmperur William telegraphed to
Ui eutperor of Ruaala that hi roia ju
mediator. wag ty thla ndangred, If not
made Impossible.
Th communication adds that a de
cision waa tatiav been taken at Vienna
today In regn-f t th mediation proposal
In which Great ..Britain had joined Ger
many, but tbatllluaala had ordered th
full inoblllxatlori'Of it force. Upon thla
Emperor William ' addressed a' last tele
gram to Emperor' Nicholas,, emphatically
declaring that ,-hl' own raponil(llty for
th safety of the German empire had
forced him to tak defensive measures.
Chancellor Htlrs Crowd.
Th German Imperial chancellor today
addreraed a hug procession of 'demon
stranta from th window of hla official
realdenc. making a stirring speech. II
"At thla aerloug hour, In order to' giv
xpreaalon to rour feellnc for' your
ratherland yo, have coin to. the house
of Ulsmarok. who with Emperor. William
in oreat and Field Marshall von Moltke,
welded th Otrmari empire for ua. '
"W wlhd tto ton living fo peso, in
the, empire whfch M,hav developed In
torty-our year of peaceful lubor. ..
''The whol work of Emperor William
has been dvoted to th4 maintenance of
Pi. To th last Kowr'h h wdrked for
peartn Europe ftnd.h 1 aim working
for It Should all. hi effort prov vain
and ahould th sword be forced Into our
hands, w will tak th field with a
clear consclenc In the knowledge that we
did not eek war. W shall then wag
war for our existence and for th na
tional honor to th last drop of our
"In th gravity of thl hour I remind
you of the word of Princ Frederick
Charle t th men of Branenburg:
" Tt your heart beat for God and
your flat. the enemy.' "
KnUiualasm and th singing of th
national anthem greeted th oloec of th
Imperial chancellor apeech.
ftaly' Hill Remain-Neatral.
ROMK, Aug. 1 -The Meaxagero today
aaya that th German ambassador has in
former th Italian government that Ger
liaae ha sent Mmuttaneou ultimatum)
to Russia and France.
Th German government In It ulti
matum to Ruasla naked It to auspend It
mobllliaUon within twalv hour.
In tha demand sent by . Germany to
France th government at Berlin require
Franc to Inform It within eighteen hour
whether In caae o war between Germany
and Russia, Franca would remain neutral.
Th German ambassador to Italy today
also naked to be informed as to Italy
attitude In the event of war between
Germany and Auetrla-Hungary on th
one aide and Ruasla ami Vranoe on th
Th ' marquis Pi gn Gulllano. . th
Italian foreign minister, aald ha would
reserve hla reply until he had consulted
Premier fialandra.
J According to the Messagero, during th
Interview, "which followed between the
klarquls 1)1 nan Gullano and Premier
Salandra, the two Italian statesmen wer
In complete agreement aa to th line of
conduct to b pursued by Italy In th
Th Messagero declares that a tt la
not a question of a defensive war on the
part of Germany and Aua;rla-IIungary
the other two members of th triple al
liance, Italy haa decided tt confine Itaelt
to pointing out to Ha all! that lta obli
gation with them do not obligate It to
take up arm In th present crisis and
that It will remain neutral. The newspaper
adds that it is. not certain this neutrality
will last until th end or th war, but
Italy will stand aloof front hostilities
long as It la convinced lta Intereet are
not Infringed.
t A.lrU Will Be. Mderi.
LONDON. Aug. l.-Th Westminster
Oastttte says th Auatro-IIungarlan gov
ernment yeaterday sent a communica
tion to fit. Petersburg declaring that
Auetrla-Hungary had no Intention of an
nexing Servla, extinguishing th sov
ereignty of Rervla or reannexlng the
sanjok of Novlpaalr.
gwedew Proclaims Neutrality.
STOCKHOLM, Sweden. Aug. 1 Th
Swedish government today laaued an of
ficial notification of Ua strict neutrality
In the European conflict.
' Continued from rage On.)
So Declares Joint Proclamation' to
the French Nation.
The giving of a single order by Cxar
Nicholas of Russia may throw all Europe
Into a war that will be the bloodiest In
the world's history. By restraining that
order tbe czar haa the power to confine
the present conflict to Austria and Servia.
The order that would bring about an all
European conflict la the order to send
Russian troops across th Austrian or
German borders. Russia' position la a
peculiar one. Were it to enter the war
and win lta . borders would be carried to
the Carpathians on the southwest and It
would aga'n seize' the ancient Polish lundn
of Posen and Eaat and West Prussia from!
Germany. Also when Austria la crushed i
and Germany defeated nothing could re-1
strain It from Its long dreamed o':cupa-,
tlon of Constantinople. If defeated Russia
has little to lose. For these reasons the
Indications are that the czar will not
hesitate to plunge all Europe Into war.
(Continued from Page One.)
to cut the cable communication to
Russia by way ot Roedvlg, Denmark.
Potncare Baya that France Ma Al
ways Affirmed It Desire for
Peace, bat Moblllsatloa
l Neoejisary.
the peace and that "oonversatlons" had
not ceased.
UIt X'p Hope.
PARIH, Aug. 1. At the French Foreign
office today offloluls declared they con
sidered It would now be folly to rlv on
any hope of a peaceful outcome ot th
International crisis. Kngland' efforts at
Berlin yesterday, they said, had failed.
and any glimmer of hop which had ap
peared had been Immediately extinguished,
The condition under which the diplo
matic "conversations" continued today
made It, in the French official view, ap
pear almost Impossible to expect a sat
Ufactory Jssue, and It was reluctantly ad
mitted that, war seemed to be only a
queatlon of hours.
Qtrmss Talk with Premier.
Baron von Schoen, German ambassador
to Franc, called at th Foreign office
lust before noon today and Premier Vlvl-
aml, who waa then attending a cabinet
council at the Palac of th Ely see. left
hi colleagues at once and had half an
hour' conference with the German diplo
mat It wa afterward announced that
the ambassador waa to return to the
French Foreign office again In the after
noon. These conversations gave rise to
an Impression that hop of peace must
not be considered Irremediably gone, but
It wa admitted that th altuatlon wa
Nothing waa known among th general
public aa to what waa going on behind
the screen which fell along th German
frontier at about 4 o'clock yesterday aft
ernoon. Everyone supposed that Oer-
rwian mobilisation waa In progress and
that th French government was taking
th proper .measures to meet the situa
tion. Many wedding ceremonies wer
performed yesterday and today, having
been hastened owing to the prospect ot
the bridegrooms having to leave for the
frontier. .". ," '
The ohurvhM wer full of worshipers,
among thera many women. ,
Karolllaa- Reserve 1st Rats la.
8T. PETERSBURG. Aug. 1. Enrollment
of the reservists of th Russian army
started at 100 centers In th Russian capi
tal at o'clock tbla morning, and waa ac
companied by stirring scenes. Crowd of
women and children accompanied their
husbands and father to th assembling
stations, while priest everywhere blessed
th reservist a they marched through
th streets singing hymn.
KsiMtrt of Pr.trolewn
NEW YORK. August t-AU export of
petroleum and other oil product destined
for Europe have been stopped by the
Standard Oil company, uch commodities
being considered contraband of war. Sev
rral standard tank ahlpa that were to
leave Atlantic port today have been or
dered to remain at dock.
Omaha real estate u tn beat investment
you could make. Read The Bee a real
estate column
PARIS. Aug. l.-Prsident Polncar and
tho members of the French cabinet later
Issued a Joint proclamation to the French
nation, In which waa the phrase:
"Mobilization I not war."
The text of the Joint proclamation fol
lows: "For some day past th state of Eu
rope have been considerably aggravated
and, notwithstanding the ' efforta of
diplomacy, the. horizon haa darkened. At
the present hour a great part of the na
tions have mobilized their forces. Even
the countries protected by neutrality con
vention have deemed It their duty to take
thla measure aa precaution.
"The power whose constitutional or
military legislation differs from ours
have, without Issuing a decree of mobilis
ation, begun and barrled on preparations
which In reality are equivalent to mo
bilisation and are but the anticipated ex
ecution of It.
"France, who always haa affirmed her
desire of peace, on many a traglo day
haa given to Europe counsels of modera
tion and a living example of decorum and
wtp has rnultlplled her effort to main
tain th peace of the world, haa now pre
pared heralCfor all eventualities and has
taken from henceforth her first India
pensabl positions for th safeguard of
her territory, .
"But our legislation doe not permit th
completion orthese preparations without
decre of mobilisation. Conscious of its
High responsibility and feeling that : It
would full In It sacred duty If It did
not tak thl measure, the government
ha signed the decree.
MobllliaUon la not war. Under tho
present ciroumatance It would appear on
in contrary, to be th best means of
aasurlng peace with honor.
"Strong In It ardent desire of arriving
at a peaceful olutlon of hl crista the
government, undur cover of these essen
uaj precaution will continue Its diplo
matic efforts and still hones to succeed
It count upon tho coolness of the people
not to glv Itself up to unjustitletl
emotion. It counts upon the patriotism
Of every Frenchman and ifknOw that
ther I not a lngl one who la not ready
to do hla duty at thla hour. "
"There are pa louger any Partle Ther
is an external Franco France peaceful
and resolute. Ther 4 a fatherland of
peace and Justice, all united In calm
vigilance and dignity." -v ..
Th mobilisation of the French army,
according to the official decree, I to h
completed at 11 :B9 o'clock . Sunday night.
Th decree of mobilisation of the French
army ha not terminated diplomats rela
tions between France and Germany. Con.
yeraatlona between, tho power, notably
between Russia and Austria, and between
France and Germany, continued - thU
evening. - ,
LONDON, Aug. 1. A. Berlia des
patch, to the Central News says it la
officially confirmed that German mo
bilization ia In progress.- . ' .
LONDON. Aug. 1. A Central
News dispatch from Paris says by
common agreement the time limit of
Germany's ultimatum to France has
been extended for forty-eight hours
until noon Monday.
CHRISTIANIA. Norway. Aug. 1,
A government decree Issued today
declare the complete neutrality ol
Norway. .
ATHENS. Greece, Aug. 1. Aus
trian monitors on the Danube this
morning renewed the bombardment
of Belgrade and its surroundings, ac
cording to a telegram from Nlsh,
LONDON, Aug. 1. A dispatch re
ceived by the Central News from St.
Petersburg tonight says that Era
peror Nicholas received Count Von
Pourtales, the German ambassador
to Russia, in a long conference to
day. As a result of the meeting re
ports were circulated in the capital
that the general-situation has Im
Petersburg and
the suburbs
LONDON, Aug. l.-Th British foreign
office says that the Ceneral Newa report
that it had received an unofficial mes
sage to the effect that German mobiliza
tion had been ordered, la absolutely un
true. "
1. V, : W
Why f4 Aoo Bt hotel whm rav cm wf mmry
M comiofiBDcc ana mm cib
i-U".', '
- -
-ir J.
j . . dX
Vote of Alumni on
Removal of Campus
of the State Uni
tKrom a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Aug. 1. (Special Telegram.)
Hopes of the so-called alumni anti-re
moval university home campus exten
sion committee that th member of the
alumni would come to their aid and glv
such a big majority against removal, that
It would be an endorsement of the action
of the committee, met a sad blow to
day, when tho votes, which have been
taken on the question, were counted.
About .M) votes wer sent out to th
member of the alumni, of these, t,6U
sont In their votes, which stood 1,241 for
removal and 1,884 against, a majority of
only 15z for tho downtown campus. The
vote within the state waa 677 for removal
and s71 againat, being Just ninety-four
vote In favor of the downtown site, and
thla too, In spite of the fact that the
so-ailed downtown committee ha spent
three month and hundred of dollar In
a frantic effort to show in public that
the alumni wanted th university to stay
on the downtown Campus, while no effort
has been made to create sentiment fur
The committee having in charge th
canvass ot the vote were: N. Z. 8 cell
Of Lincoln, E. M. Pollard of Nehawaka,
Neb., and Amoa Thomas of Oman.
Department Orders.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 1 (Special Tele
gram.) On the recommendation ot Sena
tor Hitchcock, Drs. J. H. Fochtman and
H. C. WenKert have been appointed pen
sion aurgeona at Lexington and Dr. Adam
Herney at Hebron, Neb.
Nebraska pensions granted: Matilda
Bail, Gering, 11.!; Margaret tt, Scherich,
Inland, 12.
Itural letter carrlera appointed: Erich
Jensen, Klla; Jeaee A. Clayton, Wlnside,
Neb.; Henry A. Harder, Werpont. B. I.
sued a charter to the Security National
Stop at th
, Known tho world over
Oa Michigan Aveaue, Chicago's noA sttrad
ive boulersrd. , Unobstructed view of Giaat
Park and Lake Michigan. ' Unrivalled as a
Suwdmi sad Winter hotel. Wilhia five minutes'
walk o( Federal Building, the leading theatre,
aad btuiaca centre. Recent improvement!
made at a coil ciceeding $300,000.
Cniiine and service unexcelled
Sinfle Roees lor penoe
gl.SO, 2.00 d 2.M)perdr.
Devbl Rom for tw pervoaf
2 50. ).0O ud 4 00 per r.
Sinai Room wiih bath for on Donoa
2 0. 1.00, i.W ud 4 00 on dar. ...
Doable Room wiUi oath for two penoai
$4 00. J 00 aad 6.00 per dar
sSPnOMUN lom. HksKn StoWrvi. aimc
W. S. 5'AsirVr, Manafr
It was the crying need of advance
ment that told the dim candle maker
o cancel the order for dim candlen.
Th public demand and are entitled
to a brighter light ao they called on
Edison to send out th electric globe.
Progressive humanity Is calling on
Dr. Todd to get out a full tooth den
tistry and many are canceling their
order for the unsanitary half teeth.
Investigate and you will not turn
back to the dark age continuance of
half bridge work.
Dr. Todd's Progressiva Dentistry
Office 403 Brandel BIdg.
ST. PETERSBURG. Aug. 1. Mar- bank of Sioux Falls, S. D. : capital I200.cv0
tlal law was declared tonight ia St. 8tvt'ns. president; John barton.
Swap anything in th "Swappee column."
Maveanrala of Oeesa Sleaaaera.
Arrlioa. Rkllod.
Slil'TH OIPTON.. Fl.luJ.lplila
V4tli: ,.
Kw Yorfe
. ianiii'lla
VtWpaibia. ..... -
China ,
BLOCK . .,
mm mm Mm .
i Corner 16th and Farnam Streets.
Telephone Douglas 1085.
Dr. Wilcox. Dr. Douglas.
Dr. M. Mach.
Tblg la the Largest and Beat fc-quip-.
ped Dental Office in Omaha. Seveo
chairs, white enamel, eanltgnr equip-
tnent Emplojing In all 10 people.
The foundation of thl large prac
tice 1 High Grade Dentistry at Reason
'able Price.
: s